#emergency evacuation coverage
thequerysquad · 2 years
Do You Really Need Travel Insurance? Here's What to Consider 🧐🤨
Travel insurance is a type of insurance that provides coverage for unexpected costs that may occur during a trip, such as trip cancellations, medical emergencies, lost luggage, and travel delays. It can be a key factor for anyone taking a trip, whether it
Protection on the Go: An Introduction to Travel Insurance Travel insurance is a type of insurance that provides coverage for unexpected costs that may occur during a trip, such as trip cancellations, medical emergencies, lost luggage, and travel delays. It can be a key factor for anyone taking a trip, whether it be for business or pleasure, as it is designed to provide passengers financial…
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ultyso · 11 months
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Alt: “A British doctor breaks down while reading an emergency message from the director of Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza, as healthcare workers gather in front of the Prime Minister’s office in London, holding banners bearing the names of more than 200 doctors killed by Israel so far.”
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Alt: “.@/WHO has lost communication with its contacts in Al-Shifa Hospital in northern Gaza. As horrifying reports of the hospital facing repeated attacks continue to emerge, we assume our contacts joined tens of thousands of displaced people and are fleeing the area. ⬇️”
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Alt: “We've been calling for help to evacuate them as they were deliberately bombed 4 times by tanks today. Our family-run private maternity hospital has been completely bombed now. Multiple members of my family were killed including my two cousins who are OBGYN consultants. Dr Basil Mahdi and Dr Raed Mahdi with his family, including his daughter Dr Sameera Mahdi who's a dentist. The hospital housed tens of pregnant women and evacuees who are now either dead or wounded. The ambulances cannot reach the area as tanks are nearby.”
“The israeli tanks are blockading my cousin's house and hospital in Gaza city. The bombings are everywhere around them and we lost contact with them after the their hospital was bombed. Location is Mahdi Obstetrics Hospital, Alnaser neighborhood, Gaza city.”
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Alt: “People in Gaza are trapped, tanks targeting their homes, all without any media coverage. Only few people managed to get some internet to appeal for their situation!”
“يا جماعة الوضع في منطقة السويدي النصر والشاطئ كارثي
‏الناس محاصرة والدبابات في الشوارع بتقصف بيوتهم وهناك الكثير من الجرحى والشهداء
‏عدة مناشدات وصلت من ناس هناك بتطالب الصليب بانه يوفرلهم ممر آمن لكن لا حياة لمن تنادي”
Translation: “Guys, the situation in the Al-Suwaidi Al-Nasr area and the beach is catastrophic
People are surrounded, tanks are in the streets, bombing their homes, and there are many wounded and martyrs
Several appeals arrived from people there demanding that the cross provide them with a safe passage, but there was no life for those who called.”
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Video at Source
Alt: “Bombing in Lebanon.”
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Alt: “Families are stuck in buildings in Gaza with no water, food, or anything to survive. And they’re being targeted when they try to leave.”
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Alt: “No need to send more updates from Gaza, nothing going to change. Good night.”
💔💔💔💔 We need to keep fighting for them everyone :c We need more pressure on our reps to take action and have a ceasefire already.
Can use 5Calls.org to help set you up to call your reps.
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
The aftermath of last year's fiery train derailment in eastern Ohio doesn't qualify as a public health emergency because widespread health problems and ongoing chemical exposures haven't been documented, federal officials said.
The Environmental Protection Agency never approved that designation after the February 2023 Norfolk Southern derailment even though the disaster forced the evacuation of half the town of East Palestine and generated many fears about potential long-term health consequences of the chemicals that spilled and burned. The contamination concerns were exacerbated by the decision to blow open five tank cars filled with vinyl chloride and burn that toxic chemical three days after the derailment.
The topic of a public health emergency came up in emails obtained by the Government Accountability Project watchdog group through a public records request. But EPA Response Coordinator Mark Durno said the label, which the agency has only used once before in Libby, Montana — where hundreds of people died and thousands were sickened from widespread asbestos exposure — doesn't fit East Palestine even though some residents still complain about respiratory problems and unexplained rashes. Officials also believed the agency had enough authority to respond to the derailment without declaring an emergency.
Durno said the reason a public health emergency isn’t being considered is that “we have not had any environmental data” about ongoing chemical exposures in the extensive air, water and soil testing program.
The EPA said in a statement that the order it did issue telling Norfolk Southern it was responsible for the damage declared that "the conditions at the derailment site ‘may constitute an imminent and substantial endangerment to the public health or welfare or the environment.’” So the agency said it didn't see a need for a public health emergency because it had the legal authority it needed to respond.
But area residents like Jami Wallace see plenty of evidence that their hometown has become a disaster every time they open Facebook and see posts about their friends' kids covered with rashes or struggling with chronic nosebleeds. Other posts talk about the smell of chemicals returning after heavy rains.
“They keep saying it’s a coincidence, but if this was your family, wouldn’t you get tired of it being a coincidence?” Wallace said.
Lesley Pacey, who is an environmental investigator with the watchdog group, said she wants to make sure that East Palestine residents get the help that they need to recover from the derailment.
“I talk to residents all the time and they’re having new seizures pop up, cancers. I mean, a lot of the damage has already been done to these people,” Pacey said.
Federal and state officials continue monitoring for additional problems in the small community near the Pennsylvania border, according to Durno. The EPA also keeps testing the air and water in the area as it oversees the railroad's work to clean up the mess.
He reiterated that none of the agency's more than 100 million tests of air, water and soil ever showed concerning levels of chemicals apart from the soil immediately around the derailment that was dug up and disposed of last year.
In the recently disclosed emails, an EPA lawyer tells one of its PR people it was “best not to get into this” when he was asked whether a document explaining the agency's order telling Norfolk Southern to clean up the contamination from the derailment should include anything about medical benefits. That kind of aid, which could include Medicare coverage, is only available if EPA declares a public health emergency.
“But again there was no data suggesting that that was necessary. And to this date, there is no data that suggests that that’s necessary,” Durno said
The railroad has already spent more than $1.1 billion on its response to the derailment, including more than $104 million in direct aid to East Palestine and its residents. Partly because Norfolk Southern is paying for the cleanup, President Joe Biden has never declared a disaster in East Palestine, which is a sore point for many residents. The railroad has promised to create a fund to help pay for the long-term health needs of the community, but that hasn't happened yet.
The emails also provide a reminder that the EPA was aware of the potential dangers of releasing and burning the vinyl chloride. But that was already made clear when the EPA advised officials on scene that phosgene — which was used as a chemical weapon in World War I — and hydrogen chloride would likely be created when vinyl chloride is burned and warned the public about that possibility.
The officials who made the decision to release the vinyl chloride — Ohio's governor and the local fire chief leading the response — decided that releasing and burning it was safer than risking a tank car or more exploding.
Ultimately, Durno said the EPA found only low levels of hydrogen chloride in the plume of thick black smoke and no phosgene. And he said the agency took extensive samples throughout the area to monitor for those chemicals during the burn and evacuation even though weather conditions kept its specialized plane with additional testing equipment grounded on the day of the burn.
The head of the National Transportation Safety Board said recently that her agency's investigation showed that the vent and burn of the vinyl chloride was unnecessary because the company that produced that chemical was sure no dangerous chemical reaction was happening inside the tank cars. But the officials who made the decision have said they were never told that.
The NTSB's full investigation into the cause of the derailment won't be complete until June, though that agency has said that an overheating wheel bearing on one of the railcars that wasn't detected in time by a trackside sensor likely caused the crash.
The EPA has said the cleanup in East Palestine is expected to be complete sometime later this year.
Rick Tsai, a chiropractor who ran in the March primary for the U.S. congressional seat on the derailment, sees a dismal future for the small township the longer that it goes without the resources it needs to make it safe again — resources the public health emergency designation could help provide.
“People are just about to give up,” he lamented. “I don’t think people have much hope anymore.”
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riverkvgd581 · 1 month
No Time? No Money? No Problem! How You Can Get Flood Cleaning Services With A Zero-dollar Budget
Steps to Take For Hurricane Preparation in Wilmington NC-Hurricane Preparation for Wilmington, NC: Steps to Minimize Damage and Ensure Safety. Wilmington, located on the coast of North Carolina's southeast, is no stranger to hurricanes. These powerful storms bring strong winds, heavy rain, and potential destruction. As a resident or business owner in this historic port city, it's crucial to take proactive measures when hurricane season approaches. The following essay will outline the steps you need to take in order to minimize damage and ensure safety before a hurricane hits.
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Firstly, understanding the risks associated with hurricanes is vital. In Wilmington, storm surges and flooding are common threats due to its coastal location. It is important to know whether your home is located in an evacuation area and where higher ground may be found.
Second step: Create an emergency plan. This plan should include various scenarios, such as evacuation routes and meeting places for family members if you become separated. Make sure that all family members understand the plan and what they should do during a storm.
