mimiszz · 10 months
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mechaknight-98 · 2 months
That time I got abducted by an Alien Warlord Masquerading as a K-pop Idol (NSFW) FT Jihyo
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Author's note: My 100th fic and my reaching 1,500 followers coincided so I should do something special. My original thought was a Jeewon fic where she's a massive crime boss, but I had just written her. Then the next idea was a threesome, but I'm still tired from writing that foursome so that was a no-go. I was kinda stuck, I thought about going on hiatus but then Twice had a new comeback, and the idea for 8ft tall Galatic Empress Jihyo came to mind and everything fell into place. Also I guess this is the “First” Diabolos series story.
“Jihyo?” I ask. Jihyo nods her head. My brain is fuzzy as I come to from being crushed by debris
“Oh good you already know who I am,” Jihyo says pleasantly while I look her up and down. “Nice to meet you C-137 resident,” she said as she got up. Her hand outstretched to mine and I took it to shake hers. She smiled
“The name is Diabolos,” I responded taking her hand. Her aura exuded grace and power. (or maybe it was the fact that she was 8 feet tall) her smile was genuine, but something about all of this still felt off.
“You know when I was receiving reports from the Carbonicphage,” how one little being was waging a war against it single-handedly and winning I had to investigate. Imagine my surprise when I also learned that he is also part CMR-1957. Talk about special. I hate how CMR-1957 destroyed itself such a promising race filled with so much potential and promise”
“Huh,” I said confused by all the numbers. Jihyo smiled with understanding before answering.
“Oh right, you still name the new planets you find instead of indexing them based on region. C-137 is what we call earth.” Jihyo said. I nodded and she smiled again. It seemed practiced though not genuine and it set me on edge.
“Okay, penultimate question: why are you 8 feet tall?” I ask very confused.
Jihyo laughs and says, “Oh this is my true form,”
Due to the circumstances (and my brain is fried), I replied, “That's hot,” Jihyo looked at me confused before I quickly changed the subject.
“So what happens now?” I ask
Jihyo smiles and says, “Now we take over. You're race is dying anyway so well just clean up the mess you've made and dust the planet off before we can put more settlers on it. That was all I needed to hear I activated my nano email and brought out “Wings of Liberation” Jihyo smiled before saying,
“Now dear did you honestly think that your tech would scare me?” she said as multiple tendrils of steel pierced my flesh. A strange feeling surged in my body along with a searing pain. Jihyo pouted.
“I'm sorry Diabolos but you are too interesting to kill. I need to crack you open to see what makes you tick. I hope you understand it is nothing personal. ” she said as the tendrils dragged me away
Eventually, I passed out from the pain. When I found consciousness again the first thing I saw was Jihyo sitting in front of me pouting before she noticed my eyes opening.
“Oh great you're awake,” she said with a bright smile.  I found my heart skip a beat and cursed the muscle for finding comfort and joy in her presence.
“So I told the other C-137 residents that we were taking over and do you know what they did? They shot at my ship. Like can you believe that? I was prepared to let them die off naturally since the endless conflicts you have will destroy your home before I do, but now I am mad.” she said fuming. The craziest part. I found myself feeling bad for her. Like from her perspective she's not used to how we do things. So her peaceful PSA may seem like a violent declaration of war to us.
“That sucks but hey it could be worse. They could have destroyed the ship.” I say with genuine empathy. Jihyo smiles and then waves her hand. Her tendrils remove themselves from me she catches me before setting me down.
“Follow me,” she says. As I dust myself I feel a bunch of conflicting feelings that I push down.
Without missing a beat Jihyo says “Stop that!”
Jihyo turns back to me and says, “You have… (she searches for the proper word) The Void embraces it. It's a part of you, not a burden.”
I look at her confused then ask, “Huh?”
“In my culture, there are those who feel/ desire with the insatiable capacity of a Black hole. Those are typically the ones who push our culture forward. We venerate them yet you suppress them. Don't do that.” Jihyo says with a smile. I return it and Jihyo smiles.
“Oh Mr grumpy finally has a smile,” Jihyo teased as I followed her
Jihyo leads me through a series of winding corridors, her pace steady and confident. The architecture of the ship is sleek and alien, filled with an otherworldly beauty that leaves me in awe despite my circumstances. As we walk, Jihyo explains more about her culture and the purpose of their exploratory and colonizing missions.
“You see, Diabolos, our people have always sought to expand and improve. We believe in the potential of every world, just as I see potential in you,” Jihyo says, her voice soft but firm.
I glance at her, trying to gauge her true intentions. “And what exactly do you want from me?”
Jihyo stops and turns to face me, her eyes intense. “I want you to embrace your true nature. You have a strength and a void within your heart that is rare and powerful. With our guidance, you could become something extraordinary.”
We enter a grand chamber, filled with advanced technology and a breathtaking view of the cosmos. Jihyo gestures for me to sit, and I do so hesitantly.
Jihyo says with a smile. I return it and Jihyo smiles.
“Oh Mr. Grumpy finally has a smile,” Jihyo teased as I followed her.
Jihyo leads me through a series of winding corridors, her pace steady and confident. The architecture of the ship is sleek and alien, filled with an otherworldly beauty that leaves me in awe despite my circumstances. As we walk, Jihyo explains more about her culture and the purpose of their exploratory and colonizing missions.
“You see, Diabolos, our people have always sought to expand and improve. We believe in the potential of every world, just as I see potential in you,” Jihyo says, her voice soft but firm, reminiscent of Hyewon’s gentle encouragement.
I glance at her, trying to gauge her true intentions. “And what exactly do you want from me?”
Jihyo stops and turns to face me, her eyes intense and unwavering, a touch of Arin’s directness in her gaze. “I want you to embrace your true nature. You have a strength and a void within your heart that is rare and powerful. With our guidance, you could become something extraordinary.”
We enter a grand chamber, filled with advanced technology and a breathtaking view of the cosmos. Jihyo gestures for me to sit, and I do so hesitantly.
The journey to Jihyo’s home planet was unlike anything I  had experienced before. As we traveled through the vast expanse of space, surrounded by the hum of the ship’s engines and the distant glow of stars, I  found myself drawn to Jihyo’s presence. We sat together in a quiet corner of the ship’s observation deck, watching the swirling galaxies pass by in mesmerizing patterns. While traveling Jihyo force-fed me every language of her empire, along with physical sparring sessions every day while using simulations of her planets gravity. Which ended up being a little under double Earth's. Jihyo despite my slow start was impressed at how quickly I took to everything. Something commented on during one of our shared meals.
Jihyo, with her usual grace, broke the silence. “You know, Diabolos, most beings who visit our planet find it difficult to adjust to our gravity. I’m impressed that you took to it so quickly.” My heart raced despite my reluctance around her. She seemed to genuinely care about me but she also stole me from my planet like I was a stray.
I chuckled softly. “It wasn’t easy at first, but I suppose being a Hybrid Demon King has its perks.” I  glanced at Jihyo, catching the soft curve of her smile in the dim light. “You seem quite at home in space. Is this where you spend most of your time?”
Jihyo nodded, her eyes reflecting the starlight. “Yes, overseeing our exploratory missions keeps me occupied. But I must admit, having a companion like you on this journey makes it more enjoyable.” I found myself smiling words and some not-so-pure thoughts raced through my head.
I  felt a warmth spread through him at my words. “I’m glad to hear that. It’s not often I find someone who can keep up with me.”
Jihyo tilted her head slightly, a playful glint in her eyes. “Oh? And here I thought you preferred the solitude of battles and conquests.”
I  chuckled again, feeling a newfound ease in Jihyo’s presence. “I do enjoy a good fight, but I’ve come to appreciate moments like these—quiet, reflective.”
I found myself drawn to Jihyo’s intellect and wit, her perspectives on life and leadership offering me new insights.
As the ship continued its journey through the cosmos, I couldn’t deny the growing attraction I  felt towards Jihyo. Her confidence and poise, coupled with a genuine curiosity about me, stirred something within me that I hadn’t felt in a long time.
Before long, we found ourselves standing side by side at the observation deck’s viewport, watching a distant nebula unfold in vibrant hues of blue and purple. Jihyo’s shoulder brushed against mine before leaving her head on my shoulder, and I  turned to meet her gaze.
“You know,” Jihyo began softly, her voice barely above a whisper amidst the gentle hum of the ship, “there’s something about you, Diabolos. Something that intrigues me beyond your prowess in battle.”
I met her gaze, my heart racing at the intensity in her eyes. “And what might that be, Jihyo?”
Her smile was luminous against the backdrop of the cosmos. “I believe it’s your capacity for change, for embracing new possibilities. You’re more than just a warrior; you’re a catalyst for transformation. No, you're beyond that you are a nexus point where you move the worlds around you. ”
Our words hung in the air between them, charged with unspoken meaning. I reached out, gently placing my hand over Jihyo’s, feeling a surge of connection that transcended words or worlds.
“Perhaps,” I  murmured, my voice tinged with uncertainty yet hope, “perhaps that’s why our paths have crossed.”
Jihyo’s fingers intertwined with mine, a silent affirmation of understanding. “Perhaps indeed,” she replied, her eyes holding a promise of adventures yet to come. I felt a pang in my heart my desires simmering just beneath the surface.
Together, under the canopy of stars, we stood united in the vastness of the universe, on the brink of a journey that would challenge us both in ways we had never imagined, but this nagging thought kept recurring.
“You speak of potential and strength, but what about mercy and compassion? Do those not have a place in your world?” I ask, my voice tinged with defiance.
