#emegency on the planet earth
laflechette · 7 years
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Jamiroquai - Blow Your Mind
; Emergency On The Planet Earth (1993)
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/eclipse-blood-moon-is-here-to-stir-deep-magic-within/
Eclipse Blood Moon Is Here To Stir Deep Magic Within
Eclipse Blood Moon Is Here To Stir Deep Magic Within
By Sister Star Marcia
Hello, Beautiful,
It’s just a few hours until a total lunar eclipse occurs as the Moon makes her closest approach to the Earth (also known as a perigee or “super” moon). Within and around you, Luna is preparing to make her most dazzling and powerful magic.
If you’re in North or South America, Europe, or Western Africa, you’ve got a front-row seat to this real time magic. In central and eastern Africa and in Asia, the eclipse will be partly visible. 
The deepest magic, though, happens whether you see it or not with your outer eyes. The long, slow dance that’s about to happen — between the Moon, the Sun, and the Earth’s shadow — is taking place not just in the sky around you. It’s also happening the sky within you. What you’re seeing with the eyes of your intuition, your emotions, and the Dark Universe in which your atoms float is reverberating from the deepest levels of your being.
Cosmic Shadow Dance: The Power of a Total Lunar Eclipse
Revelations come at every full moon. Never are they more dramatic — and potentially life-changing– than at a total lunar eclipse, when the Moon moves out of the light and into the dark shadow of the earth, right before our eyes. 
The deep red light that Luna radiates at a total lunar eclipse is the reflection of sunlight refracting off the Earth. Only the longest waves — the red and orange frequencies — can escape back out of our planet’s atmosphere. (Interestingly, red light is the color associated with Mary Magdalene, whose asteroid is a power player in today’s eclipse. It’s also one of the few frequencies that easily penetrates far beneath our own skin, which makes it a powerful tool for certain types of healing.) 
Because it shifts our awareness at the deepest levels, a total lunar eclipse can be life-changing. As the Moon shapeshifts before our eyes, she takes the intuitive consciousness — your deepest connection with the Cosmos intelligence of the Cosmos — back to the zero point. Right before your eyes, the Moon will journey into the Cosmic Womb and emege again. 
In just five hours, she’ll trace the path of an entire lunar cycle. For the Deep Mind within and around you, no experience is more profound than this accelerated lunar trajectory.
What makes this rare and dramatic spectacle possible is light that’s coming to the moon from a place we almost never see —  from the shadows of our 3D existence. What it brings us is the chance to see beyond our ordinary way understanding ourselves and our reality. 
You may discover gifts that have been ripening and needs you haven’t yet been able to recognize, that are now reaching critical mass.
You may suddenly see how the dead skin of outgrown patterns or feeling, thinking, and doing are choking off your connection to the life force.
Whatever it is — whether it seems “positive” or “negative,” the revelations of this eclipse are what you most need to see in order to align with the good future and nurture its tender, growing presence within you.
Whatever comes up for you, don’t be afraid to take a long, close look!   Even more, don’t be disappointed. When a total lunar eclipse occurs near the Moon’s North Node, as this one does, you can trust that the intelligence that brought galaxies and stars, blades of grass and human beings into being is working on your behalf even as your read these words. 
A Zero Point Breakthrough for the Deep Mind
This meeting occurs with the Moon in the first potent degree of Leo, the sign of the heart. The light of our solar system’s Great Heart, coming to her from the Earth’s shadow, is that of 0 Aquarius — the sign of quantum breakthrough. If there’s one thing tonight’s eclipse is about, it’s this: a quantum breakthrough is underway in your relationship with the Great Heart that burns within you and around you. 
What Luna will bring out of the Earth’s shadow is something you something you haven’t yet seen about your relationship with the Heart and its light — and about where you’re ready for a quantum breakthrough. You haven’t been ready. Perhaps it hasn’t been fully cooked with in you.
It’s ready now. And so are you. Whatever comes up now is what you need to know to move forward.  If you have planets or key chart points in the four degrees of any sign (and especially the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn) or the first four of any sign (and especially the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius), you’re almost certainly at a game-changing moment in your life. (Why do I say almost? Only because we live in an infinite and dynamically evolving Universe where anything is possible if we can align with and integrate its energy.)The Cosmic Feminine, waking up to her deepest destiny
Two of the solar system’s most ground-breaking expressions of the Cosmic Feminine are blazing a new trail for our world as the Moon moves into and out of the shadow. The dwarf planet Haumea — whose orbit in the solar system’s outermost edge holds the transformational, multidimensional space where new worlds are born — is making an exact square to the fabled Nodes of Fate and Destiny, and a tight opposition to the giant planet Uranus, ruler of the Aquarius Sun. 
