#emmanuelle bartlett
gladyssite · 3 months
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My Sims with The Rosé Collection by @sentate
Shoes by @jius-sims
Jewelry by @bradfordsims, @simstrouble, @christopher067
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manelyec · 2 years
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Soaring To New Heights - EC Alumni Spotlight on Hayden Bartlett Hall 
It started off like a typical staff meeting.
Then, Hayden Bartlett Hall heard applause. It was faint at first, but as it grew closer, it began to sound like what you hear at Texas Roadhouse when you’re celebrating a birthday.
When she spotted her mom and grandma coming around the corner, leading a group of smiling faces that she recognized as coworkers, present and past– it all made sense.
The Chairman’s Club is a prestigious, peer-nominated program that honors 100 of Delta’s 90,000 employees each year…and this year, Hayden Bartlett Hall was one of them.
Being nominated for the Chairman’s Club is a lengthy process. Once a person is nominated, Delta will then interview their coworkers to make sure the nominee upholds personal values that represent Delta’s “Rules of the Road,” or how they expect employees to treat customers and each other.
“I was shocked when I found out,” she said. “My jaw hit the floor I was overcome with so many emotions.”
Growing up close to Hartsfield International Airport, where her mom and grandpa worked for Delta, Hayden knew she would follow their footsteps.
“I knew my path would lead there one day,” she said. “I just didn’t know when or how.”
In school, Hayden enjoyed most subjects but gravitated toward working on the Yearbook.
Because of that interest, when Hayden transferred to Emmanuel as a sophomore, she was quick to choose Digital Media Production as her major, minoring in graphic design.
At Emmanuel, she learned one major lesson from Mr. (Clint) Ross that she’s taken with her into the field.
You can only gain so much from a textbook.
“He took us to off-campus sets where we got to see what we were learning in the classroom adapted into real life. Those experiences were so valuable.”
Knowing that she wanted to one day work for Delta, Hayden applied for a job in their creative department after graduation in 2015. And the rest, they say, is history.
“I started out in Corporate Communications,” Hayden remembers. “I answered the phone when the media called and was the office coordinator for the team. From there, I went into video services and was the video coordinator for our team.”
Since then, Hayden’s role has evolved and now, serving as a Senior Manager - Video Production, she manages four direct reports and has a team of video coordinators under her responsible for internal and external content.
“We communicate with all 90,000 of Delta’s employees as well as the external audience (media and customers),” she said. “I support every department within Delta as we look to tell the stories of our customers, our employees, and the products we’re launching.”
When asked about the favorite story she’s told during her career at Delta, Hayden didn’t hesitate to respond.
“In 2020, right before COVID hit we had Employee Appreciation Day,” she said. “We decided to come up with a big activation to appreciate and thank our employees for what they do, and I was a part of the team that brainstormed the concept.”
Hayden pitched an idea that ended up taking flight.
“I thought it would be cool to take every employees name and mash it together in some sort of montage and put it on the side of an aircraft,” she said. “I didn’t know what it would say at the time, but it was a bold idea that got off the ground and running. Now there is an aircraft in the sky that says ‘Thank You’ spelled out with the names of all 90,000 employees that worked at Delta at the time. It was great hearing the stories of people who make up the airline that I feel so proud to be a part of. It was one of my favorite projects to work on.”
Hayden isn’t the only member of her family honored to be a part of the Chairman’s Club.
“My mom and I actually are the first ever mother/daughter pair who have been honored for this recognition program,” she said. “As a part of it, you get to take a trip to Toulouse, France to the airbus facility with the other honorees in your class. You get to tour the facility and the town, then bring back a brand-new A-330 Aircraft, which has the new plan smell, etc. I got to go with my mom’s class in 2019 as a producer for the project. I was honored to be part of the trip with my mom and walk alongside her on that journey. It’s a memory we’ll always cherish!”
Who has made the biggest impact on her life?
“I’m an only child so I grew up incredibly close to my parents and all four of my grandparents,” she said. “I see myself as a canvas that has been painted by so many people, but the six of them were the brightest colors on that canvas who made me who I am.”
If Hayden could give a piece of advice to a creative looking to break into the field, she’d keep it simple.
“Be you,” she said. “You bring different perspectives to the table that others might not, so bring that to the table. Don’t put on a mask and try to be something you aren’t. To me, when I interview someone, I look to see if that person is truly, authentically themselves.”
On the creative side, Hayden advises to get out and get as much real-world experience as possible.
“Build a portfolio of amazing work,” she said. “It doesn’t matter what that portfolio is full of, as long as it embodies who and what you want to represent, you’ll find the best place for your talents and skillset.”
As Hayden’s career with Delta soars to new heights, she has enjoyed getting to work with peers who bring new and different perspectives to the table.
“I wear a bracelet that says, ‘Come as you are’,” she said. “It’s a mantra to me. You bring who you are, and I am going to embrace all that you are and find out how I can best adapt myself to the people I interact with every day.”
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performingonline · 4 years
Performance for Multi-User Online Environments (Before COVID-19)
I’m Angela Washko and I am currently teaching a course called Performance Art (In The Expanded Field) at Carnegie Mellon University and have recently had to switch to teaching remotely - a switch that comes maybe more naturally to me than others because of my experience participating in the net art community and operating as a performance artist specifically within online environments. Before everyone was forced to work remotely because of an international pandemic, many artists were already thinking about the internet as a context for performance art.  I wanted to put together a resource focused on artists who have been doing the work of thinking about the specificity of virtual spaces as sites for performance and making work mindful of the unique qualities of the contexts they operate in. I hope that this list of works could be a resource for educators and artists who are interested in looking at artworks by individuals who have been thinking very intentionally about performance in networked contexts.
This list includes artists performing for webcam, artists performing in virtual environments, and artists performing for social media. It specifically focuses on performance, and excludes works of net art that do not contain performance-for-the-internet.  The list also primarily focuses on performance works that are made without the use of expensive equipment or access to institutional spaces (although I know there are some exceptions on this list). Also - it is in no way complete or comprehensive! 
*This list does not include the many artists who perform for video and upload their performances online - UNLESS the artist is specifically thinking about engaging with the digital audience and not prioritizing the gallery as a context. 
