#enber memes
enberlight · 2 years
162 people got The Swede, 18,500 people took the quiz so his percentage is quite small in comparison 😅
The poor Swede, rounded down to 0! See this is why we have no Bird Man.
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caffeinatedmagpie · 4 years
Queue Updates
Commission Queue is clear! Drop me a line if you would like to set one up. The formal price list will be coming soon, I’m going to get a few more examples set up first while I work through my askbox. They generally range from $35 on up, depending on complexity of character, outfit, and inclusion of a background scene. (Discounts if I already have the models and outfits prepped ;))
Askbox is open but closed for requests, I’m working through the meme prompts, then focusing on commission work to raise some much-needed funds for around the house and gifts for the kids.
Project List (in psuedo-order):
Secret Holiday Gift Exchanges (x2) (Posts mid/late December)
Ladybug and Chat Noir models
Kiss Meme 3C Alyadrien for @goldensmilingbird
Kiss Meme 1B Adrienette for @jamiehascateyes
Kiss Meme 3B Ladynoir for @alexseanchai
Poly Meme A5 Chlolukagami for @goldensmilingbird
Poly Meme Kimninette 5A for @theshipking
Prize Commission for @jamiehascateyes
Prize Commission for @alexseanchai
Upcoming Models List (partly random order):
Ladybug (Canon/Redesign)
Chat Noir (Canon/Redesign)
Sabine Cheng
Tom Dupain
Kipo Oak  (KATAOTW)
Benson  (KATAOTW)
Troy Sandoval  (KATAOTW)
Caffeine for the Magpie?
If you would like to help sponsor new characters and renders, this is an expensive hobby-slash-business venture, so a coffee would be nice. I still need to expand hair and outfit options to get closer to canon on some characters, and to branch out into other fandoms and more OCs. Feel free to request a simple Miracuclass render if you send me some caffeine!
Ko-Fi for Enber?
- @enberlight (24 November, 2020)
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enberlight · 4 years
Get to Know Ya Tag
@jamiehascateyes got me! *staggers dramatically and lands on innocent dash followers who are now also tagged*
Top 3 ships (no particular order):
Haruka & Michiru (Sailor Moon). I never figured out which I'd rather date or be, which REALLY shoulda clued me in, oh, at least a decade sooner that I am Not Straight. Their moral choices aside, I adore their poise and dynamic and just... disregard for the opinions of the world. And canon nonbinary Haruka? That killed me ♡
The Love Square (Miraculous Ladybug) with no particular order there these days. Gotta love a Full Tour fic.
Going way back... Gambit and Rouge from the X-Men animated run. Iunno. The snark and the pining and the idiocy, c'mon. Messy perfection.
Chapstick or Lipstick?
Chapstick or a lightly tinted moisturizing gloss. When I remember. Halp, it's winter!
Last Song?
The Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba ED. Currently binging it after seeing scattered eps.
Currently Reading?
...with what, free time? Um. Here have a section of my tabs. I'm jumping around through them as I can.
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Anyone I fell on earlier, who is not crushed by the fragment of my giant reading list, can consider themselves tagged :)
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enberlight · 3 years
I was tagged by @chimpukampu
indoor plants or gardens // cloud-watching or star-gazing // water or fire // paperback or hardcover // running or hiking // sleeping with socks or without socks // fruit or vegetables // hanging plants or succulents // dark wood or light wood // handwritten or typed // instagram or pinterest // braids or pigtails // books or movies // oceans or meadows // forests or fields // sweet or salty // ice cream or chocolate // hoodies or sweaters // long hair or short hair // piercings or tattoos // summer or winter // boots or sneakers // cars or motorcycles // curls or straight hair // castles or cottages // sunny days or storms // reptiles or birds // disney or nickelodeon // strawberries or watermelon // essays or posters // phones or laptops // glass or stone // dark or light // photos or paintings // circuses or theaters // reading or writing // dogs or cats // poetry or novels // monsters or ghosts // thrift shops or libraries // fiction or non-fiction
Lowkey tagging @silentmagi @logo-comics @drifting-along-the-wind @saijspellsheartwrong and anyone who wants to grab it.
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enberlight · 3 years
If anyone's got good wishes they can send this way, it'd be much appreciated. I'm going through some medical stuff that might turn out to be a permanent disability. I'm hoping it is, at least, treatable. It may be related to the auto accident last December so yay for that /s.
Work is still only part time so if anyone wants to throw a kofi my way for an ML kiss or poly meme, I'm open for those. Regular commission inquiries can go to @caffeinatedmagpie. Follow me there, I'll probably do another giveaway soon.
I have some wheelchair turnaround refs planned for later this month, like the Nino hat. Stay tuned!
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enberlight · 7 years
Positivity Tag!
