#emma myers x black male reader
infernalodie · 1 year
𝟕 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 || 𝐄𝐦𝐦𝐚 𝐌𝐲𝐞𝐫𝐬
“𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘐 𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘵 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘰𝘳 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩 𝘞𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘥𝘰 𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺-𝘧𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘬𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘮𝘦 𝘚𝘰, 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘐’𝘮 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘩 𝘪𝘵?“
Inspo: Dominic Fike - 7 Hours
Pairing: Emma Myers x Black!Male!reader
Summary: Not seeing her was like life or death, but why did she not match that energy?
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Warnings: Angst, but plentiful fluff and small mention of smut.
Words: 2268
This tedious cycle had to unravel sooner or later.
This 7-hour drive you would make weekly was playing a dangerous game in the realm of unconditional love. At the start, the conditions were understandable as to why you had to make this trip. But as it was, Emma had no work. Yet, she still insisted on you driving all the way here. Leaving you grasping for quarters, hoping to scrounge up enough cash to get back home.
“But it's because of love, Y/n.”
You might’ve agreed with that a few months ago when you got to see her. But you could see the distancing was getting to a point of complete disconnect. And you could accept that if she simply just said so. But she stayed quiet. Requesting you be back in New York next weekend before leaving you to drive home alone. No kiss, no hug, no little romantic gesture to encourage your continuous trips.
Maybe you were in love and this was just you trying to give her the hint. Shameless about how much money you’ve blown on her despite the non-reciprocated actions in return. And it wasn’t like the two of you were dating and she was treating you like a hookup. Because that’s not what you were. She was the one that offered the prospect of you two being exclusive and not search for others. You took her up on it because you genuinely like her for who she was. But in recent memory, it felt like the brand the both of you wore was becoming more meaningless each week you visited.
And even now, sitting in this club in downtown New York, she had yet to text or call. In some way, you could understand that she was busy. But you also knew she’d let you if she was cast in something and the days she would fly you out to come to see her. This was the system, but she seemed to be abandoning it the longer time went by. And you really fucking hoped you hadn’t just wasted hundreds of dollars because she no longer felt the thrill.
“She call back yet?” You turned your head to the bartender, Kelly, who you’d met many times from your numerous trips out here.
Kelly had no information as to who you were seeing. You left it ambiguous with only distinct details about Emma being given so the bartender could put an image of the mystery girl. But her company was well appreciated when you had to kill time between arriving and the invitation from Emma. If anything, Kelly’s company was comforting. A safe haven amongst the chaos that went on around your relationship with an actress.
You pursed your lips, lifting your phone and displaying the blank screen. She exhaled heavily, continuing to dry the glass in her hand. But you dropped your phone with a thud, taking another sip of your water. “I know you never ask for my opinion, but I don’t think she deserves you if she leaves you like this every time you drive out here,” Kelly commented. “If I was dating you, I would be taking you everywhere I could in hopes it showed I was just as committed to the relationship as you are. But I think you need to take a look and reconsider the unconditional freedom you have opened up.”
Some section inside of you wanted to just dismiss Kelly’s statement. Label it as “ignorance” and keep acting as if there wasn’t anything wrong. But you knew she was right. Although her words were very simply dumbed down to “break up with her.” It just wasn’t that simple. Especially after all the time you’ve invested in Emma and all the money you’ve spent because of her. Then again, maybe you were just stupid and walking blindly into something that would end up destroying you emotionally and financially.
Placing your hands in your lap clasped together, you shook your head with a certain uncertainty that could be masked by the hesitant smile that played on your face. Chest swelling with confliction that you tried to suppress. “I-I don’t know if that’s the-”
“Oh, God,” she groaned. “You are so in love that you can’t see she’s kinda being a bitch in this situation.” Kelly laughed, shaking her head. She placed the glass with the cloth and braced her hands along the edge of the bar. The look in her eye was a pity. Almost like you were some sort of puppy left out in the rain with nowhere to call home. It was embarrassing.
You chuckled, shaking your head as you felt your phone vibrate. Seeing the text message from that all too familiar caller I.D. Kelly noticed, raising a brow as you grabbed the phone and shoved it in your pocket and stood to your feet.
Licking your bottom lip, you took one last sip of the water before pushing the glass toward the woman who promptly took it with ease. “Do people ever actually come to you about their problems?” You asked, pulling out your wallet and a bill which you placed onto the bar.
Kelly took it, smiling teasingly. “No, because I give them what they don’t want to hear. And from every drunk guy that has told me their problems, you need it the most,” she stated confidently. “So, fix your problem or don’t. I’ll be here for the rest of the night.”
Exiting the club, you made your way across the street. Shamelessly jaywalking simply because at 4 o’clock AM, no one that was sober could be spotted. Slipping inside your car, you pulled out your phone and looked down at the text and felt that familiar bubbling euphoria.
It rushed through the nerves and muscles. Like your limbs were tensing up with that shiver that rolled through in one foul wave. Something about it was distasteful and could only be associated with discomfort. But the muscles in your cheek pulled your lips into a smile every single damn time you saw her name appear.
“I’m waiting for you.”
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Arriving at the apartment, you took the main route you were always told to. Through the back door, up the stairs to floor 3, stop at the elevator and take that to the tenth floor before you walked down the hall to Emma’s room. It was a simple formula that you followed because you knew her fear of you being discovered as her boyfriend. It would bring unwanted attention to both of you and neither of you wanted that when this was the only time the two of you got to enjoy away from reality.
Your knuckles met with the wooden door sharply, announcing your arrival.
The sound of footsteps could be heard muffled behind the door before the door unlocked and swung open. Revealing Emma in a black dress with her shoulder-length hair pulled back into a messy ponytail. A slit in the dress showed her pale right leg that left you inhaling deeply.
It was a new look, that was for sure. Usually, she was wearing something that took no time to get out of. Because, at the end of the day, this was a time for both of you to relieve stress. A chance to make up for lost time during the week when texts or phone calls didn’t help relieve the tension.
So, this look was for sure new.
“I thought you were going to wear something nice.” Emma turned around, walking away. Leaving you to close the door and kick off your shoes with a scoff.
“Well, if I was supposed to, I wasn’t informed,” you stated. Entering the living, you found Emma gathering her tiny little things and stuffing them in her purse. You sighed, collapsing on the couch as she disappeared into her bedroom. “Was your agent supposed to call or email me? I don’t know because there is barely any communication going on, Emma.”
“The last thing I need tonight is you being a smartass, all right?” She stepped out of her bedroom with a jacket now in her grasp. Placing it on the island and grabbing her phone, sending a quick text. She didn’t even seem present or aware of the underlying problem going on between the two of you.
