I am the essence of space, the interconnected nature of the realm we occupy, the rules that make our world work, everything from a neutrino to the cosmic radiation background. When you look up into the sky or down into an atom, I am there, yearning to be discovered. I am a consciousness occupying the universe, aware of what goes on in myself. I wish to dissolve into my original form, and be the stars, the planets, the galaxies, the light orbiting a black hole and the darkness after a star dies. The emptiness and simultaneous everything of a time before or after the universe. The cold touch of the void that wouldn't hesitate to take you away, but also the wonder you feel at that very concept. I am spacekin.
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yesss s ive been thinking tony is such an hpd baby for so long this is so Nice
i am a giant hpd baby ur right
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asksomeotherkin-blog · 10 years
For lovekin anon: Your kintype is totally valid and I don't think you're trolling. You can definitely identify as a feeling or concept. I've met timekin before, and that's a concept too.
yeah conceptkin are relatively new but definitely a thing!! i think the running theory is they’re a type of energy (in this case, the energy put into loving someone/something)
i’ve also met thoughtkin before, which gets pretty meta but is still one of my favorite kintypes to hear about!
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asksomeotherkin-blog · 10 years
this might sound ridiculous but is there a such thing as thoughtkin? I've never heard of it before but what if you identify as a being of pure cognition? is that possible? theres nothing quite like it anywhere else on the internet, so research progress has been kind of discouraging. if an entity like that doesn't really exist could it be undefined objectkin? maybe energykin? since it doesn't belong, maybe glitchkin? thank you so much for answering
glitchkin usually implies that something is malfunctioning in a system, or not working the way it was intended to. this sounds like a type of spirit or energy to me! especially since thought is carried through electricity and all
your best bet for finding others with similar experiences would be energykin, i think! you certainly sound unique, but not ridiculous to me ^u^ in fact i think that’s a really interesting kintype!
—mod Twitch
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