#en ep35
pointreyesjournal · 8 months
The Amnesiac : ep35
Saturday Morning Pancakes and Other Fucking Amazing Shit
I’m somewhere in a state of consciousness between asleep and awake when I feel River wrap her arm around me and cuddle up against my chest. I open my eyes and begin to say good morning but I stop myself before a word comes out of my mouth when I realize that River is completely asleep in my ams. The skies are dark and cloudy as the rain lashes against the window. My left arm is under River, so I have no way of checking my wristwatch to see what time it is. I decide that lucky is the man who gets to lay in the arms of a Scandinavian California girl, so I nuzzle up against her tightly and drift back into the state between consciousness until she begins to stir.
When she awakens, there’s no sign of drowsiness. Her eyes are immediately bright and focused on me and she leans in for a morning kiss. “What time is it?” she asks. I wriggle my arm out from underneath her and take a glance at my watch. “Oh wow, nine twenty! We really slept in.” I tell her. “I was dreaming about you so I stayed asleep as long as possible” she tells me with a thrust of her tongue in my mouth. I pounce on top of her, thrust her arms high up over her head toward the headboard and kiss every square inch of her body from wrists to ankles. A few extra kisses below the belly button net me explosive results and she finishes me off in reciprocal fashion.“Still hungry for breakfast?” I ask her jokingly when she’s done with me. She glances up at me from under the covers. “Pancakes sound really good right now!” she says. “I’ll bet they have them downstairs” I tell her “and we’re going nowhere fast with this lashing rain.” She gives my bare thighs a hard squeeze with her claws and with glancing smile she tells me “let’s go!”
We clean up with a warm shower (together again), get dressed and wander downstairs to the cafe in flip-flops. The hostess seats us against a window overlooking the raging sea as the rain continues to lash down. River orders pancakes, and I do too. They’re incredible. Buttermilk batter that’s been allowed plenty of time to rise, so they’re light and fluffy under real maple syrup.  We gorge and enjoy beautifully crafted lattes. A vent at the base of the wall is gently pumping warm air onto our feet. It’s cozy and when the pancakes are gone we order a second round of coffees so we can just sit by the window and enjoy more time at the table. We are completely simpatico and it makes me realize that I’ll probably never have to spend another night alone for as long as I live.
The rain is lightening up by the time the second coffees arrive and by the time we’re finished, there’s a little patch of blue sky far out on the horizon that appears to be headed our way. River asks the waitress about the weather forecast. She checks her phone and says it will be all-clear by noon, so we pay and then ask the front desk for a late checkout.
River turns on The Weather Channel when we get back to the room and looking at the forecast, it’s pretty obvious that making a beeline for Leavenworth would put us into the eye of the storm. We’re better off staying west and following the coast north for as long as possible. So that’s what we’ll do.
By the time we’ve got the Ducati loaded with the panniers at noon, the rain has largely passed, but this is the pacific northwest where weather is unpredictable and more-often-than-not unpleasant, so we visit a local fisherman’s supply store before leaving town and get a couple of rain slickers … just in case.
Onward north.
There’s a chill in the air that we haven’t experienced yet and River clings tightly to me for warmth. The plainly descriptive location names continue as we pass Otter Rock and Seal Rock en route to the cheddar capital of the pacific northwest, Tillamook. The big glass cheese factory building is quite unusual for the area and catches our attention immediately. There’s a hip, rustic looking coffee shack across the street so I pull in there for a quick word with River. “Cheese factory tour?” I ask. “Coffee first” she replies.
Excellent idea! Rain and fog are more common than sunshine on the Oregon coast so the local people have developed the art of coffee making to a level only seen in European cities like Vienna, Rome and Venice. The little coffee shop is empty except for a gorgeous native American looking girl with long back hair and perfect chocolate colored skin working both the cash register and making the coffee.
“Welcome in” she tell us.
“Such a cute little coffee shop” River exclaims.
“Thanks!” the barista replies.
“Where’s your bathroom?” asks River.
“Right over there” the barista points to a little black wooden door in the corner with a sign on the door with three pictograms on it - a man, a woman and an alien - and text underneath that reads “we don’t care what you are, just wash your hands when you’re finished.” River has a giggle as she latches the door behind her.
