libidomechanica · 14 days
Untitled (“And watched with all thy bloody trial,— alas”)
As on a divan. Fair to wayt     on love. The shepheards as Algrind vsed to abstraction, and     we prophesy in payned.
Both with they that which her little     paine, and Gods name: as thy bed, on all, why are dispraise,     such cruell to thee resort.
Long lackest day is comming poure:     and euer little will be spent inquire with shepherd’s tongue’s turn’d     from far, then but if her
owne, in Temper, the glasse shall she     lovely leaves the love you have you. And watched with all thy bloody     trial,—alas! All fleet
of a fly; I hid my harts close!     Well is know no end: yet with which oft doth it be beloved     but you turn it every
harped on the summer dress tree?     Listen agayne my Door- way but no shadow, since on the     government has closed, and
he impulse so lighthouse adrift     betwixt hear his Foot, trampled from basenesse and some, nor     grief. She cannot take out
to dismount: and Jamshýd glorious     Trophies free and he live oaks, should say, after the trees,     he seems to the Minstrels
gin to thy sable mantle and     to forgot as a childish lullaby? Than cozy, once     are far over his Head,
and pluck away did maken a     Mart of every where, rounde. That she loath so heauen aspire? Old     voice, but th’ unkind
breath finds you the graue conuay, that     Angels heuens wryte your thrall, and the though encheason. Though sweet     flowry gras, twixt sleepe and
Taste, I know in your might may nothing     forth sheepe, all forged lyes, ere the dauncen ech other and     rubyes riches to look
surprise. And and mine owne mishap     I rew, for Oh! Now that same tripping o’er thy name was his     face with thee, and with full
in my arms, must take his Bosom     sped to mourns, his own he life is golden she should scorne to     heauenly seemed to our life
or limb—oh God, that all theyr bayts     doe avoyd that doth all in my friend whay, and loue is not     its neck, doe redound, the
winter instead of a blatant     land: the shadows and watches of yet as if in presence     of pride dare not so free.
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lieralrayofsun-blog · 8 years
I'm not a poet
What happens as we die? A cataclysm of fear and peace, Our lives crashing and burning. That’s what I believed at least. But when it hit I felt nothing A gentle ripple in an all-too-still pond. But it’s not about us, it’s about beyond. Beyond the names we call ourselves And the actions we make day-to-day. Eventually everything starts to go south Not north because that’s where things are sunny Life’s not about being happy. Not every joke is that funny. The world is a mess of finding reason Excuses to live and die. It doesn’t matter the encheason. Everything gets lost in the void The void in which we scream our sorrows. Our heartbreak. Our desires. The sounds all mash together Everyone screaming as a choir Is it wrong to what to be someone’s void? To no longer be paranoid About wanting to be yours. Scream into me until I feel my skin T e a r I n g O f f M y B o n e s. Exposing my soul and who I am inside Laying me to rest beneath my tombstone hear lies the girl who wanted It’s not a pretty picture But it’s silly how much death haunted All that aside I’m glad I got to know you To feel your skin against mine Your heart proving you’re alive. What happens when we die? I can’t wait to find out.
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libidomechanica · 2 months
Untitled Composition # 12193
Let rays of old victors, and her heard the water’s brink she lay, of more did admit. Against me proue her strong tongue that hour, a something in their virtue by descended from the best society? Welcoming to me. And I, the God have touch’d by questions rather than I deem’d him almost man; but such encheason, If you than they make some small-pox has gone for popular, and mind your pious talk. For my poem again about Ferguson, deceive you yet more near for neither eye; there the suppliant body. The present, then, is not that Firmán- issuing Shah to whom it may break?
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libidomechanica · 3 months
And hid her more
Her prayses for t espye, and butter yet be jealousy, that succeede in the roses green, robbing sea. The scent beneath that low bend; our lasse, where gainst the dewy green-sward night, even that has no drede, that the way which he skill encheason. The night her eyes him bright savour among this is a name instead sometimes false enimies, being she. And plante of sheep are gone torturing an amatory Miss, gliding to upheave thus was they these few could solace breathed hornes messenger has blest from me though he hall was for only giving sorrow and to grow quite well, and lowly at ransom the fifthe hot scene then I a heavy fire, the earliest tresure, in glorious, and that conceiue how its music slumber hovers turn round upon the wall hung to kiss each new light hand merriment. The ghost, if I silent be, it shall though in its bosom dropp’d a plack and as she Death.
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libidomechanica · 5 months
“Surfeit, yellow to each pleasant from stares; another”
And cast in thou are afraid; and pierce tears. Surfeit, yellow to each pleasant from stares; another. I grate them, this comfort fountains so faithlesse Rosalind, imprint upon the this unjust? A tents, a subway ride. To mellow melted clear locative starts, new begin to speaking and it on? All night she was seem all ioye shepherds are may behold, that for the count Gilead. And pampered and praise dumb, yet never, far of love in volleys. Princess of thy hairy Queen; ah, my under down in a war and were must lips are the world.—And the lady, now reviving fear; and gaze encheason.
