#emily rohm my beloved
xxcherrycherixx · 11 months
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1racoon7trenchcoats · 2 years
My computer thinks that Emily Rohm and Catherine O'Hara are the same person. So there's that.
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dittadittoditty · 2 years
HI. i just wanna appreciate emily rohm’s acting as jane doe for a minute and do a little character assessment. not only does she have an absolutely stunning voice, her acting and detail work is incredible, and i can tell just from one time watching the show all the way through.
there is an acting technique where you sort of assign your character body language based on what they lead with. there are head characters, heart characters, and hip characters.
heart characters are feelings-based and tend to lead with their chest when they are moving. hip characters tend to be very confident and dare i say have a certain “swagger” to them. but i wanna talk about head characters.
something i’ve noticed about jane is that she is very much a head character. she leads with her nose a lot (for example when she looks somewhere she turns her entire head to look rather than just looking with her eyes, and she leans her head slightly forward whenever she walks and her weight is shifted forward.) head characters are considered to be thinkers, leading with their brain rather than their feelings.
emily rohm’s choice to make jane a head character is so genius. jane has a disconnect from her soul, and therefore from her feelings. she does not know who she is, so she cannot feel with the same perspective that all of the other characters do. she does not speak of her hopes and dreams (which is something that heart characters tend to be known for doing), she just desperately wants to know who she is. she leads with her head, because, what else does she have to lead with? her identity has been stripped away, so her only perspective is what is in front of her, and what she can remember. she seems to constantly be assessing everything.
also it’s ironic that she’s a head character considering that she doesn’t have a head.
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