#enen no shoubotai
friskyscrum · 2 years
Enen No Shoubotai - Tamaki Kotatsu
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octania · 3 years
what would having a family with joker would be like?
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Full of magic tricks preformed from your trickster husband for the little ones and you. Be prepared for a few heart attacks a day since the cute devils would follow in their father's footsteps, thinking jump-scaring you with some fun trick would be fun, and to Joker, adorable. From the simple card trick , to a full fireworks boom with his powers, joined with the kiddos to "surprise" you. But hey, a hug from you rascals and a passionate kiss from your Joker hubby can cure anything, can it?
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Surely there would be lot of bickering about his smoking around the children. He would be always concerned with their well-being, but old habits die hard, and he would sneak to the window just to light one, and when the kids see him, it would end up in him making various shapes from his cigarette smoke to entertain them. Hearts, bunnies, cars...you name it, daddy Joker will provide and make the nice show for the kids...still, you would be against it...However, he would make sure that in the evening, after he "entertains" you in a certain way and lights a cig' after it, you forget all about how you were mad in the first place.
Joker also, is a" lil gifts "kind of guy, and all wrapped in a cute surprise show. His tricks would turn into a "gift giving" shows, where he would shower his loving family in presents every other day.
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claraschaos · 4 years
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I might have a type in women..
Long hair
Leader of some kind of army
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uchihaclan27 · 4 years
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tranxendance · 5 years
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mnvulpin · 5 years
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Set it on FIRE!
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fire-dwelling · 5 years
Fire Force, Chapter 166: ‘Follow the Connection’
...I don’t understand the butterfly line. 
Translated from Japanese to Portuguese to English
Page 2
The caption over the image says, “The brain is the nucleus. Offer your arms and legs for the greater good.”
Page 3
Narration: “Abnegation. Why does your breath of life search for the blow that will end it? The blow made by a master of reading the breath is a fatal one…”
Arthur: “Hmph...Die, villain!”
Shinra: “Seriously? Are you a butterfly now?’
Translation note: ...I got nothing. I’m missing context.
Giovanni: “Kuku kuku…”
Arthur: “!”
Page 4
Giovanni: “So, the 8th actually has some merciless professionals...In my ignorance, I may have underestimated you…”
Shinra: “Bugs?!”
Page 5
Arthur: “D...Damn it!”
Page 6
Shinra: “Where’s Giovanni?!”
Arthur: “Right here. Duh.”
Shinra: “Where’s his head, stupid?!”
Giovanni: “Kukuku. I’ve reaped the fruits from my research on the insect. Ultimately, I forged an Adolla Link ...Until we meet again.”
Page 7
Akitaru: “Has your team finished the security sweep?”
Honda: “We suffered many casualties...The White Hoods must’ve predicted our plans. If not for Oze, we’d have had more losses.”
Page 8
Maki: “Well, brother…”
Takigi: “...”
Maki: “Do understand a bit better...my work at the 8th?”
Takigi: “...Well...Yes…I’m going to tell Father about all of this, too.”
Page 9
Takigi: “But stay away from him! He only sees you as a fleshy human shield!”
Maki: “That’s fine...I know it’s not the best time, but…”
Maki: “I want to return to the 8th.”
Takehisa: “Yes. Your skill is perfect for firefighting.”
Page 10
Maki: “It’s...It’s not just my skill! I also have the will of a firefighter!”
Takehisa: “Is that so? Then let’s prepare the transfer paperwork immediately.”
Maki: “... You...were testing me…?”
Page 11
Takehisa: “I wasn’t sure whether a princess like you...could handle this kind of critical mission against the White Hoods.”
Maki: “!”
Takehisa: “But you did good today.”
Maki: “Thank you.”
Takigi: “Hey! Don’t mess with the Oze family!”
Maki: “...”
Page 12
Vulcan: “Heat signatures have evaporated! Looks like no more problems.”
Honda: “Search for the remains of the members who died in service. I'll return here after taking the wounded back home to the surface. The surface…”
Page 13
Shinra: “Seeing the sun is a huge relief…”
Shinra: (thinking) “I'm worried about what Dr. Giovanni said...An Adolla Link is forged only between someone with the Burst and someone connected to Adolla…”
Page 14
Shinra: (thinking) “How did I hear Lieutenant Konro? If I could uncover the Adolla Link’s mysteries…Maybe we can travel to Adolla!”