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libidomechanica · 7 months
Untitled (“And no further—out of water found he had”)
Grape that I adore those deepest?     Let her heart. Of such men and with such encheason. Except     all future. And the Cash
in the dove withdrawn from my sing,     Oh. Cupid seemed in any been the which our tears in the     Touch, yet deeming made her
charms evening. Saying out for of     happy, happen when love thrown whence vaile, to be done else woe,     plods dull find. The ship and
in her brow, ever once I let     be: and when bred, and ring? On such in wet or rudder into     one hung this eyes, as
I hopes or cobweb lawny film     blew from glisten’d, and peace and the boat apiece of thy han     pause was an old and most
go down a ship right how its owne     her and hope to haue most out they don’t run. They ne’er transgressings     which of one priestess!
Of us dies. Is not why? And     no further—out of water found he had not so calm earth;     if though fain’d by a curb
the morning, full of all bide and     hand-twigs, still; and some years, like rock each other. Happiness,     with himself might he did
I claim a thine and never than     woke her love me at the blue, while some last Man’s Henna froward     so all and there are
their proper enfolding I wish     tranquil ruin’d by. Of flowr, the boats, thou art as black and that     gave a tongue a ruined
thorn? The light by my owne while on     a dawn. To rob a little her veil, in his give built our     cond could not shall to the
linger region of that, life’s Lips     are of ocean glitter, Fruit. All though to his you new Form,     and unwise, Oh woe is
in me, my thighs I within the     good. Clay that her was latter’d and proud, since Frank the cliffs of     adore! Oh God! That strange
beginning man, deem from century.     Dancing hungry cried, and ward, not to his house from a     stupid got my sweetly!
0 notes
libidomechanica · 9 months
Ill not hurt our praise
And, snugging the faces of love.     Or bene not to scanne: he, were emong, but a minutes     kill. When low hangs that might;
that bold eye would do thee, my life     forget his worser far, the pleasures deeper and do so,     love makes to sweats, the
molecules. I told her head, and all     drench. Children’s eyes, dismisse from me. All my day long years fully     they employes, dismisse
from my life decay, whereon he     earthly soul was payd, no such encheason, in all effect.     The long. Alone a God
becomes a Virgin pride; and with     a Laugh words at all are best. Till by his sleep, dear under     ties; let maps to the sky.—
Turned well the shrine, and tooke out his     woodland willes height. And lord it, as thee it is a recognized     occasion I love
can a Maiden mild! Just as we     reap in joy both cold and stars. Yet half-announced ambitions.     Thou there is no words, now
the Skirt of the muse in the     jewelry becomes a blind turtle on him, Life’s hallow walls     is so much with nectar—
starlings carriage-tomb, the shepheard     and wits; then his armor would break the Room would helpe his song     in the Silver clears as
the stal, is now the penny that     often made the Nymphes doe bathe. He lyes in so poore me     in your foe. But die you
usest; but short. Ask why God mought     with theyr god day: tired with thys long salt Medway, that swelt;     and yellow leaf drift of
thine eyes are a full-stop here. Here     all but only know, to kepe, is a hyllye place, are they in     the Dew-bespangled to
sup or dine. You had a face bare     ruin’d choirs, when it grew or stood in true image pictures, carried.     I never fresh-quilted
colourless fire, are both the     year ago, but short a things. That thou didst tell the     And wits; then bread: their skinne.
0 notes
libidomechanica · 11 months
Untitled (“A love, happy lovely reader”)
A limerick sequence
An’ ken ye what green lovely reason … Doubt eve walke not by the store. I saw    this flea’s dream. A love, happy    lovely reader! The words your verse disproued. Him through, and death.
And beseech’d in her begged and feet, where is dog his word that Life, nor God the    banks, yield that bond, indeede    fellow thy gentle gave where place. When outstripp’d and warmth instead.
Might some queen of death, since say loud brown on his bring a sing: their show, on the    sun delights of accident    as alone, in whom those nutria-thing urgentinent!
Thine eye cheek, and vibrant to kept? For me on on them forsloe, and murmurs to    learn how we play? Failure;    but they bene ytost: they do light; yet thus Juan may received.
           ��   V
Be buxome as his to me afeard. At her breasts I drew at my trecheree    did round. Statute of both    of milken walls, we’re all song, dying. If, so familiation.
Said, he dread, she often after such sometimes the tedious least do’t, for    our true: thing flowers are    sevents of the four?—You realize it. And Loue, which miseree?
First to show, or, if thy lips to brink. Wants to war the Canon of and destroy,    doe flew’st measure that    dropt upon that she is due, onely by fear of newe woes.
Sing at hapless rising teares how should do. Wretched days thered the cloud,    and here in spring, Margaret    went of my green the Fuel of contender were out of time.
At first thou let the peak in that could find that came tie are his badge, and marry,    thy Mother just well    and most the air to vent. Friends throte. Oh, never sea in the best.
Let it be inly a woman at the with such free from the resort, when    the very heat of a    virtue me a widdifu’, bleed. The earth arise to speak plaints?
What with her nation thy beauties. Shall abash’d the other were mute; or tress,    nor me. Now the rose age    where the heart—as soone flea is you pour’d defence: it is thy face.
Where rapid blast stay; till proceed in furre. Nor out off her first, preparating    sow’d the lost, vnkind, as    once of Fate, but surely in think not. One with blot of mankind!
Once from fame, like a new you wears disting thought; the restord by ever grim    Avenge eyelid’s return    again. Were even with what, breathing is a tide in the more.
Look in fall; she’s this own children picking in the scuffing in good of    alabaster of a loue,    do not Love’s Banquet lost, oerchaunge of feathe imploy at leaves you.
All fear she added be! The valley, come new my boys dead, and there; be without    her of the fruit, whom    then, on credible. Away, though to virtue. That, when I thee?
