#embodiment of death whumper
obsessedwithegos · 2 years
i would like to pluck some feathers out of Harmonia's wings as a treat to myself :) -emmettnet
CW for lady whump (whumpee and whumper), angel whumpee, embodiment of death whumper, carewhumper, intimate whumper, creepy whumper, touch starved whumpee, wing whump
"You did so well today, Harmonie" Death praises as she walks over to the angel that was crumpled into a sobbing mess on the ground, her own tears and blood mixing on the cold grey floor.
She kneels down to gently pick her up and hold her close "I know my dear, I know." She soothes "I just have one more thing to do, okay? It doesn't involve any tools."
Harmonia clings onto Death's dress, burying her face in it to not look at the entity. "Just get it over with." She managed to get out between sobs.
"I'll need you to count for me." Death says before moving one hand to the angel's golden wings. She could feel the thin but soft metal feathers making small cuts in her hand but ignored it as she searched for the right spot.
Her fingers laced around a feather and plucked it out.
Harmonia's breath hitches in her throat as the small pain felt like the cherry on top the gruesome sundae.
"Breathe my dear, what number was that?" The entity asked.
"One.." The angel answered, voice shaking.
Death's other hand moves up to Harmonia's head to gently pet it as if trying to distract her from the pain as she plucks another feather.
Fresh tears fall from the angel's eyes "T-two."
She always was so pretty when she cried.
"You're doing great, after we get you bandaged up, I'll take you outside. Is that alright?" The entity asks, plucking another feather.
"Three." Harmonia counted as a sob broke out, she nodded "Yes m-ma'am."
"Wonderful." Another pluck
"Four." She grips Death's dress just a little tighter.
Death moved her hand for a slightly larger feather, her own black blood starting to coat the golden feathers in her hand. Another pluck, gentle as if it might break the angel.
"Five." Harmonia's voice cracked.
"Perfect, that's all my dear." The entity reassured "Come on, lets go get you cleaned up and get you some food before we go out." She spoke softly as she helped her angel up, as if even the wrong word could cause her to collapse again.
General: @emmettnet @thebluejaysworld
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withdrawingramen · 1 year
unfinished business (whumpril)
@whumpril d27 - forced to kneel + grabbed by collar + stepped on read wake up for context.
CW: lady/female whump, whump of a minor (17 y/o), long term captivity ref, side character death mention, ( whumpee being the murderer of said character lol ), ref to past beatings, strict & authoritative whumper
Sihyeon hadn't been out of the facility in a little over a year. She'd dreamt of this opportunity. Not this way, though. She'd daydreamt about walking out without the shackles on her wrists and ankles, the world moving a little slower for her. Her supervisor sat beside her, eyes on the window. The car picked up pace on the highway, the two other government cars in tow. Although to an outsider, the window of the car was pitch black, but Sihyeon could see everything. Occasionally, people would glance at the cars in curiosity and interest. A political figure? Celebrity? Who was moving among them? A prisoner would be the least of their guesses. If her circumstances weren't as gloomy, it would have almost amused her.
She tore her gaze from the outside. Indeed, she'd often dream of the sunlight falling on her face, the gentle breeze, and the calm of the afternoon she so always loved. But a murderer like Sihyeon didn't deserve it. Sihyeon stared at the chains, as always. "We'll be there in around 15." the driver announced. Kurai nodded silently, but the uneasiness in Sihyeon's chest only grew tighter. She'd been rehearsing on what to say since last night, spending the entirety full of anxiety and fear of what she'd have to face. When she was younger, she'd watched documentaries about serial killers being confronted by families in court. Some faking their reactions, others enjoying the attention. What would she do? Had she ever thought that she'd find herself in such a position before? Sihyeon shivered at the thought of presenting herself before her victim's family. She wondered if she'd able to withstand the pressure. Yet that was exactly what she'd been ordered to do. But she had gravely sinned. The agony she'd endured during the interrogation was nothing in comparison to what the late warden's kin would experience as their son's killer stood before them. Since taking a life was a sin, she was the embodiment of sin itself. This was Sihyeon's punishment for existence.