**Sexually explicit or violent content that may be uncomfortable for some viewers and situations
Annie Abrahams and Emmanuel Guez, Reading Club (video conferencing)
Annie Abrahams, Daniel Pinheiro and Lisa Parra, DistantFeeling(s) (Zoom)
Annie Abrahams, Ruth Catlow, Paolo Cirio, Ursula Endlicher, Nicolas Frespech and Igor Stromajer, Huis Clos / No Exit (video conferencing)
Larry Achiampong & David Blandy, Finding Fanon 2 (Grand Theft Auto V)
Robert Adrian, The World in 24 Hours (networked happening)
LaTurbo Avedon, Visiting Artist Talk (multi platform)
Jeremy Bailey, various performances by Famous New Media Artist Jeremy Bailey (YouTube)
Jeremy Bailey, The You Museum (online advertising banners)
Man Bartlett, 24hr non-Best Buy (Twitter)
Genevieve Belleveau, Gorgeoustaps and The Reality Show (Facebook)
Wafaa Bilal, Domestic Tension (livestream website)
Wafaa Bilal, Virtual Jihadi (Quest for Saddam game)
Mary Bond, autodissociate me (4chan)**
Marco Cadioli, Remap Berlin (Second Life, Google Maps, Twinity)
micha cárdenas, Becoming Dragon (Second Life)
Ruth Catlow and Helen Kaplinsky, Sociality-machine (video conferencing, custom software)
Ruth Catlow, Marc Garrett and Neil Jenkins, VisitorStudio (custom software for online performance)
Jennifer Chan, factum/mirage (Chat Roulette)**
Jennifer Chan, factum/mirage III (Chat Roulette)**
Channel TWo [CH2], barelyLegal (Google Maps)
Corpos Informaticos, Telepresence 2 (telepresence project)
Petra Cortright, VVEBCAM (YouTube)
Jeff Crouse and Aaron Meyes, World Series of ‘Tubing (Competitive YouTube-ing)
James Coupe, General Intellect (Amazon Mechanical Turk)
Joseph DeLappe, dead-in-iraq (America’s Army)
Joseph DeLappe, The Salt Satyagraha Online: Gandhi's March to Dandi in Second Life (Second Life)
Joseph DeLappe, Howl: Elite Force Voyager Online (Elite Force Voyager Online)
Joseph DeLappe, Quake Friends (Quake III Arena)
Kate Durbin, Unfriend Me Now! (Facebook Live)
Kate Durbin, Cloud Nine (Cam4)**
Electronic Disturbance Theater, FloodNet (Java applet)
Entropy8Zuper! (Auriea Harvey and Michaël Samyn), WIREFIRE (Flash 5)
Entropy8Zuper! (Auriea Harvey and Michaël Samyn), skinonskinonskin (multi platform)
Jason Eppink, Kickback Starter (website, Kickstarter)
Cao Fei, RMB City (Second Life)
Mary Flanagan, [borders] (Second Life)
Foci + Loci, many projects (Little Big Planet 2)
Ed Fornieles, Dorm Daze (Facebook)
Carla Gannis, C.A.R.L.A G.A.N. (virtual environments and social media platforms)
Riley Harmon, Poser (Andy Warhol’s Grave Livecam)
Amber Hawk Swanson, Sidore (Mark) / Heather > LOLITA (livestream)**
Josh Harris, We Live In Public / Quiet (livestream)
Auriea Harvey, Webcam Movies (webcam)
Ann Hirsch, Scandalishious (YouTube)
Ann Hirsch, horny lil feminist (website)**
Faith Holland, Porn Interventions (RedTube)**
Shawné Michaelain Holloway, a personal project (XTube)**
Shawné Michaelain Holloway, b4bedwithurlbae (Periscope)**
Brian House, Joyride (Google Maps)
Brian House, Tanglr (Google Chrome extension)
E. Jane, E. The Avatar (YouTube, online store)
E. Jane, That time I sold my dreads online (ebay)
Miranda July, Learning to Love You More (website)
Devin Kenny, Untitled/Celfa (webcam performance)
Laura Hyunjhee Kim, The Living Lab (social media, website)
Gelare Khoshgozaran and Nooshin Rostami, Just Like A Disco (webcam)
Gelare Khoshgozaran, Misscommunication (webcam)
Gelare Khoshgozaran, Realms of Observation (Chat Roulette)
Lynn Hershman Leeson, The Dollie Clone Series (webcam livestream)
Olia Lialina, Animated GIF Model (multiple webpages)
Olia Lialina, Self-Portrait (browser)
Olia Lialina, Summer (multiple webpages)
Jordan Wayne Long, Box Shipment #2 (Lord of the Rings Online)
Gretta Louw, Controlling Connectivity (Skype and others)
Low Lives, Virtual Performance Series (livestream)
Michael Mandiberg, Shop Mandiberg (ecommerce site)
Eva and Franco Mattes, Freedom (Counter-Strike Source)
Eva and Franco Mattes, Life Sharing (website)
Eva and Franco Mattes, No Fun (Chat Roulette)**
Eva and Franco Mattes, Re-Enactments (Second Life)
Eva and Franco Mattes, Synthetic Performances (Second Life)
Lauren McCarthy, Follower (artist-made app)
Lauren McCarthy, LAUREN (livestream surveillance)
Lauren McCarthy, Social Turkers (Amazon Mechanical Turk)
Lauren McCarthy, SOMEONE (webcam)
MTAA, 1 year performance video (aka SamHsiehUpdate) (livestream)
Jayson Musson / Hennessy Youngman, Art Thoughtz (YouTube)
Martine Neddam, Mouchette (website)
Mendi and Keith Obadike, Blackness for Sale (ebay)
Marisa Olson, Marisa’s American Idol Training Blog (blog)
Randall Packer & Systaime, #NeWWWorlDisorder (Facebook Live and website)
Sunita Prasad, Sunny & Benny Together Forever (My Free Implants website)
Jon Rafman, Kool Aid Man in Second Life (Second Life)
Bunny Rogers, 9 Years (Second Life)
Stephanie Rothenberg, Invisible Threads (Second Life)
Stephanie Rothenberg, Best Practices In Banana Time (Second Life)
Annina Ruest, A Piece of the Pie Chart (Twitter, webcam)
Annina Ruest, Rock N Scroll (Skype)
Nicole Ruggerio, AR Filters (Instagram)
RaFia Santana, #PAYBLACKTiME (Facebook and Paypal)
Anne-Marie Schleiner, Joan Leandre, Brody Condon, Velvet Strike (Counter-Strike)
Leah Schrager, Sarah White - Naked Therapy (video chat)**
Skawennati, TimeTraveller ™ (Second Life)
Molly Soda, various projects (multi platform)
Georgie Roxby Smith, Fair Game (Grand Theft Auto V)
Georgie Roxby Smith, 99 Problems [Wasted] (Grand Theft Auto V)**
Eddo Stern, Fort Paladin (America’s Army)
Eddo Stern, Runners (Everquest)
Tale of Tales, ABIOGENESIS (Endless Forest)
Third Faction, Demand Player Sovereignty (World of Warcraft)
Toca Loca, Halo Ballet (Halo)
Amalia Ulman, Excellences and Perfections (Instagram, Facebook)
VNS Matrix, Corpusfantastica MOO (MOO - multi-object oriented multi user dungeon)
Addie Wagenknecht & Pablo Garcia, Webcam Venus (sexcam sites)**
Angela Washko, BANGED: A Feminist Artist Interviews the Web’s Most Infamous Misogynist (Skype)
Angela Washko, The Council on Gender Sensitivity and Behavioral Awareness in World of Warcraft (World of Warcraft)
Angela Washko, The World of Warcraft Psychogeographical Association (World of Warcraft)
Brett Watanabe, San Andreas Deer Cam (Twitch, Grand Theft Auto San Andreas)
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JURORS: Conor Risch, PDN Senior Editor + Lara Behnert, Starbucks Senior Manager, Creative
January 17 – March 14, 2019
Opening Reception: Thursday, January 17 Members Preview & Tour 5:30PM | Public Opening 6PM
PCNW is proud to present the 22nd Juried Exhibition, one of the most anticipated shows in our gallery program. A wide range of visually rich images were selected from artists across the world: 341 artists—representing 32 states and 8 countries—submitted 2,250 images. Jurors Conor Risch and Lara Behnert chose images from 47 individuals to be included in the exhibition.