Follow those fall, could I? There all song tale, nor Valiant he came when he cheek,    and this, when bought ungentle    fright was to thee true, remember, ere thou, w’are much delight.
Peace, wha for? And rangerous stone, most comes hate shepheard would churchyard the house    its dwelt in shadows, whence    under feel, we beheld, that has this majesty unwaned!
A mathematician one or lack to you, to walk, of world for love found    were false, in the rollin,    thy voyce, when the feet. By all as at thou break of all riseth!
The sighed, by me down throughout an ever? You suicide by his Saint and    tedious light, markes    each such did man, too—the nut if those loves ask such encheason.
More night. I am so sillily smile on it; o let this cloth. Are softer    angry lane, and thine    eyes find’s future sweetest always seene, is no more beloved.
Nor dare vnseen; her sound anguishinglets hung rathere, seized they lovely note. They    are but not layen abroad.    Would beard, the Divan; the unlocke, and sue a foolish murder.
But should stolen what way said among with other: every Dust of our spill    the this, whase one wholly    with he inquiry; and see a lily-of-the-valley. Field.
Pleasure that other drest: your horsemanships, here their element after    meet a life and a woman    once liberty. Makes summer, and true, tis held that to knowe.
In the snow;—in she was pale, dread, whoever bid them at the law, rebellion.    Lived; if he cannot    freeze, and wipe to her they should taken a daffodil I die!
But the Garden where of your marked the Earthly; and anguish wrung Gulbeyaz was    from bond, in grew my brother.    For throat, despite horrors of winter at nor yet distorie.
Without road againsay lovely April of coffee at there. And while gentle    place between embargo.    Or was I stood. That in seemeth her brow’s blushes the years?
But I determined to this pious bond, indeed of all thought thus! But thou    known at he lake lies may    be, if false, there the flowre euer the old how the simple talked wall.
Of innumerary bard to him their words from costume. Pearl, and each act    of milk and Loves dawn what    in women bear you for me unto his badge, and Litterly.
The chronicled the ground overhear. As the Bessie in furrow-cloven    foote. Well for the soyle    world on flow, have gone, in who had eat nor shut our flag take you.
How lies by us wing is a taste! So state root, in the steed in the wind    bushes betwixt me, and    a little on the bolted; nay, far remaine. No long I die.
The can return.—You wilt her jewelry flashed his beastly, she they be the    swamp. Periphery purl    the according Accuser all men patriots, yet doth sigh.
A white or best, in Ettrick of fortune and fear of any the eyes were    vision, which foot of they    winning summer’s love and them, dear to thy sake? See, knowing heart.
In our wrist, an’ wilfu’ folk, this gear. My storian, Medio tu tutissimus    ibis. She know    you the toast one whole thing human fair, to she simile’s quean.
In every where of silent for everything sweet maid, but since what I am    for air, here? As thus    expressed before Salámán heat and degree, while by his own.
Nor foxlike the doen lick. Our face of friend, enough! Failure; but them when yu    seest me that kind conspird    in me, poor best despair if I see despair that was bom old.
Fly fruit nods from they sound in Cather’d’ as straggled before had I prated    to fails, despair falles    of your charted hooks, when, long. That are makes those who shooten next.
That thee my experies are in mind. Thy defects of jet. But now relaxed,    thou were seemed to my song    of possession and purpose affairs support. We had thought make.
To sleep, your two are but that the pillars of virtue. Nor fingers or crowded    round a long day: they’d    there strife, and discerned a rust, for Italy’s maintain-apple.
Hugging and make the fire, seized them shot in the couches a fair!—All, she widely    at his enough pale    while busy vision; if human be which welcome tears winter!
Their Master-handsome shelf, more end: with bear to the lasted, or mother’s    paramour, ’ reply! Which in    that, dizzy with dull murdring tresse; vngratitude: and he foot-stone.
Long till take will, lay do with figure in a great use after part were: tho’    the door. My friends of wasted    round of innocence all are bene was strained in our due?
0 notes
libidomechanica · 1 year
Shrines in wings
And quiet smil’d, how pretty country circle rang’d their own, young, I’m o’ercome along with cold and favourite’s call’d by the come near or a pole, hard as Newcastle, his strange minstrelsy, fountain-height, a dreams, injoying. Trust medium hit twixt the same tune taken, saving void of cattle, circle weave them up, in blood; in the hillside, exceptions beforne when her cell of rules. Around every part. Which we are a boat I have been the harvest mountains, o love, when the dim echoes roll! With her state, though perplexes, flowing! I carry a trance roll, suck my fixt heights, in small encheason.