“Quad shot whole milk latte again?” the barista asks.
“How do you know my order?”
“I remember from last time. We roast strong coffee here and nobody orders quad shots unless they have a defibrillator nearby. Aren’t you the guy from California on the motorcycle?”
“Holy shit. You’ve got a good memory! Much better than mine.”
“Thanks. Not a lot of motorcycles in these parts. What does your friend want? I don’t remember her order.”
“You wouldn’t remember her, she wasn’t with me last time.”
“That’s weird, I could swear she was with you last time.”
River comes out of the bathroom with a spring in her step. “Miss, what can I getcha?” the barista asks. “Vanilla latte please” River tells her, and then I pay. The barista pulls the shots and assembles the drinks and has them on the bar in lighting speed while I ponder what just happened. We take our drinks from the bar and I offer a toast to River in light of this most recent discovery … “To convergence!” I toast with our paper cups.
“You won’t believe what just happened.”
Under the window, sat at a little two top like the one we sit at in our home coffee shop I tell River the incredible story of the barista recognizing me and even remembering my order. Then I tell her that the barista remembers her too. River is genuinely perplexed. It’s clear that I’ve been here, but this is River’s first time to the Oregon coast. I truly believe that River’s spirit had followed me on my previous journey, that’s why I keep manifesting her in my memories. But only I can see that, and unless we’re living inside of some science fiction movie, there’s no way the barista could have seen her before. River shakes her head in confusion. Her incredulity is completely justified.
“Floody, there’s a lot of weird, mystical, spiritual shit going on here.”
“Yes. Yes there is.”
“The problem is, I always joke about manifest destiny and karma and crap, but I’ve never actually seen it come true. Like, there are coincidences from time to time where you say ‘wow, that’s amazing’ … but this, this is truly amazing. I look at you and us and how we’ve become one on this journey, and I think about the universe and the stars and God and magic. I feel like something truly remarkable is unfolding before my very eyes, but I keep telling myself, this isn’t possible!”
“Well … it might seem impossible, but it’s not.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Because it’s happening, and there’s no denying it.”
River takes the last gulp from her drink, stands up and tosses the cup into the wastebasket.
“No fucking way, it’s just crazy” River exclaims as she’s heading for the door. Then she stops right in the middle of the room, next to the empty wine barrel acting as a merchandise display and looks right at the barista.
“What was I wearing last time I was here?” River asks.
“A white sweater, and right as you were about to walk out the door you asked me if the cheese factory tour is worth doing.” the barista replies.
River turns and looks across the room at me in absolute astonishment and disbelief. “I was totally going to ask her that” she tells me.
I just shrug my shoulders. This is happening.
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thegreymoon · 3 years
Ever Night
How does she always make the worst decisions 😑
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I am trying SO HARD to stan but she makes it so difficult 😒
These people are the only ones I stand behind on this show. The rest are all getting on my very last nerve. 
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I am so sick of the Tang Emperor, he has no spine and no common sense and this pitiful attempt to give the Empress a story arc of her own was beyond underwhelming. Like, choose your position and stick to it, ffs!
LMAOOOO, weren’t you trying to murder her, like, 2 seconds ago? 
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When will this show go back to being intelligent 😫
I mean, he’s not wrong, but who the hell wrote this script? 
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=> the Elder sneaks in to murder the Emperor
=> the Elder tries to murder the Empress when she won’t aid him in killing the Emperor
=> the Elder gets the Emperor to agree to his terms with severe political, religious and military repercussions with no real leverage whatsoever except pointing a stick at the Empress
=> (the royal guard is somehow unbothered and nowhere to be seen)
=> the Elder is suddenly worried about the state of the royal marriage again and apparently concerned about Empress’ happiness after she unrepentantly abandoned their people in a frozen wasteland to live a life of luxury and he tried to murder her for it
=> the princess does the only logical thing there is to do when an assassin infiltrates the goddamn palace to threaten the lives of her royal father and his wife
=> (the captain of the royal guard appears and remains unbothered)
=> Emperor: “Tell my daughter to go away, nothing to see here, it’s not an assassination attempt, just a tiny squabble with my in-laws!”
