“  yes.  i am telling you what to do.  i’m telling you not to pull something like that again because—  ‘cause fucking hell.  i care about you.  okay? ”  
Hal knew that her surprise was showing but Elrohir's words had blindsided her. "...Okay. I'll try to avoid doing it next time." Using herself as orc bait probably hadn't been the most sensible idea to be fair. "And... I care about you too."
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xxxlovedandlostxxx · 3 years
elrohirofimladris asked: “ it’s only weird if you make it weird. “
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Anthony huffed slightly. He’d been a little jumpy lately. He’d gotten used to sleeping alone ever since waking up from the shared fade-dream Solas had put him in. One minute he was having a conversation with the elf, then he in a dream, and waking up in his own bed. Had Solas put him to sleep like that without permission, and then carried him back to his room? It was.... disconcerting. But now, tents were scarce, and everyone was doubling up while patrolling the Storm Coast. “It’s not that. I’m just a little out of sorts lately,” he said, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand.
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pellelavellan-a · 3 years
@elrohirofimladris from x
“I had it on good authority no one comes out here” he laughed, sinking further under the water as he made his way to the waters edge. He pulled himself out before throwing his shirt back on. “So tell me. What are you doing all the way out here?”
“You didn’t have to get out,” said Pelle. “it wouldn’t have bothered me, I’m very used to the sight of men swimming about in bodies of water.”
His general notion was the sight of naked people didn’t bother him so long as their nakedness suggested something more than casual nudity. Sometimes someone might slip through the cracks but it was a mostly fail safe belief. Before he was the Inquisitor or the Keeper he was a doctor--the only one in his clan with magical talents as well. He’d seen so many bodies of varying shapes and sizes for a number of reasons. Safe to say nudity was a very normal and natural thing for him.
“I was just looking for a quiet place to write in, before I’ve had a thousand tasks thrust upon me.” he answered. “I like to keep a journal. Helps keep all my thoughts organized someplace where I don’t have to worry about burdening someone else with them.” Though a bit hard to get in touch with those thoughts when you’re sat in a tent half expecting anyone to come wandering in. Calm waters and the ever ambient noises of nature was far more peaceful.
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elerondo · 3 years
@elrohirofimladris  &  sc
❝ There's a surprise for you in the forge. ❞ the lord announced casually, when he deliberate searched for and found his son. A new pair of daggers to replace the ones that were broken. The works explained Elrond’s frequent disappearance right after councils in the past month.
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Send 🩸 to find a wound that my muse was trying to hide @elrohirofimladris
Glorfindel winced when Elrohir brushed against his arm. He took a step back and covered his upper arm with his other hand. “How are you doing today, Elrohir?” he asked, hoping he had covered up the pain without the younger elf noticing it.
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@elrohirofimladris (continued from here)
Jon had never had his hair braided before, but he supposed he didn’t mind trying something new. As long as he kept up appearances. “Don’t let anyone see me like this,” he said with a small laugh. “This is only between the two of us.”
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antleredthrone · 4 years
“don’t do that. don’t shut me out.” 
“This really isn’t a good idea, you know.” Thranduil frowned, disliking that he was putting Elrohir in distress, but knowing that he needed to end things while he was still able to do so. “You...you must understand that this cannot go on.”
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deadxpretty · 4 years
“I don’t remember ever having this many hickeys. But I don’t mind.”
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“I like to mark what belongs to me,” He reclines in the bed, propped up slightly on his elbow, brushing aside the long hair of his new bedfellow to admire his handiwork, a lovely smattering of dark bruises lining the neck and shoulder. “And you do belong to me now... uh... sorry what was your name again?”
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ravencounsellor · 3 years
“do not tell me that is another scandal sheet.”
“It is always useful to keep up to date on current events,” Erestor shrugged, continuing his writings as his raven friend cawed at him. In other words - the chief counsellor’s old ways as a spymaster were hard to shake.
“I always make it a point to write down anything the ravens feel worthy of sharing. It just so happens that they’re fond of gossip.”
{ @elrohirofimladris }
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hawk-among-swans · 3 years
His father did always say he was too brash. That he shouldnt go in head first. Or he'd get a concussion. Thats probably not what he said. It was likely the actual concussion making his memory fuzzy. Nonetheless, waking up in an even bed was a new experience. Groaning, he went to sit up, rubbing at his head. Orcs hit a lot harder then he remembered. "Where am I?" The man spoke, blinking as he did.
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weheirsofdurin · 7 years
Fili crosses his arms and gritted his teeth as he glared up at the stupidly tall elf. To him ALL elves were stupidly tall. Kili his behind him with a deep blush of embarrassment and a pair of boots in his hands in front of him- the only thing affording his stupid little brother any modesty after having learned he was in the wrong wash rooms and having run out naked.
“Are you going to arrest him or not?” Fili finally asked before uncrossing his arms and dropping his coat to remove his own tunic and give it to his brother to try and give him some more coverage.
Kiki gladly pulled the ruin Oc and and pulled it as low as he could. In the end it covered his manly bits but his hairy butt was on view for all to see along with the hairy chest of the elder prince.
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“I think the bruise matches my eye color.”
“One: you have grey eyes. That bruise is black. Two... where did you come from?”
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erynlasgalenedhel · 7 years
"This isn't quite what I expected."
“Well, it isn’t what I expected either ... But at least you’re not a total stranger.”
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pellelavellan-a · 3 years
“How did I ever let you talk me into coming here?”
"I'm sure you are far more interested in being here than I am" Pelle pointed out. "I thought you liked politics."
Even if that were not the case the palace was quite possibly the least safe place he could think of being right now. The palace was stunning of course, but it was all just an illusion of glamor and splendor to him, built upon the blood of elves.
He'd dressed the way he had on purpose, if only to make a statement that he was choosing to reject the idea that he ought to change himself to make it easier for them to accept both his invitation to the masquerade, but also the position he held attending it. Even still, he felt a lot better having people around that he didn't feel were waiting to stab him in the back or lure him someplace quiet and therefore dangerous.
"What do you think of the palace" He had to ask. "You've seen a lot more places than I have I'm sure."
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fightersxlovers · 7 years
Orophin yanked Elrohir into a bathroom and kissed him hard on the mouth. "I have to have you," the alpha grunted against his mate's lips.
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“You look exhausted.”
My muse has been having the same nightmare for weeks now and it’s taking it’s toll. Send me “You look exhausted.” for my muse’s response. @elrohirofimladris
Glorfindel looked up from his paperwork when he heard Elrohir’s voice. “I hear exhaustion is the newest fashion trend. Is it working for me?” he asked dryly.
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