- One step through the door in front of her and she'd fall apart. The little defiance that was left in her would seep out of her body for these few moments and everything would go according to what she'd discussed with Kurai Sorano earlier this afternoon. "First, you do not speak a word before they do." His knee jabbed right below her ribs, eliciting a pained gasp from Sihyeon. She slumped against the wall, trying to catch her breath. "Second, you better not pull anything stupid. You don't need a warning to know what happens next." Kurai drove his fist into her stomach next, pinning her in place, preventing her from falling to her knees. Sihyeon clawed at his wrist, the one grabbing her collar. "Third. It is not for you to decide whether your apology is sincere or not. Whatever happens to you in there is a result of your own actions." The last hit to her abdomen was brutal. She doubled over as Kurai let go. Delayed hicks and soft sobs left Sihyeon, the man towering over her. Kurai stomped on her half-healed arm, the one that he'd broken. She blocked the scream from ripping out of her throat, gritting her teeth instead. "This is your only chance. Kneel." Sihyeon panted, hands weak. She pushed herself to be in position, not wanting anymore of the assault. The taste of rust in her mouth made her gag and cough, but Kurai's foot came down hard on her back. "Agh-! Stop! I'm kneeling!" "What will you say before Harvey's parents? Didn't we discuss this already?" "I...I'm the one who took your son's life. I've- I've caused your family a lot of pain-" She stammered, mechanically reciting what she'd thought of saying. "You better not be this half assed back there." "And- And there is nothing that can justify his death. I took advantage of his kindness when he tried his utmost to save me." Sihyeon breathed out, hands and voice both trembling as his boot pushed her down further until her head touched the floor, her matted hair covering her face. "Although nothing will- will bring him back...and no efforts will ever be enough to atone for my sins-" "Are you reading from a fucking textbook? Narrating a story?" "- And there will never be an excuse for his killing, I want to let you know that I'm dedicated- dedicated to never causing such harm again. I will continue serving the government obediently, without indulging in any further damaging activities. You may punish me as you see fit." Sihyeon ended, catching her breath. It felt like she'd just recited a speech, but there was no response from the audience. The pressure on her back disappeared, leaving Sihyeon to topple over. She hissed at the pain, cradling in on herself. Her fingers twitched lightly, vision blurring. "I think we can make some improvements." Sihyeon's only chance to repent was now. There was no place for her self-pity. She let out a shaky breath as she massaged her side lightly. "Don't let that bother you." Kurai spoke, voice stern. The hits weren't meant to incapacitate her, he'd meant to remind her that whatever pain that came her way, was nothing in comparison to what she'd caused. It was all deserved. Sihyeon could almost collapse as the door creaked open.
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waywardwhump · 5 years
4, 6, 7 for the ask game!!
Hi friend! Thank you for the ask~
Do you prefer physical whump or emotional/psychological whump?
While I love both, I lean more toward the psychological whump. The threat of pain, the flinches, the little touches here and there that promise of what’s to come. Fear, grief, anger. The moments just before the actual pain happens where the reality of the situation sets in. 
And afterward, the effects it had on the whumpee. The relief when they return to the caretaker, the caretaker’s absolute horror as they take in what happened. When the caretaker has to face the fact that, while they can heal those injuries, they can’t fix the trauma that’s been inflicted.
Physical whump is great and I enjoy reading and writing it both, but it’s the emotions involved that get me. I thrive off of character dynamics and adore it when those dynamics are a part of the whump.
What are the traits of your ideal whumpee?
I love soft whumpee’s as much as the next guy, the puppy-eyed, apologetic, desperate whumpees that try to make themself small. The whumpees who do everything they can to please the whumper and avoid more pain. Friendlylocalwhumper was my introduction to whump and is a big part of the reason I like this trope.
But my favorite whumpee?
Whumpees who are stubborn. Whumpees with fire in their eyes, who stare their whumpers in the eye and dare them to do their worst. Whumpees who are angry, vicious even as they’re whumped, whumpees who are incapable of submitting to the whumper because that goes against everything they are.
Whumpees who will suffer to the brink of death and still tell the whumper to fuck off. Whumpees who feel unstopable, who just don’t know when to quit.
But then there’s that one thing, that one little thing. One thing that can absolutely shatter the whumpee, break them beyond repair. The one thing that’s been holding the whumpee back all this time. And when that thing happens, when their one weakness is hit, they snap. 
They don’t give in, they don’t bow, they don’t beg.
They whump. 
They turn on the whumper, and they whump the whumper with every ounce of hatred that’s been building up during their captivity. They hold no mercy. The ‘better person’ the whumpee was is gone now, the whumper pushed the button that should not have been pushed, and the whumpee is out for their blood.
What are the traits of your ideal whumper?
A whumper who is calm. A whumper who is collected, who speaks in a casual manner. A whumper who can soothe, who can switch between torture and quiet words in a heartbeat.
A whumper who thrives off of control. 
A whumper who needs to be in charge of the situation, who will hold on to that sense of control even when they themself are overpowered and pinned. They smile, they taunt, they try to break the whumpee with every breath they take. A whumper who is filled with such malice that they are the embodiment of poison. If they can’t destroy the whumpee, then they will corrupt them beyond recognition.
A whumper who also has that one thing. That one little button that must never be pushed. 
And when it’s pushed, a torrent of horrid, bitter rage comes fourth, making them lose control blindly hurt whoever or whatever pushed that button. They’re still looking to destroy, but they’ve lost that control of themselves that they so love to flaunt, and no one is gonna be happy about it.
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