acecasinova · 9 months
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Anyhoo- isn't Ellitdor's living family fun~?
His parents had another son, but he died before Elli was born and left him as the baby of the family by a large margin.
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acecasinova · 9 months
Arash: 04, 11, 15
Ardezo: 06, 14, 19
Edelweiss: 02, 08, 16
Ellitdor: 00, 05, 18
Galvus: 01, 12, 17, 20
Hasr'Thal: 09, 10, 21
Lazarus: 03, 07, 13
Arash: 04, 11, 15 the emperor: How much respect does your muse have for authority? Why is this? I think he has.... a BIT of respect for authority. He'll defer when doing otherwise will probably cost him his hide, like when he accidentally got pulled into Sincerity's meeting with Asmodeous, or when the Bright Queen sent someone to find out if he had committed treason (not on purpose). But he also uuuuhhhhh.... touches a lot of things people tell him not to, was TRYING to hit on the Traveler, started a heretical cult that preached that maybe the Bright Queen shouldn't be the ONLY voice of the Luxon, and sort of definitely thinks he's a gift from the Luxon itself (and like he's not EXACTLY wrong since we found out he's sort of just straight up a Beacon and consecuted souls that are near him actually get pulled IN and get reborn...) He's mostly just incredibly flippant about EVERYTHING and if he doesn't take himself seriously, why would he take authority seriously?
justice: Does your muse find it easy to be impartial in emotional situations? No but it depends? He sort of seems to shut down in particularly emotional situations, because he knows humor isn't appropriate, but that's what he defaults to and if it won't help, he just gets withdrawn. He's very impulsive in high stress situations but if it's heavy and sad he's more at a loss, and even when someone he was interested in died, he was at a loss. (He HAS healing magic, but it's limited and he can't actively or purposefully resurrect anyone)
the devil: Is your muse addicted to any substances? Is there anything that could possibly make them quit? Surprisingly, he isn't! He's definitely dabbled in party drugs, alcohol, weird magics, etc, but he's actually fairly careful about limits, and even if he leaned into it more, he kinda stopped cold turkey when he left home and landed in a breakneck speed adventure, was comatose in the Shadowfell for a while after channeling hundreds of souls at once (whoops), then found out his cousin's whole family had been kidnapped. REALLY makes it hard to go figure out how to source some fun, you know?
Ardezo: 06, 14, 19 the lovers: How important are relationships to your muse? Do they value having a significant other? Not... suuuuuper important? He's probably had some flings or little casual friends with benefits, but he's not really focused on finding a significant other at the moment. Before, it was because he's obviously undesirable as someone with weak dragon blood- he's only HALF covered in scales and you can see fleshy bits!
temperance: Does your muse make plans? How impulsive are they? Has this gotten them into good / bad situations and how have they dealt with them? ....Well considering he's currently barricaded inside a temple that's only recently had one of the fires keeping them inside extinguished, and THAT happened because he decided he needed to travel halfway across Faerun to join a sect of the cult of the dragons that his siblings AREN'T already involved in... I'd say he does SOME planning. Is it good planning? No, probably not. But he HAS been sitting on this one and letting the grudge build for at LEAST five years now, so I wouldn't say ALL his plans are impulsive. (This situation is VERY out of the ordinary for Ardezo- he really prefers to be sneaky and not be out in the open or directly involved, but what can you do, eh?)
the sun: In general, how optimistic is your muse? Does your muse appreciate the small things in life? Fairly optimistic, actually! He grew up being prepared to be an assassin, and ended up serving a temple to both death and undeath, so you learn to appreciate the small things and savor them as they come. Never know when Null might take you! And in addition to being surrounded by death and dying dragons, he also went through two Rages in his more formative years. But he rather strongly believes that he's on the right divine side and tends to think on the bright side (which probably puts him at odds with most shadow dragon ilk, but that's never really bothered him much) he knows things can go wrong and FAST so when they don't, he's pleasantly surprised!
