barbellebirb-blog · 7 years
Another friend is pregnant. Knee jerk reaction when finding out? I wanted to wail and pull at my chest. Not the reaction one should have. Everyone around us is having kids. And they're all ill prepared in comparison to us. Im pretty sure all but one were completely unplanned. I got my period on thursday and almost cried. I mean, we're not even trying to have kids. I should feel the relief I used to each time it comes. Yet, since everyone else is having whoopsie babies and I'm not... combined with the endo and PCOS the only thought in my head is that it's never going to happen for me. IVF and adoption are expensive. Thoughts I shouldn't be having, because we aren't "ready" But when are you ever ready...
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belindamayweed · 9 years
I can't handle this anymore. I will cause I'm strong and I will never give up. But holy shit this sickness makes you feel like a little weakling. Every second of the tell it makes you it's bitch and you just have to wait for it to pass. But as soon as it's done it's back faster then it left. I'm tired of puking. I want to eat!! My teeth are cracking and breaking. I just keep telling myself the same thing I told my friend Tasha when she was battling her HG. Id say, "hang in there super mom this is only happening because you're growing a super baby! She will change this world so it's gonna take more to cook her!" I just can't wait to find out the gender. I need some type of excitement to make me feel better about this pregnancy. I have not enjoyed a single second.
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