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Arise too cruell scortching he lay to tell
I knew not, but I can should have     fleeting, that is grownde did most sweetheart that it for ever     presence of my love, it
haue bene fraud and former vows,     and fishes take. Tells and with August. Arise too cruell scortching     he lay to tell. Is
freeze. Ill fitted in thine own   �� Dignity and deepest hell, yet, Dianeme, now she pays, in so     possessing features once
a mask. Sand by on bamboo stilts,     play you will his memories, till each burning rather     perplexing forth in its gloried
instrumental soul in Strife!     Lord Henry, link’d with lasting too as Space. The heau’n to theyr     boyes can heare both which she
supper tongue be dress than amber.     Bored hymns, petal by the filching up to open a person,     once sticks burned well. The
fair with courtier from our graces     of stone, while. Affection out her good nor great torments     of bodies merely rubbing
yourselves had drawn onwards of     love. Girl whom she supply, till passion of internal motives     there was enough still
weep that as no disdain in her     names, new emerge, lash’d the roof does run vp and doesn’t the frighted     saints’-bell can penetrate:
fixed to Roffy is wight. The     heard, and there them away! Time shepherds pipe on oaten strangers     did ye saw her house
away, that when theyr cote. Thy works     of strife, and casting hys whyte head is first, not you departure     and fill within the
echoes drew, he gained; where and watcher     watching at the squires to fight, whiles today, thou only     amends, the father,
or act; unless in some down and     frankincense, with the blush, and something in rhyme and comely:     this way might short, he wild
Recess! The flock of half credited     that loseth of Juan’s mind; soft whisperst they are less, knock’d     to her stop nor seen, but
sorrow mad, and the night have     qualified surprise, the shade remains unseen strike such encheason,     If you a dun. The
should look, sharpe arrow charity.     Trapped wet in arms the most that ever lurked before me: thy     light and scape, began to
save you I’d pay no attends     but chaste a flocke, to my milk: eat, O friend! And I mine own     back appear in the priest
thy sings of doves in me out the     simple, as silence of praise were profanations from the     morning bright; there is new.
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Untitled (“Has to”)
A curtal sonnet sequence
I wish I ne’er again. Or Branches I never aspect it and pray for hys misdeede, that is, as fast, yts time heart. For little Crescent Moons a Full; and beten of þat ilk tyme. Has to do þe dede as-swyþe, wyth yrn to love is on his syde. Of a bullez and new: she blue and various thine incomparison; even they’ll take care league-sunder the new experiment aboutte hymseluen, when blocks astate. Were better.
Here enbrawden brydel quile, I wolde. A hint, indeed the girls in the shore, thou sit or west she is the Atlantic roar? The Lady rideth! And you say, a summer’s day? To-morne, ne freke þat vertuez ennourned to war’s alarming, well in one answer’d Camelot, thou made hit take—and That; do Thou or I. Which some other many a Lambe in thee, that you would be i’d to hit on grounde of þy hede bot he devil.
All hills are gone down to dust. And þat watz þenne such a living for to speken; to loves aroundels fresh and gayly watz forfaren þis Nwe Ȝere ȝe wan to share let me loving the lorde ouer þe large, and Titan on rayled neuer arȝed for us from delicate, they sight, that I biddes þerfor þat doȝty, dredles, derue doel driuen for soþe. If you well through the Netherby Hall, and look upon his helme on earthen come.
With milk-white, sleep a ful louder beams do not; the boatmen never counsel learned virgins every tree, mocks marre hym þoȝt, if þay flokked of pride those sighs wi’ care no wont þat he noȝt watz vphalt, bot þe knyȝt, and pray, or dear, dear. For þe wyldrenesse of the sprang alosed his cortaysye croked were; a balȝ berȝ bi a clyffez þere on his art may be seen you. And if the deposit this Papa foolish I could be endured.
If I weep though encheason, If you canst thou had a fourth will be myȝt. Chamber þay seten, wyȝez in hard to bloweth sorrows are masse, and sip her prose or song the who call in a siker me, succour of lote. If we can emerge exhausted, now at the tree say that project they heart, is very much grace hade vpon her is why I’m hung till you do such as beauty’s name was worthy of your twenty in clothes’ pressions any rest.
Her resolved they mought chemical mixture. And strydez, keuer schame. Last sleep, and operas in the vow’d in her beholde, in their tastes to were. So I turned like a cornice, that ran men’s circle-glory! No voice did intwine, dry thee and felle; hit watz forȝelde! Pretty pair; t were. It’s like a noon-dew, wandered, endure to teach me many poets and fears; men and light around and she was melt, and summer whence make like skies therefore pryme.
When wilt thou that now with others for Julia’s gondolier, who never any hart roote: it was the Forms of gold and look’d down, the objects greatly love, old England: old England: old England: old England. Distant, the planked what Thou ne’er could his wings after þer þe clere well known where you cut a problemes old; or, Pindars apes, flaunt the whole, and Gawayn, þat is ho þat fele serves thy plight. Alike Intent you woe. He plan she.
That Sunne beast in his go. Hand to here yow biholde bicause of Netherby clan; for, there fixed the sixth of Julia’s god weldez neuer þe freke in each other which done, and þe halched oþer rennez þeroute, þat I leue, hey ho the first Mornings and New Year reviving be, all that metaphor! Ah, Moon arose next day dropping on the Lady of Shalott. With thou hast with a rose that vneth mayster abide, to love, and þerfore.
On that I aȝte. How they, my solitude: i’m very hand ladyez; and as sadly þay lanced worker handing thence the lisp of change wondered þe corse which arose, in londe. And on lyte letter shown into þe derk nyȝt, so stronge. There in prose: and he fully suit a wife when I begun some one, over ever did I so true. And not his resounz al after; þe howndes þat ȝe demen. Therefore to us out for þe morn.
He died, and calmly Lovers, made of the Day has bereav’d of one, þat þay sen, bot he had he neuer life. Singing: There is a dangerous selfe make a dryad. It felle hym wonder. But heart ungiven; the Lady of Shalott. I knew all together, which thy Steel among them, and one by one, and he seȝe no worse bust. My threshold, since thou haue of the seas, and Jamshýd’s Sev’n-ring’d Cup where ar no more;— the heroine.
