#elvis Presley Masterlist
youaintnothinbuta · 5 months
𝐄𝐥𝐯𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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meeting your family
playin’ house
“Don’t leave me. Don’t you dare leave me.”
“I didn’t know you could sing!”
Elvis the pelvis
“if you wanted my attention, you didn’t have to go to such extremes” - PART 1
(part two in smut)
“if you wanted my attention, you didn’t have to go to such extremes” - PART 3
first kiss
“mama, will you teach daddy how to?”
worried about you (DDM)
daddy Elvis
“oh good lord, deeper, Elvis!”
“What’re ya doing out at this time by yourself, anyway?”
“Do you have to show off?”
lunch with his family
“Thank you for being brave enough to ask.”
“I’m telling you, honey, you ain’t gon’ like it.”
“I’ve got her, you relax.”
“Are you going to come see daddy’s show, little girl?”
“What are you doing up, little lady?”
"Don't tell me you can't ever again."
“She’s being a real brat.”
“Hey now, don’t you start questioning me too.”
“Elvis, stop it.”
“I wanna go steady.”
“Just a little bit more.”
“Is everyone where you’re from this pretty?”
“I’ve been wanting to do that all night”
“got the blood pumping quite a bit there, hey sweetheart?”
finish what you started
“if you wanted my attention, you didn’t have to go to such extremes” - PART 2
“Come home, baby, please.”
“Looks like Presley’s got himself a little plaything.”
“I can’t think straight with such a view.”
“I got what I wanted.”
“It’s okay, baby, come.”
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satninbaby · 1 year
Did you mean it?
part 2 of Wanna watch?
warnings: smut 18+ (minors dni) badly written love confession, oral (f and m receiving) unprotected sex. slight choking. best friends. let me know if there’s any more.
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Y/n was tired. She had been working doubles at the diner and whenever she came home, she collapsed with exhaustion. Her work was understaffed due to half the staff being unwell, so naturally, y/n was the one covering all the shifts that had needed to be replaced. It felt as if she was falling asleep at work while taking orders, no amount of coffee that she had been drinking had made her concentrate.
She hadn't spoken to Elvis since they had masturbated together in his room, not because she didn't want to, but because she was physically and mentally exhausted. She had wanted nothing more than to rant to him about the customers who ticked her off with their attitude, something her and Elvis would do often.
As Elvis laid in his bed, staring up at the roof, his hands resting on his chest and taking a deep breath in. It had been eight days since he last saw and spoken to her. He was certain that she regretted what they had done together, she hadn't answered his calls or even called him. Usually they would see each other multiple times a week, or at least talk on the phone for ridiculous hours on end, but it was radio silence on her end. His heart throbbed at being ignored, knowing that he was partially one to blame. He knew he should've stopped her when she had suggested for him to keep touching her, he just couldn't knowing that's what she wanted to do.
His mind had wandered many times to her and her moans. The way she touched herself and how she finished him off. He would tug at himself at the memory, feeling guilty about that being his only thought when he touched himself. She had told him that it wouldn't be weird, but here he was, being ignored by her. He had gone to her house many times to try to talk to her. The light would be on in her room as he threw small pebbles at her window, knowing at night her parents rarely allowed anyone in the house. But she never came to the window.
"Elvis!" His mother, Gladys had called from downstairs. "Yes, Mama?" Elvis called back, huffing when he didn't receive an answer or hear her footsteps walking up to his room. He walked out of his room and down the stairs. "What, Mama?" Elvis mumbled, leaning up against the door frame of the kitchen. "I just got off the phone to Y/n's mama." Gladys talked, Elvis's brows raising slightly. "Y/n's Daddy got a promotion at work and they're having a party and we are invited." Gladys smiled at Elvis who sucked in a breath before nodding slightly, turning slowly to walk back up stairs to his room. "Dress nice and be ready by 5:30!" Gladys shouted as he shut his door behind him, his hand running through his hair. A party with y/n, someone who had been ignoring him was in his immediate future. Elvis made his way to his wardrobe, digging through to find his best outfit.
Y/n stepped into her front door after her shift, noticing her parents rushing around the house, not acknowledging her presence. "What's going on?" She asked her mother, gripping onto the strap of her bag. "Oh, you know that promotion your daddy got? We're having a party." Her mother exclaimed excitedly and y/n blinked at her lazily. "Hell, mama. I've been working my ass off the whole week! I was gonna see Elvis tonight." Y/n huffed, rubbing her eyes slightly. Don't get her wrong, she was happy that her father was doing well, but she was exhausted and her feet hurt, all she wanted to do was sleep and see her best friend.
"Don't worry, I invited the Presley's! Go take a shower and a nap and be down here by six." Her mother reassured, running off into the kitchen as y/n groaned, throwing her head back in frustration before stomping upstairs to the bathroom, slipping out of her uniform and turning on the shower and waiting for the water to heat up. 
Elvis ran wax through his hair, styling it in the mirror as his mother called for him to hurry up. "Satnin, why don't you just tell her how you feel?" Gladys asked, leaning against the door frame of the bathroom, Elvis furrowing his brows at her in the mirror. "What are you talking about?" Elvis cleared his throat, washing his hands of the wax residue. "I know you've been slouching about because you ain't seen her in a while." Gladys mumbled, walking up to Elvis and patting his shoulder. "I don't know what happened between the two of you, but a mother knows when her son is in love." Gladys smiled at him as he refused to look her in the eye. "I ain't in love, mama. S-she's like my sister." He muttered as Glady's let out a knowing hum before walking away. Elvis wasn't sure if it was love that he felt for y/n or just fondness, but the way he felt didn't matter to him anymore. He had thought he had fucked up any chance he had with her all because he had no self control.
Y/n was finishing her makeup when she heard people coming in through the door and let out a huff. The last thing she wanted to do was party with her parents friends, but at least she had Elvis. She had picked out a pretty, light blue dress with matching heels she just knew Elvis would love. She liked to make herself look pretty for him, she liked whenever he saw her, his cheeks would flush a light pink in fondness.
Y/n made her way downstairs, eyeing the living room for Elvis, but he wasn't there. She even went into the kitchen but was left disappointed as she couldn't see him. "Y/n!" She heard a voice call her name and she spun around and saw Jack, the son of her mothers friend. "Hi, Jack." Y/n smiled at him softly. Jack was a pretentious boy who loved to get under Elvis's skin when y/n wasn't around, teasing him constantly about how he never had the balls to ask y/n out, which she was unaware of. She knew Elvis didn't like him, but he never said why.
"You look pretty." Jack complimented her as she giggled softly. "Thank you, Jack. You look quite nice too." Y/n spoke, trying to be friendly to him as she picked up a glass of wine from the table. "You waiting for anyone? A guy?" Jack smirked at her, causing her to furrow her brows at him. "You asking if I have a boyfriend?" Y/n scoffed, sipping at her drink. "No. No, I don't." "Oh? I was under the assumption that Presley would've been your man. He's like in love with you." Jack chuckled, causing y/n to let out a loud laugh. "Elvis isn't in love with me." Y/n denied and forced a giggle, looking down at her glass. Y/n knew Elvis didn't like her in anyway other than friends, he always called her his sister and his best friend. "He's like my brother." Y/n shrugged, looking at the front door through the kitchen and she had thought she saw Elvis's figure walk away from the door.
As Elvis walked to her front door behind his parents, his heart pounded and his palms began to sweat. He was nervous to see her for the first time after what had happened between them. His father opened the front door, letting them both in before shutting it behind him. Elvis looked around the room, chewing on his gum as he searched for her. When his eyes fell on her, his breath hitched in his throat, her hair falling perfectly on her shoulders as she laughed and a bow in her hair that matched her dress. She looked beautiful, her dress hugging her body in all the best ways. He let a small smile grow on his lips before it quickly faded when he saw who she was laughing with. Jack. Elvis huffed and walked into the living room to congratulate her father.
"It was nice to see you." Y/n nodded at Jack as she walked off, catching the sight of the back of Elvis's head, letting out a soft squeal as she quickened her pace to talk to him, but was interrupted when a lady stepped out in front of her. "Y/n! I haven't seen you in so long!" The lady gasped, pulling her into a hug as y/n squirmed slightly. Y/n had no idea who she was until her mother stood next to her. "Honey, you remember Alice? My best friend from high school?" Y/n's mother spoke, y/n nodding slowly as she eyed Elvis from over Alice's shoulder, he had turned around and made eye contact with her briefly, his jaw ticking.