Edelweiss: 02, 08, 16 the high priestess: How does your muse make decisions? Do they trust their instinct or would they rather trust their heart/their logic? Instinct! Then heart, then logic. For all his ice themes, Edelweiss is a very emotion and impulse driven being, though that could also be the fey blood influencing him all the same. He's more calculating in social situations, but as soon as it isn't a job, he's completely unmoored from trying to be "logical"
strength: How does your muse use their energy? Do they tend to work towards their goals steadily or in bursts? Definitely in bursts- he's very impulsive and it comes across heavy in his actions and motions towards goals. Heck- he saw a guy he liked and immediately set about trying to flirt with the subtlety of an iceberg,,,,,
the tower: What event drastically changed your muse’s life? Do they resent that event or are they glad of it? Well his 13th birthday kicked off his ostracization by the community and foray into magic.... He does resent it for the grief and guilt it caused, but I think he's a bit more at peace with it now.
Ellitdor: 00, 05, 18 the fool: What are your muse’s thoughts on new beginnings? Does it frighten them or excite them? A bit of both, but probably a bit more fear at this point, given what's happened so recently.... He WANTS a new start and he WANTS it to work but he's so so so sheltered and his practical skills outside his parents estates are.... almost non-existent.
the hierophant: What are your muse’s morals/ethics? Do they follow their moral code strictly? He believes in following the rules- they're there for a reason and are a good guideline for the expectations a place has, which are helpful for knowing what you can and can't do, or what's acceptable- a thing he desperately needs at this point. Ellitdor has an impulsive streak, though, and he believes that everyone is worthy of respect and being treated fairly, so if there are rules that seem cruel or purposefully unfair, he's less likely to acknowledge them. His moral code is definitely still a work in progress- there's not much testing of it when you've lived in a gilded cage at home all your life, but the party has already butted heads about Elli sticking to his morals and wanting to do the more "lawful" thing, so he's far from spineless about it.
the moon: What does your muse long for? Is it a realistic desire? To anyone else, it likely would be a realistic desire, but Ellitdor is a noble sun elf from a rather notable family, and as such, there are certain rules and expectations he must follow, and that.... makes his desire a lot more out of reach than it otherwise might be. Is his loyal knight by his side forever such an impossible thought?
Galvus: 01, 12, 17, 20 the magician: How does your muse feel about fate? Do they believe they can change their own destiny? He believes in Fate rather strongly. The fabric of fate has held together for so long, and his Matron, Queen of Ravens, is rather keenly aligned with it. He thinks it can be warped, or in certain cases, perhaps changed, but he's quite content with his own. Galvus has lived his whole life serving those who ran the course of their lives, and recently has started perhaps exerting some sway over it, but he defers always to the Raven Queen for the final say, and he doesn't shy away from his calling.
the hanged man: How open is your muse to new opportunities? Do they constantly look for them or do they simply take whatever comes their way? Galvus is fairly passively open to opportunities. He doesn't go seeking them, but he'll accept what comes with an open, curious mind and hey! Dude finally discovered that he might like men, so that's a new and exciting development!
the star: What does your muse take inner comfort in knowing? What guides your muse? He takes comfort in knowing that he, as an aasimar and a shadar kai, has a fate set out for him. He's comforted by the fact that everyone and everything ends, and he can be there for those who are at the end of their lives, or those they leave behind. He's studied death in all its forms, and his faith in that one consistency and his part in it guides a lot of what he does as a grave keeper and a grave cleric.