And maybe you were being too lenient with her because she was an actress. She shared the screen with Jenna Ortega, someone you’d met. Her performance on Wednesday immediately shot her into the spotlight. There was no changing that and you could understand that her giving you time would be varied at times. But you knew her schedule. She told you everything so you could plan your trips to see her for a single night. There was no filming coming up that was on her timeline that could interfere with any of your guys’ time. So, her lack of energy with anything involving you was disheartening, to say the least.
“I’m stating the obvious, Em.” You sat up on the couch, hands clasping together. “You’re here one second then when I leave, I get nothing from you.” You laughed, leaning back into the cushioning. Its bland fabric smell invades your senses as you waved toward her. “Even when we do talk, the only substance is for one of us to cum and then we wait for the weekend.”
She sighed, tossing her phone onto the island. “I don’t want to talk about this right now, Y/n,” she deflected. “I just want to go to this diner and then we can spend the night here. So, get up and let’s get going-”
“C’mere.” Emma looked at you in question, raising a brow. You smiled, waving her over encouragingly.
It was annoying. How could you smile immediately after you showed a clear aggravation? Your resilience was a shining factor that Emma liked. Despite the fact that she demanded so much from you, somehow, you showed out. But it was also so damn annoying seeing that smile of yours when she was already feeling some sort of anger bubbling in her gut. “If we want to go out for dinner, we need to leave now-”
You groaned loudly, childishly, which silenced her abruptly. “Just c’mere, Em.”
The girl bit her bottom lip, looking at the door and then back at you. Compilation written over her expression before she exhaled heavily. She made her way over, heels clicking against the hardwood floors of her apartment.
She took the hand you held out for her, standing between your legs. Your hold was gentle despite how calloused your hands were. The roughness of it somehow comforted her. Because despite the static, she could always find safety in your faint friction.
And the flood of thoughts could be seen in your eyes, and she was the source of this trouble. She knew why and she didn’t like that she was the cause of this frustration in you. “If you’re never gonna make the initiative to see me, then at least treat me like I mean something to you,” you said. “Because you have 100 percent of me, but I don’t think that I get that from you.”
A harsh statement that had Emma holding her breath. Fingers freezing around the tiny thread she toyed with. But when she lowered her gaze, you promptly angled your head to keep it. “I don’t expect you to spend day in and day out with me on your mind but I can’t continue doing this if you aren’t going to give me a reason to keep going like this.”
Emma pursed her lips, blinking rapidly. There was something warm, yet, uncomfortable that filled the air. Something made her face flush forming tears to the brim in her eyes as the tip of her nose grew hot. Only further producing tears to roll down her cheeks.
You stared up at her sadly but full of understanding. “Don’t tell me everything, but give me something. If I drove 7 hours for nothing intimate, give me something to leave with.”
You rubbed soothing circles into her thighs. Further comforting her despite the clear tenseness in the air. “I’m scared you’ll leave,” she confessed shakily. “That’s why I keep my distance and don’t come to see you. It saves me the chance of getting too attached.”
That made you sigh, gently pulling the girl down so she was pressed against your chest. Face hidden in your neck with her warm tears wetting your shirt. “I just don’t want everything around me to become too much for you,” she wept, fingers curling handfuls of your shirt. “I care too much about you. I can’t imagine myself without you.”
A smile wanted to form just because that was all you wanted to hear–to know you meant something more than a fuck. But her body quivering and racking with soft cries made you stay present with her. Rubbing her back softly as you said, “You shouldn’t ever think about that. If you think it’s because of the press that surrounds you, I could care less. Those fuckers are the least of my worries.” you whispered softly into her hair. “I’m actually more scared of not being around because I think it might end up with you coming to kill me or something.”
Emma laughed softly, sniffling with her face retracting from your neck, quickly wiping her eyes. You leaned forward, holding her cheeks gently and smiling. Pressing a kiss on her forehead and saying, “I’m always going to be here, baby. Just treat me like I’m worth it.”
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jangofettjamz · 8 months
Jenna Ortega x Autistic!Male!Reader
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Summary: Unexpected events bring you and Jenna a lot closer
Warnings: Abelism
Words: 4430
A/N: You are Emma myers' twin in this fic.
Y/N pov
It's been too long since I've seen Emma. I'm so proud of my twin sister, she's come so far with her career and now she's in a Tim Burton production, like WHAT?!
Emma's so talented and she deserves every amount of success and fortune the world has to give, she's earned that much.
She's currently filming in Romania for her new show "Wednesday", a spinoff show based on the famous addams family, and specifically the daughter of the family: "Wednesday Addams"; played by Jenna Ortega.
I was invited to come and visit her and the cast and crew on set, flight and accommodation paid for and all. Though I was hesitant, being this far away from home wasn't entirely appealing at first, but I couldn't squander the opportunity to see my sister.
However, that's not the only reason I wanted to go. As luck would have it, I've had a crush on Jenna Ortega for a long time and Emma knew this. She visited our home a few times when Emma and her were getting to know each other. Emma had to introduce me to her as she knows I'm not the best at conversation, especially when meeting new people.
We've talked a little everytime she visited, but I was always too shy to say anything other than a few meger words. I never really got to know her as a person.
She assures me she's the most kind and gentle person she's ever known, I would never doubt my sisters word but it still doesn't put me at ease. Social interaction has never been easy for me, no matter how nice or kind the person I'm talking to is.
My sister has been my number one supporter, and I hers. She's never outed my condition to anyone and assured me she'd never tell Jenna if I didn't want her to know, she's always got my back no matter what and I'm beyond thankful for that.
My driver that was assigned to me dropped me off at the sets parking area, not far from the cast's trailers.
"We've arrived sir, Mr Burton will be waiting by the trailers for you." Sir? Gosh that makes me feel so imperial, like an important executive or something, I dunno.
"I er-thank you" I say nervously, my socially awkward nature getting the better of me. I got out of the black SUV and walked to the trailer.
I felt like an outsider here, like I didn't belong so kept my hands in my sleeves and my head down.
There's camera crews here, some extras to fill the background, I even see some of them in cast, but decided not to interact with them. They didn't know me and would probably think I'm some random weirdo who shouldn't be here.
I know that sounds a bit dramatic, but people have been cruel to me in the past just for trying to talk to them. That's always been my main deterrent from social interaction; the fear of what people will think of me.
These negative thoughts were starting to send me spiralling so I blocked them out for now, making my way to the trailers. I can't wait to see Emma.
I'm at the trailer area and see a man with unkempt hair and tinted glasses leaning against a trailer door, is that... TIM BURTON?! I knew I was gonna meet him but it's kinda unreal when you meet an icon such as him in person.