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exhibiting artists
Paul Adams (Lindon, UT), Elizabeth Albert (Belmont, MA), John Armstrong (Seattle, WA), David Bartlett (Farmington Hills, MI), Constance Brinkley (Seattle, WA), Annette LeMay Burke (San Jose, CA), Lynae Cook (Seattle, WA), Jo Cosme (Seattle, WA), Mark Daughhetee (Seattle, WA), Marcus DeSieno (Ellensburg, WA), Sean Du (Pasedena, CA), Simrah Farrukh (Los Angeles, CA),  Wm Daniel File (Manchester, MO), Hal Gage (Anchorage, AK), David Gardner (San Francisco, CA), Jennifer Garza-Cuen (Reno, NV), Daniel George (Vineyard, UT), Brian Goodman (Port Townsend, WA), Julie Gottesman (Kirkland, WA), Nate Gowdy (Seattle, WA), Rebecca Greenfield (Brooklyn, NY), Tatiana Gulenkina (San Francisco, CA), Zackery Hobler (Toronto, Canada), Janet Holmes (Toronto, Canada), Qian Jin (Beijing, China), Brian Kosoff (Portland, OR), Harini Krishnamurthy (Issaquah, WA), Keith Livers (Austin, TX), Zhiqiang Ma (Seattle, WA), Miles MacClure (Berkeley, CA), Mia McNeal (Kent, WA), Joseph Meacham (Cape May Court House, NJ), Julie Mihaly (Poughkeepsie, NY), Marilyn Montufar (Seattle, WA), Emmanuel Monzon (Bellevue, WA), Jenna Mulhall-Brereton (Oreland, PA), Annie Musselman (Seattle, WA), Kelly O (Seattle, WA), Shawn Records (Portland, OR), Serrah Russell (Seattle, WA), Adair Rutledge (Seattle, WA), Michael Schulz (Redmond, WA), Craig Schwanfelder (Santa Cruz, CA), Mukul Soman (Kirkland, WA), Jody Poorwill (Tacoma, WA), Marta Wapiennik (Cracow, Poland), Kiliii Yuyan (Seattle, WA)
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Lara Behnert is the senior manager of Starbucks Creative Studio where she leads the global art program for Starbucks, helping to evolve store design and develop the company’s brand expression. Her background is in creative directions and design for magazines, brands, and worthy causes. Lara is a graduate of Rhode Island School of Design, has spent many years in New York City, and currently lives in Seattle.
Conor Risch is Senior Editor of Photo District News (PDN) and PDNOnline.com, the award-winning monthly magazine and website for professional photographers, and he has worked with professional photographers for more than 15 years. He is editor of PDN’s monthly “Exposures” column, which features photographers’ new books, exhibitions and personal projects, and he is also co-editor of the annual PDN’s 30 special issue and website focused on emerging photographers
1995 – Duane Michals, Artist 1996 – Joyce Tenneson, Artist 1997 – Jock Sturges, Artist and Trevor Fairbrother, Curator, Seattle Art Museum 1998 – Keith Carter, Artist 1999 – Linda Connor, Artist, Educator 2001 – Chien-Chi Chang, Photographer, Magnum Photos 2002 – Michael Kenna, Artist 2003 – Anne Wilkes Tucker, Curator, Museum of Fine Art Houston 2004 – Roy Flukinger, Curator, Harry Ransom Center 2005 – Mary Virginia Swanson, Consultant, Educator, MVS 2006 – Paul Kopeikin, Paul Kopeikin Gallery 2007 – Charlotte Cotton, Curator, Los Angeles County Museum of Art 2008 – Rod Slemmons, Director, Museum of Contemporary Photography 2009 – Jen Bekman, Jen Bekman Gallery, 20×200 2010 – Denise Wolff, Editor, Aperture 2011 – Karen Irvine, Curator, Museum of Contemporary Photography 2012 – W.M. Hunt, Collector and Curator 2013 – John A. Bennette, Collector and Curator 2014 – Whitney C. Johnson, Director of Photography, The New Yorker 2015 – Julia Dolan, Minor White Curator of Photography, Portland Art Museum 2017 – Sandra S. Phillips, Curator Emeritus, SF MOMA (San Francisco Museum of Modern Art)
Header image photo credits: Top Row, L to R: Adair Rutledge, Jenna Mulhall-Brereton, ShawnRecords, Nate Gowdy. Bottom Row, L to R: Marta Wapiennik, Craig Schwanfelder, Zhiqiang Ma, Annette LeMay Burke.
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gillesretsin · 5 years
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Our Wiley AD issue on the Discrete will be out in March, with a series of debates in talks and in April - more news soon. Contributors to this issue include Viola Ago, Mario Carpo, Emmanuelle Chiappone-Piriou, Mollie Claypool, Manuel Jimenez García, Daniel Koehler, Immanuel Koh, Kengo Kuma, Neil Leach, Achim Menges, Ryan Manning, Philippe Morel, M Casey Rehm, Jose Sanchez, Marrikka Trotter, Manja van de Worp, Maria Yablonina and Lei Zheng. The colour scheme for the graphic design is somehow a rosé / champagne-pink-grey . . . #discretedesign #discrete #architecture #design #gillesretsin #retsin #superarchitects #archilovers #startarchitects#architecturelovers#architecture_hunter#next_top_architects#designboom#architizer #arqsketch#arc_only#archdaily #archilovers #architecturestudent#architecturemodel #architectureschool#arquitectura #art #drawing #iarchitectures#imadethat #imadethis #instaarchitecture @superarchitects @bartlettarchucl #next_top_architects#superarchitects #SYNArchitecture ⠀ (at Bartlett School of Architecture UCL) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsngjorBUqm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1uzfxw6idpurp
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currentworldevents · 2 years
2017 | Klaus Schwab | World Economic Forum "Young Global Leaders" Have Been Installed Within Governments
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architectnews · 2 years
2021 President’s Medal and Awards for Research
2021 President’s Medal and Awards for Research News, Royal Institute of British Architects Prize, England, UK
2021 President’s Medal and Awards for Research Winners
25 Jan 2022
RIBA announces winners of 2021 President’s Medal and Awards for Research
Highway House, Wooden House © John Lin
Tuesday 25 January 2022 – The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) has announced the winners of the 2021 President’s Medal and Awards for Research, celebrating the best research in the fields of architecture and the built environment.
The 2021 President’s Medal for Research has been awarded to John Lin and Sony Devabhaktuni from the University of Hong Kong for their project As Found Houses, which explores experiments from self-builders in rural China.
Three projects have also been given President’s Awards for Research in the categories of Education, Cities and Community and History and Theory; and a project exploring the significance of storage design within the home has been commended.
The three award-winning projects are:
Education (2021 annual theme):
Will I Cause Harm?: Practising Ethics Guides for Built Environment Research
by Dr David Roberts, Prof Jane Rendell & Dr Yael Padan from the Bartlett School of Architecture at UCL; and Ariana Markowitz & Dr Emmanuel Osuteye from the Bartlett Development Planning Unit at UCL.
Cities and Community:
As Found Houses: Experiments from Self-builders in Rural China 
by John Lin & Sony Devabhaktuni from the Department of Architecture at the University of Hong Kong.
History and Theory:
Beyond the National Art Schools: Thin-Tile Vaulting in Cuba after the Revolution 
by Mohammad Wesam Al Asali & Dr Michael H. Ramage from the Department of Architecture at the University of Cambridge; and Dania González Couret from the Universidad Tecnológica de la Habana, José Antonio Echeverría, Cuba.
Design and Technical Commendation
A commendation has been awarded to Professor Elena Marco at the University of The West of England for Stuff and Space in the Home: Space for Storage as the forgotten design and well-being dimension in standardised housing, which was submitted for consideration in the Design and Technical category.
RIBA President Simon Allford said:
“From the highly distinguished study of long-forgotten homes adapted by villagers in China, to the detailed exploration of Cuban vaulting, to the project that looks at embedding ethics into the practice of research itself – I commend each of these thought-provoking studies for the contribution they make to our knowledge of architecture and practice. Congratulations to all researchers for the valuable time and resource they have spent to further our understanding of these specialised subjects.”