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Thirdly, an emergency kit can be crucial for survival in the aftermath of a storm when resources are not readily available. Your kit should contain non-perishable foods, water (at minimum one gallon of water per person per day), medications with extra batteries, personal hygiene products, first aid supplies, copies important documents in waterproof containers and cash, since water damage company wilmington nc ATMs might not work during power failures.
Next on the list is securing your property. This includes trimming trees that may fall on your home or power lines, installing storm shutters or board up windows, securing loose objects outside such as patio furniture that could become projectiles, reinforcing garage door and ensuring proper drainage to reduce flood risks.
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Insurance checks are equally important. You can avoid financial ruin by reviewing your homeowner's policy to ensure that you have adequate coverage for wind and flood damage.
Communication plans are also necessary, as normal means of communication may not work during severe weather conditions. Install emergency alert apps on your smartphones or radios powered by batteries so you can keep track of the storm's progress.
If authorities order an evacuation of Wilmington or the surrounding area due to a hurricane, don't hesitate to leave immediately. Follow the planned route and avoid flooded roads at any cost! Remember that you can replace your belongings but not your life.
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For those who decide or need to shelter in place because they are not in immediate danger areas - prepare your home by filling bathtubs with fresh water for flushing toilets if necessary; turning refrigerators/freezers settings down to their coldest setting prior so food lasts longer during potential power outages; unplugging electrical equipment susceptible surge damages; securing exterior doors using deadbolt locks or wooden dowels sliding tracks sliding glass doors etc. ; moving valuables upper floors case flooding becomes an issue within home itself among other precautions specific each individual situation/location within Wilmington area affected by Hurricane warnings/advisories issued local state federal authorities accordingly time manner given circumstances hand respectively overall general welfare everyone involved therein thereafter henceforth forthwith hereupon thereupon thusly hereby herewith thereby wherefore whereas ergo therefore consequently pursuant thereto whence wherewithal hitherto hereafter hereinafter aforementioned premises considered...
After the storm, recovery efforts begin. Check with neighbors to see if they need help cleaning up debris or salvaging what is left. Contact insurance companies and start the claims process. The community as a whole draws closer together. Every dark cloud has a silver lining. Indeed, perseverance and resilience are hallmarks of human spirit.
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In conclusion preparing hurricanes well advance goes long way towards keeping oneself loved ones property secure face natural disasters like those frequently experienced along Atlantic seaboard specifically beautiful yet occasionally beleaguered region surrounding historical cultural gem otherwise known Queen City sea herself Wilmington NC Godspeed good luck god bless!
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finslayyy · 5 months
Travel Insurance
Experiential Travelers: Why You Need It and What to Look For
The allure of experiential travel is undeniable. More and more people are embarking on journeys inspired by their favorite movies, TV shows, and influencers. But as the excitement of setting foot in the locales of your beloved scenes beckons, have you considered how to safeguard your adventures against the unpredictable? This is where travel insurance becomes essential, especially for those venturing into unfamiliar territories. Let's dive deep into why experiential travelers should not skip on travel insurance and what they should look for when selecting a policy.
Introduction to Travel Insurance
Travel insurance acts like a safety net, catching you when unforeseen circumstances threaten to derail your plans. Whether it's a lost passport, a medical emergency, or a canceled flight, travel insurance can help manage the disruptions and financial implications of such events. But why is it particularly crucial for those who travel for the experience?
Why Experiential Travelers Need Insurance
Imagine you’re all set to recreate the iconic scene from your favorite film, only to find out that your flight has been canceled indefinitely. Or worse, you sustain an injury while on your adventure. Experiential travelers often find themselves in less-charted territories or engaging in activities outside their normal routine, increasing the risk of unexpected mishaps. Here, travel insurance steps in, offering:
Reimbursements for unexpected expenses: From non-refundable bookings to emergency purchases.
Support during medical emergencies: Avoiding the burden of exorbitant medical bills abroad.
Assistance with lost items: Whether it’s a stolen bag or a lost passport.
Key Coverages to Look For
When choosing a travel insurance policy, ensure it covers the essentials to fully protect your experiential journey. Here’s what you should look for:
Medical Emergencies: A Closer Look
Medical coverage is paramount. This should include hospital stays, treatment for injuries or illnesses, and importantly, medical evacuation if necessary. Consider policies that offer coverage for pre-existing conditions if relevant.
Coverage for Lost Items
Lost luggage or a stolen passport can turn an adventure into a nightmare. Look for policies that assist with replacing lost documents and compensate for the loss of personal belongings.
Handling Travel Disruptions
Trip cancellations or interruptions can not only disrupt your travel plans but also hurt financially. Insurance that covers these scenarios ensures that you're not left out of pocket.
Protecting Against Destination Risks
Traveling to areas prone to natural disasters or political instability requires extra precautions. Ensure your insurance policy covers such eventualities.
The Importance of Personal Liability
Accidents happen. If you inadvertently cause damage or injury while on your trip, personal liability coverage becomes essential.
How to Choose the Right Travel Insurance
Choosing the right travel insurance policy is like picking the perfect backpack for a long hike—it needs to fit well and carry everything you need. Consider the nature of your trip, destinations, planned activities, and what you realistically need coverage for. Consult with insurance providers and compare different plans.
Tips Before You Buy
Before purchasing travel insurance, read the fine print. Understand what is and isn’t covered and check for any exclusions. Also, consider buying insurance well in advance of your trip.
Common Pitfalls to Avoid
Avoid choosing a policy based solely on price. Cheaper policies may not provide adequate coverage. Additionally, failing to declare pre-existing conditions can invalidate your policy.
Conclusion: Travel with Peace of Mind
For experiential travelers, travel insurance offers more than just financial protection—it provides peace of mind. With the right coverage, you can immerse yourself in your adventurous narratives without worrying about what could go wrong.
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female-malice · 1 year
We just swarmed the field at the Congressional Women's Softball Game. As rooftop snipers aimed their guns at us and Members of Congress begged us to evacuate, we held our ground. This is an emergency. We act like it.
The Congressional Women’s Softball Game is an annual competition between politicians and journalists. Unreal. The media is **literally** “playing softball” with the very people they are supposed to hold to account.
The press corps should not be playing games with Congress. Isn’t that obvious?
Why are we paying Members of Congress $174,000 per year to play games? The planet is burning. Democracy is dying. Ocean temperatures are through the roofs. This is outrageous.
The Congresswomen angrily demanded we leave, noting the event is a breast cancer fundraiser. What? Our government spends $20,000,000,000 per year on fossil fuel subsidies. Fossil fuels drive one-in-five deaths. How dare they lecture us about cancer? How dare they?
Fossil fuels cause cancer!!
Why are Members of Congress raising money for cancer by selling $10 tickets to a game? They straight-up control the purse strings for the government of the world’s most powerful country. If they cared about cancer they would fund treatment and regard healthcare as a right.
A very significant percentage of women on the field favored brutally stripping 29,800,000 Americans of their Obamacare coverage. Then they said WE were harming people’s health by storming their game? Da fuq?
This softball game raises money for breast cancer and is sponsored by - wait for it - McDonalds. Game staff were literally handing out their cancer-causing fast food. This is a joke. Congress is a joke. Their game is a joke. Kafka could not have written this plot better.
It is fitting that the announcer for the game was Amy Klobuchar. Calling the Green New Deal “aspirational,” she helped Biden shove a brand-new 700,000 barrel pipeline down our throats. We shut down her book launch. We shut down her softball game today. We do not apologize.
The announcer called us sexist for interrupting a women’s game. What? It’s women - and especially Indigenous women - who are most likely to go murdered and missing as the result of human trafficking driven by out-of-state pipeline builders living in “man camps.”
It’s also women who will bear the brunt of climate crises first and hardest. They are hit worse and have fewer resources to cope. This is not according to us. This is according to the United Nations.
We stormed this game because women commit ecocide, too. Senator Shelley Moore Capito, whose play we interrupted, colluded with Manchin & Biden to shove a 2,000,000,000 cubic foot fracked gas pipeline down our throats. She is horrific.
Senator Capito owns thousands in stock in the Mountain Valley Pipeline, and used her position of power to approve it. During the game, she went around shaking hands in the stands to distract the crowd from our protest. She is a disgrace.
Our politicians are cowards. We need thousands of people raising hell, stirring up good trouble, and taking actions that are impossible to ignore. Only that will sway them. We need a movement!
(source with video)
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berniesrevolution · 2 years
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The scholarship on the civil rights movement has increasingly moved away from a focus on political economy. In this interview, Doug McAdam recounts the context in which he wrote his classic book, Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency, 1930–1970, and how the evacuation of class analysis has changed the field.