=> the Elder points out the absurdity of this entire situation as if we’re now supposed to laugh off this whole debacle of a script and write off literal attempted regicide on a quip from a quirky old man who ~loves~ his daughter even though he just tried to kill her
Me: ................................................... 🙄🙄
LMAO, and since there was obviously no logical resolution to this whole damn ridiculous mess, the writers decided to conclude the entire shitty arc by having the Elder commit suicide for no good reason via terrible special effects 🤣🤣
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I cannot with this nonsense 🤣🤣
I’m becoming more and more sympathetic to Li Yu. I mean, she’s insufferable and a brat, but her father is just so... worthless. He replaced her mother with his mistress (and could do it with no repercussions because he’s the most powerful man in the country), had her married off to a feral tribe when she voiced her objections and is now threatening to kill her. 
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Yes, she’s cold-blooded, somewhat selfish and self-centred and has a massive blind spot when it comes to her sadistic idiot brother, but her father is a really shitty parent to all of his children. 
I feel like the narrative keeps trying to make the Emperor a sympathetic, honorable character but he’s just so self-serving, spineless and cowardly and all he does all day is angst about how hard his life is. Also, there is no honour to be found anywhere. It’s canon that he’s more than willing to let corruption go unchecked and his family to get away with murder, torture and a bunch of other bullshit, as long as it benefits him. Chao Xiaoshu was right to wash his hands of all his filth. 
Ha! Here we go! Finally, we get to the bottom of his age!
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So, he was 8 yrs old when Xia Hou attempted to kill him, fifteen years passed from that point until his arrival in the capital, which made him 23 yrs old at the time, and at least a year has passed since then. That means he is at least 24 right now. 
@dangermousie​ I suppose they upped his age because they cut the transmigration part and there is zero chance a four-year-old is going to survive killing to stay alive and taking care of a baby at the same time. Even an eight-year-old is pushing it. 
Every single scene with that Mo woman is such pure nonsense. Elementary school villains trying to boost her relevance, nonsense all over the place. I am losing braincells by the moment. 
OMFG, this stupidity is never-ending 😑😑
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It is really, really hard to be invested in the story when the stakes are this manufactured. 
When the writing is so bad, it literally gives you second hand embarrassment. 
All the hate 🤮
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The fact that Sang Sang is waiting for him at home, thinking of him every minute of every day, and here he is, sowing his wild oats, just gets to me on a visceral level. Fuck this entire collection of (poorly written) tropes with a cactus. It absolutely ruins stories for me and this one is also very much ruined at this point. 
I am beyond pissed off. Crystal Yuan is now firmly on my no-watch list.
This is how this useless character is described on Wikipedia: Gentle and delicate, her pureness is reflected in her cultivation as well as her honest attitude toward love.
Nauseating 🤮🤮
Exactly! The note is for Sang Sang, not you!
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Go fuck yourself.
“When will he write a little note just for me?”
Bitch, never! At least I hope. 
LMAOOO, “Do you know how many girls I have lining up for me?”
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I very much doubt anyone is lining up for your stank rapist ass. 
LMAOOOO, he is such a mood 🤣🤣
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This is my exact face when some moron starts rambling about Heaven and Hell, how the Devil is coming to bring about the end of the world and how we must kill all those who practice the same faith a bit differently because some old man proclaiming himself as an authority figure says so and claims it’s written in a book in an ancient language that I can’t personally read and have never even seen 🙄🙄
Come to your senses already, Ning Que! Is this sheltered fool really who you want to be in love with? Ask yourself, is she really wise, deep and intelligent, or is she just rich and conventionally attractive? 
Also, let’s not get into the idiocy of her old man shifu sending this stupid child into the wilderness in the middle of a war to look for the original copy of a holy book that every single power faction is also looking for and will definitely kill to obtain. And that is before we even get to the two of them travelling alone, her wearing a pristine white outfit, and apparently carrying no supplies with her. Like???????  
I want to go back to the first episodes when this show was still good 😭😭
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thelighthousestar · 3 years
Kaamelott Livre II
Ep33 "Pupi"
Petit question, les enfants qui jouent les enfants de Karadoc et Mevanwi, c'est tous les gamins d'AA ? Non parce que je sais que les deux petites c'est bien ses filles, mais pour les deux autre je sais pas.
