#endless kc cooper
queen-daya · 22 days
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Every KC Cooper Outfit (13/?)
"Yeah, no, I totally get it. This place is boring."
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mirahvieria-blog · 6 years
OOTD 9.6.18
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I scored this gorgeous new skin the other day and was excited to throw some other new acquisitions together with it and snap a few pics. Damn, I love a jumpsuit.
Location: Sol Farm
Mesh Body - Maitreya Lara (Shape is my own)
Mesh Head - Lelutka Chloe
Eyes - LOTUS - Gift Medusa Eyes (Mesh) - FREE gift at Imaginarium for Gacha Garden Group members (Free to join, there are many gifts out)
Skin Applier - 7 Deadly s[k]ins - Cicely: Drow, Omega applier - FREE from the Lucky Board in store, Group Required, Group join fee currently L$225 and trust me it’s so worth it, but if that’s not in the budget they frequently reduce it or make it free for short periods of time, so keep an eye out. Also they have MM every day, one mini mania, and one lucky board with no group needed.
Nose Bridge Piercing - Suicidal Unborn - Nose Piercing Set - Group Gift - 100L group join fee - tons of past group gifts available in the store. This piercing set has a HUD with multiple metal options and ability to turn parts on/off.
Septum Piercing - amias - June gift piercing - Group Gift - group FREE to join, past gifts available
Headband - Suicidal Unborn - Kitty Headband w/ HUD control - Group Gift - L$100 Group join fee
Hair - Moon - Messenger W/o Hat: Blondes - FREE from Midnight Mania, no group needed, it gives a fatpack, MM rotates prizes daily
Earring - ^^Swallow^^ - Deco Earrings (HUD) - Group Gift - Group join fee $L40, many past gifts available
Necklace - toksik - Heartbreaker Necklace (HUD) - Group Gift - Group join fee L$25
Tattoo Applier - Endless Pain Tattoos - Clair de Lune (Maitreya, Omega, Belleza, Slink, & TMP appliers in pack) - FREE from Lucky Chair, second floor, gifts rotate.
Jumpsuit - Scandalize - Cooper Jumpsuit - Group Gift - Group join fee L$100, many past gifts available
Shoes - KC Couture - Hedy Heels (HUD) - Comes with Maitreya, Belleza, Eve, TMP, & Slink - Group Gift - Group join fee L$25, past gifts available
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lledxela · 7 years
Master Post of the Overwatch Anniversary sprays, and their meanings.
Ana: Ace of Hearts 
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The Aces of the deck often bring forth a strong personality, one who is eager to express their uniqueness and individuality. The Ace of Hearts♥ expression comes in the area of emotional expression, self-exploration and finding someone to love them. They do enjoy their own company and do well using alone time for personal, creative pursuits. Prone to restlessness as an odd-numbered card, they learn through the experience of trial and error. A life task of the Ace of Hearts♥ person is to learn gratitude and selflessness. x
Lucio: Jack of Diamonds
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Like all Jacks in the deck, the Jack of Diamonds♦ is young at heart, playful and social with a nimble mind. There’s a social ease with the Jack of Diamonds♦ that can make them a welcome addition, or focal point, of any business dinner or networking  event. A spirit of independence arises from an innate connection to inner guidance allowing Jack of Diamonds♦ people to follow their instincts and make the most of opportunities. x
Mercy: Queen of Clubs
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A quick study, the Queen of Clubs♣ truly enjoys being well informed on any topic of their choosing. As a result, they often prefer to direct according to their own authority on a subject rather than follow another.  They are always aware of their royal status and often take charge of whatever they’re doing rather than meekly following another leader. Meek is not in their makeup. They can be driven, often balancing two jobs at once, and are happiest when able to contribute to a greater cause. x
Symmetra: 9 of Diamonds
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When the abundance of the universe is doubted, the letting go of material things can be a challenge. Aligning with trust in a benign universe and willingly letting go for the benefit of others allows for more to flow into their life and thus is the higher expression of this card. A sharp intellect accompanies this card and as such these people can be excellent leaders and listeners, able to manifest a mental construct into a material expression. x
Zenyatta: King of Spades
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The King of Spades♠ is one of the three immovable Fixed Cards in the Cards of Life and resides in the Crown Line of both Master Scripts (Spirit and Life). It is, by position, the most powerful card in the deck. As the King of Kings, he is the master of all trades, with the ability to achieve great things in any profession of his choosing.  Capable of shouldering tremendous responsibility, King of Spades♠ people can be noble leaders of any organization, but all too often the load is a crown too heavy to bear. They have the option, through self-discipline, inner strength and effort, to achieve great success far and away from a mundane and simple life, if they so choose. x
