#elrodi asks
mooodyblue · 6 months
okay I know you said you could talk about girl dad Jake all day long soooooo I come back with thoughts...
jacob taking his daughter to get her ears pierced bc she "wants to be pretty" and he holds her when it's her turn with the piercer
Jacob running outside with his little girl on a snow day to build snowmen and compare sizes of their snow angels
taking his baby girl on set to show her off to all his castmates
Taking his little girl to the library for the first time because she's been running over and taking interest in his books whenever he's reading alone so he has to get her some more
Jacob taking his daughter as his date to her first red carpet for one of his movies!!
I hope these are good about distracting you <3333
taking her as his date for one of his movie premieres 😭😭😭 oh that's so CUUTTEEEEE i'll cry he's such a girldad
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orionsolstice · 3 months
Hey everyone welcome back to my movie review blog, today I'm going to talk about one of my absolute favorite movies made by my absolute favorite director : Priscilla by Sofia Coppola. If you don't know Priscilla is a biopic about Priscilla Presley and her 13 year relationship with Elvis Presley.
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Now I recommend you watch the movie because it is truly a really good biopic and probably one of Sofia Coppola's best works yet and in my opinion this movie is just a little better than the Elvis biopic were Priscilla was given 10 mins of screen time tops and the abuse and grooming wasn't mentioned at all really showing how much of a small part Priscilla played in Elvis's life and how big of a role he played in hers.
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Alright let's get on to the actual review. For starters I really liked fhe acting in this movie I mean Cailee Spainey truly was the embodiment of Priscilla Presley even up to the mannerisms and her way of speaking. Throughout the movie Cailee speaks in this very soft and shy demeanor which I think really showcased the power imbalance between the soft Priscilla and the easily angered Elvis, speaking of Elvis I really think Jacob Elrodi was perfect for the role and him being very tall also added another layer to the relationships dynamic showing how domineering Elvis could be something that Jacob did really well and I gotta say he nailed the accent as well
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Now if you don't know Elvis and Priscilla met when Priscilla was just 14 when a friend of Elvis invited her to a party were Elvis's infatuation of the young yet "mature" Priscilla started. What I really like about the movie is how we can tell the changing of time with Priscilla's outfits for example before meeting Elvis she wore very muted colors and had her hair put in a ponytail and after meeting Elvis he started to control what she wore like really colorful outfits, heavy eye makeup and he even got her to dye her hair to black, and in one scene they got into an argument about Priscilla wearing a dress Elvis didn't want her te wear. We also get to see the isolation and loneliness Priscilla felt while she was constantly left alone at Graceland while Elvis was working on his acting career and Coppola's GOATED camerawork never failed to amaze as it perfectly presented what Priscilla was going through with minimal dialog. We also got to see a scene were Priscilla confronted Elvis about him keeping love letters from fans and Elvis proceeded to throw a chair at her, there's also a scene were Priscilla asks to go home to her parents because she moved in with Elvis at a really young age and then Elvis overreact by throwing her suitcase on the flower along with some clothes as Priscilla tries to put them together while crying also keep in mind Priscilla hadn't even graduated high-school by this point something she does a little bit later in the movie I think so she's still a minor while Elvis was in his late twenties. For the soundtrack Sofia Coppola sadly wasn't allowed to use Elvis's songs due to the movie portraying Elvis in a bad light but she worked around this really well by using songs that correlated really well with the scene they were in while also being bangers. My one criticism of the movie is that it ended with Priscilla leaving Elvis so we didn't really get to see her life after their divorce which was sad but overall I really enjoyed this movie I think it was one of the better biopic we've gotten recently and it doesn't shy away from showing the reality of Elvis's and Priscilla's relationship, I would genuinely recommend this to anyone who really likes movies about girlhood and who'll enjoy some darker themes.
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kaczoartreviews · 7 months
Saltburn: A Ticket to the 'Why Did I Even Bother' Zone, or How I Nearly Aged Prematurely
reading time: 4 min.
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"We’re all about to lose our minds," I muttered. The cold wind swept through the deserted street as I stood before the old cinema in my hometown, its faded sign barely discernible against the dimming evening sky. Leaning against the cracked concrete wall, I stared blankly at the poster on the entrance, announcing the latest blockbuster. "But wait, the movie's already been out for four months," I thought to myself, hardly surprised they hadn't taken it down yet.
The poster showcased a kaleidoscopic image of the cast from "Saltburn," the latest film by Emerald Fennel, a renowned director known for her previous work, "Promising Young Women." Despite the dramatic display, my gaze remained disinterested, unimpressed by yet another Hollywood spectacle. It visually reminded me of "Everything Everywhere All at Once," a film I appreciate along with the poster's artist, James Jean. However, as I scrutinized the poster, my mind wandered, unraveling the film's plot with a critical eye. Each scene played out in my imagination, increasingly clichéd, as I mentally dissected the storyline and characters. With a resigned sigh, I pushed away from the wall, already thinking of watching the movie on my laptop from some available sites in the comfort of my home.
