#elminx has opinions
elminx · 1 year
Somebody just shared a post of mine with the tag "personal correspondences are always valid"...
and just...
it's more complicated than that.
You generally need to know what you are doing to make a personal correspondence for magical purposes. And you need to test it magically, too.
You can't just say "Lavender makes people angry" and then put it in a spell and it will make somebody else angry.
Most good correspondences have a REASON that they bring that type of energy to the spell. That reason may not work for you for whatever reason, and then, you wouldn't want to use it in magic for that purpose. And that's cool but that's different than just willy-nilly making up your own correspondences for like funs.
Let's get a bit nuanced here and use the very debated one: caffeine.
Some people have weird nervous systems where caffeine doesn't wake them up, so using caffeine for its intended purpose wouldn't be the best for them. Cool. But to then go "Caffeine makes me sleepy so I'll use it for a sleep spell on somebody else..."
Do you see the problem there? If caffeine makes you sleepy, you might be able to use it in a sleep spell for yourself (I'm still skeptical there but if you've done this successfully, please lmk - I'm legit interested) but that doesn't give caffeine the correspondence of "sleep" in a generalized sense. To further complicate things, not all correspondences are created equal. Like, change any color correspondences you want - in my opinion. The Eurocentric view of color does not equal what color means to everybody. But that's different than a plant that has certain inherent properties which will carry through into the magic. (And we could get very technical about the inherent properties of color - like black absorbing light and white reflecting light, but I digress) To summarize, correspondence charts are shit and I encourage you to seek out and learn to understand how things work for you in magic. But that's also sort of advanced practice and it takes a long time or trial and error to get right. If you're just deciding something without that, you are probably playing make-believe.
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elminx · 2 years
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I posted 1,014 times in 2022
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I tagged 903 of my posts in 2022
Only 11% of my posts had no tags
#witchblr - 660 posts
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#personal - 221 posts
#astrology - 207 posts
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#energy update - 70 posts
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#plant allies - 56 posts
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Longest Tag: 135 characters
#also if you have any good trigger warning about a particular astrology book feel free to send me a message about it and i'll include it
My Top Posts in 2022:
There are no "laws" in witchcraft - everything that I say, and everything that every other witch/magician/sorcerer says (even if they claim you HAVE TO DO IT!!!!1111!!!!) is merely a suggestion.
Your magic should fit you - your belief system. Your strengths. Your lifestyle.
Nobody knows what that can mean except for you. You have to make all of the difficult decisions.
I personally find this to be incredibly terrifying (at first) but also freeing.
This isn't grade school anymore - there isn't only one way to think or act. You can choose to work with deities, or not. You can choose to be a mostly ascetic witch. You can cast a spell once a year or every day (though every day is probs exhausting). You can primarily use affirmations or only work with herbs. You can create long-drawn-out ceremonies or yell emphatically at your cup of coffee in the morning.
You can tell the gods "No". (I promise - I've done it)
If it works, it works.
Magic is a completely personal thing.
If you are the kind of person who tends to believe everything that you read, stay aware. Don't absorb other people's thoughts/beliefs if they don't work for you. Don't let somebody else talk you out of the magic that works for you.
There's no boogeyman coming to get you if you do it wrong. That also doesn't mean that there aren't consequences, but that's a different discussion for another day.
177 notes - Posted March 10, 2022
I've gotta tell you something (and this may be an unpopular opinion but oh well...)
I've been doing spirit work since ~2000 and I never needed to have any significant protection on myself or my house until I met an unhinged witch.
People are, generally, more dangerous than spirits.
196 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
Here's the thing: it takes absolutely NOTHING to assume that somebody else on Tumblr has done the work, knows what they are talking about, and is sharing what works for them.
Sometimes I read people's posts and I'm all "Whut?!?" about it, but I assume that means that it's not meant for me and that's fine. I hope that it reaches somebody else who it resonates with.
On the other hand, sometimes I read people's posts and it breaks my mind that I haven't thought of that before now.
Both are great, in their own way.
I absolutely love reading about people using magic in a way that I will never - maybe ever could never - do. That's fascinating AF.
I also love being affirmed by finding people's stuff and feeling a bit of kindred spirit or inspiration.
Maybe it's my Gemini Venus shining through but I'm legit curious about it allllllllll.
336 notes - Posted June 7, 2022
I'm not saying that I do spirit work right (because, IMHO, there is no right), but I treat the spirits that I meet like I would a random cat on the street.
Something like this: oh my gods! you precious thing! thank you so much for showing yourself to me! you are the prettiest (insert type of spirit - often rock, flower, tree, sometimes wind, etc.) I've seen all day.
I'll be real here. It's worked out really well so far. I don't get attacked. I don't get followed home (well, I do, but not in a malicious way). Occasionally I get a "meh" in the same way as I get at "no human, no way can you pet me" like I would get from a random cat.
And it's totally fine. Spirits have as much right to choose to interact with me as I have to choose to interact with them.
380 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Re: digital taglocks
They work. Quite well.
This is why if you have valid reasons to suspect that a person in your life has the means and intent to do you magical harm, your first step in protecting yourself should be the make sure that they do not have access to your digital footprint. Block them from seeing all of your social media, if possible. Make sure your photos are not public.
If you suspect that they may have photos of you from the past, change how you look. (Cutting and/or dyeing your hair is the easiest way to do this)
This is not meant to be scare tacticy. Most people will not get magically attacked by other people. This is meant for somebody who has a REASON to assume magical harm.
420 notes - Posted October 29, 2022
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