I've been tagged by @inkjackets to publically state five things I like about myself. Am I ready for this? XD 1.) I like my stubbornosity. Being hardheaded isn't always a plus, but I forced it to my advantage years ago to overcome some serious self esteem issues. I didn't give up until I had some supercharged IDGAF about societal expectations and that. THAT has helped so. Damn. Much. 2.) I actually like my body. It's heavier than I'd like to be, health wise, but I like it. I am biggish and roundish and oh so average and whatever, I'm gonna own it. 3.) I really like my singing voice. I'm an alto and with some training I could have been a contralto like one of my idols, Grace Jones. I've been practicing on my own lately though and expanded my range back up and WAY down after getting rather rusty. I also have more power and resonance than I did half my age (and weight XD) ago. YAY. 4.) I like my awful sense of humor. Even when others don't. Sometimes because they don't. Hub loathes it when I channel Chat on a bad pun spree but the groans are So Worth It. My gutter humor tends to be more well received, but that is not for the interwebs. I pretend to behave here :3 5.) I like how far I've come. I legit had NO self esteem or confidence bc of my childhood and adolescence. But I made myself into a snarky, soft, spiky mess with some serious professional growth and accomplishments and I DON'T QUITE KNOW HOW but see #1, because a good case of the Stubborns and well-honed IDGAF shuts up my anxieties and doubts often enough to show them up and succeed. Well, that's me. Lowkey tags to some of the folks that somehow stand my chatter (♡): @seasonofthegeek, @s-n-arly, @allmyfandomthings, @overworkedunderwhelmed, @perditaalottachocolate-blog, @brushfeathers-thoughts, @aknazer, @galahadwilder
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enberlight · 7 years
20 Questions ok sure
I was tagged by @seasonofthegeek ♡ soooo prepare for my dorkness. There’s a lot of it. And some geeking. Look out.
Rules: Answer the twenty questions then tag twenty followers you want to get to know better
Name: Crystal (I really don’t use it online, lol)
Nicknames: Enber, Dawn (Skye), HuntressLight, Kemi, Kitz, LadyHawke Eve, Ookami Juujin, Ginkaze, and a pile of lesser known character names I’ve used on various sites. But those are the ones people recall.
Zodiac sign: Pisces
Height: 5′4″ (roughly one Season, apparently!)
Orientation: Panromantic grey-asexual, and nonbinary. I present femme and you can address me as such, but I’m more of a Neither.  I don’t tend to get attracted in the physical sense but I get feels crushes from time to time and gender doesn’t matter to me there. ^×^
Ethnicity: Marshmallow Potato! I am a carb based lifeform. :3 (Okay, okay…) Over 75% Irish from both sides, plus German on one and Scottish & British (unadmitted) on the other. I’m only third gen in the States (both sides) and we have extensive cousins overseas because. Irish. BONUS INFO: I’m the only person in my family who does not enjoy alcohol. No one knows how that happened.
Favorite fruit: Pie (what. It’s the best fruit conveyance.)
Favorite season: Fall
Favorite book: Oh wow. Hmm. The list is LONG but one I could forever go back to is “Incident at Hawk’s Hill,” by Alan W. Eckert. I read it a few times as a kid and again as an adult more than once and. It has really stuck with me visually and emotionally. It’s about a 6-year-old boy who shelters in a badger den, and they form a reciprocal bond. The events were tense and awe inspiring to my young mind. And the rest stuck with my heart. The boy, who is mute, reads as autistic to me. The author did a vivid job portraying the kid’s awkwardness around people versus his ease around and raport with animals, as well as the love and frustration of his family who adore him but sometimes just don’t know what to DO or how to reach this intelligent but unspeaking child.
Favorite flower: Tiger Lilies
Favorite scent: Apples and sandalwood
Favorite color: (schemes) Rich fiery autumns, or peacock blues and greens, and brown.
Favorite animal: Hmmm. Foxes and bats ♡
Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa?: I take coffee in my sugar, no sugar in my hot tea and gimme that sweet tea (especially iced honey green tea), and hot cocoa all year (I actually dose my work coffee with chocolate Carnation drink powder. VITAMINS N CAFFEINE)
Average sleep hours: Six on weeknights, plus half of Saturday and Sunday. #Sloth
Cat or dog person?: Both. I’ve been adopted by cats a couple times, they tend to adore me. I grew up with dogs though and have one now. They also tend to luff me bunches and I’d end up with a train of them behind me at family things. My current pupper is a dooooork ♡
Favorite fictional character: Zula in Conan the Destroyer because HOLY SHIT GRACE JONES OMG SHE FLOORED LITTLE ME. Storm (X-Men) as a close second, bc of her poise and sheer grace despite turmoil (and dear lord when she loses it). Katara and Toph and Korra because DUH. And eternal crushes and just plain Goals Michiru and Haruka (Neptune & Uranus). Can’t make up my mind on swooning for or being them. There may be a trend here.