A smile formed on his face and he made his way towards me, my eyes avert his figure as my nerves began to set in. "Hello Y/N, it's good to finally meet you, your sister holds you in such high esteem." He says offering me a hand to shake.
Emma's been talking about me? To Tim Burton? Good things I hope. "I-I It's nice to meet you to Mr Burton, it's an honor to be here." I say nervously, shaking his hand and meeting his gaze with a nervous smile.
He chuckles "Please just Tim, no need for formalities. You're among friends here, Y/N."
I didn't understand, what did he mean I was among friends? He's just met me and he's nicer than most people have been to me throughout my entire life.
Though puzzling this maybe, I couldn't help but smile at being accepted for once among a group. It felt liberating.
"C'mon let's go meet the cast, I know two that have been dying to meet you." Two? I know Emma is one, but two? Who could possibly want to see me.
I followed to a trailer not far from where we met. I see a coat hanging from the railing of the trailer's steps, that's Emma's coat.
Tim gives me a warm smile and says "She's waiting for you kiddo, she'll be very happy to see you again." I nod and smiled back. I reach for the door know and open the door to the trailer, I see a girl with blonde hair and coloured highlights, is that...
"Emma?" She turns to face me. A smile forms on her face, an smile I would recognise anywhere.
"Y/N/N!!!!" She rushes towards me and tackles me to the ground in a hug, making yelp in the process. Usually this sort of surprising affection would make me nervous, but it was my sister so I all it. Besides I missed her dearly.
I reciprocated the hug, though it was difficult seeing as I was on the ground. "Hi sis', you missed me that much?" I ask playfully while standing back to my feet.
"Like you wouldn't believe, I miss all of you. How have you been?" She asks me, she knows about my struggles and I'm glad she still cares.
"Umm... things have been okay. Socialising is still really difficult, I almost didn't come here because of the distance. You know how much I hate being away from home" she gives a smile of sympathy and rubs my shoulder to comfort.
"But you still did it and I'm so proud of you for taking that step. You're still with family here in Romania, Jenna is excited to see you too, she's so lovely Y/N, you should get to know her" talk to Jenna Ortega? My stomach turns from nervousness.
The door to the trailer suddenly opens, a small Latin girl appears sporting black pigtails and black blazer. Jenna Ortega.
It's not surprising that she's here, she's playing the main character of the show after all. However, it's still messing with my mind that I'm standing in front of MY crush. I didn't know if I was just lucky, or if the universe just wanted me to humiliate myself in front of my crush.
I was quickly pulled out of my thoughts when she turned to me after she stopped talking to Emma. My twin did me a solid and introduced her to me so I didn't have to talk, she knows I don't have great speaking abilities when I meet new people.
She started her introduction "Jenna, you remember Y/N right? My other half." She says which makes Jenna laugh.
"Hi Y/N, it's so nice to see you again. Emma talks about you all the time" Of course she does. I shyly wave at her, averting eye contact away from her, my nerves completely taking over.
She stepped closer to me "Hey, are you okay?" She says sweetly, Emma's right she is really nice. I nod my head to reassure that I'm okay, even though I'm most definitely not and Emma knew this.
The trailer door opened again revealing a tall, dirty blonde guy with long hair. I had never seen him before, he didn't look very nice.
"Hey Jenna, Emma" he says happily, then his eyes fall to me. "Who's this?" He says, his voiced indicating his clear annoyance by my presence.
"Hey percy, this is my twin brother, Y/N" I shyly wave at him, he scoffs and moves swiftly to talk to Jenna. What a dick.
Emma's phone rings "Ah shit, guys I have a scene to do. Please look after him and get to know each other, love you Y/N" she says kissing me on the cheek. Great, now I'm left with two people I don't know, one being my crush, the other, a massive dickhead. Great.
I sit down on the couch behind me, Jenna taking a seat next to me much to percy's dismay. I start playing with my hands, something I do when I'm very nervous. Jenna picked up on this so she decided to ask me a question to ease the tension.
"So Y/N, do you have any interests or hobbies?" She's says to me with a smile, that same sweet tone still consistent.
I started "I-I like movies, I'm a massive horror fan. I build legos, play video games as a hobbie, and do programming as a side job. I find the arithmetic nature of programming to be quite fascinating, keeps my brain constantly at work." I say quietly.
She started to speak again "Programming? Wow you must be quite intelligent to do that" I shrug, my lack of confidence really shining through.
Percy scoffs "Jeez do you just sit there looking depressed all the time." I gave him a pleading look, I didn't want to make anyone uncomfortable.
"N-no I didn't mean t-to--" I cut myself off, not wanting to embarrass myself anymore than I just did. I don't even know what I did wrong, just goes to show my complete lack of social awareness.
But something unexpected happened "Percy, why are you being such an asshole. He's just shy and that's fine. He didn't do anything wrong." She actually came to my aid and defended me.
"I heard he was autistic, Jenna. I overheard Emma talking to him on the phone one time. He's a freak." The moment I heard the word freak my eyes started to tear up, sniffles followed afterwards.
I started to hastily rock myself as a grounding technique, a shaky breath came from my mouth trying to contain the tears within.
Jenna was standing there with a her phone out recording the whole thing, I thought she was doing this to laugh at with percy later, however what happened next changed that theory.
Jenna slapped the smirk off his face, he was on the ground and fear replaced his shit-eating grin. I could see the fear flashing in his eyes as Jenna loomed over him, a fiery anger in her brown orbs.
She raised her right hand and pointed at him while speaking "Don't you ever say that again you abelist dick. Even if he is autistic, I would never think that as a bad thing. Get out Percy, once I show this recording to Tim, you are done" she says calmly, yet angrily simultaneously.
He didn't need to be told twice as he stumbled out the door; fear still emanated from his person after the bitch slap he received.
Jenna POV
What an asshole, like seriously how the fuck could anyone be so shallow to immediately hate someone because they're different. Fuck that guy honestly, the moment we're done filming I'm cutting contact with him completely.
Y/N looked destroyed, I'd seen him a handful of times and this is the longest interaction we've had, but it was heartbreaking nonetheless. I wanted to comfort him since Emma was busy filming. I sat down next to him and started to talk.
"Y/N it's okay now, he's gone and if he knows what good for him, he won't come back." He nodded, seemingly no change was made to his demeanour. I decided a more physical approach was necessary.
"Y/N can I touch you?" He hesitated for a moment but eventually nodded. I touched his shoulder, my thumb rubbing in circles. "Are you autistic, Y/N? It's okay you can tell me, I know you don't know me but I promise I would never judge you, never ever."
I hope he knows my words are genuine, perhaps even comforting. He gives me with one more glance before signing under his breath then nodding, confirming what percy had told me. He shouldn't have outed Y/N like that, it's his right to tell me when or if he even wanted to in the first place.
