#emma grane
jgfiles · 5 months
Hello, I spotted this picture on your profile. I'm curious how long the D Agency has been open? Who is responsible for teaching there? Did Yuuki and Jitsui die because they shared Miyoshi's position? Thank you!
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I think...
my timeline for "Joker Game" might help you.
Anyway D Agency was founded in 1937, autumn. Around that same time Sakuma was ordered to become the liaison but, before going there he had to wait for his hair to grow longer so he went there in 1938 April and witnessed the exams of the various spies until only eight of them remained.
Well, according to the novels from which the anime is based:
"The training in the D-Agency was full of diversity.
For example, the students had been instructed on using explosives and wireless signals, the operation of automobiles and planes, as well as learning various languages and dialects. They had received lectures from professors of renowned universities on organizational theories, religious studies and international political theories. Lessons on medical science, pharmacy, psychology, physics, chemistry and biology were also given.  
Abstruse discussions about ideologists and strategists such as Sun Tzu, Kant, Hegel, Clausewitz, Hobbes, and more that Sakuma hadn’t even heard of, often happened between students. On the other hand, professional thieves and safe-crackers had been brought out of prison to instruct the trainees on the techniques and methods. Aside from being taught on how to pick a lock using a single wire, the students also received lessons on how to secretly switch items by sleight of hand as a magician would, dance and billiards techniques. Kabuki actresses had been hired to teach the students the art of disguise, while professional gigolos demonstrated how to seduce women.
All students had been required to swim in cold water while clothed, then travel to a location far away without sleep, and use complex ciphers, memorized only a day beforehand, fluently and naturally as the languages they usually speak.
The D-Agency had even trained them to be able to disassemble shortwave radios in complete darkness, and put them back together so that they were once again functional, relying solely on their fingertips. The students had also been ordered to seamlessly open envelopes with a bamboo stick, and instantly memorize words which had been written backwards and reflected in a mirror. Letters containing orders, no matter how complicated they are, were to be destroyed on the spot after they had been read; the students had also been trained to recover destroyed letters." [Joker Game Bool 1: "Joker Game" translation courtesy of @imayooshi]
Also Yuuki himself taught to the students as well.
The image you saw is an art from Shiro Miwa, "joker Game" character designer. It reflects his own headcanon about the future of the characters from "Joker Game".
Shiro Miwa said he assumed that, after the war Yuuki forced Kaminaga to take over the organization and disappeared with Jitsui and that Kaminaga kept on receiving instruction from an unknown address. He also said he picked up 1960 because it was a time of major changes in world affairs including the Vietnam war and Kennedy assassination.
Amari apparently ended up on a wheelchair and is being taken care of by Emma.
According to Shiro Miwa the one I speculated is Miyoshi (at the time I didn't have the book with the illustration and so I couldn't read what he wrote as that image was shared by @i-dedicate-this-kill-to-the-fans here) is someone else who got recruited by Yuuki while he was in hiding.
However this is just Shiro Miwa's headcanon. Due to lack of material many fans tend to accept it as canon but it's not really canon and if the series were to be continued in the future things could go differently (especially since Odagiri and, likely, Sakuma were both likely set up to die in war).
I hope this helps! Thanks for your ask!
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jitsuiwawatashiwa · 9 months
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jg secret santa gift! I had a lot of fun drawing this :)
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alvearesss · 5 years
Can we have a sitcom Full House-like AU with D-Agency? Right after Amari adopts Emma to meet her new family of uncles and grandpa leading to bizarre adventures of angst and humor 
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basedla · 3 years
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paranoid-rhythm · 7 years
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Art by:  シマ
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terassaras · 7 years
I love how the Joker Game fandom just *clenches fists* collectively and unconditionally loves Emma.
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trepidationchance · 8 years
This is for @dollofdeath and I know it’s nothing special, but I hope you enjoy it~ HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!!!
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kaitoleen · 8 years
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Tazaki and Emma Grane from Joker Game! (Now, it’s colored!)
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hyodo-juza · 8 years
The third crack video is done! Tumblr video wasn’t allowing me to upload it, so I can only send a link from youtube. With my work load growing, hopefully I can still manage to make these videos, but they won’t be in a timely manner. Thank you for watching!
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missblanchette · 6 years
Papa Doesn’t Smile Anymore [1/1]
Series: Joker Game
Characters: Emma Grane & Amari
Rating: G
Summary: Long gone was the Papa she'd met, the one who'd taught her love and joy. Emma learned how to cope with this fact.
Words: 500
Notes: Inspired by Shirow Miwa’s 1960s headcanons; Included a tiny, tiny bit of a previous fic I wrote, Becoming a Family, which is also about Amari and Emma. Just wanted to explore Emma’s character a bit and her feelings and thoughts hehe
ko-fi // You can read this on AO3. Thank you guys so much for reading and I hope you enjoy~! (≧∇≦)/
Papa lost his smile years ago. Though, perhaps that was an exaggeration. He still gave a curl of his lips, a small quirk here and there but those were as fake as the aliases he'd taken on. It'd been so long since Emma had last seen the sight of his true smile that sometimes she wasn't sure if she'd been making up the memories, distorting them to reflect the simpler times of years gone by. Then again, things had never really been simple; she'd just been unaware of everything going on. Papa had left for his fateful mission with the promise of a quick return, but the man who'd came back was merely a shell of whom she remembered, having been robbed of his mobility, his vision, and his smile.