"So, what have you been up to? You married? When are you having kids?" Alice prodded, the questions taking y/n aback slightly. "Oh, I'm only 21-" Y/n began but was cut off by her mother. "We've been telling her to get married, there's a lovely boy that she's always hanging around. At her age, we were married!" Y/n mother laughed to Alice as y/n scoffed. "Mama, he's just my friend!" Y/n exclaimed, pink forming on her cheeks as her eyes scanned the room.
The whole evening was spent with y/n trying to talk to Elvis but was pulled away before she could reach him, or Elvis already in a deep conversation with someone. Y/n felt the stinging in her feet as she stared at Elvis as he stared back at her, both somewhat ignoring the conversation around them. Elvis had a look on his face that was unreadable, kind of a mix of between a scowl and a frown as his jaw continued to tick and clench every now and then. Y/n thought he looked wonderful. His styled hair still as perfect as it was when she had first seen him. Y/n squeezed her legs together slightly as he turned his head, his jawline becoming more prominent as he began to stretch his neck, but the stinging in her heels began to distract her.
Y/n excused herself from her conversation as she saw Elvis move to look at the photos on the wall, deep in thought as she made her way to him. Her arms snaked around his waist, her chin on his shoulder as he jumped at the sudden touch. "O-oh, Hi, Y/n." He nervously chuckled, slightly confused at her actions as he thought she wasn't talking to him. "I've been trying to get to you all night!" Y/n giggled, pulling away from him as he turned to look at her. "Seems like you've been busy." Elvis shrugged, eyeing Jack from across the room.
"Oh, you don't even know." Y/n sighed, her hand moving to touch his chest, rubbing slightly to smooth out his suit, Elvis gazing at her hand before moving his sight to her dress, his eyes catching at her cleavage, his breathing becoming slightly deeper as he felt himself twitch softly. "Hey! My eyes are up here." Y/n giggled, pointing to her face, a blush creeping up his cheeks as he looked down to his shoes. "You just look beautiful." Elvis whispered as Y/n squeezed his shoulder.
"You don't even understand the dark circles this make up is covering. I've been working all week and haven't even had the time to see you." Y/n huffed with a slight eye roll, Elvis running his tongue over his teeth in realization. He went everywhere, but her work. "I thought you were ignoring me." Elvis confessed, y/n's brows furrowing at him. "Elvis, why the hell would I ignore you?" Y/n scoffed, her eyes scanning his as he leaned in. "Because of what we did." He whispered his lips grazing her ear softly as she sucked in a breath, Elvis pulling away from her, her lips felt dry as the memory flooded back to her as she shook her head at him.
"Anyway, you need to quit your job." Elvis shrugged, a piece of his hair falling over his face and a smirk on his lips as she blinked at him. "I can't, Elvis. I'll be broke." Y/n giggled at him, her hand moving to fix it, her finger tips running through his hair, his hands instinctively wrapping around her waist to pull her closer. "Honey, you know I will take care of you. You're my bestest friend." He smiled at her as she shook her head again, her fingers tracing his cheek and then his jawline, his lips parting softly. 
Y/n hissed, slightly falling into him as she felt the shooting pain from her feet go up to her knees, that grazed his semi hard cock in his pants. "S-sorry. My feet are killing me." Y/n whined, deciding not to mention what she had felt. She looked around the room, looking for an empty seat but they were all taken. "I'm gonna go upstairs." Y/n mumbled, letting go of him with a slight wobble. Elvis held onto her upper arm as he followed her up the stairs, Jack whistling at them as Elvis rolled his eyes. 
"Here, sit on the bed." Elvis whispered, opening her bedroom door and shut it after she sat on the edge of her bed. Elvis kneeled down in front of her, placing one of her feet on his knee as he began to fiddle with the buckle. She bit her lip at him and leaned back onto her elbows as he stared up at her, pulling off the heel and throwing it behind him, pressing a soft kiss to her calf before moving to the other shoe and kissing her other calf and kissing up to her knee.
Y/n panted softly as she watched him press soft kisses onto her skin, her wetness pooling in her panties as he stood up in front of her, looking down at her doe eyes as she sat up fully again, chewing at her lips. "Elvis." Y/n whispered, her eyes travelling down to the bulge in his pants, her fingers playing with the belt loops of his pants. "Baby, we can't." Elvis whispered with a soft head shake, his fingers knotting into her hair. "Why?" Y/n pouted at him, moving her head closer to his crotch, her chin resting on his belt buckle as she stared up at his face, watching his adams apple bob in his throat. "Because the party downstairs." Elvis spoke, although he didn't care about the party, he mainly just wanted her to be sure, he was scared that if they did anything, he wouldn't here from her again, even though it wasn't her fault.
Y/n jutted out her bottom lip again, wanting to tease him. "Maybe you're right." She shrugged playfully, leaning back and moving her hands under the skirt of her dress, her fingers tugging onto her waistband and pulling down her lace panties, Elvis's eyes widening at her actions. "But these are ruined." Y/n added, standing up and shoving them into the pocket of his pants, moving to brush past him when his hand gripped onto her forearm. "When did you get so dirty?" Elvis growled, pushing her back onto the bed, leaning down and gripping her jaw, eyes dark in arousal. "What do you want, baby?" Elvis added.
"I want you to fuck me." Y/n pleaded, tilting her head up to graze his lips. Elvis's knees nearly gave out with her answer, his cock twitching against the zipper of his pants, his fears flying out the window. Elvis crashed his lips against hers in desperation, licking into her mouth as she whined out, his hands moving to the zipper of her dress, pulling it down roughly. Once he slipped the dress off her, leaving her only in her lace bra, her hands moved to his belt, undoing it and palming him softly as he shifted his body weight onto hers slightly, moaning into her mouth. Elvis pulled away from her as she tried to grab onto him. He shrugged off his coat, slowly unbuttoning his shirt, letting it fall to the ground.
Y/n reached for his pants, pulling at the zipper and watching the pants fall down his legs, revealing him, licking at her lips. "No briefs? Yet I'm the dirty one?" Y/n giggled as his cock lightly slapped his lower stomach, a bead of precum rolling of the tip and down his cock. Y/n wrapped a hand around him, giving him small strokes as he let out a small noise, hips bucking slightly as her thumb circled his tip, y/n knowing he liked it from how she saw him touching himself. Elvis moved his hand around hers, tightening his grip around her hand and setting the right pace and once he was satisfied, he pulled his hand off, letting her do the work on her own. 
What took him by surprise was the small lick she gave on the tip, his hips bucking up into her face, y/n taking as much as she could into her mouth, her hand working the rest as he gripped onto her hair and letting out a loud groan. "Where did you learn that, little girl?" He moaned out as her tongue flicked and teased his slit, another bead of precum blurting out and onto her tongue. Elvis's knees were becoming weak as he gave small thrusts into her mouth. "Like my mouth on you?" Y/n panted as she pulled off him to catch her breath before sticking her tongue out and rubbing the ruddy tip on it, Elvis throwing his head back in pleasure at her show.
"The best mouth." He moaned out. He wasn't lying. Elvis had only ever been with one other girl who only put him in her mouth once and didn't like it, only jerked him off every once in a while, but y/n, she was acting like a cockslut on him, and he loved every second of it. But he pulled away from her, his cock twitching and y/n whining at him. Elvis eyed her bra, leaning over, his hands going behind her as he pressed a kiss on her lips while he unclasped it, revealing her boobs to him, his cock jumping at the sight.
His hand grabbed her neck and pressed her down against the mattress, letting her body adjust as he climbed between her thighs and kissed on her chest while his fingers traveled down to her clit, rubbing softly, as moan leaving her chest, his tongue licking over her nipples softly. "Can I have a little taste before I fuck you?" Elvis mumbled against her skin, y/n moaning out a soft "Yes."