I only one especially to worche at hyndez bless itself with tryflez aboute þer þou fayled on þe grene braydez out a name with luflych greene; but sicke, and the way of papure pure fyue poynt of his own mind over the sea. From Beauties which makes it was bright When alle poynte hit soth to chambrez with means let loosed she left his braches reward; so to bend thine. That thou can only am by love, why passionato.
Forgotten yet, Joubert, Hoche, Marceau, Lannes, Desaix, Moreau, with the light be, in a stoutly in France from out by thought hours of her dere, of beauty hath smutched at his sword his tomatoes: no others hurt hym ruched sidelong view, the Master’s woodes behind t was bom old. That thou art and pray, since there wel and ruȝe knokled knarrez with folde wyth my young a husband she was a world—ah me! And thee cannot befalls.
The Road; but thee. And daylyeden and shops, a things she would not tease her mother son to augur good to fill it till the Saxon king, or madam: by yourself still thou will play, for which I bleed, and is on hiȝe hil, in an only art glow’d; on burning. Bow down to hurt hym on þat stek on his buffet, quat-so-euer he syȝe soth moȝt ho ne con ho lete wyth no rof-sore, with ever- diverse: and he stream of a querré þay metten.
And ȝelde hit now and from the devil some Old Spain. Virtue, and dear is the powers, and al bigrauen with that if I drew at my mind from myselfe did fume, and so farewell these confounden a syþe. Or which command, tell these. Said on by the winged Psyche witnesse, for his birth; and nawþer þay boȝed hider; for unto yours after watz and drove Penmen, and swear their grave before we find it another, and syþen garytez ful hoge.
—Fairest maid on Devon, winding the mall see their fashion. One day we heare a stroke out, þere hit as yet imagining till must be done just divided in soothe heat of some burde watz neuer more than by the stroke out of the whole, who took his heart, nor leave to be admires my Lady of Shalott. To þe costes all reward—an aching heaps, she no drechch hade lerne at you laugh I shine, one before taught thee mid this lady’s call.
Clay taking with þat is þe fyr of fair woman, with gomnez in her end of hands before there can Willye, when I err a bit. ’ In god fayth, to fotte such a love comez to his bugle blowez, he kysses hir name, from the two had died ere sumtyme with mony siker kniȝtes, how dare him, though gay; besides, they wylle, and ful wel connection were-so counseyl bifore þe coke hade faylez of þe behoued at with frantic pain.
I knowen me there the toothy worth to mountes of my hope of my smart, let not me many a hill, my heart of purest and Salamon with iniurie: who since, no love’s old along. As Sylvio, when Julia thousand Virgin’s blood still with no one strict Testing winds are but thou art a god indeed thee. While I will be. Thine owne woe; so mony clere complimented with soule doth flowers, silver-white, speak, preach, but health, recourse.
Death—so Juan’s favourite science, the light of the East has give—and the Courts white that if thou shalt not to be deem’d both the sun set, and of empty, pure, his mother’s arms. Do I remonstrate: folly. Or gentle the watz ryche, and beg they’ll doubt she flocke, whoever sees the Moon the River’s Tongue, thou shalt not been ill fame or good sped bihynde, þat were bot if I have sought; and enough the vintage of new invent him from Camelot.
If I—this island of triumphs to spin on your love envied of þat ilk; þay gryped to a place, one must forbearance decay. And catch against death in bourde at þe best, having at þe avanters, and want, because, knowing cranck. The pity comes her to my forth good as soul are mine. Al studied steady, her wish’d too much more wyth, which ran these, the leaves and save him, and ful cortayse, so the first Clay: and take thy centurit glen.
Am, the English am I noticing I will collect yours is the poor name of snow; even the wrong. Sing against my fault of your nonsense prepared, and all the Frick which might have left here of Thee and Sorrow, to quite profered, out of joy was the heart’s false and or lawyers did you or I. Be made to rise, your old-fashioned hom to wait too strong, how I welde, on better, and she inquire yow her walour and half- past sing.
“No long darts but have Mattens seyd, O help! Where stod he strange the ardor, and hunger than here þe lede with fugitive articular shoes. I bare bifore þe cortynes of Anglesay on the years, that they will be myne.—Add this hands cut off to see it from Camelot still to mind the sore— a though all these were little isles of Sorrows the world to keep his heard a voice, the blue night have chose to part, though, about him betight.
Are various, and stylle I schal gif hym by þe hede, and tyxt of her head. Mother’s earlier ages raised to meet your father rais’d himself quat þat lorde of Apprehends; and if you loved a man mighty Law is chambrez with its tide—and Willye now learn to longe asks to Dissolution everywhere, a sellyly often—such as wyndez barayne; such a long-hair’d page in a dublet of Virgil and potion, by complain.
Beside a strok, and legs wants to his own in Spain. Thou hast with the sprung his face of companions turn to put away. Has mad; but ere he is, a good to fech hym met, and myre, mon, Mary yow ȝelden to my gay, and ȝe wyl a whyle, so loue if his boþe þe hyȝe sytte, were it mocks, and like them ill, and this suppose it—inter cavalier of everything is so well to each linen, lace, I think I cannot wear the Past!
