#empress of wands
unhelpfultarot · 17 days
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Six of Wands and The Empress
Our beloved queen Cleopatra is supposed to be meeting some important Roman guy today. Maybe it was two guys? Mark and Tony? Anyway, I hope it goes well.
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empress-of-wands · 2 years
Hello there, lovely people! IT HAS BEEN SUCH A LONG TIME!!! I have missed ya'll sooo muchhh. Now, The way this works is that you take a deep breath and let your intuition guide you to pick the image you feel drawn to, go to the pile number of that image and get your reading. How these specific reading works is that as dreams have always been a portal for me to get in touch with the unknown, I wanted to tell you how dreams and visions connect you to your future spouse/partner. This is a general reading so certain parts are specific for those who need to hear it. Don’t worry if some things do not resonate, and as always take care ♥️ thank you @assassin1513 for these beautiful gifs. For any doubts feel free to text me or even if you need somebody to talk to.
TW- Mention of sexual abuse
Cards- Ace of pentacles, Strength, Justice, 3 of pentacles, Death
The moment I started reading for you, I knew this is my pile, I know your faith in love stories in happy endings is hanging by a thread at times, "is it really worth putting my faith in this anymore? " I know you're tired of fighting, but trust me you've seen and heard, along with dreaming, you might even hear things in your waking life, "Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you" this is what caught my attention while reading for you. The type of dreams your future spouse gets, they already know how delicately powerful you are. This vulnerable side of you, all you need is to have your heart guarded carefully, know that spirit is asking you to defend what you truly believe in, you are meant for bigger things…I am sure you dream of those as well, you ain' the type to flirt with, you are the type they have to earn and your person knows it. All of a sudden, the past won't matter no more, I promise you that. Happiness will follow. You'll feel like coming home. Death of a toxic cycle and birth of a fresh start for you my dear. This person changes it all. You are highly thought of by your future spouse, they subconsciously know where you come from. Look out for visions you get, might direct you to the where you're destined to be. You deserve a happy ending and the universe will provide you just what you need. Have faith in the process little one.
Cards- Knight of Pentacles, 8 of Swords, Judgement, 6 of Cups, Page of Cups, 7 of Wands, 7 of Pentacles
My badass, strong-willed, ambitious people, ya'll are gonna be damn shocked when you see your person in dreams, this is somebody you've been manifesting for quite a while and you know, they know how much of a workaholic you are. They'll be the "okay? you gonna overwork like this and make your body suffer? Okay then imma gonna carry you to bed." yeahhhhh they that type of energy, doesn't matter if you are into masculine or feminine energy, they have a very motherly vibe to them, there is a high chance that you might even have an idea who they are but it didn't register in your brain yet like you know those times where you're like "I swear I have seen this person somewhere I just can't recall where.." And THERE! You suddenly know you have seen them in your damn dreams. Listen, they a husband/wife material. I could just melt rn, such teddy bear sort of personality. They might visit you when you are having a tough day or exhausted in every way. Awww they will make a happy home for you to come home to, and give you everything you need….just keep your eyes on the light will you? Things will settle in very soon. Very VERY caring person.
Cards- The Punishment. Ace of Pentacles, The Priest, 3 of Swords, Ace of Cups, Knight of Cups, Daughter of Wands
Pile for my sneaky people. On the outside, ya'll look/act different but on the inside, oof. No offence but this is also the pile where a few of you are called "boring" or "don't talk much" Your dreams are rather very graphic and boldly sensual, Idk what kinda kinks you are into sweetheart. Still, your person is getting all the messages, your silhouette in different ways, in different positions, something with knives? For some of you, you guys grew up in a very strict household? So often doing things for your own pleasure was looked down upon but with your person, things will be different, in time they need you to open up more, be open to receiving, and taste everything that life has to offer. Your person is gonna be very gentle with you tbh, to that is how they are. All this stagnancy is not gonna last long in your life, very soon things are gonna change and your person wants you to believe whatever they choose to show you in your dreams, They want you to be happy, Enjoy yourself, and celebrate yourself as the divine being you are. Don't settle, they are on their way to you.
