#emily claire schmitt
ledenews · 2 months
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catholicartistsnyc · 6 years
Meet: Emily Claire Schmitt
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EMILY CLAIRE SCHMITT is a NYC-based playwright. (www.emilyclaireschmitt.com and Twitter: @Eclaire082)
EMILY CLAIRE SCHMITT (ECS): I'm originally from Cincinnati, Ohio and I did my undergrad at Saint Mary's College in Indiana.  I always hoped to move to New York and I was fortunate that a few things fell into place for me when I graduated.  I was accepted into the New School for Drama's MFA program directly from undergrad.  I had applied to schools all over the country, and this happened to be both my top choice and only acceptance letter.  My college boyfriend's family is from Staten Island, so he moved back home and we were able to stay together.  Now that boyfriend is my husband, so I'm here to stay.
CAC: What do you see as your personal mission as a Catholic working in the arts?
ECS: First off, I love this question.  I think about this a lot, and I always try to pray a bit before I start writing, even if what I'm working on isn't an overtly religious piece.  I believe that God wants to be present with us as we grapple with the world and, while I don't let religious doctrines limit the content of my writing, my writing is always filtered through a worldview that God exists.  
A great deal of my art is critical of the institutional Church, but I'm still very insistent that I am a Catholic writer, as opposed to a formerly Catholic writer. There is a fundamental difference between someone who critiques from within and someone who has left the Church and is describing the experience that caused them to leave.  This distinction is supremely important to me.
I believe my vocation as a writer is to be a tool for God to express Themself in the world.  Sometimes this means representing the beauty of God's world, but more often than not it means shining light on that which is not in alignment with the Divine, whether within secular society or within the Church.  I hope that my work makes both religious and secular people uncomfortable.  I hope it makes them wonder what God thinks about them.
CAC: Where have you found support in the Church for your vocation as an artist?
ECS: I've been extremely fortunate to have made great connections with fellow Catholics in the arts.  I've worked with Xavier Theatre and Film, a Jesuit theater company, and they produced a showcase of my play "The Chalice" at the Stonewall Inn.  This was one of the highlights of my career thus far, an intersection of the Catholic and secular world that was truly fulfilling.
CAC: Where have you found support among your fellow artists for your Catholic faith?
ECS: It's a mixed bag.  Grad school was not a positive experience for me in terms of acceptance. After 16 years of Catholic education, I was suddenly in a secular world and I made a lot of mistakes in terms of how I presented myself.  I was wrestling with my faith privately, but fiercely defending it publicly, which is never a good tactic.  I didn't feel safe.  I no longer work with anyone from grad school, and that's best for all of us.
However, post graduation I have really found an artistic community with people of all faiths.  I have frequent collaborators who are non-Catholic Christians, members of other faiths, atheists, and agnostics.  I've found a particular home with The Skeleton Rep, a theater company that focuses on "building modern myth."  My religious beliefs really mesh with their interests, despite being a completely secular company.  I am currently developing a musical with them. 
CAC: How can the Church be more welcoming to artists?
ECS: Stop policing our content.  The vocation of an artist is to observe, critique, and respond.  It is not the vocation of the artist to simply listen and accept doctrine without question.  This means that there is an essential tension between the work of being an artist and the work of being a practicing Catholic.
As an artist, I don't have the luxury of keeping my disagreements with the Church private. I promise I'm listening and it's possible to change my mind. Please be patient with me.
CAC: How can the artistic world be more welcoming to artists of faith?
ECS: I think this is a difficult question because in most of the instances where people have been unwelcoming to me, it's because they have been hurt in some serious way by the Church.  It's taken me a long time to accept that, while I have not personally hurt them, I am part of an institution that has and it's not unreasonable for them to ask me to answer for that.
I try to be clear about my beliefs and about why I have chosen to remain in the Church.  I also try to articulate how I'm striving to make the Church better, while remaining firm in my support of Her.  I have to be both gentle and unafraid about how and why I disagree with the secular world as well.  Once again, I promise I'm listening and it's possible to change my mind.  Please be patient with me.
CAC: Where in NYC do you regularly find spiritual fulfillment?
ECS: I'm a bit of a parish hopper.  When I first came to NYC I fell in love with Saint Francis Xavier, near Union Square.  Their Young Adults Group was a great community for me, but after moving to Brooklyn and back I'm not as involved as I once was.  I've become more interested in traditional, more formal, liturgies. Saint Joseph of Yorkville is a beautiful neighborhood parish that has a highly reverent modern mass.  There are so many families with children there, it gives me great hope.  And the pastor is the man who reported on McCarrick so that's no small thing.... I like a priest I can respect, for obvious reasons.
When I'm feeling in particular need of deep ritual, I do love a Latin Mass. Saint Agnes by Grand Central is a great place to go for that. 
CAC: Where in NYC do you regularly find artistic fulfillment?
ECS: I already mentioned The Skeleton Rep, but one thing they do which I love are monthly artist salons.  Artists will get together, drink wine, and read new work, either a full play or short plays based on a prompt.  There is no formal feedback, just a chance for the writer to hear her play.  And afterwards we have a party.
CAC: How have you found or built community as a Catholic artist living in NYC?
ECS: Connecting with Brother Joe Hoover at Xavier Theater has really connected me with a great community of Catholic artists.  He has a way of making connections and bringing together a dynamic and diverse group of people with a huge variety of perspectives on the faith.  If you ever get the chance to work with them I highly recommend it.  Joe is a fantastic playwright and actor in his own right.
CAC: What is your daily spiritual practice?
ECS: I wish I had a better one...  I pray every day before I write.  My husband and I pray together before meals.  Recently, we've been doing a daily reflection before bed.  It's just one of those Little Blue Books you pick up from your parish during Advent, but it's been great.
CAC: What is your daily artistic practice? And what are your recommendations to other artists for practicing their craft daily?
ECS: I try to write for an hour every morning after working out and before leaving for work. This is really my sacred time: after my husband leaves, freshly showered, and place to myself.  It's short but it's extremely important.  And I can't stress enough the value of praying before you write. 
CAC: Describe a recent day in which you were most completely living out your vocation as an artist. What happened, and what brought you the most joy?
ECS: The most recent Skeleton Rep salon was on New Year's Eve.  I wrote a short piece for the event which spoke of my Catholic faith and it's relationship to the mission of the company.  Afterwards, another artist present pulled me aside to talk about how he is a Catholic as well but had stopped going to Church.  He was interested in going back, so we spent a long time talking about why I felt it was important for young Catholic artists to be in the faith and engage with it from the inside.  The whole conversation was so fulfilling for me. 
CAC: You actually live in NYC? How!?
ECS: I need to be completely up front and say that I have been incredibly privileged in terms of financial support from my family.  This is something we do not talk about enough in the arts.  My parents paid my rent and my tuition while I was in school and I am debt-free.  I'm also married to someone with a traditional career who contributes the majority of our income.  I am so incredibly fortunate it's not even funny.  
CAC: But seriously, how do you make a living in NYC?
ECS: Even with the financial support, I do have a full-time day job.  I don't know how anyone would make rent or buy groceries without one.  I work in social media marketing, which is great because it's mostly all remote.  I've also been nannying for my cousin's baby so making that sweet side cash.
It's a lot of work, and keeping my passion afloat on top if it, and making sure it remains my focus rather than just a "hobby" is a constant battle.
CAC: How much would you suggest artists moving to NYC budget for their first year?
ECS: I can't give a great answer to this, because it's so varied and I was in school when I started.  But consider that your monthly rent is likely to be over 1K no matter where you live.
CAC: What other practical resources would you recommend to a Catholic artist living in NYC?
ECS: I can't recommend enough reaching out to Xavier Theater for professional connections.  In terms of headshots, Joe Loper is a former classmate of mine who does a great job and is very reasonable. http://joeloper.com/
CAC: What are your top 3 pieces of advice for Catholic artists moving to NYC?
ECS: 1.) Don't rush finding your people.  It's a big city and it takes time.
2.) Exercise.
3.) Go to confession.  Why make art with sin on your soul?
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Part of the Network’s “Fall Harvest” Programming Event. 
Master Sommelier Jennifer Huether Appears as Herself
STUDIO CITY, CA – August 26, 2021 – Laura Osnes (“Fosse/Verdon”) and Juan Pablo Di Pace (“Fuller House”) star in “Raise a Glass to Love,” a new, original movie premiering Saturday, September 18 (9 p.m. ET/PT), on Hallmark Channel, as part of the network’s annual “Fall Harvest” programming event. Jennifer Huether, renowned Master Sommelier, consults and appears in a cameo as herself.
Since growing up on her late grandmother’s vineyard, Jenna Savern (Osnes) has dreamed of becoming a Master Sommelier. Determined to join her role model Jennifer Huether as one of the few women to pass the notoriously difficult exam – despite having failed her previous two attempts and with little support from her restauranteur boyfriend – Jenna takes any opportunity she can to study. When she’s called back to the family vineyard to help her father (Eric Keenleyside, “Superman and Lois”) throw a surprise anniversary party, she sees it as the perfect chance to get away and focus. While there, Jenna meets the vineyard’s handsome new head winemaker Marcelo (Di Pace), who has successfully turned around small vineyards all over the world using natural methods he learned growing up in Argentina. Marcelo soon has Jenna looking at wine, and her long-held dreams, in a new way. As exam day approaches and Marcelo is offered a job that would take him halfway around the world, she learns that sometimes the best pairing is the one you never expected.
“Raise a Glass to Love” is from Glee Road Productions Ltd. Antonio Cupo is executive producer. Charles Cooper is producer and Allen Lewis and Bianca Versteeg are supervising producers. David Weaver directed from a script by Emily Claire Schmitt. 
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books I read in 2019 (not including rereads, favorites are bolded!)
Come Close - Sappho
Shanghai Baby - Wei Hui
Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair - Pablo Neruda
Bad Feminist: Essays - Roxane Gay
The Mother of Black Hollywood: A Memoir - Jenifer Lewis
Sula - Toni Morrison
Reinventing the Enemy’s Language: Contemporary Native Women’s Writings of North America - ed. Joy Harjo and Gloria Bird
How to Write an Autobiographical Novel - Alexander Chee
Night Sky With Exit Wounds - Ocean Vuong
If They Come For Us - Fatimah Asghar
Heart Berries: A Memoir - Terese Marie Mailhot
Less - Andrew Sean Greer
The Astonishing Color of After - Emily X.R. Pan
Goodbye, Vitamin - Rachel Khong
Darius the Great is Not Okay - Adib Khorram
Exit West - Mohsin Hamid
Homegirls and Handgrenades - Sonia Sanchez
Heavy: An American Memoir - Keise Laymon
All You Can Ever Know - Nicole Chung
Unaccustomed Earth - Jhumpa Lahiri
The Wife Between Us - Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen
The Way You Make Me Feel - Maureen Goo
A Very Large Expanse of Sea - Tahereh Mafi
Water By the Spoonful - Quiara Alegría Hudes
I Can’t Date Jesus: Love, Sex, Family, Race, and Other Reasons I’ve Put My Faith in Beyoncé - Michael Arceneaux
Bury It - Sam Sax
White Dancing Elephants - Chaya Bhuvaneswar
Pulp - Robin Talley
Shit is Real - Aisha Franz
Silencer - Marcus Wicker
Forget Sorrow: An Ancestral Tale - Belle Yang
Bestiary: Poems - Donika Kelly
Monster Portraits - Sofia Samatar
No Matter the Wreckage - Sarah Kay
Violet Energy Ingots - Hoa Nguyen
Olio - Tyehimba Jess
The Kane Chronicles: The Serpent’s Shadow - Rick Riordan
There Are More Beautiful Things Than Beyoncé - Morgan Parker
Nylon Road: A Graphic Memoir of Coming of Age in Iran - Parsua Bashi
The Wedding Date - Jasmine Guillory
Fruit of the Drunken Tree - Ingrid Rojas Contreras
An American Marriage - Tayari Jones
Family Trust - Kathy Wang
Not That Bad: Dispatches from Rape Culture - ed. Roxane Gay
Little & Lion - Brandy Colbert
A Girl Like That - Tanaz Bhathena
Suicide Club: A Novel About Living - Rachel Heng
The Disturbed Girl’s Dictionary - NoNieqa Ramos
My Old Faithful: Stories - Yang Huang
Crazy Rich Asians - Kevin Kwan
Girls Burn Brighter - Shobha Rao
Moon of the Crusted Snow - Waubgeshig Rice
Kingdom Animalia - Aracelis Girmay
Happiness - Aminatta Forna
Devotions - Mary Oliver
The Proposal - Jasmine Guillory
The Kiss Quotient - Helen Hoang
When Katie Met Cassidy - Camille Perri
Heads of the Colored People - Nafissa Thompson-Spires
Friday Black: Stories - Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah
The Word is Murder - Anthony Horowitz
Miles from Nowhere - Nami Mun
The Lost Ones - Sheena Kamal
All the Names They Used for God - Anjali Sachdeva
Confessions of the Fox - Jordy Rosenberg
Love, Loss, and What We Ate: A Memoir - Padma Lakshmi
On the Come Up - Angie Thomas
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society - Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows
The Love & Lies of Rukhsana Ali - Sabina Khan
See What I Have Done - Sarah Schmitt
Convenience Store Woman - Sayaka Murata
I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter - Erika Sánchez
For Today I Am A Boy - Kim Fu
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo - Taylor Jenkins Reid
Conflict Resolution for Holy Beings - Joy Harjo
They Can’t Kill Us Until They Kill Us - Hanif Abdurraqib
Mongrels - Stephen Graham Jones
If Beale Street Could Talk - James Baldwin
Death of Innocence: The Story of the Hate Crime that Changed America - Mamie Till-Mobley and Christopher Benson
The Gilded Wolves - Roshani Chokshi
To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before - Jenny Han
The Perfect Nanny - Leila Slimani, translated by Sam Taylor
The Travelling Cat Chronicles - Hiro Arikawa, translated by Philip Gabriel
Things We Lost in the Fire - Mariana Enríquez, translated by Megan McDowell
Sunburn - Laura Lippman
The House of Impossible Beauties - Joseph Cassara
Freshwater - Akwaeke Emezi
A Private Life - Chen Ran, translated by John Howard-Gibbon
Invisible: The Forgotten Story of the Black Woman Lawyer Who Took Down America’s Most Powerful Mobster - Stephen L. Carter
Undead Girl Gang - Lily Anderson
They Both Die at the End - Adam Silvera
The Friend - Sigrid Nunez
Severance - Ling Ma
Tiny Crimes: Very Short Tales of Mystery & Murder - ed. Licoln Michel and Nadxieli Nieto
Mapping the Interior - Stephen Graham Jones
Give Me Some Truth - Eric Gansworth
How to Love a Jamaican - Alexia Arthurs
All of This is True - Lygia Day Peñaflor
Swimmer Among the Stars - Kanishk Tharoor
The Wicked + the Divine, Vol. 7: Mothering Invention - Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie
This is Kind of an Epic Love Story - Kheryn Callender
Gingerbread - Helen Oyeyemi
Where the Dead Sit Talking - Brandon Hobson
The Ensemble - Aja Gabel
My Education - Susan Choi
More Happy than Not - Adam Silvera
Nobody Cares: Essays - Anne T. Donahue
Kiss and Tell: A Romantic Résumé, Ages 0 to 22 - Marinaomi
Oculus: Poems - Sally Wen Mao
Let’s Talk About Love - Claire Kann
History is All You Left Me - Adam Silvera
Opposite of Always - Justin A. Reynolds
The Crown Ain’t Worth Much - Hanif Abdurraqib
The Weight of Our Sky - Hanna Alkaf
If You See Me, Don’t Say Hi - Neel Patel
Girls of Paper and Fire - Natasha Ngan
What if It’s Us - Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera
The Map of Salt and Stars - Jennifer Zeynab Joukhadar
October Mourning: A Song for Matthew Shepard - Lesléa Newman
The Big Smoke - Adrian Matejka
Dissolve - Sherwin Bitsui
The Woman Next Door - Yewande Omotoso
The Refugees - Viet Thanh Nguyen
White Tears - Hari Kunzru
Electric Arches - Eve Ewing
The Black Maria - Aracelis Girmay
Bloodchild and Other Stories - Octavia Butler
Soft Science - Franny Choi
The White Card - Claudia Rankine
Mad Honey Symposium - Sally Wen Mao
The Care and Feeding of Ravenously Hungry Girls - Anissa Gray
Next: New Poems - Lucille Clifton
The Marvelous Arithmetics of Distance: Poems 1987-1992 - Audre Lorde
Quilting the Black-Eyed Pea: Poems and Not Quite Poems - Nikki Giovanni
The Arab of the Future - Riad Sattouf
Ghosts in the Schoolyard: Racism and School Closings on Chicago’s South Side - Eve L. Ewing
Gruel - Bunkong Tuon
Marriage of a Thousand Lies - SJ Sindu
Parable of the Sower - Octavia Butler
Good Night, Willie Lee, I’ll See You in the Morning - Alice Walker
That Kind of Mother - Rumaan Alam
Erotic Stories for Punjabi Widows - Balli Kaur Jaswal
Hera Lindsay Bird - Hera Lindsay Bird
Queenie - Candice Carty-Williams
And Still I Rise - Maya Angelou
The Man Who Shot Out My Eye Is Dead - Chanelle Benz
Everyone Knows You Go Home - Natalia Sylvester
Naming Our Destiny: New and Selected Poems - June Jordan
The 100* Best African American Poems (*But I Cheated) - ed. Nikki Giovanni
The Haunting of Tram Car 015 - P. Djèlí Clark
Bury My Clothes - Roger Bonair-Agard
Selected Poems - Langston Hughes
Their Eyes Were Watching God - Zora Neale Hurston
Sonata Mulattica - Rita Dove
Winnie - Gwendolyn Brooks
Bicycles: Love Poems - Nikki Giovanni
The Black God’s Drums -  P. Djèlí Clark
Kid Gloves: Nine Months of Careful Chaos - Lucy Knisley
Annie Allen - Gwendolyn Brooks
Parable of the Talents  - Octavia Butler
After Disasters - Viet Dinh
Passing for Human: A Graphic Memoir - Liana Finck
Teeth - Aracelis Girmay
A Surprised Queenhood in the New Black Sun: The Life & Legacy of Gwendolyn Brooks - Angela Jackson
Peluda - Melissa Lozada-Oliva
A Map to the Next World - Joy Harjo
Magical Negro - Morgan Parker
Corpse Whale - dg nanouk okpik
Hawkeye: Volume 1 - Matt Fraction
Cenzontle - Marcelo Hernandez Castillo
Don’t Let Me Be Lonely: An American Lyric - Claudia Rankine
Selected Poems - Gwendolyn Brooks
She Had Some Horses - Joy Harjo
The BreakBeat Poets: New American Poetry in the Age of Hip-Hope - ed. Kevin Coval, Quraysh Ali Lansana, and Nate Marshall
Beyond Uhura: Star Trek and Other Memories - Nichelle Nichols
The Past and Other Things that Should Stay Buried - Shaun David Hutchinson
Difficult Women - Roxane Gay
The Woman Who Fell From the Sky - Joy Harjo
The Collected Schizophrenias: Essays - Esmé Weijun Wang
Go Ahead in the Rain: Notes to A Tribe Called Quest - Hanif Abdurraqib
The Frolic of the Beasts - Yukio Mishima
Hawkeye Omnibus - Matt Fraction
Good Talk: A Memoir in Conversations - Mira Jacob
Karamo: My Story of Embracing Purpose, Healing, and Hope - Karamo Brown
Tipping the Velvet - Sarah Waters
When My Brother Was an Aztec - Natalie Diaz
Toxic Flora: Poems - Kimiko Hahn
Virgin - Analicia Sotelo
Easy Prey - Catherine Lo
Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me - Mariko Tamaki and Rosemary Valero-O’Connell