Jihyo’s smile fades slightly, replaced by a thoughtful expression. “Mercy and compassion are seen as weaknesses in our culture. They are sentiments that can be exploited. But perhaps, in time, you could help us understand their value,” she adds, showing a hint of Hyewon’s warmth and openness.
I nod, and Jihyo takes me to her home world.
It’s beautiful. The architecture is menacing but elegant. The air is crisp and clear. As I walk out of the ship, Jihyo gestures for me to be careful as their gravity is much higher than Earth’s. I nod. When the door opens, I feel the weight of the world (literally) crush me. Jihyo goes to steady me, but I shoo her hand away as I stand up.
“I stand on my own,” I say. Jihyo smiles, watching me take my first few steps proudly on her homeworld. As I take further steps, Jihyo encourages me to be free.
“Cast your burden of normalcy aside,” she says, her words genuine and soothing, akin to Hyewon’s nurturing support. I release a tension in my gut I didn’t know was there. When I open my eyes, all I see is Jihyo’s brilliant smile. Her touch lingers on my “horns” as she caresses them, shivers arcing throughout my body.
As we walk through the city, I feel a weight cast off my chest. Although it felt like I was carrying my weight plus 415 pounds, Jihyo led me into a restaurant. Despite the looks I get from the other members of Jihyo's race, I ask:
“Hey, Suny, what is your race called?”
Jihyo’s smile is bright. “Was that a pet name?” she teases, a playful glint in her eyes reminiscent of Arin’s boldness. I sit back, then think.
“No, there’s no going back now,” Jihyo says before grabbing my hand. Her touch is sensational; it feels like every nerve is on fire. I am filled with a boldness that I had long thought I intentionally diminished.
“Yes, it was,” I say confidently, “Now answer the question.” The stares surrounding me seem impressed instead of judgmental upon hearing that. Jihyo smiles.
“Spoken like a true Pharo,” Jihyo says before taking me into an intense kiss. My heart races at the smell of her perfume (the closest equivalent I could think of was orchids and lilies). When she breaks it, she smiles and licks her lips.
“Let’s skip the meal. You need a fight,” she says. I nod, ramped up and raring to go.
Being the Empress of the Pharo empire has its privileges, one of which is arranging a pitched battle at almost any time.
My blood races through my body despite my fatigue. I have never felt so alive. Before the fight, Jihyo sits next to me.
“Oh, you’re ready,” she says. “I see it in your eyes.” I smile and get up.
“When you win, I’ll have a reward for you,” she says, smiling brightly. I smile and head out to the pitch.
Jihyo proudly announced to her people, “Ladies and gentlemen today we have a very interesting pitch fight for you. Our very own pitch fight champion Priam vs. The Hybrid Demon King from C-137 Diabolos.” at that moment I had never felt more seen for who I was and I basked in it. “This is where I belong,” I thought to myself “I'm the king” were the only thoughts in my head as I got ready for battle. Priam Faced me he stood 10 feet 4 inches tall and carried with him a massive sword. I smiled as I activated my nanomail and unsheathing wings. Priam smiled. In a bright flash, he lunged his blade at me. I blocked with an axe form of wings which made Priam smile
“Oh okay.” he retreated but I pressed on. The offensive. I jumped and swung the axe to his chest. Electricity arcing off mine.
Prima smiled as he released fire from his sword I blocked his swing with my axe. He looked at me and said, “I know you have more go for it.”
So I oblige him. My armor transforms again as more hyper-blade jets cover me along with more electricity and other energies flowing through me. Priam claps seeing this but doesn't expect my next attack. I jump in the air and barrel towards him at near the speed of light. He smiles as he is launched out of the ring. The arena is silent before the crowd cheers my name
“DIABOLOS! DIABOLOS!” they repeat again and again. I feed on that energy and acclaim and pound on my chest. In the crowd, I make eye contact with Jihyo whose eyes look at me with a hungered fervor. She smiles graciously
After the battle, Jihyo brought me into her home, and honestly, it was not what I expected. Instead of a grand place, it was a humble 4-bedroom home. I found myself more at ease. We sit on her love seat and she says.
“I watched your fights with the Carbonicphage and the one they call Haiabd and I noticed that. You held back against them. Why?”
I pondered Jihyo’s words before answering “It's hard to fight when all your opponents feel like they are made of paper,” Jihyo nodded and asked
“What about my world how does it feel?”
Her eyes held an intense gaze that reminded me of Arin.
“I love it here. I have never felt as free to be me. I don't have to suppress or stuff anything down. I can walk and talk how I like.” I respond while gazing into her big soothing eyes.
“That's good I knew you belonged here. While not born a pharo you certainly have our spirit.” Jihyo says happily as she kisses me. I breathed in her perfume again as my brain scrambled. Guilt danced at the frayed edges of my mind, but here with Jihyo, it felt correct. It felt like home or at least what I wanted out of a home. Emotionally nourished as well as physically.
I spent the next several weeks maybe months (time is weird here)  just training and spending almost all my time with Jihyo. I fought in 4 more pitch battles. I won 3 and lost one, to Jihyo. I felt my attraction for her growing by the day, as she began to nestle herself into the same space that Arin and Hyewon held.
The pitch was empty, save for Jihyo and I The vast arena was a testament to the grandeur and power of the Pharo, its architecture both intimidating and awe-inspiring. We had just finished a grueling training session, and the sun beginning to set on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the landscape.
Jihyo stretched lazily, her movements graceful and feline. "You know, for someone who’s never taken anything seriously, you’re a surprisingly good company and an exceptional leader," she teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
I  chuckled, leaning against one of the pillars. "Is that your way of saying you enjoy my presence, Jihyo?"
She rolled her eyes playfully. "Don’t let it go to your head, Demon King. I’m just saying you’re not as insufferable as you look."
I raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on my lips. "Coming from the Empress of Insufferability herself, I’ll take that as a compliment."
Jihyo feigned offense, placing a hand over her heart. "Oh, you wound me, Diabolos. Here I thought we were becoming friends."
I  laughed, the sound deep and genuine. "Friends, huh? Is that what you call this?" I gestured between them.
She leaned closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Well, I did say you’re good company. Maybe I even like having you around."
I  met her gaze, my eyes searching hers as my heart raced. "Careful, Jihyo. I might start thinking you have a soft spot for me."
She tilted her head, a slow smile spreading across her face.  “I do. Despite your race’s propensity for weakness, you rise to every occasion I have set. It's becoming a thrill just to make new obstacles for you plus  I just like the challenge you present. You’re not like the others."
"And you like that?"I asked, my tone turning serious for a moment.
"I do," she admitted. "You’re different, and it’s intriguing. Keeps me on my toes. Even when compared to other Pharos you have this drive to win no matter what and you give everything to do so. It inspiring"
I leaned in, our faces inches apart. "Well, I’m glad I can keep the mighty Empress intrigued."
Jihyo's gaze flickered to my lips for a brief second before meeting my eyes again. "Just don’t get too comfortable. I still expect you to keep up with me."
I  grinned. "Wouldn’t dream of doing anything less. In fact, I hope to surpass you"
We shared a moment of silence, the tension between us palpable yet pleasant. Jihyo broke it with a light laugh, pulling back and gesturing to the center of the pitch. "Come on, let’s see if you can handle another round. I can’t have you thinking you’ve already won me over."
I  followed her, my grin widening. "Winning you over, huh? Is that a challenge?"
Jihyo looked over her shoulder, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "You wish, Demon King. You wish." I may have not won her over but she has stolen my heart
We get back to her home after training for 7 hours. Jihyo is impressed by something she makes known as I head into her house to shower and when I exit.
When we got back Pharos Jihyo was exhausted as was I. The battle celebration would have to wait as we headed to her home. We headed to her bathroom to rinse the stains of battle from us we entered her large bath together. The tension between us was intense. My body was giving me all the signals to mount Jihyo then,  but my mind told me not to. Our eyes lock, and Jihyo’s look sets my aching loins ablaze.
“You have grown so strong here,” she says. Eyes fully dilated. I nod and she remarks.
“Okay enough foreplay”  before pouncing on me
Jihyo smiles before kissing me. I feel my hands go to her heaving tits and I grab them unconsciously.
“Oh my,” she says and I instantly freeze. I retract my hands and Jihyo pouts.
“Why Did you do that? I know you've been thinking about it?” she said. I look at her worried. Jihyo slaps me.
“Take what you want,” she says. She slaps me again and repeats her words before my horns come out and she smiles. I rip her blouse open revealing her tits and grope them before going in for another kiss. Jihyo moans in my mouth as she slips her hand into my pants. Despite her size and strength her touch is exceedingly gentle. She breaks this kiss and says, “What do you want?”
“I wanna fuck those fat tits, and fill your cunt to the brim. I want to mark your entire body. I want you to know who you belong to. I want you to know who you belong with?”
Jihyo moaned and said, “Then take it.”
I slipped into another kiss with Jihyo. She lowers herself to my crotch before wrapping her beautiful breasts around my cock. She smiles.
“How's that?” she asks.
“So good” I moan out
Slow is not in Jihyo’s vocabulary she rails me with her boobs and I try my best not to cum too earlier but she takes that as a challenge.