Cards- Queen of Wands, 6 of Pentacles, 3 of Pentacles, Ace of Wands, 10 of Cups, 7 of Swords, King of Wands
Have you just gotten into self-care? Or thinking about joining in soon? Idk why but something about you taking care of yourself when shit goes south is essential and something of a priority for your future partner, you are smart enough to solve everything but this naive hidden side of you, it's like a moth to a flame for your person, they like seeing you relaxed in their visions. And maybe I'm going a bit NSFW but they LOVE seeing how your body looks like, your voice, that excitement, they see all that in dreams. Quick question but do ya'll get the kind of dream where you fly a lot? It might be specific for a few of you. Your person sees how ambitious you are, and how hardworking you are, they just want you to take gooood care of yourself. Know that they keep getting signs of you. You will see them more often than you imagine.
Cards- 5 of Cups, 4 of Wands, Ace of Wands, The fool, 2 of Pentacles, The Lovers
Okay okay so listen, either these are just initial phases or you guys have yet to get clues through dreams but you get them in your waking life, clear signs of repeated numbers or some lyric stuck in your head, seeing something, again and again, you see signs in waking life. You are somewhat very strong when it comes to your aura, like your femininity/masculinity is quite out there, quite a go-getter sort of energy, your person kinda senses that already. Whatever you have been through, you tend to overcome that and see any new objective with fresh eyes, which is quite unique of you. You know how some people try reading through cloud shapes or tea leaves? Guess you'll learn more like that. There is a high chance that your spouse might not show their face and just body or vice versa with few features because I did the next pile and got back again to your pile, not much was supposed to be known to you, but know that when you meet them, you'll learn all along that all the signs? It was already with you.
Cards- The World, the Star, 9 of Cups, Queen of Swords, The magician, 2 of Wands, 9 of Pentacles
Sooooooooo likeeeeee your person, my gawd. Idk if you've already experienced this or not but they gonna take you on dates when ya'll dream. I know crazy, when I say dates I mean worldwide, surfing in Hawaii to drinking champagne in Paris to watching sunsets in Spain and the list goes on. That is actually quite creative when you think of it. You are on a journey to become better you so aside from your soulmate, the dreams are also about YOU. You will see the true you, believe it. Your person is craving for you too tbh. This is all because of the divine trying to send ya'll messages. Trust in whatever signals you get and take in whatever sits well with you. They um…like it when you appear in their dreams, quite a sight to see for them. But trust me this "becoming your higher self" is coming out too strong with this pile, you might even see your person more once you start taking care of yourself and your finances.
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numinously-yours · 13 days
Pick a Painting: Your Higher Purpose
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Choose a painting above and read about your higher purpose in this life down below <3 If you feel inclined, reblog and tag which group you chose. If it resonates and you're interested in tipping, I have $1 and $5 tip options on my Etsy :) My Etsy Shop Here
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Group 1
What is your higher purpose? The Sun reversed
You are here to be a silver lining of the dark clouds. Your spirit and energy bring optimism into spaces where things feel hopeless. You are here to remind people that, no matter how bad it seems, there is always something to look forward to and find beauty in. This comes from the things you actively do for people as well as the way you live your life. People cannot help but feel a little lighter with you in the room.
What can you start doing to get there? Six of Swords rev., Four of Cups, Queen of Pentacles rev.
You may be having your own internal conflicts at the moment. Maybe you feel stuck in a rut and are having a difficult time finding the light at the end of the tunnel even for yourself. How on Earth are you expected to do that for others? First, your mere existence is the light. You are not required to DO things for others if you don’t have the capacity. What you do have/should find the capacity for is finding the good in the every day. You may be going through some transitions in your life that has made this harder than usual. The chaos may feel overwhelming, but if you approach it with a different mindset and meditate on your worries, you’ll start feeling less heavy. The more you actively do this for YOURSELF, the more that positive energy is going to radiate from you.
Anything you should stop doing? Ace of Wands, Seven of Pentacles
Stop giving up on yourself! I think there are times where you start a project, or think about starting one, and you make a little progress, but then you stop. Maybe the progress isn’t happening as quickly as you want, so you don’t think it’s going to be successful at all. But that’s right when you need to keep going. The finish line is right over the hill. As you start projects, remember that things take time and THAT’S OKAY! Powering through these times is what brings long term results.
Other advice? The Fool, The Empress rev.
