#emmet got attached real fast
the-sleepy-conductor · 11 months
Yooo! New person! It’s always so nice to see new Submas fans around!
Nice to meetcha! Welcome to our silly little community where we’re all a teeny bit crazy over silly train men. 🤏 Just a little.
Can’t wait to see all the cool content you’ll be posting soon! I have a few questions for you!
First, how’d you get into the Submas fandom? How long have you been in it for? And who’s your favorite twin? Unless… it’s BOTH!
I hope you’ll have lots of fun here. We’ve got a ton of cool peeps making cool Submas stuff! It’s incredible, honestly. Our community is so talented, and it’s fun to see everyone contribute something different! Arts, fanfics, EVEN FANMADE MERCHANDISE (the insane amount of Submas pins and charms that I have…)!
I’m excited to learn more about you as you grow! Keep it up!
Hiiii! Thanks so much for the warm welcome! I'm definitely excited to start posting art (and possibly fics) here real soon and get to know other Submas fans better!
As for how I discovered Submas- it's quite an odd story. Roughly 7 years ago my friend showed me a screenshot of N and Emmet, with Emmet running away with N's toy trains. I'll post the picture here in a bit. But I thought it was hilarious and saved it to my own phone. I was a little curious about who Emmet was (especially since it was clear he was associated with trains, which I've loved all my life) but I never really gave it much thought after that. Fast forward to about a day after Legends Arceus released, I meet Ingo. But I didn't know he was Ingo- I thought he was Emmet. I kinda forgot about Emmet over the years so when I saw Ingo I was like "Oh, silly train guy is here. What's his name again? Emmet?" But as the minutes passed I started remembering what Emmet looked like, with the white uniform and smile. And this man looked nothing like him but also exactly like him. I thought maybe I was imagining things, until Ingo introduced himself, and I started to connect the dots: Emmet has a twin.
So I do more research and find out they're known as the Subway Bosses, from Pokemon Black and White (my favorite Pokemon games) and that they're Battle Facility leaders. I start looking into them more, finding Battle Subway fanart and reading fics, and as I played Legends Arceus more I became super attached to Ingo. And it wasn't long before I got attached to Emmet too! I started to really fall down the Submas rabbit hole in late February 2022- February 22nd to be exact, as that was my first Multi Battle with Ingo and Emmet. (I got destroyed lol)
Oh yeah here's the photo I mentioned earlier:
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I kinda laugh at the thought that this photo introduced a future favorite character, and that it had such a big effect 7 years later.
As for which twin I like more... It's both! There's something to love in both Ingo and Emmet, and I'll probably make a ramble post in the future about everything I love about them!
(Also I completely relate to the collection of Submas merch, my Battle Subway sticker book arrived today lol)
I'm definitely looking forward to posting some art and rambles, and getting to meet others who are in the Submas community!
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sunshine-vx · 18 days
Across Space, Time and Dreams (ASTaD) (Ch. 26- Part 3 of 3)
(Blankshippers DNI)
(Please refer to beginning of chapter 1 post for complete list of CWs/TWs)
(Extra notes:)
(This chapter's illustration done by @moonlightalpha666 !)
(Reblogs are appreciated!)
"Precisely!" Mrs. Hagen stated.
"Well, while it would be a lie to say I'm not happy about this...what about you? And Alvis? What about any possible Pokémon family or friends?" As thrilled as Ingo was that Kepsma wanted to be with him, he didn't just want to go down this track recklessly.
"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that. Kepsma doesn't have any family, he was a stray egg given to us, and while he does have a couple of buddies, he hasn't had much of a chance to make any real good pals. He's only a few weeks old, after all!" Mrs. Hagen explained. "Kepsma also mentioned a Litwick and Klink he began making friends with! I presume those are yours?"
Ingo nodded, smiling at the news that Kepsma considered Litwick and Klink its friends.
Soon, Alvis returned with a Pokéball and some papers, and Mrs. Hagen continued.
"You all showed Kepsma kindness and friendship, and that you're willing to take care of him, just like us here at the Daycare. Kepsma has only developed a few attachments, and it seems his attachments to you and your Pokémon is the strongest among them!"