Saints and Misfits - S.K. Ali
Intercepted - Alexa Martin
Love from A to Z - S.K. Ali
Gemini - Sonya Mukherjee
The Atlas of Reds and Blues - Devi S. Laskar
My Brother’s Husband Vol. II - Gengoroh Tagame
Black Queer Hoe - Britteney Black Rose Kapri
Internment - Samira Ahmed
Dothead: Poems - Amit Majmudar
With the Fire On High - Elizabeth Acevedo
Sabrina & Corina: Stories - Kali Fajardo-Anstine
Milk and Filth - Carmen Giménez Smith
The Key to Happily Ever After - Tif Marcelo
If You’re Out There - Katy Loutzenhiser
Farewell to Manzanar - Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston
New Poets of Native Nations - ed. Heid E. Erdrich
Bodymap: Poems - Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
Wolf by Wolf - Ryan Graudin
Tell Me How It Ends - Valeria Luiselli
Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood - Trevor Noah
Down and Across - Arvin Ahmadi
The Tradition - Jericho Brown
About Betty’s Boob - Vero Cazot and Julie Rocheleau
Fake It Till You Break It - Jenn P. Nguyen
Storm of Locusts - Rebecca Roanhorse
Silver Sparrow - Tayari Jones
Pride, Prejudice, and Other Flavors - Sonali Dev
Mongrel: Essays, Diatribes, Pranks - Justin Chin
When I Grow Up I Want To Be a List of Further Possibilities - Chen Chen
The New Testament - Jericho Brown
Fumbled - Alexa Martin
If It Makes You Happy - Claire Kann
Brave Face - Shaun David Hutchinson
Words in Deep Blue - Cath Crowley
Lost Children Archive - Valeria Luiselli
Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice - Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
We Were Eight Years in Power: An American Tragedy - Ta-Nehisi Coates
Anger is a Gift - Mark Oshiro
The Bride Test - Helen Hoang
Not Your Backup - C.B. Lee
Prelude to Bruise - Saeed Jones
The Night Wanderer: A Graphic Novel - Drew Hayden Taylor and Michael Wyatt
Naturally Tan - Tan France
Bloom - Kevin Panetta and Savanna Ganucheau
Like a Love Story - Abdi Nazemian
I’m Afraid of Men - Vivek Shraya
Juliet Takes a Breath - Gabby Rivera
On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous - Ocean Vuong
Let Me Hear a Rhyme - Tiffany D. Jackson
I Wanna Be Where You Are - Kristina Forest
Hurricane Season - Nicole Melleby
Split Tooth - Tanya Tagaq
Hungry Hearts: 13 Tales of Love and Food - ed. Elsie Chapman and Caroline Tung Richmond
The Night Tiger - Yangsze Choo
Long Live the Tribe of Fatherless Girls - T Kira Madden
Miracle Creek - Angie Kim
Ayesha at Last - Uzma Jalaluddin
Shout - Laurie Halse Anderson
The Breakbeat Poets Vol. 3: Halal if You Hear Me - ed. Fatimah Asghar and Safia Elhillo
The Tenth Muse - Catherine Chung
This Place: 150 Years Retold - various authors
Kings, Queens, and In-Betweens - Tanya Boteju
Midnight Chicken (& Other Recipes Worth Living For) - Ella Risbridger
Library of Small Catastrophes - Alison C. Rollins
Natalie Tan’s Book of Luck and Fortune - Roselle Lim
No Ashes in the Fire: Coming of Age Black and Free in America - Darnell L. Moore
The Book of Delights - Ross Gay
The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle - Stuart Turton
Speak No Evil - Uzodinma Iweala
How We Fight White Supremacy - Akiba Solomon and Kenrya Rankin
A Love Story Starring My Dead Best Friend - Emily Horner
Here and Now and Then - Mike Chen 
The Ghost Bride - Yangsze Choo
Red White and Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston
Becoming - Michelle Obama
The Wedding Party - Jasmine Guillory
Magic for Liars - Sarah Gailey
I’ll Be Gone in the Dark: One Woman’s Obsessive Search for the Golden State Killer - Michelle McNamara
Brain Fever - Kimiko Hahn
Life on Mars - Tracy K. Smith
Notebooks of a Chile Verde Smuggler - Juan Felipe Herrera
Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude - Ross Gay
Tentacle - Rita Indiana
Hapa Tales and Other Lies: A Memoir About the Mixed Race Hawai’i That I Never Knew - Sharon Chang
Loose Woman - Sandra Cisneros
Duende - Tracy K. Smith
Mostly Dead Things - Kristen Arnett
1919 - Eve L. Ewing
Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race - Reni Eddo-Lodge
Negroland - Margo Jefferson
For Black Girls Like Me - Mariama J. Lockington
Super Extra Grande - Yoss
Home Remedies - Xuan Juliana Wang
You Can’t Touch My Hair: And Other Things I Still Have to Explain - Phoebe Robinson
An Anonymous Girl - Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen
The Abundance - Amit Majmudar
I Shall Not Be Moved - Maya Angelou
Helium - Rudy Francisco
Teaching My Mother to Give Birth - Warsan Shire
Tomie - Junji Ito
Everything’s Trash, But It’s Okay - Phoebe Robinson
This Time Will Be Different - Misa Sugiura
Junji Ito’s Cat Diary: Yon & Mu - Junji Ito
Stag’s Leap - Sharon Olds
Black Card - Chris L. Terry
It’s Not Like It’s A Secret - Misa Sugiura
Washington Black - Esi Edugyan
From Here To Eternity: Traveling the World to Find the Good Death - Caitlin Doughty
I’m Telling the Truth, But I’m Lying: Essays - Bassey Ikpi
A House of My Own: Stories from my Life - Sandra Cisneros
The Terrible - Yrsa Daley-Ward
The Black Tides of Heaven - JY Yang
The Red Threads of Fortune - JY Yang
Little Fish - Casey Plett
Trick Mirror: Reflections on Self-Delusion - Jia Tolentino
The Black Condition ft. Narcissus - Jayy Dodd
The Goldfinch - Donna Tartt
Dealing in Dreams - Lilliam Rivera
The Tiger Flu - Larissa Lai
The Island of Sea Women - Lisa See
America is Not the Heart - Elaine Castillo
Feel Free - Zadie Smith
Walking on the Ceiling - Aysegul Savas
My Time Among the Whites: Notes from an Unfinished Education - Jennine Capo Crucet
The Unpassing - Chia-Chia Lin
Maurice - E.M. Forster
Permanent Record - Mary H.K. Choi
The Downstairs Girl - Stacey Lee
Red Dust Road: An Autobiographical Journey - Jackie Kay
The Ungrateful Refugee: What Immigrants Never Tell You - Dina Nayeri
I Married My Best Friend to Shut My Parents Up - Naoko Kodama
Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI - David Grann
Ordinary Light - Tracy K. Smith
Cantoras - Carolina De Robertis
Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness - Susannah Cahalan
How to Be Remy Cameron - Julian Winters
The Marriage Clock - Zara Raheem
Moon: Letters, Maps, Poems - Jennifer S. Cheng
Where Reasons End - Yiyun Li
Pet - Akwaeke Emezi
Meddling Kids - Edgar Cantero
A Lucky Man - Jamel Brinkley
Maiden, Mother, Crone: Fantastical Trans Femmes - ed. Gwen Benaway
What is Obscenity? The Story of a Good for Nothing Artist and her Pussy - Rokudenashiko
The Umbrella Academy Vol. III: Hotel Oblivion - Gerard Way
Who Put This Song On? - Morgan Parker
The Souls of Yellow Folk: Essays - Wesley Yang
Wave - Sonali Deraniyagala
Love War Stories - Ivelisse Rodriguez
Baby Teeth - Zoje Stage
A Fortune for Your Disaster - Hanif Abdurraqib
Eyes Bottle Dark with a Mouthful of Flowers - Jake Skeets
Dear America: Notes of an Undocumented Citizen - Jose Antonio Vargas
The Marrow Thieves - Cherie Dimaline
Polite Society - Mahesh Rao
Patron Saints of Nothing - Randy Ribay
The Body Papers: A Memoir - Grace Talusan
A Woman is No Man - Etaf Rum
Travelers - Helon Habila
Trust Exercise - Susan Choi
The Silent Patient - Alex Michaelides
The Intuitionist - Colson Whitehead
A People’s History of Heaven - Mathangi Subramanian
The Buddha of Suburbia - Hanif Kureishi
This is Paradise: Stories - Kristiana Kahakauwila
Brood - Kimiko Hahn
Don’t Look Now - Daphne du Maurier
How We Fight for Our Lives - Saeed Jones
I Hope You Get This Message - Farah Naz Rishi
Unmarriageable - Soniah Kamal
Bad Endings - Carleigh Baker
The Water Dancer - Ta-Nehisi Coates
The Lady from the Black Lagoon: Hollywood Monsters and the Lost Legacy of Milicent Patrick - Mallory O’Meara
Shapes of Native Nonficton: Collected Essays by Contemporary Writers - ed. Elissa Washuta and Theresa Warburton
Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass - Mariko Tamaki
Even the Saints Audition - Rachel Jackson
Slay - Britney Morris
#NotYourPrincess: Voices of Native American Women - ed. Lisa Charleyboy and Mary Beth Leatherdale
The Starlet and the Spy - Ji-min Lee
North of Dawn - Nuruddin Farah
Daisy Jones & The Six - Taylor Jenkins Reid
The Drowning Boy’s Guide to Water - Cameron Barnett
They Called Us Enemy - George Takei
Dear Girls: Intimate Tales, Untold Secrets, and Advice for Living Your Best Life - Ali Wong
The Right Swipe - Alisha Rai
Full Disclosure - Camryn Garrett
Searching for Sylvie Lee - Jean Kwok
Gideon the Ninth - Tasmyn Muir
Stubborn Archivist - Yara Rodrigues Fowler
The Wicked + the Divine, Vol. 8: Old is the New New - Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie
Never Grow Up - Jackie Chan
“All the Real Indians Died Off”: And 20 Other Myths About Native Americans - Roxanna Dunbar-Ortiz
In the Dream House - Carmen Maria Machado
Blame This on the Boogie - Rina Ayuyang
It - Stephen King
Sea Monsters - Chloe Aridjis
My Fate According to the Butterfly - Gail D. Villanueva
The Wicked + the Divine, Vol. 9: “Okay” - Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie
The Deep - Rivers Solomon
I Hope We Choose Love: A Trans Girl’s Notes from the End of the World - Kai Cheng Thom
Mooncakes - Suzanne Walker
BTTM FDRS - Ezra Claytan Daniels and Ben Passmore
Hot Comb - Ebony Flowers
Notes from a Young Black Chef - Kwame Onwuachi
Bunny - Mona Awad
The Twisted Ones - T. Kingfisher
Shuri, Vol. 1: The Search for Black Panther - Nnedi Okorafor
I Was Their American Dream: A Graphic Memoir - Malaka Gharib
Thick: And Other Essays - Tressie McMillan Cottom
Royal Holiday - Jasmine Guillory
Boxers - Gene Luen Yang
Saints - Gene Luen Yang
Fox 8 - George Saunders
The Memory Police - Yoko Ogawa
Last Day - Domenica Ruta
Wakanda Forever - Nnedi Okorafor
The Revisioners - Margaret Wilkerson Sexton
The Future of Another Timeline - Annalee Newitz
We Have Always Been Here: A Queer Muslim Memoir - Samra Habib
Somewhere in the Middle: A Journey to the Phillipines in Search of Roots, Belonging, and Identity - Deborah Francisco Douglas
Crier’s War - Nina Varela
Something in Between - Melissa de la Cruz
The Secrets We Kept - Lara Prescott
The Tao of Raven: An Alaska Native Memoir - Ernestine Hayes
One of Us is Lying - Karen M. McManus
Piecing Me Together - Renee Watson
Binti - Nnedi Okorafor
The Nickel Boys - Colson Whitehead
Recursion - Blake Crouch
Supper Club - Lara Williams
15 notes · View notes
uneminuteparseconde · 5 years
Des concerts à Paris et alentour
Avril 02. Lydia Lunch & Ian White : lecture musicale de "So Real It Hurts" – The University of Chicago Center (gratuit sur résa) 02. Schtum + Shit & Shine (fest. Sonic Protest) – Mona Bismarck American Center 02. Steve Gunn + Papercuts – Petit Bain 03. Sheik Anorak + Mister Bishop + BaBa YaGe – Les Nautes 02. Ballaké Cissoko & Vincent Segal (fest. Les Rares Talents) – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) 03. Han Bennink + Jean-François Pauvros + Anne-Laure Pigache & Anne-Julie Rollet + Parlophonie (fest. Sonic Protest) – théâtre de Vanves 04. Os Noctambulos + The Shazzams + Veenus – L'Alimentation générale (gratuit) 04. Shannon Wright + Anna Calvi + Requin Chargin + Kate NV (fest. Les femmes s'en mêlent) – Trabendo 04. Dust Breeders & Mattin + Lydia Lunch & Marc Hurtado jouent Suicide et Alan Vega + Anna Zaradny (fest. Sonic Protest) – église Saint-Merry ||COMPLET|| 05. Duncan + Nicolbolas – Le Zorba (gratuit) 05. Zoe McPherson – Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles (gratuit sur résa) 05. Beirut – Le Grand Rex 05. Asian Dub Foundation : cinéconcert sur "La Bataille d'Alger" de Gillo Pontecorvo – Auditorium|Palais de la porte Dorée 05. Nadia Lauro & Zeena Parkins : Stichomythia – Centre Pompidou 05. Camilla Sparksss + Georgia UK + Emily Wells + Tiny Ruins + Emilie Zoé (fest. Les femmes s'en mêlent) – Trabendo 05. Defekt + Blush Response + Sinus 0 + Kino + Koddi – NF-34 05. Rendez-Vous + Qual – Gaîté lyrique ||COMPLET|| 05. Bégayer + France + Frédéric Blondy joue "Occam XXV" d'Éliane Radigue (fest. Sonic Protest) – église Saint-Merry ||COMPLET|| 06. Ujjaya – Médiathèque Georges-Wolinski (Noisy-le-Grand) (gratuit sur résa) 06. Nadia Lauro & Zeena Parkins : Stichomythia – Centre Pompidou 06. Regina Demina + Ionnalee + Pongo + Sink Ya Teeth + Oh Mu + Dope Saint Jude + Silly Boy Blue (fest. Les femmes s'en mêlent) – Trabendo 06. The Hacker + Kittin + Arnaud Rebotini + Djedjotronic + David Caretta + Cardopusher – Terminal 7 06. Molecule – Gaîté lyrique 06. These New Puritans + Scintii – Petit Bain 06. Kokoko! + Teknomom  – Badaboum 06. Dylan Carlson + Julien Clauss + Hermine + Lee Patterson + Ut + Blenno Die Wurstbrücke (fest. Sonic Protest) – Cirque électrique 07. Tashi Wada Group + Julia Holter + Corey Fogel – Lafayette Anticipations 08. The Specials – La Cigale 08. The Ex + Massicot – Petit Bain 09. Young Widows + Nesseria – Petit Bain 10. The Flying Luttenbachers – The University of Chicago Center (gratuit sur résa) 10. Jeff Mills : cinéconcert sur "Paris qui dort" de René Clair – Cinémathèque 10. Daughters – Point FMR ||COMPLET|| 11. Foudre + Krampf (dj) + Qoso (dj) (no 100 de Mouvement) – CN D (Pantin) (gratuit sur résa) 11. Areva + The Rabblers – Le Zorba 11. Claus & Clausen + Tatu Rönkkö (Pølar fest.) – Église Saint-Merry 11. Ancient Methods + Thomas Delecroix – NF-34 12. Jad Wio + Jean-Pierre Kalfon – Black Star 12. Femminielli noir + Vomir Rollet + dj Moyo – Treize 12. Orchestra of Constant Distress + Arnaud Rivière + Oliver Brisson – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 13. Bracco + Ellah a. Thaun + Balladur + Le Groupe obscur + FTR + Brace Brace + San Carol + Yen Yen + UVB76 (dj) (Disquaire Day) – Point FMR (gratuit) 13. Toner Low + Ambassador 21 + The Fat + Orso + Evil Grimace + Gurt + Ddent + Froe Char + End of Mankind + McLane + Suprême Mycosaure (Monospace fest.) – Petit Bain 13. Author & Punisher – Espace B 13. Broken English Club + Dactylo + Nizar + Pipi de Freche – NF-34 14. Arnaud Rebotini joue la BO de "120 Battements par minute" – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 14. Chocolat Billy + Monsieur Thibault – Cirque électrique 15. Tim Shaw + Phill Niblock – La Générale Nord-Est (gratuit) 16. Bazooka + En attendant Ana + Seppuku – Espace B 16. Mimi Kawouin + Oculus Tapageur + FLF – tba 16. Poutre + Tabatha Crash + AVC –  Le Picolo (Saint-Ouen) 17. Teenage Fanclub – Trabendo 17. Soap&Skin – Le Trianon 17. Cave + Derinëgolem + Korto – Cirque électrique 17. Der Blutarsch & The Infinite Church of the Lending Hand + Mongolito – Black Star 17. Apparat – Gaîté lyrique ||COMPLET|| 18. Chrysta Bell – Supersonic (gratuit) 18. Kompromat – Trabendo 18. Bendik Giske + Kristina Männikkö + Denzel b2b Justus Valtanen b2b J.Lindroos b2b Daniel Kayrouz... (Pølar fest.) – La Station 18. Laurence Wasser + Pratos – Le Zorba 19. Hocico + Heerschaft – Gibus 19. Ho99o9  – Trabendo 20. Vincent Epplay + Black Zone Myth Chant & High Wolf + Domotic + Jean Benoît Dunckel + NSDOS + Erol Alkan + Tim Glass + Roscius + Sahalé + Golden Bug + Pouvoir magique + Cät Cät + RA+RE + Wael Alkak + Molecule (Inasound fest.) – Palais Brongniart 20. Michael Rother joue "Harmonia" de Neu! + Steeple Remove – La Maroquinerie 20. Gazelle Twin + Rkss (dj) + Hante + Kritzkom – Gaîté lyrique 20. Rien virgule + Pardans + Ellah a. Thaun – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 20. The Horrorist + {KRTM} + 14anger + David Asko – Rex Club 20. Margaret Dygas + Shackleton + rRoxymore + Leyf – Concrete 20. I Hate Models + Airod + Thomas P. Heckmann + Dax J + Parfait – tba 21. Wolfgang Flür – Supersonic 21. Plaid + NSDOS + Myako & Basses Terres + Jonathan Fitoussi + Danton Eprom + La Fraîcheur + Edouard Rostand + Prieur de la Marne + The Supermen Lovers + Panteros666 & Inès Alpha + Matt Black + Sara Zinger (Inasound fest.) – Palais Brongniart 22. Fontaines D.C. – Point FMR 23. Lambchop – La Maroquinerie 23. Octopoulpe + Boucan + Von Stroheim – La Cantine de Belleville 24. Talky Nerds + PenG + Electric Retro Spectrum – Gare XP 24. Saint Titus + Guilhem All + Les Lumières – Le Zorba 25. Lali Puna + Surma + Zalfa – Petit Bain 25. Kap Bambino – Trabendo 25. Guili Guili Goulag + Flingué – L'International 26. Art brut + Les Olivensteins – Petit Bain 26. Demdike Stare + Eliza McCarthy joue Mica Levi – Église Saint-Merry 26. Nous Deux + David Fenech & Laurent Perrier + Olga Bost – Le Zorba 26. Truss + Nkisi + 747 + Lacchesi – Rex Club 26. Remco Beekwilder + Speedy J + Nur Jaber – La Machine 27. She Past Away + Isolated Youth + Potochkin – La Machine 27. Chloé : Lumières noires – Le 104 27. Cocaine Piss + Tôle froide + Avale – Petit Bain 27. Thharm + Harpon + Heimat + TG Gondard – Cirque électrique 27. Bérengère Maximin, Fred Firth & Heike Liss – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 27/28. Alva Noto + Anetha + Antigone & Shlømo + Ciel + Clara 3000 + Daniel Avery + Deena Abdelwahed + Djrum + Kink + Lanark Artefax + Octo Octa b2b Eris Drew + OKO + Red Axes + Sentiments + The Pilotwings + Tryphème + Park Hye Jin (Weather fest.) – La Seine musicale (Boulogne-Billancourt) 30. The Undergound Youth + Dune Messiah – Petit Bain 30. Low Jack b2b Simo Cell + Kekra + AZF (RBMA fest.) – Gaîté lyrique 30. Couloir Gang + Descendeur + Yellow Magic Harpsichord – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 30. Shifted b2b Sigha + Lotus Eaters (Lucy & Rrose) + Von Grall + Clotur + Emissär + Vâyu – Concrete
Mai 02. Master Musicians of Jajouka – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 03. Les Boucles étranges + Badbad + Mechanical heaven + Jeanne – Le Klub 03. Atari Teenage Riot (dj) + Rebeka Warrior + Haj 300 – Rex Club 04. Covenant – Petit Bain 04. Tomoko Sauvage – tba 04. Belmont Witch + Dragon's Daughters + Petra Pied de biche (God Save The Chicks! fest.) – Mains d'oeuvre (Saint-Ouen) 04. Headless Horseman + Shxcxchcxsh + Ghost in the Machine + Mayeul + Evil Grimace + Kuss – tba 04. Arnaud Rebotini (dj) + SNTS + Antigone – 42 av. Louis-Roche (Gennevilliers) 07. dEUS – La Cigale 07. Le Prince Harry + UVB76 + Container + Techno Thriller + Succhiamo – Petit Bain 08. Sneaks – Supersonic (gratuit) 09. Bill Nace & Samara Lubelski + Michiyo Yagi & Tony Buck – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 10. The ChameleonsVox + Varsovie – La Boule noire 10. Vox Low + Pion + David Chalmin – La Maroquinerie 10. Exchpoptrue + Pita (dj) + Vicnet + dj Aï – La Marbrerie (Montreuil) 10. House of Echo + Hyperactiv Leslie + Alfa Mist (fest. Switch) – théâtre de Vanves 10. Kas:st + Hadone + Michal Jablonski + Cvrdwell – Rex Club 10/11. Casse Gueule + Cyclicweetos + Clafoutis Club + Daisy Mortem + Gargäntua + Mss Frnce + Princess Näpalm + Süeür + Titus d'enfer (Fauché fest.) – Espace Albatros (Montreuil) 10/11. Dead Can Dance – Grand Rex ||COMPLET|| 11. Christina Vantzou + Eiko Ishibashi + Jan Jelinek + NPVR (Nik Void & Peter Rehberg) – Le 104 12. Massimo Toniutti + François Bayle – Le 104 13. Foals – Bataclan 14. Romain Berteau + Claus & Clausen + Borja Flames + Ambeyance (fest. Switch) – théâtre de Vanves 14. Erikm & Anthony Pateras + Dieb13 & Burkhard Stangl – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 16. Franck Vigroux & Antoine Schmitt : "Chronostasis" + Quatuor Impact & Giani Caserotto + Open Women Orchestra (fest. Switch) – théâtre de Vanves 17. Philip Glass : Études pour piano – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 17. Jacco Gardner + Chris Cohen + Eerie Wanda + Tonn3rr3 + Discovery Zone (Le Beau fest.) – Trabendo 17. Hen Ogledd + Faune – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 18. Bruce Brubaker & Max Cooper : Glasstronica – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 18. Eliane Radigue : musique (diff.) pour "Continuum" de Félicie d'Estienne d'Orves – Centre Pompidou 18. Planningtorock – Gaîté lyrique 18. Thurston Moore +  HAHA Sounds Collective + L'Éclair + Luis Ake + Domotic + Pantin Plage (dj) (Le Beau fest.) – Trabendo 18. Brandt Brauer Frick + Collectif sin ~ + Axel Rigaud (fest. Switch) – théâtre de Vanves 19. Julien Claus – Ancienne Brasserie Bouchoule (Montreuil) (gratuit) 22. Housewives – Supersonic (gratuit) 23. Lots in Kiev + Thot + Brusque – Petit Bain 23. 1919 + Guerre froide + Pest Modern + Warum Joe – Gibus 24. Beak> + TVAM – Gaîté lyrique 24. Shonen Knife – Petit Bain 24. Antichildleague + Corps + Geography of Hell – Les Voûtes 25. Sydney Valette + Blind Delon + Ruines – Supersonic (gratuit) 25. Xeno & Oaklander + Automelodi + Void Vision – Petit Bain 26. Jérôme Poret – Ancienne Brasserie Bouchoule (Montreuil) (gratuit) 27. Me Donner + Somaticae + Nani ∞ Guru –  Black Star 28. Alice in Chains + Black Rebel Motorcycle Club – Olympia 29. Flotation Toy Warning + Raoul Vignal – Petit Bain 29. Big Brave + My Disco + Tu brûles mon esprit – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 31. François Bonnet + Knud Viktor + Jim O'Rourke + Florian Hecker (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio
Juin 01. Eryck Abecassis & Reinhold Friedl + Hilde Marie Holsen + Anthony Pateras + Lucy Railton (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 01. Millimetric + Phase fatale + Terence Fixmer + Dersee + Raffaele Attanasio – Studio de Lendit (La Plaine-Saint-Denis) 01/02. Metronomy + Laurent Garnier + Ricardo Villalobos + Mr Oizo + Bonobo (dj) + Yves Tumor + Marie Davidson + Pond + Sleaford Mods... (fest. We Love Green) – Bois de Vincennes 02. Bernard Parmegiani + Jean Schwarz (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 05. Shellac – La Maroquinerie 05. Institute + Last Night + The Cherry Bones – L'International 05. Otzeki – Safari Boat 06. Tim Hecker & Konoyo Ensemble + Mondkopf + Kelly Moran (Villette sonique fest.) – Cabaret sauvage 07. Danny Brown (Villette sonique fest.) – Périphérique 08. Julia Holter + Cate Le Bon (Villette sonique fest.) – Trabendo 08. Deena Abdelwahed + David August + Ross from Friends + Objekt (dj) + Apollo noir (dj) (Villette sonique fest.) – Grande Halle 08/09. Aïsha Devi + Belmont Witch + Black Midi + Borja Flames + Bracco + Corridor + Coucou Chloé + Crack Cloud + Efrim Menuck + Fontaines DC + Front de cadeaux + Juan Wauters + Krampf (dj) + Maria Violenza + Mdou Moctar + Musique chienne + Myako + Nova Materia + Nyoko Dokbaë + Novelist + Shanti Celeste + Sinkane + Szun Waves + The Messthetics + Tiger Tiger + Warm Drag + Wiki Zaltan (Villette sonique fest.) – parc de la Villette (gratuit) 09. Stereolab + Jonathan Bree + Anémone (Villette sonique fest.) – Grande Halle 12. The Soft Moon – Safari Boat 12. Matmos + John Wiese – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 13. Christian Death + Little Nemo – Gibus 13. Fat White Family – Élysée Montmartre 14/15. Jessica 93 + Year of No Light + Hangman's Chair + JC Satan + Vox Low + White Heat (15 ans de New Noise) – Trabendo 15. Karen Gwyer + Gudrun Gut + Dorit Chrysler joue Laurie Spiegel – Gaîté lyrique 16. Siglo XX + The Arch – La Maroquinerie 18. Simon Whetham + Estelle Schorpp – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 19. Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks – La Gaîté lyrique 22. The Intelligence + Flatworms – La Maroquinerie 23. La Pince + Leon + Howdoyoudance + Polar Polar Polar Polar – Cirque électrique 26. Magma – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 26. Cannibale – Safari Boat 26. Caterina Barbieri + SKY H1 – La Gaîté lyrique 26. Pigalle – La Maroquinerie 26. Daniel Menche + Point invisible + Tzii – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 28/29. Rammstein – La Défense Arena (Nanterre) ||COMPLET||
Juillet 02. Interpol – Olympia 04. Cat Power + H-Burns (fest. Days off) – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 05. Klimperei, Sacha Czerwone, David Fenech, Denis Frajerman & Christophe Micusnule – Chair de poule (gratuit) 05. Pantha du Prince (fest. Days off) – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 05. I Hate Models + Jardin + Mount Kimbie + Oktober Lieber + Rodhad + Mor Elian + Olivia... (The Peacock Society fest.) – Parc floral 05. The B-52's – Olympia 06. Jonsi & Alex Somers jouent "Riceboy Sleeps" (fest. Days off) – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 06. Helena Hauff b2b DJ Stingray + Jon Hopkins + Motor City Drum Ensemble + Len Faki + Robert Hood + Octavian + The Black Madonna + Clara! + Nicola Cruz... (The Peacock Society fest.) – Parc floral 07. Jonsi, Alex Somers & Paul Corley : "Liminal Soundbath" (fest. Days off) – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 07. Ministry – La Machine 07/08. Thom Yorke (fest. Days off) – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 08. Gossip – Salle Pleyel 11. Full of Hell + The Body + Pilori – Gibus 11. Masada + Sylvie Courvoisier & Mark Feldman + Mary Halvorson quartet + Craig Taborn + Trigger + Erik Friedlander & Mike Nicolas + John Medeski trio + Nova quartet + Gyan Riley & Julian Lage + Brian Marsella trio + Ikue Mori + Kris Davis + Peter Evans + Asmodeus : John Zorn's Marathon Bagatelles – Salle Pleyel 11>13. Kraftwerk (fest. Days off) – Philharmonie 13. The Will Gregory Moog Ensemble (fest. Days off) – Le Studio|Philharmonie 13. Chloé & Vassilena Serafimova : "Sequenza" + Apparat (fest. Days off) – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 17. Grand Blanc – Safari Boat 18. Neurosis + Yob – Bataclan
Août 23>25. The Cure + Aphex Twin... (fest. Rock en scène) – parc de Saint-Cloud 28. Arnaud Rebotini – Safari Boat
Septembre 05. Oh Sees – Bataclan 14. Patti Smith – Olympia 14. Clan of Xymox + Plomb – Gibus 14. Danny Elfman & le Grand Orchestre d'Ile-de-France : cinéconcert sur "Alice au Pays des merveilles" de Tim Burton – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 20. Spiral Stairs + Canshaker Pi – Olympic café 23>25. John Cale – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie
Octobre 05. Nuit de l'orgue avec des œuvres d'Éliane Radigue, Arvo Pärt, Olivier Messiaen, Phillip Glass, Nico Muhly, Jonathan Fitoussi... (Nuit blanche) – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie (gratuit) 14. King Gizzard & Tle Lizard Wizard – Olympia 18. Dream Syndicate – Petit Bain 19. Sisters of Mercy – Bataclan
Novembre 08. Bedroom Community – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 10. Amiina : cinéconcert sur "Fantomas" de Louis Feuillade – Le Studio|Philharmonie 10. Ôlafur Atnald + Hugar – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 17. Nitzer Ebb – La Machine 24. The Young Gods + Les Tétines noires – La Machine
Décembre 06. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinéconcert sur "Koyaanisqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 07. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinéconcert sur "Powaqqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 08. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinéconcert sur "Naqoyqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie
Janvier 04. Rokia Traoré + Ballaké Cissoko & Vincent Segal – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie
Février 16. Orchestral Manoeuvre in the Dark – La Cigale
Mars 07. Ensemble intercontemporain joue Steve Reich : cinéconcert sur un film de Gerhard Richter – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie  20. Ensemble Dedalus joue "Occam Ocean" d'Éliane Radigue – Le Studio|Philharmonie 21/22. Laurie Anderson : "The Art of Falling" – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie
Mai 08. Max Richter : "Infra" + Jlin + Ian William Craig – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 09. Max Richter : "Voices" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 10. Max Richter : "Recomposed" & "Three Worlds" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 24. Damon Albarn – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie
en gras : les derniers ajouts / in bold: the last news
0 notes
nsula · 6 years
Results of Northwest Louisiana Literary Rally announced
NATCHITOCHES – Results of the 2019 Northwest Louisiana District Literary Rally hosted by Northwestern State University have been released.  Students from high schools in central and northwest Louisiana participated in the Rally, which is held each year to qualify academically talented students for the state competition at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge on April 6.  
 Students who are state qualifiers in music are as follows.
 Buckeye High School - Madison Brown, Josie Aymond, Gabriel Fontenot and Brandon Gordon, Mixed Quartet 2;  Josie Aymond, Emily Pentz and Taylor Evans, Girls Trio;  Brandon Gordon and Dilen Smith, Boys Low Voice, and Adrienne Barber, Girls Low Voice;
 Captain Shreve – Nyssa Weishans, Girls High Voice;
 Loyola College Prep – Ashley Jackson, Girls Low Voice;
 Natchitoches Central – Sharice Woods, Girls High Voice;  Mary Dawson, Girls Low Voice;
 Ringgold – Antavio Moore, Boys High Voice;
 State Qualifiers for drama were Bolton High School, Caddo Magnet, Captain Shreve and Loyola College Prep.
 Sweepstakes winners for Division I were Caddo Magnet, first; Alexandria Senior High, second; C.E. Byrd, third.  Sweepstakes winners for Division II were Bolton High School, first; Buckeye High School, second.  Sweepstakes winners for Division III were Loyola College Prep, first; Avoyelles Public Charter, second; Many High School, third.  Sweepstakes winners for Division IV were Zwolle High School, first; Glenmora High School, second; Castor High School, third. Sweepstakes winners in Division V were Negreet High School, first; Saline High School, second; Converse High School, third.
 Division I medal winners in each subject are as follows.
 Accounting I - Michaela Collins, Caddo Magnet
Advanced Math-Functions & Statistics - Logan McMullen, Byrd
Advanced Math-PreCalculus - Kevin Zheng, Caddo Magnet
Agriscience I - Kaley Liotta, Pineville  
Agriscience II - Louis Clark, Natchitoches Central
Agriscience III - Beatrice Harris, Pineville
Algebra I - Alexis Martinez, Captain Shreve
Algebra II - Diya Desai, Caddo Magnet
Biology I - Jackson Ballew, Byrd
Biology II - Arjun Yusufji, Byrd
Business Computer Applications - Kassidy Taylor, Benton
Business English – Riley Noble, Byrd
Calculus – Cade Crandall, Byrd
Chemistry – Cameron Thomas, Benton
Civics – Mina King, Caddo Magnet
Computer Science – Chase Taylor, Benton
Earth Science – Jordyn Rice, Caddo Magnet
Economics - Greg White, Alexandria  
English I – Rose Bubenzer, Pineville
English II – Mason Nugent, Pineville
English III - Morgan Hughes, Captain Shreveport
English IV – Catherine Rutledge, Caddo Magnet
Environmental Science – Sameer Tirumala, Caddo Magnet
Family and Consumer Science – Anna Coleman, Natchitoches Central
Financial Literacy – Victoria Nason, Pineville
Fine Arts Survey – Dylan Tynes, Byrd
French I – Gabrielle Coleman, Pineville
French II – Amarige Yusufji, Byrd
French III – Joey Clary, Caddo Magnet
Geometry – Jackson Ballew, Byrd
Government – Palmer Miley, Caddo Magnet
Health - Megan Thompson, Alexandria
Intro to Business Computer Applications – Taylor Braud, Caddo Magnet
Journalism I – Melissa Krzywanski, Captain Shreve
Nutrition & Food – McKenna Rowe, Natchitoches Central
Physical Science – John Nelson, Caddo Magnet
Physics – Xian Tang, Caddo Magnet
Principles of Business – Raelee Craft, Benton
Psychology – Cortez Walters, Caddo Magnet
Sociology – Cassia Grant, Caddo Magnet
Spanish I – Naomi Pena, Alexandria
Spanish II – Sarah Johnson, Caddo Magnet
Spanish III – Sophie Wiener, Caddo Magnet
Spanish IV – Federica Valeau, Captain Shreve
Spelling – Kaili Taylor, Caddo Magnet
U.S. History – Nathaniel DelaPena, Alexandria
World Geography – Clint Ladner, Pineville
World History – Alaina Guidroz, Alexandria
 Division II medal winners in each subject are as follows.
             Accounting – Michael Crenshaw, Buckeye
           Advanced Math-Functions and Statistics – Abbas Khambatti, Bolton
           Advanced Math-Pre Calculus – Zachary Phillips, North DeSoto
           Agriscience I – Kate Peterson, North DeSoto
           Agriscience II – Chris Rainey, Buckeye
           Agriscience III – Hayden Smith, Buckeye
           Algebra I – Erin Thomas, Bolton
           Algebra II – Aleena Gibbons, Buckeye
           Biology I – Macy Corley, North DeSoto
           Biology II – Brendan Gordon, Buckeye
           Business Computer Applications – James Brown, Bolton
           Business English – Tyianna Dixon, Bolton
           Calculus – Nafiz Zaman, Bolton
           Chemistry – Abbas Khambatti, Bolton
           Civics – Bennett Hargis, Bolton
           Computer Science – Tatum Skylar, North DeSoto
           Earth Science – Sydney Toms, Buckeye
           Economics – Skyler Jeansonne, Buckeye
           English I – Emma Schmitt, Buckeye
           English II – Kinsey Vandyke, Bolton
           English III – Christian Sasser, Buckeye
           English IV – Atula Danivas, Bolton
           Environmental Science – Andy Floyd, Buckeye
           Family and Consumer Science – Apphia Gaylord, Bossier
           Financial Literacy – Sansar Gupta, Bolton
           Fine Arts Survey – Will Murry, Bolton      
           French I – Matten Riccobono, Bolton
           French II – Bradford Stephens, Bolton
           Geometry – Hala Hafez, Bolton
           Health – Emily Pentz, Buckeye
           Intro to Business Computer Applications – Austin Evans, Bolton
Journalism I - Kamryn DeVille, Buckeye
Nutrition & Food – Skylar Ebey, Buckeye
Physical Science - Everett Webster, North DeSoto
           Physics – Jacob Paulk, Buckeye
           Principles of Business – Cade Bolin, Buckeye
           Psychology, Monesha Miller, Bolton
           Sociology – Michaela Foster, Buckeye
           Spanish I – Detrell Listerrhone, Bossier
           Spanish II – Hannah McDaniel, Buckeye
           Spanish III – Beau Bordelon, Buckeye
           Spanish IV – Brittany McNeely, Buckeye
           Spelling – Janna Butler, Bolton
           U.S. History – Claire Terrell, North DeSoto
           World Geography – Emma Cavlin, North DeSoto
           World History – Sophie Terrell, North DeSoto
             Division III medal winners in each subject are as follows.
           Accounting I – Alyssa Simmons, Many
           Advanced Math – Function and Statistics – Garrett Gagnard, Avoyelles Public Charter
           Advanced Math-Pre Calculus – Skylar Yan, LSMSA
           Agriscience I – Macy Hemphill, Winnfield
           Agriscience II – Karmen Jarriett, Lakeview
           Agriscience III – Emma Vines, Winnfield
           Algebra I – Robyn Ford, Loyola College Prep
           Algebra II – Kaylea Goleman, Rapides
           Biology I – Stephen Wheat, LSMSA
           Biology II – Jonathan Okereke, Loyola College Prep
           Business Computer Applications – Logan Marler, Rapides
           Business English – Ashley Evans, Red River High
           Calculus – John Heying, LMSMA
           Calculus II – Jordan Byrd, LSMSA
           Chemistry – Victoria McMillian, LMSMA
           Civics – Grant John, Loyola College Prep
           Computer Science – Van Pandian, LSMSA
           English I – Layla Aymond, Avoyelles Public Charter
           English II – Annalise Bates, LSMSA
           English III – Steely Forrester, LSMSA
           English IV – Lily Orgeron, LSMSA
           Environmental Science – Andrew Atkins, Loyola College Prep
           Family and Consumer Science – Jadyn Rougeau, Rapides
           Financial Literacy – Emili Ladino, Rapides
           Fine Arts Survey – Karan Baker, LSMSA
           French I – Annalise Bates, LSMSA
           French II – Steely Forrester, LSMSA
           French III – Colton Hayes, LSMSA
           Geometry – Sikai Liang, Loyola College Prep
           Government – Andrew Meyer, Loyola College Prep
           Health – Lauren Warren, Loyola College Prep
           Intro to Business Computer Applications – Sydnei Henson, Evangel Christian Academy
           Journalism I – Kalani Sibley, Winnfield
           Nutrition and Food – Jimena Valle, Rapides
           Physical Science – Andrew Dickens, Avoyelles Public Chater
           Physics – Mia Griffith, LSMSA
           Principles of Business – Kristen Hammontree, Many
           Psychology – Jenna Mason, North Caddo Magnet
           Sociology – Lily Savage, North Caddo Magnet
           Spanish I – Aileen Vargas, Rapides
           Spanish II – Alex Guerrero, Rapides
           Spanish III – Aubrey Prewitt, LSMSA
           Spanish IV – Chloe Dean, Loyola College Prep
           Spelling – Quentin Fields, Winnfield
           U.S. History – Anna Little, Winnfield
           World Geography – Bryan Parks, Avoyelles Public Chater
           World History – Andre Bourque, LSMSA
             Division IV medal winners in each subject are as follows.
             Accounting – Erin Escott, Zwolle
           Advanced Math – Functions and Statistics – Benjamin Vonville, Glenmora
           Advanced Math- Pre Calculus – Terika Ford, Northwood-Lena
           Agriscience I – Slaide Salard, Northwood-Lena
           Agriscience II – Sela Smith, Ringgold
           Algebra I – Jordan Hunter, Zwolle
           Algebra II – Garrett Sepulvado, Calvary Baptist Academy
           Biology I – Bobby Crawford, Arcadia
           Biology II – Surrina Brandon, Zwolle
           Business Computer Applications – Hannah Brouillette, Northwood-Lena
           Business English – Justin Jarvis, Castor
           Chemistry – Garrett Sepulvado, Calvary Baptist
           Civics – Francisco Rubio, Glenmora
           Computer Science – Jacob Grigg, Ringgold
           Earth Science – Bobby Crawford, Arcadia
           Economics – Lyanla Adams, Ringgold
           English I – Trey Brandon, Zwolle
           English II – Kenzie Crawford, Castor
           English III – Sarah Moore, Zwolle
           English IV – Olivia Owensby, Northwood-Lena
           Environmental Science – Tristan Hargrave, Glenmora
           Family and Consumer Science – Jederic Talbert, Arcadia
           Financial Literacy – Casey Treadway, Ringgold
           Fine Arts Survey – Stephen Juneau, Northwood-Lena
           Geometry – Martin McDowell, Calvary Baptist
           Government – Blaine Warren, Castor
           Health – Zoie Loftin, Castor
           Intro to Business Computer Applications – Christian Conley, Castor
           Journalism I – Gabrielle Guin, Castor
           Nutrition and Food – Zoe Barton, Northwood-Lena
           Physical Science – Jordan Hunter, Zwolle
           Physics – Brady Brown, Castor
           Principles of Business – Nyesha Sims, Glenmora
           Psychology – Jermario Jefferson, Arcadia
           Sociology – Jermario Jefferson, Arcadia
           Spanish I – Ryan Niemoeller, Calvary Baptist
           Spanish II – Kayla Davis, Zwolle
           Spelling – Derik Wright, Northwood-Lena
           U.S. History – Erik Dauzat, Glenmora
           World Geography – Braxton Kuehn, Calvary Baptist
           World History – Patrick Mahaffey, Glenmora
             Division V medal winners in each subject are as follows.
             Accounting I – Hailey Vaughn, Converse
           Advanced Math-Functions and Statistics – Kaydn Knight, Negreet
           Advanced Math-Pre Calculus – Haydn Knight, Negreet
           Agriscience I – Hunter Brumley, Converse
           Agriscience II – Justin Robertson, Converse
           Agriscience III – Gabe Hext, Pleasant Hill
           Algebra I – Christian Wold, Alexandria Country Day
           Algebra II – Tristen Hipper, Negreet
           Biology I – Logan Parker, Saline
           Biology II – Alexis Bush, Converse
           Business Computer Applications – Lindsey Davidson, Atlanta
           Business English – Noah Strong, Caddo Virtual Academy
           Calculus – Connor Hansen, Caddo Virtual Academy
           Chemistry – Kiley Hough, Saline
           Civics – Harmon Patriquin, Caddo Virtual Academy
           Earth Science – Mason Scott, Saline
           English I – Elizabeth Hastings, Dodson
           English II – James Parker, Negreet
           English III – Jaycee Ebarb, Ebarb
           English IV – Peyton Duck, Saline
           Environmental Science – Harmon Patriquin, Caddo Virtual Academy
           Family and Consumer Science – Breana Wise, Dodson
           Financial Literacy – Yancy Vallery, Negreet
           Fine Arts Survey – Jensen Parker, St. Mary’s
           Geometry – Brennan Sims, Negreet
           Government – Shaye Kelly, Saline
           Health – Chelsie Dean, Converse
           Intro to Business Computer Applications – Caroline Boyett, Dodson
           Journalism I – Lori Peace, Negreet
           Nutrition and Food – Kylie Bates, Saline
           Physical Science – Ross Voorheis, Negreet
           Physics – Connor Hansen, Caddo Virtual Academy
           Principles of Business – Zowee Cherry, Saline
           Psychology – Noelle Warren, Saline
           Sociology, Macie Warren, Saline
           Spanish I – Conlan Ezernack, Ebarb
           Spanish II – Tony Arnold, St. Mary’s
Spelling – Graceann Peterston, Caddo Virtual Academy
           U.S. History – Colton James, Dodson
           World Geography – Ashton Moody, Montgomery
           World History – Alex Martinez, Negreet
 Students qualifying to attend State Rally to represent Division I schools are as follows.