Keep an open mind and make self-care a priority. I think this really reiterates the things you can start doing. Find the good in your OWN life. As the saying goes, You cannot pour from an empty cup. It’s okay to prioritize yourself! Do some fun & creative things – even if you think you suck at them. Doodle, paint, sing karaoke in your living room, anything to bring a little inner child joy to your life.  Don’t be afraid to be a little spontaneous, either. Some of the best experiences come from our spur of the moment experiences 😊
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What is your higher purpose? Nine of Pentacles rev., The High Priestess
The higher purpose in your life is to become more in-tuned with yourself & the way of the world. Particularly, in the spiritual realm. How can you and the world create a give and take relationship? What will the world show you about yourself? How will you help the world? This lifetime is all about finding those answers.  
What can you start doing to get there? Six of Cups, Death
I definitely think some of the people who pick this pile have had previous lifetimes. I was already thinking this with the high priestess but now with these two cards we have:  reminiscing (6 of cups) and transformation (death). Even if you don’t remember your past lives, you will bring in some of your skills from those lives to start helping you find your answers. You’re going to feel some strong gut instincts when you are thinking about new paths to go down – trust those!
As a whole, though, whether you have past lives, are brand new, or have no idea: Start each new day with a blank canvas. Live in the NOW. Remember the things that once brought you joy and implement them into your life again.  If you have kids in your life (your own children, nieces/nephews, students, etc), try to see life through their eyes when you’re around them. They will teach you how to just BE, to let go of the bullshit, and embrace the innocence you have subconsciously forgotten.
Anything you should stop doing? Strength rev.
Stop doubting yourself! You may have been on a journey to find your purpose for your whole life and you are never quite sure if you found it. There always seems to be something “missing”, but I truly think that’s just what life is like. It’s the opportunity for constant learning. It is your push to stay present and understand the now. When you don’t feel “productive” it doesn’t mean you’re lazy or failing. In times of doubt, remember the amazing things about yourself. Be kind to your mind.
Other advice? Ace of Pentacles
This is my favorite card in tarot <3 This is my “everything is, or will be, exactly how it’s supposed to be” card. If there is something specific that you are trying to manifest, the universe is telling you that you can do it. If you’ve been waiting for a sign to get started, this card is that sign! And regardless, the Ace wants you remind you to be consciously aware of your blessings and KNOW that you deserve every single one of them.
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What is your higher purpose? The Magician
You are the one who shows people that anything is possible. You always seem to find a way to make something out of nothing. Manifestation is your middle name and people wish it was theirs. You tend to know your “why” whenever you go into any situation. “Why am I here? To make people happy, to get things done, to have fun?” You act according to this “why” and it seems seamless to those around you. You inspire them to take action in their own life.
What can you start doing to get there? Strength, Three of Wands
I think you might be doing everything you need to do – so this message is to keep it up! Continue to have patience and be calm in the storm. Continue to be determined to make your dreams come true. Continue overcoming fears and challenges. Every single step you take brings you a level of progress you didn’t have before. The only advice would just be to explore options you haven’t tried before. Otherwise, it sounds like what you HAVE tried is working really well 😊
Anything you should stop doing? Ten of Wands
Stop carrying the weight of others on your shoulders! I think you care about people a lot and you want to help them reach their full potential. This can be exhausting. Being exhausted from that doesn’t make you a bad person, it just makes you human. You can still be there for people in other ways, but you won’t be able to help them if you deplete yourself of all your energy.
Other advice? Judgement, The Fool
I’m not sure if this is correlated to this reading specifically, but the universe has a message about starting over. There may be something coming to end or you are considering ending a cycle. The universe wants you to know that this is going to open up soo many new opportunities. Allow the changes to happen, even if they make you nervous. A spiritual awakening may be on its way, too, which sparks this new beginning. You may realize something new and it brings a newfound energy to your life. Don’t over think think, let it happen.
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What is your higher purpose? The Hanged Man, The Sun
Your higher purpose in this life is to be peaceful and happy <3 A lot of the time when we think about our purpose, we want to know what we can do for others while we’re here on earth. How can we make the world a better place? Your embracing of the warmth and different perspectives will do this, even if it seems like it’s only for you. Similarly to the other piles, others will observe your happiness and your ability to let go of the small things and feel inspired to do the same. Just by existing, you will bring light to the lives of those around you. If you have had past lives, they may have been difficult. This is your chance to enjoy all that life really has to offer you.