Her intensity increases as she says, “cum for me. Please it'll be good I promise. I want you to feel good.  Come on, please. I need it. You need it too. Let go” Her eagerness gets the better of me as I explode all over her tits. She smiles happily and massages my seed into her mounds. Watching her basking in my cum is enough to get me hard again. Without a second thought, I pick her up out of the bath with a strength I didn't know I had (reminder she is 8 feet 3 inches or so) and carry her to her bed. She smiles as she shimmies her pretty tits for me. My cock begs to be inside her as I watch her enraptured. She smiles and says
“Fill my cunt to the brim,” she encourages. I nod and thrust into her tight sex. She moans like a banshee. When I bottom out her eyes focus on me and I'm captivated by her eyes. Her look was fierce and determined. Her walls clutch me like a warm wet hug as I continue to plow her. I groan as her pussy sloshed under me. A light sheen of sweat begins to cover her body as in the golden hour her tan skin radiates even more of her beauty. I smile which she mirrors and she says,” cum” Her words spur me on and I absolutely flood her pussy.
Jihyo smiles and says, “Well you certainly filled me.” I landed next to her and she was all smiles. I grabbed her and hugged her tight as I passed out exhausted.
The next day had been long, filled with negotiations and boring peace talks. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the sky, Jihyo and I found ourselves on a quiet balcony overlooking the capital city of Pharos: Cairo. The bustling sounds of the city below seemed distant from our perch, creating a serene atmosphere.
I leaned against the railing, my eyes scanning the horizon thoughtfully, before turning back to Jihyo, who stood beside me. Her presence was a calming influence amidst the evening breeze.
“It’s beautiful,” Jihyo remarked softly, her gaze fixed on the fading light. “Pharos has a way of captivating you, doesn’t it?”
I nodded, having now almost been here a full year. I had accepted Pharos as my home. “It’s different from Earth, but there’s a majesty to it. A strength that resonates through everything here.”
We lapsed into a comfortable silence, the only sound the gentle rustling of the wind and the distant hum of the city below.
“You know,” Jihyo began, her voice quiet and introspective, “for all the battles we fight and the challenges we face, moments like this remind me of why we fight. It’s not just about power or dominance. It’s about preserving something greater than ourselves.”
I turned to look at her, a smile forming. “So you do think about other things besides competition and winning,” I teased.
Jihyo pouted. “Relax, Yoyo. You have a way of seeing things. A perspective that goes beyond the battlefield.”
She met my gaze, her eyes reflecting a depth of emotion. “I’ve seen too much not to appreciate moments of peace. Pharos is my home, but it’s moments like this—with you—that make it feel truly alive.”
A gentle smile tugged at my lips. “I’m glad I can share this with you.”
We stood together in silence, the fading light casting shadows around us. Her hand found purchase in mine. In that quiet moment, amidst the chaos of our world, Jihyo’s softer side shone through—a leader who cherished peace as much as she did strength, finding solace in the presence of someone who understood her in ways words couldn’t fully express.
She chuckled and said, “Demon King, I have something for you.”
I turned to her, tilting my head in curiosity as she pulled out a necklace.
Jihyo rolled her eyes. “When I found you, you had two rings. They were broken, but I had Priam reforge them into this drill core. I hope you like it.”
I smiled at her gesture and happily took the necklace, but my heart was heavy. Arin and Hyewon were probably worried sick about me, and here I was, going on a cosmic adventure. banging a space milf… I know Jihyo wasn't a milf but you get the idea.
Jihyo sensed my turmoil and said, “If they cared about you, they would have come for you. Or at least we’d be hearing stories about people looking for you.” Her words cut deep, but before I could respond, she pulled me in for a kiss.
I fell under her spell, my worries slipping away. At that moment, I fully embraced being a Pharos. Jihyo sensed the change in me and smiled. “Now,” she said softly, “let’s go home.”
We arrive at our place and Jihyo smiles.
“I love you,” I say.
“I love you more,” she says back
The next day Jihyo and I lounge around the home enjoying the peace. During the night was a peace festival
The Pharos festival was in full swing, vibrant lights casting a warm glow over the bustling city of Cairo. The air was filled with laughter, music, and the tantalizing aroma of local delicacies. Jihyo and Diabolos walked side by side through the crowded streets, their hands occasionally brushing against each other.
"What's this?" Diabolos asked, pointing to a colorful stand filled with intricate masks.
Jihyo grinned, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "It's a tradition. We wear these masks and dance through the night. It's meant to symbolize shedding our burdens and embracing our true selves."
Diabolos picked up a mask adorned with shimmering scales, his fingers tracing the delicate craftsmanship. "Sounds like fun. Which one should I choose?"
Jihyo selected a mask for herself, its design elegant and fierce. "Try this one," she suggested, handing me the mask. "It suits you."
We donned our masks and joined the dancing crowd. The music was infectious, and I found myself moving to the rhythm, my worries and responsibilities melting away. Jihyo danced beside me, her movements graceful and free, a side of her I rarely saw.
As the night wore on, We found ourselves at the edge of the crowd, catching our breath. Jihyo removed my mask and I removed hers to see her big smile.
"This is incredible," I said, my voice filled with awe. "I never imagined a place like this."
Jihyo smiled, her expression softening. "I'm glad you're here to share it with me."
We head back home and Jihyo’s arousal is palpable. Her body demands sex and she intends to get it.
Jihyo cornered me in our little home, but the line between predator and prey blurred as I took her hungrily in for a kiss. When I broke it Jihyo was dizzy her eyes unfocused on anything but me. She looked deep into my eyes before going in for another kiss. Her prey drive triggered knowing she caught me. She lifted her dress revealing her magnificent bare breasts in between frenzied kisses. Jihyo smiles.
“Someone’s excited,” she says elated at the feeling of being so desired. I was left breathless in Jihyo’s wake as she brought me in for another devouring kiss. Our hearts race as we get accustomed to each other.
“You know typically you aren’t my type, but I admit. Your boldness has captured me.” Jihyo said excitedly before pulling me to the bedroom. She pushes me onto the bed before pulling my pants down, followed by pulling my underwear out of the way. She chuckles when my cock gently smacks her face.
“Oh, this is such a nice cock.” Jihyo declares before taking me into her mouth, without hesitation, she takes me down her throat. Jihyo’s eyes roll into the back of her head as she inhales my scent; a mix of citrus and natural musk that made Jihyo want more of me.
She begins to bob her head along my shaft taking slow deliberate breaths through her nose as she focuses. As Jihyo’s core heats up from pleasure she claws into my meaty thighs. I felt electric as Jihyo’s sucked me off with a Rapacious Appetite.
“Oh fuck,” I moaned Jihyo smiled around my cock. She grabbed my balls hoping to illicit an even greater moan, and she got it. I was overwhelmed with pleasure my brain couldn’t process it. Jihyo smiled even harder as she continued but didn’t expect an explosion from me when she bottomed out again. She drank my baby batter. It was sweet and salty as she savored the taste. She got up from between my legs and stared at his unfocused but lusted over eyes. She watched as my eyes traveled all over her body eye fucking her with reckless abandon. Before I could think I was back to kissing Jihyo. Not one to be outdone she pushed herself to see how much of me could take. Her hand wandered to my cock as she began stroking me again. I was so ravenous to the point I lowered myself before Jihyo when I reached her clit I stared into her eyes before taking an exploratory lick. Jihyo moaned before smashing my face into her cunt. I began to lick and nibble everything
I made up for his lack of experience with enthusiasm. I licked and nibbled all around her pussy and clit seeing which Jihyo liked more it seemed that a counterclockwise rotation around her clit mixed with an occasional tongue insertion seemed to drive the woman wild. So using this I pushed Jihyo to orgasm. As she came all over my face her lush thighs wrapped around my skull as I continued to tongue fuck her. Jihyo shuddered as her need to be filled began to overwhelm her until she pushed me from under her. I gave her a confused look as I landed on the bed safely but when Jihyo saw my hard rod her instincts took over. She got on all fours and wiggled her sexy body enticingly.
“Come fuck me,” she said. I happily obliged. I approached her awesome ass appreciatively before piercing her pussy with my petulant penis. Her walls are as comforting as ever.
“Please be rough with me I need it,” Jihyo moaned and I slammed my hips into her. She groans out in pleasure.
“Fuck,” she says as her walls get tighter around me. I slam into her again and watching her ass bounce mesmerized me and pushed me to fuck her harder and harder. I pull her hair up and she moans.
“Yes,” she moans. The way her ass and tits bounce plus the tightness of her pussy leaves me breathless as I cum inside her. Jihyo moans before crashing down on the bed in front of me.
I go to remove my cock from Jihyo and she growls for me to leave it in. Not wanting to see the consequences of disobedience I leave myself embedded in her, as we drift off into sleep.
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omegamannn · 6 months
The Omega Library 10/10
Viviz/Gfriend SinB -Ruined -Best Buddies Eunha -Merry Christmas Umji -Getting what I want -Picturesque Undressed -Raffle winner -Betrayed -Jealousy -Old friends come back -Memories of a dream -The goddess' challenge -Persuading the innocent -Tiebreaker Sowon -Behind The Scenes
Weeekly Zoa -Friday outing -Love in an elevator XG Jurin -Bad Idea Soloists Eunbi -Serendipity -Waterbombed -Untitled breeding smut -Mommy has needs -The neighbors' kink feat. Sohee -Another gym buddy -My semi-idol life pt. 1 -Castle of a thousand spiders -Home -Mildly unfair -MILF in the class -Midnight feat. Jihyo & Karina -Trouvaille -Overlord feat. Hyewon -Matchmaker -Out of bounds -Glitched Desires -Eunbi's Dinner -The royal chest -Film shooting -Skyline feat. Hyewon -Tentacle game! -Forever Diamonds -Underwater -Empress -Like a moth to a flame -Deal with the devil IU -Photographer pt. 1 -Photographer pt. 2 -Interlude: Above the sky -Untitled foursome feat. Tzuyu & Irene -Concerto pt. 1 -Interlude: Venice Somi -Untitled Blackmail feat. Karina -Snowball effect -Snowball continues rolling -Culmination -Beautiful Colleague -Interlude: Lonely -Senior Year Isn’t the Only Thing That’s Hard feat. Nancy -Temptation -Quiet -Lights and cameras -XOXO Jini -Untitled -Career's dead end Yena -Wicked Lover Taeyeon -Drive T Too many idols to list 😳 -Just testing -Maknae Royale -Unlikely Love -King of Oshiri -Surviving NNN -Crossing the river -Dreamday
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cardboardheartss · 7 months
Short PAC : What would TWICE members think of you
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remember to take a deep breath, and think about which pile you feel most connected to before you pick a pile to read!