 Alexandria Senior High – Advanced Math Func. & Stats, Graham Pearson; Advanced Math Pre-Calculus, Noah Flynn; Agriscience I, Zoe Folarin; Agriscience II, Nicholas Johnson; Algebra II, Hayden Zachary; Biology I, Patrick Guidroz; Business Computer Applications, Adam Cutrer; Calculus, Madison Canezaro; Economics, Greg White; Geometry, Mia Coco; Health, Megan Thompson; Intro Business Computer Applications, Justiss Burns; Physical Science, Zane Lovas; Sociology, Ainsley White; Spanish I, Naomi Pena; Spanish II, Deanna White; U.S. History, Nathaniel Delapena; World History, Alaina Guidroz;
 Byrd – Accounting I, Devin Jones; Advanced Math Func. & Stats, Logan McMullen; Biology I, Jackson Ballew; Biology II, Arjun Yusufji; Calculus, Cade Crandall; Civics, Amarige Yusufji; English I, Ellery Copple; English II, David Shaw; Fine Arts Survey, Dylan Tynes; French III, Makenya Hall, Geometry, Morgan Gentry; Intro Business Computer Applications, Ty Anderson; Psychology, John Burford; Spanish I, Kalyn Dupont; Spanish III, Natasha Fields; Spanish IV, Payton Doyal;
 Caddo Magnet – Accounting I, Michaela Collins; Advanced Math Pre-Calculus, Kevin Zheng; Algebra II, Diya Desai, Biology II, Grace Shin; Business Computer Applications, Willow Sanders; Calculus, Timothy Oliver; Calculus II, Natalie Lim; Civics, Mina King; Computer Science, Ben Cavel, English I, Zoha Ibrahim; English II, Emma Dong; English III, Grace Sun; English IV, Catherine Rutledge; Environmental Science, Sameer Tirumala; French I, Jordan Hall; French II, Taylor Martin; French III, Joey Clary; Geometry, Yuting Lin; Government, Palmer Miley; Intro Business Computer Applications, Taylor Braud; Physical Science, John Nelson, Physics, Xian Tang; Psychology, Cortez Walters; Sociology, Cassia Grant; Spanish I, Joycelyn Bolden; Spanish II, Sarah Johnson; Spanish III, Sophie Wiener; U.S. History, Caymen Hawkins; World Geography, Graceanne Hodgson;
 Captain Shreve -- Advanced Math Pre-Calculus, Tanner Hines; Algebra I, Alexis Martinez; Algebra II, Patrick Simon; Chemistry, Brooke Fegley; English III, Morgan Hughes; English IV, Georgia Hilburn; French II, Faith Quarles; Government, Russell Peacock; Journalism I, Melissa Krzywanski; Spanish IV, Federica Valeau; U.S. History, William Hannon; World History, Cade Davis:
 Natchitoches Central – Agriscience II, Louis Clark; Agriscience III, Andrew Broadway; Algebra I, Demarion Sowell; Chemistry, Mali Simmons; Family and Consumer Science, Anna Coleman; Fine Arts Survey, Ariel Smith; Nutrition & Food, McKenna Rowe; Physics, Tyler Nichols; World Geography, Luke Robertson;
 Parkway – Financial Literacy, Elian Garcia Alvarado;
 Pineville -- Agriscience I, Aidan Rogers; Agriscience III, Beatrice Harris; Algebra I, Reid Briley; Biology II, Katie Goins; Civics, Mason Nugent; English I, Rose Bubenzer; English II, Noah Murray; English III, Jackson Neal; English IV, Layren Hynson; Family and Consumer Science, Kaley Liotta, Financial Literacy, Victoria Nason; French I, Gabrielle Coleman, Health, Zoie Chandler; Physical Science, Landon Rosedale; Physics, Jared Arnold; Principles of Business, Duncan Deville; Psychology, Keerthana Stanley; World Geography, Clint Ladner; World History, Joshua Siebeneicher;
 State Qualifiers in Division II are as follows.
 Benton – Biology I, Douglas Graham; Business Computer Applications, Kassidy Taylor, Calculus II, Creighton France; Chemistry, Cameron Thomas; Computer Science, Chase Taylor; Environmental Science, Hannah Hinton; Journalism I, Izabella Arsenault; Principles of Business, Raelee Craft; Spanish I, Luke Montgomery;
 Bolton – Advanced Math Func. & Stats, Abbas Khambatti; Advanced Math Pre-Calculus, Jake Scherer; Algebra I, Erin Thomas; Algebra II, Thomas Rogers; Biology I, Ashley Glaspie; Biology II, Ahmed Hafez; Business Computer Applications, James Brown; Calculus, Nafiz Zaman; Civics, Bennett Hargis; English I, Ryan Zaman; English II, Kinsey Van Dyke, English III, Preston Wilburn; English IV, Atula Danivas; Financial Literacy, Sansar Gupta; Fine Arts Survey, Will Murry; French I, Matten Riccobono; French II, Bradford Stephens; Geometry, Hala Hafez; Introductory Business Computer Applications, Austin Evans; Journalism I, Haleigh Van Dyke; Physical Science, Chyiann Curtis; Psychology, Monesha Miller; World Geography, Zanaejah Hannah;
 Bossier – Calculus, Emily Taylor; Chemistry, Barrett Bussie; Family and Consumer Science, Apphia Gaylord; Nutrition & Food, Brenden Hohenstein; Principles of Business, Deonjaleke Brown; Spanish I, Detrell Listerrhone;
 Buckeye – Accounting I, Michael Crenshaw; Agriscience I, James Gohmert; Agriscience II, Chris Rainey; Agriscience III, Hayden Smith; Algebra I, William Verhayden; Algebra II, Aleena Gibbons; Biology II, Brendan Gordon; Business Computer Applications, Jessica Chevallier; Economics, Skyler Jeansonne; English I, Emma Schmitt; English II, Christian Sasser; Environmental Science, Andy Floyd; Family & Consumer Science, David Wilkinson; Financial Literacy, David Gravgaard; Fine Arts Survey, Austin Dryden; Government, Aaron Edwards; Health, Emily Pentz; Introductory Business Computer Applications, Peyton Fuller; Journalism I, Kamryn Deville; Nutrition & Food, Skylar Ebey; Physics, Jacob Paulk; Principles of Business, Cade Bolin; Sociology, Michaela Foster; Spanish I, Aiden Matthews; Spanish II, Hannah McDaniel; Spanish III, Beau Bordelon; Spanish IV, Brittany McNeely; U.S. History, Ethan Speaks; World History, Caleb Pearson;
 Huntington – Chemistry, Austin Free;
 North DeSoto -- Advanced Math Func. & Stats, Josie McLain; Advanced Math Pre-Calculus, Zachary Phillips; Agriscience I, Kate Peterson; Agriscience II, James Tackett; Biology I, Macy Corley; Civics, Mason Collins; Computer Science, Skylar Tatum; English II, Lance Ferguson; English IV, Ashley Furrow; Environmental Science, Mackenzie Williams; Geometry, Kaci McDaniel; Government, Jayden D. Bates; Physical Science, Everett Webster; Spanish II, Clay Lonadier; Spanish III, Alayna Griffith; Spanish IV, Alex Ryan; U.S. History, Claire Terrell; World Geography, Emma Davlin; World History, Sophie Terrell;
 State Qualifiers in Division III are as follows.
 Calvary Baptist Academy – Chemistry – Garrett Sepulvado; English II, Sarah Holt; English III, Caley Englade; Geometry, Martin McDowell; Spanish I, Ryan Niemoeller; World Geography, Braxton Kuehn;
 Evangel Christian Academy – English I, Issac Erickson; English III, Eliot McGauley; Introductory Business Computer Applications, Sydnei Henson;
 Lakeview – Agriscience I, Elizabeth Poydras; Agriscience II, Karmen Jarriett; Agriscience III, Gracie Niette;
 Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts -- Advanced Math-Func. & Stats, Daniel Gonzalez; Advanced Math-Pre-Calculus, Skylar Yan; Biology I, Stephen Wheat; Calculus, John Heying; Calculus II, Jordan Byrd; English II, Annalise Bates; English III, Steely Forrester; English IV, Lily Orgeron, Fine Arts Survey, Karan Baker; French II, Anna Sloan; French III, Colton Hayes; Geometry, Mclemore Parker; Government, Samuel Konur; Journalism I, William Casey; Physics, Mia Griffith; Spanish I, Alina Chaisson; Spanish II, Olufunke Adeleye; Spanish III, Aubrey Prewitt; World History, Andre Bourque;
 Loyola College Prep – Advanced Math-Pre-Calculus, Mary Desautels;, Algebra I, Robyn Ford; Biology I, Caroline Henry; Biology II, Jonathan Okereke; Calculus II, Emma Michael; Chemistry, Stafford Yerger; Civics, Grant John; English I, Emma Dailey; English II, Embeth Cole; English IV, Luke Jackson; Environmental Science, Andrew Atkins, French I, Lauren Romero; French II, Claire Scott; French III, Jinsy Hardison; Geometry, Sikai Liang; Government, Andrew Meyer; Health, Lauren Warren; Psychology, Mary Stari; Spanish I, Declan Chmielewski; Spanish II, Leslie Johnson; Spanish IV, Chloe Dean; U.S. History, Hannah Johnson; World Geography, Elliott Scott; World History, Anna Avallone;
 Many – Accounting I, Alyssa Simmons; Algebra I, Hunter Paddie; Algebra II, Cardetrick Woods; Biology I, Clifford Gowen; Business Computer Applications, Katelyn Champion; Principles of Business, Kristen Hammontree;
 North Caddo Magnet – Computer Science, Curry Jaynes; Nutrition & Food, Koryn Quinett; Psychology, Jenna Mason; Sociology, Lily Savage;
 Red River – Accounting I, Shaniya Beavers; Health, Sagar Patel;
 Winnfield Senior – Agriscience I, Macy Hemphill; Agriscience II, Hunter Poisso; Agriscience III, Emma Vines; Calculus, Tyler Hight; Environmental Science, John Spikes; Financial Literacy, Jose Sierra; Fine Arts Survey, Alyssa Taylor; Journalism I, Kalani Sibley; U.S. History, Anna Little; World History, Gabrielle Frieu;
 State qualifers in Division IV are as follows.
 Avoyelles Public Charter – Advanced Math Func. & Stats, Garrett Gagnard; Advanced Math Pre- Calculus, Maxwell McKey; Algebra I, Kathryn Lemoine; Algebra II, Emily Dixon; Biology II, Akayah Walter; Civics, Carlee Carmello; English I, Layla Aymond; English II, Nicholas Dismer; English III, Hailey Tigner; English IV, Molly Pousson; French I, Ian Munoz Redmon; Geometry, Ethan Deshautelle; Physical Science, Andrew Dickens; U.S. History, Jacob Voiselle; World Geography, Bryan Parks;
 Castor – Accounting I, Zakiya Johnson; Advanced Math Func. & Stats, Madison McCarthy; English II, Kenzie Crawford; English III, Kayleigh Lupton; Family & Consumer Science, Kimberly Tilley; Fine Arts Survey, James Lowring; Government, Blaine Warren; Health, Zoie Loftin; Introductory Business Computer Applications, Christian Conley; Journalism I, Gabrielle Guin; Physical Science, Memphis Dalme; Physics, Brady Brown; Psychology, Zoe Hay; Sociology, Zachary Coffey; Spanish I, Zachary Jones;
 Glenmora -- Advanced Math Func. & Stats, Benjamin Fonville; Advanced Math Pre-Calculus, Emily Nolasco; Algebra I, Noah Jonker; Biology I, Sailor Daugherty; Business Computer Applications, Malya Williams; Chemistry, Brendan Mahaffey; Civics, Francisco Rubio; English IV, Kennedy Mikolaszuk; Environmental Science, Tristan Hargrave; Financial Literacy, Leticia Rubio; Introductory Business Computer Applications, Paige Powers; Journalism I, Maddie Parker; Principles of Business, Nyesha Sims; Spanish II, Kylie Doyle; U.S. History, Erik Dauzat; World Geography, Hayden Henson; World History, Patrick Mahaffey;
 Montgomery – Algebra I, Zackary Racine; Biology II, Richard Smith; Civics, Emily Thomisee; English II, Carolyne Davidson; U.S. History, Savannah Moses; World Geography, Ashton Moody;
 Northwood-Lena – Advanced Math-Pre-Calculus, Terika Ford; Agriscience I, Slaide Salard; Algebra II, Cody George; Business Computer Applications, Hannah Brouilette; Civics, StephenJuneau; English I, Ayla Ault; English IV, Olivia Owensby; Environmental Science, Hailee Hill; Geometry, Alyssa Bartholemy; Health, Maggie Setliff; Nutrition and Food, Zoe Barton; World Geography, Braeden Thompson;
 Rapides – Algebra II, Kaylea Goleman; Biology II, Michael Lowe; Business Computer Applications, Destin Sauseda; Chemistry, Bethany Newton; Family and Consumer Science, Jadyn Rougeau; Financial Literacy, Emili Ladino; Introductory Business Computer Applications, Samantha Chavez; Nutrition & Food, Jimena Valle; Physical Science, Angela Felix; Physics, Jacob Vidrine; Principles of Business, Logan Marler; Spanish I, Aileen Vargas; Spanish II, Alex Guerrero; Spanish III, Brenda Cazares; Spanish IV, Margarita Cazares;
 Zwolle – Accounting I, Erin Escott; Algebra I, Gracie Leone; Algebra II, Matthew Lovelady; Biology I, Jaidon Lilly; Biology II, Autumn Sepulvado; Civics, Zach Strebeck; English I, Trey Brandon; English III, Sarah Moore; Geometry, Summer Faust; Physical Science, Jordan Hunter; Spanish II, Kayla Davis; U.S. History, James Ebarb; World History, Surrina Brandon;
 State qualifiers in Division V are as follows.
 Alexandria Country Day – Algebra I, Christian Wold; English I, Olivia Broussard; Physical Science, Traxtyn Finney; Spanish I, Noah Gad;
 Arcadia – Algebra I, Jakyla Gray; Algebra II, Tytanna Thompson; Biology I, Bobby Crawford; Family & Consumer Science, Jaderic Talbert; Government, Zani Sims; Principles of Business, Jaqualon Crane; Psychology, Jyron Bell; Sociology, Jermario Jefferson;
 Atlanta – Advanced Math Func. & Stats, Kaitlyn Turner; Business Computer Applications, Lindsey Davidson; English III, Faith Nugent; Nutrition & Food, Alissa Coolman;
 Caddo Virtual Academy, Chemistry, Noah Strong; Civics, Harmon Patriquin; English IV, Kian Campbell; Physics, Connor Hansen; World History, Jacob Bridges;
 Calvin – Agriscience I, Kate Dupree; Agriscience III, Alayna Martin; Geometry, Hannah Barber; World Geography, Josie Camp;
 Converse – Accounting I, Vaughn Hailey; Advanced Math-Pre-Calculus, Allison Jagneaux; Agriscience I, Hunter Brumley; Agriscience II, Justin Robertson; Algebra I, Rayden Farmer; Algebra II, Kolby Rigsby; Biology I, Eli Wilburn; Biology II, Evan David; English III, Gracie Averitt; English IV, Taylor Hill; Environmental Science, Sean Laughlin; Financial Literacy, Ciara Rivers; Health, Chelsie Dean; Journalism I, Zac Dauffenbach; Physical Science, Colton Booker; Principles of Business, Selena Rodriguez; Psychology, Lindsey Rascoe; Sociology, Abby Rivers; Spanish I, Alexis Bush; Spanish II, Ale Rodriguez; World Geography, Casey Mills; World History, Joshua Nichols;  
 Dodson -- Agriscience I, Logan Womack; Biology I, Jayson Vines; Biology II, Jacob Tumlin; English I, Elizabeth Hastings; English II, Madalyn Creel; Family & Consumer Science, Breana Wise; Fine Arts Survey, Johnathan Ingles; Introductory Business Computer Applications, Caroline Boyett; Spanish II, Faithe Williams; U.S. History, Colton James;
 Ebarb -- Business Computer Applications, Kirsten Sepulvado, English III, Jaycee Ebarb, English IV, Chelsea Mathews, Environmental Science, Kelsey Sepulvado, Introductory Business Computer Applications, Tara Black, Spanish I, Conlan Ezernack;
 Negreet – Advanced Math-Func. & Stats, Haydn Knight; Advanced math-Pre-Calculus, Jessie Trichel; Agriscience I, Jake Dye; Agriscience II, Joshua Corley; Algebra I, Breeanna Ivy; Algebra II, Tristan Hippler; Civics, Aiden Lowe; English I, Macy Rule; English II, James Parker; English III, Madison Milligan; Financial Literacy, Yancy Vallery; Fine Arts Survey, Tristan Lewing; Geometry, Brennan Sims; Journalism I, Lori Peace; Physical Science, Ross Voorheis; U.S. History, Brett Thomas; World History, Alex Martinez;
 Pleasant Hill – Agriscience III, Gabe Hext; U.S. History, Truly Bozeman;
 Ringgold -- Agriscience I, Sabien Walter; Agriscience II, Sela Smith; Computer Science, Jacob Grigg; Economics, Lyanla Adams; English I, Roszyya Kinsey; English II, Destany Woods; Financial Literacy, Casey Treadway; Fine Arts Survey, Nykeria Stearns; Nutrition & Food, Shynia Chase;
 Riverdale -- Advanced Math-Func. & Stats, Brailee Vaughn; Chemistry, Adam Bryant; Geometry, Matthew Seales;
 Saline – Agriscience III, Steven Giddings; Algebra II, Jon Thomas; Biology I, Logan Parker; Chemistry, Kiley Hough; English IV, Peyton Duck; Family and Consumer Science, Kaylah Ruiz; Government, Shaye Kelly; Health, Ethan Roberts; Nutrition & Food, Kylie Bates; Physical Science, Jaxton Bell; Principles of Business, Zowee Cherry; Psychology, Noelle Warren; Sociology, Macie Warren;
 St. Mary’s -- Advanced Math-Pre-Calculus, Carissa Kautz; Algebra II, Maggie Wheat; Calculus, Zach Harrell; Chemistry, Sarah Stamey; English I, Anna Jackson; Fine Arts Survey, Jensen Parker; Geometry, Graeme Fidelak; Government, Abigail Guillet; Physics, Claire Guillet, Spanish II, Tony Arnold;
 Word of God Academy – Biology I, Walker Holland.