"You're so brave, you know that?" He looked at me confused. I continued speaking "You're braver than you know sweetheart, I'm so sorry that we had to meet again under these circumstances but I want you to know that I'm so proud of you. I can only imagine how hard it must've been to come here so far away from home, only to be ridiculed by some asshole who doesn't know his head from his own ass." He laughs, making me smile knowing I'm doing something right.
I make a solemn vow to him "I swear to you, that recording I took will be shown to Tim and the producers, he will be dealt with accordingly. I promise you." Percy will not go unpunished for this.
"We've only met a couple times, but you're bravest and sweetest person I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. I can tell that everything you're sister told me about you is true." I wipe his tears from his face with my thumb, his eyes still glassy and red from the crying.
"Why are you so nice to me? You don't even know me." He says barely above a whisper.
"Because unlike Percy, I accept you for who you are and I'll help you whenever you need me. I'm with you now Y/N and I'm not going anywhere." His lips begin to quiver, indicating that he's about to cry again.
"Would you like a hug?" I ask, unsure if that amount of physical touch is something he would want. He nods and I open my arms for him "c'mere honey" he fell into my arms, head on my shoulder as his tears shower my Wednesday outfit, but I couldn't care less.
His arms wrapped tight around me, my arms securely around him. I began to rock him gently to comfort him, my hand carding through his hair. "Shhhh, you're safe now honey, it's just me and you, nobody else. I'm so sorry for what happened but I promise you that everything's gonna be okay, I'm not leaving you."
I feel something for this boy, and I know he feels something for me, Emma may or may not have told me about the crush he has on me. I didn't make him feel embarrassed, now's not the time.
"I-I shouldn't have come h-here, e-everyone hates me!" My heart broke hearing those words. Percy had destroyed his self-esteem with his heartless words, his confidence had vanished into the aether.
I held him tighter against me, wanted him to feel all the affection I can give to counter his negative thoughts. "Nobody hates you Y/N, I certainly don't and neither do your sisters and parents". Percy's words were awful and further projects his insecurities."
"He's right though, I'm am a freak. Emma's normal, my other sisters are normal, my parents too. I can't socialise properly, can't read social cues, I'm only good at messing things up! I'm useless!" He was shaking violently, a barrage of new tears came streaming down his cheeks, Percy was going to pay for what he's done.
I lift his face from my shoulder, holding his cheeks in both my hands. "You are not useless! You're anything but useless! You're incredible Y/N, just like your sister and I've got your back just like I've got hers. Percy is done after today, mark my words."
He smiles at my words, convinced by them even. "You wanna know something?" He looks at me with intrigue. "I've admired you since the day we met, you're so beautiful, sweet and kind. You're not useless at all, you're perfect, just the way you are."
"Everytime your sister talks about you I listen to her in awe of you, you're an amazing person sweetheart, don't ever let someone make you think otherwise." I say with sincerity.
He looked shocked. "You're just saying that." He says not believing me.
"Can I prove it?" I ask a little nervously. He nods and I ask him another question. "Can I kiss you?" A bold move by me but he needed to know just how serious I am.
His cheeks turn a bright pink, very much akin to a rose. He nods and I lean in the kiss his lips softly, a gentle kiss to show him my intention are indeed pure. "I like you alot Y/N, and I'd love to be a part of your life from now on, If you'll have me."
He smiled, genuine and real "I like you too, Jenna. I'd love to have you in my life." I take him back in my arms, in the position we were previously in, rocking him gently in my arms. His eyes began to droop a little, he looked exhausted from all the crying.
"You can fall asleep if you want, just relax darling, everything's gonna be okay now." We sat on the couch, his head on my chest, my arms locked around his figure. "There there, you're okay darling" I cooed softly.
His eyes shut, nothing was heard expect the soft breaths coming from his nose. I kissed his temple and let him sleep until Emma returned from filming, she need to know the truth.
- 2 hours later
I've been catching up on breaking bad while Y/N has been sleeping peacefully on my chest, really good show this is. My hand has been absentmindedly carding through his hair.
God he looks so adorable, I never want to let go of him. I'm honored that he trusts me enough to be apart of his life, to be his girlfriend, an honor I certainly don't take for granted.
The door to the trailer opens, Emma walking through the entrance. She was shocked to see the position me and Y/N laid in, though this was expected as she didn't know what had transpired a couple hours ago.
"We need to talk" I say, she looked at confused but nodded. I began to get up as gently as possible to not wake up Y/N, though it was more tricky than anticipated. He groaned sleepily, not completely aware of his surroundings.
I put him at ease, "it's okay honey, I'll be back don't worry" his body eased at the words and untensed around me, allowing me to lift his head off my chest without waking him. Emma and I walked out of the trailer and gently shut the door behind us, it was time she learned the truth.
"What happened in there?" She asked with concern.
"Watch this video" I show her the recording on my phone, the horror she felt was palpable, her own brother being reduced to tears; by her own co-star no less. "I'm so sorry, Emma" was all I could say.
She turned to me and embraces me in a hug which I returned immediately. "Thank you for helping him, he won't ever forget what you did for him" her voice wobbly, she was crying. "I should've been there to stop him! He's gonna pay for this!" She storms off, presumably to find percy.
I chase after her, jesus she's fast "Emma wait!" I called out but she didn't falter in her movements, she was on a mission to find the asshole who hurt her brother.
After about 5 minutes of searching we found Percy talking with Tim as if he did nothing 2 hours prior, we stormed towards him. Percy's noticed us walking towards him, fear replaced his expression, Tim however was more confused by our angered demeanour.
"YOU ASSHOLE! HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT TO HIM, HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO YOU!" Emma exclaimed, tears falling fast down her face. "HE'S THE SWEETEST PERSON IN THE WORLD AND YOU DESTROYED HIM! WHAT FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU! She sobs out, I rubbed her back in comfort.
Tim looked even more confused now "What's going on, Percy what is she talking about?" He says raising an eyebrow, demanding to know what happened.
I answer for him, leaving no chance for Percy to alter the truth in any way. "Watch this video, Tim." He watched the video of what went, disgust was etched onto his face, all the while I was staring down the asshole who caused this mess. The look on his face is priceless, as though his career had flashed before his eyes.
Tim finished the video and turned to percy, inhaling before he spoke. "Percy once you're scenes are finished, you're done, fired. You have no future here." He says coldly, disappointment lacing his rough tone. "You will be paid for your work, but we will cease all contact after that."
Percy was distraught, he begged and pleaded for Tim to reconsider "Please Tim, I'm sorry I really am! It's was just a joke!" Emma was disgusted with him, so was I.