Pile 1 : TWICE World Tour
Pile 2 : TWICE M/V Photo
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Pile 1 : TWICE World Tour
Members overall thoughts : AoC rx
They would think you’re emotionally drained. And you could be lacking a lot of joy and excitement.
Nayeon : 4oS
Nayeon would think you need a break and time to rest, and overall alone time. Just to deal with whatever is going on with your life.
Chaeyoung : QoS rx
Chae would think you hold onto trauma and you’re unable to express yourself properly.
Jihyo : 10oS
Jihyo would think you’re defeated and you could’ve been betrayed by someone you know. And that you need to let go of certain aspects in order for you to grow.
Tzuyu : (2oC & 9oS rx) & The Emperor
Tzuyu also thinks you’ve been betrayed by someone you genuinely cared for, and thinks you should to take some time to heal, So in that way, you’ll be able to regain your power.
Sana : The Fool, The World, 8oS & 9oC rx
Sana would think you’re a risk taker, and you’re also really diplomatic. She also thinks you could have anxiety and just fears of being seen, due to your fear of having being seen failing at something.
Momo : 3oW & The Sun
She thinks you should move from the past in order for your true personality to actually shine.
Dahyun : The Hierophant & The Empress rx
Dahyun would think you’re secretive and really vulnerable or highly independent on people.
Jeongyeon : QoW, Lovers rx & KoS rx
Jeongyeon would think you’re really pretty and that you don’t deserve to be betrayed, but also thinks you can be quite cold and aggressive lol.
Mina : Death rx & 10oP rx
Mina would think you hold onto the past a lot. And this will hinder a lot of your successes and interactions with people.
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Pile 2 : TWICE M/V Photo
Members overall thoughts : Strength & 9oC
They’d think you’re headstrong and really calculative and you know how to play your cards well.
Nayeon : The Chariot & 2oW
Nayeon would think you’re hardworking and you’re going to do well in the opportunities you wish to partake in.
Chaeyoung : 5oS, 4oC & KNoP
Chae would think you’re agressive and you don’t care for peoples feelings, she could also think you like comparing yourself to other people but at the same time notices how hard you’re working for financial stability.
Jihyo : 9oC & The Fool
She thinks you’re a risk taker and you know how to use the opportunities you have to your own advantage.
Tzuyu : 10oW, The Hierophant & Star rx
She thinks your secrecy will not help you succeed despite how hard you work.
Sana : 4oP
Sana would think you’re materialistic and you’re working hard for financial stability.
Momo : The Moon
Momo would think you’re emotional and connected to your intuition.
Dahyun : Justice & Death
Dahyun would think they you’re honest she powerful, she also sees you as hardworking, since you’ll get back up on your feet if you fall.
Jeongyeon : 2oP & AoS
Jeongyeon would think you’re very financially focused and you’re working on visionary projects that will help boost your income, and thinks they’ll be successful.
Mina : 9oP & 8oP rx
Mina would think you’re professional and you’ll have a prosperous career but this could lead to you overworking yourself due to your perfectionist nature.
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theninthdoor · 9 months
Hi! Can i ask MTL in twice to not believe in love?
Most Likely to Believe
Jihyo || the empress rx: She does. Perhaps even a little too much for her own good.
Nayeon || page of cups: Nayeon absolutely does! No doubt here.
Chaeyoung || temperance: Yeah, Chaeyoung believes in love. She's not big romantic or anything, but she does believe in it + in its power.
Jeongyeon || judgement: I kinda feel that with her it's a case by case thing?? She must have proof of it to believe in it, essentially. Not everybody is capable of feeling/giving/experiencing love, and not every relationship involves love, but it does exist.
Tzuyu || the high priestess: She believes in love, yes, although she's never gotten big proof of it (according to her).
Momo || six of swords: She's only now figuring out what "love" means to her. I think she has gone through some ups and downs here, and probably even went through a particular phase of not believing in it at all, but things are now moving in a much better direction and she's more open to the idea of it.
Dahyun || the lovers rx: She did in the past, but now she's torn on the matter. I feel like some of her past connections have made her doubt whether or not it is real, and/or if she'll ever get to experience it.
Sana || queen of swords: Sana is very rational about the whole thing. I don't see her ever calling herself a romantic or saying she believes in love, honestly.
Mina || five of pentacles: Nope. She has never believed in love (and no one has been able to change her mind so far).
Least Likely to Believe
(Disclaimer: Everything is alleged and for entertainment purposes only. Based on current energies.)
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leonaluv · 5 months
can you do a most to least ranking on twice, who will get hate about dating new or dating someone popular?
Mina - going to get a lot of hate ( judgement reverse )
Jeongyeon- it might be similar to Karina who got a lot of hate for dating a men , just dating news in general. ( death card)
Momo- maybe people might think her partner ugly or to old for her. ( temperance reverse)
Dahyun- same as above ( eight cups)
Tzuyu- people wont like it because they dont they match well ( 4 cups)
Sana- most fanbiys would hate but mostly supportive ( nine pentacles)
Nayeon- lots of people happy for her . ( the fool)
Jihyo -again people hope to hear wedding news exaclty ( the emperor)
Chaeyoung- people love it ( the empress )
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lasi-nariyoyoreads · 2 months
is Jihyo will debut as acting?
Rev king of wands, empress, 5 of wands
I think she wants to but because of several things this dream of hers was delayed for a long time.
A lack of confidence or obstacles like the company or time issues got/will get in the way.
The empress implies that she hasn't given up on it, she's following her intuition and her creativity rather than what others expect her to do.
5 of wands implies struggles and clashes, so I think she's in a phase where she's trying to make her dream come true.
If she does debut, it will be thanks to her hard work and resilience.
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outsidereveries · 1 year
Can you do reading about twice if there are happy after renew contract? Did any members want to acting ?
disclaimer: my readings might be inaccurate because of changing energies and misinterpretation.
will they try acting:
mina’s already answered on curiouscat @ outsidereveries long time ago, i doubt the answer will change. it’s no.
nayeon - 8 of cups rx // 2 of cups
it can be an option if her music career doesn’t work all of a sudden. neutral answer? currently, no.
jeongyeon - 8 of wands rx // 4 of pentacles
no. there are many missed opportunities about this though.
momo - the hierophant • the empress rx
uncertain, leaning towards no.
sana - king of pentacles • page of wands rx
she could be interested in this if the salary for the offer is really good. however, it looks like acting isn’t her thing too.
jihyo - the tower, knight of swords • 10 of wands rx
actually, she might be interested in it. currently it’s too much for her, so if there’s opportunity that can be adjusted to her schedule (including free times and days), she could consider of trying it.
dahyun - my cards doesn’t want to tell the answer to me. sorry :(
chaeyoung - king of pentacles • four of wands
she also could try acting too.
tzuyu - the hierophant rx • the empress rx
girls’ feelings after renewing contracts:
nayeon - queen of swords rx • the hermit rx
very negative. bitter. doesn’t want to renew again. mistreated. forced.
jeongyeon - the fool • three of pentacles
she’s just a fool.. or she’s not? might be too optimistic. she believes they will give her what she wants. she’s really too good to be true. pure intentions. everything for the sake of twice as a group.
momo - five of wands • page of cups
mixed???? it looks like she resigned because she will do everything for the sake of ot9 twice.
sana - ten of cups • nine of cups rx
also mixed. it looks like the reason is the same as momo.
jihyo - knight of pentacles • five of cups
also mixed feelings. everything for ot9 twice here also huh?
mina - king of pentacles • four of wands
because of the girls, she’s really positive for resigning. she doesn’t care if she will be treated in the same way or not. she just wants to be active as twice member. however, the reason behind it might be money-related. maybe she won’t be satisfied in japan enough if she thought of returning back home.
dahyun - ace of cups • four of swords
also positive. however, it might be a bit mixed with the bottom card. does she wants rest? free days? отпуск i mean
chaeyoung - six of wands rx • death
very pessimistic. maybe like nayeon: forced? definitely to her this action of her is failure.
tzuyu - the sun • queen of cups
because of the girls, she’s the most positive for resigning. she doesn’t care if she will be treated in the same way or not. she just wants to be active as twice member. the feelings are really that pure.
does nayeon, momo, sana, jihyo, chaeyoung want more solo activities? and if yes, do they want different activities than given?