0 notes
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Immense merci aux visionnaires : Vincent Chesneau, Frédérick Reynaud, Maxime Le Coniat, Thomas Wintergerst, Theo Navarro, Yann Yamba, Quentin Prangere, Emmanuel Toillon, Thomas Ferrier, Arthur Leo Ferragne, Florence Lamouret, Antoine Lancereau, Florent Geninatti, Rodrigo Mesquita, Sylvain Franquenoul, Julien Guinet, Romain Guillaumont, Marc Eissenmenger, Pierre Delobbe, Yohan Boillat, Sylvain Robert, Alexandre Roussero, Hugo Thonney, Freddy Gaborieau, Philippe Andres, Ianis Tsokanis, Benoit Ponchant, Stéphane Battaglia, Maxime Diss, Stephen Henocq, Thomas Fiorse, Guillaume Allantaz, Alexis Grand, Cédric Goncalves, Guillaume Prouteau, Jérémy Guern, Angeline Douchet, Loriane Wispelaere, Clément Boinot, Jérôme Destarac, Antoine Djerrou, Gabriel Calais, Adrien Collart Dutilleul, Guillaume Feret, Guillaume Kempf, Benoit Peschier, Antoine Coquard, Damien Volon, Jérémy Quentel, Ralph Mesquita, Nicolas Delmas, Raphael Chaidron, Hugo Renaux, David Rostren, Arnaud Fayolle, Philippe Loup, Sébastien Keller, Xavier Leboeuf, Natacha Barrera, Sylvain Nicolosi, Boris Mayran, Simon Le Devehat, Valentin Jouvanceau, Julien Gaille, Valery Marmousez, Julien Leroux, Maxime Sauve, Emmanuel Bidet, Raphael Ganachaud, Morgan Ouertal, Lucas Perez, Simon Demarest, Romain Labis, Julien Vaissieres, Jérôme Bernot, François Le Corre, Céline Calamand, Antoine Robin, Valerie Dore, Magloire Ango, Clément Belleville, Mathieu Dussart, Emmanuel Abadie, François Cottet, Timothee Nalet, Jean-Baptiste Feat, Theo Rousselet, Nicolas Nanet, Genest Reboud, Thibault Bride, Priscille Cartayrade, Jean Davoust, Pascal Andries, Jérôme Legast, Florent Morata, Marlene Leprovost, Nicolas Compans, Corentin Hamard, Yann Nourry, Patrick Michel, Ivan Vedrines, Benoit Senelaer, Djouls Renault, Quentin Debarre, Marc Micciche, Vincent Roguet, Thibault Tessier, Sébastien Le Mignot, Maxime Schmutz, David Tourancheau, Corentin Andouard, Nicolas Dauvilaire, William Baudier, Antoine Lefevre, Yohan Antoinat, Leo Tribel, Cyril Lin Wee Kuan, Esteban Olivero, Boris Claverie, Lorenzo Risi, Gauthier Demanche, Nicolas Pentcheff, Alexandre Assemat, Jacques-Teiva Baue, Yann Bezault, Arnaud Feyrignac, Cyprien Calmels, Mathieu Tiche, Romain Janlin, Maud Debs, Yann Ponton, Hugo Babel, Theo Astier, Dominique Gabert, Thibaut Pontis, Fabien Michelagnoli, William Guillot, Remi Laroppe, Nathalie Seroux, Gautier Gonnet, Sarah Daymier, Kevin Gautho, Florent Bonnet, Daniel Rodrigues, David Coda, Benoit Leroy, Remi Ledez, Matthieu Prudhomme, Remi Verardo, Anthony Bourdel, Simon Lambert, Jérémy Pinon, Geoffroy Cave, Maxime fogel, François-Xavier Gaudas, Laurent Burgbacher, Clément brun, Clément Bleicher, Ollivier Corbillon, Fabrice Antoniolli, Gregoire Vandeghinste, Lucie Arno, Laurent Bourges, Jean-Marc Noyes, Jean-Baptiste Bordessoules, Jérémy Guyot, Guillaume Klein, Thomas Mangin, Michael Fischbach, Bertrand Guillou, Julien Napoleon, Franck Vaudry, Magali Crisci, Louis Leseur, David Cabanes, Martin Dujol, Baptiste Domps, Pierre Joly, Quentin Arbonnier, Ludovic Meleuc, Florent Crouhy, Patrice Duvert, Augustin Toulemonde, Antoine Landrodie, Benoit Aufaure, Laurent Kerangueven, Etienne Vidal, Kevin Gatefin, Paul Houlette, San Angelo Demelas, Arthur Moronval, Thibaud Guelennoc, Matthieu Orillard, Yohann Abiven, Sébastien Hella, Pierre-Antoine Haas, Guillaume Bolut, Gregory Patin, Laurent Bourges, Xavier Flavigny, Thomas Pueyo, Guillaume Gorak, Jérôme Pons, Alexandre Olivier, Mickael Gelot, Jérémy Pouge, Pierre Vanhauwaert, Auxkin Ortuzar, Jean-Sébastien Fix, Vincent Daelen, Max Bos, Alexandre Parietti, Pierre Poirier, François Clapuyt, Quentin Magnier, François Ferchaud, Thomas Pernel, Olivier Coudert, Caroline Prince, Kilian Georgette, Guillaume Nineven, Florian Peuchot, Arthur Thevenot, Boris Generat, Romain Noguet, Louis Frack, Yves Boutherand, Thomas Spode, Jean-Remy Ricordel, Jacques Le Taro, Nicolas Delporte, Sébastien Moisy, Yannick Didier, David Jeandet, Lionel Galey, Remy Jegard, Vincent Gauchet, Bertrand Gauduchon, Mathieu Schaal, Maxime Cuenot, Xavier Jacquel, Ophelie Bal, Thomas Lepilleur, Mailys Drevon, Thomas Mary, Martin Hendrick, Julien Gaudin, Adrien Blachere, Julien Berna, Jean-Baptiste Cazes, Alexander Sass, Pierric Creteur, Fabien Le Peih, Benoit Laval, Jérôme Gautron, Guillaume Fondi, Jean-Yves Couput, Robin Laverdet, Julien Schille, Clémence et Stéphane Charnet, Michael Pincas, Maxime Boisnard, Pierre Remond, Arnaud Ravat, Yoann Corbiere, Lionel Fluck, Mathieu Lago, David Despray, Yann Croulliere, Céline Quiquerel-Boucar, Antonio Ammendola, Ludovic Keller, Remi Goullioud, Julien Copin, Thierry Incerti , Adrian Ciaurriz, Gurvan Stephan, Maximilien Pichelin, Céline Vairon, Laurence Thirion, Aurélien Olivier, Audrey Gianotti, Guillaume Coussemaeker, Hervé Le Cunff, Julien Deymier, Christophe Paradivin, Marion Arnoux, Bruno Lenz, Alexis Alliot, Julien Chastel, Mathieu Vuillermoz, Bertrand Rostaing, Damien Van De Veire, Killian Alexandre, Pierre-Louis Senechal, Anthony Pottier, Pascal Rudel, Guillaume Bridon, Simon Mahut, Yann Thomas, Julie Gillot, Quentin Verbeke, Vincent Viry, Romain Guillet, Gerome Branquart, Julien Chataing, Valentin Douvier, Titouan Bouve, Martin Bessot, Renaud Berquet, Frédéric Py, Anne-Laure Thiers, Nicolas Leger, Sylvie Renaud, Aurélien Guy, Gauthier Cart, Christophe Abrantes, Julien Deberles, Jean-François Valette, Laurent Caetano, Timothee Huyghe, Philippe Landreau, Guillaume Marie, Romain Lecuyer, Jean-Michel Colombet, Tanguy Jourget, Florence Coste, Bastien Guigue, Izaline Guenot, Michel Bonnaud, Nicolas Jones, François Cusin, Thomas Metzinger, Timothe Manteau, Gaetan Blanchard, Thibaut Geffard, Stéphane Charnay, Vincent Pollot, Guillaume Tremelat, Claire Tiene, Franck Barrocas, Julien Hervé, Julien Guillon, Dany Robinet, Anthony Komarnicki, Valentin Louvier, Nahuel Passerat, Romain Pagnier, Sabrina Bryant, Matthieu Lacombe, Bastien fauriel, Yoann Lemestre, Florent Guerard, Sjoerd Bakker, Jérôme Tamiotti, Thibault Jarry, Vincent Piau, Matthieu Levivier, Ludwig Henriques, Hugo Crovello, Benoit Mounier, Pierre-Adrien Taravel, Johanna Gheno, Eric Lannuzel, Nicolas Vernaz, Sébastien Cazuguel, Martial Bels, Loïc Gerber, Benjamin Doyen, Rudy Ricciardi, Paul Resbeut, Stéphane Lestienne, Christian Loos, Aurélien Vinet, Emmanuel du Pontavice, Aurélien Journet, Philippe Babin, Sébastien Quere, Frédéric Bettini, Marc Puech, Nathalie Constans, Clément Le Breton, Clément Boulet, Romain Facon, Alexis Gaudin, Jean de Saint-Exupery, Jérôme Franquine, Maxime Bodet, Jérôme Francon, Lionel Coulaud, Romain Bosle, Alain Chastaignet, Loris Pettini, Benoit Rance, Nicolas Jaquier, Mathieu Montagne, Badr Boukenter, Stéphane Pasquier, Laurent Delobel, Laura Mougel, David Hugonnot, Claire Besseas, Antoine Derieux, Ambroise Foubert, Vincent Dessain, Jérémy Manteau, Raphael Zenou, Laurent Ougier-Simonin, Michel Sorine, Pierre Bouygues, Sébastien Thomas, Thomas Feyrignac, Guillaume Bernard, Steve Bally, Ben Benarroch, Greg Pemptroad, Damien Moron, Christophe Laurent, Elena Hurion, Anne-Laure Campion, Basile Carle, Auby Morgane, Auriane Baudouin, Bastien Gourinchas, Arnaud Bardy, Pierre Verdier, Ingrid Marcadella, Damien Joets, Cédric Dodrimont, François Veneny, Alexis Louvel, Daniel Thibault, Céline Pelletier, Pierre Pinout, David Rosenbaum, Alexandra Madiot, Tanguy Martin, Jean-François Rozat, Thibault Aubertin, Antoine Callaud, Romain Kirchacker, Sandrine Meichel, Denis Lamouroux, Etienne Franck, Cyril Desrame, Thomas Challat, Mathieu Lucazeau, Aurelie Morieux, Ghislain Classeau, Estelle Feschet, Gregory Freire, Regis Guignier, Jean-Aurélien Berthaud, Jérémy Bernard, Erwan Elies, Alain Canevet, Mathias Stimolo, Damien Provot, Baptiste Besse, Etienne Jacques, Dominique Aillaud, Jérôme Lafaye, Christophe Desbieys, Romain Lallement, Pierre Schaal, Mathieu Gueroult, Romain Stremplewski, Clément Perrod, Anthony Pape, Julien Bourmaud-Danto, Arthur Jury, Jean-Marie Sillac, Matthieu Flatres, Laurent Dulbecco, Antoine Rimpot, Samuel Heuveline, Alexandre Chojnacki, Adrien Faivre, Yves Petit, Charles Timmermans, Jean-Jacques Trogneux, Adrien Guidici, Cyril Blanc, Hugo Nouaille-Degorce, Jessy Vidon-Geni, Benoit Digonnaux, Matthieu Senges, Laurent Callens, David Foix-Sauret, Johanny Schlosser, Benjamin Chabrolin, Yohan Przybyszewski, Celia Fradin, Eddy Berigaud, Nicklus Segal, Nicolas Brunet, Myriam Chislard, Paul Zunino, Frédéric Bianchi, Jean-Marie Belz, Raphael Schmitt, Benoit Thouvenin, Laurent Oger, David Guillaume, Pierre-Yves Marteau, Thomas Buet, Guillaume Grange, Sébastien Potrzeba, Stéphane Leloup, Team Pyrunners, Mathieu Joachim, Emmanuelle Ero, Nathan Boirin, Florian Maubru, Anthony Tyrode, Sébastien Fernandes, Cédric Doreau, Teddy Bouchaud, Bertrand Rejou-Mechain, Guillaume Drillaud, Evanne Blanchard, Emilien Lassara, Eddy Leroy, Pierre-Charles Lafond, Romain Vondiere, Vincent Dezarnaulds, Jérôme Schonfeld, Florian Rossband, Vincent Castella, Cyril Hivert, Florent Cayrel, Sébastien Lay, Pascal Antonucci, Marion Hochet, Guillaume Favre, Fabien Ducret, Matthieu Le Breton, Emilie Beyneix, Loïc Capitaine, Adrien Marchal, Romain Spinelli, Patricia Rameau, Pierre-Louis Cayrel, Xavier Mikalef, Florent Gabe, Hugo Berger, Boris Clouet, Boris Thibaulot, Ion Stanciu, Hugo Marquis, Thibault Gregoire, Guillaume Rames, Anthony Gonzalez, Fabien Deloche, Thibaut Lecuru, Paul Swiergiel, Laurent Renard, Pierre Bourlet, Maxime Findinier, Vir et Fab Parmant, Thomas de Barrin, Pierre Burlaud, Aubin Perret, Guillaume L'Henaff, Nicolas Reche, Alban Declerck, Florian Guilhot, Benoit Roux, Frédéric Barreira, Frédéric Renailler, Jean-François Bel, Florian Kunckler, Jeremie Nayl, Simon Dely, Lionel Dachaud, Jean-François Martine, Michal Pawlak, Ludovic Bozon, Stéphane Le Gourrierec, Marien Chardonnel, Loïc Mousselet, Clément Desille, Nicolas Leger, Franz Marsan, Didier Chognot, Nicolas Michelin, Nicolas Abbal, Paul Touze, Yanis Lecompte, Sophie Wantz, Pierre Pouderoux, Remi Giroud, Denis Monsegu, Paul Marguin, Remi Duchet, Olivier Pistre, Paul Rousseaux, Jérôme Teuffot, Benjamin Livas, Alix et Nicolas Gantois, Bastien Pothier, Theo Veni, Aurélien Cambon, Aurélien Botella, Jérôme Sordello, Alice Marlois, Paul-Henri Giraud, Lloyd Pitiot, Alexis Liard, Sylvain Bellia, Gael Chalavon, Vanessa Laugier, Thierry Bernabe, Jonathann Mayette, Matthieu Delecourt, Ludovic Dromard, David Abry, Christophe Chiri, Romain Harang, Simon Mathieu, Bertrand Leterme, Xavier Martin, Cyril Bertier, Cécile Ros, Guillaume Benard, Antonin Juillard, Thierry Planchon, Emmanuel Larose, Sébastien Roussel, Nicolas Veuriot, Tiffaine Echaniz, Matthieu Deville Cavellin, Julien Hollier, Joana Jacuzzi, Julien Yamba, Romain Sidobre, Marc-Aurele Taverna, Yoann Belloir, Thibault Suty, Arnaud Fourdrinoy, Kevin Hobson, Pierre Gapihan, Julien Vincent, Thomas Knight, Maxime Ledoux, Frédéric Plateau, Mickael Regnier, Jérôme Charvet, Julien Hoeksema, Jonathan Dupre, Marion Levigneux, Simon Fusillier, Luc Planson, Nicolas Hipp, Thibault David, Thibault Bertrand, Maxence Vially, Jérôme Lesaint, Adrien Dautheville, Sébastien Michel, Gedeon Pochat, Marie-Christine Vuaillet, Mathieu Reizer, Thomas Castagnet, Christophe Epineau, François Desjardins, Cécile Bertolino, Guilhem Collin, Aurélien Baudoin, Ramuntxo Larronde, Thomas Pierucci, Fabrice Delaunay, Gregoire Saison, Mathieu Tarrade, Aymeric Andre, Felix Faucher, Erwan Peton, Yann Slostowski, Elodie Verscheure, Nicolas Lorin, Yoann Ghiandai, Ana-Cristina Ayme, Sylvain Allegrette, Marion Choquet, Yoann Gossmann, Antoine Gervail, Olivier Dauvergne, Julien Charpin, Thomas Levannier, Johann Bignon, Thomas Williams, Francesco Cucco, Gregoire Laumond, Stella Ratajczak, François Navarre, Damiano Presciani, Romain Guest, Xavier Trupkiewicz, Alexandre Boursiez, Vincent Marczewski, Cédric Clerc, Romain Buissart, Pierre Le Clainche, Sébastien Sauvageot, Cédric Lauzier, Mathieu Louis, Xavier Lahaye, Emilien Gorisse, Khalil Ben Mlouka, Fabien Gautier, Jean-Pierre Giorgi, Olivier Souvelain, Stéphanie Mothe, Franck Dorey, Adrien Rab, Florian Gilson, Céline Champion, Florian Drouin, Jean-Charles Roussarie, Yoan Darmedru, Olivier Monteiro, François Schouver, Louis Cassagnes, Boris Mathon, Yann Varin, Melodie Buchou, Benjamin Martin, Clément Warneys, Olivier Indart, Damien Beal, Julian Jonfal, Stéphane Joly, Jérôme Gallet, Jacky François, Thomas Mounet, David Darty, Lea Hacquin, Jean-Baptiste Feutry, Benoit Dupart, Lotta Richter, Gaetan Bourgogne, Severine Girard, Clément Queval, Anthony Maire-lantz, David Lajournade, Aude Diet, Anthony Maire-lantz, Olivier Ollagnier, Remy Perret, Vincent Chaigneau, Vincent Roman, Fabio Knauf, Julien Berna, Paul Citti, Jean-Baptiste Erb, Adrien Sinbrin Durand, Pierre Vosgien, Laurent Le Houerou, Benoit-Paul Astruc, Gregoire Sella, Frank Gonon, Marie Stankowiak, Florian Bruiset, Pierre Aeschbacher, Pauline Pourteigt, Antoine Regnard, Thomas Peigne, Paul Lepetitpas, Belz'h BreakDown, Serge Foigne, David Hautier, Yannis Merlet, Julien Roubertou, Nicolas Le Nocher, Samuel Coulin, Romain Pattaroni, Mathieu Llbrs, Cyril Tour, Thomas Rognier, Arnaud Jalby, Geoffrey Bire, Guillaume Briffault, Etienne Mottura, Alexandre Milon, Vincent Alaux, Remi Caillibotte, Cédric Noizat, Pierre Cauchy, Hélène Martin, Nicolas Charlet, Yannick Dewael, Gabriel Lambrot, Clément Beal, Gregoire Deswarte, Max Vicedo, Melanie Vilain, Thibault Mousset, Alexis Dautcourt, Florence Buchs, Pierre Travert, Fabien Ciges, Camille Gosselin, Guillaume Huron, Julien Leblois, Clément Dieudonne, Laurence D'Incau, Lionel Buchon, Simon Manquest, Mickael Vosgien, Christophe Letang, Stéphane Huon, Remi Guilloteau, Ingrid Delangh, Christian Bouteille, Pierre Padrixe, Kevin Begasse, Johan Muller, Benoit Gaudy, Kevin Quiniou, Brice Boyer, Romain Roumegoux, Remi Lecuru, Gauthier Vincent, Jean-Philippe Zanoni, Adrien Bouchardeau, Benjamin Verrier, Izvoren Depuiset, Laurent Fougere, Adrien Van Hamme, Josselin Pienne, Guillaume Clavel, Cyril Grenier, Melanie Valier, François Feys, Aurélien Nibau, Ulysse Lefebvre, Aurelie Toque, Arthur Bourret, Clément Cheung, Gregory Chevallier, Gael Jourdan, Gregory Chalamet, Arthur Bourret, Clément Sezestre, Dionisio Vegas, Adrien Goraguer, Christelle Pellet, Raphael Sanguiniti, Corentin Rossier, Benoit Gaillard, Laurent Larroutis, Christophe Angot, Nicolas Campodonico, Sylvain Chaumeau, Jean-Marc Meunier, Paul-Emmanuel Souteyrand, Cédric Mage, Agathe Arnaud, Anthony Cloarec, Benoit Ollivier, Florian Rumeau, Benoit Richard, Olivier Dumont, Geoffrey Salingue, Josephine Buais, Alexandre Boucheix, Olivier Borredon, Pierre-Alexandre Cardinal, Emmanuelle Bellotto-Laurencon, Lucie Duchatelle, Pierre Bureau, Thibaut Quemener, Pascal Thibout, Anne-Cécile Boulet, Renaut Colin, Delphine Fuhry-Steininger, Claire Taurisson, Vincent Ricaud, Stéphane Stierlin, Timothee Pierre, Guillaume Fabry, Emmanuelle Maury, Antoine Jeanroy, Pierre-Yves Henry, Frédérick Vaillant, Damien Burel, Romain Poilane, Eliott Boucard, Ismael Moussa, Sandra Sineux, Julien Canal, Julien Toulouze, Nicolas Cheret, Maxime Chaboud, Julien Liot, Benjamin Drezet, Clément David, Quentin Muffat, Jean-René Molina, Vincent Pascal, Tanguy Verluise, Adrien Lode, Arnaud Rathier, Jeremie Daels, Dorian Rodot, Aurore Ziller, Louis Renucci, Frédéric Bougeot, Felix Lelievre, Remy Marcel, Julien Sicard, Cédric Jablowski, Marc Etienne, Jérôme Bruyas, Alexandre Chasteloux, Thibaut Flament, Pierre Provansal, Jean-Marie Jaouannet, Steven Coutereel, Jean-Luc Chevallier, Sébastien Nachon, Olivier-Jeremie Bois, Florian Dupuy, Melissa Anglade, Remi Wolf, Ugo Perrin, Alexis Guyoton, Benoit Gandolfi, Jacques Chaban, Sébastien Lamy, Clément Fabre, Clément Andrieux, Matthieu Giraud, Christian Piffard, Romain Keirle, David Voltolini, Jérémy Plumejault, Benoit Aveline, Jean-Philippe Christmann, Romain Herfort, Quentin Idenn, Nicolas Hennebelle, Franck Cardin, Brendan Rannou, Thomas Dulaurent, Victor Hadrien Faulx-Briole, Thibaut Muller, Adrien Schweizer, Gregory Bonvin, Ingrid Zeller, Matthieu Gandolfi, Antoine Dhaynaut, Erwan Fourrier, William Girard, Simon Patrice, Philippe Lecolle, Pierre Bichon, Melodie Ligier, Jérémy Yaya, Mathieu Van Overeem, Christophe Nonorgue, Erwann Moreau, Jean-François Coeurjolly, Noé Bardone, Ludwig Rohart, Fabien Goby, Alice Marlois, Sébastien Latella, Laure Verdier, Florian Diana, Thomas Haumonte, Annecy Kiné Sports, Kevin Morisseau, Nicolas Agassis, Robin Brissaud, Romain Lanier, Laurent Bouvier, Sandrine Laspoussas, Julien Carlier, Baptiste Planchard, Maxime Pechenart, Julien Bertrand, Martin Kern, Marie-Camille et Benjamin Cheron, Sandrine Naill-Billaud, Julien De Caso, Arthur Jacob, Mickael Lheritier, Manon Cayre, Alban Mattel, Olivier Angonin, David Bonzom, Guillaume Desgache, Jean-Baptiste Schmidt, Matthieu Denais, Martin Gillain, Patrick Bord, Gwilherm Rocher, Magalie Lavergne, François Tamburro, Pascal Daviot, Jérôme Brunol, Gildas Desevedavy, Guillaume Combes, Christophe Raffel, Hervé Testeil, Julien Damesin, Nicolas Hoffschir, Gautier His, Albin Quere, Killian Breuillard, Damien Le Cornec, Claire Baron, Anna Sentis, Pantxika Larramendy Pochelu, Benoit Sxay, Maria Semerjian, Thomas Salmon, Vincent Richard, Anthony Leroux, Coline Debreux, Christophe Chavanne, Julien Affre, Martin Kaszuba, Guillaume Jeannin, Fabien Pertuy, Thibaud Sader, Benoit Prangere, Jérôme Menard, Cédric Lohe, Christophe Gosselin, Samuel Leduc, Remi Dupuis, Tony Boudet, Nelly Ledrich, Julien Aussel, Nicolas Fontaine, Theo Belbezier, Adrien Maerten, Jérémy Cregut, Guilhem Prax, Mickael Planche, Antoine Curien, Loïc Andre, Gabin Mantulet, Claire Lacoste, Bastien Perez, Frédéric Morand, Jérémy Combe, Antoine Baisnee, Paul Milhau, Laurent Mouchon, Bastien Brel, Emiline Thouret, Arnaud Henin, Theo Breuzin, Olivier