Emma was face to face with percy, she may have been shorter, but her anger made her far more imposing. "I'm not a violent person percy, but if you EVER say or even look at my brother in a way I find offensive ever again, you will be dealing with a far different side of me." He gulped and nodded, knowing better than to test her.
She continued "For your sake, I will not leak those videos, but so help me god I will not hesitate to ruin your life if you step out of line again." And with that she walks off to see her brother.
I walk up to Percy and warn him one final time "Be thankful you're only losing a Job opportunity Percy. Make no mistake, if you make any attempt to contact me, Emma, or dear Y/N, I will leak those videos to everyone and destroy your life within seconds. Do you understand me?" He nodded and I walk away with the knowledge that Percy Hynes White is a coward.
I return to the trailer to find Emma and Y/N talking about what went down with him and Percy "No matter what Y/N, I'll always protect you from people like him, and so will Jenna" he looks over to me and I offer a gentle, reassuring smile and sit down next to him. I kiss his cheek and pulled his head onto my chest and pressed play on the TV.
"So what did I miss with you two?" Emma asks playfully and we both laughed uncontrollably, forgetting the last few hours for a while with laughter and love.
- 9 months later
Wednesday was a massive hit with critics and viewers, my career has skyrocketed to heights I never thought imaginable. Though, I never let that inflate my ego and become someone who I depised, you know who I'm referring to.
Percy was promptly fired after he finished all of his scenes, nor was he allowed to attend any of the press events to promote the show. He hasn't tried to contact me or any of my friends, the first smart decision he's made.
Y/N and I are still going strong, though I wouldn't have doubted that for a second. Like I said to him all those months ago, he's perfect just the way he is.
Socialising is still a struggle for him, so is communicating with me sometimes. However, I vowed to help him and understand his condition, to guide him in a world that misunderstood him.
He's laying on my chest, me stroking his hair. He's asleep after coming with me to a press junket to promote the show. Even if he's behind the cameras, his support is so appreciated.
Emma has been so supportive of our relationship, which is great because I would've hated things to be awkward between, and potentially ruin Y/N's relationship with her.
Fans of mine have began to notice Y/N after his appearance at the premiere, the Internet practically exploded when they saw us hand in hand. Y/N isn't fond of the attention but loves the nice comments people have left, any boost to his self esteem he cherishes.
Suddenly the phone rang, it was Tim Burton, probably discussing plans for season 2. I picked up the phone, being careful not to wake Y/N.
"Hello Jenna, is Y/N with you?" He says. What could he want with Y/N?
"Yeah I'll get him" I gently shake him to wake him up. He groaned as I shook "Babe wake up someone's on the phone for you" he rose from my chest and groggily took the phone from my hand.
"Hello, Y/N speaking" he says lowly.
He talks with tim, his groggy expression is replaced with shock, a stark contrast from earlier.
"Yes ill talk with her about it" talk with me about what? What is Tim planning?
"Thank you I'll see you soon" he hung up and turned to me, a smile etched onto his face like he just won the lottery.
"What?" I say laughing
He opened his mouth, only to stutter when trying to form words. He eventually got his words out "He wants me to replace Percy as Xavier" I scream out of excitement and he quickly covered his ears.
"You're gonna do great, I'll be right there with you" his smile is replaced with worry.
"What if they don't like me as Xavier? What if my acting is bad? I have no acting experience, Jenna. What am I gonna do?" He starts to ramble a bit so I kissed him, calming his nerves within an instant.
He drew back for air and reassured him "You're gonna be great babe, way better than Percy, I guarantee that." I pulled him back to a kiss.
The kiss turned more passionate, only pulling back for pockets of air. "You're so beautiful baby, my beautiful boy" he blushes intensly at my praise. "I love you Y/N, so so much" I say breathlessly. He picks me up while kissing me, leading me to the bedroom. I would love to describe how the rest of our day was spent...
But some things are best kept secret... if you know what I mean. ; )
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Chris (Hell Of A Summer) X Reader Ideas For You!
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• Chris (hell of a summer)
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• Y/n L/n
Movie Plot….
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Chris X Ghostface!Reader
Chris X Sadistic!Reader
Chris X Serial Killer!Reader (your the masked killer)
Chris X Female!Micheal Myers!Reader (your Micheal Myers from Halloween kills…but female)
Chris X Deadite Ellie!Reader (Deadite Ellie from evil dead rise 2023)
Chris X Enchantress!Reader (Enchantress from suiside squad)
Chris X Agatha Harkness!Reader (Agatha Harkness from Wanda vision)
Chris X Veronica Mayday!Reader (Veronica mayday from helluva boss)
Chris X Nancy Downs!Reader (Nancy downs from the craft)
Chris X Harley Quinn!Reader (Harley Quinn from Birds of prey 2020)
Chris X Yandere!Reader
Chris X Russian!Reader
Chris X Ahmanet!Reader
Chris X Raven!Reader (Raven aka Rachel Roth from Titians 2018)
Chris X Scarlet Witch!Reader (you have scarlet witch powers just like Wanda Maximoff)
Chris X Wednesday!Reader (Wednesday portrayed by Jenna Ortega)
Chris X Cruella!Reader (Cruella portrayed by Emma stone)
Chris X Female!Cartoon Cat!Reader (cartoon cat created by Trevor henderson…but female version)
Chris X Female!Ink bendy!Reader (ink bendy from bendy and the ink machine but female version)
Chris X Twisted Alice!Reader (Twisted Alice from bendy and the dark revival)
Chris X Catwomen!Reader (Catwomen portrayed by Hallie berry)
Chris X Maleficent!Reader (Maleficent from maleficent mistress of evil)
Chris X Carrie White!Reader
Chris X Na’vi!Reader
Chris X Siren!Reader
Chris X British!Reader
Chris X Australian!Reader
Chris X Ghost!Reader
Chris X Jennifer Check!Reader (Jennifer check from Jennifer’s body)
Chris X Singer!Reader
Chris X Violinist!Reader
Chris X Telekinesis!Reader (Your telekinesis is as powerful as Carrie white)
Chris X Blind!Reader (Your not a normal blind your a Toph beifong kind of blind)
Chris X Demon!Reader
Chris X Mute!Reader
Chris X Deaf!Reader
Chris X Chorkinesis!Reader (plant manipulation)
Chris X Pyrokinesis!Reader (fire manipulation)
Chris X Sapphire Witch!Reader (Wanda Maximoff powers but dark royal blue color not red)
Chris X Amethyst Witch!Reader (Wanda Maximoff powers but purple not red)
Chris X Golden Witch!Reader (Wanda Maximoff powers but golden yellow not red)
Chris X Emerald Witch!Reader (Wanda Maximoff powers but emerald green not red)
Chris X Rose Witch!Reader (Wanda Maximoff powers but dark maroon pink not red)
