#queen of pentacles
inthefallofasparrow · 11 months
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Queen of Pentacles
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unhelpfultarot · 5 months
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The Magician and Queen of Pentacles
They asked for a volunteer from the audience, so now you're sitting here holding this thing and hoping it won't explode or turn into a live animal.
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the-clumsywitch · 8 months
How to Improve Your Financial Situation Pick-a-Card Reading
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Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3
Reading Topic Suggested by @hauxtedbeauty
Pile 1
Five of Cups
Seven of Pentacles (Reversed)
Five of Wands (Reversed)
I feel like this group has suffered some recent financial losses or has been suddenly put into a situation where money has become a major issue. You feel like you need to work hard to correct this situation but you honestly just don't have the energy to put into financial recovery. But what I'm feeling is that you don't have to work as hard to recover as you might think you do. Instead search for moments of balance when you can. For instance, when you feel fearful about your financial situation take deep breaths to move your energy around. Helping to shift from from fear to trust that everything will work out for your situation. This may seem like it won't do anything but just consider trying it.
Pile 2
Page of Cups
Two of Pentacles
Six of Pentacles (Reversed)
The Emperor
For this group, I feel like you're stuck between a more conventional job and an artistic one. I don't think you're necessarily having financial issues at this moment but you are worried that if you devote more time to your passion that you will. With the six of pentacles in reverse I also feel that you're worried that if you do spend more time on the job/hobby you're more interested in that you will end up letting someone down financially. This could be roommates or family members that you help to support from time to time. But I feel like you are someone that is really good at manifesting your reality, and I feel like whatever you really focus on becomes real. Instead of feeling like you need to choose between what you're passionate about and making money. Focus on manifesting the opportunities you desire within the field that you want to work in.
Pile 3
Ace of Wands
Nine of Wands
Seven of Swords
I feel like this group already has some ideas about how to improve their financial situation but they are afraid to put those ideas into motion. You're worried that you don't have what it takes to turn your ideas into reality. If this has to do with your job I feel like you have some thoughts of how a process could be improved. That could potentially earn you a raise and a level up in your job position. But you either feel like you don't know enough to make a suggestion or you haven't been there long enough to speak up.
For the other people viewing this pile, I feel like you have a business idea but you feel like you don't have enough knowledge to start your own business.
Either way I'm feeling like this pile just needs to try! You have so many brilliant ideas, allow yourself and others to be blessed by them.
Image Sources
Pile 1 Queen of Pentacles: eagerspirit.tarot
Pile 2 Queen of Pentacles: Elric2012
Pile 3 Queen of Pentacles: Light Seers Tarot Deck
Note for all piles: I assume no responsibility for any actions that you choose to take as a result of this reading, please only do what you feel is best for you.
All the best to you💗
- Erika, The Clumsy Witch
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merildae · 2 years
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more tarot cards
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anyaboz · 1 year
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Queen of Pentacles
Ballpoint Pen
Card 77 of 79
Pleasure isn’t a prize earned, it is inherent
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fernandamaya · 4 months
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Ning as Queen of Pentacles You can get your fav character (or OC) as a rough sketch tarot card :D
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xt1me · 1 year
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The Pentacles Tarot gifs
Major Arcana Wands Cups Swords
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hatakeclarissa · 7 months
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Inktober Day 10: Fortune ✨🔮
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wollydarner · 11 months
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Queen Of Pentacles
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popculturetarot · 6 months
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‪The Queen of Pentacles is a symbol of generosity and positive authority, intelligent and compassionate but with a touch of a love for the opulent , she is still an authoritative and will defend what she loves fiercely. ‬
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olympiccreation · 11 days
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Daily Reading for 4/24/24
Stack 1
Ten of Swords
It's okay to be hurt by what others have done to you. But denying the hurt and burying your feelings is not going to stop what is happening. Accept that things end, and sometimes there is nothing you can do to stop it. Let go and let be.
Stack 2
King of Cups reversed
Feeling out of it lately? Notice that you've been a little touchy and quick to anger or annoyance? Been giving a few guilt trips? It's fine to be emotionally unbalanced sometimes, but making it your default is unhealthy not only for you but for everyone else around you as well. Take some time to come to terms with your feelings and watch yourself before you lash out at others for things beyond their control.
Stack 3
Seven of Pentacles reversed
Are you planning, or are you winging it? Without a plan in place, you can't prepare for inevitable hurdles, which will ultimately decrease your chances of success. You don't have to plan down to the minute details, but have at least some idea of the path you plan to follow.
Stack 4
Queen of Pentacles reversed
It is difficult to balance your work life and your home life and it seems those things are starting to mix. Being passionate about what you do is fantastic, but don't let it consume you. Leave some room in your schedule for you to just be you and not an employee.
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numinously-yours · 4 days
Pick a flower: For your May
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Happy May everyone! I hope it is warm and sunshiney where you are. Wisconsin is a beautiful 63 and sunny!