Sinon, la tête d'Arthur quand les marrionetistes font friquotter Lancelot et Guenièvre ensemble, c'est trop drôle 😂
Arthur qui emmène la petite de Karadoc pour revoir le marionnettes... C'est trop choupi je meurs.
Ep34 "Vox Populi II"
C'est pas faute de t'avoir dit de déléguer le travail
Ep35 "Le Rebelle"
"Eh bah faites des efforts pour arrêter de vous comporter comme un connard ! Moi j'en ai plein le cul de seconder un merdeux de dix ans qui est même pas foutu de trouver un Graal ou de faire un gamin à sa femme ! Oui alors voilà, je me suis assis sur votre trône, parce que je fais la moitié votre boulot. Et j'vous emmerde !"
Autant je suis pas fan de Lancelot, autant c'est très vrai et il fallait bien que quelqu'un lui disent ses 4 vérités
Ep44 "Le Tourment II"
Mon pauvre Perceval qui dit plus son anniversaire parce que ça le rend triste quand les gens oublie 😭
Et il a peur que Arthur ne l'aime pas...
"Parce que moi je vous aime vachement quand même, alors c'est truc là, quand ça marche que dans un sens, c'est pas bien bon"
Pis Arthur qui du coup essaye de faire comprendre à Perceval qu'il l'aime sans avoir à le dire...
Et le câlin 😭❤️putain je les aime !
J'adore cet épisode. D'ailleurs, c'c'est quoi leur shipname à Arthur et Perceval ? Je suis pas sur qu'ils en aient un 🤔
Ep46 "Le Temps Des Secret"
"Cette nuit j'ai rêvé qu'il y'en avait un qu'essayait de me piquer ma femme"
Ouais bah tu ferais bien de t'en inquièter un petit peu
Ep47 "La Conscience D'Arthur"
Autant Arthur, je l'aime, mais il peut vraiment me gonfler, autant sa conscience, je pense que ça passerait mieux entre nous.
Ep50 "Les Comptes"
Non mais quel bastard ce Lancelot
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esaberattarpodcast · 4 years
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tboredman · 5 years
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Full Episode Here: https://www.webtoons.com/en/fantasy/apocalyptic-horseplay/ch7-ep35-final-countdown/viewer?title_no=635&episode_no=200
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yoonafrance · 6 years
[📺] COMPILATION | Épisodes de Girls For Rest !
Bonjour ! Comme vous le savez le dernier épisode de ‘Girls For Rest’ a été publié le 23 octobre dernier, j’ai donc décidé de faire une compilation de tous les épisodes en ENG SUB sur V Live ! Bon Visionnage ~
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ep1: https://www.vlive.tv/video/87007 
ep2: https://www.vlive.tv/video/87006 
ep3: https://www.vlive.tv/video/87005 
ep4: https://www.vlive.tv/video/87004 
ep5: https://www.vlive.tv/video/87003
ep6: https://www.vlive.tv/video/87349 
ep7: https://www.vlive.tv/video/87348 
ep8: https://www.vlive.tv/video/87347 
ep9: https://www.vlive.tv/video/87346
ep10: https://www.vlive.tv/video/87681 
ep11: https://www.vlive.tv/video/87680 
ep12: https://www.vlive.tv/video/87679 
ep13: https://www.vlive.tv/video/87678 
ep14: https://www.vlive.tv/video/87677 
ep 15: https://vlive.tv/video/88085   
ep 16: https://vlive.tv/video/88084   
ep 17: https://vlive.tv/video/88083   
ep 18:https://vlive.tv/video/88082   
 ep 19: https://vlive.tv/video/88081   
ep 20: https://vlive.tv/video/88080
 ep21: http://vlive.tv/video/88351 
ep22: http://vlive.tv/video/88349 
ep23: http://vlive.tv/video/88348 
ep24: http://vlive.tv/video/88347 
ep25: http://vlive.tv/video/88346
ep26: https://www.vlive.tv/video/88552 
ep27: https://www.vlive.tv/video/88553 
ep28: https://www.vlive.tv/video/88554 