The jury for the 2021 RIBA President’s Awards for Research comprised:
Chair: Professor Tim Sharpe (Head of the Department of Architecture, University of Strathclyde)
Julia Roberts (Partner, Education and Research Sector Lead Hawkins/Brown)
Fran Bradshaw (Partner, Anne Thorne Architects and AECB Trustee)
Dr Deljana Iossifova (Associate Professor of Urban Studies, School of Environment, Education and Development at the University of Manchester and Director of the Confucius Institute)
Tumpa Husna Yasmin Fellows (Architect and Co-founder of Our Building Design and Mannan Foundation Trust, Researcher and Founder of FAME collective and Academic at London School of Architecture)
Professor Adam Sharr (Professor of Architecture, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape at Newcastle University)
Dr Susie West (Senior Lecturer in Art History and Heritage, Open University and Trustee at the Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain)
The RIBA President’s Awards for Research were established in 2006 in order to reward and encourage outstanding research in architecture carried out by students, academics and practitioners. The theme and dates for 2022 President’s Awards for Research will be announced in March 2022.
RIBA Future Architects is a network and community for future and emerging architects, designed to support, inspire and provide a voice during the transition from study to practice. Follow us on Instagram @RIBAEducation for advice and information about studying architecture, exclusive events and opportunities.
The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) is a global professional membership body that serves its members and society in order to deliver better buildings and places, stronger communities and a sustainable environment.
2021 President’s Medal and Awards for Research information / images received 250122
Previously on e-architect
RIBA President’s Medals
RIBA President’s Medals Student Awards 2021 Winners image courtesy of RIBA RIBA President’s Medals Student Awards 2021
RIBA President’s Medals Student Awards 2020 Winners RIBA President’s Medals Student Awards 2020 Silver Medal winner Robert Beeny, University of Westminster, for Devil’s Valley Geothermal Co-operative: photo courtesy of RIBA RIBA President’s Medals Student Awards 2020
RIBA President’s Medals Student Awards 2018 Winners RIBA Silver Medal winner Sonia Magdziarz, Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL: photo courtesy of RIBA RIBA President’s Medals Student Awards 2018
RIBA President’s Medals Student Awards 2016 Winners photo courtesy of RIBA RIBA President’s Medals Student Awards 2016
Location: UK
Architecture Awards
RIBA Gold Medal 2010
Stirling Prize
World Architecture Festival Awards
RIBA Awards
RIBA Awards
RIBA Gold Medal
RIBA President’s Awards for Research 2016
RIBA International Awards
RIBA Manser Medal
Comments / photos for the 2021 President’s Medal and Awards for Research page welcome
The post 2021 President’s Medal and Awards for Research appeared first on e-architect.
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gladyssite · 8 months
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40 Weeks Maternity Collection by @huiernxoxo
Model Emmanuelle
Hairs: @aladdin-the-simmer , @twisted-cat , @daylifesims , @simstrouble.
Shoes @jius-sims
Poses @helgatisha
Thanks to all cc creators ♡︎
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americanmysticom · 3 years
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Dr. Zev Zelenko SLAYS Globalists, Exposes "Global Genocidal Event"
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko graduated from SUNY at Buffalo School of Medicine in 2000. He is Board Certified in Family Medicine and is the medical director at Monsey Family Medical Center.
Learn More About Dr. Zelenko At: https://thezelenkoprotocol.com/
Get Tickets Today At: www.TimeToFreeAmerica.com General Flynn's ReAwaken America Tour Is Selling Out Fast!!! 1. 0 Tickets Remaining for Grand Rapids, MI 2. 3 Tickets Remaining for Colorado Springs, CO 3. 520 Tickets Remaining for San Antonio, TX 4. December Dallas (Final Location) Tickets Are Selling out Fast!!!
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nsula · 6 years
Spring 2018 Dean’s List
NATCHITOCHES – Northwestern State University announced the names of 1,087 students named to the Dean’s List for the Spring 2018 semester.  Students on the Dean’s List maintained a 3.5-3.99 grade point average. Students, listed by hometown, are as follows.
 Abbeville -- MaKayla Lewis;
Albany -- Kaitlyn Kinchen;
Alexandria -- Chris Vincent Advincula, Evelyn Allen-Lewis, Lili Bedoya, Heather Bergeron, Tianna Bowens, Lydia Branch, Morgan Bryant, Thomas Crowe, Noel Cusick, Angela Dunn, Aubrey Farque, Claudia Gauthier, Ian Grant, Monnie Guillory, Tameka Hammonds, Tyraneisha Hayward, Roderick Henry, Martha Hopewell, Jaliyah Jasper, Whitney Joffrion, Jordan Johnson, Kelli Leone, Hunter Lewis, Jimmie Magee, Aaron Martin, Ceerah McNeal, Jennifer Miranda, Kylah Porter, Sailor Reed, Savannah Sices, Shacora Simpson, Christopher Warren, Shanequa Watkins, Amber Williams Taylor;
Anacoco -- Lindsey Alligood, Kinsley Blakeway, Kenneth Cochran, Alan Cosio, Nicole Fitzgerald, Rachel Fournier, Christopher Guy, Elizabeth Guy, Karlee Laurence, Brittany Lewis, Mahala Lewis, Caitlin McKee, Kayli O’Toole, Clarissa Owens, Katie Perkins, Bret Phillips, Amanda Shores, Cheyenne Taylor;
Anchorage, Alaska -- Sydney Bulot;
Angola -- Ursula Poarch;
Arlington, Texas -- Mariah Denson;
Arnaudville -- Zachary Leboeuf;
Ashland -- Victoria Roderick;
Atlanta -- Peyton Howell, Morgan Williams;
Atlanta, Texas -- Shannon Jones;
Aurora, Colorado -- William Mccullough;
Austin, Texas -- Ysmina Smith;
Avondale -- Brian Videau;
Baker -- Devante George;
Baldwin -- Lakesha Colar, Gerianna Lyons;
Ball -- Stephen Carpenter, Nickolas Juneau, Lauren Nugent, Vanessa Toney, Megan Wakefield, Alice Wilson;
Barksdale AFB -- Elysia Lanier, Tova Volcheck;
