#emi uema
majokkoradio · 2 years
“Eternal Glow” - Star Melody Yumemi Dreamer - January 21, 2022
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papodecasual · 10 months
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Como relembrar é viver, vamos lembrar de um dos últimos atos oficiais de reconhecimento que Cho Aniki teve por parte da empresa detentora de seus direitos: o "Cho Aniki Festival" (超兄貴祭). Realizado em 24 de março de 2018, no Ikebukuro EDGE, em Tóquio, o evento, organizado pela Extreme Corporation, tinha como objetivo celebrar 25 anos de existência da franquia e reuniu fãs em um show com diversas atrações que remetem ao legado musical da franquia.
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Uma das primeiras a se apresentar no evento foi a cantora e dubladora Emi Uema que cantou "Pouring Rain"(1), música que fez parte da campanha de marketing do personagem Uminin, o bonequinho azul mascote de Cho Aniki que caiu no gosto da Extreme Corporation em meados de 2010.
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Depois dela, a banda Kaminari (神鳴) fez a sua apresentação. O nome não é muito familiar a primeira vista, mas se buscarmos na sua composição veremos Don Mc Cow, um dos compositores da franquia que teve grande influência na composição da trilha sonora do jogo de PS1 e SS, Cho Aniki: Kyuukyoku Muteki Ginga Saikyou Otoko.
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A banda Idaten-tai (韋駄天隊) também marcou presença! Esse grupo musical foi formado após o anúncio do jogo Cho Aniki Zero, lançado para PSP como um reboot da franquia. O ponto alto de sua aparição foi a música "Men's Panic" (2), tema que embalou muitos dos trailers do último jogo e foi tratado por um tempo como o "tema oficial" da série.
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Outra atração convidada foi o grupo "Nagareda Project" (流田Project). Desconheço a ligação que eles têm com a franquia, mas parece que o show foi muito bom! A banda fez cover de algumas aberturas bem conhecidas como "Pegasus Fantasy" e "Cha-la Head Cha-la" o que levou ao delírio o público, majoritariamente composto por homens na casa dos 40 anos.
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O mestre Koji Hayama, compositor mais icônico da franquia, também apareceu, não para cantar, mas para trazer uma mensagem de parabéns para Cho Aniki.
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Além dos shows, os fãs receberam latinhas de energético e tiveram a oportunidade de tirar fotos comemorativas com os "verdadeiros" Adon e Samson, que recebiam as pessoas na entrada do evento.
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O site Nico Nico Douga fez uma transmissão ao vivo do Cho Aniki Festival, mas infelizmente a gravação de se perdeu no tempo, tudo que restou para nós foram algumas imagens sobre a cobertura do evento e o excelente artigo do site 4Gamer(3) que traz uma excelente retrospectiva da noite, está em japonês, mas o google tradutor até que nos salva.
Bem, é isso, esse é um tipo de posto que não funcionaria bem no Twitter, então fica aqui no Tumblr como registro.
Links: 1) Pouring Rain por Emi Uema: 【うみにん】Pouring rain【Tifan】 - YouTube; 2) Men's Panic por Idaten-tai: [Cho Aniki] Men's Panic (Animated Music Video) - YouTube; 3) Cobertura do evento pela 4Gamer: 「超兄貴」25周年を祝したライブ「超兄貴祭」をレポート。マッチョマンが猛り,うみにんが踊り,皆でフロントダブルバイセップスした (4gamer.net)
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degeneracionx · 2 years
Inti Creates anuncia Grim Guardians: Demon Purge https://degeneracionx.com/2022/08/inti-creates-anuncia-grim-guardians-demon-purge/
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satoshi-mochida · 3 years
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Kogado Studio has announced rhythm adventure game Star Melody: Yumemi Dreamer for PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC (Steam). It will launch digitally this fall with support for English, Japanese, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese language options.
Here is an overview of the game, via its official website:
Star Melody: Yumemi Dreamer is a rhythm adventure game developed by Kogado Studio’s Kuroneko-san Team, which previously produced a number of popular bishoujo games such as Angelic Serenade and Symphonic Rain.
Yumemi Nanahoshi is an ordinary middle school student who lives in the small suburban seaside town Hoshimaki.
However, one day a creature named Kirara—the princess of Little Star, a planet destroyed by a monster called Muma—appeared before the ordinary Yumemi.
Muma—who manipulates nightmares to devour people’s souls—followed Kirara to Earth in pursuit of her.
To save everyone, Yumemi must become a “Dreamer” and defeat Muma with “Purification Songs”! With the support of her childhood friend Kanato, Yumemi becomes a Dreamer and continues to fight against Muma.
To protect the peace on earth. And to protect everyone’s dreams!
-Planning and Production: Kogadu Studio’s Kuroneko-san Team
-Director: Kurou Torikoshi (Kogado Studio)
-Series Composition: Daisuke Tazawa (Scenario Koubou Gekko), Pan Tachibana
-Scenario Supervision: Maoto Nishikawa (Kogado Studio), Kogado Studio Literaty Department
-Character Design: akkeyJin
-Graphics Supervision: Kogado Studio Digital Art Department
-Movie Production: yo-yu
-Sound Cooperation: Studio Mouse
-Music Cooperation: Bit Groove Promotion
-Opening Theme Song
Title: “Eternal Glow”
Lyrics and Composition: YOFFY (Psychic Lover)
Arrangement: Kenichiro Ohishi
Singer: Emi Uema
Music Writing: Mash Up Entertainment
Watch the announcement trailer below.
