sorebelflower · 11 months
Translate This For A Surprise! :) <3
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arlo-rose · 4 months
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Sometimes one gets the urge to draw Rae in a silly little outfit
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jvstbrokenglass · 6 months
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another version of this
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mossypidder · 7 months
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Was bored and artblocked so I designed a character off an enderman. Except lady. I was thinking about all the different plant and soil types that they pick up and started considering why. So I’ve decided she’s a botanist/horticulturist. It just felt right.
She’s an amalgamation of different enderian designs I’ve seen, so if bits look familiar or similar to others, that’s why. Also since the end is pretty much the moon, I’ve been looking for an excuse to use these moon scythes forever now, and scythes are used to cut grass, it felt pertinent.
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feralwetcat · 25 days
Some time before CoW
Centross: ... So nothing scares you?
Fable: no, i have experienced much in my life, nothing scares me.
Centross, pointing behind Fable: look! Enderian has Icarus!
Fable, turning around: *high pitched girl scream*
Icarus, behind Fable with Rae in a poorly made enderian costume (he didn't wanna do this at all) holding back tears of laughter: oh nooo- shes got meeeee D:
(Rae was in fact dragged there by Icarus and Centross, he does not want to be here, he wasn't paying attention)
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artsational · 6 months
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Enderian design!! I really wanted to make her look more like THE END rather than just an ender lady. Incorporated more of those endstone/end portal colors into her design. And I tried to make the crown reminiscent of those obsidian spires found on end islands.
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heyhay13 · 22 days
since Icarus would come back one day, and Enderian *is* in Elysium - How do you think Enderian would react to seeing Icarus if they ever had the opportunity to *properly* meet-?
I think Enderian would actually apologize. It would probably be awkward as hell, but genuine. Specifically for putting her anger at Fable onto them unfairly. I think it would be really interesting to see
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mythosmagic0 · 25 days
I would just like to say I really want Vaeh to call Enderian nana Ender.
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hoardingpuffin · 1 month
61 hours or about 5 months in the making and now she is done!
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the-sky-doge · 30 days
Rae: Hi mum..
Enderian: Rae, oh it's great to see you and ..who's this?
Rae: this is my daughter Vaeh, your granddaughter.
Enderian: Your? I'm? Oh...I don't know what to say.
Rae: you don't need to, I get it oh and Isla is safe I'm sure she'll come see you but I thought you'd wanna have a sit down and meet her.
Vaeh: Your pretty!
Rae: *laughs* I think it'll be a good time.
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willbee-1 · 2 months
Consider this isn't canon but
She dates Perix and later Isla and Perix knows of it but Isla doesn't right away know Enderian is dating Perix
She learns later and is ok with it
In this essay ⟟ will-
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sparks-chaotic-cove · 2 months
So Isla married Fable out of necessity, basically.
When a conqueror is at your door, you must find some way to pacify him- so she did.
I don't think Isla ever thought that Fable was a "good man." sure, she didn't know he was a god. But in her eyes, he was a man killing for his own desire, for control. Maybe she thought he'd be nicer in his marriage. But he wasn't.
As Fable said himself, he didn't know how to be a mortal man.
Fable had all of this power in his hands. The control, the loving subjects, the ruthless armies. The fact that he was the god of creation.
While Isla may have not seen the entire picture- that godhood- there was no evidence that everything would go well. All she could do was hope.
And that hope was crushed as the marriage progressed. Her talks with Enderian, the growing worry for Icarus as he sat under the influence of his father, being pregnant with Enderian's child, the things Enderian told her, the more she saw the "humanity" of Enderian and her people, then Soul, and Athena.
But even if Isla didn't know the entire picture; she still knew a bit. And she still chose to sacrifice her live, her happiness, her hope, her dreams to save her people. And then to save her son.
I think Isla would be proud of Rae. His tireless passion for discovery, his willingness to drive himself to the ground for others. But I do think she'd tell him to breathe. To ask for help. Just like she asked for help.
I think she'd hate that Icarus has fallen into Fable's hands. She knows the "love" he displays firsthand, and that's not something she'd want for Icarus. I'm not sure she'd even blame Icarus- to an extent, maybe, but moreover she would blame the man that manipulated Icarus into that.
Icarus didn't kill Haley because Enderian said so. Icarus killed Haley because he was searching for approval. Approval he never got. Not from Enderian. Not from Centross. Not from his own father.