Page 15
Medic: “This stretcher is too short! Get a bigger one!”
Soldier: “Juggernaut managed to survive, somehow.”
Medic: “Wounds and burns cover his entire body. He lost his right arm and his left leg...To survive all of that is his power.”
Tamaki: “Juggernaut, you bore it all.”
Page 16
Honda: “Kotatsu...I need to thank you! Thanks to you, Juggernaut was saved. Thank you!”
Tamaki: “The one who was saved was me...If not for platoon leader Hajiki and Noto...I...I would not be here…”
Honda: “On this battlefield, the 2nd took a right drumming. Without you, we would’ve been annihilated…”
Page 17
Honda: “Neither the army nor the firefighters must be defeated...Tokyo must be united.”
Honda: “It’s good we did not lose young members like you.”
Page 18
Meanwhile, at the Oze Mansion…
Madoka: “Thinking about Maki?”
Danro: “Today she transferred to the Fire Force.”
Madoka: “Still worried about her?”
Page 19
Danro: “As a parent, I believe in her...I want her to follow her heart...But I’m still going to worry.”
Danro: “After all, she inherited her power from her mother.”
Madoka: “You exaggerate…”
Danro: “Hadn’t you agreed to end your military service to take care of this home?”
Madoka: “...”
Madoka: “I can barely take care of this home. But Maki is different…”
Page 20
Madoka: “We see her as our adorable daughter...But she also has a strong will and a lot of strength.”
Madoka: “And those she inherited from her father.”
???: “Let’s watch over our daughter.”
Narration: “Slowly, escaping notice, these young eyes began to harbor the flames of justice. Maki Oze returns to the 8th! To be continued in Chapter 167: ‘Outlaw’!”
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foggytiredwombat · 3 years
So are we really gonna have that Benimaru versus Kurono fight, huh
The strongest
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the maddest
I just hope they'll both be okay??? Somehow????????
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koda-cola · 4 years
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aipom and victor got the same vibe goin on
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octania · 3 years
oml does benimaru not have a ‘type of girl’ he likes 😭
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ofc he does, the one that brings him sake and rubs that big bad muscular shoulders hard and well....
Honestly, that man spells - comfort addict. I also canon him as a grabby bastard, so be sure he will grab that booty every time you bend down to pour his sake in the cup.
That is, if he allows cups. Beni loves drinking directly from you. So he will either:
- make you drink it frist then french kiss every drop out of your mouth
- make you lay down and pour that cold liquid on your tummy, slowly collecting every drop with his soft muscle
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elliotthezubat · 8 years
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zien-100 · 5 years
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Pedido de un amigo (*´∇`*)
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child-of-adolla · 5 years
I read the raws of the new chapter and Benimaru called the 8th “friends” 😭😭😭👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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fire-dwelling · 6 years
Fire Force, Chapter 163: ‘Destruction Plan’
Translated from Japanese to Portuguese to English
Page 1
The caption of the image says, “The imagination training of the Knight King never fails!”
Page 2
Viktor: “Ah! Ah! Ah!!!”
Viktor: (thinking) “I always hated running. Everyone would always laugh at me. ‘Hey, everyone--look at his freakish gait!’”
Page 3
Viktor: (thinking) “But if I don’t beat feet, I’m gonna die! Damn Infernals! I don’t want to die before uncovering the truth about this world! Screw it if I run weirdly--I want to live!”
Viktor: “AH! AH!!!”
Viktor “!!”
Page 4
Viktor: “Tamaki!”
Tamaki: “Licht-san!?”
Vulcan: “Indecency followed by rescue followed by indecency…”
Iris: “Busy day for her.”
Tamaki: “Eh?! What do you think you’re doing?!”
Viktor: “It doesn’t matter--I just outran Death!”
Tamaki: “At least thank me for copping a feel”
Page 5
Akitaru: “Licht, where’s the Ohana squad?”
Viktor: “Oh...He was annihilated. I was the only one to escape.”
