#eng v sa
tiredgayloser · 1 year
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superman Jos at it again 😎
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silenceismychoir · 2 years
first win at twickenham against england since 2014, did that with 14 men on the field, kurt lee arendse doing kurt lee arendse type things... yah neh i love this team <3
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disastrouscarrots · 8 months
"jansen is a very TALL LAD" every proteas commentary ever since this man
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sab-teraa · 8 months
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kakumeinoyuuki · 2 years
At least there is some sport today, compared to when it was all cancelled 2 years ago.
England Cricket are killing it this morning: 5 wickets in 50 minutes of play. I want one more before I put on FP3 please.
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cheswirls · 5 months
sa fic rec list [ENG] pt 3
preface: i have a public collection on ao3 of my favorite sa fics on there but not all of them are listed on the front-end so these are some unlisted ones, some i love that can't be added to collections, and one special fic on ffn for fun :)
past non-english language rec lists here and here. ao3 collection here.
1) Prince Sabo by drowningrat
https://archiveofourown.org/works/43683183 complete - T rating - 3k - au
this one is rly cute domestic fluff modern au goodness. will never get enough of it, rat's prose and dialogue are too good. ace finds out from a former uni classmate of sabo's how many people sabo's dated before him and gets unreasonably jealous and drunkenly confronts sabo about it at home much to sabo's chagrin. it's really. it's adorable. nothing i say will ever come close to how giddy reading the fic makes me feel. their dynamic is TOO cute they are tooth-rotting with how sweet they are. if you want a quick read pls give this one a chance
2) Song Of Genesis by Echaryn
https://archiveofourown.org/works/8544379/chapters/19587928 complete - E rating - 45k - au
this one is my most favorite saboace fic of all time. i cannot recommend it highly enough, it's that fantastic. this is coming from someone who doesn't read nsfw anymore and hasn't for years now – song of genesis literally is and will always be number one in my heart. if you also don't care abt explicit content, i can assure you it's entirely skip-able in this fic w/o losing any enjoyment or context.
SoG is a 'getting back together' type fic that stabs your heart at every angle and at every opportunity during the beginning. echaryn is a fantastic writer and handles the contents of the story so so so well. the break-up is ace's fault but he doesn't know why / the break-up is sabo's decision but he regrets it at every turn. they're still so deeply in love with each other and one turn of events late one evening is the catalyst to bring them back together.
there are horror elements in this in the background that are done spectacularly well. the tags on the fic itself pretty much cover the extent of it but i do wanna throw by two cents in that i don't think anything about it is particularly graphic. if horror isn't your thing this is toned down enough that you should be fine to skim thru or skip parts if necessary. it's good for a horror enthusiast but it's not over the top for those who could care less.
if you read anything from this list pls read che's #1 saboace fic rec of all time pls and ty
3) Red Moon by emygrl99 and leafyxthiefy
https://archiveofourown.org/works/6703183/chapters/15330946 complete - T rating - 123k - au
red moon is still, six years after first reading it, the most interesting and well-crafted premise for a soulmate au i've ever heard of in my life. if you're familiar with a majority of soulmate bond types and know this particular one then you'll probably pick it up before the reveal, but if not ooooooooooo you're in for a treat. i won't mention it here to save the suspense.
i've never read another soulmate fic as good as this one, and the soulmate aspect isn't necessarily even the best part?? the atmosphere of the fic comes from character relationships and interactions. ace and sabo start out on the wrong foot and it takes time for them to change their opinions about each other, but as you can see by the length, the journey is done with patience and well worth the effort spent :)
as someone indifferent to a lot of the minor characters in this fic, i actually enjoyed them and their various roles a lot??? i guess the takeaway is that you should look at the character list and take it in stride (and the minor relationship that is tagged is v minor like if it's not your cup of tea pls still give the fic a chance). everyone is a joy to read and experience things through. also the world-building is so well done. i have not been into vampire content for many years now but i can say with full confidence that this one still slaps.