Ingo was taken aback, but in a good way. He smiled, laughing.
"Well, all I can say is I'm honored! I have indeed grown quite attached to Kepsma, so I'm thrilled he feels the same way!"
Alvis handed the Pokéball to Ingo, placing some paperwork in front of him on the desk.
"This is Kepsma's Pokéball! All you need to do is fill out this paperwork and you two will be good to go!"
Ingo took the Pokéball and held it, his eyes sparkling. He looked up at Kepsma, who's eyes shined back. 
"Well, Kepsma, you're in for some interesting rides! Are you ready to go down these tracks with us?" Ingo voiced.
Kepsma squealed and hopped off the desk, Ingo laughing and catching Kepsma, moving him to one arm.
After making itself comfortable, Kepsma yawned, reaching towards the Pokéball.
"Of course you can rest for now. And Kepsma? Thank you for choosing this track. I couldn't be happier!" Ingo vocalized.
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Kepsma chirped happily, before Ingo gently tapped the Pokéball on Kepsma's head. It didn't hesitate to go inside. 
Ingo held the Pokéball with two hands and looked at it for a moment, before nodding and putting it in on his Pokébelt with his other two, who he could feel an excited aura from. They were certainly happy about their new friend!
A third partner Pokémon...bravo!
Ingo took a pencil from a cup on the desk and was more than happy to fill in the necessary paperwork.
When Ingo was done, Alvis took the papers, ready to take them to the back.
"Alvis, Mrs. Hagen?" Ingo spoke as he prepared to leave, "Thank you so, so much!"
Alvis and Mrs. Hagen smiled.
"Of course!"
After having left the Daycare, Ingo was easily able to catch the night train from Driftviel to Nimbasa City. Good, his last trip for today- his engines were running a bit low on fuel.
Ingo sat down among the many empty seats, before taking Kepsma's Pokéball off from his Pokébelt and holding it in front of him.
"Kepsma, you've got more new family and friends to meet soon! Is that okay? Are you excited?"
Kepsma's Pokéball shook up and down in a fast motion. The answer was clear; 'Yes!'
"Excellent!" Ingo exclaimed "For now, you can keep taking your nap. You'll get to see your new home in just a little while!"
Kepsma's Pokéball shook again in excitement and content. Ingo chuckled, reattaching Kepsma's Pokéball to his Pokébelt.
Then, Ingo reached into his pocket and took out his phone. He eagerly dialed Emmet's number, putting the phone to his ear as he awaited an answer.
Emmet picked up rather quickly. "I am Emmet." He answered.
"Emmet! I'm on my way home, and guess what?" Ingo responded.
"Hi, Ingo! Good to know you will be home soon. You sound excited. Did something happen?" Emmet asked.
"Yes! Something happened, and I called you to tell you all about it!" Ingo replied, "Listen well, because-- well, most of it, anyways-- will make you say, 'bravo!'!"
Ingo blinked, tears rolling down his face as the rush of thoughts and emotions began to calm. He, as he always did, found himself returning to reality as his mind's showcase of the memory faded away and secured itself in its rightful place. Ingo wiped away his tears, although more- although smaller and less quick to appear- came after. 
Haxorus was the first to take a step forward, its gaze gentle and caring. It, with caution, carefully nudged Ingo with its head, rumbling softly, as if to ask, “Are you okay? Did you remember?”
Chandelure floated just a bit closer, emitting a soft chiming noise, the warmth of her flames providing comfort. 
After taking a moment or two to process everything, and to find his words, Ingo smiled up at Haxorus, offering the half of the Oran Berry it had given him.
“Here. Take this. You trust me, don't you? We're family.”
At that, Haxorus almost seemed as if it may cry itself, snuffling softly. The Axe Jaw Pokémon gently and gratefully took the Oran Berry from Ingo's palm with its mouth, savoring its taste. Ingo approached Haxorus further, Haxorus thinking the same thing Ingo was- the dragon reached out its tail and wrapped it around its trainer's back, pulling him in for an embrace. Ingo chuckled heartily and reached out his arms, giving Haxorus a big hug.