Interview by jeff Goodwin
In the scholarship on the civil rights movement, Doug McAdam’s work has played a pioneering role. His 1982 book Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency, 1930–1970 — a classic in the field of sociology — presents a primarily materialist explanation of the civil rights movement. His book Freedom Summer, about the struggle in Mississippi in 1964, won the C. Wright Mills Award in 1990. And he is the coauthor, with Sidney Tarrow and Charles Tilly, of the influential 2001 book Dynamics of Contention, which argues that social movements, revolutions, riots, and rebellions are related forms of “contentious politics.” McAdam’s later works cover issues ranging from environmental activism to political polarization.
Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency, which grew out of McAdam’s doctoral dissertation at Stony Brook University, is far and away the most frequently cited academic book — or book of any kind — on the US civil rights movement, with over ten thousand citations. The book has also had an enormous influence on social science theorizing about social movements and the broader field of contentious politics.
Political Process develops a “political process model” to explain the civil rights movement. Scholars have subsequently applied this model to a wide range of social movements. The model emphasizes the importance of three factors for the emergence and dynamics of social movements: political opportunities, formal and informal organization, and what McAdam calls “cognitive liberation.” But these factors are, in a sense, secondary to McAdam’s main argument — for lurking behind them are more fundamental political-economic forces and class interests.
The longest chapter in McAdam’s book argues that it was the changing political economy of the South — the decline of cotton and the rise of urban industrial and service-sector employment — that led to the overthrow of Jim Crow and caste (but not class) oppression. As McAdam makes clear in this interview, Marxist scholars like Michael Schwartz (one of his dissertation advisers) and Jack Bloom led him to incorporate political economy into his explanation of the civil rights movement.
Ironically, this core element of McAdam’s theoretical perspective would be forgotten (or willfully ignored) by subsequent scholars. Political Process is mainly remembered for the concept of political opportunities — or what some would call “political opportunity structure” or POS — not for its more fundamental political-economic analysis.
For the most part, political economy remains marginal to sociological studies of social movements, at least in the United States, up to the present day. The Marxist roots of political process theory have been almost totally forgotten.
McAdam recently sat down with Jeff Goodwin to discuss the origins of his interest in civil rights and the influence of Marxism and political economy on his work on the civil rights movement.
Goodwin | Where did your interest in the civil rights movement originate, biographically speaking?
McAdams | I was born in 1951. I don’t know why, but I was always very attuned to politics and current events. I was only eight at the time of the lunch counter sit-ins in 1960, and I don’t remember being aware of them at the time. But the other major campaigns of the civil rights movement — Birmingham, Freedom Summer, Selma — were exploding on television when I was twelve, thirteen, fourteen years of age. I remember watching the Democratic National Convention in 1964. It was gavel-to-gavel coverage. They even showed some of the credential committee hearings with Fannie Lou Hamer, and she was so clearly standing for a just cause. That was seared into my brain as a kid.I graduated high school in 1969 and was already somewhat involved in the antiwar movement. I went to college and played basketball at Occidental College, but I took a leave every spring to work for a coalition of peace churches on the West Coast, where I’m from. I remember going to DC to lobby for an end to the draft in spring of 1970 and 1971 and organizing on college campuses around the resistance in 1972. And I had no illusions. I somehow understood that the touchstone struggle had been civil rights, and that my involvement in the antiwar movement was an extension of New Left struggles that had run from the 1960s forward. We called what we were doing “the movement.” We didn’t say “the antiwar movement.” We had a sense that all these struggles were part and parcel of the same bigger struggle. Remember that the first real antiwar critique was about race, and it came out of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). It focused on the idea that black and brown soldiers were being sent to a far-off country to kill “yellow” people. I don’t think we give the civil rights movement enough credit for kick-starting the antiwar movement.The Korean War never generated a mass opposition movement at all. So why did Vietnam? Because it occurred in the context of the civil rights movement, which had already sensitized progressives and the Left in general to the centrality of race in other areas.When I went to graduate school at Stony Brook University, Charles Perrow had just secured this big grant to study insurgency in the 1960s. And he basically said that we could study any movement associated with the ’60s and apply a given methodology. The project had been going for a year when I got there. People had chosen various movements to study. And I couldn’t believe nobody had picked the civil rights movement, the most important struggle of them all. It was the movement that launched the others.
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news4dzhozhar · 11 months
Israel-Palestine war: Israel is caught lying time and again. And yet we never learn
Western politicians and media act as if they are caught in a permanent spell, sympathetically indulging even the most wildly improbable denials from Israel that it has committed war crimes.
As Lenin famously observed: "A lie told often enough becomes the truth".
We can go further. It never matters how often Israel is caught out in a lie, because its next lie will be given the benefit of the doubt. Western media refuse to learn from the past.
The Israeli military has a long track record of compulsively concocting face-saving falsehoods - disinformation that vilifies the very Palestinian people it has oppressed for decades.
The latest example came a few days ago.
Israel vigorously kicked up dust to obscure its responsibility for hitting the al-Ahli Baptist hospital in Gaza City last Tuesday, killing many hundreds of Palestinians sheltering in its grounds. Faced with Israel’s relentless campaign of bombing, families had assumed they would be safest close to a Christian institution.
Drawing on previous experience, Israel rightly assumes that by the time the dust settles - and the truth emerges - the world will have moved on. The lie will stand.
Israel’s job is made considerably easier by the media, whose coverage of Israeli atrocities can invariably be depended on to strip out relevant context.
As Israel began pummelling Gaza more than two weeks ago with thousands of high-explosive bombs, its leaders clarified exactly what their intent was.
Referring to the people of Gaza as "human animals", Defence Minister Yoav Gallant vowed to "eliminate everything". An Israeli military official explained that the "emphasis is on damage, not accuracy". Another said Gaza would be reduced to "a city of tents… There will be no buildings."
Meanwhile, President Isaac Herzog accused the entire people of Gaza of being responsible for the Hamas attack, effectively denying every man, woman and child their civilian status and designating them all terrorists. He added: “We will break their backbone.”
Israel has demanded that Palestinians leave the northern half of the tiny Gaza Strip, requiring them to ethnically cleanse themselves. It has indicated that the vacated area would be treated as a free-fire zone.
According to the United Nations, in less than two weeks, a quarter of Gaza’s homes have been turned to rubble, and 600,000 Palestinians left homeless.
To ensure Palestinians do as they are told, Israel has targeted the support structures and major institutions in northern Gaza which ordinary people depend on. Mosques, schools, United Nations compounds and hospitals have been hit.
In the days leading up to the attack on al-Ahli hospital, 23 other medical centres in northern Gaza received warnings to evacuate immediately. Dozens have been hit, according to the World Health Organisation.
Those threats were ignored because the hospitals are already overflowing with patients too injured from Israel’s bombardments to be moved, and because there are no facilities to treat them elsewhere.
Apparently angered by this defiance, Israel hit al-Ahli hospital with two shells three days before the larger strike. This is known by the Israeli military as its “knock on the roof” procedure: firing a small weapon at a building as advance warning to evacuate before a much bigger strike.
Israel had told us precisely what it was going to do. But when it then did it, Israel began its now familiar gaslighting operation. It denied it was the guilty party, accusing a Palestinian militant group, Islamic Jihad, of the war crime instead.
It said a Palestinian rocket had misfired and fallen onto the hospital.
Israel’s claim was ridiculous. On a video of the actual strike, you can hear the loud whistling sound of an incoming, high-velocity missile or shell moments before it explodes. Palestinian groups in Gaza have only primitive rockets that lumber through the sky. If one fails, it tumbles at free-fall speed, not at near-supersonic velocity.
The casualty rate alone proved it had to be an Israeli missile. No Palestinian rocket has ever killed more than a handful of people, not hundreds as this one did.
But Israel was ready with a campaign of lies and disinformation.
Embarrassingly, an adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had issued a social media post celebrating Israel hitting a supposed “terrorist base” in the hospital. The post was hurriedly deleted.
Instead, Israel issued footage of a Palestinian rocket falling nearby. However, Israel had to pull the video, too, when journalists noticed the time stamp was 40 minutes after the explosion at Al-Ahli.
Next, Israel produced a laughably inept audio recording supposedly of two Hamas fighters chatting - in the wrong dialect - about whether they or their rivals in Islamic Jihad had fired the stray rocket.
Israel runs a “mistaravim” unit of Israelis who disguise themselves as Palestinians to operate undercover in Palestinian communities. It also famously operates networks of Palestinian collaborators whom it threatens or bribes. Faking an audio would be child’s play for Israel.
In any case, in the recording the pair cited a cemetery close to the hospital as the site of their supposed failed rocket launch. But that contradicted other Israeli military claims that the rocket had been fired from an entirely different location.
At the weekend, Forensic Architecture, a research team based at the University of London, issued their preliminary findings.
Analysis of the site showed, both from the pattern of damage caused by the strike and changes in the sound signature of the projectile as it moved through the air, that its trajectory was from Israel into Gaza, not out of Gaza. Other analysis indicated that the audio file of the two Hamas operatives talking had been manipulated.
Israel’s disinformation skills looked almost as amateur as its much-vaunted intelligence operations, which failed to spot months of planning by Hamas for its breakout on 7 October.