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sweetmastermind · 2 years
Jihyo - Mina - Minnie - Lisa ~ Dynamics
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Disclaimer: Take this with a grain of salt, energy constantly shifts. I'm not an expert and interpretations could not be the most correct, it's for entertainment purposes. Reading done 25/10. *Request*
General Relationship (queen swords - 9c - wheel of fortune - ace pentacles)
A really supportive energy, a guarded energy so it makes me believe they are really protective of each other, they feel happy being friends. It's going to be a long-lasting connection with a karmic resolution.
How Jihyo views the girls
Mina (Reading Jihyo x Mina dynamics)
Minnie (queen wands - star - ep rev.)
Someone a little forgetful but full of energy and optimism, she has a lot of ideas but may lack initiative.
Lisa (10p - empress rev.- the hierophant rev.)
A supportive friend, with ideas that are outside the box, that tends to give more than what she receives.
How Mina views the girls
Jihyo (Reading Jihyo x Mina dynamics)
Minnie (ace swords - 10w - 10s)
Their friendship is quite new, or at least feels like it, she feels like she has a lot of responsibilities and can be a little over dramatic.
Lisa (9s - 2c - queen cups)
Someone that is anxious, but they share mutual respect, she feels like she is Inspirational and supportive.
How Minnie views the girls
Jihyo (10c rev. - 5p - 8p)
Someone that works really hard, and gives a lot of herself in all the things she doesn't, but sometimes she doesn't have luck and can have a negative perception
Mina (the hangman - 4p)
Someone that spends a lot of time in their head and is holding into something.
Lisa (8w - the chariot - 9s)
Someone fast-moving, even with a lot on her plate she moves forward and continues to do her things
How Lisa views the girls
Jihyo (the tower rev. - 5s rev.)
Someone that can self-sabotage, she can hold onto things that don't add to her life and is really supportive of her friends
Mina (9w rev. - the lover's rev.)
Someone that is balanced but can be very stubborn
Minnie (7p rev. - 8s rev. - page cups rev. - 7w rev.)
Someone that works really hard but doesn't see the desired results, she is really resilient but has reached a really burnt-out state.
Thank you for reading!
Tarot deck used: Marseille Tarot
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hanadolphieron · 4 years
a/n- i do not support jk rowling. this is your (my beautiful, show-stopping, magnificent followers’) christmas gift and i hope she’s annoyed by the fact that a liberal pansexual and a lesbian fanfiction writer wrote a giant post centered around a universe she created ;)
another a/n- i hope all of my oomfies enjoy this, i spent an entire month writing it because i love you guys so much! you have made my year so much better!!!!!!!! big heart!
another another a/b- i started writing for ateez after i finished this, so that’s why they’re not on there. i would put them in, however i have written fifty-four of these and am a wee bit drained :)
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colors; scarlet and gold
traits; bravery, daring, nerve, chivalry
element; fire
symbol; the lion
head of house; chungha
members; nayeon, chaeyoung, jisoo, yeji, ryujin, yuna, mia, sakura, yujin,  heejin, chaewon, chungha, winter, somi
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colors; yellow and black
traits; hard work, dedication, loyalty, patience, fair play
element; earth
symbol; the badger
head of house; haseul
members; sana, dahyun, rosé, lia, e:u, onda, chaeyeon, chaewon, nako, wonyoung, jinsoul, haseul, chuu, yeojin, giselle, ningning
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colors; emerald and silver
traits; ambition, leadership, self-preservation, cunning, resourcefulness
element; water
symbol; serpent
head of house; eunbi
members; jeongyeon,  momo, jihyo, jennie, sihyeon, eunbi, yena, minju, yves, olivia hye
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colors; blue and bronze
traits; intelligence, curiosity, knowledge, creativity, wit
element; air
symbol; eagle
head of house; mina
members; mina, tzuyu, lisa,  chaeryeong, aisha, yiren, hyewon, hitomi, yuri, vivi, kim lip, hyunjin, choerry, karina
<im nayeon>
nayeon is a prefect, of course, she used to be the head of house but chungha succeeded her after nayeon decided to focus more on her studies
headcannon that nayeon and chungha are are lowkey besties
they don’t talk much, but they respect each other and always like to have nice chats about the school
but other than her leadership roles, nayeon is like the older sister of the gryffindor house
sort of has no idea what’s going on sometimes but tries her best because everyone asks her for advice
cries at graduation because she loves hogwarts so much
ends up working at the ministry of magic
she’s so perfect help🥺
<yoo jeongyeon>
definitely has a hufflepuff s/o
i refuse to believe anything else
is everyone’s crush, ryujin follows in her footsteps
is the slytherin seeker, probably flusters the other seekers because she’s intimidating but so gorgeous and charismatic
sorry for projecting my love of jeongyeon but i had to
is excellent at potions and has taught the class at some point
really enjoys hogwarts and takes advantage of all the fun magic it has to offer
is always in the library finding mystery books to read
dark, gothic academia hhhhh
snuck in two kittens along with her owl because she didn’t want to choose
nobody noticed because everyone’s too scared to go into the slytherin common room
<hirai momo>
famous for bringing a whole ass snake as a pet instead of you know, the legal pets like toads, owls, and cats
starts a dance team
except everyone’s mildly terrified to join because she looks really intimidating
when in reality the only bad thing she’s ever done is stealing sana’s cat because she wanted something to cuddle
and when sana took her cat momo dragged sana over inside to snuggle
as a first year she cried in front of her class one time for some reason that her brain has forgotten to protect her because she freaked the fck out
because she was afraid of tarnishing her scary slytherin reputation
now, she’ll have a good swig of butterbeer and wipe a tear away over how good it tastes (because finals)
<minatazoki sana>
has most adorable cat, like seriously it’s almost as cute as her🥺
gets drunk on butterbeer constantly
it’s becoming a slight issue
but it’s hard for anyone to stop her, as she works part-time at the three broomsticks and will make you pay more taxes if you annoy her
acts like a slytherin sometimes
because she’s good at everything the slytherin’s do
but sana’s a true hufflepuff at heart, she’s always looking to make people smile
her pranks are always to create a good atmosphere, not to aggravate people
makes hand-made scarves for everyone at christmas
<park jihyo>
thought she was a gryffindor her entire life
and then the sorting cat called out “slytherin” the second it touched her head
jihyo went 👁👄👁
but she ended up loving her house, and fit right in with her new friends
hates all the cats but they cling to her for spite
(she highkey actually adores them)
LOUD because she’s obsessed with quidditch
like seriously, obsessed, she will never shut up about the chudley cannons (i hope that’s their name) and will talk your ear off for hours just chatting about one game
sits in the library for peace and quiet, but sighs constantly and keeps getting glared at
couldn’t care less though, she needs deep breaths to sustain her sanity
<myoui mina>
everyone loves her!
she’s one of those people you bring up in conversation just to compliment? because she’s so respectable and wholesome and nice and beautiful and perfect?
leads ravenclaw so well :(
will stay up all night helping younger kids with their classes or subjects that they’re wildly interested in
makes quizlets for everything, her account lags because so many people are using it at one time
goes into the forest at night and dances as a way to relieve stress (we love an aesthetic queen)
<kim dahyun>
gets into trouble so much 
will risk her education to make people laugh
everyone respects her for it, even the teachers, so she never has many consequences because everyone needs some laughter in their lives
a beater for hufflepuff we love to see it
painted her bat like a badger and calls it tommy
has fallen off her broom more than once because she gets really distracted
the only class she truly focuses on is transfiguration
she loves it for some weird reason and does extra lessons with professor mcgonagall
no one questions it though, because she’s kim dahyun
<son chaeyoung>
the one who comforts everyone in gryffindor
sometimes expectations to be brave and self-assured can be too much for her fellow house-mates, so chaeyoung takes the role of making them feel safe and helping them relax
the expert at caring for the cats
something about her makes them flock around her feet
they’re always swarming around her feet
one time she actually tripped over one them and broke her shin
but luckily, professor sprout (aka her best friend) helped her through it with some medicinal herbs and long conversations about plants
always wearing comfy clothes
wears a scarf in the dorms for some reason
<chou tzuyu>
has the prettiest owl to ever exist
and its eyes match up perfectly with hers
everyone has a headcannon that they’re actually twins 
which would entail that tzuyu was born a bird but somehow turned into a human
but no one really dwells on that
caught mina when she was dancing in the forest at night
but vowed never to tell anyone
and now mina invites her to come watch and dance herself
tzuyu actually drew her one time and mina just about melted of embarrassment and  pride and happiness because tzuyu? just drew a picture of her? and it makes her feel so cool and magical?