After some beats passed, Haxorus chirped quietly, the tip of its tail waving towards Chandelure, who let off a soft, happy aura, having remained quiet. 
Ingo used his head to turn towards Chandelure and gesture to her in an invitation towards her to join them along with Haxorus.
Chandelure's flames crackled softly, and she gratefully approached, wrapping both the gentle dragon and her beloved trainer in a group embrace with her appendages.
After about a minute or so, the two Pokémon and their trainer slowly stepped back from the affectionate gesture. Ingo could feel the grateful, happy auras coming from the two Pokémon, Haxorus’ the strongest. Ingo felt an intense happiness and relief in his own heart, along with his mind.
“Thank you. Haxorus. For leading me here, for helping me- for believing in me. Everything I did was worth meeting you and more- I'm so grateful you decided to stick by my side. Bravo, Haxorus!”
Ingo turned to Chandelure,
“And Chandelure? Thank you for always being such a good help. You've led us down our tracks from the very beginning. You are an excellent partner.”
Ingo felt himself tearing up again, wiping away the tears.
“I love you guys.”
Haxorus chirped and rumbled happily, nuzzling its head against Ingo's shoulder. Ingo returned the favor by reaching out and gently scratching Haxorus’ belly. 
Chandelure flames brightened, providing its warmth and familiar light. 
A beat later, Haxorus took a step back, Ingo taking a deep breath. Then, he spoke,
“I suppose it's about time we return back to the others, no?”
Haxorus snuffled, Chandelure whistling, their sounds soft and content. Ingo nodded, glad that his beloved partner Pokémon agreed. He took in another breath, lifting his shoulders and eyeing the path back outside. 
“Alright, then! All aboard! Back down these tracks we go!”
Ingo, Haxorus and Chandelure steadily made their way back out of Mistralton Cave, walking a few more yards until the clearing they had set up camp in came into sight. Alvis was sitting down on the soft grass next to the sleeping bag, doing some paperwork, presumably for the Daycare. Meanwhile, the Pokémon that hadn't entered Mistralton cave were either resting, playing, taking a small look around, or something of the like. 
Ingo waved his arm in the air, shouting out towards the others, Haxorus chirping and Chandelure chiming. 
“Hello, everyone! We're back!” Ingo announced.
The attention of Alvis and the Pokémon immediately snapped towards Ingo, Haxorus and Chandelure. They all seemed glad and excited that they had returned.
“How was it? Did you succeed in what you wanted?” Alvis inquired. The other Pokémon seemed curious about this too, chattering amongst themselves and occasionally towards Ingo, Haxorus, and Chandelure. Klinklang was the most forward in its curiosity, levatitating towards Ingo and making a series of clunking noises. It seemed hopeful, as did the rest.
Ingo nodded, chuckling happily, “Indeed, we did! It was quite the revelation. If I'm being honest, I'm still processing it a bit, but….I know that memory is back where it belongs.”
Ingo glanced at Klinklang, reaching out to pat it gently.
“And Klinklang? Bravo, excellent! Thank you for your help back then when we first found Haxorus, in that battle….we couldn't have done it without you.” 
Klinklang's lower gear began to spin even faster in a sign of joy, the Pokémon emitting a pleased buzzing noise. 
The other Pokémon celebrated as well, Alvis nodding gladly and smiling.
“That's great, Ingo!”
Ingo stepped towards Alvis and met the other man's gaze.
“Alvis- I want to thank you. You've helped me so much today, and in the past- multiple times, too. Thank you for everything you've done. I, and Haxorus, wouldn't be where we are today without you.”
Alvis’ gentle grin widened, and he felt a twinge of gratitude and warmth in his chest. He was thankful he could help Ingo.
“Of course! I'm a family friend, after all.”
Haxorus shared Ingo's sentiment, slowly and carefully approaching the man. Its eyes shined gratefully, and it used its tail to pat Alvis on the head.
Alvis’ eyes widened, but he laughed brightly.
“You're welcome, too, Haxorus- it's my pleasure.”
Ingo smiled, his eyes glimmering, acknowledging Alvis’ words, happy to hear them, and happy to see the short but sweet interaction between Haxorus and Alvis.