The goal here, as ever, was not to produce evidence but to win the propaganda battle through misdirection, planting a seed of doubt that western politicians and media could then exploit to cloud the issue for their publics.
Instead of giving the victims proper attention, instead of finally galvanising anger over Israel’s wanton killing of thousands of Palestinian civilians in two weeks, the media’s reporting reverted to a predictable formula. It weighed claim and counter-claim over the hospital strike, it carried profiles about Islamic Jihad, and - most importantly for Israel - it adopted a wait-and-see, don’t-rush-to-judgment approach.
A moment that might have led to concerted diplomatic pressure on Israel to stop its rampage and negotiate a ceasefire dissolved into a round of bickering in which the hospital victims entirely disappeared from view.
By the time outside observers get into Gaza and carry out forensic tests, assuming they can, the story will be cold. No one will care, and Israel will not be held to account - morally, diplomatically or legally.
This is all too familiar to anyone who has followed decades of the media’s endlessly forgiving coverage, when it matters, of Israel’s occupation and illegal colonisation of the Palestinians’ historic homeland.
The fog that instantly enveloped al-Ahli hospital story was a repeat - if on a far bigger scale - of what happened last summer when five Palestinian teenagers were killed in an air strike on Jabaliya refugee camp.
As with the hospital massacre, Israel immediately denied it was responsible, saying it had not carried out air strikes on Jabaliya at the time. It blamed Islamic Jihad for a rocket misfire.
“We have videos that prove beyond doubt that this is not an Israeli attack,” an Israeli official confidently asserted.
Oded Bassuk, head of the army’s operations directorate, called the children’s deaths “a self-inflicted injury. We could see the rocket hit a Palestinian home.”
As with the hospital story, the military released video footage purporting to show the misfired rocket.
But it was all deceit. Later, when the story had moved on, the Israeli army quietly admitted that it was responsible for killing the children.
The murder of children by Israel is not an unusual occurrence. But it is also when Israel can be expected to concoct its biggest falsehoods - for the obvious reason that the killing of children is when the world briefly wakes up to Palestinian suffering before turning off again.
As with the hospital strike, a potentially pivotal moment arrived in 2014 during another of Israel’s repeated rampages in Gaza. A series of Israeli strikes killed four young boys from the Bakr family who were playing football on a beach.
At the time, Israel claimed that the children had been killed accidentally, because they strayed into a seafront “compound belonging to Hamas's Naval Police and Naval Force (including naval commandos), and which was utilised exclusively by militants”.
Israel’s claim, which gained amplification in the media, was that the boys were collateral damage in a drone strike on Palestinian militants.
Unfortunately for Israel, this was easily disproved. Several western journalists, who in those days dared to venture into Gaza, witnessed the strike because the beach was next to their hotel. The idea that Hamas militants would locate themselves on a beach next to a hotel known for hosting western journalists was patently absurd from the off.
Those journalists confirmed that there were no militants in the area at the time, and that the boys should have been visible as children to the drone operators.
Reporters noted that the beach was regularly used by fishermen and families for bathing. An investigation of a small shipping container, which had been destroyed by an Israeli missile the day before, also failed to support Israel’s claim that military equipment was stored there.
A later investigation found that the drone operators had fired without taking care to distinguish between the children and militants.
None of that mattered. Israel’s massacre of the children was forgotten. With no pressure on it, Israel’s reliably supine supreme court ruled last year that no further investigation was necessary. Case closed.
Perhaps the best-known recent disinformation campaign by Israel occurred 18 months ago, over the killing of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh.
Her murder, while wearing a flak jacket emblazoned with “Press” during an Israeli invasion of the West Bank city of Jenin, caused a wave of international indignation.
It was a particularly high-stakes moment for Israel. The media took an unusual degree of interest because Abu Akhleh was a prominent journalist who had worked with many of those reporting on her killing. She also held American citizenship.
Again, Israel blamed Palestinians for the death of one of their own. They produced a video that purported to show an exchange of fire with Palestinian gunmen close to where Abu Akleh was standing when she was shot in the head.
But an investigation by Israel’s B’Tselem human rights group proved the video was taken in an entirely different area of Jenin.
Major US media carried out their own investigations showing Israel had lied. There was no gunfight near Abu Akleh’s location. The most likely explanation was that an Israeli sniper decided to execute her, aiming for the narrow area of exposed flesh between her helmet and flak jacket collar.
Israel calls the fight for Palestinian rights ‘terror’ - and so turns reality on its head.
Belatedly, with the story refusing to go away, Israel admitted one of its soldiers was most likely responsible for her killing.
Israel doesn’t just actively lie when its army murders. One of its most cynical deceptions arrived in 2021 when it designated six respected Palestinian human rights and welfare groups in the West Bank as “terrorist organisations”.
It demanded that the European Union immediately stop funding them. Their offices were raided, with equipment confiscated and smashed, and their doors sealed. Staff were arrested.
Israel’s aim was obvious: to shut down organisations that provide support structures for ordinary Palestinians and advocate in international forums for the Palestinian cause by documenting Israeli crimes. That has been especially important when cash-strapped foreign media have been shutting down their own bureaux in the region.
The lie was so outrageous that even some usually receptive media outlets had trouble swallowing it. Many months later, leaks of a highly classified CIA report revealed that the Israeli accusations were entirely without foundation.
The list of these deceptions and disinformation campaigns just goes on and on.
Look up the names Muhammad al-Durrah, Rachel Corrie, James Miller, Tom Hurndall, Iain Hook. Israel dissembled over all these high-profile murders carried out by its soldiers.
Even cursory research shows Israel lying about its use of cluster munitions in Lebanon in 2006, as well as its mass killing of civilians in the Lebanese village of Qana in the same war - exactly 20 years after it had earlier lied about its responsibility for killing more than 100 civilians in a United Nations compound in the same village.
From its inception, the Zionist movement promoted the lie that Palestine was an empty land.
Israel lied about its oversight of the mass killing of Palestinians in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camp in Lebanon in 1982 by its Christian Phalangist allies.
None of this should surprise. The culture of lying has prevailed since before Israel’s creation in 1948. From its inception, the Zionist movement promoted the lie that Palestine was an empty land.
To perpetuate this foundational myth, Israel lied about its wholescale ethnic cleansing operations in 1948 - one in the north was called Operation Broom - that forced out some 750,000 Palestinians from their homes and drove them into refugee camps. It falsely claimed they had been ordered to do so by neighbouring Arab states.
It hid archival evidence of massacres of Palestinian civilians carried out by its forces, such as at Tantura and Dawayimah, and smeared anyone who tried to draw attention to them.
Equally, it lied that it offered the refugees a chance to return.
And it destroyed hundreds of Palestinian villages to stop the refugees from coming back to their homes - and then sought to conceal these crimes by planting forests in their place.
Armies end up lying in times of war because inevitably they commit crimes they wish to conceal.
The difference with Israel is that its lies are integral to its decades-long existence as a state dispossessing and colonising another people’s homeland. It must mask its system of apartheid and the crimes that inhere in such regimes of privilege and subjugation.
Israel is at permanent war with the Palestinians and the wider region, so it must lie compulsively and continuously. Each lie builds on the earlier ones. Should one fall, the whole edifice risks crumbling.
Which is what makes untangling those lies such a difficult and thankless task.
Having to engage in protracted forensic battles against Israel and its many apologists to expose every single lie draws attention away from Israel’s even bigger deceptions. It obscures the context.
Fighting to hold Israel to account for killing hundreds at al-Ahli hospital comes at the price of shifting the focus away from the fact that Israel is actively carrying out an ethnic cleansing operation in Gaza and committing genocide against the Palestinian people there.
To struggle against one lie is to leave other lies - often lies of omission - free to worm their way into the public’s consciousness.
These difficulties are compounded by the media’s willingness to indulge and collude in Israel’s disinformation - as it has been doing since the creation of a self-declared Jewish state - because Israel is such an important strategic asset. As a reliable ally, it was intended to project western power into the oil-rich Middle East.
Those who seek to bring light to a subject immersed in so much darkness find themselves smeared as antisemites - as though solidarity with Palestinian suffering could only ever be motivated by hatred of Jews.
Which is why Israel can live with the bickering over who hit the al-Ahli hospital. Because the storm will soon pass, and the Palestinian victims will still be dead.
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Richard Cyril Rescorla (May 27, 1939 – September 11, 2001) was a British-American soldier, police officer, educator and private security specialist. He served in the British Army as a paratrooper during the Cyprus Emergency in the 1950s before joining the Northern Rhodesia Police in the early 1960s. He subsequently enlisted in the United States Army and served in Vietnam, fighting in the Battle of la Drang and rising to the rank of colonel - after which he entered the private sector where he worked in corporate security. On the morning of September 11th 2001, he was working as the director of security for the financial services firm Morgan Stanley in the South Tower of the World Trade Center.