Vulcan: “Well, you arrived at a good time, Licht. Look at this.”
Viktor: “Jeez, I haven’t had time to catch my breath…”
Vulcan: “This is a temperature sensor I had each squad instal. I think all those heat signatures are the Infernals.”
Viktor: “Infernals? Moving in such an orderly manner? Why, I don’t know, but it’s bizarre.”
Page 6
Vulcan: “And the number of Infernal attacks has lessened fast.”
Viktor: “…”
Viktor: “Those Infernals are congregating in an orderly fashion...”
Vulcan: “!!”
Viktor: “They plan to blow up the entire Nether!”
Akitaru: “What?!”
Viktor: “This is bad! We got to do something, or we’re in big trouble!”
Page 7
Ritsu: “Fools...You accepted your invitation to the Nether out of ignorance…”
Ritsu: “With my power, Necropyro...I will drag Tokyo down to Hell. “
Ritsu: “The last bit of energy I need will come from those remaining firefighters. So I thank you: you may not know it, but you’ve provided me enough explosive material. All that is missing is the 4th Pillar, Shinra Kusakabe.”
Page 8
Shinra kicks at Giovanni.
Page 9
Shinra keeps kicking at Giovanni.
Page 10
Arthur uses “Lightning Blade.”
Arthur: “Blast it! How did you avoid my Lightning Blade?!”
Giovanni: ““That was a close one.”
Giovanni: “If I hadn’t read the pheromones, I would not have been able to dodge.”
Page 11
Shinra: “Gross!”
Giovanni: “Pheropsophus jessoensis.”
Translator's Note: The miidera beetle, a Japanese bombardier ground beetle
Page 12
Arthur: “Hot! Hot!”
Shinra: “Let go, you idiot! Let me escape alone!”
Giovanni: “Pheropsophus jessoensis...These Asian beetles can release a quinone spray with temperature exceeding 100 degrees Celsius.”
Translator’s note: Bombardier beetles release such a hot, noxious chemical spray as a defense mechanism
Giovanni: “You cannot escape such a high-temperature gas in the Nether.”
Shinra: “What the hell were you doing all this time in the Nether?!”
Giovanni: “Worry not: preparations are complete, and soon we’ll depart the Nether.”
Page 13
Arthur: “What?!”
Giovanni: “You are about to witness global destruction.”
Giovanni: “Soon we’ll unite all plllars, and the Preacher’s plan will be completed.”
Shinra: “Using everyone with an Adora Burst to cause the Great Disaster again?! Not happening! We’ll stop you!”
Giovanni: “Your little investigation should’ve revealed...Tokyo was built according to the Preacher’s plan. The Holy Sun Temple, Amaterasu...Everything was planned long ago.”
Page 14
Giovanni: “And those who yearn the most for such destruction are humans.”
Giovanni: “No matter your efforts, you cannot stop us.”
Shinra: “Humans desire self-destruction? Bullshit! Firefighters swear to protect lives and property!”
Page 15
Shinra: “Chew on that!”
Giovanni: “You really want to deny humanity the opportunity for ascension?”
Giovanni: “Well, no matter. In one hour, you’ll understand…”
Giovanni: “Just like your brother…”
Shinra: “What did you say?!”
Page 16
Shinra: “What did you say about Sho?”
Giovanni: “You must wait patiently, and quietly, for the right time...Little puppet.”
Page 17
Arrow watches as Haumea tends to Sho.
Page 18
Haumea: “I always wanted a beautiful puppet like this…”
Page 19
Arrow: “!!”
Haumea: “Don’t look away, Arrow...Just stand there, quietly...For my puppet show.”
Narration: “The plan for destruction continues, with his beloved brother imprisoned. Will the hammer of righteousness be enough to crush evil?! To be continued in Chapter 164: ‘Duty’!”
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kaydeedc · 3 years
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Happy birthday to Kugimiya Rie!
She gave us the Japanese voice of the Unknown God (Genshin Impact)!
She has a lot of notable anime roles too! Some of these are Happy (Fairy Tail), Nora (Noragami), Alphonse Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist), Kagura (Gintama), and Haumea (Enen no Shoubotai/ Fire Force)!
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