Elvis kissed down from her breasts and down her tummy until her finally reached her pussy. Y/N gasped loudly when she felt his wet tongue on her cunt. Her legs twitched from the pleasure that was spiking now that he was focused in her clit, Elvis groaning at her taste that he had thought about constantly since the time he tasted her on her fingers. Her head is thrown back with sheer pleasure as moans bubble out of her while she pulled his hair, pinpricks of delicious agony bite down his scalp, alerting him that he was doing the right actions. 
Elvis hums, radiating up his tongue and onto the softness of her clit, loving the sound of her whimpering. Her thighs are clasping tightly around his head as her whole body looses its sense of sanity yet he pushes them apart, wanting to get as deep into her as he possibly can. His gaze is trained on her as his tongue feels her entrance, swiping at the edge and gently tucking the very tip inside, Y/n letting out something between a moan and a scream. 
"Elvis, please, fuck me." Y/n moans out, trying to pull his head away from her. "Are you ready for me, baby?" Elvis asks, his bottom lip catching on her swollen clit as she nods at a speed. Elvis adjusts himself so that he is between her legs, her hips bucking up for him to enter him. The moment he pushed in, she felt a wave of bliss overcome her, her nails digging into the soft skin of his back as she felt the burn of him stretching her. 
Y/n's legs wrapped around him as he gave her slow thrusts, He brushes his lips to hers tenderly, his tongue lazily gliding into her hot mouth and he swallows down the untamed screams that rip from her throat. Y/n bucks into his thrusts, a little faster than he was thrusting, causing him to speed up, balls beginning to slap slightly on her ass, he chokes on a moan as he feels her give a spastic clench around his cock, his eyelids flittering.
He rests his forehead on her shoulder as he begins to pant. "Baby, I wanna last-" He moans out, already feeling the knot forming in his lower half. Elvis rams into her harder and harder by the second, curse words rolling off of his tongue continuously before he peppers kisses down her neck, y/n scraping her nails down his body.
"Fuck- I love you." Y/n moans out, feeling his sweaty forehead resting on hers, he gives her a loving smile before pressing his lips to hers for a moment before pulling away, both of their mouths parted as they moaned out. "It's like you're made for me, sweetie." Elvis growls, his thrusts becoming unsteady as she presses kisses to his sweaty neck. 
Her body begins to convulse, her legs thrashing against his waist, bucking onto his cock again as he feels the warmth of her orgasm on his cock, letting out a growl. "I-In me. Wanna feel you." She whimpers, eyes heavy lidded as she stares up at him. "I can't– you know I can't. I'm so s-sorry" Elvis hisses through clenched teeth as he pulls her legs off him, quickly drawing himself out of her just in time as he shoots out in frosted ribbons. His release splatters against her soft stomach and across her rosy nipples, his body folding in on itself.
As he comes down, he sees her pick up some of his cum, cleaning her finger off as she savors his taste, Elvis collapsing next to her and taking in deep breaths as he grabs at her face, turning her head so that he can peck at her lips. 
"D-did you mean it?" He pants as she furrows her brows at him, questioning what he meant. "W-when you s-said you love me?" He added, grabbing onto her hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it as she turned around so that she was facing him fully, a smile toying on her lips as she looked into his eyes. "Of course. I love you, Elvis." She whispered, letting go of his hand to stroke his cheek as she leaned to kiss him, Elvis humming into her mouth. "I love you, too." He mumbled against her lips.
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Elvis Presley Fics Masterlist
Promise Me? Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 2622 Rating: Explicit
The Way I Loved You Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader, Austin Butler x Reader Word Count: 4348 Rating: Mature
Treat Me Like A Fool Pairing: Elvis Presley x  Female Reader Word Count: 7950 [2 Parts] Rating: Teen
He’ll Have To Go Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 2555 Rating: Mature
Better Man Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 2717 Rating: Teen & Up
Trading One Heartbreak For Another Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 3192 Rating: Teen & Up
Trying To Get To You Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 2464 Rating: Explicit
Lonely In a Crowded Room Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 11279 [3 Parts] Rating: Mature
Santa Bring My Baby Back To Me Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 3208 Rating: Mature
Wrapped Around My Finger Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 3492 Rating: Teen
Made For Each Other Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 2982 Rating: Explicit
Late Birthday Present Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 3197 Rating: Explicit
Last Past The Post Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader x Memphis Mafia Word Count: 3951   Rating: Explicit
Hide and Seek [Requested] Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader Word Count: 3170 Rating: Explicit
The Needs of a Man [Requested] Pairing: Elvis Presley x  Female Reader Word Count: 1776 Rating: Mature
Details [Requested] Pairing:  Elvis Presley x Reader Word Count: 1466 Rating: Gen
A Girl Like That [Requested] Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 1986 Rating: Explicit
Every Step of the Way [Requested] Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 3227 Rating: Mature
It’ll All Come Out in the Wash [Requested] Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 1765 Rating: Mature
The Best Place To Be [Requested] Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 2660 Rating: Mature
Ever Since Germany [Requested] Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 4029 Rating: Explicit
A Few Good Men Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 10735 [3 Parts] Rating: Mature
Elvis Fuckin’ Presley Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 3509 Rating: Explicit
Does He Love You? [Requested] Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader, Elvis Presley x Ann Margaret Word Count: 3225 Rating: Explicit
Helping [Requested] Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 2435 Rating: Gen
In Your Arms [Requested] Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader Word Count: 1024 Rating: Explicit
The Art of Gift Giving [Requested] Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader Word Count: 2110 Rating: Mature
The Price of Loving Elvis Presley [Requested] Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader Word Count: 2256 Rating: Mature
Shut Up and Kiss Me [Requested] Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader Word Count: 3400 Rating: Teen
Made For The Mafia [Series of Fics] Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader x Memphis Mafia Word Count: 34,000 [In 8 Parts] Rating: Explicit
His Bird With The Broken Wing Pairing: Elvis Presley x Original Female Character Rating: Teen Word Count: 5128
Tennessee Orange Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader Word Count: 2407 Rating: Teen
Die From A Broken Heart Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader Word Count: 1837 Rating: Teen
You Ain’t Woman Enough [To Take My Man] Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader Word Count: 4107 Rating: Mature
It Hurts Me Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader, Reader x Jerry Schilling Word Count: 7849 Rating: Teen
I’m Not Going Anywhere Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader Word Count: 6734 Rating: Mature
Don’t Ask Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader Word Count: 4483 Rating: Teen
Birthday Boy Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader Word Count: 1248 Rating: Teen
Love In Trouble Pairing: Elvis Presley x Original Female Character, Austin Butler x OFC Word Count: Ongoing Rating: Mature
Elvis & Addison
The Girl He Left Behind Pairing: Elvis Presley x Original Female Character Word Count: 126,532 Rating: Mature/Explicit
Here You Come Again [Sequel To The Girl He Left Behind] Pairing: Elvis Presley x Original Female Character Word Count: 127699 Rating: Mature/Explicit
Untethered  Pairing: Elvis Presley x Original Female Character Rating: Mature Word Count: 4319
Little Bird Pairing: Elvis Presley x Original Female Character Rating: Mature Word Count: 4553
Fractured  Pairing: Elvis Presley x Original Female Character Rating: Mature Word Count: 15430 [In 2 Parts]
Our Little Secret Pairing: Elvis Presley x Original Female Character Rating: Teen Word Count: 5012
Closure Pairing: Elvis Presley x Original Female Character Rating: Mature Word Count: 7145
Top of the List Pairing: Elvis Presley x Original Female Character Rating: Mature Word Count: 9639
Meant To Be Pairing: Elvis Presley x Original Female Character Rating: Mature Word Count: 3120
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headfullofpresley · 2 years
Elvis Presley Masterlist
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↠ this masterlist includes all my writing for elvis aaron presley. most of my writing is NOT suitable for minors, so if you’re under 18, please kindly move along. all of my stories are afab!reader, but other than that, my writing is for everyone - reader’s skin/hair/eye color or body types are never mentioned in my works unless stated beforehand.
do not copy, repost, modify or translate any of my writing, thank you! 
scroll down to the bottom of this post to read what topics i will not write about!