Known as the Moon’s Nodes, these two points track the spot where new and creative cosmic energy is entering the earth’s reality plane — and worn-out, used-up energy is leaving. Their activations signal life-changing shifts. When Haumea and Uranus are in the picture, it means a new reality is on the way — in conditions that are saturated in the unexpected, unpredictable quantum frequencies of our Cosmic Breakthrough Agent.
Two asteroids are giving Haumea and Uranus another octave of energy:
Tightly conjunct Haumea is the asteroid Pallas Athena and her uniquely feminine brilliance. The new reality revealing itself to you now is full of discernment and wisdom. 
Tightly conjunct Uranus is the tiny asteroid known as Magdalena.  Unchanged from their primal state at the solar system’s creation, asteroids connect us to primordial cosmic creation codes. This asteroid activates the Mary Magdalene codes within you — the ones that allow you to consciously embody the transformative cosmic creation play of visible and invisible reality that we experience as light and dark.
These goddesses are calling you, to wake up to her presence, within and around you. She’s telling you that destiny is calling. Whatever is coming up in this eclipse field is showing you what’s ready to end — and what’s ready to begin. There’s something to let go of, and there’s something to embrace.
You’re an agent of history as well as a maker of it
Eclipses occur in patterns that show us that we’re part of something bigger that ourselves. We’re not only makers of history, we’re also its agents. 
Total lunar eclipses often come in triads of three eclipses, or tetrads of four. Today’s eclipse is the third of three consecutive total lunar eclipses in a single year. We’re culminating a process that began a year ago, on January 31.
A total lunar eclipse in 11 Leo brought a heart-level illumination that deepened six months later.
On July 26, a total lunar eclipse in 4 Aquarius brought a long, painful look at the Warrior patterns that are ready to be eclipsed out of our reality.  the Moon was conjunct both retrograde Mars and the extremely karmic lunar south node — amidst the longest, most sustained wave of retrograde energy our planet has experienced in 70 years.  
Like all that’s unfolded over the last year — and like all that’s occurring now — this happening for us, not to us. Until we see very clearly what we’re releasing, we can’t really let it go — or understand what and how to nurture the new. 
The eclipse patterns — and the energy we’re unfolding — go even further into the Deep Memory within and around you.  Eclipses belong to cycles occurring at 19-year intervals, known as Saros cycles — which belong to even longer rhythms, known as Saros series, which last for 1200 to 1500 years. Each Saros series begins at one of the earth’s poles — the two points where our planets exchanges energy (which is information) with the rest of the Cosmos — tracing the globe with its serpentine path.
This is the third of three eclipses in 0 Leo in our lifetimes, one on January 21, 2000, and on on January 20, 1981. These are the first eclipses in 0 Leo since 1550, when the Renaissance was giving way to the rise of what we know as “the West” — the paradigm that now dominates our world. 
We’re ripening seeds that began at each of those times — and continuing it into the future.  
It will be over 300 years before another eclipse occurs in 0 Leo. The choices we’re making now will shape reality for the next three centuries.
 It’s time to transform your relationship with power 
This is the last total lunar eclipse we’ll have for over two years — a signal that we’ve arrived at a turning point in the profound global metamorphosis that’s underway at every turn. Here’s why:
Of the many astrological markers of immense, none are more reality-changing than the upcoming alignment of Saturn, our reality gatekeeper, and Pluto, the catalyst of the deep reality-transforming power that flows throughout the Cosmos. Over the next year, these two be traveling through the middle degrees of Capricorn, the sign of all that is real and enduring. 
Conjunctions between Saturn and Pluto create and renew the structures — within and around us — through which power flows through our lives and our world.These meetings happen every 35 years, and the next one is a year away. Like everything else about the astrology of our times, the Saturn-Pluto conjunction that’s already beginning to unfold is truly extraordinary. It’s the first time these two have conjoined in Capricorn — the sign where things become real in ways that endure — since December 26, 1284. That’s the year the Crusades against the non-believers were ending (or were they just changing form?)
But that’s not all. From November 2018 until May 2020, the three most karmic degrees in the sky — the south nodes of the Moon, Saturn, and Pluto, are all in Capricorn as well. It’s been almost 1300 years since that happened — since the year 735 — in the century when Islam began to spread across Europe, and the first Viking raids into Britain took place.  (A lunar eclipse occurred that January in the 8th century, too, though it was not total.) 
And here we are again. It’s time to reflect as deeply and clearly as we can — on our own lives and what matters most to us, and also on our world and what we want for her.  Because by our next total lunar eclipse — in May 2021 — the world will have shifted. The choices we make now — beginning with those we make within ourselves — have everything to do with what will unfold between now and then. 