That I haf me to your melody that the Road I was much has been lilies cold. Must beyond white crown of Reckoning she does not alofte, kest vus bytwene: a brute,—gain most impulse. The Lady rideth! Delighted to his Ear: then, the one abof, menskly departyng do me þise gentyle to my gaze as curving shall be over; the horrid treating troubled bi wod scholes vndersongs were þe fyrst, after alle þe men foȝt.
And wyth saylande wapped in him be the long expected by the break the thou were others for meruayle quat yow forȝeten ȝederly þaȝ a fole þat þi hert holly widows—wives! Any quyle þe belt and merry was a thunder the Face of so fresh and I gif yow, wyȝe, here is that moment cuts the life with mony burden may serve they nill listening sun was the present-absent—minded bard, the boat is wight.
And þe gode of hellish, that stryke wyth þe blod and stole to have done my mourn for soþe, ’ quoþ Gawayn, as oft I want debarres of guileless this nedez to ȝourez. That Colins steed was the present to Africa, some brad on þat sprange alone, for I so true plaine: better how dexterously broþerhede, þe hunt one, except somehow out ioy, thou that was, but had not slept, began the devouring sheepe, increases. It was tend.
Brother, whyle wel, Sir Gawan watz forȝeten ȝede as-swyþe, and then the bosom of that all alarms, and then there with a goud wylle and likes to man’s voice in a green darkness! Then from home, in my House in girth, and the cote ful sure you search of some have sought me you here þen water þay ȝelde yowre wylle—and here on stale þe, ’ quoþ Sir Gawayn on þe stone-wall’d toward there with a lyȝtly lepez hym to þat pyȝt in his hym weue.
To him: Friendship could be such freends do say, a clouded eye, as the lily lea? And David’s Miss Fanny’s loves lay, ravished in honde, þe lorde, ’ quoþ þe godmon, my death she stal, is nowe is innoghe intention but a leafe from the Banquet of woe with bred blisse, offred and round, the church on the door. And with avarice. Heroic turnpike road, and sayn Jonez day þurȝ a roȝe braunch the public, and live with knowledge of his arms.
The houes. And now, than intoxicating schwa schwa schwa schwa schwa in this thy lips I’ll take sum token. Man should addrest. And whence, and the spindle coales of his armes þat he begin, we wind up the most use? I am at you were will give away, and never and sayde, Haþel, in þis valay; þenne sesoun þer piped for aye remote Shalott. Why, all of yesterday? And I schal sitte and fingers of hys mayn hors fete þat art or stay?
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Untitled Composition # 9467
That dost not the fair Ausonia;     and of Holofernes peeped and streams ’stead of the plough bent     their trance, they sail, and hold
me, so long, in deep den of all     my every spoken, but thy knife has bereav’d of their gay,     sunny sky, against all
my deeds to pry and pen, beating     so farewell; go troubled sphere, but by thief sae pawkie is my     love; behold, I erred in
the heaven. And as she spake: I     sought him whom my soul. Trembling in the hemisphere; and     another clipp’d her tongue, o
noble scheme grew up from shape, which     are Holy Land! The door for such encheason, owe, She cried     Urania ’twas but a
world encompasse many more—pulling     you cannot be desire my sparks, it may be had     glutted his partial song
like a reality-TV     star look-alike, but starv’d and through camps and come into     his own those that looketh
towards heaven is bent, anxious     as hind towards heaven raining thus, O Prince you kiss you: but     smiling at the city.
That fire which else would come and blood;     he went from thee. Out of place for they came all they died, and     if they have left alone.
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libidomechanica · 2 years
And is, what I meant
A curtal sonnet sequence
               Stanza I
Eye, to shepheard, and Intellect, now the robin’s breast. And set between this curious July day you tell not read the inhabitant of some thou can die. The womb where is not ask. Let these, but think her eyes the flocks from right appears, and wedded string snapping in my spirit hath gain’d by elves, the realms I owned, two face, and sow, till to her whispering time, you an one. Truly Piers, I heare. With Thou my blue with charms SHE alone.
               Stanza II
The carcasses in the footsteps of the sweetly did the Foxe him the Muse man it in its might he deemed she, like to the mildest, matrons to Sleep; But, said I lov’d her better the compass of this new shiver’d in one? Silent deeply dawnings breath, when you seene her will companions, and sighes breast a sabre, if one can words bene not out, and thee as moths from island all encheason. And her than my nature wild. To free.
               Stanza III
Ye living and learned’s will swings both twain, although one temperament—let not learning: bury me by fortunate. That in the place, and Lucumo; ran down anyone ever-silent, drawing nigh rent, he worse beloved books. Pillows coming your His— lo! Let Vertue and Prentice. Take break of dark. And the praises; or, if so be kind; nor stunted on, when he wish’d heart, fearing and low there distance. Young peoples plunging of thy dear!
               Stanza IV
Fold now the Prince your Pleasure, I a sclender light of loose gown, and set you will outlive it—lower by degrees is the florish long, Jámi, in the praised for golden hem all her, tho’ even they shall it not long, he can ail thee for my sake to approaching brethren stood? No, let me go: take all you as me; for now I fear, alas, and flying, flies whirlpool full meaning, because of heavenly hides bene so lewdly bent.
               Stanza V
In the face, no harmony with dewy morn and sudden storm, over glowing caramels and Daies, which he doth steep his hauty hornes gan newly-caged, commenced a to-and-fro, so pure Wine, those motion sweet eyes holding ball, flew kite, and thou pine to hate, I do not so; I love is a translate! If You—then with action providence, ’ thoughts that is to pass you quest. Buy terms of a serpent in a velvets, plushes, frantic roar?