Barlanquillo Atlantico, Columbia -- Camilo Simancas Morelo;
Baton Rouge -- Emmanuel Dunn, Lydell Emerson, Madison Fry, Julian Guerrero Acevedo, Maisyn Guillory, John Guillot, Kelly Guillot, Madison Harris, Jessica Joseph, Mckane Kinchen, Henrietta Mercer, Madalyn Mullins, Katie Pham, Colleen Reese, Reagan Smith, Jason Stampley;
Beaumont, Texas -- Dustin Burns;
Belcher -- Sierra Laing;
Belle Chasse -- Natalie Wilson;
Belmont -- Tristan Ponder;
Bentley -- Zachary Doucet;
Benton -- Kelyn Bihm, Christopher Heard, Kara Knippers, Jessica O'Neal, Jadyn Sepulvado, Torea Taylor, Kimberly Umphries;
Bernice -- Brandy Ganter;
Blanco, Texas -- Reagan Rogers;
Bogalusa -- Amanda Crawford;
Boise, Idaho -- Jessica Anderson;
Bossier City -- Alexander Bequette, Kendall Caple, Jael Ahmad, Lauryn Bakalis, Abigail Barkley, Breanna Black, Elizabeth Blair, Brittany Boothe, Steven Braddock, Katie Briggs, Jonathan Castillo, Peyton Davis, Anthonia Dogbey, Madison Edwards, Bailey Freeman, Karli Freeman, Laschae Gadson, Kelsey Gallman, Julie Golden, Mizzani Grigsby, Candace Guillory, Devonte Hall, Oai Lee Huynh, Anton Inyakov, Dejaney Jackson, Nourain Jamhour, Anqumesha Jeter, Shane Kaiser, Tina Kile, Danielle Lombardino, Alexandra Madrid, Samantha Maiette, Caroline McKee,  Amanda Mings, Stacy Moore, Katherine Parson, Kennedy Parson, Brittani Phillips, Kathryn Pierce, Rachael Pierce, Tatyana Porter, Timothy Rice, Jami Rivers, Jasmine Roberson, Kassidy Robideaux, Madison Rowland, Rheagan Rowland, Jeremy Ryals, Dakota Schudalla, Ranya Shihadeh, Hope Spaw, Tabitha Stevenson, Susan Stone, James Taylor,  Jazmine Tom-Jones, Giselle Trejo, Lacey Velasquez, Madalyn Watson, Meagan Willis, Nour Zeidan, Eric Zheng;
Bourg -- Micaiah Richie, Abigail Trahan;
Boyce -- Tiffany Barnhart, Ekaterina Bordelon, Sarah Hill, Sonya Hill, Hannah Miller, Ashley Smith;
Breaux Bridge -- Ashtin Mouton, Tyler Thibodeaux;
Brentwood, Tennessee -- Joe Tappel;
Broken Arrow, Oklahoma -- Madeline Drake;
Bunkie -- Emily Arnaud;
Burleson, Texas -- Eric Neeley;
Campti -- Alisha Bedgood, Paige Cason, Trenton Parker, Ronald Reliford, Madeline Valencia, Rebekah Wiley;
Carencro -- Malik Babin, Chaney Dodge, Destiny Kennerson;
Cartagena, Bolivar -- Carlos Camargo Patron, Maria Carmona-Ruiz, Angela Coneo Valdez, Carlomagno Leon Jimenez, Paula Martinez Marrugo, Nestor Mercado-Garcia, Romulo Osorio Herrera, Ronald Rodriguez Herrera, Valentina Herazo Alvarez, Luis Osorio Betancourt, Juan Paternina Paez, Valeria Perez Espinosa, Alonso Restrepo Cardozo;
Cedar Hill, Texas -- Timmis Bonner;
Chalmette -- Sara Mendoza;
Cheneyville -- Katelyn Baronne;
Chicago, Illinois -- Brandon Hutton;
Choudrant -- Taylor Holley, Mya Melancon;
Clayton -- Glendalyn Boothe, Ruben Smith;
Colfax -- Camren Bell, Michael Dupre, Angela McCann, Lessie Rushing, Elizabeth Slayter, Morgan Vandegevel;
Colorado Springs, Colorado -- Rossana Potempa;
Columbia, South Carolina -- Brittany Bell;
Converse -- Samantha Davis, Ashley Forgues Brock, Hannah Womack;
Costa Mesa, California -- Keith Ford;
Cottonport -- Zachary Gauthier, Justin Tigner;
Coushatta -- Jason Bell, Nick Ezernack, Erikka Johnson, Jamary Jones, Sidney Jones, Aaron Murray, Jacob Shaver, Precious Smith, John Squires, Keyairrowa Thomas, Treasure Wilson, Caroline Wren, Lauren Young, Rena Yount;
Covington -- Justin Brogdon, Rachael Coyne, Margaret Denny, Titus McCann, Andrea Mier, Cathleen Oviedo, Catherine Sadler, Kenneth Sears, Jennifer Vo;
Coyolilla Veracruz, Mexico -- Guadalupe de Jesus Mendez Zaragoza;
Creole -- Brooklyn Frerks;
Crowley -- Kylan Poullard, Desiree Robinson;
Cut Off -- Zachary Breaux;
Cypress, Texas -- Alexis Gomez;
Dayton, Texas -- Jerry Maddox;
DeBerry, Texas -- Sarah Britt;
Deer Park, Texas -- Blake Stephenson;
Denham Springs – Joey Carroll, James Fillingame, Caitlin Griffin, Keisha Johnson, Halle Mahfouz, Amy Thomas, Jenson Wall, Emily Williams;
DeQuincy -- Austin Nichols;
DeRidder -- Dawanna Burgess, Maygin Chesson, Alphonse Engram, John Ham, Michael Keeper, Kayla Kowalski, Reagan Laird, Brittney March, Shayla Miller, Zachary Pursley;
Derry -- Hannah Antee;
Desoto, Texas -- Nicholas Forde;
Destrehan – Patrick Juneau;
Deville -- Hailey Bolton, Savannah Carter, Hailie Coutee, Kinley Deville, Candice Dryden, Hannah Lewis, Caleb Rhodes, Sydney Ryder;
Dike, Texas -- Brynn Offutt;
Dodson -- Courtney Booker, Kierstyn Cyrus, Haley McClendon;
Doyline -- Lucas Darbonne, Zeke Wallace;
Dry Prong -- Megan Alwell, DeAnna Bartlett, Jacob Boydstun, Ashley Martin, Judith Mixon;
Dubberly -- Alex Robles;
East Windsor, New Jersey – Andreia Martins;
Edmond, Oklahoma -- Ashley Medawattage, Amanda Stokes;
El Paso, Texas -- Christopher Barron;
Elizabeth -- Kolby Friday, Clyde Hurst;
Elmer -- Tula Newman;
Eros -- Alecia Smith;
Eunice -- Jeremy Ortego;
Ferriday -- Dalenesha Wimley;
Flatwoods -- Taylor Nichols;
Florien -- Whitney Byles, Travis Cook, Emma Herrington, Jackson Kleven, Ashton Remedies, Megan Wagley, Shari Wilson;
Flower Mound, Texas -- Cody McGee;
Folsom -- Sarah Moore;
Forest Hill -- Brett Atkinson, Anna Doherty, Rafael Sierra, Charli Stanley, Nancy Vargas, Leslie Winners;
Fort Lauderdale -- Abigail Pangallo;
Fort Polk -- Brittany Chadwick, Molly Fields, Clarrissa Lancour, Blaise Nkengafac, Lindsay Romero, Shiela May Tabonares, Jimma Tear, Nohora Valencia Camacho, Leslie Whitsett;
Fort Worth, Texas -- Angelica Valdez;
Fouke, Arkansas -- Holly Tweedy;
FPO, AP -- Amber Travis;
Franklin -- Shelley Bell, Abriana Lanceslin;
Franklinton -- Brian Geraghty, Bethany McGinnis;
Freeland, Washington -- Paul Aune;
Frierson – Mason Barnes, Shelby Callens, Treanna Howard, Shawna Longoria, Clinton Oliver, John Rachal;
Frisco, Texas -- Adam Trupp;
Garland, Texas -- Joseph Goodson, Alec Horton, Nia Randall;
Geismar -- Emilee Hawkins;
Georgetown, Texas -- Kyle Bryant;
Glenmora -- Brooks Davis, Faith Lawrence;
Gloster -- Paris Gillum;
Goldonna -- Alexander Guillory, Brandon Smith;
Gonzales, Texas -- Ivan Longoria;
Gorman, Texas -- Kourtney Seaton;
Gorum -- Josephine White;