D.va: Ten of Hearts
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No one enjoys an audience more than the Ten of Hearts♥ person. Whether it is their own family, a large group of friends, or a crowd of fans, these people love being up front, noticed and admired. Naturally expressive and creative, they excel in public arenas. The Ten of Hearts♥ enjoys an active life and staying busy in general. Whether it’s an active social life or a passion for their work, they like to keep moving and love to travel. Networking through their work or their hobbies comes naturally to this card as the energy builds for their passions. x
Orisa: Nine of Spades
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The Nine of Spades has the strongest calling to let go of attachments in life and move toward giving to others. Influenced heavily by kingly energy, a certain amount of dignity accompanies this card. This card also provides them a certain charm with the public and an ability to control their emotions. Being out in front of others provides them an opportunity to use their innate gifts for the benefit of others. Blessed with charisma and charm, they can excel in public positions. x
Reinhardt: King of Hearts
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Love is the greatest power in the universe and no one knows this better than the King of Hearts. Embodying emotional strength and the authority inherent in a King, they make excellent leaders, whether they lead a business or a family. sually as a devoted parent, King of Hearts people expend equally as much loving care to their children as they do dedication toward their career. Not overly warm or loving toward anyone outside of their family “kingdom”, this King has clear boundaries about meeting others’ expectations. Their family kingdom often includes workmates with whom they share mutual trust and respect. x
Winston: Jack of Hearts
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As though listening to a higher calling, the Jack of Hearts is drawn toward helping others. With ample personal charisma and charm combined with a charitable disposition, they are often as popular in their circle of friends as they are among their co-workers. They can be playful and youthful and resist their natural calling. As one of three immovable Fixed Cards in the Cards of Life, the Jack of Hearts person is somewhat “fixed” in their nature and personality. Dependable and noble at their core, their life task is one of service through love. Naturally generous with their time and energy, they are drawn toward philanthropy and social causes. They must be careful as they often over-give to the point of depletion. x
Zarya: Ten of Spades
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Whatever the Ten of Spades works toward, it’s full speed ahead. They may have many interests and could enjoy a lifelong love of learning that contributes to their skill sets. Any mental restlessness is often directed toward furthering their careers or their education. They truly appreciate family and are committed to the well-being of those they love. x
Genji: Jack of Clubs
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One bright idea after another, the Jack of Clubs♣ is one truly creative individual. With progressive ideas, creativity and mental acuity, these people can be clever using their mental prowess to manifest that on which they place their attention. The Jack of Clubs♣ needs to learn to give and take in relationships through compromise and cooperation. The temptation to control, rebel or resist is fairly strong and these influences lead to stressful relationships. x
McCree: Jack of Spades
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Charming, resourceful, personable and easy-going best define the Jack of Spades. Blessed with a creative mind, this one-eyed Jack of the deck manifests easily the object of their desire. A challenge for them is to operate with integrity and honesty. Since life flows rather effortlessly to the Jack of Spades person, they are forever enamored with taking the easy way out, tempted to stretch the truth as a means to an end. Should they choose the lower vibration of their card, the knave, they eventually achieve very little of real value in their life. Blessed with powerful cards in their Master Life Script, the Jack of Spades can, however, advance well in life when acting from integrity and discipline. x
Pharah: Queen of Diamonds
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With so many Threes in their life script, the Queen of Diamonds is bursting with innovative ideas and the drive to see them through. They may have several different careers in quest for their true expression, but none of that energy is wasted as they build on their experiences from one to the next. The Queen of Diamonds makes the most of these transitions by making the necessary changes and taking on a new challenge in the spirit of freedom of movement. Blessed with endless creativity, it sees them through to the next opportunity. x