<kim jisoo>
empress cat (along with hyunjin and chaeyoung)
those three have the sweetest relationship, you can always find them cooing about the cats together (while holding the cats themselves)
has an obsession with the whomping willow
always sits next to it after she managed to tame it 
reads and does her studies there
is undisturbed and loves it
knows all the staircases for some reason, like has given them names and nobody knows how she’s memorized them all
but if you’re ever lost, jisoo will appear out of nowhere to help
<kim jennie>
somehow manages to make time for everything
spends most of her time in the library, but also excels at quidditch? and makes it to all of the practices? like jennie stop being so talented (but please don’t we love it)
everyone’s like what an ambitious slytherin smh
cast her patronus on the first try
and screamed because she had a snow leopard! and they’re so adorable!
probably started crying just being honest
intimidates everyone but is a huge softie
has a close-knit group of friends
reminds me of a wolf? for some reason
<park chaeyoung>
a master at quidditch!
plays chaser on the hufflepuff team and is the captain as well
along with those leader positions, chaeyoung is also prefect
basically, she loves to p r o t e c t
what a hufflepuff smh
laughs so much it’s worrying, you can always hear her giggling throughout the halls of hogwarts
brought a frog
does not regret it at all, she loves zucchini (the frog) with all her heart
keeps it in her jacket pocket
ribbiting noises erupt in the middle of class
<lalisa monoban>
a beater for gryffinor i mean what were you expecting
was the first person to join momo’s dance team
which scared even more people away (youth with you anyone?)
but lisa is still so sweet, always helping people out
smiles at every single person she passes
her cheeks hurt by the end of the day, partly because of what i just mentioned and partly because rose makes her laugh so much
chases all the cats around
they act tormented but when have cats ever been honest when they like something a human is doing for them
they need the exercise, rose feeds them too much
<hwang yeji>
looks like a slytherin because of her eyes
but is a true gryffindor at heart, always being brave and kind to her friends and standing up for everyone
almost all of her friends are in gryffindor :) except for lia, who is arguably the most chaotic but stops them from doing anything too dumb
and chaeryeong, who helps more with the excitement management
yeji is a chaser on the gryffindor quidditch team (we been knew) and scores so much the point keeper (?) loses count
definitely has a cat
who snuggles with her in the common room and everyone wants to cry over how cute they both are
everyone talks about how she looks like her cat ;0
is pretty popular, although she’s still so humble
<choi jisu>
will tackle you if you wrong her, her friends, her plants, or steal her food
got lost on her first day and missed the whole day of classes
was so embarrassed and probably cried poor jisu
but haseul to the rescue! came and comforted her, we love a supportive hufflepuff family
daydreams all the time
professor sprout (is that her name i haven’t read these books in a while) is her best friend and she eats lunch with her sometimes🥺
all the teacher’s love her
except she’s pretty quiet in class, except for her maniacal laughing at chaeryeong sometimes
her and chae are The Best Friends TM
<shin ryujin>
everyone’s crush who are we kidding (fboi ryu)
a beater, always protects yeji and she loves it, always getting flustered over ryujin
even though ryu’s been doing it for years (however the winks she throws in yeji’s directions would make anyone falter)
the best in class at defense against the dark arts 
got her patronus, a black bear, within a few minutes after learning the lesson
and everyone was like 👀 but honestly not that surprised, because come on it’s shin ryujin herself!
shows off her skills (in everything she attempts) all the time and everyone loves it
in general very well liked, her vibe is so comforting and realistic, and she always says the rights things
<lee chaeryeong>
patronus = ostrich
chae was so annoyed with this honestly, i mean she’s trying to be this cool light academia ravenclaw and her patronus is an ostrich...
like really. really.
everyone laughed at her disappointing patronus, but chaeryeong didn’t care, she was actually beginning to love its uniqueness
throughout the school, chae is known for her adorably caring personality akin to a hufflepuff along with her wisdom
she helps everyone :(
friends with everyone despite being introverted
probably eats lunch with professor flitwick
she’s just too nice
her aesthetic, as i said, is light academia and she pulls it off so well
organizes all the chants at quidditch games
<shin yuna>
fred and george but one person
the gryffindor common room is in absolute chaos whenever she’s present
her laugh is contagious and can be heard all throughout the dorms, creating a beautiful sense of togetherness and happiness
keeps everyone’s faith in humanity
the loudest at al the quidditch games
teases her friends 100% of the time but will always hug and comfort them when they’re down
can make anyone smile within a few seconds
hangs out in the kitchen
terrorizes all her dormmates cats
they still sleep with her at night though, her bed is covered in cat fur
<park jiwon>
spends all of her time in the kitchens
her friends are always begging her to bring food back to the common rooms
and she normally does
in fact, she bakes pastries or cooks something for them most of the time because she’s sweet like that
ran into a painting one time and got yelled at by the person in it
it was the sole most terrifying experience in her life
she almost fell down the stairs
now, she’s actually friends with the people in the painting
and they have (maybe) forgiven her for smacking into their tea table and ruining their lunch
 (which they’ve been eating for years but jiwon did not mention that)
<kim sihyeon>
on the quidditch team
changes positions every single year for some reason (she’s such an ace)
because she has BIG TALENT
loves being a seeker the most (obviously, because she gets all the glory and she’s a leo with a scorpio mars)
has a black cat with the exact same personality as her
one time it ate her ramen and boy was she mad
but the cat, who was named orange (despite not being orange) really liked the noodles
so jiwon convinced sihyeon to let her make feline-friendly noodles for the cat
which sihyeon agreed to
because seeing orange slurp up a bowl of noodles really makes her day
<han eunji>
is professor mcgonagall’s child
i mean not literally, but still
eunji has been taken under her wing
in fact, she actually taught mia how to be a metamorphmagus
eunji managed to turn into a badger
which wasn’t exactly enjoyable at first, since being a badger doesn’t have many benefits other than being able to dig a hole faster than anybody you know
however, eunji used her badger form as a way to relax, because she could escape from all her problems by turning into a woodland animal and going to take a comfy nap in some flowers
her friends were ecstatic when she told them she had become a badger
e:u immediately made her morph into said animal so she could give mia a hug because fluffy
<jo serim>
accompanies jiwon to the kitchen most days and prevents her from getting bored with her antics
these “antics” involve things like crouching on the counter next to jiwon and crunching down on carrots
to which jiwon just shakes her head and pulls the carrot right out of her mouth 
loves the toads! she has a speckled one and treasures it with all her heart
steals jiwon’s pastries to feed to them
serim is also always in different places
she’s completely unpredictable, moving all around the school throughout the day
you can’t find her in the same place twice (except for the kitchens)
everyone thinks she’s part fairy because of this and her compassion
<heo yoorim>
spends all her time daydreaming while looking up at the sky from the observatory
i don’t blame her, it does have an exquisite view and even sports a bunch of cushions and blankets on the floor for the sole purpose of taking naps in the sun like a cat
anyways, yoorim is lost in her head most of the time
but always takes a trip back to reality during the day, where’s spotted encouraging her friends 24/7
and laughing nonstop at them
(especially sihyeon)
because while she’s a ravenclaw, loved ones are the most important things in her life
<wang yiren>
joins aisha in her imagining sprees up in the observatory
but gets bored and leaves to go sneak into the slytherin common rooms because she wants to spot the giant squid
who she has made friends with from her constant trips to see it
its name is jerry, for anyone who’s wondering
the slytherins have adopted her as one of their one
and yiren takes great pride in it
because she now has a massive posse of people ready to protect her from anyone who would dare to make her sad
<kwon eunbi>
keeps everyone in line because she finds everyone annoying
collapses on the sofa at the end of the day
probably snores
has the best self confidence of the whole school
i mean some of it is because she wants to be a good role model, but she really just doesn’t care at this point
her owl would rip any enemies to shreds
because it is pretty fearsome, even if it’s the smallest one professor mcgonagall has ever seen
and she’s seen a lot
probably a tutor ngl
<miyawaki sakura>
the most passionate gryffindor you’ll ever meet
sakura definitely makes a name for herself cheering at all the quidditch games
and with the fact that she won the triwizard tournament!
keeps the cup in the gyrffindor common rooms
because she sees it as something the house should be proud of, not just sakura
so sweet i can not with her
actually didn’t bring a pet and now regrets it
but she’s busy so she wouldn’t have time to care ofr it
but still
<kang hyewon>
the seventh years surrounded her on her first day because of her “must protect” energy
and the fact that her toad escaped as soon as she came through the door
which resulted in school-wide panic
they found the toad luckily
well, it actually came running back to hyewon
for some reason, it actually bit her! which made her laugh
the devious amphibian apparently had a habit for escaping, which hyewon learned about after multiple attempts from it at running away
which never worked
because hyewon would get so sad and said toad would feel bad
thus meaning it would turn around and bound back to hyewon
<choi yena>
immediately fell in love with hogwarts once she saw the great hall
one, because it was full of food
and two, because it’s so pretty! and the starts reflect on the ceiling! and magic!
