#emo trinity: actually there's only two and they're mcr and top. and they're not emo.
atlasllm · 1 year
I didn't answer this ASAP since I wanted to give my full Lore about Hollywood Undead + please remember I'm terrible with music genres so like
One of the things I really enjoy about music is buildup; hence why one of my favorite MCR songs is Demolition Lovers. It's 6 minutes of switching from part to part very beautifully, as well as constructing the narrative of the aforementioned Lovers. You get the soft intro, leading up into those initial "I'm trying, I'm trying", which stops but fades again to the "All we are are bullets", which ends in that AWESOME guitar solo(?) that keeps building and building to the "Phantoms forever" part.
Lots of other songs I enjoy have this sort of buildup; Undefeatable from Sonic Frontiers (which like, kinda makes sense as it's both a really good song and also meant to build up to each section of the boss battle it's from), King For A Day by Pierce the Veil, Last One Standing by Simple Plan, City Traffic Puzzle or Sweet Tangerine by The Hush Sound...
Heck, even when listening to Evanescence in 3rd grade I probably enjoyed Bring Me To Life for that reason as well
This Love This Hate has the benefit of also being a Blorbo(tm) song which is another story entirely that I don't feel like telling; but overall I enjoyed the buildup of that song and since I heard it first in a Blorbo AMV + I always associated its lyrics with said blorbo, but that was my first Hollywood Undead song. I'm not sure what genre it feels like since it doesn't sound like the harsher rocks of Three Days Grace or the pop punks of the Emo Trinity, but whatever it is, it's just overall very good at portraying a highly specific mood; similar to Viva La Vida by Coldplay to me, where it's such a melancholic mood for a feeling you simply can't place, but it still makes you Feel anyway.
Sell Your Soul I actually found through a random speedpaint video; I think I was actually looking for speedpaint vids set to This Love This Hate since sometimes I wanna see visuals while listening to my music when lyric vids don't suffice. It def feels more on the rock spectrum than This Love This Hate, which I absolutely enjoyed; but ough the BUILDUP being so much harshly rock-ish helps a lot. The lyrics always gave me the impression of someone being led to their own public execution; screaming from within that they fear their own incoming death, the fear and shame from realizing how many people come to celebrate YOUR OWN DEMISE, to some part of you saying FUCK IT, THROW IT ALL AWAY! FORGET ME! I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE! since either way, you're dying. Considering I enjoyed Three Days Grace in 3rd grade, I think there's something self indulgent in the lyrics + harsh music of Sell Your Soul.
This Love This Hate was just very personally endearing to me, like a blorbo-themed Viva La Vida. Sell Your Soul was outright BOPPIN' to me since its harsh lyrics and rock-y tone was just very appealing to me.
However, I remember going on a Hollywood Undead binge after accidentally finding Sell Your Soul... only to be a little disappointed that the things I was finding just wasn't capturing that same energy of either song
I definitely do have more Hollywood Undead songs in my playlists than just Sell Your Soul and This Love This Hate, but they're not particularly songs I've gone as crazy for as those two.
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I'm not sure if I have time to re-listen to all of these to fully digest, but in re-listening to Levitate I quite like the sound but not particularly crazy for the lyrics. Young is odd because I quite enjoy the instrumentals I'm hearing, but something about the vocals isn't really hitting me as crazily either.
Also just in case bc I forgot it's one of their top songs: Bullet is pretty nice, I quite enjoy the contrast between sad lyrics and boppin' instrumentals! I have no problems with it other than it sounds quite different than the rest of my music playlist so that's why I haven't added it. Not to mention I did used to listen to it during my very bad sad boi hour moments so I definitely need to be in a specific mood to listen to it.
Paradise Lost is the only title I recognize from your ask, but listening to it again it DOES have a bit of dramatic buildup, but it's not hitting me quite much. It has a soft instrumental at the beginning but very harsh vocals, which is a bit of whiplash I personally am not a fan of for this song. I quite like how the chorus sounds at least! But it's such a highly specific vibe that I personally DON'T vibe with; I'll probably add it to my Liked Songs, but not my actual playlists. Not to mention I tend to add music on if I can see myself drawing to them, which I'm not really getting that vibe with Paradise Lost
BUT (and I'm doing this live as I write this post), I will listen to your other songs rq!
War Child, live thoughts:
what the fuck a horn
first lyrics this is more of a #slay song than the dramatics of sell your soul/this love this hate
this fr sounds like the kind of song you'd put over your best gameplay footage
i think that's what i'm thinking tbh, i tend to like more dramatic lyrics, but at the very least i'm enjoying the instrumentals! the vocals are pretty nice too even though they're talking about ass and alcohol; just kind of a disappointment for someone who's more for the dramatic songs
Good song! I could imagine myself drawing to this, but I am more for more dramatic lyrics than "mm girl sexy". I feel like I'd add this to my more boppin' playlists rather than my full on mish-mash of dramatic songs.
Party By Myself, live thoughts:
kiinda don't like this intro for some reason @_@
party music??
this feels more of a #slay song as well
this rap is bumpin' though
yea this absolutely feels like party music; GOOD party music though, like the kind you'd find on a 2012 dj playlist
once again, v bumpin! just perhaps not the kind of dramatic i tend to enjoy
Once again, good song! Oddly enough has the vibe of 2012 party playlists? I'm not sure if it's "imagine myself drawing" levels, but definitely I can see myself listening to this if I wanna feel those #party vibes. And there are a LOT of good party vibes songs out there.