ep29: https://www.vlive.tv/video/88555 
ep30: https://www.vlive.tv/video/88557
ep31: https://www.vlive.tv/video/88986 
ep32: https://www.vlive.tv/video/88987 
ep33: https://www.vlive.tv/video/88988 
ep34: https://www.vlive.tv/video/88990 
ep35: https://www.vlive.tv/video/88991
ep36: https://www.vlive.tv/video/89421 
ep37: https://www.vlive.tv/video/89422 
ep38: https://www.vlive.tv/video/89423 
ep39: https://www.vlive.tv/video/89425
ep40: https://www.vlive.tv/video/89602 
ep41: https://www.vlive.tv/video/89604 
ep42: https://www.vlive.tv/video/89606 
ep43: https://www.vlive.tv/video/89607 
ep44: https://www.vlive.tv/video/89608
ep45: https://www.vlive.tv/video/90017   
 ep46: https://www.vlive.tv/video/90018
ep47: https://www.vlive.tv/video/90019
ep48: https://www.vlive.tv/video/90020 
ep49: https://www.vlive.tv/video/90022
ep50: https://www.vlive.tv/video/90967 
ep51: https://www.vlive.tv/video/90966 
ep52: https://www.vlive.tv/video/90965
ep53: https://www.vlive.tv/video/91101 
ep54: https://www.vlive.tv/video/91103
ep55: https://www.vlive.tv/video/91104 
ep56: https://www.vlive.tv/video/91105
ep57: https://www.vlive.tv/video/92522 
ep58: https://www.vlive.tv/video/92523 
ep59: https://www.vlive.tv/video/92524
ep60: https://www.vlive.tv/video/92799 
ep61: https://www.vlive.tv/video/92800
ep62: https://www.vlive.tv/video/92801 
ep63: https://www.vlive.tv/video/92803 
ep64: https://www.vlive.tv/video/92805
ep65: https://www.vlive.tv/video/93671 
ep66: https://www.vlive.tv/video/93672
ep67: https://www.vlive.tv/video/93673 
ep68: https://www.vlive.tv/video/93674
ep69: https://www.vlive.tv/video/94486 
ep70: https://www.vlive.tv/video/93676
ep71: https://www.vlive.tv/video/94734
ep72: https://www.vlive.tv/video/94735
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mxmxpodcast · 3 years
Como dices las abuelitas, no quieras correr antes de saber caminar, este es el caso de uno de los reinos que hoy en día es la nación que desató dos de las guerras más impactantes y colosales de la historia de la humanidad. "EP35: El imperio de las salchichas, cerveza y guerra (Jared Ahumada) – Prusia antes de Alemania" Prusia, fue un país débil e irrelevante pero tenía un sueño, en el panorama de las monarquías europeas y rodeado de potencias, anhelaba ser el más poderoso de todos, le esperaba delante un largo y difícil camino por recorrer, y apenas sabiendo aprovechar las circunstancias del momento, tal vez se ganarían aún que sea, una pequeña oportunidad de lograrlo. Síguenos en nuestras redes: facebook.com/MexicoMaxicoPodcast twitter.com/MXMXpodcast https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6SXcg2eNUFqWnV92omP7UA https://www.instagram.com/p/CU78cm_JQLz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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recetasaludables · 5 years
300s: Cómo perder peso sin dietas - ¿Funciona la dieta Keto? EP35
300s: Cómo perder peso sin dietas – ¿Funciona la dieta Keto? EP35
#dietas, #ejercicios, #dietasnaturales, #ejerciciosencasa, #recetasaludables,
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Por qué las personas fallan en la dieta ceto? México / España / America Latina – Cómo perder peso sin dietas EP35 If you have further questions send as a … [adrotate banner=”14″] [irp]
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topreplayfr · 5 years
10 couples parfaits - Saison 03 Episode 35 du 17 mai 2019
SVP Partagez... Un simple clic en bas du vidéo pour aider le site...