also as someone who enjoys like... not necessarily "slow burn" but like a natural progression of a relationship from people who just met into something romantic – this fic hits all those points for me surprisingly well??? my only complaint is that as long as it is sabo and ace barely admit their feelings for each other by the end. i live and breathe to see romantic relationships in fic and red moon is primarily build-up. the two have to be friends first, which takes time and is good! not knocking the fic for that. jus throwing it out there that it's one of the they-hold-hands-by-the-end shoujo-type stories.
maybe before this gets too long i should uh. TALK abt what the fic entails. it's a fantasy-esque story where sabo, a vampire hunter, is captured and taken prisoner by a vampire coven living in the mountains. while he's being held captive, he discovers luffy, the little brother he'd thought was dead for years, is living among the vampires and is the same age at which he supposedly died. this triggers some mixed emotions in sabo about the coven and its members, but most importantly gives him incentive to act iffy in regards to luffy's "father", ace, who is not intent on being at all friendly with sabo either.
4) Epiphany by Scarletsorceress
https://archiveofourown.org/works/30518460 complete - T rating - 5.5k - canon(divergent)
everything scarlet writes for acesabo is done immaculately. if you read this fic and like it, please do yourself a favor and read all of her other fics as well. there are some real gems she has in her collection, but this one has a special place in my heart considering i really don't read sa fics sets in canonverse all that much.
also because it paints a side of the one piece world that i like seeing a lot in fan content – specifically how gruesome it is and the dire straits average everyday citizens go to to survive above the waves. not even to have a peaceful or even "good" life, but just to life long enough in good health to make it count. one piece follows the strawhats as focus characters, which is why i've never been concerned about reading fic starring them. reading about non-titular characters that dont' get as many updates, or that oda teases the lives of without going into depth, has always been more interesting.
and to go with that, the revolutionary army has by far always been the most interesting group of people in the op-verse for me. any fic that focuses on them and paints a picture of their struggle is worth a read. the fact that this is saboace is great, and i love it, but it's also a bonus to a great fic concept in general, which is:
what happens to RA members when a mission goes south and people are killed as a result of their actions?
i don't think the RA gets enough credit for how well they individually hold themselves together. it's fine to portray a kind of "escapism" and have them be happy because they deserve to be happy, but fics like this where it dives into how much their actions (and failures) affect them are always, to me, taking the RA and stripping them of their masks.
also ace is really, really loving and caring and kind and supportive in this fic, which i love seeing. sabo is a miserable wet rag after a mission gone wrong and ace is there to pick up the pieces. bonus points to the dynamic of ace and koala i love them sm in this????? so so so much.
5) In the Morning with a Cup of Warm Tea by sleepymery
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17241962 complete - T rating - 2k - au
this is another from the back-end of the ao3 collection – jus a short and sweet modern au full of domestic fluff!!! that is my bread and butter especially for fics from fandoms where canonverse is so tumultuous and full of strife. which op definitely is!!!! also its not like ace and sabo's canon relationship is happy anyway /shot
this one is happy and cute. a typical morning w sabo and ace on an anniversary of sorts :) all of maery's sa fics are adorable. i used to come back to this one all the time several years ago.
6) How We're Made by paox
https://fanfiction.net/s/12624109/1/How-We-re-Made complete - T rating - 177k - au
i love this one with all my heart and soul. i was actually in the middle of re-reading it a couple years back when it got deleted from ao3 which is :( but it's still up on ffn so!!! ffn it is hehe.
paox at one point was definitely my favorite saboace fic writer and might still be. her prose and writing style in general is so phenomenal in my eyes. the way she writes asl individually and as a dynamic trio (and their various duos as well) really left a mark on me when i first got into one piece. she truly does understand their characters perfectly, and even in a dystopian au such as this, they stay true-to-form throughout.