Reaper: Ace of Clubs
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They seek new information, new ways of thinking and unique ideas. With a deep need for mental stimulation, the Ace of Clubs♣ is the consummate seeker of knowledge. They don’t care for being alone and perhaps experiment with others, just as they do knowledge, until they find themselves by finding that special someone.  Yet, many Ace of Clubs♣ confess that theirs is a difficult dilemma to reconcile: having a great fear of being alone and having a desperate need for solitude and the solitary experience. It is usually a tug of war for them. With the Ace of Spades♠ in Saturn in their Life Script, it is likely that in mid-life there will be a major transformation of some kind. x
Soldier 76: Ace of Spades
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People with this card have the ability to reach spiritual truths more readily than perhaps any other card. Due to this merging of spiritual and mundane, being and doing, this card may experience a conflict between the two as they attempt to achieve balance in their life. Their Seven of Hearts♥ Challenging Karma Card (-KC) and Seven of Hearts♥ in Mercury in the Master Life Script indicate many life lessons involving relationships. Deeply sensitive, under their accomplished and stoic exterior, they may have experienced emotional abandonment in early in life carrying a long lasting impact. Having faith in others, accessing forgiveness and unconditional love is a theme for many Ace of Spades♠ people. x
Sombra: Queen of Spades
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Often a shining example of power and authority, the Queen of Spades embodies the innate ability to achieve.  As born leaders, they sense the need to rise to the top and will experience deep fulfillment when they answer their call to greatness. Intelligent, well-spoken and independent, Queen of Spades people are naturals in positions of public speaking, education and writing. x
Tracer: Ace of Diamonds
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Ambitious and hardworking, the Ace of Diamonds♦ focuses on fulfilling their material needs nearly to the exclusion of all else. Independent and determined, they often gravitate toward leadership and entrepreneurial roles in life. With an inborn restlessness regarding relationship norms and constructs, the Ace of Diamonds♦ person is likely to again focus on what they want from life without limiting their options. They may begin a relationship with great enthusiasm and be just as enthusiastically pulled in another direction. Finding a way to keep their emotions steady can be a lifelong journey for the Ace of Diamonds♦. x
Hanzo: King of Diamonds
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Members of the royal Court Cards are known for having strong personalities and Kings, in particular, are famous for being strong-willed, confident and authoritative. The King of Diamonds, a natural born leader as the master of higher values, is all that and quite enterprising as well. There may be a playful quality to the King of Diamonds throughout life from this Jack’s position: both responsible and a rogue all rolled into one. x
Mei: Ten of Diamonds
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As one of the most fortunate cards in the deck with its Jupiter/Jupiter placement in the Master Life Script, the Ten of Diamonds experiences many blessings in life. It also suggests a desire for a lavish lifestyle, so self-discipline is necessary to resist overspending. Their Ace of Diamonds card in Mars suggests ambition and drive with a touch of impatience as well. Bestowed with good luck on their side, the Ten of Diamonds can accomplish great things and tackle any issue before them.  They would be wise to consider others as well as themselves to keep the good karma flowing. x
Bastion: Ten of Clubs 
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Their enthusiasm and confidence lends an ability to hold the attention of an audience while pouring forth knowledge on a beloved subject. Due to a life-long desire to learn and grow, finding just one career path and sticking to it can be most challenging for this card. However, once that decision is made, there’s no stopping Ten of Clubs♣ people. They will learn all there is to know and then generously and graciously share that knowledge with all who will listen. The Ten of Clubs♣ is known as the “teacher” card and enjoys receiving and sharing knowledge, usually to large groups or some type of audience: the bigger, the better. x
Torbjorn: King of Clubs