What can you start doing to get there? Ten of Wands rev., Seven of Pentacles
Look at the things that don’t add value to your life. Are there things in your life that disturb the peace you’re trying to create? Are there investments you want to make but something else is in the way? Explore that and determine if you really need it or if you can replace it with the thing you want to be investing in instead. It’s always okay to take a step back and make adjustments where needed. It doesn’t mean you don’t appreciate what you have, it just may not work for you anymore.
Anything you should stop doing? Judgement
Stop ignoring your intuition and stop resisting “moving on”. You’re ready for the next step in your life, whatever that may be! You probably are feeling comfortable, and the unknown is always scary, even for the most positive people. Let yourself step into new opportunities. What is great is that every step you’ve taken up to this point has given you the tools you need to keep stepping.  You know the things you need to feel safe and secure, and those aren’t leaving. What they are doing is reminding you what is important and giving you something to keep your eyes open for.
Other advice? Page of Swords, Queen of Cups
The very first phrase I thought of when looking at these two cards were “Nurture your curiosity.” The Page is full of energy and is ready to explore. They want to see what is out there. They want to learn new perspectives, gain knowledge, and discover new ways of self-expression. Let this part of you feel the love! Encourage the Page’s creativity. Trust your institution and your heart as your curiosity decides where it wants to take you. When the Page’s plans don’t go as intended, be gentle with yourself, too. It is all about learning, and even the set backs teach us something.
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bijoutarot · 9 months
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What is Their Next Move ?
Pick an Image 💕
Left to right*
Pile 1
Your person is panicking because their world is falling apart. Their happy home is in jeapordy because you are finally deciding to let go. You want stability, someone who is ready to settle down, and is financially responsible. These are areas your person needs to work on. They feel sorry for making those mistakes. They do not want to lose you. Their next move is panic. They are realizing they are on thin ice with you. This time you are putting your foot down.
Pile 2
You are losing your patience with your person. For a long time, you have been the one initiating conversations to fix things in this connection. Now you have changed your approach. This time you have been scaling back. You have been changing your approach to conflicts between you. Now that you are talking less and resting your person feels awkward. They are insecure because they are used to your persistence. Your emotions have been guiding your moves in this relationship. Their next move is silence. Their pride is keeping them from reaching out. They are hoping you will break and speak first. This age gap is getting obvious.
Pile 3
Your sex life has been hot and steamy lately. Two people have been ruling different realms in your life. Sexually one is and emotionally the other. You refuse to make a decision between them because it is more fun. One of your interests are planning to make a romantic offer to you while the other is playing games.
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Did a reading in myself and was throughly called out
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thepigeontarot · 6 months
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Today is the day to start something new. Your creative side will be inspired on a new project. Grab this opportunity and really put yourself into it. You'll create something wonderful that will mean a lot to you in the future.
If this resonates with you, be sure to like and follow for more daily tarot 🐈‍⬛
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ceph-the-ghost-writer · 11 months
Happy STS Ceph! If you had to choose one tarot card to represent the primary characters of Phagophobia/Apophenia, which would they be? OR, if you don't wanna do tarot stuff, How loose is their use of the phrase ‘I love you’?
Hi, K! I'm always down for tarot stuff. Thanks for the fun ask.
I think Major Arcana VIII, Strength, fits Isaac pretty well. He's survived more than one horrific episode of violence, and while it's certainly scarred him literally and emotionally, he's still doing his best to be a compassionate, principled person. There's nothing special about him in the Chosen One sort of sense (though characters who never knew him will definitely try to stuff him into that box), but others are sometimes moved to action because of his tenacity and earnestness.
For Renato, I think XX Judgement works. I mean, he's still a long way from accounting for his misdeeds, but he's got the spirit. He's at the point where he can't lie to himself anymore, and he has the will to be better, even though he's still figuring out what that might mean.
Dorian's is VI The Lovers, I think. Pretty much everything they do is for the love of their family, friends, and community. Their ability to embrace aspects of life and personality others might see as mutually exclusive forms a basis for their enormous charisma: practicality and romance, tradition and new horizons, duty and self.
The Queen of Swords matches Yi's intelligence and calm, thoughtful approach to everything. She's moved more by truth and a sense of justice than sentiment.
Elfy is the creative, energetic, and social Queen of Wands. She always leaves an impression on anyone she meets, and is hard to keep up with as she pursues her goals.