Szrama, Franck Gellenoncourt, Maroussia Renucci, Nicolas Thiry, Benoit Zehfus, Simon Bleus, Julien Gasne, Antoine Van Nooij, Germain Peltier, Yannick Lugan, Thibault Negra, Clément Guillout, Florent Deschepper, Florent Legname, Quentin Faure, Virgile Grandjean, Julien Soulliere, Marie-Aline Putz-Perrier, Olivier Vital, Maxime Grelet, Sébastien Jeans, Adrien Servieres, Yves Bothorel, Florent Marichez, Pierre Sabatier, Nicolas Mayot, Benoit Gandelot, Manuel Cretot, Thibault Liebenguth, Gregory Screve, Eric Besson, Fabrice Cifre, Amaury Robert, Manea Lebrun, Ronan Delanoe, Julien Djozikian, Damien Selle, Cédric Riboulet, Mathieu Vergnaux, Jean François Cabre, Kevin Robert, Juliane Willems, Franck Ladet, Nicolas Regnault, Sébastien Beaussart, Stéphane Roux, Loïc Gaudry, Victor Darchis, Aimee Mouliom, Boris Ploujoux, Nicolas Cuny, Antoine Gregoire, Laetitia Bassani, Ulrich Almeida, Olivier Prelle, Pierre-Yves Geant, Benjamin Heisser, Arnaud Deloraz, Fabien Cazenave, Vincent Houssin, Jonathan Tramoy, Dimitri Piriou, Pauline Mosset, Yoann Gondonneau, Pierre Sarthou, Cyril Mornay, Myriam Bober, Patricia Grimaud, Samy Bonifacie, Romain Chanon, Julien Lemond, Gerald Auboyer, Stéphane Romy, Lise Dauban, Olivier Des Rieux, Dorian Gricourt, Jonathan Livin, Frédérick Rochette, Christelle Aron, Thomas Seramour, Valentin Jacquemin, Emmanuel Lagarde, Matthieu Cheneby, Ludovic Pommeret, Benjamin Cortese, Maeva Bellemin-Noel, Pierre Baladier, Yoann Bodin, Sébastien Valette, Nicolas Philipona, Nathan Savary, Antoine Marois, Cécile Coulon, Antoine Chadeau, Virginie Quesnay, Clémence Gevrey, Matthias Mouchart, Fabrice Bey, Maxime Rotier, Jean-Regis Roux, Thomas Leparlier, Joris Josia, Jean-Baptiste Cotte, Bertrand Dumont, Jean-Baptiste Bellet, Cécile Molveaux, Corine Casciano, Philippe Audrant, Mathieu Colussi, Laurent Themlin, Yoan Bapst, Pierre-Marie Billon, Jérôme Gay, Antoine Troullier, Henri Fayolle, Thomas Ramoussin, Geraldine Richard, Simon Le Goff, Romain Sempey, Antoine Forey, Antoine Guillarme, Camille Demure, Romain Chabot, Serge Vito, Jean-Philippe Heitz, David Barbier, Mathieu Cailliez, Rejane Gocel, Yannick Garbin, Myriam Muris, Jérémy Sauvaget, Eric Cuenot, Olivier ter Schiphorst, Jeremie Kalman, Estelle Hainnaux, Damien Arnaud, Kevin Raymond, David Calero, Xavier Font, Jeremie Marin, Brice Muller, Fabienne CHervét, Marin Chaumet, Elyse Leroy-Pasquet, Laurent Limoni, Quentin Lnr, Corentin Thiebaux, Arnaud Banon, Sébastien Nain, Davy Juchet, Mathieu Bony, Ingrid Farge, Pierre Ruelle, Theo Detienne, Romain Orio, Chrystelle Verriest, Olivier Houssin, Loïc Cabarrou, Alexis Passion, Sacha Devillaz, Julio Saramago, Gregory Gualandi, Caroline Schroeder, Charles Cosnier-Horeau, Yann Pasquier, Laurent Fourquet, Maxime Ortet, Franck Fossat, Arnaud Hermouet, Rudy Lefrancois, Simon Bernaudeau, Anne-Marie Adobati, Marie Dohin, Jean-Philippe Gras, Marion Mey, Nicolas Chasle, Ludovic Vairon, Valentin Trijoulet, Meheza Kpelou Walla, Carine Mathe, Remi Frattini, Arnaud Stas de Richelle, Nicolas Darmaillacq, Raphael Moras, Pierre-Yves Brossard, Barthelemy Giraud, Laure Desmurs, Jordane Boissard, Jimmy Panozzo, Anthony Schwarz, Nicolas Guerard, Kevin Iticsohn, Laurent Cloatre, Nicolas Merce, Matthieu Payer, Ludovic Collet, Nicolas Martin, Alexis Berg, Guillaume Puig, Anthony Toulze, Quentin Raissac, Romain Vigne, Cédric Fabulet, Pierre-Michel Sarrazin, Romain Jezequel, Audrey Bassac, Romain Derreumaux, Elodie Gonon, Kevin Guillotte, Romain Gtl, Jérôme Walrave, Jean-Christophe Guillot, Michael Clavery, Julien Tissot, Julien Chorier, Fleury Roux, Dimitri Lomer, Jérôme Richard, David Lacotte, Sébastien De Rossi, Johann Girost, Francis Marielle, Blandine Remy, David Houlbert, Jean-Christophe Parichault, Yoann Stuck, Antoine Charbonnier, Thomas Montana, Marc Lecoin, Delphine Pol, Steve Cailler, Romain Bony, Jérémy Buffet, Pierre-Yves Descombes, Damien Varnier, Guillaume Gruot, Laurent Ducasse, Benjamin Manoukian, Patrick Gerber, Zeline Lacombe, Marie Somm Croset, Christophe Capitan, Maxime Baumard, Valery Bougard, Elsa Thual, Arnaud BouBout, Marion Barbarit, Willy Deprez, Frédéric Machabert, Cédric Gehin, Karine Bourgeon, Olivier Engel, Pierre Brequigny, Eric Thouvenin, Benjamin Mun, Manuela Savel, Cyril Cointre, Yann Truc, Frédéric Moulis, Fabien Beaufils, Philippe Jourdes, Andy Vassard, Thomas Depret, Virginie et Patrick Bohard, Nicolas Blommaert, Guillaume Boschini, Coline Demontoux, Pascal Serent, Baptiste Escoute, Cécile Bertin, Charlie Perdrieau, Cyrille Rouge, Sébastien Baillieul, Ronan Nignol, Augustin de Narp, Claire Louyot, Jeremie Rivaliere, Brice Roffino, Vincent Viet, Lucile Dufau, Amaury d'Oleon, Gregory Laplaud, Pauline Puteaux, Bertrand Delhomme, Maxime Brodard, Florimond Cahez, Guillaume Cribier, Yoann Mougel, Camille Metzdorff, Benjamin Tremey, Benoit Barnabe, Lucie Arnal, Samuel Graux, Loïc de Checchi, Nadia Desrayaud, Adrien Tarenne, Martin Michaudet, Raphael Naudet, Yoann Gilbart, Emmanuel Bezard, Sophie Maufrais, Charles Cribier, Franck Martel, Florian Weisser, Joakim Ribier, Nicolas Decostanzi, François Vivares, Franck Vaillant, Alexandre Koch, Mathieu Bernard, Jérôme Sequin, Anthony Muscio, François-Xavier de Boismenu, Nathalie Ecuer, Olivier Picard, Remi Jean, Sylvain Giraud, Fabien Boesso, Anthony Marty, Guillaume Abry, Gregory Bombardo, Laurent Cambefort, François-Xavier Amiel, Mikael Aigroz, Thibaut Bandini, Guillaume Requier, Benjamin Cornuel, Richard Reverte, Daphné de Guembecker, Bruno Cantieri, Michael Crausaz, David Laulhey, Nicolas Gaudin, Fabien Bonnaffous, Guillaume Perrein, Michael Ligier, Charles Centofanti, Caroline Weste, Vincent Dupin, Marco Roumi, Olivier Roualdes, Ghislain Davost, Vianney Poiron, Geoffroy Degrange, Mickael Gouget, Alexandre Parpillon, Samuel Nascimento, Mathieu Zimmer, Vincent Germain, Maxime Granier, Romain Leblanc, Ana Calatayud, Lambert Santelli, Michel Lanne, Matthieu Catelain, Jérémy binet, Remy Decoopman, Florent Lescarret, Jeremie Le Lievre, Xavier Teychenne, Fabien Lambin, Gael Clerval, Benoit Fousse, Yvon Rouzic, Mathieu Dubois, Benoit Boistard, Christophe Tabar, Benoit Olivier, Pierre-Henri de Bettignies, Alexandre Meurgue, Marie Boggio, François Baly, Remi Boudet, Thibaud Lafon, Bastien Ganivet, Fabrice Thomas, Bastien Mateo, Philippe Monteil, Baptiste Prive, Frédéric Le Meur, Olivier Morineau, Gael Malacarne, Emeric Claveau, Yann Miehlbradt, Thomas Doualle, Guillaume Roux, Ivan Rulleau, Laurent Galvani, Nicolas Trouilhet, Jason Langenegger, Sébastien Pedelucq, Jeremie Vernoit, Julien Daviau, Maxime Tartre, Leo Sayagh, Jean-François Munoz, Baptiste Leger, Laure Chabbert, Timothee Wetzel, Maxime Quillivic, Gaetan Timmermans, Nicolas Thal, Romain Merlaud, Benjamin Neveu, Laure de Cabissole, Ronan Guiheneuf, Guilhaume Feregotto, Laurent Mercey, Thomas Zeggane, Benoit Leroux, Julien Fauchard, Pascal Aymar, Maxime Morin, Jonathan Rouquairol, Olivier Bloch, Stéphane Cambefort, Cims Magics, Jérémy Gaudez, Olivier Rodriguez, Romain Valette, Quentin Duhamel, Cyril Bouchet, Guillaume Poublan-Couste, Daniel Carree, Romain Husson, Pierre Schmidt, Etienne Loisel, Marie-Gabrielle et Cédric Selmi, Pascal Mouquet, François Jacquet, Raphael Monteil, Charles Garreau, François D'Haene, Seb Molinier, Jean-Philippe Home-Sanfaute, Guillaume Dupre la Tour, Thomas Ruynat-Franzini, Martin Girard, Thierry Gandilhon, Renaud Enjalric, Theo Cizeron, Nicolas Carle, Clémentine Geoffray, Sébastien Henri, Florian Renault, Roxanne Lorrain, Paul Gardere, Johanna Dannreuther, Alexandre Paimparay, Steeve Brousset, Anne Corriol, Mathieu Dauron, Quentin Bievre, Stéphane Filias, Damien Cloarec, Romain Penot, Simon Mergui, Michael Roch, Nathalie Gautheron Cerroti, Nicolas Gourdon, Thibaud Costes, Arnaud Petiot-Rouzet, Sébastien Magyari, Charles-Antoine Dupuy, Guillaume Delachat, Romain Durand, Sylvain Reculeau, Elsa Birman, Audrey Camus, Chencheng Huang, Gwendal Pencreach, Remi Hermant, Nicolas Bouron, Carlos Pinilla, Vincent Kerbarh, Christopher Dore, Nicolas Bertaux, Benoit Emprin, Jérôme durivault, Xavier Morin, Sarah Balichard, Fred Sanca, Kevin Nickler, Rodolphe Cazenave, Vincent Rota, Laurentx Pebet, Odette et Jean-Marie Schmitt, Didier Hauswald, Thibault Bottemanne, Yoann Huguet, Anne-Sophie Bour, Clément Dudal, Jérôme Dani, Romain Mandard, Nicolas Pierron, Elouan Rebillard, Cédric Schepens, Maxime Soriano, Stéphane Brogniart, Cédric Andre, Guillaume Leonarf, Franck Levillain, Christophe Anselmo, Bertrand Tappy, Benjamin Bera, Alexis Jamet, Pierre-Alexandre Delayre, Steve Hanot, Pauline Ballereau, Benoit Cuisy, Pierre-Henry Coppere, Mathieu Dupuis, Sarah Nael, Arthur Flipo, Annick Brandenberger, Pierre-Albert Carlier, Pierre Ribault, Alban Grandjean, Antoine Malaunais, Philippe Poncin, Claire Ferhane, David Preti, Eric Grelier, Aurélien Blanchard, Fabrice Deschamps, Gilles Guillon, Cyril Ettien, Gregory Bardin, Maxime Bracqbien, David Michel, Robin Malagie, Stéphane Lemaitre, Guillaume Schutz, Pierre-Hugo Romain, Aurélien Coude, Etienne Choqueux, Baptiste Poly, Jean-Sébastien Mayen, Cecilia Sanchez, Antoine Lagasse, Hoel Poissonniet, Thomas Crenier, Oliver Jutzi, Paul Dabertrand, Pierre-Arnaud Bourguenolle, Alexis Grappin, Stéphane Bernard, Andrea Braga, Romain Baziries, Caroline Koller, Alexis Strievi, Pierre Borie, John Evaelyjo, Steve Revoil, Jules-Henri Gabioud, Aldo Barnaba, Simon Fraisse, Mickael Martin, Nicolas Moreau, Antoine Gendre, Guillaume Nardin, Arnaud Dethorey, Olivier Moutin, Julien Seiler, William Lemaire, Tanguy Chauviere Le Drian, Natascha Richter, Julien Collet, Remi Poeydomenge, Tristan van Ee, Olivier Abbet, Aziz Ouaabi, Dominique Chaput, Martin Bay, Amaury Arnaud, Maxime Vergnieres, Julien de Freitas, Diego Pazos, Gabriel Gaultier, Gaetan Longeon, Laurent Neau, Julien Metivier, Andy Lenoir, Cécile Vince, Laetitia Vicart, Jeandel Laurent, Matthieu Poittevin, Flavien Alfero, Cédric Barrau, Vincent Dumont, Pascal Moulis, Kevin Colin, Sandrine Prieur, Jean-Patrick Mercier, Benoit Thouary, Colin Olivero, Paul Scourzic, Gaetan Chicanne, Simon Delamarre, Jérôme Ricol, Benjamin Testelin, Sylvain Guillermo, Marc-Henri Depotte, Thomas Gomez, Pierre-Antoine François, Julien Hoarau, Pierre-Antoine Piter, Sébastien Guirao, Cyprien Louis, Anthony Gautier, Yannick Martin, Jeremie Ballet-Baz, Kevin Bouvier, Guillaume Bonnaure, Guillaume Settembrini, Leslie Roquecave, Xavier Thevenard, Kevin Bouchery, Romain Lacaille, Vincent Laffay, Bob Brunot, Raphael Mateos, Pauline Schmidt, Christophe Lapoirie, Regis Adam, Guillaume Marmer, Gwendal Moysan, Jonathan Moncany, Jean-Michel Challe, Stéphanie Vizot, Cristelle Robert, Antoine Dragon, Michel Della Maria, Hadrien Dulau, Alain Speckbacher, Remi Jallon, Matthieu Peyrin, Dany Moulin, Maxime Trichot, Olivier Valla, Pierre Meslet, Theo Meunier, Martin Thoris, François Beruard, Guillaume Perrin, Benoit Beaubier, PIerre-Jacques Laurand, Ugo Lovera, Remi Peron, Marion Paquet, Maelane Mialle, Vincent Mira, Eric Charlet, Fred Hamon, Cristophe Modat, Stéphanie Gadroy, Matthieu Blanc, Fabien Candy, Raphael Poughon, Christophe Arcin, Mathieu Gery, Paul-Edouard Juan, Julien Chambat, Aline Froger, Jean-Pierre Caridi, Florent Lorin, Virginie Goetzmann, Romain Ors, Aurélien Le Nouaille, Stéphane Lacouture, Gregory Puech, Céline Marteau, Christophe Poussard, Gildas Desevedavy, Benoit Dumontet, Jérémy Gotto, Laurent Calvet, Monique Thevenard-Bonino, Didier Lesourd, Pierre Poirier, Donatien Drouin, Yasmina Plaindoux, Sophie Picavet, Guillaume Primard, Fabien Blas, Jordan Hibon, Regis Lebarbier, Gatien Janton, Julien Baixas, Olivier Stora, Florian Le Grand, Gael Cantenot, Christophe Mazaud, Mickael Arhan, Youssoupha Ndiaye, Guilhem Millet, Sébastien Furet, Sébastien Cellier, Stéphane Chalmeau, Jacques Ricoux, Anthony Marthinet, Guillaume Fierling, Pierre Jaouen, Guillaume Scheer, Vincent Bouchet, Sébastien Doutreligne, Jean-Pierre Ricard, Pierre Papet, Carlos Oliveira, Benoit Latus, Gregory Scotta, Olivier Gerin, Anthony Le Goff, Anais Terrettaz, Nicolas Simonet, Vincent Minet, Jean-Philippe Guerin, Guillaume Blandin, Julien Meschberger, Dorian Laithier, Mathieu Garat, Thibaut Fortin, Noémie Andre, Bruno Turbe, Cyril Solbach, Xavier Briez, Antoine Juillion, Benoit Lardeux, Jérôme Gervais, Johan Paris, Sébastien Picaud, Julien Lantuejoul, Antoine Fourmentin, Serge Dany, Stéphane Huser, Pierre Ameglio, Tom Gathier, Rodolphe Genitoni, Fabien Richard, Nadine Racat, Jérémy Binette, Felix Defrance, Raphael Baudoin, Marc-André Verpaelst, Franck Scandella, Aurelie Le Fur, Sylvere Pruvost, Emmanuel Arcis, Marc Bee, Arnaud Thomas, Nicolas Butz, Vivien Mennesson, Cédric Lecohue, Elie Guy, Severine Grilhe, Guillaume Ring, Arthur Ohl, Adrien Morent, Mathieu Demarson, Thomas Lorblanchet, Lionel Reynier, Mathieu Bouton, Béatrice Patizel, Quentin Mugnier, Jérémy Chicoine, Pascal Ndiaye, Sébastien Khali, Aude Hourtal, Lois Perrier, Etienne Gleizes, Bastien Munoz, Jeanne Peyron, Frédéric Navillon, François Monge, Jérémy Marie, Mathieu Cousinie, François-Xavier Dion, Julien Seguin, Benoit Pavee, Pierre-Jean Cot, Cyril Auvinet, François Cornic, Damien Pereira, Benjamin Asselbourg, Eric Sun, Alexis Neaux, Julien Majou, Marie-Jose Maigrat, Quentin Guillier, Simon Girard, Gautier Daras, Didier Pecoul, Yves Girard, Nicolas Esther, Cédric Desforges, Michel Remy, Alexis Lecanu, Benoit Leroy, Maxime Nigra, Guillaume Cretinon, Antoine Mougel, Gabriel Guibert, Kamel El Khayari, Joel Ormeno, Gregory Isnardi, Jonathan Roy, Florian Bissay, Michel Mouraille, Johan Chouteau, Romain Soubde, Anthony Amoudruz, Nicolas Boeyaert, Valentin Rivalan, Sarah Renaud, Pierre Druart, Julien Courdes, Gaelle Martin, Christophe Beauseigneur, Nicolas Pastorino, Tristan Pignier, Erwann Odye, Bastien Lhermite, Lionel Miconi, Jean Regaldo, Anthony Pouille, Alban Venneugues, Stéphanie Grotzinger, Patrick Toutain, Lucas Toulier Ancian, Max Godet, Stefan Rutz, Sébastien Chaboud, Yann Despicht, David Colasuonno, Robin Schmitt, Anthony Launay, Emeline Lacote, Clément Aeschbacher, Benjamin Peigne, Matthieu Lefort, Maxime Crozon, Geoffrey Dequidt, Alexis Valtat, Lucas Bastoul, Frédéric Degruel, Anne-Elise Dely-Duguey, Clément Eliot, Dominique Boiret, Tifenn Kerbiriou, Ariane Wilhem, Marie Line Rapin, Mireille Masson, Mederic Bonnet, Marilyne Lopez, Cyril Caillou, Simon Paillard, Lola Vanderkam, Loïc Jalmin, Michael Salerno, Fabrice Soulier, Jérôme Volck, Vincent Bourlier, Florian Charles, Cécile Cheron Goiset, Thibaut Baronian, Thibaud Langlet, Mathieu Pardon, Briec Boucher, Sandrine Rozenberg, Floris Calori, Thibaut Verlyck, Julien Durechou, Jérémy Sevellec, Eric Masse, Christine Hoja, Jérémy Draguis, Nikolay Popgeorgiev, Simon Janin, Philippe Blanchard, Antoine Wolff, Antoine Joal, Benoit Desaute, Arthur Decostanzi, Florent Chateigner, Sébastien Yvart, Marie-Odile Mery, Guillaume Cosson, Jules Pijourlet, Pierre Prosperi, David Leprovost, Benoit Sautreuil, Gwenole Louarn, Laurent Montel, Kevin Faria Fernandes, Jérémy Franchemiche, Emeric Soulier, Benoit Arnoult, Mikael Mongiovetto, Christopher Retiere, Fabrice Baret, Dimitri Larbi, Sylvain Rousselot, Pierre-E Ory, Kelig Houze, Christophe Sanchez, Hugo Sapin, Romain Taupin, Nicolas Enjalbert, Aurélien Hernandez, Romain Bidoli, Edgar Speckbacher, Julien Michaud, Nils Rochereau, Matthieu Obach, Christopher Nese, Arnaud Sauvaget, Yann Blanchard, Guillaume Vansuyt, Valtres Triathlon, Aurélien Teten-Prod, Fabian Cucchiara, Benjamin Biga, Pierre Janin-Potiron, Marie Wagner, Clément Guibert, Vincent Affholder, Frédéric Rolland, Arnauld Hervieux, Bastien Seon, Remy Myre Sennepin, Cécile Rossin, François Billy, Cédric segura, Thomas Cordival, Aubin Calamaro, Franck Nadaus, Laetitia Palatini, Patrick Douin, Ludovic Edel, Pierre Remigereau, Lidwine Szymczykowski, Lea Pouzaud, Charline Sadzot, François Arrighi de Casanova, Nicolas Delmi-Deyirmendjian, Alexandre Jamet, Adrien Marcourt, Maxime Hourdebaigts, Aurélien Reymond, Jordan Bessiere, Louis Audoin, Julien Vieille, Cyril Bernard, Aurélien Reymond, Killian Garnier, Sophie Camus, Nicolas Jeanjean, Damien Pitiot, Sylvie et Pierre Leyendecker, Jacques Vacher, Thomas Kernen, Elric Aublant, Sébastien Repeto, Alexandre Meheust, Robert Nicol, Nicolas Goffe, Benoit Rybarczyk, Arthur Giuliani, Mickael Robert, Antoine Jourjon, Philippe Chatelot, Nathan Coubes, Laura Garrivet, Remy Perez-Martin, Arnaud Grisey, Gabriel Gobat, Gregory Vollet, Morgan Le Lann, Cyssou Buffat, Matthieu Forichon, Jérémy Suzanne, Alexis Coince, Romain Boudet, Patrick Faramaz, Bastien Deliau, Mathieu Treuil, Benoit Bordigoni, Louis Fournier, Najib Laatiaoui, Guillaume Lamirand, Olivier Gerard, Nicolas Olive, Ben Violot, Jean Blancheteau, Mickael Mysoet, Hugo Fartaria, Marie Sammons, Fabien Coste, Marion Mahieu, Boris Favario, Jérôme Gaudin, Cédric Dupuich, Bastien Peron, Valentin Orange, Antonin Boiffier, Pierre-Emmanuel Julia, Edouard Corbel, Vincent Souvras, Laurent Sabre, Geoffrey Carion, Laura Becognee, Mohamed Senouci, Matthieu Manet, Clément Berchet, Gaetan Dervaux, Christophe Portalez, Mathieu Bocchi, Florent Porras, Baptiste Dugue, Thomas Besnier, Laurent Sitbon, Frédéric Berg, Romain Andrieux, Remi Verardo, Aurélien Lopez-Simier, Thibaut Heusse, Yannick Reliaud, Florian Saint-Pierre, Jean-Etienne Celle, Thibault Lacroix, Brian Verthier, Jose Fernandez, Romain Rizzarello, Baptiste Cosson, François Guillevic, Arnaud Vandal, Christophe Caron, Guillaume Desuzinges, Damien Millon, Jean-Baptiste Mullie, Romain Viode, Alexandre Lataste, Gregory Bertrand, Antoine Labourier, Clément Dumont - Dayot, Gilles Frezier, Gregory Richen, Florian Nivet, Julien Jallamion, Yannick Ratakek, Vincent Auboiroux, Fabrice Staub, Estelle de Pelichy-Jeanson, Paul Parant, Benjamin Gayaud, Matthieu Fosse, Jonathan Tabutin, Martin Beche, Jules Briatta, Regis Belhomme, Maximilien Clayton, Stephane