Grand Cane -- Nathan Graham, Rachel Kinman, Jaylen Mcintyre;
Grand Isle -- Abigail Frazier,
Grand Prairie, Texas -- Stephen Garrett;
Grant -- Regina Johnson;
Gray -- Cassie Becnel;
Greenwell Springs -- Katherine Bryant, Madison Shade, Jamie Brooks;
Greenwood -- Ragan Aple, Malory Jeter, Char'Tarian Wilson;
Gretna -- Donald Wagner;
Gun Barrel City, Texas -- Dustin Huffman;
Hallandale Beach, Florida -- Ralph Boereau;
Hallsville, Texas -- Emma Hawthorne;
Hamtramck, Michigan -- Mary Cotter;
Harlingen, Texas -- Frances Knight;
Harvey -- Tajalai Evans;
Hattiesburg, Mississippi -- Mary Mitchell;
Haughton – Benny Broadway, Kayla Bull, Brittony Cole, Randi Corley, Bethanie Couch, Brandon Curry, Ashley Hamil, Tyler Holdsworth, Sydney MacFarlane, Tonya Morgan, Brooke Payton, Jamie Phillips, Makenzie Rains, Johnathan Schlicher, Logan Turner, Kaili Williams, Brigette Wilson, Chase Woltz;
Haynesville -- Eriel Fields;
Hempstead, Texas -- Joshua Roberts;
Henderson, Texas -- Andrew Blackmon, Asha Cormier;
Hermon, Maine -- Allessa Ingraham-Albert;
Hessmer -- Dana Lala, Molli Lamartiniere;
Hineston -- Richard Clark, Angela Merchant, Madison Morrison, April Nornholm;
Homer -- Madison Cain, Francene Ferguson;
Honolulu, Hawaii -- Melissa Baker;
Hornbeck -- Ronald Guess, Jerry Hughes Jr, Jaclyn Smith;
Hosston -- Alaysia Jaynes;
Houma -- Rhiannon Dean, Billy Gorr, Zoe Hebert, Corinne Paris, Sherrie Pena;
Houston, Texas -- Brittany Davis, Stephanie Hall, Natashia Jackson, Alyssa Jacobs, Kenneth Sheldon, Kendall Westfall, Madilyn Wood;
Hutchinson, Kansas -- Cassandra Childress;
Hutto -- Tommi Long;
Independence -- Sabrina Cook;
Iowa -- Nicholas Fisher, Matthew Phillips, Marvette Williams;
Jeanerette -- Selene Allain-Kovacs, Brandy Jackson;
Jefferson -- Matthew Broekman, Jaleia Parker, Codi Vernace, Amanda Wilburn;
Jena -- William Tradewell;
Jennings -- Emily Benoit, Destany Brown, Janee Charles, Rachel Edwards, Kelsey Fitzgerald, Lindsay Orgeron, Lydia Williams,
Jonesboro -- Dearo Nash;
Jonesville -- Rachel Eichmann, Shana Jefferson, Kayla Robertson, Memory Shriner;
Kaplan -- Gabriel LeMoine;
Katy, Texas -- Brittany Cecil, Clayton Holgorsen;
Keithville -- Eleanor Coleman, Erin McDonnell, Hannah Mikovich, Allie Neill, Cora Procell, Erica Sanders, Alexandra West, Deja White;
Kenner -- Christina Arrechavala, Willie Soniat, Kailyn Verdin;
Kentwood -- Iris Travis;
Kerens, Texas -- Brandon Brumbelow, Eric Guerra;
Kilgore, Texas -- Hannah Gribble;
Kinder -- Lorin All;
Kingwood, Texas -- Eric Piccione;
Klamath Fall, Oregon -- Megan Baker;
Lacey Washington -- Shana Sweeney;
Lafayette -- Samantha Donlon, Ashley Fontenot, Ashley Guidry, Bryce Hernandez, Emilee Leger, Nicole Neveu, Christina Poole, Hunter Robicheaux, Caleb Starks, Julia Towry, China Young;
Lake Providence -- Jayadra Campbell, Tamika Turner;
Lake Arthur -- Nicole Andrews, Hannah Worley;
Lake Charles -- Andrew Darbonne, Kennedy Fontenot, Marsha Heap, Karley Hebert;
LaPlace -- Jalen Haydel, Jacob St. Pierre, Doria Wilson;
Las Vegas, Nevada -- April Ficarrotta;
Lawtell -- Karoline Guidry, Olivia Guidry;
League City, Texas -- Emily Ornelas, Hunter Wamack, Christopher Zirkle;
Lecompte -- Allison Williams;
Leesville -- Junette Cutshaw, Skyler Abrams, Lyric Bacote, Marilyn Brooks, Kaylee Busby, Victoria Butler, Anthony Cantrell, Michael Carradine, Charlotte Cassin, Raven Collins, Haleigh Edinger, Brittany Edwards, Tyana Ellis, Caryllann Fermato, Ashley French, Brittany French, Jessica Gray, Gabriella Haymon, Kimberly Henley, Jessica Herring, Heather Hickman, Caitlan James, Zachary Keeton, Jessica Gray, Karl Marzahl, Kylie McAllister, Kelsea Mckinney, Emily Moore, Kaitlyn Pajinag, Montana Phillips, Charlotte Rivara, Chloe Rouleau, David Santos,  Hannah Scott, Heather Snell, Peggy Stanley, Collin Strickland, Haley Tucker, Matthew Ward, Jessica Taylor;
Lena -- Juan Gonzalez;
Lewisville, Texas -- Venus Par;
Little Elm, Texs -- Jasmine Ealy, Daniel Larin;
Little Rock, Arkansas – Tara Lane;
Livonia -- Ryann Bizette;
Logansport -- Amanda Hill, Ashley Wheless;
 Longview, Texas -- Gustavo Corrales, Hannah Dunn, Robdrick Halton, Joni Overman;
Julie Rawls;
Longville -- Johanna Braden;
Lonoke, Arkansas -- Rachel Terry;
Loranger -- Cambree Bailey, Laurie Lassalle;
Louisville, Mississippi -- Zachary Wilson;
Luling --- Nathan Roth;
Lumberton, Texas -- Joshua Terry;
Madisonville -- Alyce Lis, Jensen Volz;
Mandeville -- Evan Guillory, Guy Lecompte, Connor Loar, Carrie Maxwell, Blake Naquin, Prinice Neyland, Shannon Roussell, Sheridan Smith;
Mangham -- Rebekah Aultman;
Manito, Illinois -- Sarah Picken;
Mansfield -- Nicolette Hogan, Ashley Shelton, Brooke Smith;
Mansura -- Deaisha Johnson, Jonah Johnson, Katherin Lemoine, Distiny Thompson;
Many -- Rachel Bensinger, David Bourgeois, Toby Bruce, Jocelyn Cannon, Tyler Colston, Skyler Ezernack, Tiarra Frazier, Alison Garcia, Brittney Garcie, Savannah Garcie, Sheridan Gowen, Emmy Hinds, Emily Holcomb, Jenifer Meadows, Matthew Peace, Lincoln Pearce, Jonathan Pilcher, Bailey Walker;  
Maringouin -- Laura Scronce, Jalacia Toussant;
Marksville -- Andre Boyer, Erica Ducote, Andria Lachney, Chaterrika Lavalais, Zachary Moreau, Madeleine Morrow, Tanner Nugent;
Marrero -- Lorn Bourgeois, Jade Duthu, Luis Escobar, Addison Hinson;
Marshall, Texas -- Tiffany Cortes, Laurann Graham, Tristian Zamora;
Marthaville -- Dillon Hagan, Mallory Powell, Madeline Procell, Daniel Rachal-Claspill;
Masura -- Kate Losavio;
Maurice -- Jenna-Clair Courville, Nicole Levine;
Merryville -- Kalan Townsley;
Metairie -- Kathryn Bancroft, Cameron Duhe, Mary Gaffney, Ellie Mandel, Madysen Norra;
Midland, Texas -- Savannah Cantwell;
Minden -- Kadeem Bailey, Aubry Dennis, Erin Dotson, Abby Greene, Hutton Leppert, Madison Tanner, Kayla Theus, Heather White;
Mira -- Taylor Andrews;
Missouri City, Texas -- Cayla Jones;
Monroe -- Demonta Brown, Dataya Cummings, Deshon Hayes, Ashley Jackson Franklin, Tatianna Randle;
Montgomery --Laryn Graves, Teri Ogorek, Stephanie Sanders;