side note, the majority of this fic focuses on asl and sabo and ace's relationship doesn't change until near the end. it's probably a minor spoilers to say it does but this is a sa rec list so. anyway i threw this up here bc i love paox's writing and this one is complete and more than a drabble. the way she paints sabo's character as a person broken down by an oppressive system, who rises to light the fire of revolution and never stops seeing the good in humanity, it's just perfect to me. this is the man oda brought back from the dead to play a crucial role in the second half of one piece. paox gets it. sabo is so well-written and so true-to-form that any other attempt at his character by anyone else is almost laughable in comparison. this is THE sabo fic of the list.
i have another paox fic (two i think!!) in the front-end list of the ao3 collection so definitely give those reads as well :) one is incomplete but will break your heart nonetheless, the other i think is a longer drabble that has my heart by the throat. i think all the ones still on ao3 are compiled under their old ffn account as well, so navigating to them this the HWM fic link might be a better choice. if you can read on ffn lmaoooo adblockers are your friends.
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kimyoonmiauthor · 4 months
Terf: Define a woman.
Yeah, writer, NB here, and generally, I LOVE etymology and being both Korean and Jewish, both cultures have a thing for debating in different tactics. Jews, in particular, have a thing for arguing about words. (well, some of us–it mostly has to do with Torah reading, and meaning, but getting into that is a whole chore.).
How to answer this with queer joy:
Terf: I think words have meaning. Define a woman.
Sure. Woman is a wife man. See, the Etymology is from old English.
So, if you think about it, it's defining this person by their role, in what? Society. WIFE is not a natural construct. It's a social construction and does not refer to genitalia at all. Which means the root of the word is also a social construction.
Terf: I meant female.
Me: Oh... well then, the etymology of female is...
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One who can suckle.
Male and female do not have the same etymological root, BTW. And despite what linguists argued on this one long twitter rant, yes, it is quite sexist to define someone by their breasts?
But even so, men do have the organs to *also* suckle babies.
There are historical cases of this in this article.
So technically, men can be female by the original meaning. Because the root of the word feminine and female are the same: dhe(i), to suck.
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The attributes of a man in which it's described by his presentation, is attested only to the 1500's, which is long after the fall of the roman empire. The original usage was to gender nouns, which has fallen in English steadily since long before Chaucer.
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Emasculate is attributed to the 1600's.
Thus, women can be men. And men can be women. It's very liquid by the original definition and actual biology. And as long as a person can suckle, they can be female.
BTW, Chinese, 女 is a person 人 who sits. Meaning she's in the house all day.
This also is a SOCIAL construct of the word. Do you find houses in NATURE?
(If they haven't fallen asleep by this time. Haha. As an Asian accused of not knowing English well, or whatever racists like to get up to, I LOVE doing this type of thing to them.)
And in fact the start of defining male v. female and woman and man as gender roles coincides with the rise of the patriarchy, and if you notice the dates, English colonialism, as they started to encounter cultures that did presentations of gender different from them. This might not have been the sole two motivating factors, but shouldn't you, "defending women's rights" think seriously on that fact? In order to suppress women, they needed to shift the meaning of those words.
Terf: But I mean people shouldn't use they.
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See, because the original word was hie, which only referred to plural of he, not she. So they switched to a gender neutral word, thai. (Which BTW, is hilarious to me, since Thailand it's the only place to not have their plural gender system ravaged by colonialism. Yes, the sound of the words is different, but if the person is going that far into semantics, they can eat the shift of the masculine and feminine gender root to neuter too.) Anyway, the original is from Indo-European, likely meaning "this" "That" making it not gendered, but was gendered to only mean men along the way, but then was degendered
Singular usage is attested back to William Shakespeare according to Webster's dictionary, singular they was in usage in early Modern English.
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William Shakespeare, who, BTW, had men dress up as women which is still a strong part of pantomime today.