As I like to do with a new months, we're looking at three questions:
What do you need to leave behind in April?
What obstacles might May bring?
What can you bring with you into May?
Then I have a theme/word corresponding to your month.
Pick a flower from above and find your group below
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Group 1: Nurturing Practicality (Queen of Pentacles)
What do you need to leave in April? Three of Wands rev.
Leave behind your comfort zone. You played it safe in April, thinking you didn’t have what it takes to accomplish your goals/dreams. There could have some some delays that occurred and maybe those seemed like “a sign” to not go for it. Signs can be confusing! But this is a new sign to let you know to keep going when you know it’s what you want.
What obstacles might May bring? Knight of Cups rev.
With that in mind, you may find yourself overdoing it in May. Find a balance for yourself. What pushes you juuust enough out of your comfort zone without it being a complete 180? Or, before you act, create a vision for yourself on how you want it to play out. Perhaps start with writing & drawing your biggest hopes out of the situation. Then look at it objectively and see what is realistic. Maybe you can’t spend thousands of dollars to fly to Paris and explore fashion. But, can you go to boutiques in your hometown and see what beautiful items are right in your back yard? Inspiration can be found in a lot of places.   
What can you bring into May? Queen of Swords & Nine of Wands
As you enter May, enter with courage and unbiased judgement. These cards (all of them!) are screaming “TRUST YOUR ABILITIES!” I know that you’re scared, but you really can do it. There are things about yourself that you haven’t even discovered yet. Having the courage to pursue the scary things is going to be so worth it. If there is anyone in your life who is making you feel badly about the decisions you’re making, this is your sign that setting boundaries with them is GOOD. Even if they are someone you love and appreciate, you are allowed to set boundaries. (Boundaries also take courage and are a form of self-love).
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Group 2: Possibilities (Page of Cups)
What do you need to leave in April? Three of Swords
I have this feeling of overwhelming sadness and disappointment. You’re grieving something. I am not going to tell you to stop grieving, because grief is a process, but what I do think you should try to leave behind is the idea that it never gets better. It is hard to believe, I know, but it DOES. Each day it will hurt just a little bit less, even if you don’t feel it at the time. You may still think about this situation daily – I’ve thought about my grandma every single day for the last 8 years since she passed. But now it comes more often with smiles than with tears. I just say that so you know you’re not alone with grief regardless of if it's the loss of a person, a job, or anything else that was important to you. I just wanna give you a hug 🤍
What obstacles might May bring? The Magician rev. & The Queen of Pentacles
There may be a motherly figure in your life this month who tries to keep you down. They may also be grieving this same situation and think that you “moving on” is you not caring anymore. But, that’s not the case. Taking care of yourself and moving forward doesn’t mean you don’t care. Two things can be true at once: you can continue grieving AND work on healing. It is likely this person doesn’t have the tools to do their own healing so they want others to wallow with them. It is not your responsibility to take care of this person’s feelings, no matter how much they mean to you. You can grieve with them, certainly, but you are allowed to have a boundary that says, “I need to step away from this so I can keep myself healthy.” (ps, this queen of pentacles REALLY wanted to come out. It showed itself to me like three times while shuffling and then it finally came out. Group 1 might have some messages for you, too!)
What can you bring into May? The Chariot & Four of Cups rev.
Okay, I’m copying the text right from Biddy Tarot because it is PERFECT. From the Chariot:
“Others may try to block you, distract you, or drag down the pursuit of your goal. But The Chariot is an invitation to draw upon your willpower and home in on what’s essential to you, so you can push past the obstacles in your way.”
I don’t know how this CAN’T be about the obstacles above. As you move into the new month, bring with you introspection and self-care. Know that it is okay to say “no” when you know you don’t have the energy to participate (in a heavy conversation, in an outing, in someone coming over). Exhausting yourself for the sake of others is only going to take away from the healing. Find the things that ground you, do some meditation, and just “be”.  
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Group 3: Self-prioritization (Seven of Swords)
What do you need to leave in April? The Hierophant rev.
Take the need for external validation and chuck it! You don’t need that moving forward. You know what your values are. You know what motivates you. And you know that it’s not in the majority. In the past, this has prevented you from taking action or doing what you felt was best. You didn’t want to stir the pot and that makes sense. But, it’s time to give yourself permission to trust your gut and do what is best for yourself.
What obstacles might May bring? The Chariot & The High Priestess
The biggest obstacle in the upcoming month is your subconscious. Going against the grain IS scary and your subconscious will probably try to save you from the discomfort of it. But you have the strength, willpower, and determination to power through. People may try to convince you to stick to the status quo and, yeah, it would be easy to just do it. But, is that what you actually want? Fighting toward what you DO want is going to bring you out stronger on the other end.