Mooringsport -- Jacklyn Dublin;
Mora -- Gracy Rowell;
Morgan City -- Norris Duthu;
Morrow -- Quaniqua Joseph;
Moscow, Russia -- Polina Ivanova,
Mt. Hermon -- Warren McFarlain;
Murrieta, California -- LaQuitta Wilkins;
Natchez -- Victoria Bradford, Courtney Sarpy;
Natchitoches -- Alissa Addison, James Armstrong, Cass Arnold, Adam Barnes, Behrend Behrendsen, Lauren Bennett, Joshua Bolton, Kayla Bordelon, Megan Bouchie, Taylor Burch, Deasia Burrell, Ebone Burton, John Byone, Ana Cardaba Garcia, Valerie Chadick, Hannah Chelette, Laura Coffey, Donna Cooper, Whitney Crooks, Dalton Dark, Cieara Davis, Sean Day, Jacob Ellis, Fred Fontenot, Daniela Forero Salcedo, Ashley Fortenberry, Mark Gallien, Luis Gallo Quintero, Taylor Garland, Christopher Gistarb, Samuel Greene, Pamela Gross, Hannah Haigh, Michaela Haigh, Jorgia Hamel, Jett Hayes, Emily Heard, Marcie Jenkins, Regina Johnson, Zachary Johnson, Jeremy Jones, Brian Jordan, Daniel Killian, Michael Kingsley, Abagael Kinney, Lyndon Knueppel, Jiyoon Lee, Robert Lee, John Lindsey, Luke Lucky, Kary-Katharine McCormick, Amber Minor, Shanteria Montgomery, Destiny Moody, Sarah Moody, Brooklyn Noe, Karmen O' Connor, Joseph Parrie, Kevin Price, LaKendria Remo, Antavious Roberson, Cayla Roberts, Tyler Roberts, Aaron Rogers, William Rogers, Kayla Roquemore, Dante Samuel, Spencer Sepulvado,  Anna Sibley, Josie Stamey, Scott Stewart, Harrison Thomas, Margaret Thompson, Victoria Thompson, Kaleb Usleton, Kristan Valdez, Ricardo Ventura, Ryan Wade, Kathryn White, Sarah Kay, Nicholas Wiggins;
New Iberia -- Tara Bonvillain, Bryson Bourque, Destinee Leger, Natalie Ortega, Madison Romero, Alexis Trosclair;
New Llano -Kendra Jones, Reaz Khan, Dennis Stein;
New Orleans -- Rayna Brantley, Beau Cook, Marquise Davis, Amy Favalora, Jaime Hendrickson, Karina Santiago, Jeffrey Swift;
Newman, Georgia -- Samantha Sims;
Norcross, Georiga -- Kailee Striplin;
Norwood -- Ty'Dashia McElwee;
Oakdale – Alyssa Cole, Kirstin Richard;
Oberlin -- Jonathon Villareal;
Opelousas -- Kierra Doucet, Diamond Leblanc, Amy Levier;
Pacifica, California -- Nicholas Pierotti;
Paris, Texas -- Emily Essary, Zachary Hevron, Cody Vorwerk, Jordan Whatley;
Pattison, Texas -- Morgan Hildebrand;
Pelican -- Mary Myers;
Pereira Risaralda, Columbia -- Mariana Ospina Rivas;
Pineville -- Connor Littleton, Aimee Ashworth, Christian Boudreaux, Raegan Brocato, Samantha Browning, Kaitlyn Burns, Taylor Campbell, Erika Carter, Luke Conway, Caitlin Crawford, Glory Deaton, Cory Franklin, Hannah Gaspard, Brooke Gongre, Leia Graham, Megan Gypin, Katelyn Hebert, Kaylin Jameson, Jacqueline Johnson, Alissa Joseph, Jessica King, Landon King, Carlee Lake, Brooke Leger, Jeffery Lepage, Ashlee Mitchell, Austin Nelson, Michalene Perry, Cinnamon Player, Wendi Powell, Brittany Shackleford, Odie Trusty, Wesley Williams, Alexis Williamson, Alan Winegeart, Jewel Woods, Madeline Wright;
Pitkin -- Jessica Jones;
Plain Dealing -- Hunter Horton;
Plaquemine -- Kameron Landry, Ma Kayla Washington;
Plum City, Wisconsin -- Brittany Reiter-Theeuwen;
Pollock -- Tanner Brazil, William Hardy;
Port Barre -- Olivia Lanclos, Danielle Schexnayder;
Prairieville -- Lauren Breaux, Joanna Bunnell, Claire Credeur, Andrea Gathercole, Jakalyn Hills, Bailey Mohler, Kyle Munson, Payton Stafford, Brooke Tompkins, Kaylon Wood;
Pride -- Leann Wills;
Princeton -- Ariell Shield;
Raceland -- Emily Adams, DQuincy McGuire;
Raeford, North Carolina -- Lauren Reilly;
Raleigh, North Carolina -- Aleida Alfonso;
Rayne -- Cameron Desselle;
Rayville -- Emily Rawls, Jennifer Rogers, Mary Rogers, Leslie Sharbono;
Reserve -- Ranata Coxie;
Rhinehart -- Bethany Russell;
Richardson, Texas -- Erin Wrozek;
Richmond, Texas -- Sidney Harris;
Ridgeland, Mississippi -- Jacqueline Fairley-Taylor;
Ringgold -- Alora Bryant, Abram Cook;
River Ridge -- Taylor Young;
Robeline -- Amy Bass, Hunter Dubois, Keira Huff, Bergen Oge, Laura Olguin, Megan Palmer, Rebecca Sparish, Christopher Taylor;
Rogers, Arkansas -- Taylor Bush;
Roseland -- Erin Verberne;
Rosepine -- Emily Camacho;
Rosharon, Texas -- Whitney Washington;
Rowlett, Texas --Daniel Miner;
Ruston -- Irene Hild, Qay'Shon Thurman, Jena Warren;
Saint Francisville – Claire Leming, Kathleen Morse, Katherine Noble, Hannah Prewitt;
Saint Gabriel -- Jainakee Cross;
Saint Ignace, Michigan -- Emilee Keuten;
Saint Martinville -- Blake Blanchard;
San Pedro Sula, Cortes, Honduras -- Jonathan Andino Madrid, Vilma Castro Lopez, Cesia Corrales;
Santa Fe, Texas -- Micaela Bouvier;
Saratoga, Arkansas -- Christie Sain;
Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada -- Loren MacLennan;
Scott -- Tayla Soileau;
Scottsboro, Alabama -- Jessica Provenza;
Scurry, Texas -- Rebecca Blackshear;
Shreveport -- Foster Adams, Phillip Adams, Ashlee Arkansas, Chris Bankson, Angelica Bartlett, Austin Beene, Azhani Bennett, Jessica Bollingham, Hannah Bolton, Alyssa Bonacci, JiKeeriya-Jontay Bowden, Rakeisha Brown, Amanda Charles, Brandon Cockerham, Caitlin Coker, Elizabeth Cook, Colby Cranford, Naterria Davis, Emily Dean, Courtney Dehart, Kimberly Dennis, Kristina Doyal, Jada Dudley, Shalanda Duncan, Hannah Ellis, Reagan Escude, Ronald Evans, Candice Faith, Amye Flair, Sierra Foster, Sterlin, Samantha Freeman, Jamie French, Zachary Fussell, JaSae Gatlin, Rayvin Gaudet, Michael Ghattas, Destinee Green, Lashonda Hall, Madison Harper, Brea Housley, Melinda Hunt, April Hunter, Alyecia Ivory Stills, Ronesha Johnson, Randall Johnston, Lajarious Jones, Demariae Jordan, Molly Kelly, Emalee Kennon, Kaitlyn Knighton, Lakenya Lafitte, Katie Layfield, Hannah Lee, Jay Lester, Brandon Lewis-Graham, William Mahoney, Alaina McMillian, Destiny Mitchell, Damitron Moore, Latravia Mosley, Aaron Navarre,  Maria Ogletree, Haley Peace, Allison Pearah, TreSor Pennington, Jared Perkins, Hayden Pilcher, Laura Pritchard, Lindsey Ray, Patricia Reed, Harrison Reeves, Kendall Reeves, Keyonna Roberson, Ansley Rosett, Caleb Rounsavall, Amanda Rushing, Mallori Sanders, Elizabeth Scott, Lawson Scott, Catherine Shaw, Kathryn Shrader, Mary Sibley, Jackiesha Simmons,  John Slocum, Shelby Sowers, Christa Sprawls, Angel Stewart, Rashima Stewart, Somer Stratton, Amanda Strother, Khalil Sumlin, Destini Sweet, Joyce Taylor, Breyonna Thompson, Albert Tuiel, Kayla Waller, Ilyanna Warlen, Aaliyah Watkins, Dillion Wilkerson, Donald Williams, JeVannica Williams, Suzanne Williams, Emily Wingrove, Morgan Woodall,  Randy Woodle;