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otakunews01 · 6 years
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Emi Uema joins the cast in multimedia idol project Onsen Musume as Akanko Pirika
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UMP40′s Special Chocolate! Hurry up and eat it!
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pkjd · 6 years
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Pirika Akanko (CV: Emi Uema) is the latest character to be revealed from the Onsen Musume cross-media project. Original design by Plan.
Source: https://onsen-musume.jp/character/akanko_pirika
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arakakihiroko · 7 years
4/29に開催される、沖縄発の、粋でスペシャルなイベントにアラカキヒロコの出演が決定しました。 http://okinawaplus.jp/
“O+ Connecting Okinawa (オープラス) は、県内外、海外で活躍されているスピーカー・パフォーマーが一堂に会し、自身のオリジナルのアイデアを表現する1日限りの招待制イベントです。”(サイトより)
[SPEAKER] 上間 綾乃 ( Ayano Uema ) 玉城 絵美 ( Emi Tamaki ) 謝花 久乃 ( Hisano Jahana ) 河村 哲 ( Tetsu Kawamura ) 新里 清明 ( Kiyoaki Shinzato ) 譜久里 武 ( Takeshi Fukuzato ) 吉浜 崇浩 ( Takahiro Yoshihama ) 荷川取 佳樹 ( Yoshiki Nikadori )
[PERFORMER] アラカキ ヒロコ ( Hiroko Arakaki ) 吉田 ロベルト ( Roberto Yoshida ) YOKANG ( YOKANG ) 粒マスタード安次嶺 ( Tsubu Mastard Ashimine ) MASA MAGIC ( MASA MAGIC ) ジェームズ・パンキュビッチ ( James Pankiewicz ) 山田 なづ ( Naz Yamada )
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blue-item · 6 years
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ゲスト◇上間 江望(Emi Uema)声優・歌手
声優としてゲーム「バレットガールズ ファンタジア」の神代海凪役や「NOeSIS 歌う影の戯曲」の千代田庵役、「三極ジャスティス」の藤堂サキ役など数々のキャラクターを演じる。また、ゲーム『ひくらしのなく頃に 粋』のグランドエンディング「ひとつのいのち」や『キミの瞳にヒットミー』のOP主題歌「いますぐHit me!」などゲーム主題歌を担当し歌手としても精力的に活動しています!
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satoshi-mochida · 5 years
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Kaleidoscope of Phantom Prison, the recently announced visual novel from Entergram and Ryukishi07, will launch for PlayStation 4, Switch, and PS Vita on November 28 in Japan, Japanese retail listings reveal.
The standard edition will cost 4,320 yen, while the limited edition will cost 7,560 yen. The limited edition includes the “Phantasm Object” official art book, the “Behind Closed Doors Death Quiz Tournament” voice drama CD, a “Role of Fate” card, and an acrylic art panel.
Here is an overview of the game, via its store pages:
A girls x mental x suspense game from Ryukishi07 and Itaru Hinoue debuts on PlayStation 4, Switch, and PS Vita!
Although it depicts the limits of humans cornered by unimaginable cruelty, Ryukishi07 is overseeing the game in its entirety with a warm message full of human love, alongside Itaru Hinou, who has worked on numerous well-known titles featuring beautiful girls.
In this mismatch of a collaboration, the “Beauties of Itaru” will be depicted at the limits of which you have never seen before…
Planning and Script: Ryukishi07
Character Design and Drafting: Itaru Hinoue
SD Characters: Hisashi Senomoto
Vocal Music: Naomi Tamura and Emi Uema
Background Music: Higuumi Sound
Four girls, locked in an unfamiliar and ominous room.
When, how, by who, and to where were these close friends kidnapped? It was all unclear. None of the girls have any recollection of a place like this.
At some point, an iron collar was attached to each of the girls’ necks. Those collars were connected to chains, and each chain was connected to a chair at one of the room’s four corners. These were torture chairs that give off an ominous impression.
Four girls frightened in an ominous room with no exit. There, a large cage appeared from the ceiling. Inside, a boy was trapped. The white-robed boy is unable to communicate, and even his emotions show no variation. He, too, must likely be a “prisoner” such as the girls…
“In any case, we need to think of a way to get out of here…!”
“Let me tell you how to escape.”
An ominous voice echoed throughout the room.
I have prepared two fates for all of you. One where everyone in this room dies. The other where only three girls are saved. This is a trial to test the fate of you four.
When the time limit expires, everyone in this room will die.
A group of girls, suddenly attacked by a deadly premonition and hair-raising horror…
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satoshi-mochida · 5 years
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Publisher Entergram has announced Kaleidoscope of Phantom Prison, a new “girls x mental x suspense” adventure game planned and written by Ryukishi07 and illustrated by Itaru Hinoue, coming to PlayStation 4, Switch, and PS Vita in Japan this winter.
Here is a message from Ryukishi07 on the announcement:
Greetings, this is Ryukishi07.
The release of Kaleidoscope of Phantom Prison is right around the corner. Are you ready to dive into a bottomless pit, that I filled with my dark side?
Today, the character art from Itaru Hinoue was released. I adore how characters are distinctly cute, pure and innocent illustrated by Higami. The story will be a terrifying tale of how these innocent cute girls will have everything taken from them with no mercy. I hope you can look forward to the book.
The best part of stacking toy bricks is when you make them collapse. And the higher you stack the more sense of joy is to be had. Not to mention the sense of loss as well.
I wish you adore these girls for now, and wait a little more until the release.
More information will be announced on August 16 at 18:00 JST.
Watch the opening movie below, featuring the theme song “Beautiful World” sung by Emi Uema. View a set of character artworks at the gallery. Visit the teaser website here.
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