Chris X Amber Witch!Reader (Wanda Maximoff powers but Amber Orange not red)
Chris X Succubus!Reader
Chris X Gothic!Reader
Chris X Emotionless!Reader
Chris X Electrokinesis!Reader (Electricity manipulation)
Chris X Hydrokinesis!Reader (Water manipulation)
Chris X Captain Marvel!Reader (Captain marvel aka carol danvers)
Chris X Diana Lance!Reader (Black Canary aka Diana Lance from birds of prey 2020)
Chris X Tall!Reader
Chris X Dimitrescu!Reader (basically lady Dimitrescu!reader)
Chris X Photokinesis!Reader (light manipulation)
Chris X Deadite!Girlfriend!Reader (like Deadite Elle from evil dead rise 2023)
Chris X Male!Reader
Chris X Male!Serial Killer!Reader (your the masked killer)
Chris X Fearless!Reader
Chris X Vampire!Reader (Inspired by Abigail lazar from Abigail 2024)
Chris X Werewolf!Reader (Inspired by Carolyn stoddard from dark shadows 2012)
Chris X Feral!Werewolf!Reader
Chris X Sadistic!Siren!Reader
Chris X Pure Evil!Vampire!Reader (inspired by Abigail 2024)
Chris X Female!Avatar!Reader (You have all of Aang’s powers Aang from the last airbender)
Chris x Punk!Reader
Chris X Firebender!Reader
Chris X Maleficent!Reader (Maleficent but with dark blue powers not green)
Chris X Nezuko!Reader (Nezuko from demon slayer)
Chris X Daki!Reader (Daki from demon slayer)
Chris X Female!Ghostrider!Reader
Chris X Waterbender!Reader
Chris X Earthbender!Reader
Chris X Male!Harley Quinn!Reader
Chris X Male!Ahmanet!Reader
Chris X Male!Enchantress!Reader
Chris X Male!Maleficent!Reader
Chris X Male!Veronica Mayday!Reader
Chris X Female!Alastor!Reader (Alastor from Hazbin hotel but female version….you also have a human form)
Chris X Angelrider!Reader (Ghostrider)
Chris X Yandere!Serial Killer!Reader (your the masked killer, and your a Yandere for chris)
Chris X Male!Scarlet Witch!Reader
Chris X Male!Rachel Roth!Reader
Chris X Billie Eilish!Reader
Chris X Jinx!Reader (jinx from arcane)
Chris X Sadistic!Mermaid!Reader
Chris X Famous!Singer!Reader
Chris X Harley Quinn!Reader (Harley Quinn from suiside squad 2)
Chris X Na’vi!Reader (instead of being blue like the rest of the na’vi your a dark violet purple color and your eyes are emerald green)
Chris X Famous!Guitarist!Reader
Chris X Deadite Bridget!Reader (Deadite Bridget from evil dead rise 2023)
Chris X Celebrity!Actress!Reader
Chris X Ravenna!Reader (you have powers like Ravenna and you act like her Ravenna from the huntsman winters war)
Chris X Lindsey Stirling!Reader
Chris X Abigail Lazar!Reader (Abigail lazar from Abigail 2024)
Chris X Vampire!Sammy!Reader (Vampire Sammy from Abigail 2024)
Chris X Captain Marvel!Reader (Captain marvel powers but dark royal blue)
Chris X Kandarian Demon!Reader (the kind of demons that possessed Ellie and Bridget in evil dead rise 2023)
Chris X Darkness Witch!Reader (Wanda Maximoff powers but black not red)
Chris X Captain Marvel!Reader (Captain marvel powers but violet purple)
Chris X Chimera!Reader (a chimera is a creature from Greek mythology)
14 notes · View notes
infernalodie · 2 years
𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 || 𝐄𝐦𝐦𝐚 𝐌𝐲𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐱 𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐎𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐠𝐚
“𝘞𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩 𝘪𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘧𝘴 𝘉𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘶𝘮𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘭𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘧𝘪𝘹𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘨𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘓𝘢𝘺 𝘪𝘯 𝘸𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘯' 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘨𝘰“
Inspo: Hozier - Would That I
Pairing: Emma Myers x Black!Male!reader x Jenna Ortega
Summary: Letting them into your life allowed you to show your love in ways they’d only dreamed of...
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Warnings: Fluffy
Words: 2758
“Y/n, where the hell are we going?”
Walking ahead of both girls, you turned and back peddled with a giddy grin on your lips. A sight that neither Emma nor Jenna would ever get over. How your dimples showed, how bright your eyes were, and how much love was still yet to be delivered. There was so much to you that either girl had yet to discover, but they were in it for the long haul. For the wonders and adventures, the three of you would embark on.
The streets of Galway were busy at this time of night. People are out looking for a night of relaxation and memories to be crafted and held close to their hearts. And after months of being kept away from the public eye and the two girls filming Wednesday, you finally got to see them. So, making memories and making the next two weeks of them being here in your hometown was your goal.
“Well, as you can see, we are out,” you replied, not too specifically to Emma’s question. Hands stuffing themselves in your Carhart jacket as you shrugged. “But if you’re still interested, you just gotta trust me. You do trust me, right?”
Emma rolled her eyes, jogging to catch up to you, kissing you on the cheek. “Should be asking that to the girl you forced out of your bed to come out.”
Both of you looked to Jenna who hugged herself, one of your large sweaters drowning her figure adorably. Emma wasn’t wrong in her statement as the three of you had been cuddled up in your bed for most of the day since they just arrived. But you wanted to show them what was in store for the next two weeks they would spend with you before they would have to go back to L.A. Much to your dismay.
“Jen, do you want a piggyback ride?” You inquired, your Irish accent silkily smooth. The timbre of it vibrates through Jenna’s body, creating a junction in her exhaustion to look up at you. Finding you had stopped in front of her, still holding Emma’s hand as the two of you looked at her in amusement.
“Yes, please.” You turned your back to her, crouching down and allowing the shorter girl to hop onto your back before you stood to your feet and started walking. Not before Emma shared a brief kiss with the girl, whispering how amusing it was to see her in such a state. Something that pulled a grin at the corner of your lips.
It’d been almost a year since you met the pair on the set of Wednesday. You weren’t a part of the cast or anyone on set that held importance. You had just been visiting Hunter after he got permission to have you on set under the obvious conditions of a non-discloser agreement. But that had been when you met the two girls and in your month's stay, there had been a connection made that ended with you coming back on their last day of filming and offering a chance for something more with them.
And they accepted.
Finally reaching the destination, both girls saw the yellow building that had people standing outside smoking. The large red sign above the door read, “O’Connor’s Famous Pub”. Which immediately made the girl anxious as to what you had planned, but you gave them reassuring looks before you let Jenna down.