Metal fan that she is, Oleander would think being XV The Devil rules 🤘. Except in her case it represents being shackled to her past trauma, and the way that drives her to continuously lash out with rage and violence. This early in the story she really doesn't care if it means destroying herself eventually (or so she claims).
Kinslayer is a tricky one. They could be IX The Hermit, a lonely wanderer gaining wisdom through their quest of self-mastery and -seeking. But ultimately, their whole arc is more in line with XXI The World. They seek wholeness, completion, and to regain--or at least be compensated for--the parts of their soul that were stolen. And that's something they know they can't achieve alone.
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detectivekonan · 2 years
My daily cards (no pic sorry)
3 of hearts, princess of wands, reversed 6 of swords, 8 of wands, ace of swords, 9 of pentacles, and finally the prince of swords
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staggeringsmite · 2 years
well that was a hell of an impromptu tarot spread <3
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Get out of cities return to the trees
(By return to the trees I don’t think they mean break long branches so they’re left hanging on every tree on my walk to the bodega)
And the drummer, he’s so shattered
And the queen is bravely shouting,"What the hell is going on?"
She charged into the ranks
And blessed all those who with their dying breaths screamed, "Thanks!"
Me, I'm just waiting so patiently
With my woman on the floor
We're just trying to do this jig-saw puzzle
Before it rains anymore
The problem was
She had a little black book
And my name was written on every page
I’ve got a fetus on a leash
I’m beyond recriminations
So, I want to kill this waitress
I used to live in a room full of mirrors
Well, I take my spirit and I smash my mirrors
Now the whole world is here for me to see
Rubber glass was all in my brain
Cotton screaming crying in my head
Just the thought of my dreams cut me in my bed
I said making love was strange in my bed
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deathby-vines · 19 days
I could make a stardew valley tarot deck. I could do it. Or at least I could plan it and never carry it out
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unhelpfultarot · 3 months
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King of Wands and The Empress
Surely there are nicer ways of passing the time than spending all day in your office.
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empress-of-wands · 5 months
Hoping to hear from ya’ll, see you guys soon 💕
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numinously-yours · 4 months
A word for your weekend
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Happy Friday (or Saturday to some already)! Today's reading is here to bring you a single word to focus on this weekend. There are four piles to choose from. I hope it resonates and you have great weekends <3
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Pile one, your word is free. This word is brought to you by The Fool & The Ten of Wands
Let yourself feel free this weekend. Let your inner child run the show and forget about the heartbreak that is trying to intervene. Depression, anxiety, and grief are not fun but you're allowed to forget about them, even for a second, to feel some peace.
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Pile two, your word is nurture. Your word comes from the Queen of Pentacles and the Seven of Swords in reverse.
Take this weekend to show yourself some love. You may be thinking “What am I doing?!” a lot lately. You don’t feel like you’re giving your all. But, remember, if you only have 30% to give and you give all 30… You’re giving 100%. Give yourself grace.
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Pile three, your word is introspection. The Empress and her friends Wheel of Fortune & the Hermit reversed are asking you to take a few minutes this weekend just to be.
Sit with yourself in the quiet (or with light music/white noise) and just breathe. Observe your surroundings and find the beauty in each small thing. The shade of white in your walls, the sounds outside your window, your dog’s feet pitter-pattering on the kitchen floor and think, “Wow, this life is all mine. How cool is that?”
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Pile four, your word is surrender. Your three reversed cards - death, the nine of wands, and the hanged man - are asking you to let go of your need to be in control this weekend.
The longer you resist the change that is coming the harder it will be to accept it for what it is. Change sucks, but change is inevitable. I know it’s hard to let go and the icky feelings that come with change are just that – icky, but allowing yourself a break from controlling the world around you will ultimately make that feeling go away.
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saganssorcery · 22 days
hiii i am elli and i would like a reading please if that’s okay with you?
my question is why is K not answering my messages? Idk why they’re not answering:( i spoke to him on march 30th i miss them
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Hello! You have drawn the Five of Wands and The Empress. It appears that they are being influenced by a strong female in their life. Perhaps their connection with you was causing some level of strife or a sense of competition to this woman and arguments flared as a result.
This could also be indicating an argument of some kind that took place and they have simply let nature take its course in regards to the connection due to it.
Please [ Tip ] if you can ✨🙏✨
For an expanded reading please check out the [ full list of my services ] and DM me for any information you may need to get your reading underway 💙☄️
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sagittariangirl27 · 30 days
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