When American Airlines Flight 11 struck the North Tower of the World Trade Center at 8:46 A.M. Rescorla heard the explosion and saw the tower burning from his office window on the 44th floor of the South Tower. Before United Airlines Flight 175 struck the South Tower at 9:03 A.M. the Port Authority began making announcements over the P.A. system urging people to stay at their desks to help ease the evacuation of the North Tower. Rescorla ignored these announcements, grabbed his bullhorn, walkie-talkie and cell phone, and began to systematically order the roughly 2,700 Morgan Stanley employees to evacuate before saving an additional 1000 employees in World Trade Center 5. While watching the news coverage, in a phone call to his best friend, Dan Hill, Rescorla reportedly said, "The dumb sons of bitches told me not to evacuate," and, "They said it's just Building One. I told them I'm getting my people the fuck out of here." Survivors of the World Trade Center recall that he directed people down a stairwell away from a bottleneck on the 44th floor, keeping people away from elevators while telling them to remain calm.
Rescorla had boosted morale among his men in Vietnam by singing Cornish songs from his youth, and the survivors of the World Trade Center say he did the exact same that day, singing songs such as one based on the Welsh song "Men of Harlech":
Men of Cornwall stop your dreaming; Can't you see their spearpoints gleaming? See their warriors' pennants streaming To this battlefield. Men of Cornwall stand ye steady; It cannot be ever said ye for the battle were not ready; Stand and never yield!
Between songs, Rescorla was able to call his wife, Susan, who recalls him telling her, "Stop crying. I have to get these people out safely. If something should happen to me, I want you to know I've never been happier. You made my life," to which Susan replied, "You made my life, too." After successfully evacuating almost all of Morgan Stanley's employees he went back into the building. When one of his colleagues tried to stop him by saying that he should also evacuate, Rescorla replied, "As soon as I make sure everyone else is out."
He was last seen on the 10th floor of the South Tower, heading upward, shortly before it collapsed at 9:59 A.M.
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Welles Remy Crowther (May 17, 1977 – September 11, 2001) was an American equities trader and volunteer firefighter who is credited with saving as many as 18 lives in the South Tower of the World Trade Center.
After Flight 175 struck his tower he called his mother from his office at 9:12 A.M. leaving the message, "Mom, this is Welles. I wanted you to know that I'm okay." He then made his way to the 78th-floor sky lobby where he encountered a group of survivors. He then began to carry a badly injured woman on his back while directing the other survivors to the one intact stairway. The survivors followed him 17 floors down, where he dropped off the injured woman he was carrying before heading back upstairs to assist others. By the time he returned to the 78th floor, survivors recall that he had a red bandana around his nose and mouth to protect him from smoke. One such survivor, Judy Wein, was suffering from a broken arm, cracked ribs and a punctured lung while she watched Crowther attempt to extinguish fires before beginning to administer first aid to herself and others. He then announced "Everyone who can stand, stand now. If you can help others, do so" before leading survivors downstairs. As they reached the street, Crowther turned around and began heading back up the stairs. 
He was last seen with members of the FDNY tending to survivors shortly before the South Tower collapsed at 9:59 A.M.
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Brian David Sweeney (August 10, 1963 - September 11, 2001) was a US Navy Flight Lieutenant, Fighter Pilot, and one of the passengers onboard Flight 175 when it was flown into the South Tower of the World Trade Center.
Just three minutes before that happened he was able to call his wife from Row 32 of the plane, leaving a voicemail in which he told her "I'm on an airplane that's been hijacked if things don't go well and it's not looking good, I just want you to know I love you, go have a good time, same to my parents and everybody, I just totally love you and I want you to do good, bye Babe, I'll try to call you."
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Sue Kim Hanson (July 28, 1966 - September 11, 2001) was onboard Flight 175 with her husband, Peter Hanson, and their 2-year-old daughter Christine when it was flown into the South Tower. The family was on their way to California for a trip to Disneyland and to visit family. The youngest of the eight children who were killed on 9/11, it was Christine’s first time on an airplane.
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Stephen Gerard Siller (1967 - 2001) was a firefighter with the FDNY. On the morning of September 11th, 2001, Siller was on his way to play golf with his three older brothers when he heard about the attacks at the World Trade Center. He called his wife‚ turned around‚ and headed back to the firehouse to collect his gear before heading to the towers, where he was last seen alive.  
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Mychal Fallon Judge (May 11, 1933 - September 11, 2001) was a Catholic priest who served as a chaplain to the New York City Fire Department. On September 11, 2001, upon learning of the attacks at the World Trade Center, Judge rushed to the site. He was met there by the Mayor of New York City, Rudolph Giuliani, who asked him to pray for the city and its victims. Judge prayed over bodies of jumpers lying on the streets before entering the lobby of the North Tower of the World Trade Center where an emergency command post had been organized. Once there he continued offering aid and prayers for the rescuers, the injured, and the dead.
When the neighboring South Tower collapsed at 9:59 a.m., debris went flying through the North Tower lobby, killing many inside, including Judge. Judge's body was then carried out of the North Tower by a group of firefighters and police officers shortly before it collapsed at 10:28 a.m. This act was photographed by Reuters photographer Shannon Stapleton and subsequently became one of the most famous photographs taken that day.
Judge's body was then placed before the altar of St. Peter's Catholic Church by the firefighters and police officers who had carried him out of the tower.
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Sergio Gabriel Villanueva (1968 - 2001) was an FDNY firefighter serving with Ladder 132 when he was killed in the September 11th attacks. Villanueva‚ who was engaged to be married‚ had spent eight years as a New York City police officer before joining the FDNY.
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Ruben D. Correa (1957 - 2001) was a 13-year veteran of the FDNY serving with Engine 74 when he was killed in the September 11th attacks, taking him away from his wife with whom he had enjoyed 21 years of marriage and had three daughters.
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Moira Ann Reddy-Smith (1963 - 2001) was 13-year veteran of the NYPD and the first police officer to report the attack after she witnessed American Airlines Flight 11 being flown into the North Tower of the World Trade Center.
Putting the safety of others before her own, Smith rushed to the towers to aid the victims and help survivors evacuate. There she was photographed leading an injured man to safety.
She was killed when the South Tower collapsed at 9:59 A.M. and was posthumously awarded the New York City Police Department's Medal of Honor.
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novankenn · 1 year
Excerpts from "Monster"
So just to kind of follow up my little rant. Like I mentioned, I have a fic where Atlas is attacked by a horde of grimm... here's what I had to do to make Atlas BE the military super-power it's supposed to be.
The below are just portions of the indicated chapters, and only focus on the battle.
The Battle for Atlas...
(Chapter 15) Word of the gathering horde sent Mantle and Atlas into a near frenzy of panic. In an attempt to stamp down on the growing unease and negativity, Atlas began to a rapid deployment of resources. The edges of Atlas and the walls of Mantle suddenly started to brim with CIWS pods. Behind the walls, SRBM batteries quickly were arranged and established. Civil and military contractors were pressed into service, and resources commandeered to start the rushed process to bolster the integrity of the wall.
Missives were sent out, requesting Huntsman and Huntress aid, while mothballed and antiquated equipment was once again brought forward into operational service. Soon, the streets and roadways of Mantle and Atlas played host to shining Paladins and T-34 Saybre Tanks. Militia units were formed, and given defensive positions, supported the general military forces.
Air defence was also bolstered as Naval command echoing the example of the Army pulled the precursors of the backbone of Atlas air superiority. Squads of P-51D Griffons and A-10 Boartusks soon appeared in the sky, and quickly began preemptive strikes against the closing mass of negativity. Twenty-four thousand five hundred feet above the paired cities, the formidable and stalwart Lancaster-Nevermores cruised in the near freezing air, accompanied by the looming forms of AC-130 Wyverns.
These older resources were limited, and those who volunteered to man them knew the chances of return from the preemptive combat operations were minimal; if at all.
“Report. Estimated Time of Arrival for the grimm.”
“With in fourteen hours, the grimm will be visible from the wall. If speed remains constant, sir.”
“Status of wall operations.”
“Work on the walls is proceeding ahead of schedule, however the ETA of the horde will supersede those completion estimates by twenty-four hours. Installation of CWIS pods is however complete.”
“Assign a Saybre and Paladin troops to each compromised segments. Status report on auxiliary perimeter defensive structures.”
“The third line of razor wire is being installed now, and should be complete prior to 20:00 hours. All pre-Vytal anti-personnel and anti-armour measures have been deployed, sir. ” 
“Deployment of knight units.”
“Eight platoons per access point. All units have been scrubbed, and fresh base operative protocols loaded. They will focus only on grimm, all other target parameters have been deleted, sir.”
“Hunter reinforcements?”
“CCT coverage is limited, but we have received responses.  Mistrel has declined, slating limited resources. Vacuo has reported the dispatch of fifteen teams, unconfirmed ETA. Vale has confirmed but like Mistrel is indicated limited vailability. Confirmed they will send five teams.”