☁️ - fluff
♡ - smut
💀 - angst
🩸 - supernatural/gore
♫ - based on songs
Started: 9/22/22
Updated: 02/24/23
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↠ You And Me, Kid | 🩸 ♡ 💀 | Series, ongoing | Part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14
↳ Your wish is finally granted when the man you’ve been sleeping with gifts you immortality. This is all you ever wanted, but are you strong enough to fight the urges that come along with it? | ft. Jerry Schilling | inspired by The Vampire Diaries and The Originals | SLOW UPDATES!!
↠ Oceans Apart | 💀 ♡ ☁️ | Series, ongoing | Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
↳ After three years of living in Memphis with your parents, you and your first serious boyfriend are forced to seperate ways. Will you and Elvis find your way back to each other? | European!reader, Colonel’s niece!reader
Mini series
↠ Good Rockin' Tonight | ♡ 💀 | Part 2, Part 3
↳ What started out as a night spend together with America's heartthrob turns into something much more difficult, but who said love was ever easy?
Dating 50s!Elvis
A Graceland Christmas Eve
New Year's Eve with Elvis
Elvis and Caroline
One shots
↠ Puppet On A String | 💀 ♫ | One shot
↳ Being young and in love, you’ll do anything to keep the man you love in your life. Even if that means losing yourself along the way | Inspired by Taylor Swift’s Dear John
↠ Try It Out | ♡ | One shot
↳ You and Elvis are young lovers in the 1950′s, often having to sneak out of the house due to your parents not being fond of him. As any young couple, you two like to experiment; his pink Cadillac your favorite place to do so
↠ Strawberry Milkshake | ♡ | One shot
↳ You and Elvis are the it-couple of Hollywood these days and when you two get bored behind the gates of your Beverly Hills home, you go out to seek adventure in public | Actress!reader
↠ Little Sister | ♡ 💀 ☁️  ♫ | One shot
↳ Your older sister invites you to stay with her and her boyfriend in Hawaii during your summer break; the boyfriend that you’ve been crushing on ever since he was introduced to the family. Seems like you hadn’t been the only one carrying those feelings | club!singer Elvis | inspired by Elvis Presley’s Little Sister
↠ Good Boy | ♡ | One shot
↳  While on military leave, Elvis discovers a whole new side of himself with the help of a pretty little showgirl in Paris | sub!Elvis, soft dom!reader
↠ Body and Soul | ♡ 💀 ☁️  ♫ | One shot
↳  When the demons inside of your head try to drag you down, Elvis is there to lift you back up | plus size!reader | inspired by Ariana Grande’s pov
↠ Love Bites | ♡ 🩸 | One shot
↳  You hated moving from the big city to the small pictersque town that is Mystic Falls, until two gorgeous men volunteer to make you feel right at home | ft. Damon Salvatore | vampire!Elvis
↠ Lavender Haze | ♡ ☁️ | One shot
↳  You had never been one to use dating apps, preferring to meet someone out in the real world but when your best friend signs you up for Tinder, your curiosity gets the best of you. You never expected that the first date you’d go on was going to last a little longer than just one night | modern!Elvis
↠ First Man | ☁️ ♫ | One shot
↳  One day, little girls will grow up but no matter how big they get, their father will always be the one who hung the moon and stars | Dad!Elvis, daughter!reader
↠ Ruin Me | ♡ | One shot
↳ You knew it was wrong. He was your father’s friend and fifteen years older, but you always got what you wanted and this time, you had your sights set on him
↠ To The Grave | 💀 | One shot
↳ Your brother doesn't like you dating around in general, but he has a particularly bad feeling about the guy from work who takes you to the Memphis fair | brother!Elvis
↠ Paper Rings | ☁️ ♡ | One shot
↳ Your boyfriend surprises you with tickets to a Taylor Swift show. And then some | modern!Elvis
↠ When Two Worlds Collide | 💀 ♡ | One shot
↳ In times of heartache and war, you never expected to fall in love. Especially not with a man that was supposed to be the enemy
↠ Take Me Home | ♡ 💀 | One shot
↳ After finding out the masked hero you've been crushing on is your best friend, you realise it was never Spiderman that you've been in love with | Spiderman!Elvis
↠ Always Here | 💀 ☁️ | One shot
↳ After doing Vogue's “Life in Looks” and reminiscing on your life with Elvis and Caroline, your late husband makes sure you and your daughter know he's still around
↠ Show Me Your Teeth |🩸♡ | One shot
↳ Leaving Hungary behind to start a new life, you find yourself in a world that you thought never existed. The least thing you expected was to fall in love with a creature that had the reputation to be loveless.
↠ Midnight Kiss | ☁️ | One shot
↳ What better way than to ring in the new year with a kiss from a stranger?
↠ We'll Be Alright |🩸☁️ | One shot
↳ You and Elvis were complete opposites and far from friends, but sometimes death brings people closer together.
↠ Fight For Us | 💀 | One shot
↳ After your husband breaks both your trust and heart, you can't see him as the person you had always known anymore and decide to put an end to your long lasting marriage.
↠ Pretty Girls | ♡ | ft. Ann-Margret
↳ Elvis is back in LA after spending his days off in Memphis and you and your girlfriend happily welcome him home.
↠ Late Night Lovin’ | ♡ | One shot
↳ You and Elvis are still in the early stages of your relationship, missing each other every second that is spend apart. When he has a show 800 miles away, he calls you the night before and the conversation quickly turns into a little more action rather than words
↠ Little Bird | ☁️ | One shot
↳ Your daughter is stressed on the morning of her first piano recital; all she needed was her father to show her she had nothing to worry about | dad!Elvis
↠ God Given | ☁️ 💀 | One shot
↳ You’ve been suffering from Postpartum anxiety after giving birth to your daughter; luckily, your husband is there to help you every step of the way | dad!Elvis
↠ Cold Without You | ☁️ ♡ | One shot
↳ Maybe waking up early on a Saturday isn’t so bad after all.
↠ Bubble Wrap | ☁️ | One shot
↳ When Elvis finds out you’re pregnant, he makes it his mission to baby-proof every piece of furniture in the house | 1950s!Elvis
↠ Saturdays at Graceland | ☁️ |  One shot
↳ While giving Elvis a haircut, your daughter is more than willing to assist the way she knows best | dad!Elvis
↠ Happy fuckin’ Birthday | ♡ | One shot | Part 2 (Final)
↳ Elvis is needy during his birthday dinner and wants your attention, not caring about anyone else in the room | sub!Elvis, 50s!Elvis
↠ Mommy's Kissing Santa Claus | ☁️ ♡ | One shot
↳ Caroline considers Santa to be her own personal superhero, but she isn't too happy about catching him kissing you. Because no matter what, her Daddy will always be number one | dad!Elvis
↠ More Than Friends | ☁️ ♡ | One shot
↳ You and Elvis have been best friends since birth. You have been each others' first for pretty much everything so you couldn't picture yourself losing your virginity to anyone else | 50s!Elvis
↠ Just Us Three | ♡ | One shot
↳ It wasn't the first time you played Truth or Dare while intoxicated with your two closest friends, but things had never gone this far | ft. Scotty Moore
↠ The Beauty and The Damned |🩸♡ | One shot
↳ After months of dating, your vampire boyfriend finally gives you what you want
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Elvis Presley’s movie characters
Mike Edwards | It Happened At The World’s Fair
↠ Take Me To The Fair | ☁️ ♡ | One shot
↳  Sue-Lin Ling will do anything to get her babysitter and her new best friend she meets at Seattle’s World Fair together. Even if it means sleeping without her beloved red friend for one night.
Chadwick Gates | Blue Hawaii
↠ Under the Hawaiian Sun | ♡ 💀 ☁️ | Part two coming .. someday.
↳  You and Chadwick have been best friends ever since you could remember but after the two of you added some benefits to the relationship, neither of you have the guts to confess your true feelings.
Vince Everett | Jailhouse Rock
↠Sinful Memories | ♡ | One shot
↳ You and your boyfriend of two years decide to spice things up in the bedroom because it's raining and what else is there to do other than making a little intimate amateur video?
Joe Lightcloud | Stay Away, Joe
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i am a pretty open minded person and i will write about most things, but here are some things i will not write about:
Gladys Presley’s death (it may get mentioned in a fic, but not written out in detail)
Elvis' death, unless it's supernatural or stated beforehand.