Haxorus drew back its tail, and after some more words and gestures were exchanged, it was clear this mission was coming to a close. Still, the group had quite a bit they could do with the time they had left.
As they all settled back down, Alvis continued his paperwork and the Pokémon chattered amongst themselves. Then, Ingo clasped his hands together and announced, his voice loud and clear,
“Okay, everyone! We're going to stay here for a few more hours! So let's have some fun!”
Alvis laughed softly to himself, the Pokémon letting out noises of agreement and eagerness. 
“Bravo, excellent!” Ingo exclaimed, feeling gleeful and fulfilled. 
One of the activities Ingo decided to do was go over some of the details he had remembered in his memory, and see if it held up today.
Ingo, with Haxorus at his side, explored the area- taking a look at trees, seeing how the other Axew, Fraxure and Haxorus living in and around the cave would mark their territory by carving marks on the trees with their tusks. The newest carvings appeared to be from this morning.
Ingo smiled as he recalled that Haxorus would often carve similar marks in the few trees that grew in their home's front yard- he had spotted such marks when he had initially returned to the house in Unova.
“I'm glad you feel at home at our house, Haxorus! That is excellent to know!” Ingo voiced.
Haxorus rumbled happily, making a deep sound that almost seemed akin to a laugh. Perhaps as if to say- “Well of course I feel at home, silly.”
Ingo laughed gleefully and nodded in acknowledgment, before thinking of what they should do next.
As the hours passed, one by one, the Pokémon had tuckered themselves out, being returned to their Pokéballs for proper rest. Thankfully, they seemed content and fulfilled, the day out having been fun for them- and it was fun for Ingo- as well as Alvis, even if he mostly just did paperwork- too. 
By then, the sun was lowering on the west side of the sky. It wasn't a sunset quite yet, but Ingo and Alvis agreed that getting a head start on their way back would be a good idea. At this point, the only Pokémon that remained out of its Pokéball was Haxorus.
Ingo rolled the sleeping bag back up, carefully stuffing it in the camping backpack and zipping it closed. After the trainer tossed the backpack over his shoulders, he turned to Haxorus- who was standing contentedly right to his side- and gave it some good belly scratches.
“Haxorus, would you like to return to your Pokéball to rest?” 
Despite definitely feeling a bit tired, Haxorus shook its head, chirping softly. It wanted to take the route home with Ingo- it felt right to do so.
Ingo nodded, happy to let Haxorus continue to stay out of its Pokéball if it so wished, “Alright, then! Just let me know if you want to go inside your Pokéball, alright?”
Ingo gave Haxorus one last belly rub, the Axe Jaw Pokémon snuffling gently, before turning to Alvis and exchanging a knowing nod. 
Ingo readjusted his hat, before taking that same stance as he always did, pointing down the dirt path they had come from.
“All aboard to our tracks back home!”
Soon, Ingo, Alvis and Haxorus entered Driftviel city, making their way towards the Daycare. It didn't take long to arrive there, and Mrs. Hagen was waiting outside. 
Mrs. Hagen spotted the group approaching her, and her face lit up, lifting her hand in a gentle wave.
“Welcome back, Alvis! Ingo, Kepsma! Did you all have a good day? Did Ingo here get his memory back?” Mrs. Hagen questioned eagerly.
Alvis smiled, glad to know his mother was so happy to see them return.
“Yes, we did have fun!” He spoke.
“I did retrieve my memory! Alvis was a big help!” Ingo added.
Haxorus chirped, sharing Alvis and Ingo's sentiments.
Alvis turned and gave Ingo and Haxorus a wide smile, before stepping towards Mrs. Hagen's side. 
Ingo still had a bit to say though. He took a step towards Mrs. Hagen.
“And Mrs. Hagen? Thank you. You've helped myself and Haxorus multiple times throughout the years- even today. Because of that, we've found an excellent track, and I regained my memory as we hoped I would. I couldn't be more grateful.”
Ingo dipped his head in a gesture showing his gratitude.
Haxorus rumbled softly, its tail swishing back and forth, its eyes big and bright, as it showed its own thankfulness. 
“Oh, it's never been a problem, my dear!” Mrs. Hagen replied, her grin still wide, “We're always happy to help!”