“So we're basically on our own. Air operations.”
“Thirty percent causality rate with Griffon and Boartusk strafing and bombing runs. Five percent causality rate for Nevermore and Wyvern operations. Cruisers are in a holding pattern above Atlas, sir.”
“Effectiveness of preemptive operations.”
“Incendiary payloads appear to the most effective. Estimates put current attrition rate at about fifteen percent of estimated original total mass.”
“Cease Griffon and Boartusk operations. I want all remaining units grounded and prepped for danger close operations. Nevermore and Wyvren sorties will continue until causality rate is ten percent or the horde is with in sight of the walls. Evacuation status.”
“We are at sixty percent emergency shelter occupancy, with an estimated forty percent of the designated Mantle population having been transferred, sir.”
“Standard ballistic munitions are exceeding normal stockpiles by thirty-five percent. Dust munitions at normal stockpile levels. SAM munitions at seventy-five percent normal stockpile. Ballistic and Dust artillery stockpiles at sixty percent of base levels. Strategic ammo dumps are established, sir.”
“Chemical and incendiary agents?”
“Twenty percent of pre-Vytal levels for chemical. Non-dust incendiary at fifty-five percent pre-Vytal levels, sir.”
“I want installation of the entire chemical agent stockpile, behind an auxiliary perimeter. Rig for remote deployment, and issue counter agents, and protective gear to all on ground forces.”
“At once, sir.”
“Observational reports indicate there is a large mass breaking off from the main, and rapidly approaching our perimeter. ETA six hours. Estimated size, fifteen percent of main mass, sir.”
“Alert all air defence batteries. Scramble all squads, and sound general quarters on all navel units. It's starting. Engage intercept operations at two thousand metres from the wall.”
“At once, sir.”
The CDS leaned forward on the rail of the command platform. Her weary eyes watching the real time Doppler showing a mass moving ahead of the main horde. Sh gave a silent prayer to the Brothers, before standing up and adjusting her uniform jacket.
“Air-defences are slowly being overwhelmed. We have reports of grimm landing in Atlas and Mantle. Ground units are engaging, sir!”
“Sir, the main mass land speed had increased again. ETA two hours!”
“Multiple reports of CIWS pods shutting down, sir.”
“Priority command. Any available personnel are to get those units operational. We must keep up the pressure. Report casualty rates.”
“Minimal, less than one percent of on ground forces. Thirty percent of airborne forces, sir.”
“And this cloud of grimm?”
“Twenty-five percent of estimated mass, sir.”
She closed her eyes. The main host of grimm was closing much faster than anticipated. Their air-defences were being overwhelmed. If they couldn't get the aerial threats whittled down, they would lose essential support for the ground forces when the main host arrived.
“Order all non-engaged armour, to switch to air-burst munitions, and to fire-at-will!”
“At once, sir.”
She knew this was going to be close. This battle was one of attrition. Would this flood of death overwhelm and outlast the might of the Atlean military. Would their technology be enough to turn the tide, or were all those brave and stout souls willing to stand against this darkness to be nothing more than sacrificial lambs. They needed to outlast. They need to decimate, and obliterate. But their resources were finite.
“Grimm host is with in one hour of the wall, sir.”
“Scramble all Nevermore units still capable of flight. I want them in the air now. Target is the middle of the horde, use of FAEs is authorized.” she ordered as her hands white knuckled the railing before her. “Scramble all available Boartusks. Target front edge of horde. We need to break their advance.”
“All Wyvren units in the air on standby. Standing order to engage once horde is with in five thousand metres of the perimeter defences. What are the weather conditions?”
“Stable. Minimal winds at less than one knot, sir.”
“Easterly, sir.”
“Good. Status of aerial threats.”
“Thirty-five percent of estimated mass, sir. Air-defence units starting to report ammo reserves reaching critical levels, sir.”
“Order them to hold out, and keep up the pressure. Switch to small arms if required. Support units?”
“Reporting, difficulties. Grimm, starting to land and harassing lighter armed units, sir.”
“Airstrips are being overwhelmed. Requesting any available support. Grounded aircraft unable to lift off, and taking heavy damage, sir.”
“Dispatch all hunter teams. Have them clear the supply routes and hold the airstrips. Paladin units to prioritize on ground, grimm.”
She pressed her thin lips together. Their resources were finite, but they needed to hold out. Mantle and Atlas must remain standing; they would remain strong. They would break this horde, and prove the might of the Atlean forces.
“Grimm host, ten thousand metres from the walls, sir.”
“Alert all wall based units. Mortar teams prep for White Phosphorus and Chemical munitions. Activate knights. Have battleships prepare for air to surface bombardment. Status aerial threats.”
“Forty-three percent of estimated mass. Minor threats are nearly removed, larger targets proving resistant to current munitions, sir.”
They were making a dent, but considering the soon-to-be split in the focus of her resources, the end results still seemed disheartening. She offered another silent prayer to the Brother Gods. Hopefully the gambles the defence council had come up with would work. There were too many unknowns with grimm and much of what they were going to bring to bear was designed for use against human and faunus targets. This would be the greatest test of the strength of Atlas and Mantle. This would either become the shining moment, or turn into their hour of demise.
“Do not go gentle into that good night.” she uttered as her tired eyes watched the Doppler. “Rage, rage against the dying of the light.”
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thestarfishdancer · 1 year
I know that I'm in a safer area of downtown, I know that even those on alert are probably not going to be evacuated tonight at least...
But still. Sleep will be hard to reach tonight.
Things are scary here in the NWT. They only just declared a long overdue territorial state of emergency. The rest of the world is only just beginning to cover it, but the situation has been going on for some time.
We need rain. We will take your prayers or spells or any good vibes you want to send our way. Because what can you do when basically your only highway out is on fire?
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worldfairnewss · 1 year
Travel Insurance in Canada: Your Key to a Stress-Free Journey
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Types of Travel Insurance
Trip Cancellation and Interruption Insurance: This type of insurance provides reimbursement if you need to cancel or interrupt your trip due to unexpected events, such as illness, injury, or unforeseen circumstances.
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Emergency Medical Insurance: Emergency medical insurance covers medical expenses incurred due to illness or injury while traveling. It can also include emergency medical evacuation to ensure you receive proper treatment.
Baggage and Personal Belongings Insurance: Baggage insurance offers compensation for lost, stolen, or damaged luggage and personal belongings during your trip.
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Travel Delay Insurance: If your travel plans are delayed due to reasons beyond your control, such as inclement weather or airline issues, this coverage can help cover additional expenses incurred during the
See Full Article: Click Here
watch web-stories: Click Here
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atasteforsuicidal · 1 year
Nova Scotia Premier Tim Houston is asking for urgent help as wildfires continue to burn out of control in his province.
In a news conference Wednesday, Houston said he has reached out to Ottawa and other provinces for all available assistance.
“The list of asks is significant, we know that. But we’ve made the ask,” Houston said.
“It’s time to pitch in with whatever you have… Nova Scotia needs the help right now.”
In a letter to the prime minister, Houston said nearly 20,000 people have been evacuated from their homes and tens of thousands of hectares of land is on fire.
“With only dry weather conditions in the forecast for the remainder of the week, Nova Scotia is a province in crisis,” reads the letter.
Nova Scotia has already received supplies and assistance from Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick. Houston says the province has asked for the Coast Guard to be deployed to Shelburne County. Additionally, 17 firefighters from New York and New Hampshire will start work on Saturday and the 20-member Department of Natural Resources and Renewables (DNRR) firefighting crew that was assisting with the Northwest Territories wildfires will return late Wednesday night and begin work in Nova Scotia Thursday.
“The province is doing everything within its power to combat the fires and to meet the needs of our people. All emergency services are activated and being used to fight and contain the fires to the extent that is possible with human intervention,” wrote Houston.
Houston said the road to recovery will be a long one.
“As you can appreciate, we need help urgently and would most certainly appreciate coordination across federal departments. Given the scope and breadth of Nova Scotians' needs, I wanted to put all requests in writing and in one place so that they could be addressed directly by you,” reads the letter to the prime minister.
Houston has formally requested the following assistance from the federal government:
military firefighters when the fire reaches the sustained attack stage
ignition specialist personnel and ignition equipment
firefighting foam
assistance in securing a base camp that can house 250 firefighters, as well as an incident command post infrastructure to support all on the ground.