Often, Emma wished she could have her Papa back. The one who carried her in his warm arms, that was, not the one she pushed around in his cold wheelchair. She'd hate for such a tragedy to befall anyone, but sometimes she wondered what would've happened if the torture had happened to someone else. If only she had the power to go back in time to stop it, to protect Papa just like he had for her, but there were some things not even a spy could do.
But just as quickly as those thoughts entered her mind, Emma pushed them out. They were disrespectful to her Papa, she thought, to the Papa who lived on in her memories -- the Papa that took her in after her mother left, with the reassuring smile that told her everything would be all right; the Papa that comforted her when all the changes going on overwhelmed her, with the warm smile that lulled the nightmares away; the Papa that taught her to stand tall and live on, with the brilliant smile that gave her a new world.
"Your Mama would be sad if she saw you frowning like that, wouldn't she? " She remembered the words Papa had told her so long ago, so soon after their first meeting. "So can you smile? Smile for your Mama? "
And Emma would smile. This time, for her Papa.
A smile could go a long way, he'd told her; a smile was one's rebellion against the cruelties of the world. She'd learned to smile again despite her losses -- the loss of her father, the loss of her mother, the loss of her old home -- and if she'd managed it before as a child, she could do it again as a woman. The Papa who sat in front of her may be the remains of the Papa filled with love and joy, but she would not falter in front of his blank gazes, his lukewarm touches, nor his empty smiles.
Her smile was probably not as brilliant nor as warm as the one Papa once wore, but that was enough for now. If her Papa could not smile, then Emma would continue smiling for the both of them.
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jgfiles · 3 years
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Joker Game “Extra illustrations” by Yahagi Toshiyuki drawn in between August 29, 2017 and September 29, 2017
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jitsuiwawatashiwa · 4 years
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discworldtour · 7 years
Emma Robertson sat in the classroom with wrinkled brow, chewing on her pencil. Then, rather slowly, but with the air of one imparting great secrets, she set to work. She wrote: We went to Lanker where there are witches they are kind they grow erbs. We met this which she was very jole and sang us a snog abot a hedghog it had dificut words. Jason try to kick her cat it chase him up a tre. I know a lot about wiches now they do not have warts they do not eat you they are just like your grane except your grane does not know difult words.
-- the further adventures of Emma | Terry Pratchett, Thief of Time
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lookslikerainydays · 7 years
Quick, quick update with the jg otome game project. There are new spots for several characters for any artist interested in drawing them. They are:
Raymond Grane
Cynthia Grane
Young Yuuki & Young Wolff
The characters in bold are those I really need.
Do contact me by sending a message if you’re interested in any of these spots. These spots are open for any previous artists that have taken part as well.
As usual, here’s the tag for the game to keep up with it.
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miuria · 7 years
Joker Game Cookie Time
Favorite cookies alongside a good cup of coffee or tea!
Sakuma - Marzipan-Stuffed Almond Cookies - A crunchy shell covering a soft and pure heart.
Miyoshi - White Chocolate, Macadamia and Cranberry Cookie - to be savored slowly~ melting in one’s mouth with a sweet burst of fruity passion.
Tazaki - Blueberry Cream Cheese Cookie - soft and chewy with a gentle and refreshing taste of wild berries.
Hatano - Double Chocolate Chip and Fudge Cookie - the ultimate sin for a sin, unexpected death by chocolate. You had been warned.
Kaminaga - M&M cookie - Surprise! A colorful, delicious crunch! Ever had it along with Baileys?
Amari - Caramel-Glazed White Chocolate and Macadamia Nut Cookie - elegant and warm in taste, a charming seduction~
Jitsui - Salted Caramel Cookie - Sweet and warm, then sharp and salty! A strangely addictive contrast!
Fukumoto - Apple Crisp Oatmeal Cookie - healthy and energizing, guaranteeing a day full of success an good health!
Odagiri - Soft Vanilla Malted Cookie - gentle sweetness leaving a long-lasting, pleasant taste in one’s mouth.
Jirou Gamou - Toffee Pecan Cookie - sweet and creamy without losing its bite.
Emma Grane - Strawberries and Cream Cookie - A cheerful, fruity and warm mix to brighten your day!
Alain Lernier - Creme Brulée Macarons - For the very special occasion! A unique and memorable encounter lasting a lifetime!
Johann Bauer - Buttery Lemon Cookie - A refreshing blonde with a bit of buttery warmth.
Col. Wolff - Gingerbread Cookie - Strong in taste with just the right spices, perfect on snowy winter days.
Lt. Col. Yuuki - Dark Chocolate Mint Cookie - mysterious and bitter, yet refreshing in taste. A challenge for gourmets only!
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