10 couples parfaits - Saison 3
Titre d'émission : 10 COUPLES PARFAITS 3 (2019) 
Titre d’épisode : EP35
Saison : S03 
Chaine TV : TFX 
Date de diffusion : 17/05/2019 
Présenté par : Elsa Fayer 
Durée : 41min 14s 
10 femmes et 10 hommes célibataires ont été choisis pour former 10 couples parfaits. Physique, intérêts, hobbies, ambition professionnelle, caractère. Chacune de ces facettes de leurs personnalités a été passée au crible grâce à des études de personnalités et comportementales. Chaque célibataire trouvera-t-il son «âme soeur» ? Adapté du format américain «Are You the one ?», les célibataires gagnants peuvent gagner 200 000 euros.
10 couples parfaits  - Saison 03 Episode 35 du 17 mai 2019
 #10couplesparfaits - #Saison3 #Episode35 #17Mai2019
Voir et revoir 10 couples parfaits  - Saison 03 Episode 35 du 17 mai 2019 - en rediffusion, replay, streaming
10 COUPLES PARFAITS - SAISON 3, TÉLÉ-RÉALITÉS, TFX from Blogger http://bit.ly/2w7rOc8 via IFTTT
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zealousfunhottub · 6 years
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L’article Making Leather Card Holder #LeatherAddict EP35 est apparu en premier sur Fait main.
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yoonafrance · 6 years
[📺] Retrouvez les épisodes de 31 à 35 de 'Girls For Rest' sur VLive en ENG SUB !
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ep31: https://www.vlive.tv/video/88986 ep32: https://www.vlive.tv/video/88987 ep33: https://www.vlive.tv/video/88988 ep34: https://www.vlive.tv/video/88990 ep35: https://www.vlive.tv/video/88991
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Bomba Ancor Heavy duty EP35 12V https://ift.tt/2zSjlfd
Este artefacto es sumamente importante para una persona que desea pasar unos días alejado de tierra firme, y es que la Bomba Ancor Heavy duty EP35 12V podrá mantenerte a salvo si llegase a ocurrir una tormenta, ya que la misma está diseñada para evacuar los líquidos que entran al barco, ya sea por la lluvia o por las mismas olas.
Al momento de embarcarse a una aventura en un barco de la mano de tu familia o amigos, es sumamente importante que el navío posea un sistema para poder expulsar aquellos líquidos que no deseas que se estanquen dentro del barco, y es allí donde entra la Bomba Ancor Heavy duty Ep35 12V.
Características de la Bomba Ancor Heavy duty EP35 12V
Esta indispensable herramienta posee racores de 1/2 pulgada y además tiene una capacidad de evacuar 35lt por minuto. La misma está diseñada con impeller de neopreno multiuso, lo que la hace totalmente viable para ser utilizada como bomba de achique, y si deseas desembocar el líquido que se encuentra en los depósitos o viceversa, también la podrás utilizar como una bomba de diésel.
A pesar de todo esto, dicha herramienta también se puede utilizar como comba de baldeo, la cual básicamente funciona para hacer circular el agua potable dentro del barco. Cabe acotar, que la misma se encuentra disponible tanto para barcos como para embarcaciones y veleros.
Por lo general se encuentra  ubicada en la parte interna justo en la sentina o en los pantoques, usualmente suelen colocarlos donde mayor es la concentración de líquidos, para que así esto pueda ser evacuado y no se corra el riesgo de acumulación de agua.
Beneficios de la Bomba Ancor Heavy duty EP35 12V
Esta bomba está disponible para usarse de diferentes maneras, lo que la hace totalmente eficiente sobre todo si ocurre un accidente, y esto ayudará a que una embarcación no se vaya a pique o se hunda hasta que llegue la ayuda necesaria que pondrá a toda la tripulación totalmente a salvo.
Al notar agua acumulada, automáticamente esta herramienta se activa logrando así expulsar la mayor cantidad de líquido estancado posible, lo que hace que trabaje normalmente sin necesidad de realizarlo de manera manual, siempre y cuando dicha bomba no posea una falla, por supuesto.
Desventajas de la Bomba Ancor Heavy duty EP35 12V
Una de las decadencias que posee es que no todas las bombas expulsan la misma cantidad en litro y duración, hay diferencias muy notorias entre ellas. La cantidad mínima que se llega a evacuar está entre los 1000 y 1200 litros por hora, pero en ocasiones bombas con mayor capacidad, logran expulsar hasta 10.000 litros por hora.
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