How many blankets do I sleep with?: 1-3 depending on time of year.
Dream trip: Touring remote temples of Japan
When did I make this blog?: About five days ago.
I low-pressure tag everyone who reads this bc Season already tagged pretty much everyone who’s met me in the last few weeks XD
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enberlight · 3 years
Cyan and yellow!! With all my dear little heart!
😸 (I miss my squee emoji but this will do)
You too! Your new render stuff is cool o.o
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enberlight · 3 years
Cyan! ♥♥♥
Likewise! (Friend ^.^ ❤❤❤)
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enberlight · 3 years
cyan and brown (laser beams of love and admiration!)
Input caffeine, output laser beams?
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enberlight · 7 years
When you meme at a younger coworker who knows you're not exactly up to date on prime pop culture meming skills and their brain breaks because they got a glimpse past your chill professional facade to the snarky bad pun wtf Actual You that actually DOES know some things "did you just OH MY GOD" Hee hee
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enberlight · 3 years
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I posted 8,443 times in 2021
71 posts created (1%)
8372 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 117.9 posts.
I added 735 tags in 2021
#ml comic - 125 posts
#into the void - 98 posts
#best kitty - 88 posts
#linguistics - 87 posts
#ml fic rec - 67 posts
#best birb - 57 posts
#fashion ref - 54 posts
#ml au - 54 posts
#miraculous ladybug - 53 posts
#music - 52 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#and can pick up random words in related european languages bc english really did steal from everything and spanish fills in half the blanks
My Top Posts in 2021
Interest Query!
I'm curious about what kind of content my art and writing followers are comfortable with and expecting from me.
My ML Mermaid AU, Balancing the Scales, is at a crossroads. Now that intros are handled, Adrien and Marinette will be getting closer. But how close is a question I haven't settled yet.
Do I:
Keep it PG13, no kinky stuff
Fade to black and keep things Implied Only
The above but with the Cut Scenes on my AD account
Just up the rating and bring on the lemons
Similarly, is there any interest in seeing steamy or lemon artwork from me? This would be 3D renders, either in fandom or OC. And aged up obviously. Or is that a Hell No? (Art would end up on my AD Twitter since Tumblr can't even stand exposed forearms.) I would also keep previews on a new AD alt here for those not wanting to see even the crops.
You can answer in the comments or by Ask if you'd rather stay anon.
16 notes • Posted 2021-02-16 16:58:33 GMT
Sleep schedule? Whazzat.
19 notes • Posted 2021-02-06 11:28:55 GMT
If anyone's got good wishes they can send this way, it'd be much appreciated. I'm going through some medical stuff that might turn out to be a permanent disability. I'm hoping it is, at least, treatable. It may be related to the auto accident last December so yay for that /s.
Work is still only part time so if anyone wants to throw a kofi my way for an ML kiss or poly meme, I'm open for those. Regular commission inquiries can go to @caffeinatedmagpie. Follow me there, I'll probably do another giveaway soon.
I have some wheelchair turnaround refs planned for later this month, like the Nino hat. Stay tuned!
31 notes • Posted 2021-09-09 22:18:09 GMT
Zine zine zine zine
Zine zine zine zine
Zine! *vibrates*
@thedjwifizine is imminent
47 notes • Posted 2021-06-04 05:46:55 GMT
Emergency Commissions Open
If anyone is interested in 3D render commissions (human, demon, monster, furry, pet/companion critter), let me know!
I've been on basically $0 income since mid December while I recover from a bad car accident, and have to pay for office upgrades now, due to some changes at my employer. They aren't footing any of the bill for moving my cubicle to my house this week and I need computer equipment and a new desk because one tiny one can't hold two setups (art and work) @.@ They gave us 24 hours notice, I can't pull $300 out of nowhere that fast.
Here's a few examples of work I've done and models I can customize as your own OC. More examples and WIPs over on @caffeinatedmagpie
Drop me a line on @caffeinatedmagpie to discuss piece and prices. My price list isn't up yet (due to delays from the December car accident) but I can explain them.
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(First three images are custom modified and painted characters and scenes I've made. Last three collages are types of models I can customize - most humanoid and canid figures can have their features drastically morphed and combined to create all sorts of critters and aliens.)
I am also on Ko-fi as EnberLight.
Small donations are most welcome as I am on unpaid leave for two more months and refrigerators don't fill themselves any more than desks spontaneously manifest. I'll do ML icon packs or something as thank you's for coffees ❤
Much thanks,
Enber (30 January, 2021)
186 notes • Posted 2021-01-31 00:57:51 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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