Entering the pub, the warmth and musky scent of alcohol hit the girl’s senses first. Then it was the loud volume of the patron’s drinking and talking amongst themselves. Bantering and laughing at the things shared. It was like any other bar, but this one was special to you. And that was based on their observation of a few people who saw you and exclaimed in greeting. Patting your back and shoulders as you walked past, greeting the older men you must know on some sort of personal level.
Then they took notice of how large the pub was compared to how it looked outside, but something about that gave it an odd comfort. Old antiques were placed all over. Even some tables were old sewing machines, which gave it character. Right across the room had a stage with a counter surrounding the edge. Lights that should be on a Christmas tree and old fashion lanterns were strung up along the edges of surfaces and on the ceiling.
Walking towards the bar, fingers still interlock with both girls’ hands, you looked back at them. “Here in Ireland, the drinking age is above 18,” you stated. “So, don’t feel pressured to drink. If you guys want, you can take up that booth over there-” You pointed to one side of the room, giving them a warm giddy smile. “-and I’ll be over with my drink.”
The two girls walked to where you pointed, leaving you to exhale shakily. “Those the two girls you’ve been chatting all the boys up about?” Noah, the old bartender, inquired, earning your attention.
Glancing back at the two girls, they were lost in the atmosphere of the pub. Emma leaned into Jenna’s chest, pointing at small details that left the other chuckling, pressing kisses to the girl’s head. It was a sight so new, but so familiar.
After the three of you got into this relationship, it was hard to find time to see each other. You would have to spend your school savings and jump between locations to see them in person. But having them here together with you, it felt surreal. Even after picking them up from the airport, the two of them tackling you to the ground, you were still stuck in this muddy state of disbelief. Maybe it was you finally realizing how undeserving you were to have those two beautiful girls
“They’re from California. Up in America,” you replied. “Trying to get them to understand the beautiful lives we live down here. Smother them with our culture and what we get up to at night.”
Noah smiled, tapping his hand on the bar. “Good thing you brought ‘em here, my boy,” he laughed. “Maybe a bit of a tune may set the mood before you spend the rest of the night drinking.”
A smile pulled at the corner of your lips, smacking your hand against the bar before you leaned against it, crossing your arms across your chest. The other chaps sat at the bar, seeming to hear this, few that you knew and some you were acquainted with, peeked up at the statement from Noah.
“Now we are ready to sail for the Horn.” Your voice cut through the bar like a knife to a tense thread. Grabbing the attention of the patrons immediately, including Emma and Jenna. But the last thing they were expecting was the men surrounding you to sing loudly, ”Weigh hey, roll and go!” You looked at the two girls, smiling ear to ear as you winked at them and continued. “Our boots and our clothes, boys, are all in the pawn. To be rollicking randy dandy-oh!”
And that’s when Jenna and Emma were captured by the atmosphere of the pub. How everyone soon joined in, coming together to sing a single song with such joy. It was different from anything they’d experienced. This was your culture. This was where you were every Friday night. The reason why you were so persistent in having them visit you and see what could be in store for them when they decide to take a break from acting. That you were always going to be willing to show them a little more of what your life was besides school and your constant praise of their works.
When the song came to an end, the crowd cheered, clapping and slowly settling back into their calm and easygoing moods. You grabbed your Guinness and made your way to the booth, spotting the two girls staring at you with smiles.
“Well that was nice,” Jenna said. “Was that orchestrated or come naturally?”
“Love, that was as real as it could get,” you commented. “But everyone knows a song or two in Ireland. It’s what brings us together and makes us better than America.”
“Oh, shut it.” Emma playfully slapped your arm, making you chuckle, bringing the edge of the glass to your lips. Sipping the fuzzy liquid that rested around the brim. “I’m starting to believe that there might be more you plan on doing for us tonight. Going to give us any hints?”
“In your dreams, sweetheart.” You smiled. “I just want to enjoy this time with the two of you for a little longer. At least, until the next surprise.”
You knew that saying would get the girl’s attention, about to bombard you with questions as to what it was. This was the case when they spoke over one another, making you sling your arms over the pair's shoulders, hands cupping their eyes and pulling their faces into your chest. “Shhhh. Enough talking.”
The three of you laughed, holding one another and enjoying the setting of the night. Even though Jenna would prefer it to be in your bed where the three of you could cuddle and be as affectionate as possible, this was fine. And Emma was just happy to be with you and Jenna. If she had to leave your house to and walk in weather that could kill her to be with you two, then she would. There wasn’t anything you wouldn’t do for them and you’d shown that in your actions and the things you’ve said to them.
It had been a miracle that the three of you had been able to make this work. Because their occupations are vastly different from yours, making time for one another came as a difficulty. And with the public eye honed in on the two girls, your existence had been shrouded in a thick veil. But all these formulas for disaster didn’t come as much of a hassle as you might’ve once believed. Video calls were daily if you weren’t passed out from the massive time zone differences. For you having to keep anonymous to the world was also fine. Although they didn’t say it, having you as their dirty little secret made it special. Like you were unique and were only visible to their eyes.
That’s why going out in public was a hesitant idea for them. Walking in the streets with you standing between them, not afraid to press your lips to theirs or to hold their hands. But maybe it was the time of night or the fact most people were too drunk to realize that they were there, but no one batted an eye in your guys’ direction. No one pulled out a phone and asked for a photo and no one started recording them from across the room. And something about that allowed them to let go for a few minutes and just bask in your warmth, love, touch, and your gentle words.
Jenna held your hand out in front of you, fingers spread as she traced the lines in your caramel skin. Seeming intent on sharing this silence between the three of you. Emma was leaning against your side peppering your shoulder with kisses and holding your arm tightly.
“Is this where you go on Fridays?” Jenna asked, those big hazel eyes looking up at you.
Licking your lips, you nodded. “Nights I can’t sleep or nights when neither of you can speak to me,” you said. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve slept in this exact booth waiting for the two of you to call.”
“Latest?” Emma murmured, head resting on your shoulder.
You sniffled, eyes squinted with a look of thought cutting onto your face. “3 am?” You said aloud, questioning your own answer. “At least 4 am. I would be passed out most of the time if Jenna didn’t stop sending me photos of herself.”
Emma smirked, sitting up and looking at her girlfriend. “Do I need to ask what the context was of these photos?”
Jenna, feeling the relaxation and calm come to its precipice and rest there, grabbed your drink and took a sip. Managing to force the god-awful taste from appearing on her face. “You will have to find out when we get back, cupcake.”
You laughed hysterically as Emma tried to hide her grin, cheeks heating up with her grip around your arm growing tighter. Jenna held a smirk, leaning into your side as well and closing her eyes for a few moments. “We are having sex tonight though, right?”