Flueli, Damien Orsal, Yann Treguer, Nicolas Dublanchet, Christophe Hamm, Caroline Huet, Kilian Jornet, Claire Tourment, Benjamin Schmitt, Cédric Ferrin, Cyril Nodin, Cyril Carvalho, Morgan Pouliquen, Samuel Bard, François Pellissier, Julie Tharaud, Cédric Tanvet, Andy Symonds, Colin Saillet, Florent Vilisques, Aurelio Guerra Vigo, Nicolas Conquer, Isabelle Tondelier, Michael Hutin, Raphael Campion, Antoine Nicolas, Florence Santrot, Frédéric Chaney, Michel Arnaud, Benoit Mazingant, Maxime Beffy, Cédric Deline, Thomas Guillaumond, Elisa et Sébastien Mariette, Yannick Simonneau, Thomas Arnoux, Jean-Philippe Ajuste, Emmanuel Renault, Scott Simonin, Benoit Gourde, Xavier Constans, Yannick Melet, Yannick Granger, Paul Boussemart, Nicolas Douay, Cédric Lasgleyses, Jérôme Lastapis, Benjamin Legrand, Yann Morello, Corentin Davy, Julien Trefcon, Marianne Holtzer, Celien Guovannetti, Elo Die, Alan Le Guen, Raphael Ebrard, Bastien Vallet, Ghislain Paladini, Christophe Mare, David Perdrel, Julien Rage, Clément Delhaye, Erwan Pelan, Estelle-Marie Kieffer, Baptiste Galant, Sylvain Equel, Simon Laverriere-Duvaux, David Mislin, Mathias Puzzolante, Renaud Perrin, Lucas Rohart, Julien Pivet, Cédric Pion, Julien Pelle, Arnaud Kremeur, Alexandra Nitescoux, Laura Orsal, Cyrille Tumson, Jean Magnol, Julien Carayon, François Guerin, Pierre Roques, Romain Ausseur, Gauthier Galland, Philippe Thuret, Philippe Duhamel, Katia Demont, Gael Marty, Richard Dion, Theo Orange, Jimmy Trouillard, Damien Cremilleux, Pierre Bruet, Pierre Jacqueau, Tomy Delcroix, Antoine Garrigue, Jonathan Mertens, Xavier Meziere, Guillaume Vautier, Nicolas Mauclert, Pierre Cabannes, Jeremie Priarone, Antoine Peduzzi, Arthur Szadeczki, Eric Nougayrede, Hadrien Cadiou, Laurent Muscarnera, Jean-Gael Le Floc'h, Cyril Mallard, Charlotte Catel, Yann Olivier, Clément Collart, Laetitia Henry, Mickael Sourd, Maxime Gosset, Maximilienw, Nicolas Le Bail, Adrien Troesch, Vincent Rabec, Estelle Fey, Ronan Bibens, Boris Paulme, Frédéric Delattre, Matthieu Peche, Eric Delmas, Matthis Granet, Julien Farre, Robin Gremmel, Jude Rezin, Tanguy Fetsch, Arnaud Guillemin, Quentin Broue, Pierre Zimmer, François-Xavier Olivier, Maxence Becourt, Quentin Debray, Claire Beraud, Maxime Laget, Ewen Henaff, Quentin Allard, Serge Mennecier, Aurélien Autret, Solene De, Cédric Richter, Matthieu Giraud, Julien Jay, Mario Toussaint, Felix Richard, Julian Virlogeux, Guillaume Pujolar, Quentin Guerrero, Nathanael Hittinger, Jérôme Sigrist, Xavier Martin, Gaetan Barralon, Teddy Hernandez, Geoffrey Conti, Julien Brengel, Nicolas Chiabaut, Camille Serre, François Devaux, Julien Le Foll, Anthony Goavec, Benoit Vasset, François Tetu, Tristan Cariou, Eddy Wegrzyn, Marion Favier, Antoine Guenin, Florian Mairy, Emmanuel Abele, Raphael Fevrier, Julien Toubeau, Cédric Tshibasu-Kabeya, Florian Loubard, Blandine Leperlier-Morel, Amelia Perier, Quentin Antoine, Romain Carpentier, Nicolas Chiaffredo, Antoine Boinay, Antoine Jeantot, Julien Chassagne, Anthony Gottiniaux, Slaven Depuiset, Christopher Martin, Gaetan Hascoet, Julien Salomon, Aurélien Perol, Jonathan Merceron, Ousmane Camara, Benoit Dupraz, Julien Burton, Brieuc Viel, Apostolos Teknetzis, Julien Ben amar, Romain Voreaux, Clément Diaz, François Colinet, François Mourgues, Thibaud Sambourg, Julien Bernard, Antoine Perez-Martin, Rudy Bottin, Alexandre Khali, Jérôme Defer, Damien Jubely, Nicolas Micoud, Nicolas Cotte, Benoit Lancon, Thierry Wergifosse, Paul Eeckeman, Etienne Montalban, Etienne Monbaron, Gael Revelin, Dimitri Chapelle, Pierre Oudar, Mickael Blanchard, Laurent Bazet, Flora Delmas, Nicolas Le Dot, Maxime Musial, Yann Audouin, Vincent Jouvin, Karine Girard, Pierre Gallat, Antoine Lombard, Marine Mejri, Jean-Pascal Bernard-Hervé, Lionel Porte, Hadrien Jourdan, David Tissot, Robin Feigne, Thomas Vericel, David Eck, Baptiste Jardine, Mathieu Pogeant, Romaric Bouillard, Thomas Thiebaud, William Leroy, Artiom Ganchine, Bertrand Lamoise, Nicolas Reczek, Geoffrey Noel, Bastien Isere, Minnierunneuse, Timothee Vandel, Jean Allenbach, Maxime Villoria, Lucas Billuart, Anne Vialatte, Damien Prigent, Baptiste Minart, David Sacleux, Lionel Cachot, Jean-Baptiste Roze, Louis Deque, Christophe Thierry, Pascal Cotret, Remi Lacroix, Jean-Charles Vauthier, Simon Giraudy, Julien Guillerault, Morgane Vitry, Philippe Benier, Edouard Coquatrix, Morgan Beaujouan, Guillaume Bour, Laurent Canon, Frédéric Vogin, Matthias Noguera, Tom Spach, Johan Martin, Damien Borensztein, Yann Seral, Glen Buron, Catherine Favre, Thibault Quemener, Lionel Guillaume, Hervé Villard, Richard Imperial, Anne Amarenco, Josef Potoski, Alban Ribault, Jean-Baptiste Prichystal, Nicolas Bruneau, Olivier Le Roux, Guillaume Arthus, Samuel Maraffi, Kevin Baldauf, Benoit Gilabert, Paolin Thoury, Fabrice Severac, Morgan Legros, Jean-Charles Siffrine, Benoit Testard, Stephan Tranchant, Eric Siber, Stephan Hugo, Sarah Balichard, Virgile Demolliens, Benoit Ferron, Jean Cottenceau, Benoit Hoolans, Fabien Tarantola, Fabrice Austruy, Raphaelle Chauffour, Fabien Demure, Jean-Maxime Robin, Sébastien Cloux, Td Nguyen Khac, Didier Gardan, Allowin Marchal, Stéphanie Nemos, Maxime Thibault, Antoine Quidet, Loïc Leyendecker, Naim Schnegg, Thomas Desprez, Romain Berger, David Jolivet, Marie Leyendecker, Jean-Luc Cadenel, Gaelle et Vincent Poirier, Baptiste Falgayrat, Stéphane Gourdon, Eric Seyfried, Mathieu Ravent, Etienne Valentin, Adrien Lietsch, Dominique Deflorenne, Pierre-Yves Stopin, Gaetan Masset, Anne-Laure Roux, David Pujol, Samih Marzouki, Brice Denis, Valerie Suchet, Bertrand Mathy, Fabien Genetier, Pierre Derumaux, Xavier Allanic, Nathan Levray, Adrien Barbier, Edouard Leculier, Loïc Stas, Paul Guernalec, Carole Lafontan, Nils Cuinat-Guerraz, Jean-Philippe Le Pennec, Julien Kerfers, Florentin Body, Quentin Cuartielles, Stéphane Bondot, Paul Bablot, Jérémy Brialon, Bastien Le Calvez, Bastien Chevalier, Titouan Feldmann, Loïc Lagadec, Nathalie Rosolek, Pierre Leweurs, Florian Zacharias, Jérôme Decisier, Alexandre Batz, Maxime Pinel, Willy Jollivet, Valentin Kiselak, Yann Le Saux, Remi Allegre, Ludovic Antoine, Julien Delattre, Julien Peignot, François Balao, Vivien Ghestem, Aymeric Matias, Florent Lombard, Benjamin Delattre, Arnaud Paillard, Xavier Barral, Marion Delage, Felicie Lefevre-Michelson, Sylvain Gasquet, Charlotte Petit, Emmanuel Calfayan, Stéphane Bessieres, Jean-Marc Djian, Cyril Guillonneau, Vincent Dupont, Alexandre Beraud, Yves-Marie Hervault, Jérôme Platret, Mickael Rialland, Quentin Danel, Julien Moret, Loïc Andre, Sébastien Durand, Camille Sentissi, David Dubos, Antoine Lallier, Anthony Lattion, Simon Baron, Yves Heloury, Damien Imparato, Victor Grandchamp, Mathieu Dufournier, Camille Chanel, Thomas Deruaz, Ronan Pierre, Camille Belsoeur, Paul Chastroux, Emmanuel Pochat, Cyril Defraize, Thomas Leufen, Isabel Levionnois, Laure Gauthier, Cyrille Morvan, Melanie Macioce, Pap's Blin, Sébastien Castel, Aurélien Moliere, Kevin Schultz, Romain Le Pemp, Marion Blanchard, Michael Sarrato, Mathieu Lion, Adrien Gentizon, Fanny Trecourt, Martin Gaffuri, Nicolas Tissot, Anne Chagny, Bruno Poussard, Laure Zahnd, Hermance Lauras, Thomas Heitz, Nicolas Puentes, Sébastien Begel, Jérémy Mann, Florian Moron, Clément Eigenschenck, Renaud Samuel, Matthieu Velay, Stany Minckwitz, Guillaume Routin, Julien Saint-James, Cédric Banelli, Benoit Mottier, Laurent Germain, Ewen Roth, Lionel Bonzoumet, Clément Fernandez, Simon Leclerc, Nicolas Blanc, Thomas Friol, Nicolas Devroux, Guillaume Chelius, Helene Brunel, Yannick Senechal, Eric Lacroix, Cyril Laffitte, Benjamin Oger, Louise Petigny, Alex Rosenbaum, Gweltas Odye, Chantal Desmurs, Sébastien Pitoiset, Matthieu Byrdziak, Maud et Nicolas Rousseau, Fabrice Perrin, Guillaume Ditsch, Arthur Plunet, Geoffroy Bonnet, Camille, Adèle et Sébastien Maury, Cédric Burnet, Christine et François Cheron, Pascale et Philippe Schmitt.
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melindarowens · 7 years
Republicans warn Trump about 2018 bloodbath
With Kevin Robillard and Elena Schneider
The following newsletter is an abridged version of Campaign Pro’s Morning Score. For an earlier morning read on exponentially more races — and for a more comprehensive aggregation of the day’s most important campaign news — sign up for Campaign Pro today. (http://www.politicopro.com/proinfo)
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PROGRAMMING NOTE: Morning Score will not publish from Dec. 25-Jan. 1. Our next Morning Score newsletter will publish on Tuesday, Jan. 2.
TRUMP’S MIDTERM WARNING — “Republicans warn Trump of 2018 bloodbath,” by POLITICO’s Alex Isenstadt: “A few weeks before Alabama’s special Senate election, President Donald Trump’s handpicked Republican National Committee leader, Ronna Romney McDaniel, delivered a two-page memo to White House chief of staff John Kelly outlining the party’s collapse with female voters. … In recent weeks, some of the president’s advisers have taken it upon themselves to warn him directly about the fast-deteriorating political environment. White House officials have convened to discuss ways to improve his standing with suburban voters. And on Wednesday, the president met with Kelly, political director Bill Stepien, communications director Hope Hicks, former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, and Brad Parscale, Trump’s digital director in the 2016 campaign, to discuss the political landscape.” Full story.
TAX PLAN — “Republicans plan mega marketing push to sell unpopular tax plan,” by POLITICO’s Nancy Cook, Kevin Robillard and Cristiano Lima: “Conservative groups are planning a multimillion-dollar effort to sell the GOP’s tax cut law, hoping the American electorate can learn to love the party’s signature — but massively unpopular — legislative achievement. ‘We have a public that distrusts anything coming out of Washington, especially anything from the majority party,’ said Tim Phillips, the president of Americans for Prosperity, the grass-roots organizing arm of the powerful Koch Brothers network of conservative groups. ‘We have a job that’s not that hard. We have to make sure people understand the benefits they’re going to receive from this legislation.’ … [Corry Bliss, who heads two groups with ties to House Republican leadership, the American Action Network and Congressional Leadership Fund,] and other Republicans also said GOP campaign coffers could see a surge after the party delivered a major win for donors. ‘Our donors care more about legislative accomplishments than winning elections,’ he said. ‘This will be a real shot in the arm.’” Full story.
GOP TAX BET — “Tax cuts buoy Republicans, but they’re swimming against an undertow,” by The New York Times’ Jonathan Martin: “The sweeping tax overhaul approved by Congress this week hands Republicans a long-sought achievement they believe will bolster their defenses in next year’s midterm campaign, but party officials concede the measure can only mitigate their losses in what is shaping up to be a punishing election year. … Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader, said in an interview that Senate Republicans next year would batter the many Democrats who are on the ballot in states won by Mr. Trump, such places as North Dakota, West Virginia and Indiana, for opposing the bill. Yet with voters indicating by wide margins they prefer Democrats to control Congress and bestowing Mr. Trump with historically low approval ratings, the tax plan is hardly a panacea for Republican lawmakers on the ballot in 2018. At best, it is the political equivalent of tacking up plywood against exterior windows to lessen the inevitable damage of an impending storm.” Full story.
MONEY CHASE — FIRST IN SCORE — DSCC raises $4.1M, NRSC banks $2.1M: The DSCC raised $4.1 million in November and spent roughly the same amount, including a $2 million loan payment. The committee has $17.5 million on hand, and has just under $6 million in debt, including its mortgage. The NRSC, for the fifth month in a row, spent more than it raised. It banked just $2.1 million and spent just over that amount. The NRSC has $14.2 million on hand and $10 million in debt, including a $250,000 debt payment.
NEW WICKER AD — Sen. Roger Wicker released the first TV ad of his reelection campaign on Thursday. The ad features Wicker with his wife in front of their Christmas tree. “It’s been quite a year in Washington. We’ve delivered pro-growth tax cuts, confirmed conservative judges — the most in history — and slashed billions in job-killing regulations,” Wicker says in the 30-second ad. Wicker’s campaign has reserved $50,000 on the spot, according to his campaign. The ad is set to air in “Memphis, Jackson, Hattiesburg/Laurel” as well as for “targeted statewide satellite subscribers” according to the campaign. Watch the spot here.
SERIES OF TUBES — “Why net neutrality will be a campaign issue in 2018,” by Wired’s Klint Finley: “If you’re sick of hearing about net neutrality, we’ve got bad news: The issue’s only going to get bigger. … Democrats and advocacy groups are already using internet-policy decisions as political weapons against Republicans. After Congress voted in March, along party lines, to overturn Obama-era internet privacy laws, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee ran Google search ads criticizing Sens. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) and Dean Heller (R-Nev.) over the vote, according to POLITICO. Fight for the Future ran billboard ads in the home states of several Republican lawmakers who voted to overturn the privacy rules. … In August, the group ran similar billboards in several states targeting Republicans who opposed the FCC’s net neutrality rules. The targets included Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), who is now running for Senate. This week Blackburn said she will introduce a bill that would ban internet service providers from blocking or throttling content but also bar states from passing their own net neutrality laws and limit the FCC’s authority to make future rules.” Full story.
Days until the 2018 election: 319
Upcoming election dates — Arizona 8th District special primary: Feb. 27. Texas primaries: March 6. Pennsylvania 18th District special election: March 13. Illinois primaries: March 20.
Thanks for joining us! You can email tips to the Campaign Pro team at [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected].
You can also follow us on Twitter: @politicoscott, @ec_schneider, @politicokevin, @danielstrauss4 and @maggieseverns.
VIRGINIA DELEGATES DAY — “Virginia officials will randomly pick winner of tied House of Delegates race on Dec. 27,” by The Virginian-Pilot’s Jordan Pascale: “Politicos, mark your calendars for Wednesday, Dec. 27. That’s the day the Virginia Board of Elections will randomly pick the winner of the tied 94th House District race. After a recount and a court battle over one irregular, uncounted ballot, Del. David Yancey (R-Newport News) and Democratic challenger Shelly Simonds each have 11,608 votes. … The winner of the race is significant because it will determine the political control of the House of Delegates. If Yancey wins, Republicans maintain a 51-49 majority. If Simonds wins, it ushers in a new era of politics where both parties will share power. Republicans have held a majority in the House for nearly 20 years.” Full story.
CLINTON IN 2018 — “Clinton mulls role in 2018 midterms,” by The Hill’s Amie Parnes and Mike Lillis: “Hillary Clinton has all but avoided appearing at campaign events since her stunning 2016 loss, but some Democrats believe she would be a welcome voice in the 2018 midterms. Despite polling that shows Clinton with low favorability ratings, they say the former secretary of State could help Democratic candidates in congressional districts she won last year. “For me, it’s a no-brainer,” former Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.), the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chairman during the 2012 and 2014 election cycles, said in an interview. … While many lawmakers said Clinton could be a valuable asset in certain individual districts next year, there also seems to be a growing sentiment that, on the national level, she could be a detriment — both for carrying the baggage of past controversy and representing a bygone era from which the party wants to transcend. If she plays a role in 2018, these voices said, it should be limited. “Clinton can be helpful, but not a force. I mean, we’ve got to redefine ourselves and do our own work,” said Rep. Peter Welch (D-Vt.).” Full story.
GETTING THE NOD — EMILY’s List endorses two House challengers: EMILY’s List is wading into two Democratic primaries by endorsing Sol Flores in Illinois’ 4th District and Sara Jacobs in California’s 49th District. Flores, a nonprofit executive, is running against five other Democrats jockeying to replace retiring Rep. Luis Gutiérrez in his blue-leaning seat. Jacobs, a former State Department official, is up against three other well-funded Democrats.
STAFFING UP — Missouri Treasurer Eric Schmitt has joined Missouri Rising as chairman. Per a release from the group: “Today, Missouri Rising Action announced that Missouri State Treasurer Eric Schmitt has joined the pro-Josh Hawley Super PAC as honorary chairman, and Missouri’s longtime former Republican National Committeeman Lance Beshore has joined the group’s board of directors. ‘After nearly a dozen years in Washington, D.C., Claire McCaskill has grown out of touch with Missouri and her partisan liberal votes have made life tougher for the hardworking people of our state,’ said Schmitt. ‘With Missouri Rising Action, I look forward to helping lead the effort to replace McCaskill with the bold, fresh leadership of my friend Josh Hawley.'”