Mrs. Hagen put on a bit of a baby-voice as she met Haxorus’ gaze,
“And that includes you, of course, dear Kepsma.”
Alvis smiled as he watched the scene, and Ingo did, too. It filled their hearts with joy.
After a few more words were exchanged, it was decided that it was time to go. Ingo dipped his hat once more, Haxorus chirping brightly.
“Goodbye, Mrs. Hagen, Alvis! Remember your safety checks, and have a wonderful evening!” Ingo said as he and Haxorus walked down the concrete path, waving, Haxorus using its tail to do a similar motion, Alvis and Mrs. Hagen waving in return.
Soon, the Daycare disappeared from sight, and after a little while longer, a train station appeared over the horizon, Ingo feeling a warmth in his heart. He'd be returning home, and would be able to tell the others all about the day's events. 
Once they neared the station, Ingo stopped in his tracks, Haxorus doing the same as it noticed its trainer having done so.
“Haxorus, you'll have to get into your Pokéball for the train ride, I'm afraid. Besides, I'm sure you're quite in need of a nap by now, yes?” Ingo spoke.
Haxorus paused for a moment, before its tail wagged slowly, and it moved its head in what seemed to be a slow nodding motion. Indeed, it was due for a nap. 
“Don't worry, you'll be more than free to come back out when we get home, of course!” Ingo added, and Haxorus rumbled contentedly. 
With that, Ingo took the Axe Jaw Pokémon's Pokéball off of his belt, taking it and gently tapping Haxorus’ head with the device. Haxorus formed into a red light as it returned to its Pokéball, ready to rest for a while. 
Ingo hummed to himself as he reattached the Pokéball back to his belt, readjusting the straps of the backpack he was still carrying. 
Ingo made his way into the station, entering the train that would take him to Nimbasa city. The train was quite empty tonight, and Ingo sat amongst the rows of available seats, setting the backpack down on the seat beside him.
Ingo inhaled slowly, before letting out that same breath. He also felt a bit worn, but he knew today wasn't quite over, and he was more than okay with that. He'd be able to recover some of his energy on the train, he was sure. 
After a moment of quiet, Ingo's phone began to ring. It buzzed loudly in his coat pocket.
The trainer reached into his coat and took out his phone, seeing that it was Emmet that was calling him. Smiling softly, he answered the call and put the device to his ear.
“Hello, Emmet!” Ingo began.
“I am Emmet! Hi, Ingo! Are you on your way home yet?” Emmet inquired.
“Yes, I am! I just got onto the train, in fact!” 
“How was it? You regained the memory, correct?”
“I did! It was excellent! Bravo, indeed, brother!”
The twins continued to converse, and Ingo felt Haxorus’ ball shake slightly, a happy aura radiating from it. Ingo smiled.
“Hey, Emmet? Can you take out that picture album? I'd like to take a look at it once I get home!”
“Yup! Sure thing!”
The train rumbled to life, and with that, the ride to Nimbasa City began.
Chapter 26 (Part 2 of 3)
Chapter 27 (Work In Progress!)
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fourphoenixfeathers · 2 years
Spare info about the prophet and heretic au for a poor submas enjoyer 🙏🙏🙏
That is verrry vague... I can try!
While Arceus kinda inserts himself in Ingo's mind completely on accident, Giratina does the same with Emmet on purpose. Giratina gets Emmet's permission of course, but only after a painful hour or so of Giratina trying to learn how to communicate in words... Emmet was not happy with the concept salad Giratina was shoving at him. As a result, Giratina's speech patterns end up a lot like Emmet's. It's verrry helpful for when Giratina is taking his turn with the body, because unobservant people just think he's Emmet. Ignore the glowing red eyes...
Arceus speaks like a Shakespeare character though. Arceus has no chill and is super obvious whenever he's speaking through Ingo. Full blown halo, his eyes glow so bright they are a solid gold color, and poor Ingo's nose bleeds every time.
I think you'll appreciate this bit too. I gave Arceus a typing quirk. Ingo physically cannot write the letter o anymore, only ¤.
Here's a concept sketch i did last week!
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