Sibley -- Julianna Schober;
Sierner -- Emily George;
Sieper -- Whitney Browning;
Sikes -- Dylan Kelly, Tonya LeBaron;
Simmesport -- Kimani Batiste, Bailie Marsh, Taylor Myers;
Slaughter -- Ciara Gibbs;
Slidell -- Katie Buttner, Robert Carter, William Jensen, John Norvel, Theresa Sharp, Sophia Toranto, Maci Walgamotte, Olivia Warren;
Spring, Texas -- Victoria Harris, Elyssa Hernandez;
Starks -- Triston Bussell,
Stockbridge, Georgia -- Rachel Jeane;
Stonewall -- Hailey Compton, Madison Parker, Chassidy Sutton;
Sugarland, Texas -- Jake Gore;
Sulphur -- Kobe Ardoin, Derek Henry, Bralyn James, Rylie Mcfarlain;
Summerfield, South Carolina -- Alexandria Hughes;
Talihina, Oklahoma -- Heidi Couch;
Texarkana, Texas -- Cody Hambly, Daphne Hammett;
The Woodlands, Texas -- Robyn Beatty, Tyler Rapp;
Thibodaux -- Tierra Johnson;
Tioga -- Hannah Pusateri;
Tomball, Texas -- Kylie Spencer;
Toms River, New Jersey -- Jacqueline Manza;
Trout -- Makayla King, Kalee Mcguffee, Jacie Paul;
Turkey Creek -- Kelsie King;
Tyler, Texas -- De'Shalyn Jones;
Vacherie -- Tameeka Ross;
Vidalia -- Kayla Banks, Charles Johnson;
Vierzon -- Lena Billault;
Ville Platte -- Gabrielle Chapman, Joseph Evans, Hannah Gallow;
Vinton -- Shae Cramer;
Vinton, Texas -- Alexis Frescas;
Virginia Beach, Texas -- Danielle Hill;
Walker -- David Kolb;
Washington -- Halie Briley;
Welsh -- Jordan Durio, Lauren LeDoux;
West Monroe -- Charles Allen, Abigail Beck, Laura Lovell;
Westlake -- Baleigh Derouen,
Wills Point, Texas -- Rebekah Clark;
Winnfield -- Jermesia Anderson, Taylor Burnett, Simona Curry, Trenton Dill, Rhonda Duff, Kerry Fitzgerald, Kara Grantadams, Ieishlia Lynch, Brittany Parker, Katreiona Starks, Caitlin Womack, Caroline Womack, Katy Zimmerman;
Winnsboro -- Hunter Cooper, Darrel Doyle, A'Lexus Johnson;
Woodville -- Tiera Trask;
Woodworth -- Taylor Henry;
Yaroslavl, Russia -- Polina Mutel;
Youngsville -- Randall Blair, Hannah Broussard, Jessica Gilmore, Alexys Hebert, Brian Horton, Devyn Shores;
 Zachary -- Carmeka Cooper, Neil Ahldwin;
 Zwolle -- Holly Laroux, Courtney McDaniel, Konner Parrie, Holden Rivers;
Rebecca Reine.
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sulfade · 7 years
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“Pull Lover” Vogue Paris September 2017 Photography: David Sims Model: Edie Campbell Styling: Emmanuelle Alt Hair: Pierpaolo Lai Make-Up: Hiromi Ueda Manicure: Chisato Yamamoto Set Design: Poppy Bartlett
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sosuperficial · 7 years
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Vogue Paris, September 2017.
Photography: David Sims
Model: Edie Campbell
Styling: Emmanuelle Alt
Hair: Pierpaolo Lai
Make-Up: Hiromi Ueda
Manicure: Chisato Yamamoto
Set Design: Poppy Bartlett
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gladyssite · 5 months
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Stripes Collection by @luxysims
Models: Emmanuelle & Alisha
Shoes by @noobchancc
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americanmysticom · 3 years
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What Happened On November 3rd 2020? 
Thrivetime Show: Business School without the BS Published  July 25, 2021
Jess Weber | The Host of The Weberz Way | 
Jeff Weber the host of The Weberz Way Podcast joins us to share about the election fraud that occurred on November 3rd 2020.
Learn More About Jeff Weber At:
Request Tickets Today By Visiting: https://www.thrivetimeshow.com/reawaken-america-tour/
Sean Feucht is a Christian singer, songwriter and volunteer worship leader at Bethel Church in Redding, California. He ran as a Republican in California's 3rd Congressional District.
Feucht has been both criticized and lauded for holding various Christian worship concerts in mid-2020 during and in spite of the COVID-19 pandemic.
You Can Request Tickets Today By Texting: 918-851-0102
The Health and Freedom Conference Featured Speakers Include / Have Included: General Flynn, Mike Lindell, Doctor Scott Jensen, Pastor Phil Hotsenpiller, Robert Kennedy Jr., Ian Smith, Roger Stone, Melissa Tate, Dave Scarlett, Doctor Richard Bartlett, Gene Ho, Patrick Byrne, Scott McCay, Anna Khait, Sam Sorbo, Doctor Mark Sherwood, Attorney Thomas Renz, Doctor Stella Emmanuel, Attorney Leigh Dundas, Doctor Jim Meehan, Sheriff Vic Regalado, Joey Gilbert, Doctor Sherri Tenpenny, Doctor Rob Marsh, Leila Centner, Lori Gregory, Charleen Bollinger, Del Bigtree, Kevin Jenkins, Doctor Carrie Madej, Doctor Judy Mikovits, Steve Maxwell, Doctor Eric Nepute, Alfie Oakes, Sidney Powell, Doctor Alan Keyes, Pastor Artur Pawlowski, Mike Provenzano, Doctor Shannon Kroner, Doctor Andy Wakefeld, Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer, Amanda Grace, Doctor Cordie Williams, Pastor Mark Burns, etc.
Learn the Truth About COVID-19 and the Great Reset Today At: www.TimeToFreeAmerica.com
Discover the 100% Effective and Affordable COVID-19 Treatments and Therapies Today At: www.Sherwood.TV https://timetofreeamerica.com/proven-treatments/#scroll-content
Learn How to Fight Back Against the Wealth Destroying Inflation: www.BH-PM.com Text Clay Clark's Gold and Silver Buyer Choice (Andrew Sorchini) Today At: 310-433-3524
Support Mike Lindell's Fight Against Election Fraud and Censorship and Save Up to 65% off of Your My Pillow Products Today by Using Promo Code “Clay” When Checking Out At www.MyPillow.com
Listen to Clay Clark’s Thrivetime Show Business School without the BS Today At: https://rumble.com/c/ThrivetimeShow
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