So while Enderian may have been the vessel for blame in that situation- and she was truly at fault for a lot of it- Enderian didn't make Icarus kill Haley. All Enderian did was (accidentally) emphasize that part of Icarus that desired so much to be loved, to have approval.
But Fable's the one who put that insecurity into Icarus's head.
Anyways, Fable sucks, Enderian sucks but less, and Isla is the one of the strongest and best women to ever exist.
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jinxybri · 1 month
something something rae went to comfort himself in the room where he had once tried to hide away from Enderian which now is just a gentle reminder of her passing.
something something he genuinely was happy to hear that her soul can be pieced together again
hopeful that maybe one day he'd see his mother again, this time as an actual mom
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sunchipss · 1 month
Alerion, fable, Enderian : Pffft! I don’t need parents! I’m an immortal soul in charge of caring and guiding the mere mortals! I do not seek love and affection!
Netherum: Moooooommmmm…..how do I ask a girl out?
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cyberspacesociety · 19 days
Chat Chat the babyyyyyy
We wrote baby Cari and implied seahorse dad Caspian (with appearances from Rae, Vaeh, and Enderian)
Story below!
Caspian yawned mindlessly fixing Cari a bottle. He wasn't sure what time it was but it was definitely the middle of the night. He dabbed the bottle on his wrist making sure it wasn't too warm before offering it to Cari who latched onto the nip of the bottle. Caspian smiled down at his child, he still wasn't used to the concept but it was a welcome one. Once Cari finished their bottle he put it by the sink to wash in the morning.
Silently he walked through the dark house back to the bedroom he shared with his husbands and settled into the oversized armchair. He softly rocked Cari who was falling asleep in his arms. Soon enough both of them fell asleep which is how Rae found them in the morning.
“Morning sunshine,” Rae smiled as Caspian woke up. Caspian gave a sleepy smile looking at his husband. “Did Cari wake you up love?” Rae asked. Caspian nodded offering the infant to Rae who happily took them.
“Did Aax go somewhere?” Caspian asked.
Rae nodded, “He went to spend time with Ulysses, Vorago, and probably Casus.”
“More family bonding time?” Caspian asked, watching Rae bounce Cari. Rae nodded, smiling. The quiet was quickly interrupted by a small figure running in.
“Can I hold them daddy? Can i? Can i?” Vaeh asked, bouncing. Rae smiled at the child and glanced at Caspian.
“If you promise to be extra careful with them”
“I promise!” Vaeh exclaimed. And with that Rae carefully handed her Cari. Vaeh was unnaturally calm as Rae showed her how to properly support Caris head.
Caspian smiled watching his little family. Today he had come with Rae, Fenris, and Vaeh to visit Enderian. He was holding Cari and watching Enderian interact with Vaeh.
“Mom there's someone else for you to meet,” Rae said, gesturing to Caspian to come closer. Caspian quietly moved closer to his husband and looked at the goddess.
“Hello Caspian, who's your little one?” Enderian asked, her voice much calmer than the last time he'd had a face-to-face conservation with the (ex)goddess.
“This is Cari, Raes their dad,” Caspian replied leaning on the taller man. He watched the realization wash over the woman's face.
“They're so small,” Enderian spoke, her voice softer than before. Caspian adjusted Cari as they reached their small hands out toward the ex-goddess. Bright green met dark green as Enderian offered a hand to the infant who happily grabbed onto their fingers giggling. “Hello little one,” She said with a smile.
“Cari sweetheart what's wrong?” Caspian asked, yawning. The only response he got was the soft cries of his child. He had tried everything he could think of.
“Sunshine? Its like 3 am why are you up?” Raes' raspy voice called out. Caspian turned to see Rae standing in the doorway of the living area. Rae spotted the crying infant in Caspian arms, “They wake you up again?” he asked. Caspian sleepily nodded.
Rae walked over and took Cari from a very grateful half asleep Caspian and started humming the same lullaby Isla had sung to him and that he sang to Vaeh. Cari immediately settled down, starting to fall asleep in their dads arms.
“Your magic”
“I just have experience love, I'll get them to sleep you go get some yourself”
“Cas love you've gotten up with them every night this week go back to bed,”
“I love you starshine”
“I love you too sunlight now to go sleep”
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feralwetcat · 6 days
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