erikararara · 11 years
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"If you want to check you'd probably need a doctor or someone who knows what they're looking for. If you haven't keeled over by now you're probably okay, but I generally... you know, do my best to make sure that I don't get kicked on the face."
Though she was sure that he didn't do so on purpose.
"Unless, of course, you were the one who provoked those guys--"
"Mm, right, I don’t think anything’s broken…" he thought for a moment, a worried expression on his face. "Not so sure about internal bleeding though. I don’t really think they beat me that bad, just some kicks and punches to the face. Is… is there any way to check about that? I don’t wanna just up and keel over halfway to the store…"
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vortexnomad · 8 years
elmorebacon replied to your post:okay well for one reason or another this account...
a gohst :o
oH m  y god he  llo
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mxsterxcroquette · 9 years
“So, you come here often?” The lamest pickup line, asked with the confidence only a young man a fair few beers in could muster up thinking he was not just A smooth operator, but the smoothest.
“Dear...I think you need to go home, or at least find someone your age.”
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Vera's places to nap -  her bed -  on the floor in her room - any room or floor in the base - out side on a patch of grass -  any where and every where in ladigitalecosanostra - near and around this guy (or on him, like a lap cat) - in this guy's home(mostly in some hidden spots cats are kinda not allowed near a certain person for phobia reasons) - everywhere and anywhere of this cyborg's ship - on the bed this guy's van
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erikararara · 8 years
elmorebacon replied to your post: imagine erika reading some yaoi making that face:...
   ((erika is finally the meme we all knew she could be… proud of her    
Do not give her the credit that all goes to my wonderful anon who provided the artwork I love them a lot and also I have the best anons
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rxckless-creature · 10 years
3 have entered the bar
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It was already around 5 in the morning when the bar was locked up, she was beyond drunk. Her head was spinning with every step she took. Soon enough she was just standing in the middle of the sidewalk with her head in her hands. "When did I turn into such a lightweight?" She didn't expect for someone to answer back.
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vortexnomad · 9 years
☆ , ♠ , ♤
Who she’d most like to punch in the face: Well, there was a certain grumpy cat she wanted to sock, but he’s gone now. Sometimes she wants to give Cadillac or Jeremiah a smack, but it’s not a very strong desire.
Who she’d most like to make out with: Oof. If she finds you hot (wink) she’ll want to make out. But Elmore and Aamon are right up there, of course. 
Who has the best butt: Goliath ;) But everyone’s butts are nice!
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rhythmic-floods · 10 years
Closet cause eh, fuck it
7. A needy/hungry kiss. (Watch out, it's about to get a whole lotta gay in here.)
A night of drinking was always a welcome option for Aqua at this point, boredom and depression cutting deep into his schedule by emptying it up. Many times he'd show up for work with a mighty hangover and a need for more cash after a night of spending.
The night before was much the same.
Words slurred, actions forgotten, world blurry, Aqua tilted his head to the side, examining his friend's bare neck as Elmore spoke. They were having a good time, sharing stories from their recent youth and adventures from the road. But Elmore's neck stuck out to Aqua for whatever reason; without a word, a small growl erupted from his throat as he leaned over his friend, latching his lips to the skin just near the most prominent pulsepoint.
"Shut up," he breathed out quietly, though it wasn't meant to insult; rather he wished to focus on the sound of Bacon's beating heart beneath his lips.
Aqua kept his mouth on the other's skin, pressing forward and tracing the area tenderly with his tongue. He wanted so badly to leave a mark, to claim that spot as his to listen to and no one else's. Retracting his wet tongue, he applied numerous deep kisses to the spot, leaning further and further into the other male.
He almost couldn't help himself, teeth lightly nipping at the area after a lengthy, hungry suck to the skin, a small smile forming on his lips before he'd realized what precisely he'd done; pulling centimeters away, breath still tickling his friend, he frowned.
"I'm sorry."
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elmorebacon replied to your post:wow her cat over HER VAIKE ROOD
(I am magical. the power of love has given me the gift to see through your silly anon uwu)
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dustyvisions-archive · 11 years
Woot! So I did it. and I'm now aware of just how fast I talk... that's so odd... and I apologize.  I tagged the guys who sent me accent asks, and I want to thank them one more time :D
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vortexnomad · 9 years
Scoops up in a big ol' bear hug bc missed his dimension hoppin gf
Sidon squeaks and clings to his neck. “It’s been forever! Where were you??”
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jellyrubs · 11 years
"Kiss me quick~!"
17. ShouldersWhen she’d spotted the stranger from afar a sort of amorous mood struck her. You know she couldn’t put a finger on the last time she’d given someone a playful little spook.. and he didn’t look to faint of heart. With a fell swoop of a few slithering appendages the invasive goo hoisted the man’s shirt up to expose skin. Yanking the back of the shirt until it was up over the person’s head, and with a noisy smuk kissed them on their entrapped shoulders.
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erikararara · 10 years
❣ sliiiiiiides one in
✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Sexual Attraction✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Romantic Attraction✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Crushing✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Squishing✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Sensual Attraction✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Aesthetic Attraction
Low ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ High
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