— Katie Porter, Democratic candidate in California’s 45th Congressional District, has hired Erica Kwiatkowski as campaign manager. Kwiatkowski previously served as VP at SCN Strategies.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Well, we obviously were unable to completely repeal and replace with a 52-48 Senate. We’ll have to take a look at what that looks like with a 51-49 Senate [once Alabama Democratic Sen.-elect Doug Jones is seated]. But I think we’ll probably move on to other issues.” — Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, on the likelihood that Republicans would move on from trying to repeal Obamacare in 2018.
Source link
source https://capitalisthq.com/republicans-warn-trump-about-2018-bloodbath/ from CapitalistHQ http://capitalisthq.blogspot.com/2017/12/republicans-warn-trump-about-2018.html
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everettwilkinson · 7 years
Republicans warn Trump about 2018 bloodbath
With Kevin Robillard and Elena Schneider
The following newsletter is an abridged version of Campaign Pro’s Morning Score. For an earlier morning read on exponentially more races — and for a more comprehensive aggregation of the day’s most important campaign news — sign up for Campaign Pro today. (http://www.politicopro.com/proinfo)
Story Continued Below
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Morning Score will not publish from Dec. 25-Jan. 1. Our next Morning Score newsletter will publish on Tuesday, Jan. 2.
TRUMP’S MIDTERM WARNING — “Republicans warn Trump of 2018 bloodbath,” by POLITICO’s Alex Isenstadt: “A few weeks before Alabama’s special Senate election, President Donald Trump’s handpicked Republican National Committee leader, Ronna Romney McDaniel, delivered a two-page memo to White House chief of staff John Kelly outlining the party’s collapse with female voters. … In recent weeks, some of the president’s advisers have taken it upon themselves to warn him directly about the fast-deteriorating political environment. White House officials have convened to discuss ways to improve his standing with suburban voters. And on Wednesday, the president met with Kelly, political director Bill Stepien, communications director Hope Hicks, former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, and Brad Parscale, Trump’s digital director in the 2016 campaign, to discuss the political landscape.” Full story.
TAX PLAN — “Republicans plan mega marketing push to sell unpopular tax plan,” by POLITICO’s Nancy Cook, Kevin Robillard and Cristiano Lima: “Conservative groups are planning a multimillion-dollar effort to sell the GOP’s tax cut law, hoping the American electorate can learn to love the party’s signature — but massively unpopular — legislative achievement. ‘We have a public that distrusts anything coming out of Washington, especially anything from the majority party,’ said Tim Phillips, the president of Americans for Prosperity, the grass-roots organizing arm of the powerful Koch Brothers network of conservative groups. ‘We have a job that’s not that hard. We have to make sure people understand the benefits they’re going to receive from this legislation.’ … [Corry Bliss, who heads two groups with ties to House Republican leadership, the American Action Network and Congressional Leadership Fund,] and other Republicans also said GOP campaign coffers could see a surge after the party delivered a major win for donors. ‘Our donors care more about legislative accomplishments than winning elections,’ he said. ‘This will be a real shot in the arm.’” Full story.
GOP TAX BET — “Tax cuts buoy Republicans, but they’re swimming against an undertow,” by The New York Times’ Jonathan Martin: “The sweeping tax overhaul approved by Congress this week hands Republicans a long-sought achievement they believe will bolster their defenses in next year’s midterm campaign, but party officials concede the measure can only mitigate their losses in what is shaping up to be a punishing election year. … Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader, said in an interview that Senate Republicans next year would batter the many Democrats who are on the ballot in states won by Mr. Trump, such places as North Dakota, West Virginia and Indiana, for opposing the bill. Yet with voters indicating by wide margins they prefer Democrats to control Congress and bestowing Mr. Trump with historically low approval ratings, the tax plan is hardly a panacea for Republican lawmakers on the ballot in 2018. At best, it is the political equivalent of tacking up plywood against exterior windows to lessen the inevitable damage of an impending storm.” Full story.
MONEY CHASE — FIRST IN SCORE — DSCC raises $4.1M, NRSC banks $2.1M: The DSCC raised $4.1 million in November and spent roughly the same amount, including a $2 million loan payment. The committee has $17.5 million on hand, and has just under $6 million in debt, including its mortgage. The NRSC, for the fifth month in a row, spent more than it raised. It banked just $2.1 million and spent just over that amount. The NRSC has $14.2 million on hand and $10 million in debt, including a $250,000 debt payment.
NEW WICKER AD — Sen. Roger Wicker released the first TV ad of his reelection campaign on Thursday. The ad features Wicker with his wife in front of their Christmas tree. “It’s been quite a year in Washington. We’ve delivered pro-growth tax cuts, confirmed conservative judges — the most in history — and slashed billions in job-killing regulations,” Wicker says in the 30-second ad. Wicker’s campaign has reserved $50,000 on the spot, according to his campaign. The ad is set to air in “Memphis, Jackson, Hattiesburg/Laurel” as well as for “targeted statewide satellite subscribers” according to the campaign. Watch the spot here.
SERIES OF TUBES — “Why net neutrality will be a campaign issue in 2018,” by Wired’s Klint Finley: “If you’re sick of hearing about net neutrality, we’ve got bad news: The issue’s only going to get bigger. … Democrats and advocacy groups are already using internet-policy decisions as political weapons against Republicans. After Congress voted in March, along party lines, to overturn Obama-era internet privacy laws, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee ran Google search ads criticizing Sens. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) and Dean Heller (R-Nev.) over the vote, according to POLITICO. Fight for the Future ran billboard ads in the home states of several Republican lawmakers who voted to overturn the privacy rules. … In August, the group ran similar billboards in several states targeting Republicans who opposed the FCC’s net neutrality rules. The targets included Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), who is now running for Senate. This week Blackburn said she will introduce a bill that would ban internet service providers from blocking or throttling content but also bar states from passing their own net neutrality laws and limit the FCC’s authority to make future rules.” Full story.
Days until the 2018 election: 319
Upcoming election dates — Arizona 8th District special primary: Feb. 27. Texas primaries: March 6. Pennsylvania 18th District special election: March 13. Illinois primaries: March 20.
Thanks for joining us! You can email tips to the Campaign Pro team at [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected].
You can also follow us on Twitter: @politicoscott, @ec_schneider, @politicokevin, @danielstrauss4 and @maggieseverns.
VIRGINIA DELEGATES DAY — “Virginia officials will randomly pick winner of tied House of Delegates race on Dec. 27,” by The Virginian-Pilot’s Jordan Pascale: “Politicos, mark your calendars for Wednesday, Dec. 27. That’s the day the Virginia Board of Elections will randomly pick the winner of the tied 94th House District race. After a recount and a court battle over one irregular, uncounted ballot, Del. David Yancey (R-Newport News) and Democratic challenger Shelly Simonds each have 11,608 votes. … The winner of the race is significant because it will determine the political control of the House of Delegates. If Yancey wins, Republicans maintain a 51-49 majority. If Simonds wins, it ushers in a new era of politics where both parties will share power. Republicans have held a majority in the House for nearly 20 years.” Full story.
CLINTON IN 2018 — “Clinton mulls role in 2018 midterms,” by The Hill’s Amie Parnes and Mike Lillis: “Hillary Clinton has all but avoided appearing at campaign events since her stunning 2016 loss, but some Democrats believe she would be a welcome voice in the 2018 midterms. Despite polling that shows Clinton with low favorability ratings, they say the former secretary of State could help Democratic candidates in congressional districts she won last year. “For me, it’s a no-brainer,” former Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.), the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chairman during the 2012 and 2014 election cycles, said in an interview. … While many lawmakers said Clinton could be a valuable asset in certain individual districts next year, there also seems to be a growing sentiment that, on the national level, she could be a detriment — both for carrying the baggage of past controversy and representing a bygone era from which the party wants to transcend. If she plays a role in 2018, these voices said, it should be limited. “Clinton can be helpful, but not a force. I mean, we’ve got to redefine ourselves and do our own work,” said Rep. Peter Welch (D-Vt.).” Full story.
GETTING THE NOD — EMILY’s List endorses two House challengers: EMILY’s List is wading into two Democratic primaries by endorsing Sol Flores in Illinois’ 4th District and Sara Jacobs in California’s 49th District. Flores, a nonprofit executive, is running against five other Democrats jockeying to replace retiring Rep. Luis Gutiérrez in his blue-leaning seat. Jacobs, a former State Department official, is up against three other well-funded Democrats.
STAFFING UP — Missouri Treasurer Eric Schmitt has joined Missouri Rising as chairman. Per a release from the group: “Today, Missouri Rising Action announced that Missouri State Treasurer Eric Schmitt has joined the pro-Josh Hawley Super PAC as honorary chairman, and Missouri’s longtime former Republican National Committeeman Lance Beshore has joined the group’s board of directors. ‘After nearly a dozen years in Washington, D.C., Claire McCaskill has grown out of touch with Missouri and her partisan liberal votes have made life tougher for the hardworking people of our state,’ said Schmitt. ‘With Missouri Rising Action, I look forward to helping lead the effort to replace McCaskill with the bold, fresh leadership of my friend Josh Hawley.'”
— Katie Porter, Democratic candidate in California’s 45th Congressional District, has hired Erica Kwiatkowski as campaign manager. Kwiatkowski previously served as VP at SCN Strategies.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Well, we obviously were unable to completely repeal and replace with a 52-48 Senate. We’ll have to take a look at what that looks like with a 51-49 Senate [once Alabama Democratic Sen.-elect Doug Jones is seated]. But I think we’ll probably move on to other issues.” — Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, on the likelihood that Republicans would move on from trying to repeal Obamacare in 2018.
Source link
from CapitalistHQ.com https://capitalisthq.com/republicans-warn-trump-about-2018-bloodbath/
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ledenews · 2 months
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catholicartistsnyc · 6 years
Meet: Tom Paolino
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TOM PAOLINO is an actor living in New York City. www.tompaolino.com
Catholic Artist Connection (CAC): What brought you to NYC, and where did you come from?
Tom Paolino (TP): I moved here for a woman. At the time I was living in LA.
CAC: What do you see as your personal mission as a Catholic working in the arts?
TP: The root word of theatre is "thea," which is Latin for "heal." Got it? 
CAC: Where have you found support in the Church for your vocation as an artist? How can the Church be more welcoming to artists?
TP: The Jesuits have been most supportive. The Church should follow the example of Jesuits where the arts are concerned. 
CAC: How can the artistic world be more welcoming to artists of faith?
TP: Multiple productions of Emily Claire Schmitt's play "The Chalice" would help. 
CAC: Where in NYC do you regularly find spiritual fulfillment?
TP: St. Francis of Assisi on 31st Street.
CAC: Are you a part of any theatre companies, artist collectives, writing groups, training programs, or similar professional communities you would recommend?
TP: I enjoy studying with Rob McCaskill.
CAC: How have you found or built community as a Catholic artist living in NYC?
TP: I worked for a while with Xavier Theatre Company which was great. 
CAC: What is your daily spiritual practice?
TP: I pray and meditate daily. I stay sober from various substances and behaviors by attending spiritual programs of recovery.
CAC: What is your daily artistic practice?
TP: I write three pages each morning to drain my critical mind and make room for God's creative flow. I follow my heart in all my affairs.  
CAC: Describe a recent day in which you were most completely living out your vocation as an artist.
TP: Today!  I went to acting class for three hours, then bought acting books at Drama Book Shop, then met an awesome new agent and now I'm sharing with you my day!
CAC: How did you find your current housing situation? Which neighborhoods would you recommend to artists moving to the city?
TP: Sunnyside, Queens is great. The Actors Fund has wonderful resources, including an online housing bulletin board. 
CAC: But seriously, how do you make a living in NYC?
TP: I rent a car and drive for UBER and JUNO. Soon, I will make a lot of money acting now that I have agents. 
CAC: How much would you suggest artists moving to NYC budget for their first year?
TP: You need at least $35K to be safe. 
CAC: What are your top 3 pieces of advice for Catholic artists moving to NYC?
TP: Breathe. Follow your heart. Repeat.
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ledenews · 2 months
0 notes
ledenews · 2 months
Science in Action – Student Research Symposium Showcases Findings on Important Topics
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Combating diseases, studying dangerous pathogens, identifying diversity in wildlife, and measuring the effects of invasive species were all topics explored by students and showcased at West Liberty University’s 2024 Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) Symposium. The annual symposium took place Friday, July 12 at the Academic, Sports and Recreation Complex (ASRC) and marked the culmination of nine-week research projects conducted by undergraduate students in the College of Sciences. This year, twelve students presented their research and findings to an audience of family, faculty, staff and fellow students.  “The SURE Symposium is science in action,” remarks Dr. Deanna Schmitt, Associate Professor of Biology, student advisor and event organizer. “These projects provide students the opportunity to apply what they’ve learned in the classroom to develop questions, and to answer them through scientific research,” she adds.  Perhaps most importantly, students see how their findings can have a broader impact on the world around them, leading to further study, potential new treatments and vaccines, species survival, better environmental practices, and more. Zoo Science major Hannah Hobbs studied the bacteria Francisella tularensis, a pathogen, which if inhaled, can cause fatal pneumonia. “I’m very proud to have been a part of this research,” exclaims Hobbs. “It’s my hope that what we’ve learned about the VBNC (viable but non-culturable) cells in Francisella tularensis bacteria opens doors for scientists to study more parts of the VBNC state of this cell,” she adds. Faculty advisors guided students through their research and included Dr. Diana Barber, Dr. Stuart Cantlay, Mr. Jeremiah Dann, Dr. Zackary Graham, Dr. Deanna Schmitt, and Dr. Holly Racine. The full list of 2024 SURE Symposium student projects, titles, and authors includes:  Influence of Environmental Factors on Population Density and Growth of an Invasive Earthworm, Authors: Madeline P. Cecil, Alison K. Wyer, Jason E. Ake II, and Mr. Jeremiah Dann Bat Diversity in Developed and Underdeveloped Areas in the West Virginia Northern Panhandle, Authors: Kendra Clark, Brooke Shaffer, and Dr. Diana Barber Foreign leaf litter from invasive exotic plants and its effect on different macroinvertebrate communities in an urbanized, impaired low-order Appalachian creek, Authors: Noah Meyer, Reagan Bally, and James Wood Investigating endolysosomal trafficking of Viable but Non Culturable Francisella tularensis in murine macrophages, Authors: Lakin Plott, Nicole Garrison, and Dr. Stuart Cantlay Role of LpnA and KatG in Francisella tularensis LVS resistance to resazurin, Authors: Haeley Shaffer, Emily Young, Emma Beatty, Mackenzie Hall , Blaze Oxier, Rori Schreiber, Jordan Gibson, Siena McGovern, Claire Kelly, Kendall Souder, Justin Rice, Nicole Garrison, Ryan J. Percifield, Donald A. Primerano, and Dr. Deanna M. Schmitt Spatial Structure and Population Dynamics of Invasive Earthworms in West Liberty University’s Campus Woods, Authors: Alison K. Wyer, Madeline P. Cecil, Jason E. Ake II, and Mr. Jeremiah Dann Building a Better Ambassador: Impact of Experience on the Handleability of Hognose Snakes (Heterodon nasicus), Authors: Brooke Shaffer, Kendra Clark, and Dr. Diana Barber Exaggerated caudal anatomy of Long-tailed Salamanders (Eurycea longicauda), Authors: Tyler Schwisow, Zachary J. Loughman, and Dr. Zackary A. Graham Immunolocalization of peptidoglycan synthesis determinants, FtsZ and MreB in Francisella tularensis, Authors: Hannah Hobbs, Hayden Hess, Joseph Horzempa, and Dr. Stuart Cantlay Assessing Color Vision in Crayfish with Conditioning, Authors: Lydia A. DiBiagio, Katherine Torrance, and Dr. Zackary A. Graham Antimicrobial Activity of Novel Resorufin Analog Against Neisseria gonorrhoeae Clinical Isolates, Authors: Jasper Brown, Mackenzie Hall, Kh. Tanvir Ahmed, Jada Berg, Emily Young, Jordan Gibson, Gregory B. Dudley, and Dr. Deanna M. Schmitt Observed Unicornal Craniosynostosis in an Avian Model of Induced-Thyrotoxicosis, Authors: Lauren P. Baylor, Tyler P. Hill, and Dr. Holly L. Racine  TOPPER-SURE (Training Opportunity for Pre-Professionals, Educators, and Researchers Summer Undergraduate Research Experience), the program’s full name, is funded by a grant from the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission’s Division of Science and Research under the direction of Dr. Juliana Serafin. This grant also rewards students with stipends of $3,500 each for their work and to cover housing. West Liberty University blends a small-town environment with a comprehensive college experience, fostering students’ aspirations through hands-on learning, personalized support, and unique academic programs at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Learn more at westliberty.edu. Read the full article
0 notes
ledenews · 2 months
Science in Action – Student Research Symposium Showcases Findings on Important Topics
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Combating diseases, studying dangerous pathogens, identifying diversity in wildlife, and measuring the effects of invasive species were all topics explored by students and showcased at West Liberty University’s 2024 Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) Symposium. The annual symposium took place Friday, July 12 at the Academic, Sports and Recreation Complex (ASRC) and marked the culmination of nine-week research projects conducted by undergraduate students in the College of Sciences. This year, twelve students presented their research and findings to an audience of family, faculty, staff and fellow students.  “The SURE Symposium is science in action,” remarks Dr. Deanna Schmitt, Associate Professor of Biology, student advisor and event organizer. “These projects provide students the opportunity to apply what they’ve learned in the classroom to develop questions, and to answer them through scientific research,” she adds.  Perhaps most importantly, students see how their findings can have a broader impact on the world around them, leading to further study, potential new treatments and vaccines, species survival, better environmental practices, and more. Zoo Science major Hannah Hobbs studied the bacteria Francisella tularensis, a pathogen, which if inhaled, can cause fatal pneumonia. “I’m very proud to have been a part of this research,” exclaims Hobbs. “It’s my hope that what we’ve learned about the VBNC (viable but non-culturable) cells in Francisella tularensis bacteria opens doors for scientists to study more parts of the VBNC state of this cell,” she adds. Faculty advisors guided students through their research and included Dr. Diana Barber, Dr. Stuart Cantlay, Mr. Jeremiah Dann, Dr. Zackary Graham, Dr. Deanna Schmitt, and Dr. Holly Racine. The full list of 2024 SURE Symposium student projects, titles, and authors includes:  Influence of Environmental Factors on Population Density and Growth of an Invasive Earthworm, Authors: Madeline P. Cecil, Alison K. Wyer, Jason E. Ake II, and Mr. Jeremiah Dann Bat Diversity in Developed and Underdeveloped Areas in the West Virginia Northern Panhandle, Authors: Kendra Clark, Brooke Shaffer, and Dr. Diana Barber Foreign leaf litter from invasive exotic plants and its effect on different macroinvertebrate communities in an urbanized, impaired low-order Appalachian creek, Authors: Noah Meyer, Reagan Bally, and James Wood Investigating endolysosomal trafficking of Viable but Non Culturable Francisella tularensis in murine macrophages, Authors: Lakin Plott, Nicole Garrison, and Dr. Stuart Cantlay Role of LpnA and KatG in Francisella tularensis LVS resistance to resazurin, Authors: Haeley Shaffer, Emily Young, Emma Beatty, Mackenzie Hall , Blaze Oxier, Rori Schreiber, Jordan Gibson, Siena McGovern, Claire Kelly, Kendall Souder, Justin Rice, Nicole Garrison, Ryan J. Percifield, Donald A. Primerano, and Dr. Deanna M. Schmitt Spatial Structure and Population Dynamics of Invasive Earthworms in West Liberty University’s Campus Woods, Authors: Alison K. Wyer, Madeline P. Cecil, Jason E. Ake II, and Mr. Jeremiah Dann Building a Better Ambassador: Impact of Experience on the Handleability of Hognose Snakes (Heterodon nasicus), Authors: Brooke Shaffer, Kendra Clark, and Dr. Diana Barber Exaggerated caudal anatomy of Long-tailed Salamanders (Eurycea longicauda), Authors: Tyler Schwisow, Zachary J. Loughman, and Dr. Zackary A. Graham Immunolocalization of peptidoglycan synthesis determinants, FtsZ and MreB in Francisella tularensis, Authors: Hannah Hobbs, Hayden Hess, Joseph Horzempa, and Dr. Stuart Cantlay Assessing Color Vision in Crayfish with Conditioning, Authors: Lydia A. DiBiagio, Katherine Torrance, and Dr. Zackary A. Graham Antimicrobial Activity of Novel Resorufin Analog Against Neisseria gonorrhoeae Clinical Isolates, Authors: Jasper Brown, Mackenzie Hall, Kh. Tanvir Ahmed, Jada Berg, Emily Young, Jordan Gibson, Gregory B. Dudley, and Dr. Deanna M. Schmitt Observed Unicornal Craniosynostosis in an Avian Model of Induced-Thyrotoxicosis, Authors: Lauren P. Baylor, Tyler P. Hill, and Dr. Holly L. Racine  TOPPER-SURE (Training Opportunity for Pre-Professionals, Educators, and Researchers Summer Undergraduate Research Experience), the program’s full name, is funded by a grant from the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission’s Division of Science and Research under the direction of Dr. Juliana Serafin. This grant also rewards students with stipends of $3,500 each for their work and to cover housing. West Liberty University blends a small-town environment with a comprehensive college experience, fostering students’ aspirations through hands-on learning, personalized support, and unique academic programs at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Learn more at westliberty.edu. Read the full article
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