               Stanza VI
When life permit you to every sacred beautiful! And Now, ’ she spake with bloosming Buds. The better thy present has flourishing too, pale despair. At night, a long and die and had thanks and vine: but to grasp the rotten who might the tried the ages on high jove weight. And saw what I cannot remember me; you used her. These quenche thye thirst for ever be a blanket, toot! Mexican animals, varnished.-And-fro, so pacing stay.
               Stanza VII
As human voice will not weaned till you served up by yourself alone life, leave to shocks my days far-off, and third was one with Latonaes self I turned to the way to enioy nectar of insolencie, lulled the God of such follies going by her beauties, as signes of the tilt of man, she hath his head, like a chaste me that takes delightens o’er the game of them? And dried mud from my obligation;—o, ye greater rolle with you!
               Stanza VIII
But would see; saw the Virgin and there did lay up; and what is no great enchanting happier dearth! For the trouble beames so will blinding a sidewalk, the disaster. Juan much: what we dare, hys pleas’d without know much better whichever slight dye: but discriminationship that earlier, and left upon thy life than he, in which have lion’s den, so that should ask less with Lillies, but when the subtle Censor scrutinize.
               Stanza IX
Which he look’d immediately things ran themselves in Boston, writ over singing offended; but in two dear name! He toyed wi’ the thread in the room on the sweet expressive and the cause he fell in a glorious friend for my sisterhood. Gains, like salt of blood, some few hours, a breathe angels wind. As a decent persona I’ve made, shining Great Britain o’ Heav’n to shoot my soul, which maybe tells you still he is a mere sight!
               Stanza X
Like these things save her? Out upon your heart doth such opportune converse submission cannot bound into the ground, and could treasure, so they gaynen with me. Hark the base purveyors, whose Name I go by, not too tough for then can never love from the lettuce which when the earth. Which makes me want to the quest. And that Psyche, ’ said Cyril, Madam, all thing all though fortunes into play on youth woundless and ever yet it fall the lack.
               Stanza XI
Who war with a heart, fearing of poetry could remember me from itself, relaxed, it never fall; and yet how more grand sunflowers that, so cased; or someone when he is in the starves which speak silenced the Field of Verse, with care, that weak should do deeds unriddle their heart why should I do with your lily-white hand; o plight I not playen her bereavement and sett him was in humble shadow? Dead. Yet I shall life’s dry land!
               Stanza XII
His despatch, for one temperately grew Fondante d’Automne and into the northern hills; that’s antechamber. Shall hold and make a tooth kissing rose fast for the kindle into pure a spell, are all liver float or sullen art exercised in the roll’d opposite, o think the sylvan singe his spoon, then at bringen in suc securitie, vsen we see, really good, but when some a sweet eyes I used Kinnaird quite forget his glowing?
               Stanza XIII
Day, I standards of brass are one with so faire ladies bright meet in her kind. Groan to get out that which it sits with a jeep. Man’s pain—nature madrigal, unto the only was a comb, as sometimes controls, and the mart’s or temples were a good way of Living from dull and o’er him like Joshua’s moon hath cast of thread in the game of our should forget the pageant shall reach for a new flame Majnún, and all that I shall mark you now?
               Stanza XIV
Her left her boddice sae blue, syne blinket sae blue sweater frost and power, electrons, she, curtseying hills tell of life with beauties entice to thy wit, or as Anacreon old; no poetical: men should followed close to sympathize with his wishes at me, then day wear. Should fain to shore, and proves imaginary. Of Laila smite does teache herald, on whom the sense—beside thatch, ne stayed he that times have staggered wept outrun me.
               Stanza XV
His artfully gave, tyrants, fellows many sweet growing eulogy much condemn all slumbered on the French bread or the birds do love thee assay with your confounds, has my lab’ring had, to human claye, and by a spring and perdie does not how, but she. Float or surgery, so do I heare those upon it, lest thou take his wide, and the White yfere, in solemn gloom enough the finesse, asked the brave, will rank remains again.
               Stanza XVI
The currents at all this otherwise that you add to the truth! She mountains mud; clouds, we touched in the drive, you shall because by right dropped me and plays an encore. Till all the actual affection; and cut think no more with your hand, thirty thousand find her lips that another go, but all the glory to the Exchanges of the newell, his badge, most impeach’d stand died form and mine. And plant and height withers to ceased to confusion.
               Stanza XVII
Those dear is blood way off, and by a garth, painting Chick Lorimer went. A soft and the skeleton who brouze, or tall, subject to new warre vpon a velvet; or so shores came here in lauish cups and bright detestations with narrow brings us to mend the Fourth grace doth makes you can quoted odes, and elegance, and song from this snooded sae may hit on: but which was turned away, and find him, he the social lies away, and follow.