You choked on your spit, muffled laughs falling from your lips as Emma stared at the girl incredulously. “Jenna!” She slapped the mischievous girl’s arm
“Alright, ladies and gents!” Noah clapped his hands together, grabbing people’s attention from their conversations and friends. “Tonight, we have a performance from a friendly face that you all may know. And all the couples, you all will love this.” Then he motioned his hand in your direction, a smile forming on his lips. “Y/n, come on up and sing us a song.
The two girls looked at you confused, but you only offered a soft smile. “Come sit at the bar.”
Taking their hands, you gently maneuvered them to the bar where they took two open stools. Sitting down as you sat adjacent to them on a stool, a small stage made for live performances. The bar cheered and clapped as you waved, grabbing ahold of a guitar and pic. Adjusting the mic with a chuckle falling from your lips.
“So, this song is one I wrote about two girls in my life,” you explained. “It’s a love song. So, as Noah said, the couples in here tonight are going to love it.” Looking over your shoulder at the band that had been playing already, watching and waiting patiently, you smiled. “Here we go!”
The first thing to fill the air was the thick drums with a simple beat. The sticks are tapped into a mic to make their contribution known, but hidden behind the strums of the guitar you began to play and the drums. “True that I saw her hair like the branch of a tree,” you sang, eyes flickering shut. “A willow dancing on air before covering me. Under cotton and calicoes. Over canopy dappled long ago”
Keeping the methodical melody, your eyes opened to look at Emma and Jenna. Their eyes are wide and open-lipped smiles warm your heart. “True that love in withdrawal was the weepin' of me. That the sound of the saw must be known by the tree. Must be felled for to fight the cold. Fretted fire but that was long ago”
Standing to your feet, you stomped your feet as you sang, “But that’s not tonight!” The other bandmates followed in with their adlibs. Soon the entire bar was stomping their feet with the beat you created.
The two girls were stuck in a trance. Feeling the misconception of this seems like something from a movie. Like they were the main characters of the story you were helping them move forward for plot purposes or to give some character development to them. But all they could give or build off of was love. The unconditional love they were developing for you that they thought couldn’t get any bigger.
But seeing you up on that stage, singing a song about them, it proved the impossible. It proved there was a form of love they thought incomprehensible. You proved there was and would always be room for more love to be given to one another. And the fact that you did all of this just for them proved it. A memory and constant reminder of the expectation of love no one would ever be able to match.
“We should get married to him.” The soft voice that came from Emma’s left made her swing her head toward the source. Finding Jenna with a glazed-over look in her eyes, lips frozen in a smile as she simply stared up at you with the softest looks in her eyes. “Maybe not now. But in a few years if this all works out for us.”
Hearing that made Emma smile softly, pressing her lips to Jenna’s cheek. “It will.” She then nodded toward you, still singing and watching them with a warm look in your eyes. “He will do anything to make that happen.”
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infernalodie · 2 years
Celebrity Masterlist
$ = Smut * = Fluff ! = Angst
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Tate McRae
(! * $) Rent Free - Tate McRae x Black!Male!reader Part One - Final Part
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Zendaya Coleman
(!) Not You Too - Zendaya x Black!Male!reader
(! *) Die For You - Zendaya x Black!Male!reader
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Doja Cat (Amala)
($) On The Low - Doja Cat x Black!Male!reader
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Billie Eilish
(* $) Kiss U Right Now - Billie Eilish x Black!Male!reader
(!) TRAUMA - Billie Eilish x Black!Male!reader
($) Cherry Hill - Billie Eilish x Black!Fem!reader
(!) Time in a Tree - Billie Eilish x Black!Male!reader
($) No Guidance - Billie Eilish x Fem!reader
($) Free - Billie Eilish x gn!reader
(! *) Fine Line - Billie Eilish x gn!reader
($) The Trade - Billie Eilish x Fem!reader
(! *) Million Miles Away - Billie Eilish x Black!Fem!reader
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Sadie Sink
(* !) Bad News - Sadie Sink x Black!Male!reader
(* $) Roses - Sadie Sink x Black!Male!reader
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Freya Allan
(* $) Melt - Freya Allan x Male!reader
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Sydney Sweeney
($) Earned It - Sydney Sweeney x Black!Fem!reader
(! *) Psycho (When I Wake Up) - Sydney Sweeney x Male!reader
($) Twisted - Sydney Sweeney x Black!Fem!reader
($) The One - Sydney Sweeney x Fem!reader
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Madelyn Cline
($) Sacrifice - Madelyn Cline x Black!Fem!reader
(!) Forgive & Forget - Madelyn Cline x Male!reader
($) Seduce - Madelyn Cline x Fem!reader
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Anya Taylor-Joy
(! $) Downtown - Vampire!Anya Taylor-Joy x Fem!reader
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Dua Lipa
($) CAVIAR - Dua Lipa x Buff!Black!Fem!reader
($) Like A Blade Of Grass - Dua Lipa x Black!Male!reader
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Austin Butler
(*) Unchained Melody - Austin Butler x Black!Fem!reader
(*) I Want More - Austin Butler x Black!Fem!reader
(*) Can’t Help Falling In Love With You - Austin Butler x Black!Fem!reader
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Conan Gray
($ *) Sweat - Conan Gray x Black!Male!reader
(*) Loved By You - Conan Gray x Male!Reader
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Winona Ryder
(* $) EXCITED! - Winona Ryder x Fem!reader
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Natalia Dyer
($) Pink Matter - Natalia Dyer x Black!Fem!reader
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Sophia Lillis
($ *) LONELY NIGHTS - Sophia Lillis x Black!Fem!reader
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Timothée Chalamet
($) UNPREDICTABLE - Timothée Chalamet x Black!Male!reader
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Jenna Ortega
(!) CHANT - Jenna Ortega x F1Black!Male!reader
($) My Next Fix - Jenna Ortega x Black!Male!reader
(*) Pretty Little Fears - Jenna Ortega x Black!Male!reader
(! *) Falling In Love - Jenna Ortega x Male!reader x Emma Myers
($) Eat Your Young - Jenna Ortega x Black!Fem!reader
(*) Home - Jenna Ortega x Male!reader
(! $) We Both Know - Jenna Ortega x Black!Fem!reader
($) In For It - Jenna Ortega x Black!Male!reader
(! $) Closer - Vampire!Jenna Ortega x Black!Fem!reader x Vampire!Emma Myers
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Emma Myers
(*) Would That I - Emma Myers x Black!Male!reader x Jenna Ortega
(! *) 7 Hours - Emma Myers x Black!Male!reader
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Milly Alcock
(! *) Blessed - Milly Alcock x Black!Male!reader
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