The verdict: Bumpin' songs with no drama go in the Edgar Allan Poe meme playlist
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I thiiink I prefer Party By Myself more than War Child? Those 2012 party music vibes just hit much better than the general #slay energy of the latter.
Once again, there's some level of disappointment I feel however; I do in fact tend to love the more dramatic vibes of Sell Your Soul and This Love This Hate in my general music. It's why I enjoy My Chem so much! Heck, my newest songs in my main playlist are about the #drama;
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1.) A guitar instrumental cover of a song trying to capture the vibes of "The End"; a credits song, a death, your OWN even so!
2.) Love From The Other Side was introduced to me by a friend who also enjoys Fall Out Boy and introduced it to me as "dude the new FOB song sounds so anime". It's very dramatic in its buildup! ...But also Fall Out Boy lyrics have always been slightly incoherent to me so JKSBGKFS I don't tend to care as much when it comes to their lyrics
3.) Okay this one I added because it reminded me of an OC dynamic when I found it but like,,, cmon it sounds like breakup angst
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4.) Heard this randomly as well, but always associated with a sort of seething hatred for someone who's wronged you; it feels like a musical embodiment of glaring intensely at someone
5.) Once again was imagining this one with an OC dynamic and like,,, yeah. #Drama
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I think the TLDR is this:
I love drama and buildup within my music, and This Love This Hate and Sell Your Soul were perfect brainrotting songs back when I first listened to them! I would attempt to get into Hollywood Undead more, but each song I listened to just didn't really hit me as much as I wanted; maybe the vocals for one song weren't my cup of tea, maybe it was too much boobs sex and alcohol in the lyrics, maybe the instrumentals just weren't hitting me. Paradise Lost is definitely better than I remember, though once again still not HITTING me as well as those first two songs, and it's still not one I'd consider for my main playlist.
I'm glad to be able to share music with others, and I do quite enjoy the songs you've listed! I do quite enjoy Party By Myself more than War Child since it captures those 2012 party music vibes. However, there's once again the disappointment in simply preferring more dramatic songs than the #slay and party music vibes of these two. There's nothing inherently wrong with it, it's pretty much a matter of personal preference and a bit of surprise I managed to fall in love with Sell Your Soul and This Love This Hate out of all the songs from Hollywood Undead that DON'T fit their vibes! It's just a shame since in listening to those two I was hoping to find another Three Days Grace or Green Day kind of band within Hollywood Undead, but it's just simply not the vibe they tend to pursue within their music and I respect that.
Overall I enjoyed being able to ramble about this, and I'm at least happy to be introduced to new Hollywood Undead songs even if the vibes of them are the opposite of what I tend to enjoy within my general music taste :] Thank you so much for introducing me to them!
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agentemo · 5 years
oof i...feel that abt the 21p thing. like in the 2010s they were sorta The band that emo middle schoolers listened to so i, former emo middle schooler ca. 2014, have a v strong attachment to them migraine and hoty are two of the most important songs in the WORLD to me (the second verse of both those songs, man, i lose my fuckin mind) but like. god tylers so tone deaf sometimes?(1/2)
2/2 okay wait same anon one more thing. the worst part about when i found out abt the hoty sampling is that its kind of soured the whole song for me lmfao. its just this really awful thing for me where it was the first song by 21p i rlly connected with and i Remember hearing the "tie a noose around your mind" part 4 the first time and being like Oh. but now i think ab his weird high n mighty white boy thing and. makes me feel Weird. (sorry 4 dumping this all on u i just have lots of 21p thoughts)
I have so much to say, anon. I have so much to say.
First, it’s kinda fascinating to me that twenty one pilots were the middle school emo band of the 2010s even though they sound nothing like the middle school emo band of the 2000s, MCR. I mean, the influence is there but it’s interesting to think just how similar and different those dynamics are. I could write a whole comparative essay about these two bands, with footnotes about FOB and Panic!, don’t even get me started lmao.
I was a senior in college in 2014 when I preordered Blurryface so while they weren’t quite as influential to my life, I really do love their music and feel an attachment as well. For me the song was Car Radio; “sometimes quiet is violent” resonated with me so deeply and still does. They could be one of my favorite bands if Tyler Joseph wasn’t so tone deaf.
I’m sorry learning about the HOTY sampling soured the song for you. Lane Boy soured HOTY for me because if you do it once it’s whatever, but if your whole worldview is this then...that kinda sucks lol. And Lane Boy is a direct response to my criticism: “They say stay in your lane, boy, but we do what we want to.” So it’s not like Tyler hasn’t heard the criticism, it’s just that he doesn’t understand or possibly care about it. And that sucks because most of their fans are white. Right? And without the aggressive homosensuality and GNC stuff that MCR had, more of them are gonna be cishet too. So you’re teaching a generation of white cishet kids this harmful mentality while they’re not listening to other rap music. Which is really unfortunate because the band has so many important messages they’re trying to spread, too.
Finally, and this is the most important thing: please still love their music. I fucking hate Tyler Joseph sometimes but I’m listening to Car Radio right now and it still makes me want to cry in the best way. Even HOTY still gets that reaction outta me, it’s a fucking great track, I just skip the song when the bridge comes on lol; Dem Franchize Boyz are credited on the song, after all, and get a few pennies when I listen to it online lmao.
It’s important to be critical of the media that you love, and you can still love it even though it has problems; as long as you are aware of those problems and try to be a better person while being aware of them.
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