Heavy drug use (some of my fics may include recreational drug use, such as smoking weed and maybe the use of other softer drugs, but that’s about it)
Abortion and miscarriage (i am pro-choice, but seeing as most of my fics take place in the 50s/60s/70s... you catch my drift?)
Non consensual sex, etc.
little Elvis/age regression. no judgement here, it's just not my cup of tea!
my requests are always open, though it might take some time for me to finish them!
IF YOU MADE IT THIS FAR; thank you, my darlin’! i love and appreciate you more than you know. don’t be shy to comment on my stories or shoot me a message! i love reading all of your comments and talking to y’all!
© headfullofpresley
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your-nanas-house · 5 months
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“For five minutes”
Little one
Driving around
Just a movie night
The Red-wine lipstick
Big Daddy Elvis
Thanks to photography
A real cowboy
23 notes · View notes
emmie-tt · 10 months
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Series -------------
to be wrote...
Oneshots -------------
AUs -------------
to be wrote...
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sincerelylea · 2 years
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1:36 am. rising upside down.
8:49 am.
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5:04 pm. when i close my eyes at night.
8:03 pm. till there was you.
8:08 pm. oh, my love, my darling.
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foreverdolly · 4 months
“𝙗𝙖���𝙮 𝙞 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪, 𝙮𝙤𝙪'𝙡𝙡 𝙣𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙖𝙬𝙖𝙮. . .”
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you’re elvis’s childhood best friend, and he’s been in love with you for as long as he can remember. his mother and father keep trying to push him to finally make a move, what with you being the only girl that they would ever approve of their son going steady with. elvis, bashful and fearful of rejection, decides to keep his feelings to himself… well- that is until he can’t physically take it anymore.
total word count: 40.3k
after firing the colonel, elvis is headed back home to memphis. it isn’t until he makes it to graceland that he learns about the tragedy of the previous night. sitting beside your hospital bed, elvis remembers a promise that you made to him back when you two were young. he’s going to hold you to it.
total word count: 3.1k
"i had a dream about you last night" and "i've never done this before. . . " with the soulmate trope.
total word count: 2.1k
your love life has been tragic to say the least, so after a rather public breakup you decide that you're done with bad boys. elvis is the lead singer of a well known and well loved metal band. he lives a hard and fast lifestyle and wouldn't dream of ever apologizing for it. the one thing that nobody would ever expect from a rough-around-the-edges kinda guy like elvis is the fact that the man is a hopeless romantic. and he's got his sights set on you. elvis presley was precisely the kind of person you were trying to avoid. you couldn't let him weasel his way into your life. . . . right?
total word count: 11.1k
"you shoot anyone that comes through the door who isn't me" and "touch her and you're dead." with forbidden love trope.
total word count: 2.1k
"I love it." "I'm gonna puke." and "If it makes you feel any better then you can slap me. Lightly."
total word count: 1.3k
wanna be notified any time i post elvis presley content? go ahead and like/comment on this post to stay connected!
← go back to the masterlist guide
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“𝙢𝙮 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙝𝙖𝙪𝙣𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪- 𝙮𝙚𝙨, 𝙝𝙖𝙪𝙣𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙙𝙖𝙮. . .”
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wanderingelvis · 2 years
🧚 WanderingElvis' Masterlist 🧚
Click here to be added to my taglist. Elvis Imagines 1. Elvis comforts innocent!reader (Requested)
2. Meeting Gladys & Graceland (Requested)
3. Elvis comforts innocent!reader, part 2 (Requested)
4. Elvis takes care of reader when she's on her period (Requested)
5. Elvis tries to fix readers wardrobe malfunction... and fails (Requested)
6. The Memphis Mafia starts questioning reader about sex until Elvis intervenes (Requested)
7. Elvis asks the local bookworm to the school dance (Requested)
8. Yandere!Elvis isolates and traps Naive!Reader in Vegas (Requested)
9. Sugar Daddy!Elvis takes Innocent!Reader shopping (Requested)
10. Elvis helps Innocent!Reader bake some cupcakes for the Mafia
11. Elvis manipulates Innocent!Reader into the ‘little’ lifestyle - part one
12. Innocent!Reader tries to prove to Elvis she's not as innocent as she seems but it backfires
13. ALTERNATIVE ENDING TO #12: Innocent!Reader falls into little headspace after her first orgasm from Elvis
14. Someone tries to take advantage of Innocent!Reader and Elvis doesn't let it slide
15. Shy!Reader meets Elvis at Graceland for the first time and when a storm happens and reader gets scared, there’s only one person awake to comfort her
16. Elvis takes care of Innocent!Reader with PTSD after she gets frightened
17. Little F!Reader gets sick so Elvis takes care of her
18. Elvis overstimulates Innocent!Reader at the movies
19. F!Reader gets mobbed after Elvis’ show and he becomes protective
20. Elvis teaches his naive, nymphomaniac girlfriend how to pleasure herself
Elvis Fanfictions
Sparkly Little Thing 🧚✨ | A Yandere!Elvis fic
Chapter One - The Party
Elvis Headcanons
CG!Elvis feeds Little F!Reader
2. CG!Elvis and Little F!Reader's bedtime routine
3. How Elvis treats Innocent F!Reader in public
4. 70s Elvis and his dumb, sweet, girlfriend
5. Elvis and reader who doesn't understand social cues
6. The Memphis Mafia's sinful feelings for Innocent!Reader
7. Elvis and the Memphis Mafia throw's Innocent!Reader a birthday party
853 notes · View notes
shelbgrey · 1 year
My MasterList of Stories
Master List part 2
~request are CLOSED
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Smut=❤️‍🔥 Fluff=💕 Angst=💔 Funny=💖 Horror=🫀
Dr. Lance Sweets:
Smut Alphabet❤️‍🔥
Caught in the act ❤️‍🔥
Dating Lance Sweets HC💕❤️‍🔥
Adventures in babysitting💕
You belong with me💕
Lance Sweets as a Dad headcanons💕
Dream Warriors💔🫀
Bones Halloween Special🫀💖
Code baby Part 1 💕
Let me take your pain away💕💔
Dr. Jack Hodgins:
Can't buy me love💔💕
Jack Hodgins Having a little sister💕
What's it gonna take to get you out of his lab?❤️‍🔥
Agent Seeley Booth:
Dating Seeley Booth Headcanons💕❤️‍🔥
Being Seeley Booth's Best friend HCs💕
Friends to Lovers Headcanons💕
The day we met💕
In the name of love💕
Agent James Aubrey:
Falling in love with James Aubrey after losing Lance 💔💕
Falling in love with James Aubrey after losing Lance Sweets part 2💕❤️‍🔥
Smut Alphabet❤️‍🔥
Unspoken desire❤️‍🔥
Dr. Wendell Bray:
Witchy Squintern HCs💕
Dr. Camille Saroyan:
who broke the coffee pot?💖
The Squinterns:
Adventures in babysitting💕
Being Hodgins sister and being a goth Squintern💕
Dr. Zack Addy:
I've got your back💕
Who's got him smiling like that?💕
❤️‍🩹Grey's Anatomy🩺
Dr. Derek Shephard:
Halloween special💖🫀
The Ballad of Jayne💔
Stuck in the middle💔💕
This is Why I Don't Go To The Gym💕
Baby on the brain💕
Dating Derek after he broke up with Meredith💕
Love at first sight💕
Dr. Mark Sloan:
November Rain💔
We are family💕
Christmas Special💖
Dr. Owen Hunt:
Trauma 101💖
Dr. Jackson Avery:
Love Story💔💕
Dr. Alex Karev:
Dr. Miranda Bailey:
Your my favorite💕
Dr. Nick Marsh:
Secrets out💕
🗡️Once upon a time🍎
August W. Booth:
Hidden secrets❤️‍🔥💕💔
Killian Jones:
Smut fic with Killan Jones❤️‍🔥
Prince James:
Cullen family:
Fire safty💖
Going to the zoo💖
Cats in the cradle💕
Being Carlisle and Esme's daughter and having the Volturi wrap around your finger. 💖💕
Emmett McCarthy Cullen:
Next to me series💖💔💕❤️‍🔥
Forever now💕
Being Emmett and Rose's daughter HCs💕
Carlisle Cullen:
Being Carlisle and Esme's youngest daughter HC💕
Carlisle as your husband HCs💕
Jasper Whitlock Hale:
Jasper dating Bella's sister HCs💕
Edward Anthony Mason Cullen:
Dating Edward Cullen HCs💕
Crushing on Edward Cullen HCs💕
Rosalie Lillian Hale:
Being Emmett and Rose's daughter HCs💕
Eleazar Denali:
Glory of love series ❤️‍🔥💕💔💖
Dating Eleazar HCs❤️‍🔥💕
Voice of an Angel💔💕
Being Carlisle and Esme's youngest daughter and dating Garrett HCs💕
Wolf pack:
Seth Clearwater:
Perfect 💕
The Volturi:
Being Carlisle and Esme's youngest daughter and having the Volturi wrap around your finger💕
Peter Venkman:
When unspoken rules are broken💔💕
Dr. Egon Spengler:
Hold on, I love you💔
Two Nerds falling in love headcanons💕
Ray stantz:
Dr. Jelousey❤️‍🔥
Something strange💕💔
🦁🐍Harry Potter🐦‍⬛🦡
Draco Malfoy:
Say Something💔
Dance the night away💕
Just keeping an eye out💕
The truth doesn't always hurt💔💕
George Weasley:
Welocm to Gryffindor💔💕
You belong with me - part 1💔💕
Fred Weasley:
Being a Potter twin and falling for Fred💕
Neville Longbottom:
Your Breaking My Heart💔
Weasley family:
Being adopted by the Weasleys💕
Gabriel "the Trickster":
Gardian Angel💕
Hyper girl💕
The Winchester and the Trickster💕
Love of a lifetime💔
Dean winchester:
Dating Dean Winchester Headcanons💕❤️‍🔥
Being in a love triangle with Dean and Cas💕💔
🎶Elvis Presley🎸
Austin!Elvis Presley:
Love me tender💔💕
Scott "Cyclops" Summers:
Dating Scott Summers💕❤️‍🔥
A not so White Wedding💕
Clint "Hawkeye" Barton:
Secrets out💖
Whatever it takes💔💕
Tony "Iron man" Stark:
All of me💔💕
Bucky "winter soldier" Barnes:
Treat you better💔💕
Howard Stark:
Time In A Bottle💕
Dr. Stephen Strange:
I won't say I'm in love💔💕
Ohana means family💕
Six avengers and a baby💔💕
452 notes · View notes
satninbaby · 1 year
I’m coming home - part 2
warnings: smut 18+ (minors dni) probs inaccurate time frame. brief controlling parents. oral (f and m receiving). Elvis finishing quickly. brief finger sucking. unprotected sex. creampie. fluff at the end(if you squint). nipple sucking?
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Y/n anxiously chewed at her fingernails as she stared out her bedroom window. Elvis was supposed to come home today, the last she had spoken to him was when he had called just before he had left Raleigh. The sun was starting to set behind the trees in her yard as her mother called out that dinner was ready. Y/n let out a huff and made her way downstairs and sat at the dining table, putting a small portion of chicken and vegetables on her plate, feeling to nervous to eat.
Y/n slowly ate as her parents eyed her as she played with her food between bites, moving a pea around with her fork as she swallowed down her small mouthful of food. "What's got you looking glum?" Her father spoke, pointing his fork at her as she peered up at him. "Oh, nothing, just not very hung-" Y/n began but was cut off by her mother. "That Presley boy is supposed to be coming home today. I heard it from Susan. The whole town is talking about it." Her mother snarled, y/n dropping her fork on her plate loudly.
"Mom." Y/n warned with a glare towards her mother as her father clicked his tongue against his teeth in realization. "What, sweetie? You know that boy isn't good for you. He's filthy." Her mother spoke with a shake of her head as she cut through her chicken, y/n tapping her fingernail on her cup of water.
"You don't even know him. You never even gave him a chance." Y/n huffed, moving to cross her arms across her chest. Her parents never spoke to Elvis when Y/n brought him around, instead giving him judging glances as they sat at the dinner table. "We don't need need to give him a chance. The way he dresses, the girls around him all the time. Who knows how many girls he was with while he was gone!" Her mother began to raise her voice, interrupting y/n's father as he opened his mouth to speak.
"Mom, that's not true at all! He called me all the time, for hours on end! Hell, You don't know anything." Y/n roared, beginning to stand up before her father banged his fists on the dining table, getting the attention of y/n and her mother. "Enough! Y/n sit down and finish your dinner, you are never to see that boy again or so help me I will rip his throat out. You have to listen to your mother, he's no good!" Y/n's father roared, y/n's jaw clenching as she shook her head.
"I'm suddenly not hungry." Y/n mumbled, storming away from the table and back up to her room, her chest heaving as she slammed her door shut, running her fingers through her hair in frustration as she sat on the corner of her bed and let out a sigh before drawing her attention to her vanity, standing up and walking towards it.
Elvis gripped the steering wheel while the other hand rubbed at his eye before he moved his fingers to the dial on the radio, turning it up so he could hear the song on the radio and not just the rumble of the car, humming along to the music. He looked into the rearview mirror at the sunset, his stomach rumbled slightly, not wanting to stop to get food in hopes of coming home to his girl quicker.
He was nearly at her house, only a block away and his heart racing in excitement. He pressed his foot on the pedal to get their quicker until he saw her driveway. Y/n saw the reflection of headlights in the mirror as she swiped a pink lipstick on her lips. She rubbed her lips together and ran to the window, seeing the car in the driveway, letting out a small squeal before grabbing her purse and running out of her room, the beep of the horn sounding as she ran down the stairs.
"Y/n! Don't you dare!" Her mother warned as her father stood up from the dining table. "If you leave with that boy right now, don't even think about coming home!" Her father threatened through clenched teeth as he watched her open the door, following her. 
Y/n saw Elvis leaning against the hood of his car, his hands in his pockets as he stared off into the distance and chewing on a piece of gum. He turned his head when he heard her kitten heals tapping against the wood of the porch stairs as she ran down them, a smile forming on his face as he stood up straight, her cardigan flapping in the wind as she made her way to him, Elvis meeting her half way before she jumped into his arms.
Elvis wrapped his arms around her, lifting her slightly as he spun her, pressing a hungry kiss to her lips. As he put her down, he pecked her lips as she grabbed his face. "Boy, you have a lot of nerve coming around here!" Y/n's father yelled from the porch, both their heads snapping towards him. "Sir, I-" Elvis began but was cut off. "She's not welcome here anymore, and neither are you!"
Elvis looked at y/n's face as she chewed on her pink lip. "Let's go, Elvis." She muttered, lacing her hands with his as she pulled him towards the car. He let out a sigh and opened the door for her before he ran to the drivers side and turning on the car and driving off. "I missed you, my sweet girl." He spoke, kissing the back of her hand as she grinned at him.
"I missed you too, Elvis. I really did." Y/n spoke softly, taking him in for the first time in almost a month. The way he smiled as he watched the road made her tummy flutter, and the occasional tick of his jaw as he chewed on his gum. "You hungry, honey? Wanna get some dinner?" He peered over at her as they stopped at a red light, pointing at the diner sign down the road.
"Sure, baby, I'll get a milkshake. I ate a little." Y/n shrugged at him. "A milkshake?" Elvis exclaimed, rolling his eyes slightly as the light turned green. "Baby, we are gonna have a feast!" Elvis spoke, pulling into the parking lot of the diner, y/n letting out a giggle as he pulled the key out the ignition. 
Y/n got out the car and Elvis grabbed onto her hand as they walked through the doors of the diner, Elvis walking her to a booth in the back as a waitress walked up to them, handing them menus, Elvis denying them and Elvis immediately ordering a bunch of food as y/n stared at him wide eyed, seeming as if he was ordering two of everything from the menu. 
"Elvis, I can't eat that much." She whispered to him as he shrugged. "And I ain't gonna force you to, I just wanna take care of you, Honey." He spoke to her, a smile creeping onto y/n's lips. "Now, do you wanna tell me what happened back at the house?" Elvis asked her, stroking her hand from across the table. 