tried to bond with the sorting hat
and it most likely worked because she is choi yena and can do things like that
a social butterfly without realizing it, everyone wants to talk to her all at the same time and she is b i g s t r e s s e d
helps with homework even if she has no idea what she’s doing
it aides her in picking up the subject because no that she’s having to explain it it clicks in her mind
strategy peeps
<lee chaeyeon>
the sorting hat knew she was a hufflepuff the minute she walked through the door
her bright energy and happy-go-lucky charm made her a friend magnet, everyone wanted to be her bestie
dances to cheer people up
is friends with all the ravenclaws and joins them in their all-nighters when they’ve discovered a new obsession
wins every single lottery/game/anything that involves chance
her nicknames is felix felicis (i hope i’m spelling that right)
racks up all the house points because the professors can’t help but praise her for everything
and she deserves it to, always running around helping others
<kim chaewon>
the seeker for hufflepuff
surprised the class and left everyone open-mouthed with her quidditch skills
had no idea she was so good, but after a while begins to take a lot of pride in her talent
the sorting hat considered slytherin for chaewon, but decided against it
which may seem like an odd combination, but it wasn’t uncommon 
befriends all the slytherins and has them head over heels in love with her
same with the gryffindors
in fact, chaewon doesn’t know actually know many hufflepuffs, she’s always gotten along better with the other houses
<kim minju>
joins vivi in at night whenever she’s in the astronomy tower
has an admirable amount of ravenclaw friends and has practically become one at this point
goes in the common room all the time because she can figure out the riddles
smh their security system really isn’t that good
becomes obsessed with random subjects
has a different best class every year
comes up with her own spells
hogsmeade weekends are her favorite :(
and minju stuffs herself with butterbeer every time
eunbi’s the only person who can keep her in check
<yabuki nako>
i mean all hufflepuffs are cute-
but nako really takes the cake 
because no one can look at her adorable smile and not think she’s the cutest human to ever exist
drew on the walls of the hufflepuff dorms because she accidentally drank a potion yuri had been brewing
which caused her to go loopy and delirious
eunbi was summoned and forced to tuck nako into bed so she could sleep it off
lights up the room whenever she walks in
everybody swears that the candles actually brighten whenever nako appears
<honda hitomi>
loves the ravenclaw tower with all her heart :(
almost fainted when she first saw it because of how pretty it was
peak house spirit
ravenclaw only wins the house cup if hitomi has a good year
because she’s just so happy to be a ravenclaw and all the teachers are like yeh hitomi yeh and give her lots of points
became a prefect the first chance she got
doens’t get anyone in trouble though
but no one takes any chances because they don’t want to disappoint her
<jo yuri>
a master at potions
spends half her time concocting liquids to do a bunch of (benevolent) things
has suspicious stains on her robes
nobody questions it
because she’s a ravenclaw, which means she will feel extremely put off at any sort of accusatory remarks and you won’t be able to understand her answer because of her big brain words
jumps 10 feet in the air if you interrupt her magic
screams too
makes you swear to never tell anyone
but it’s happened to everyone so at this point it’s just common knowledge
<ahn yujin>
a beater for gryffindor and goes beast mode whenever ravenclaw is playing
because for some reason they make her eye twitch
even if she’s friends with a bunch of them
she’s still just BIG GRR
spends all of her itme in the gryffindor common room
greets everyone when they come in
is on a first-name basis with the entire school and no one knows how she can remember them all
and she’s so sweet to people? how does she deal with it
whenever she comes in the room there’s a chorus of “ahn yujin, the woman, the myth, the legend!”
<jang wonyoung>
thought the common room actually had badgers in it
and was extremely disappointed when she found out they didn’t
haseul felt bad seeing wonyoung’s sadness and invited her on a badger hunt
they found two
and bonded with them by feeing them food
i don’t know what badgers eat so i won’t specify
but the badgers followed the two home and now the hufflepuff house has two pet badgers
wonyoung takes great pride in that accomplishment
even more than when she (effortlessly) won the triwizard tournament in her sixth year
<wong gaahei>
super into astronomy and astrology
will stare at the stars all night
has seven telescopes and has no shame
seems quiet at first, but the ravenclaw dorms are always filled with the sound of her laughter (even at 3 in the morning)
daydreams in class all the time
and is confused over everything
but still makes it through with her sweet personality
fell off a broom the first time she ever got on one
because she was so busy watching the instructor that she didn’t realize her head was tilted so far to the side that it unbalanced her and caused her to slip off her broom
<ha sooyoung>
snako right here wanted to play quidditch her whole life
but sadly, she wasn’t too good at it
however, yves soon realized her true talent transfiguration
seriously, she can change anything into anything
zapped lippie into a mouse one time
professor mcgonagall was not happy
just kidding she was ecstatic and gave sooyoung a detention to teach her how to perfect her skills on turning people into mice
just not jungeun
holds a grudge against the gryffindor quidditch team but won’t ever admit it
but everybody knows
but it’s okay, because sooyoung can get away with anything (and no one wants to be turned into a mouse)
<jung jinsoul>
famous for winning the triwizard tournament 
because first of all, she didn’t even want to apply, yves and heejin had forced her to as a joke because there was no way she was going to be picked
but low and behold, she was picked
and somehow managed to win every task with pure luck
(and an ungodly amount of encouragement from chuu)
this has made everyone scared of her
which she doesn’t mind a lot of times, because it’s nice to be left alone
and she can easily filter out peole she doesn’t want in her life
but still
to people who aren’t aware of her winnings
she’s about as terrifying as a duck eating lettuce
<jo haseul>
overworked as the head of house but deals with it because she loves taking care of her fellow puffies
i miss her so much
was on the quidditch team at some point
she can’t remember when
third year maybe
her first four years went by in a blur
she was so enveloped in her studies and loved learning about magic with all her heart
100% got a job at the ministry once she finished her seventh year
there was zero question when choosing the head of house for hufflepuff
everyone immediately nominated haseul
<kim jungeun>
The Scary Ravenclaw TM
no one messes with her or her posse
a beast at magic has legit something like an 8.0 GPA
everyone’s like jungeun that is hecking impossible
not for her apparently
whipped for all the hufflepuffers and is known to trudge into their common room whenever she’s grumpy
because she knows at least sixteen people will volunteer to hug her
(preferably chuu is in that group)
denies it though
like heck no i hate hugs what are you talking about
<kim jiwoo>
the definition of a hufflepuff
was the talk of the school the first day because of how big of an impact her positivity and cheerfulness made
she turns heads and doesn’t even notice it😔
didn’t bring a pet, surprisingly
but steals everyone else’s
no one bothers to reprimand her whenever their cat disappears and is found cuddled up next to chuu
because honestly if i was a cat that’s what i would do
her patronus is probably something like a pufferfish
which she thought was the best thing ever
because “it goes poof whenever i stop the spell!”
<jeon heejin>
acts like she struggles with school but is actually top of her class
spends a bunch of time with her professors because she loves talking to them
such a libra smh
brought a toad
was so embarrassed at first but is now shameless 
about the fact that yes, she does kiss her toad on the forehead before she leaves for school each morning
even if most of the time she keeps the toad in her pocket all day because she doesn’t want to leave it alone
<kim hyunjin>
head owl caretaker
spends all of her time with hagrid :(
there are multiple stains on the floor from when they’re drinking tea together and hyunjin does something that makes them both spit out their drinks in laughter
fang cleans it up though
the animals are her favorite thing
created a spell to remove fur/hair from her clothes because she gets bad allergies
steals whole loaves of bread from the kitchens
the cooks turn a blind eye
<park chaewon>
has eaten all the crackers in the kitchen in one go
no one was really mad (except for jiwon) because how could you be upset with her?
her crunchy voice is adorable, even if she’s lying and blaming it all on yeojin
does her own thing most of the time
one of those people who will memorize 1800 spells but tell no one
and then shows everything off at the perfect moment
loves watching quidditch
will go to the practices just to see people play, she’s that enamored
a HUGE fan of the chudley cannons
<choi yerim>
friends with all the hufflepuffs
stole their badgers one time because she wanted to test the theory of “hufflepuffs are good finders”
they would have found their pets
but were too scared to accuse choerry
even if they knew it was her
choerry felt bad and sneakily returned the truffle-hunters during the night
she heard chuu disgruntledly ranting to haseul about how rude it was to steal some poor defenseless badgers
she turned them invisible shortly after that for another prank
but gowon exposed her
yerim’s never forgiven her for it
<son hyejoo>
the sweetest slytherin you’ll ever meet
loves to sit in the common room and stare at the water in the lake
but always gets scared by people walking in
even though she’s used to it because it happens every 10 minutes 
but it’s still
wanted to be on the quidditch team so bad when she was younger but now does not see the point she would much rather sit in the charms room and make up dumb spells with chuu
professor flitwick helps them
and always has cupcakes on handy
<im yeojin>
the mind of a slytherin and is the head prankster
no one suspects her because she looks and acts to sweet to do anything
but despite their “fair play” thing going on
hufflepuffs are the best jokers you’ll find
yeojin has started a pranking service
makes a bunch of money off it
enough to buy all 11 of her besties bags of candy at hogsmeade
(along with getting herself one because she deserves it)
and some for hufflepuff’s badgers too!
<yoo jimin>
i put her in gryffindor at first because aries
but she really has the personality of a ravenclaw :)
and she definitely brought an eagle/hawk to school
convinced everyone it was an owl
i mean no one really thought it was an owl because it obviously was a different kind of bird
how the heck do you take away someone’s bird and prevent it from going back to them?
and where do you put it?
that was karina’s plan
she knew no one could outsmart her
the riddle thingo at the entrance to the ravenclaw dorms was very proud of her
they’re friends
<uchinaga aeri>
the sorting hat spent five hours deciding on whether to put giselle in slytherin or hufflepuff
i’m exaggerating but you get the picture
because she values all of the things that the houses represent?!
but hufflepuff was still the best fit
loves to wander around the halls and staircases so she can discover the infinite amount of corridors and rooms inside hogwarts
she’ll never find them all
which is a little dissatisfying
but it’s still fun!
and ningning accompanies her a lot of the time, which can be incredibly distracting because neither of them end up going the direction they want to because they see something cool and go !!??