Saltburn, a film delving into a pathetic obsession with identity or just another narrative exploiting the eat-the-rich trope? I doubt this movie will capture your interest, despite its stunning filtered visuals reminiscent of "Call Me by Your Name" and a talented cast. The movie's narrative is obscured by an atrocious font, which would saltburn(ed) even your eyes. In one scene, we witness the main character, Oliver Quick (played by Barry Keoghan), discussing his relationship with Felix Catton (portrayed by Jacob Elrodi). Oliver, a walking conflicted contradiction, professes his love for Felix while simultaneously denying being in love with him.
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We're introduced to Oliver's one-sided obsession with Felix at Oxford in 2006. As the story unfolds, Oliver becomes increasingly desperate to get close to Felix, fabricating a tragic backstory to maintain his proximity. He even hooks up with Felix's girlfriend in an attempt to further infiltrate Felix's life. When both Felix and his girlfriend become wary of Oliver's fake poverty act and clinginess, Oliver manipulates Felix by feigning his father's death, eliciting pity. The movie portrays Felix as a wealthy, naive individual from a long line of affluent families, suggesting that he may attempt to rescue Oliver from his fabricated misery. This leads to Felix inviting Oliver to their Saltburn Estate for the summer.
During Oliver's stay, his obsessions lead to erratic and messy behavior. He begins to exert control over Venetia (Alison Oliver), Felix's sister, by flirting with her and showing his not-so-twilight-Saga-Edward-Cullen vampiric tendencies. Let’s just say, this behavior doesn't sit well with Felix nor Farleigh (Archie Madekwe), the Catton siblings’ cousin, who witnesses Oliver's nightly activities and then shares them with Felix. Oliver manipulates multiple members of the Catton family, including persuading Lady Elspeth (Rosamunde Pike) to believe false accusations against her friend Pamela (Carey Mulligan). When Oliver confronts Farleigh, he threatens him with banishment, but ends up engaging in giving Farleigh a handjob. But hey, do not ask me why suddenly Oliver thought that would be the most effective way to threaten Farleigh. In the end, both characters are sent away from the estate. However, Felix eventually discovers Oliver's lies, leading to Oliver hitting rock bottom. The movie fails to adequately showcase Felix's realization of Oliver's lies, making the plot twist unexpected but ultimately nonsensical.
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Oliver's psychotic breakdown culminates in him killing Felix in the estate's garden maze on Oliver's birthday. Unable to be with Felix, Oliver adopts his identity and proceeds to eliminate all members of the Catton family. He orchestrates the deaths of Venetia and Lady Elspeth, manipulating them into suicide and murdering Lady Elspeth on her deathbed. Sir James (Richard E. Grant) dies after Oliver's departure from the estate, following the killings of the Catton siblings. Towards the movie's end, Oliver confronts Elspeth, ultimately taking over the estate and obtaining all its assets. The director's choice to reveal Oliver's entire plan near the end seems unnecessary, as the audience is already aware of his obsessive nature from the beginning. I think having been spoon-fed this plan of his wouldn’t change anything we were already aware of, hence the uselessness of this scene. Additionally, the portrayal of Oliver's depraved mind through graphic scenes, like his bathtub snack time or the grave scene, feels gratuitous and fails to add depth to his character. While these scenes generated attention on platforms like TikTok and other social media, they didn't effectively convey Oliver's uncontrollable obsession and desire, meaning instead of creating such useless scenes focus on the uncontrolled-individual-with-undeveloped-two-dimensional-personality that was portrayed there. The fame this movie received on social media, underscores a lack of understanding among mainstream audiences regarding the level of cinematic gore depicted in certain films. As evidence, you should not even dare look up the summary of the plot to "Titane" by Julia Ducournau.
Overall, I'd give this movie a 2 out of 5 stars. While it touches on themes of desire and obsession, the execution falls short. Despite some memorable moments like Jacob Elordi smoking and Archie Madekewe singing Pet Shop Boys' “Rent,”, which is cinema on its own, the film largely feels like a two-hour agony. I won't be watching movies from our old cinema again; the disappointment in modern filmmaking isn't worth the wrinkles on my forehead. For this portrayal of British classicism in the 2000s, I recommend streaming the movie on Amazon Prime Video.
category: Film, Culture, Psychological Thriller Drama
rating: ⭐⭐/ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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written by Michaela Kaczorová
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