What can you bring into May? Five of Wands
An open mind. Something this card suggests is having discussions about the conflict that may ensue from you following your own path. People may try to manipulate you into staying the same or tell you that you’re a bad person because you’re going your own way. But, this is coming from a place that’s important to them. Can you discuss why they feel that way? What is their end goal and how can your new path still lead you to the goal? Just because you aren’t doing life the same way, doesn’t mean that you both can’t be successful. Remember: having an open mind doesn’t mean changing minds. If they’re still frustrated that you’re not coming back around, but you’ve had a discussion, they need to work through the frustration. You did your due diligence.
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Group 4: Open mindedness (King of Swords)
What do you need to leave in April? Ace of Cups
The ace of cups usually indicates love – receiving it, giving it, being it. As I think about what this could mean in terms of leaving something behind, I think it might be the hesitancy to open up to love. You are full of love, and I think you know this, but you might be protective of it. It’s okay to take down your shield in order to let the love move onto others and to let it flow to you.
What obstacles might May bring? Seven of Cups
I don’t know if this is necessarily related to the above, but an obstacle you might face in May is the lack of gumption behind ideas. You have a lot of ideas in your head on what you want to do, who you want to be, how you want to interactive with others, and where you want to go. But, you come up with so MANY ideas that then you find it hard to execute them. Take time to analyze your ideas and see what is realistic. Think about ways to prioritize all your ideas. What is most important to you? What has the most impact? Can you actually do them all?
What can you bring into May? Knight of Wands rev.
This card really reiterates the obstacles and how to overcome them. In reverse, the knight of wands acknowledges all of your creative energy. It’s this energy that gets you excited and inspires all of these ideas in your head. But, the card also acknowledges the need to slow down. Remind yourself that you don’t have to do everything all at once. If you are struggling to prioritize, try to think of alternative methods of achieving your goals. Maybe there are baby steps you can take toward each so you feel like you are accomplishing them all. It might go slower, but could help you feel less overwhelmed. Lastly, keep an open mind. There will be things that happen which are out of your control. Take a beat, readjust your expectations, and get back at it.
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unhelpfultarot · 7 months
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Queen of Pentacles and Nine of Cups
All you really want is some solid domestic comfort, and an adequate supply of refreshments.
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loganslowdown4 · 13 days
Hello it’s Taurus season!
My excuse to bring this back ♉️🩷
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bijoutarot · 6 months
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Their Current Feelings 👻
Pick an Image
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Image 1
“Finding out the truth crushed me”
Recently you discovered something that kind of makes you look at your person differently. You want to stay angry at this person so bad and forget them but it’s hard. You love this person very much and it frustrates you that they would jeapordize having you in their life. You feel like they are throwing what you have away over something stupid. You want to believe that this is a good person; you see the good in them and their potential. You have not confronted this person about what you know. You may not be ready for things to shift between you. Secretly you want to just act like it didn’t happen because you guys are in a good place but you know you would not be able to ignore this offense.
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Image 2
“I lost myself for a little while”
Your person has been battling a lot on their own. They have been feeling down and you are starting to notice changes in them. They have been cold towards you but you don’t know why. You have been patiently waiting for them to come around. Maybe this is a rough patch? Maybe they need space? You often think about these things to explain his behavior. At one point you wondered if there is someone else that is taking up their time or if they are starting to lose interest in you. Your person is trying their best to not let their issues burden you. Their pride is preventing them from being honest and just telling you what’s going on. Every time you ask them if they are okay they always say they are good but you know this isn’t true.
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Image 3
“I want to feel that way again”
Something in you ignited a fire in them. You have awakened their heart after swearing off love. This person has been known as the forever single friend that is always out but now things have changed. They are looking at love differently because of how you make them feel. They look forward to hearing from you and spending time with you. It feels easy to be themselves. They don’t have to filter themselves and you get their humor. This is the first time in a long time that they want love. They can see themselves traveling with you and seeing different countries. This person has a history of being selfish but with you they want to give you everything you need.
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Image 4
“I replay our conversations over and over”
Your person is falling for you. For some of you this connection is a long distance relationship or there has been changes in availability so you see each other less face to face. This person likes the way you are passionate about your beliefs and they admire how you look. They like how you dress. They pay attention to the way you smile when they speak about things that interest you. They love the way you treat the people you love in your life. They look at your content online and feel like they are getting a peak into your personal life. When you were going through a rough time they supported you when money was low. Your person wants to do more but they worry about coming on too strong. They worry you are not ready for commitment. They are looking for signs that you want to settle down.
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queengwenevere · 10 months
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Behold the Zombie Queen of Pentacles in all her glory! With her elegant little rat friends! They can have their cake and eat it too, by the light of a spooky moon!
She’s part of the 78 Tarot Halloween Deck, which is still happening, but only for four more days! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/kayti/78-tarot-halloween-tarot-deck-and-companion-oracle/description
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