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Due to many lifetimes, the King of Clubs has amassed a resource of knowledge from which to draw with authority. They live this life on their own terms, from their unique perspective and have a commanding presence both physically and mentally. Preferring the leadership position, they demonstrate initiative and drive. With a brilliant mind, they can project an assuredness on any topic they choose. Information flows effortlessly through them. King of Clubs people can be rather practical in relationships as well as stubborn and strict. With strong family values, there’s nothing they wouldn’t do for their children. They prefer stability and harmony at home and feel a deep sense of loyalty to those they love. x
Widowmaker: Queen of Hearts
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Charming, magnetic and often quite attractive, the Queen of Hearts has an innate ability to have favorable influence over others. The “Mother of Higher Love” commands powerful emotions of empathy and compassion with a flair for the dramatic, a potent combination that makes this card, when in a tight spot, prone to excitability or moodiness. With such a strong sensual nature, Queen of Hearts people enjoy the pleasures of life: art, entertainment, food and leisure. x
Junkrat and Roadhog: Jokers
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So, which will they be: youthfully exuberant, entertaining, shape-shifting, and independent or hardworking, practical and opinionated? People of this card can play their hand any way that suits them and at any time. As though they are both the child and the parent, they bring the vitality and innocence of youth alongside the wisdom and responsibility of the adult. Always faced with a choice to be either the child or the adult, the life task of a Joker may be to embody the divine qualities of both. Truly, a multifaceted individual, the Jokers in life have a vast and wide personality with huge potential for a dynamic, enriching life or just a frivolous one.  The choice is ultimately theirs to make. x
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queen-daya · 27 days
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Every KC Cooper Outfit (11/?)
“Beat it, kid, or I'll go prehistoric on your little butt.”
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queen-daya · 1 month
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Every KC Cooper Outfit (10/?)
“What? Me? Girl! I don't know the first thing about spying, this is just generic ideas that anyone would know from watching T.V.”
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queen-daya · 1 month
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Every KC Cooper Outfit (9/?)
“Alright I'm just gonna say it. Does this little mama have an off switch?”
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queen-daya · 9 days
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Every KC Cooper Outfit (16/?)
“What kind of pep talk was that? I'm assuming you were never a cheerleader.”
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queen-daya · 25 days
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Every KC Cooper Outfit (12/?)
“Welcome to the family.”
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queen-daya · 1 month
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Every KC Cooper Outfit (8/?)
“Guys, it is not my fault I can't keep a secret. If you guys were gonna recruit me to be a spy, you probably shouldn't have taught me to be so honest.”
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queen-daya · 10 months
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Endless KC Cooper (Part 2/♾️)
“I play like a girl? You bet I do!”
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queen-daya · 20 days
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Every KC Cooper Outfit (14/?)
“Try out for cheerleading, huh? Give me an N, give me an O... Do you see where I'm going with this?”
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queen-daya · 19 days
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Every KC Cooper Outfit (15/?)
“Of course I did. I'm so psyched to be here. I cannot wait for these obnoxious mean girls to tell me I'm not pretty enough, peppy enough, or good enough to be on their squad.”
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queen-daya · 5 months
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Every KC Cooper Outfit (3/?)
“Hey, I need my permission slip signed for my field trip next week. No slip, no trip. No trip, I flip.”
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queen-daya · 5 months
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Every KC Cooper Outfit (1/?)
“You know what? Here's an idea. How about I go to the mall and you guys pick me up when you're done?”
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queen-daya · 5 months
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Every KC Cooper Outfit (2/?)
“What? You never heard of a teenage spy?”
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queen-daya · 8 months
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Endless KC Cooper (Part 11/♾️)
“And now I got another gut feeling”
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