#emily walker: how one woman's death kickstarted the downfall of the travis county legal system
Emily Walker
JAMES: We were partners for over a decade and now he’s one of my best rangers. We’re also very close in our personal lives and I often attend his family events.
DELILAH: I take it you were very close with Emily as well?
JAMES: She was one of my closest friends outside the office. She was one of the few people outside my family that I trusted with my child’s safety.
DELILAH: Her death must have hit you hard.
JAMES: It was difficult for all of us.DELILAH: Is that why you didn’t do your due diligence in the investigation at the time? Because you were so bogged down with grief and you just wanted to get it over with?
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It's The Little Things You Say- After months of being gone, Lori is back with no warning or explanation. Things stay calm at first, but there's a storm incoming. Tensions rise as Lori's father attempts to make contact with her and the return of the Davidsons only adds to that. More of Lori's backstory is revealed, whether she likes it or not. (3/?) Last Updated 04/13/22
Home- Cordell Walker doesn't handle the death of his wife very well. When her case is left cold, he tries to take things into his own hands and finds a world of danger he never expected to fall into but feels drawn to nonetheless. His family is concerned about him and they start makign moves to ensure his children, barely toddlers, are cared for if something happens to him. Upon learning about this, he does the perfectly same thing of running away with them in the middle fo the night. 14 years later, Stella and August Walker have been raised in the hunting lifestyle. Though Cordell tried to keep their lives as normal as possible, there was no keeping them away from the danger of the monster world. When he goes missing on a job, Stella and August do everything in their power to find him. After hitting one dead end too many, they decide to take a long shot and go somewhere they haven't been since that fateful night: Home (4/?) Last Updated 04/14/22
Normal- Sam just wanted to have a nice Valentine's Day with his brother but Dean takes his plans the wrong way. Feeling a little fed up with Dean's inability to just LISTEN sometimes, Sam leaves and finds comfort in the home of a friend he met a long time ago. When Geri brings her friend that no one has ever met nor heard of before to the ranch, the Walker family isn't really sure what to do with him. But she insists on housing him there and the more they learn about Sam and why he's there, the less they want to argue. (1/?) Last Updated 04/22/22
A Difference of Environment- Cordell Walker is undercover, not just as Duke Culpepper, but as an Omega. When his secrets are revealed, he's surprised to find acceptance rather than rejection. And maybe he finds a little something else…. (2/3) Last Updated 06/10/22
Emily Walker: How One Woman's Death Kickstarted the Downfall of the Travis County Legal System- Delilah Carmen is a true crime novelist whose claim to fame is revisiting important cases of all sorts and getting the inside scoop on not only the victims and the suspect, but also the investigative procedures used by law enforcement. Today, she has her eyes set on Austin and the curious circumstances around the Emily Walker case. (1/10) Last Updated 07/12/22
Day One- It's everyone's first day of their new lives in New York. Was the big move worth it or will there be new hurdles in the Big Apple that cause trouble for our traumatized heroes? And how will their new schoolmates and coworkers react to their quirks? It's a mystery….for now. (1/4) Last Updated 08/08/22
A Case of Mistaken Identity- In which Dean Winchester makes a minor error of disastrous proportions (1/?) Last Updated 10/02/22
A Punishment to fit the Crime- August doesn't like these women that come around and try to replace his mother. (2/?) Last Updated 10/05/22
Things Don't Have to be Good to be Good- Ruby escaped the Winchesters just before they could kill her. Many years later, she's a loving mother and wife known as Emily Walker. No one knows her secret, not even her husband. Until now….. (2/?) Last Updated 10/06/22
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WIP Wednesday
(stolen from @kedreeva)
Post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it!
Cassie/Cordell fake marriage but also they don't hate it AU
Cassie burst into the hospital emergency wing. “I’m here to see Cordell Walker. Can you tell me what room he’s in?” she asked the receptionist, a bit out of breath from running. “He should’ve been admitted a few hours ago with two gunshot-”
“I’m sorry, I can only give that information out to family.” “But-” I am family was right on the tip of her tongue but she knew that wasn’t the kind of family that the hospital would accept. No matter how many family events she attended or how much she bonded with the family, she wouldn’t be on any emergency contact lists. As far as the law was concerned, they were just coworkers.
Cassie is pregnant and Kevin is dead whoops
“Let’s just keep the list at who needs to know right now,” Abby suggested. “Just talk to your brother first and go from there. No one else needs to know until you’re ready.”
Cassie nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, alright. I’ll text him and ask him when he can meet up.”
“Sounds good. Do you want me to be there or….”
She shook her head. “No. I think it’ll go better if Ben thinks he’s the first one to know.” She scooped up another bite of trail mix. “I’m probably going to need you when I talk to Walker. You know how he is….”
Emily Walker: How One Woman's Death Kickstarted the Downfall of the Travis County Legal System
DELILAH: Please state your name for the record.
JAMES: Larry James.
DELILAH: Thank you. Can you tell me a little about your relationship with Ranger Cordell Walker?
Katherine AU v2
“This isn’t how I wanted William to meet Stella and August.”
“I know. But it’ll be good for him to meet the family. And there’s strength in numbers….”
“He’s been hospitalized with a stroke, Bon. What exactly do you expect him to do to me?”
“It’s not him I’m worried about. I know you can hold your own against him. It’s this Katherine woman I’m worried about. Who is she? How does she know your brother? Why was she the one that called you and not the hospital?”
Abby sighed. “I don’t know. But she seemed pretty worried over the phone. She must care about him a lot.”
August got Sadie pregnant and now there's drama
If there was anything Cordell learned during his many years working in law enforcement, it was that getting a call in the middle of the night was never a good sign. Having that call come from a family member didn’t make that uneasy feeling go away.
“Liam? What’s going on? Is everything okay?” He was already getting out of bed, ready to answer the call.
“Sadie gave birth. I’m on my way to the hospital now to check up on the baby. August is going to need to come and handle some of the paperwork.”
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