5,000 lengths of 1 ½ inch 100 ft. length quick connect coupling hose
Nomex or equivalent wildland firefighting clothing
12 4X4 trucks
four helicopters (intermediate or above) certified to drop water
50 per cent cost share on modular housing for those who have lost homes due to the fires
commitment of advanced payment through the Disaster Financial Assistance Agreement administered by Public Safety Canada.
commitment to match any Red Cross donations
commitment to collaboration between the Nova Scotia Office of the Superintendent of Insurance and Federal Office of the Superintendent of Financial Intuitions to ensure any Nova Scotian impacted by the fires has timely access to decisions by their insurance company, and an expedited pathway to address situations where individuals are denied coverage
access to any under utilized military housing for displaced individuals while rebuilding takes place
a commitment of skilled trades people from military, federal agencies, and departments – via special secondments to the private sector through CANS. Additionally, a commitment under the Temporary Foreign Workers Program that the situation in Nova Scotia will be classified as a natural disaster under the Exceptional and Unforeseen Events - Provincial Agreements (R204{c} - T13) allowing employers to by-pass a Labour Market Impact Assessments if there is a provincial letter of support for certain trades (eg. constructions, trades and other labourers)
mobile resources to supplement and complement those already deployed
support for critical infrastructure for telecommunications.
a Temporary Leave Benefit that would provide wage replacement and/or funding to support for buying necessities such as food and clothing. The funding will be advertised through social media and disbursed through Labour, Skills and Immigration’s Nova Scotia Works Centres
support to restart agriculture businesses that were in evacuation areas
for tourism operators (and other businesses/employers impacted by the fires), ACOA could play an active role by funding and streamlining distribution of funds for the eventual rebuilding and pivoting of businesses to recover as quickly as possible
“You know your resources best and know what can help in a situation like this. Given the seriousness, any other resources at the disposal of the federal government that we haven’t mentioned but could help, please send. We ask for your common sense and support,” wrote Houston.
Earlier Wednesday, leader of the Nova Scotia Liberal Party Zach Churchill issued a statement saying “Nova Scotia has yet to make a formal request to Ottawa for additional resources.”
“The province needs to pull all available levers to ensure Nova Scotians are kept safe and we receive more help to contain this escalating situation. That must include calling on the federal government to help,” Churchill said.
During Wednesday’s news conference, Houston said it was “absolutely not true” that Nova Scotia was refusing offers of help.
“Those that spread the rumours that Nova Scotia hadn’t asked for help — these are ongoing discussions… Officials have had ongoing conversations with counterparts,” Houston said, referring to municipal, provincial and federal governments.
Houston added the rumours are “not helpful when we’re in a crisis like this.”
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bimabandhu · 1 year
Travel insurance tips: How to choose the right travel insurance policy
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Travelling can be an exciting and enriching experience, but it's important to be prepared for unexpected situations that may arise during your trip. One way to ensure peace of mind while travelling is by having the right travel insurance policy in place. In this article, we will provide you with valuable travel insurance tips and guide you on how to choose the right travel insurance policy. Additionally, we will introduce you to BimaBandhu.in, a trusted provider of comprehensive travel insurance coverage.
Travel Insurance Tips: What to Consider
Coverage Options for Medical Emergencies
When selecting a travel insurance policy, it's crucial to consider the coverage options available for medical emergencies. Ensure that the policy provides adequate coverage for hospitalization, medical treatment, and emergency medical evacuation. It's also important to check if pre-existing medical conditions are covered or if you need to purchase additional coverage.
Trip Cancellation and Interruption Coverage
Travel plans can change unexpectedly, and it's essential to have coverage for trip cancellation and interruption. Look for a policy that reimburses non-refundable expenses if you have to cancel your trip due to unforeseen circumstances. Additionally, ensure that the policy covers trip interruption in case you need to return home early.
Baggage and Personal Belongings Coverage
Losing your luggage or having personal belongings stolen can be a major inconvenience. To protect yourself against such situations, choose a travel insurance policy that offers coverage for lost, stolen, or damaged baggage and personal belongings. It's advisable to review the policy limits and exclusions to understand the extent of coverage provided.
Travel Delay and Missed Connection Coverage
Delays and missed connections can disrupt your travel plans and result in additional expenses. Look for a policy that covers travel delays, providing compensation for additional accommodation, meals, and transportation. This coverage can be particularly beneficial when travelling to destinations with unpredictable weather conditions or high-traffic airports.
Emergency Assistance Services
A reputable travel insurance policy should offer 24/7 emergency assistance services. These services can provide you with support and guidance in case of emergencies, such as medical emergencies, lost passports, or legal assistance. Ensure the policy includes a helpline or hotline you can contact for immediate assistance.
Planning a trip and want to ensure your journey is safe and secure? Look no further than BimaBandhu.in, your ultimate resource for all things related to travel insurance tips. Whether you're an experienced traveller or embark on your first adventure, BimaBandhu.in is here to provide valuable information and guidance to make the most of your travel insurance.
Visit BimaBandhu.in Today!
If you're seeking reliable and up-to-date travel insurance tips, look no further than BimaBandhu.in. Our platform is your one-stop destination for all your travel insurance needs. We aim to simplify the process of finding and understanding travel insurance policies, ensuring you can confidently embark on your journey.
Remember, a well-chosen travel insurance policy is your best companion on any trip. So, don't forget to visit BimaBandhu.in before your next adventure to explore our extensive resources and make the most of your travel insurance coverage. Happy travels!
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maruf11223344 · 13 hours
15 Hours Ago: Breaking News That Will Change Your Day
15 hours ago refers to a time 15 hours before the current moment. It simply indicates a specific point in the past.
Knowing how to accurately reference time is essential for clear communication. Understanding phrases like "15 hours ago" helps in scheduling, planning, and tracking events. This phrase is commonly used in various contexts, from personal conversations to professional settings. It can refer to deadlines, past events, or the time elapsed since a particular occurrence.
For instance, you might say, "I sent the email 15 hours ago," to specify when an action was taken. Accurate time references ensure that everyone involved has a clear understanding of timelines, which is crucial for effective coordination and productivity.
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Credit: www.reddit.com
Global Impact
The events that occurred 15 hours ago have significantly changed the world. This change has affected many areas, such as the economy and politics. Let's explore these impacts in detail.
Economic Shifts
In the past 15 hours, major economic shifts have taken place. Stock markets around the world experienced volatility. Investors reacted quickly to the news.
Here is a brief overview:
Businesses are adapting to the new changes. Many companies have altered their strategies. Small businesses are feeling the greatest impact. They are struggling to stay afloat.
Political Reactions
Politicians around the globe are responding to the recent events. Governments are issuing statements and enacting policies. These actions aim to stabilize the situation.
Here are some notable reactions:
Public opinion is also shifting. People are voicing their concerns on social media. Citizens are calling for more transparency from their leaders.
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Credit: buffer.com
Local Repercussions
The events that occurred 15 hours ago have left a significant impact on our local community. From immediate actions taken by authorities to heartfelt responses from community members, the repercussions are varied and far-reaching. Below, we explore these local effects in detail.
Community Responses
Residents are showing their concern and support for those affected. Many are using social media to share updates and offer help. Messages of solidarity and hope are flooding in.
Local businesses are stepping up to provide resources. Some are offering free meals, shelter, or financial aid. They are demonstrating the strong community spirit.
Schools and institutions are addressing the situation with students. Counselors are available to help kids understand and cope with recent events. Schools are also communicating with parents about safety measures.
Immediate Actions
The local government has taken swift action to ensure public safety. They have deployed emergency services to affected areas. Evacuation orders were issued where necessary.
Emergency shelters have been set up. They are providing food, water, and medical assistance to those in need. Volunteers are actively involved in helping displaced residents.
Law enforcement is investigating the cause of the incident. They are working around the clock to gather evidence and provide updates to the public.
Local health services have increased their readiness. Hospitals are prepared to handle any surge in patients. Medical staff are on high alert.
The local media is providing continuous coverage. They are keeping residents informed about developments. It’s a collective effort to ensure safety and recovery.
Expert Analysis
Our team has compiled an expert analysis of the event that occurred 15 hours ago. We have gathered opinions from industry leaders and insights from academic experts. This comprehensive review aims to provide a well-rounded understanding of the situation.
Industry Opinions
Industry experts have weighed in on the event. Their insights shed light on its potential impact.
Academic Insights
Academic experts have also provided their analysis. Their research offers a deeper understanding of the event.
Public Sentiment
Public sentiment can change rapidly, especially in the digital age. The past 15 hours have been a whirlwind of opinions and emotions. Let's dive into the social media buzz and viral trends that have shaped public sentiment recently.
Social Media Buzz
Social media platforms are always buzzing with activity. In the past 15 hours, several topics have taken center stage. These include:
Each hashtag carries its own set of emotions and opinions. The public sentiment is a blend of excitement, concern, and curiosity. The conversations are lively and diverse, reflecting the collective mood of the online community.
Viral Trends
Viral trends often capture the essence of public sentiment. The past 15 hours have witnessed several trends going viral. Some of the most notable ones include:
These viral trends are more than just fleeting moments. They shape how people feel and interact with each other online. They also give us a snapshot of what's important to the public right now.
Official Statements
Fifteen hours ago, several official statements were released that caught everyone's attention. These announcements have stirred conversations and prompted reactions from various sectors.
Government Announcements
The government issued a series of significant statements.