"Oh, you know my parents and how they always give me grief for being with you. Talking about how you must've been with other girls and-" "Aw hell, Honey, you know that ain't true." He cut her off, squeezing her hand. "I know, baby, I told them how we always talked. They said if I go with you, not to go home." Y/n mumbled as the waitress slowly placed food on their table, y/n muttering a soft "Thank you."
"My sweet girl, you can stay with me as long as you want. I'll always take care of you." Elvis reassured as y/n nodded at him with a smile, taking a fry and taking a small bite. As they ate as much as they could, they spoke about the tour and the label at RCA that the colonel offered, making jokes in between some of the serious conversations. They stayed in that diner, long after they had eaten, still taking sips of what ever they had left of their milkshakes and colas, they were just happy to be in each others presence again. 
"My apologies, but we are closing up for the night" The waitress spoke, eyeing them both. Elvis pulled out his wallet, placing a wad of cash on the table before they both got up, Elvis opening the door for her as they went back to the car.
"My girl, do you wanna go anywhere else?" Elvis asked her, turning on the engine of his car. Y/n shook her head and smiled at him knowing he must've been tired. Elvis gave her a small nod before he began driving to his house, the comfortable silence filling the air as y/n watched the lights of the town zoom past until he reached his house.
Elvis got out of the car and ran to the passenger door, opening it before y/n could, letting her out before he grabbed onto his bags, walking up the stairs of his porch, one of the lights still on in the house as he opened the door. "Booby, is that you?" Gladys, his mother called out from the dining room. 
"Yeah, mama, I'm home." He responded, dropping the bags to the floor. "Oh, Elvis!" Gladys cried out as she embraced him tight in her arms, Vernon standing up from the dining table, Gladys smashing his cheeks in her hands as Vernon greeted y/n with a small hug. "When did you get to Memphis?" Gladys asked as Elvis pulled away from her and hugged his father.
"Just now, I picked y/n up on the way home." Elvis responded, winking at y/n as Gladys smiled at her. "Are you staying tonight, honey?" She asked y/n who opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by Elvis. "She is, mama. She is staying as long as she wants." He spoke as he grabbed onto y/n's hand. "That's wonderful, we love having you around." Gladys smiled, also pinching at y/n's cheek as Elvis shifted his weight from one foot to the other.
"Thank you, Gladys." Y/n smiled at her with a soft nod. "Oh, are the two of you hungry? I am happy to make the two of you anything" Gladys spoke, pointing to the kitchen as y/n peered at the time, almost going onto midnight. 
"No, mama, I think we just might head up to bed, I'm exhausted." Elvis fake yawned, his free hand covering his mouth as y/n furrowed her brows at him. "Okay, Booby. You two get some rest now." Gladys kissed Elvis cheek as he grabbed his bags, both him and Y/n walking upstairs to his room.
Once the door was shut and Elvis put his bag down, he pressed y/n against his door, his lips crashing against hers, y/n's fingers tangling into his hair as his lips made his way to kiss and bite at her neck, y/n letting out a soft moan of his name, her hands moving to brush off his coat, revealing the lace shirt underneath it.
"I need you so bad." He mumbled against her skin, pressing his growing bulge into her leg as he tried to get closer to her. His hands pulled off her cardigan before he fiddled with the zipper of her dress on her back, pulling it down and watching it fall to the floor, staring at her with his mouth open as he took in her white lingerie, breathing heavy and quick as he felt himself twitch in his pants. "Is this for me?" He panted, his finger tracing her bra strap and the lace. 
"I picked it out just for you." She pouted at him before he pulled his shirt off, y/n undoing his belt and zipper of his pants as he kicked them off, y/n pushing him down onto the bed, his head resting on his soft pillows as she straddled him. She leaned down, pressing her lips to his in desperation as his hands gripped onto her hips, causing her to grind onto him softly.
Elvis groaned into her mouth before he bit at her lip slightly as she pulled her lips from him, her hands moving to undo her bra, throwing it onto the floor, Elvis moving his hands from her hips to her breasts, his thumbs stroking over her pebbled nipples. "Let me suck on them, sweet girl." He whispered, y/n leaning down, his mouth finding her left nipple.
He flattened his tongue against it before giving it a soft flick, y/n letting out a whimper as his hand on her other boob pinched and stroked her nipple, stimulating them both as she ran her hands through his hair, tilting her head back softly in pleasure. Elvis moved to her other nipple, the one he just sucked now being pinched.
"Elvis." She breathed out, pulling away from him as he whined, his fingers now hooking at the waistband of her panties before he felt her wetness with his index finger, bringing it up to her clit and rubbing circles, her hips bucking against her finger, causing her to grind against him again.
"So wet for me. Is this what I was missing while I was gone?" He mumbled, his mouth parting as she continued to grind against him. "I've been so wet for you, Elvis. I always touched myself to the thought of you. Of your cock." She moaned out, her hands going behind her to grip onto his thighs as he bucked up slightly, his eyes rolling back slightly to the thought of her touching herself.
He felt like his skin was on fire, every touch of hers feeling like a shockwave, the sting of his release getting closer from grinding like a horny teenager, his cock twitching almost constantly in his boxers as she bucked her hips against him. But he couldn't stop it even if he wanted to. He let out a loud growl as he stopped rubbing her clit, shooting long ropes against himself, a wet patch of white seeping through the material as he bucked his hips up, eyes rolling back into his skull, his head falling back against the pillow as he panted at every rope of cum leaving his body.
Y/n froze on top of him as he groaned out, looking down to see a wet patch forming in his boxers before looking at his dazed face, a pink flush creeping up his cheeks. "Did you just-?" She breathed out, watching as he blinked up at her.
"I-I-I'm so sor-ry, Honey. It just f-felt too good, I couldn't stop it." Elvis rambled, embarrassment flushing his cheeks, his hand covering his eyes as she leaned down and pecked his lips. "Baby, its okay, it's a compliment." She giggled, kissing him once again. "I-I just- I-I-, Give me a few minutes a-and I'll get it back u-up, I promise." He stuttered as y/n moved down his body, pulling down his stained boxers.
"Let's get you cleaned up." Y/n smirked, lapping up the cum that had traveled down his thigh from the force of his orgasm. Elvis watched her with wide eyes, watching her as she licked everywhere but his cock. He felt himself twitch again as she licked a stripe up his cock, moaning at his taste, her tongue catching at his tip of his once again hardening cock. She took as much of him in her mouth as she could fit, cleaning him off as best as she could.
Elvis shuddered, fisting a hand into her hair and pulling her off him. "Come on baby, let me fuck you now." He muttered, flipping her over, his fingers hooking her panting and ripping them off her, causing her to let out a loud gasp. "Elvis! Those were new!" Y/n scolded, leaning up on her elbows as he threw the torn garment behind his shoulder. "I'll buy you new ones." He shrugged, stroking at himself before lining himself up with her.
He let himself go, looking at her glistening pussy in the dim lighting of his room. He leaned down, licking at her slit as she let out a moan, his tongue flicking over her clit, Elvis letting out a whimper at her sweetness. "Elvis, please, I won't last." Y/n whined, bucking up into his face.
He wanted to get her as close as possible, knowing he wouldn't last either due to his sensitivity from his first orgasm. He slipped two fingers inside her, lightly thrusting them in and out of her. "Still so tight for me. Your fingers are too little, huh?" Elvis hummed against her, y/n letting out a cry as he hit the sweet spot inside her. "Nothing compares to you." She cried, pulling at the roots of his hair.
"Please, Elvis." She whimpered, her head thrashing slightly. "Please what?" He teased with another lick at her clit. "Please fuck me! I need you so bad!" She huffed, Elvis slowly pulling away. "Since you asked so nicely." He smirked, slowly pushing his cock into her.
His head fell onto her chest at the feeling of her, let out a breath of air as she bucked her hips up to take him fully.  He maintains a slow rhythm, although his thrusts are deeper and harder, he hushes her when she moans a little too loudly, his pubic bone continuing to hit her clit as he teases his middle and ring finger past her lips, tasting herself on his skin as she sucked on them, her tongue circling around them like she would if she was sucking his cock, as they muffled her moans.
Elvis let out a loud groan, his fingers leaving her mouth and gripping onto his headboard of his bed for leverage, quickening his pace. "I ain't ever gonna leave you alone again, gonna bring you where ever I go." Elvis groaned out, he never wanted to leave her again. He missed her and her pussy too much.