judgement: Is your muse forgiving of themselves? How about of others who wrong them? Depends on what's been done, quite frankly. I think he lets a lot of small things go like water off feathers, but if you trespass against the sanctity of life and death, you've got the divine wrath of a scourge aasimar coming down on you. He's not above second chances, though, or letting people learn (if you f-ck around, he'll let you find out), but he's less forgiving if you start proving you won't learn. (Then he gets a little bit snappy and harsher)
Hasr'Thal: 09, 10, 21 the hermit: How introspective is your muse? How often do they self-reflect? ...He DEFINITELY gets lost in his own head, but it's less.... self inspection and more just keeping his plans and his ideas tactfully to himself. (Bad idea, probably) Hasr'Thal could really do with some self reflection, but with no one to actually hold up a mirror and say "Dude- you good?", he's not gunna go there on his own. (He's a young drow who has NOT done as much deconstruction as he probably should have)
the wheel of fortune: How well/badly does your muse take setbacks on their goals? ....Well I would say he doesn't take set backs too bad, but when his sisters kidnapped him, he DID sort of sell his soul a second (third?) time to an eldritch Void beyond comprehension so. He tries to have contingency plans for EVERYTHING, but a big setback WILL piss him off and he might try to rashly overcorrect. Hasr'thal tends to be a nag when it comes to set backs within the party and when THEY don't stick to a goal, though, lmao- to the extent that he sought out a way to speak through his familiar, Mesmer, so that he could chastise the others when she accompanies them in more split scenes lol
the world: Is there one thing in life that your muse must accomplish? What will they do when they complete that goal? Everything he's done since fleeing the Underdark has been to kill Zahana, the goddess of Darkness who leads the cult he grew up in. He WILL end the cycle of violence with one incredible act of violence- he WILL cut off the snake's head and cauterize its neck. (He may be just as deep in the cycle as any of them. His main motif might be the ouroboros and bloodstone). Hasr'Thal is fully prepared to die or go completely mad and become a bbeg himself in order to accomplish this, and the fact that spells below 6th level don't even affect Zahana is actually one of the setbacks that's pissed him off the most, as a lvl 15 warlock....
Lazarus: 03, 07, 13 (Previously answered) the empress: Does your muse have parental/nurturing figures in their life? How do they impact them?
He does~ Eurydice, our party paladin, sort of decided she was going to be this scrungy vampire's mother, even if that just meant leaving clothes and blankets out by her orphanage's barn until he got comfortable enough to show his face without hissing (And legally, as far as Valaki is concerned, she adopted him even if Strahd forced her hand and made her sign over custody for a year recently) She's sort of been where Laz off-loads moral choices to and kind of enables him because she used to be feral too, but hey, she HAS managed to make him bathe SOMETIMES and actually domesticated him enough that he'll TALK to other people, even if he was her glorified undead shadow when the party first met them both... ....She also frequently scruffs him if he says something TOO off color and knows how he ticks, so she can generally get him to listen or do what she needs him to do
(Esmeralda is more of an aunt than a parental figure, and while uuuuuh Kindness DEMANDS that Laz is her... son/dog thing, she's sort of the culmination of the WORST aspects of what a 'mother' might be and while she does garner some obedience when she shows up, it's mostly fear based and everyone hates to see it)
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acecasinova · 10 months
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Have I been obnoxious about my pretty new boy, yet?
First time playing w/ a noble background and the rest of the party (minus his loyal knight~) have taken one look and decided he's very much out of his depth lol~ But it isn't Ellitdor's fault he's not well versed in human based civilizations! Gosh!
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acecasinova · 8 months
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Ellitdor in the distant and near past, and now~
Still a WIP but glad my body is letting me draw~
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acecasinova · 11 months
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Sometimes you're a very proper high elf noble trying to maintain your family's good name, but your scoundrel of a sworn knight keeps scooping you!! It's terribly undignified but you actually... kinda like it??
Ellitdor, lil high elf uses he/him
Ser Knight, shadar kai in all black, uses they/them
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acecasinova · 7 months
Our "party girl into her 20s" cleric was HORRIFIED to hear that knights/paladins swear loyalty into their order(s) when they're ~14
....Meanwhile Ser Othenodel, sworn knight and literal lifelong right hand of Ellitdor (my noble high elf) was like "...yes??? That's pretty normal and you have years of training around it???"
She thinks it's a horrible curse and something you shove off on "extra" kids, while Flea thinks it's a high honor and something not for those who aren't committed. (But it wasn't like they WEREN'T also having fun while being a knight)
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acecasinova · 9 months
Also we're level TWO!
Ellitdor got a leveled spell that does DAMAGE!
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acecasinova · 10 months
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Started sketching Ellitdor's family~ Three older siblings and his parents who are all fancy fancy elves ~
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