<kim minjeong>
a chaser for gryffindor
although no one knows about it? 
winter just never mentions it so whenever she plays there’s an uproar because that’s minjeong out there!
she loves the compliments from the outcome/ending of her accomplishments rather than the encouragement along the way
an ace at sneaking around the school
has gotten into all of the houses’ dorms 
no one found out
although the fat friar did see her and lecture her on privacy
she sort of listened
by which i mean she stayed out of the hufflepuff dorms and instead wen to the ravenclaw ones
<ning yizhuo>
the pride of hufflepuff for her quidditch skills
she’s so good at it
no one really expected this from her, but her determination blasted away any competition
and the team needs her badly 
for her quidditch skills
and her constant encouragement and cheering
giselle ended up giving her a microphone to wear during games so the whole school could hear how amazing and sweet the hufflepuff house is
smiles at everyone she walks past and the entire population of hogwarts knows her name
<kim chungha>
mcgonagall’s favorite
a role model for everyone, chungha has a posse of first years surrounding her at all times
her becoming head of house was no surprise, everyone expected her to and no one was jealous or envied her position since she did such a good job of leading gryffindor
used to be on the quidditch team as a blugder
which no one expected from sweet chungha
she was average, not a prodigy but not bad either
ended up quitting in sixth year to focus more on her studies, namely charms
<jeon somi>
in about 18 clubs
started 15 of them
for some reason she just loves the thrill of being part of a group more than others
and really enjoys having people around her
excellent at charms! it’s her best subject and professor flitwick uses her as an example all the time
she loves it
probably had to give her animal away to someone else (big sad) because she’s so busy
it was hyunjin who took it
now they’re really good friends and somi can see her cat whenever she wants to
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mechaknight-98 · 6 months
NSFW Masterlist
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One Shots
Road trip part II ft Tzuyu and Sana
Prey ft Momo Hirai
Trepidation ft Dahyun
Pit Stop ft Tzuyu
Confusion ft Arin
The Fake Mommy ft Yujin
Brave Ft Jihyo Park
Abysswalker Ft Han Chowon
Extreme Sports ft Jiheon
Make you Mine Ft Han Chowon
Aphasia ft Momo
Memories ft Chaewon
Outrage ft Nayoung
Rise up ft Jiu and Yoohyeon
Paradigm Trigger ft Jihyo
The hounds of Apophis ft Sakura Miyawaki and Jihyo
All nighter ft Sakura Miyawaki and Jihyo
Picture perfect ft Jihyo
Dominance ft Yel
Stupid Cheese Cat ft Karina
Abducted ft Jihyo
Stacking bodies ft Hyewon
Beastmaster's bond V ft Chaehyun
ATB ft Chaehyun, Jeewon, Arin
Winners and losers ft. Hayoung Song
Enigmatic Ft Jinsoul
Enchantment ft Arin
A quiet moment ft Tzuyu
Giving Blood ft Yel
Black Lungs ft Eunha
DYDOA Ft Eunha
Undaunted ft Sejeong
Ranger Reject ft Chaehyun and Jiheon
Human Resources ft Hyewon
Kan’t Relax ft Sakura Miyawaki
Road Trip Ft Tzuyu and Nayeon
Beastmaster’s Bond IV ft Chaehyun
Ardor Ft Sakura Miyawaki
Seeing Magenta ft Arin
Team Up I Ft Chodan
Beastmaster’s Bond III ft Chaehyun
Unexpected results ft Nagyung
Uncanny ft Arin
Game Face ft Hyeju
Intensity ft Haewon
Many paths few resolutions ft Yujin
Beastmaster’s bond II ft Chaehyun
Teal flames ft Sakura Miyawaki
1800-Hot-NFun ft Sakura Miyawaki
Perfect night ft Sakura Miyawaki
Na matsuri Da ft Sakura Miyawaki
Lotus Junction ft Chaewon
Aftermath ft Sejeong
Full Circle ft MiChaeang
Beastmaster’s Bond I ft Chaehyun
First Time ft: Yerin
Instinctive Insight part II ft Chaehyun
Festival Prep ft Sakura Miyawaki
Instinctive Insight ft Chaehyun
Aggression ft Sohee
Festivities ft Sakura Miyawkai
Paragon ft Yeji
Bon Voyage ft Yoohyeon
Vehement ft Chaeyoung (twice)
Edge of tomorrow ft Dami
Louder voice ft Sakura Miyawaki
No Return ft Sakura Miyawaki
Empress ft Hyewon and Eunbi
Force of will ft Chaeyoung Twice
Reciprocal Feelings ft Natty
Caiju Clean up Crew ft Momo
Kozy ft Karina
Masquerade Part II ft Sejeong
Rash Revelries ft Sana and Jihyo
Celebrations ft Jihyo
Skyline ft Eunbi and Hyewon
Overwhelming Overtime ft Sua
Party Time ft Jeewon
Party time 0 ft dahyun
Anniversary Gifts ft Haseul
Best buddies ft SinB
Home Run ft Sohee
Overlord ft Eunbi and hyewon
Prey ft Chuu
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exodusmusing · 4 years
below the cut you will find 85 korean female names with their meaning! all of these names are taken from kdramas, idols, actors and a list of names i have found on internet but it did take some time, so please like or reblog if you find this helpful!!
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disclaimer: some names will have more than one meaning, that happens because of different hanja. i’ll put all the meanings i’ve found, since i’m not a korean speaker to tell which one is the right/best one.
aecha (love and daughter)
ahri (benefits from elegance or beauty)
ahyoung (beautiful flower)
ara (be beautiful; good)
areum (beauty)
bitna (to shine)
boah (treasured and elegant; jewel flower/reflection)
bomi (beautiful treasure)
bora (purple)
chaerin (emerald; colourful unicorn; brilliant clear water)
chaewon (collect; gather; source; beginning)
chaeyoung (praised)
chungha (clear)
cheonmi or chunmi (sky/heaven beauty)
dahye (love; grace; exellent; beautiful or lots of wisdom)
danbi (long awaited rain or sweet rain after a long drought)
dasom (love)
deokhye (ethics, morality, virtue and favor, benefit, confer kindness; the last princess of korea)
duri (two)
eunbin (silver grace)
eunhye (favor; grace)
eunji (pretty successful in life)
gayoung (beautiful flower)
goeun (beautiful; pretty)
gyeowool (winter)
gyuri (strides towards success)
haeun (gift from god; god’s glory)
hana (one)
hara (holds lotus)
haru (day)
hyorin (love)
hyejin (favours the truth; intelligent and honest)
hyerin (intelligent gemstone)
hyewon (bright or intelligent river)
iseul (morning dew)
jaehee (shining moon)
jia (happy; peaceful; wise)
jieun (silver; happy; wise; kind)
jihye (wisdom)
jihyo (beautiful stars)
jinah (nice; loyal; smart; pretty)
jisoo (intelligent;  knowledge; happy; long life of beauty)
jiwon (wise and beautiful; the best meaning in life)
jumi (empress of beauty)
kyungri (respect, honour +  gains, advantage, profit, merit)
mari (the best)
micha (gorgeous)
mina (beauty and elegance)
minjeong (kind; clever; pure)
minji (kind and wise; knows heaven)
mira (beautiful silk)
miso (smile)
misuk (beautiful and pretty)
miyeon (beautiful)
nabi (butterfly)
naeun (elegant kindness)
nari (lily flower)
romi (jade beauty)
saerom (dawn; daybreak)
sandara (wise and clever)
sarang (love)
seoyeong (calmly glorious; calm flower)
seohyeon (seo means felicitous omen; auspicious + hyeon means virtuous, worthy, able)
sera (beautiful)
seulgi (wisdom)
sohee (small yet shining)
somi (beautiful child)
soojin (beautiful treasure)
sooyoung (blossoming petal, beautiful and fine; eternal water)
sora (conch shell; sunlight net)
sori (sound)
suji (graceful intelligence)
sunghee (accomplishes glory)
yeeun (fame; reputation; praise +  kindness; mercy; charity)
yeji (be beautiful and wise)
yeoreum (summer)
yerim (talented gemstone)
yeseo (spreading talents)
yoonah (delicate beauty)
yubin (forgives with elegance; abudant elegance)
yuna (abundant endurance; much elegance)
yunha (holds delicateness)
yunhee (lotus flower and pleasure)
yura (farmer)
yuri (to approve and to benefit)
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theninthdoor · 7 months
my question is what do you think About the one who asked to end the relationship first, for Momo and her lover (I don’t remember his name), Jihyo, and Daniel (who decided when to leave)
cards: six of wands, the moon rx, the star, the empress
in Momo's case, I think it was a pretty mutual decision. they both just decided to call it quits. as for Jihyo and Daniel, it was her who made that move.
(Disclaimer: All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only. Based on current energies.)
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leonaluv · 5 months
What about jeongyeon ?
can you also do like this with jeongyeon fs?
Nayeon- her church buddy ,her spiritual friend , someone she feels good around , that uplifts her spirit ( hierophant )
Momo- hopeful , good person , star quality to them ,feels like celebrities hang out ( the star )
Sana- the person is popular, and like that she can asked that person advice , like older sibling vibes ( the world)
Jihyo- they won't be that close, but talk about what books, and stuff they learn from ( the hermit)
Mina- they wont be that close ( ten wands )
Dahyun- meme dances , having fun together, helping each other out ( ace pentacles )
chaeyoung- sweet relationship , caring for each other ( queen cups)
tzuyu-someone she enjoys spending time with , feels luxurious ( the empress)
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arcana-krp · 4 years
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                                     𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞! congrats jihyo, you have been accepted! please add the empress and the emperor within 48 hours from acceptance. we look forward to seeing what else fate has in store for you. 
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mongjii · 5 years
the empress
Tarot Questions. Status: Accepting. @trulyxyoungbae
the empress: do you think you will ever get married?
Since the question the other asked was more on a personal level, Jihyo had a thinking face on and tried to not seem hesitant as she spoke. "I would love to get married, I really do.. Because of the fact I'm a woman and I'm at my late thirties, I feel like that it won't be so easy to get married. I'm not dating anyone yet nor do I like anyone, so I want to take baby steps and not rush into marriage as well. Aish, I'm getting too open, but.. I believe that I'll get married someday, I have that hope that it'll happen." She exposed the answer after rambling for a bit, and released a chuckle to push away the tension.
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