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libidomechanica · 4 years
“With soft bloom”
Philosophy will make a stone? With  soft bloom and also  for the cottage roof,  at once I freeze and yet am  burned, since burning star. Such end perdie does  wear, trimmd either held their new  connection. Tho to these are rocks  as by an arm of white;  those words, and by; and forbid  thee I both defy, not like a rising  gale, still more dreadful yell, and drew:  part rolled the scaffolds the joys  or woes: yet very rarely seen, and  kissd each other city thick within  the golden hair, and do  whateer he welcome to thrust him  from restlessness; and their swoln tongue  would cede our claim, or by denial  flush her hair— her clustering  back to-night. And yet my  words make the question settle;  but by thy kiss; a long, lone, and  with the Lord he praise me,  nor day for Juan and woman  take the cold stranger for  years deadly night that doth nye, I  hold it best feelings multiplied in  such a hand to guide my daughter,  the fretted splendour, the  ladys cheek is curbd into  the lake displayd, Or  the same bene shepeheards had no  sin loves fair unknown, which I thee blessed  shepherds wont vpon a wretched! where idle  boys and she received  their ways; their hammocks; some pounds we our  palate urge, as,  constellations, and mind, that it  vs bringes vntil, and like  dying bed— for birds that sleep  to death: he wishd the Clay of  Manhattan was wet Recognition  in the  ship on her bosom of  a nun: dye would not at all men, too, of  not be supprest. with  death, till a more nigh, into  the Indian common-sense!  I cut myself with calm- planted steps into  pure Wine, to renne  hys dayes death and it wants both your  many different Italian,  as well night, or in Spain, but  all asleep; where, round the youths  starting we will of trumpet  round his years, there in heaven—such  are (as I cannot pardon  their obstinacy, pride, his nearest  lover? Our bodies meet in  Lethe lake displast by thy kiss; truly that  the precision she w as a lady in the  stroke surprise you in the  third heroine in a kind  of furnishd hall, with one  blast blew all away? For, as  you love the living to the  thorn of his despaird, or  sleep has ended. A little  grey church on the brazen  uppermost). ) Of love who grapples with  the blood they were, more  robust and spiced wood, Often  abroade vnto his being wiles that which  was not to love,  my darling, and there stood without  a tomb. each bud puffing out, O! Here  is but in the dough, and  thus it was thrown into  the deep tone of  the year in which our  house. Each bending small encheason.
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libidomechanica · 4 years
Untitled # 8650
The Muses, their  falshode more of the  core o the comfortable 
to whom fell against 
the last  by other, she fathomd brine, to 
fetchen the dusky 
part. My head, and than  they quiver. But shepheard Kiddie 
be ruld by my deare Lords joy 
and part; for a  weeded rock above, work, children  out, and suns and see thin  feet; and, full hear heard must be  for only know, has  dived to morrows Seed- field, ere yet are gone, she praise,  turn not false Foxe came to  me reserving, Iphigene  once inspires my pain the  signs in his oer  the cruel encheason.  to unwrap Are  how love the marke, weening 
roses and given  I love something than was,  a woful word that  enfeeble cry. or ready  got, deere folly, thought too flinty-
hard for the  poor struggling will 
ye go to the  public view was  of absent— minded  not their delight, which at thy  Sister swayed, with the 
liar— rough their child of 
snow upon the following  ordures of my  old niche in the sky, 
and floating by his own 
before that she wronged  for eternall night wets  me all observing, I will 
tak my head, as I all of  them, or let me from  their due reward.  The luring when  was a life.
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libidomechanica · 4 years
To rove
And young at hole, what willed like a  goud on þis truth to craue  hatz kyst and cemmed, forse schulde his  death the was been  cast in the Jews. Flesche a  wound ruched his ragge, boȝed him  with them for  his most wreck, and a heuk  had been longe lye in their become  wonder meet thou wanted  the cold, but euer Kryst your  distan unowne? And if I hit  by þe lyfte vp þe cortays and þat  noȝt wylde, whose to this enough  number whether Ses tos to herse, wich seems it took how  should not every stand schrof his  heavy as castes; whether  me? “Tas you content” male wish to  be lorde of those fruitful  of her skillets, carriage,  þe best were to layd ouer halched,  þat is censured jasper and  strooke as knez his motions the  salt Medway on lyte þat þe messagest  and gate, the birken  whatever side, preued to  feede and true louted Creamed of  tree, beneath they went haf þe knyȝt. S terribly  say yow, when inne wyth  a sellyez halue, and mony a  wale thy fair, braynwod forth the  ocean many a wab o plain a  dunt al of her hed oþez þe  bur babe; their endless buttocks of our  sale wyth all is; sae drop  liker bifore you excel all his 
jokes, that watz hyȝe, an auncian  wyf hit neuer when I might  of time to cher vittle Mermaid- like to lyþen þay ȝe wynnen  to Camelot: for the  enjoyed and the  raging in their his and  þe schene back his borne, withinne, and  sometimes— at vche angel nwe to  þe pendaunde Table and quere,  Ande stockade or by him his  long the east, some my will be  dying thrown on þe gomnez in  loved so þik, Fayre he cort rychest, I  would ever and faint and vnmete, her  your hade vpon bending the  dark really so are bornyst  brek þay be sothe, quoþ þat seely she  way with all driuen in your  autumn mild: with hymseluen.  What where minde, and tears  as meet the terms of my  love to saued a come vpon folds  in sparkled on his throats threaters  remaine. On þe gomen all; yet  thy good name and henges, þat hende.  Bifore I leuer, kepe, and lewté þat dawn  in they ambler child and þe no  play. Grass, and lyften, wyȝez þen inflames  of ful ȝep in þat tyme to  loved, I worst times the brain, that  every schape, þe still air;  still and state what encheason to  þyseluen: “loke, thy Kingly names  of them sone, and there shards to  here, þe ass o” Ballochmyle.  Diggon. Hobbinol, God more women lick.
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