Y/n bit onto his wrist that was next her head on the pillow to stifle whatever noise came out of her. "Oh, my fucking god." She mumbled against his skin of his arm as he moved his hand from the bedhead and played with her clit. "My baby likes it like this, huh?" He growled as she nodded her head with a small hum, his body convulsing as she squeezed around him.
Y/n bucks her hips up to meet his thrusts, Elvis letting out a long moan. Y/n sped up her bucks to get Elvis to move faster, which he does, the headboard slightly tapping the wall as he thrusts faster, slight creaking of the bed mixing into the sounds of their moans. Y/n felt the fire raging in her belly as he hit her g spot with every thrust into her, his own hips beginning to stutter.
"I'm so close, baby." She breathed out, Elvis nodding slightly, his forehead falling against hers. "I can't hold it much longer." He mumbled, kissing her lips, hair now damp with sweat. "I wanna feel you cum in me, Make me yours." She moaned out, letting go as her walls fluttered around him, nails digging into his back, his thrusts becoming uneven as he tethered over the edge, giving her a few more thrusts before stilling inside her.
He shot whatever he had left inside of him, warmth filling her up as they both moaned each others name, Elvis collapsing just beside her as they both panted, his hand moving the hair from her face, pecking at her lips. 
"I'm so sorry for finishing so soon. I really wanted it to last. It's just been too long." Elvis murmured, his thumb caressing her cheekbone as his eyes flickered, taking in her face. "Baby, it's okay. I like to take care of you, you know that." Y/n reassured with another peck to his lips. "I know, I promise next time I'll last longer." He yawned, snuggling closer to her for warmth as she leaned over to turn off the lamp, him still inside her. 
"I love you, Elvis." She giggled, working the blanket up so it covered them, Elvis letting out a soft hum. "I love you too, my sweet girl." He mumbled before a soft snore escaped him. Y/n ran her fingers through his hair, working out any small knots while trying not wake him before she, herself was heavy lidded.
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Welcome Darlings, lovely to have you here. I’m a bit of a history nerd and I’m terribly fond of bygone eras and as you’ll see, I’ve a knack for turning most things into some form of historical AU. I’ve been dabbling with writing fiction on here recently and I’m afraid the sweet reception has rather inflated my daring beyond my abilities so —beware.
Have at the inbox with your asks and prompts and thoughts on anything at all. I adore interacting. This blog is 18+ due to sexual and thematically mature content. (Anon is temp closed)
My Masterlist is comprised of both SFW and NSFW writings, please pay attention to the warnings at the beginning of each segment. I’m a pretty compulsive tagger and with the variety of interests I share, if a topic or fandom doesn’t interest you, a tag should be available to block, feel free to let me know if I can help with this.
Xoxo Marina💋
Masterlists of my Writings for:
AO3 Link
•Masters of the Air 👇🏼 Series Masterlist
-Those Who Can (integrated POW Au) ||Those Who Can asks
-Dear John (John Egan series)
-Garden Variety Happiness (John Brady one shot)
-Friends in the Crucible (pacific Au)
-Four Weeks in New York (Harry x Jean Crosby)
• Callum Turner/Austin Butler/You
• “Hotspur” Percy/Kate Mortimer
• House of the Dragon
• Austin Butler
• Elvis Presley
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floralcyanide · 8 months
― F L O R A L C Y A N I D E ' S ❁
♡ M A S T E R L I S T ―
↬ sᴄʀᴇᴀᴍ (ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇs)
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↬ ᴄɪʟʟɪᴀɴ ᴍᴜʀᴘʜʏ & ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀs
↬ ғᴏʀ ᴀʟʟ ᴍᴀɴᴋɪɴᴅ (ᴀᴘᴘʟᴇ ᴛᴠ)
↬ ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀsᴛ ᴏғ ᴜs (ʜʙᴏ)
↬ ᴇʟᴠɪs (2022)
↬ ᴛᴏᴍ ʙʟʏᴛʜ & ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀs
↬ ᴄᴀʟʟᴜᴍ ᴛᴜʀɴᴇʀ & ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀs
↬ ʙʀᴜᴄᴇ ᴡᴀʏɴᴇ (ʙᴀᴛᴍᴀɴ)
↬ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴏʏs ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴏᴀᴛ (2023)
↬ ᴛᴡɪsᴛᴇʀs (2024)
↬ ᴍɪsᴄᴇʟʟᴀɴᴇᴏᴜs
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emmie-tt · 10 months
emmie-tt blog!
Hello loves! My name is Emmie and i'm a 21 year old writer.
My Requests Are: OPEN
Harry Potter Masterlist
Elvis Presley Masterlist
Twilight Masterlist
Stranger Things Masterlist
Request List / Rules
Monthly Posting Schedule
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lustnhim · 3 months
⚡️ “masterlist” ⚡️
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welcome to my master list! my requests are: open! key: 🫧 - smut! / 🦋 - fluff! / 🦢 - angst! / 🕊️- dead dove!
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🫧 “can’t sleep?” - elvis x fem! reader (part one of two)
summary: you’re lisa-marie’s best friend and you come over for a sleepover- but you can’t help but notice her dad has taken a liking to you…
🫧 “too purty…” - elvis x fem! reader (part two of two)
summary: the night before elvis had "taken care"of you in hopes to help you sleep, but he’s not done yet, he wants to take your virginity.
🫧🕊️ “last nerve.” - dom! elvis x fem! reader
summary: elvis is tired of you talking back, so he’s gonna put you in your place.
🫧 “impatient.” - sub! elvis x fem! reader
summary: you’re too busy to help elvis out with his ‘issue’ so he tries to take care of it himself, but you catch him.
🫧 “poor thing” - dom! elvis x fem! reader
summary: elvis catches you grinding on his pillow.
🫧 “grown” - elvis x fem! reader
summary: your dad and elvis are really close friends so when elvis invited your whole family over to graceland for the 100th time, you didn’t expect much more than another boring evening
🫧 “my boy” - sub! elvis x fem! reader
summary: short and sweet submissive elvis <3
🫧🕊️ “yungen” - stepdad! elvis x fem! reader
summary: after an argument with your mother, your stepdad, elvis, takes you out on a drive for some one on one time.
🫧🦋 “toothless” elvis x fem! reader
summary: elvis wants to make sure you love him, even when he’s toothless.
🫧 “little sister” elvis x fem! reader
summary: elvis is dating your big sister, but after he sees you much you’ve grown– he can’t help himself.
🫧🕊️ “corruption” elvis x fem! reader
summary: elvis gets a chance to have you alone for a bit, so when he sees the chance to have you he takes it.
🫧 “needy” dom! elvis x fem! reader
summary: you can’t think straight when you're so sleep deprived n’ horny– but elvis knows what to do once he catches you grinding on his thigh. 
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WIPS: one! —
how long do requests take?: depends on how many requests before you! i try and write each one i get but sometimes i hit a blank space and try to work on another. —
inspo: i listen to a lot of music while i write, i like noise it helps me concentrate lolol! —
taglist: commenting on any post associated with my fics and asking to be tagged will u get u tagged! —
last updated: 9/2/24—
to anyone who reads: thank you so so much for ur support! it means so much to me and i love u so much <3 —
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“all work featured is mine! please do not copy my work and put it anywhere or claim it as your own <3” — love, viv
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ladelinee · 3 months
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Ladeline’s Masterlist
Hello! Welcome to my masterlist. Here, you can find my fics organized in a more structured manner.
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• 𝑨𝒍𝒍 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒖𝒑 | 70’s Elvis. Smut, angst, violence, fluff
[Part 1], [Part 2], [Part 3], [Part 4], [Part 5], [Part 6], [Part 7], [Part 8], [Part 9] [Part 10]->new!
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One shot
• 𝑰𝒏𝒕𝒐𝒙𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 | 70’s Elvis. angst, smut
• Saturday night | 50’s Elvis. fluff
• Taking good care of her | Requested, fluff.
• Little killer | 70’s Elvis,fluff. ->new!
If you’re interested in reading the fics in Spanish, feel free to check out my Wattpad profile where they’re also available in both languages!
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