novelcsanchez · 1 year
Hi guys, my mother had an emergency repair of a thoracic ascending aortic aneurysm last Thursday. She just came out of Surgical ICU and is recovering well. Myself and my fiancé Raymond are raising some funds to help with Mama's medical bills. We are incredibly grateful for those who are sending their love and support to our family at this time. To those who came and donated blood, my heartfelt thanks to you and may God bless you. If you are considering donating to help my mum's medical bill, many many thanks❤️❤️😘. Please follow the link below. GOFUND❤️
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#aneurysmawareness #aneurysmrepair #gofundme #fundraising #help #medicalbills #philippineheartcentre #heartcentre #bigcase #majorsurgery #aorticaneurysmrepair #aorticaneurysm #incentivespirometry #expandthelungs
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