Corporate Responses
Leading corporations quickly responded to the government's announcements.
These responses show a unified effort to address public concerns and ensure smooth implementation of new policies. The collaboration between the government and corporations is crucial during these times.
Historical Context
Understanding the historical context of an event that occurred 15 hours ago can provide valuable insights into its significance. This helps us learn from past experiences and better prepare for future events.
Similar Events
Throughout history, many events have mirrored the one that happened 15 hours ago. These events share common themes and outcomes, providing a framework for analysis.
Lessons Learned
Examining the lessons learned from similar events helps us understand the recent occurrence better. Here are some key takeaways:
Future Implications
The concept of "15 Hours Ago" has sparked curiosity about the future. Understanding its implications can help us prepare for what's next.
Long-term Effects
The long-term effects of events happening 15 hours ago can be profound. Immediate actions can shape the upcoming days, weeks, and even years.
These changes can affect our daily lives. Adaptation becomes crucial for success.
Predicted Changes
Experts have studied patterns to predict future changes. Here are some key predictions:
Businesses need to stay agile to survive these changes. Individuals should focus on continuous learning.
Understanding these future implications is crucial. It helps in making informed decisions. Stay aware and stay prepared.
Human Stories
The last 15 hours have been filled with amazing human stories. These stories show the strength, courage, and kindness in people. Let's dive into some of these incredible tales.
Personal Accounts
Many people shared their experiences from the last 15 hours. These personal accounts highlight everyday heroes.
Heroic Acts
Heroic acts unfolded across different places in the last 15 hours. Here are some heartwarming examples:
Visual Insights
Visual insights give a deeper understanding of events. The last 15 hours hold many stories. From photos to infographics, visuals tell the best tales. Let’s explore the visual highlights of the past hours.
Photo Gallery
The photo gallery captures moments from the past 15 hours. These images showcase events, people, and places. Each photo offers a unique story, giving a glimpse into the recent past.
These photos capture the essence of daily life. They reflect the beauty and energy of the world around us.
Infographics provide a clear and concise way to understand data. They simplify complex information. The past 15 hours have been full of interesting data.
These infographics help us understand the changes and trends. They make data easy to read and fun to explore.
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Credit: www.reddit.com
Next Steps
Fifteen hours ago, significant events unfolded, shaping our present and future. Let's dive into the next steps you can take to stay updated and engaged.
Upcoming Events
To keep you informed, here are some upcoming events you shouldn't miss:
These events provide opportunities to connect, learn, and contribute. Mark your calendars and participate.
What To Watch
Stay entertained and informed with these must-watch recommendations:
Keep an eye on these shows for a mix of fun and learning.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Happened 15 Hours Ago?
Something significant occurred 15 hours ago. Stay updated with recent news or events related to this timeframe.
Why Is 15 Hours Ago Trending?
It's trending due to a recent event or news. Check social media or news websites for details.
How To Stay Updated On 15 Hours Ago Events?
Follow reliable news websites and social media channels. Subscribe to alerts for real-time updates.
Can I Find News From 15 Hours Ago?
Yes, major news websites archive recent events. Use search filters to find news specific to this timeframe.
What Are Key Events From 15 Hours Ago?
Key events vary. Check news highlights or summaries to find major happenings from 15 hours ago.
Where To Read About 15 Hours Ago?
You can read about it on news websites, social media platforms, or dedicated news apps for the latest updates.
Reflecting on events just 15 hours ago can offer valuable insights. Time moves fast, and staying informed is crucial. Keep track of updates to stay ahead. Understanding recent developments helps you make better decisions. Stay engaged, stay knowledgeable, and embrace the lessons each hour brings.
Your awareness today shapes your tomorrow.
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investoptionwin · 2 days
Travel Insurance: What’s Covered and What’s Not?
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Traveling can be one of the most exciting experiences, but it’s not without risks. Whether it’s a missed flight, a sudden illness, or lost luggage, unexpected issues can arise. This is where travel insurance becomes essential. But before you rush to buy travel insurance online, it’s crucial to understand what’s covered and what isn’t. Knowing the fine details can help you choose the best travel insurance plan that fits your needs.
In this blog, we’ll explore the typical coverage of travel insurance and highlight what is generally excluded from policies, helping you make a well-informed decision.
What is Covered by Travel Insurance?
Trip Cancellation or Interruption One of the primary reasons travelers opt for travel insurance is to protect their investment if they need to cancel or cut short their trip due to unforeseen circumstances. This could include:
Illness or injury (yourself or a family member)
Natural disasters
Death of a family member
Strikes or terrorism affecting your destination
Popular policies from providers like ICICI Lombard travel insurance and Bajaj Allianz travel insurance offer robust trip cancellation coverage, ensuring you’re reimbursed for any non-refundable expenses.
Medical Emergencies Health emergencies can occur at any time, especially when traveling. Travel health insurance or travel medical insurance is designed to cover medical expenses such as hospital stays, doctor visits, and emergency surgeries.
Coverage typically includes medical evacuation if local hospitals cannot treat you adequately.
Providers like Reliance travel insurance offer comprehensive travel medical insurance, ensuring you’re financially protected in case of a medical emergency.
Lost, Stolen, or Damaged Luggage Losing your luggage can be one of the most frustrating experiences during travel. Most travel insurance plans will reimburse you for lost, damaged, or stolen baggage. They may also cover expenses if your luggage is delayed for an extended period.
Flight Delays or Missed Connections If your flight is delayed, you could miss important connections or even spend extra on accommodation and meals. Many travel insurance policies cover expenses related to:
Flight delays
Missed connections
Cancelled flights due to weather or other external factors
ICICI Lombard travel insurance and Bajaj Allianz travel insurance offer this coverage, making them popular options for frequent flyers.
Personal Liability Some travel insurance policies cover personal liability if you’re involved in an accident that causes injury or damage to someone else’s property. This can provide peace of mind during activities that may carry some risks.
Emergency Evacuation and Repatriation In case of a severe medical emergency, evacuation to a medical facility or repatriation back to your home country may be necessary. Comprehensive plans like those from Reliance travel insurance often cover these costs, ensuring you’re not left stranded.
What’s Not Covered by Travel Insurance?
While travel insurance provides critical coverage, there are certain exclusions that you need to be aware of before purchasing a plan. Here’s what is typically not covered:
Pre-Existing Medical Conditions Most travel health insurance plans won’t cover pre-existing medical conditions unless specified. If you suffer from a chronic illness or medical condition, make sure to review the policy carefully or look for specialized coverage.
High-Risk Activities or Sports Planning to go skydiving or skiing on your vacation? Many standard travel insurance policies exclude coverage for high-risk activities or adventure sports unless you purchase additional riders.
Traveling Against Medical Advice If you travel despite a doctor’s advice not to, your travel insurance may not cover any medical emergencies or cancellations related to your health condition.
Losses Due to Negligence If you lose your belongings due to your own negligence, such as leaving your phone unattended, most insurance providers will not cover the loss.
War, Terrorism, and Civil Unrest While some policies cover trip cancellations due to terrorism, many exclude coverage if you choose to travel to a country that is at war or experiencing civil unrest.
Pandemics and Epidemics While some policies have adapted post-COVID-19, many travel insurance plans exclude coverage related to pandemics. It’s always best to confirm with your insurer whether medical expenses or trip cancellations due to pandemics are included.
Non-Medical Evacuations Evacuation due to political unrest or natural disasters is generally not covered unless you have a specific rider in your travel insurance plan.
How to Buy the Best Travel Insurance
To get the most out of your travel insurance, you need to carefully compare plans and providers. Whether you’re looking at ICICI Lombard travel insurance, Bajaj Allianz travel insurance, or Reliance travel insurance, here are a few tips to help you choose the best coverage:
Compare Travel Insurance Quotes: It’s important to get multiple travel insurance quotes online to find the best deal. Look for plans that fit your budget while offering the coverage you need.
Buy Travel Insurance Online: Purchasing travel insurance online is the easiest and quickest way to get covered. Many providers, including ICICI Lombard and Bajaj Allianz, allow you to compare and buy travel insurance online within minutes.
Look for Customization: If you’re engaging in adventure sports or have pre-existing conditions, look for policies that offer riders to cover your unique needs.
Understand the Fine Print: Always read the policy details to ensure you’re aware of any exclusions or limitations. The best travel insurance plans are transparent and provide comprehensive coverage without hidden surprises.
Having travel insurance is an essential safety net for any trip, but it’s equally important to understand what is and isn’t covered in your policy. From travel medical insurance to baggage loss protection, a good travel insurance plan can save you from unexpected expenses and stress during your journey.
Before your next adventure, compare travel insurance quotes and buy travel insurance online to ensure you’re fully protected. Whether you choose ICICI Lombard travel insurance, Bajaj Allianz travel insurance, or Reliance travel insurance, being covered means traveling with peace of mind.
By being informed about your coverage, you can ensure a worry-free trip every time!
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