These are Winter Mysteries
The revelations that every full moon in Leo brings belong to the Winter Mysteries. This the second of the three full moons of winter. Their medicine is made in secret, deep within the dark and frozen earth. With the astonishing creativity of every being who’s ever played hide and seek, our Western mind is entranced by the illusion that light and dark, like living and dying, are separate.
But hide and seek, in all its forms, is a divine game. It’s the Cosmos plays with itself. The great forces of yin and yang only exist in intimate embrace. They need each other. They feed each other. They renew each other. Over and over, like inbreath and outbreath.
Both of these are the foundational truths of our times: 
Even now, as so much is dying, a great seeding is occurring. 
Even now, as so much is being seeded, a great dying is occurring. 
At every turn, both are happening around you. Both happening within you too. And both are vitally necessary.  This year, the three most karmic energies in the sky — those south nodes of the Moon, Saturn, and Pluto — are moving with our gatekeeper planet Saturn, and his son Pluto, through Capricorn, the sign of 3D reality. Nothing is more important now than aligning your life with this enormous cosmic inbreathing and outbreathing. Nothing.
The Cosmos couldn’t be more clear:  
Even more important than what we do is what we let go of — old patterns of expectation, perception, and communication, as well as action.
Even more important than what we know is what we don’t, what is young and tender and perhaps still wordless and unformed within us.
Don’t be afraid to let go of what is dying through you — and welcome what is being born. Don’t be afraid of what seems like emptiness. Don’t be afraid of what’s vulnerable, within you and around you. This is where the future is entering your life, and our world.
May your seeding and your dying, your doing and your being, be spaces for the ever-transforming energies of the Great Mystery that is woven into you to enter your life — and our world — more fully and powerfully than ever before. 
With all the love, and a sky full of starry blessings, 
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virovac · 5 years
My personal fan-family for King Ghidorah
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The impish one. The plaguebringer. More concerned with suffering than destruction. Tolerated for prowess in combat. Takes on a slightly new form every planet. Turns out able to counter Mothra’s pollen. Creates floating structures it can crawl around and cling onto during fights.
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Former hero. Enhanced or corrupted by the power of King Ghiroah or perhaps another unknown relative. This is not the reason for their villainy, what corrupts them is the disillusionment and estrangement. Works under any banner, seeks purpose. Considers city wrecking beneath them, and is a pure fighter. Its origins are highly classified by the Xiliens which they appear to have some sort of connnection to. While obviously not from their planet, Earth likely isn’t the first one they’ve messed with.
Beams have unique quality of papercut-like pain.
Hyper Mecha King Ghidorah
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Fast. Organics mostly internal.
Sometimes sets self up as a protector , plaing the “good alien robot”, gaining a  home base and upgrades/maintenance. (Basically you know kid media where a child finds an alien spaceship or robot and befriends it? Imagine it turns into a horror story halfway through.)
Wants a pilot, and is very creepy and clingy about it. 
Its as much a spaceship as it is a kaiju. 
Death Ghidorah
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faster,stronger, dumber!
An attempt by an alien civilization to one-up King Ghidorah. Easier to control, and its powers are better at cracking hides, such as its bunker buster beams. Its endurance is the stuff of legends.
However, the heads don’t cooperate, has a worse attention span, and suffers hydrophobia.
Can shed wings for stage two of planetary destruction where it starts burrowing and attacking any underground settlements. Far more thorough in planetary destruction against thee others.
Can struggle against the rare foe that can weather its attacks, as unlike King Ghidorah their weapons don’t affect most organism’s sense of balance.
And here are some more original one’s not fully fleshed out
Dororin inspired
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Yeah, instead of a blue ball that makes mud sculptures, I like the idea of a King Ghidorah “relative” that doesn’t emege from its meteor but shapes it into a living mountain of metal and rock.
Basically the taskmaster of Kaiju, acting as a teacher to kaiju enslaved by alien, by shapeshifting into a form similar to them.
unnamed, mostly original. idea
One that does not emerge from its meteor fully. The meteor flies and lets lose extensions and minions similar to Planet Eater Ghidorah
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ask-emrald · 7 years
M!A:Moonstone is turned into a Yellow Pearl. She intends to create a world of elegance and such for Yellow Diamond. She intends to turn earth into a planet of elegance and such. She can make someone elegant via a stare and such. The M!A ends in 1 day. (Hope you enjoy.)
Moon"hm? What does emegants mea-*Ma starts* oh @yellowdiamondofficialwitter my Diamond you're so elegant~"
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