Also, for those who look at the Bible: James, the King that enforced this rule for the stage: No women on stage, is said to have been interested romantically and sexually in men and women. Yes, the one that translated the Bible to English, the King James Bible, was attracted to men and women and had sex with both.
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This is LONG before Shakespeare.
This means early court cases could recognize gender nonconforming people, thus Shakespeare, who was in the company of queers, and crossdressers was likely to have.
There is even debate about Shakespeare's sexuality as an icon who was attracted to men and women. Plus he wrote about cross dressing in his plays. As You Like it.
So yes, Queer people always existed and it was actually legally recognize way back when in the English language.
If they haven't blocked you by this time... they are likely going to go into how people shouldn't enhance biological sex and change it, and then oh, you have science on your side.
You can go into the history of how testosterone was made and how men used it to enhance their feelings of gender.
You can go into how estrogen was used and applied. And ask them if they think that estrogen is evil when it is in biological males. And if they hate the idea of birth control, "the pill" for women.
You can go over brain science in humans and how a super male is actually gay. Haha. Make their heads explode.
And by this time while you're having queer joy, they are angry and blocking you, but you've won because you have redefine a bit of semantics and science with evidence.
Female, one who can suckle, but males can suckle too. Woman, Wife man. Singular They: first attested to Shakespeare, and the birth of Modern English. Shakespeare and King James VI who were also bi. Male and masculine in terms of presentation, rise of the patriarchy and colonization. Gay person? A super masculine man, according to nature. GNC was legally recognized by English law in 1395.
And the terf is going to have to cry and take it.
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izanyas · 8 months
I'm drunk on holiday in Italy and all I can think of is 1) the eng v sa rugby wv semi final was absolute shit 2) wh7 don't people leave comments on my fics that I work so hard onc
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sexy-lee-min-woo · 1 year
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[VIDEO] 2006 Eric - Winter Story Music Drama
Teaser https://mega.nz/file/CLA20QwD#1ZSSAjOGHemRv0lArqHArm5VQM_o4bRA4sXLuAWbYTs
Full https://mega.nz/file/OboGCZYB#Jypxwg4220jfiV5040OxAA6BPfJ1GcZihUeMeqRJGb8
ENG SUB Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qM70ieYY3C8 https://mega.nz/file/iPgxVbAL#6u-VFewCyBktjblsFaUx5ar9AE3gW_EWhcbaTISS-SA Part 2 missing Part 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNCzBdCVC80 https://mega.nz/file/3C4HkISK#3g97eDx5FBfOb_JhEq52VIxyGbEx9NrEv9wO3DxsmRk
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Folder with all https://mega.nz/folder/WbxmCa7b#M5gIJ6uRaAFJx-f20ngprQ
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tiredgayloser · 1 year
he was so close :”)
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silenceismychoir · 2 years
if i was a south african cricketer i would simply not wear a black armband for lizzie. rip to those clowns losing over there but im different xx
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iolojones · 8 months
Utterly convinced that SA v Eng was fixed. There is no way the world champions would play so badly otherwise. SA didn't bother. There should be an enquiry.
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zoranphoto · 1 year
Samsung je predstavio mobilne novitete: Stigli su Galaxy S23, S23+ i S23 Ultra
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Korejski je tehnološki div u sklopu događaja Galaxy Unpacked predstavio najnoviju lepezu uređaja na čelu s premijskim Galaxyjem S23 Ultra     Došao je i taj dio godine. Samsung je u San Franciscu službeno predstavio najnovije predstavnike premijske linije telefona Galaxy S. Na čelu noviteta ove se godine nalazi najveći i najbolji Galaxy 23 Ultra, a slijede ga Galaxy S23+ i 'startni' Galaxy S23. Izvor: Društvene mreže / Autor: Samsung Tvrtka Samsung Electronics danas je predstavila Galaxy S23 Ultra, Galaxy S23+ te Galaxy S23 modele pametnih telefona. Uređaje pokreće procesor Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, dok se u 2023. vraća i digitalna olovka S Pen koja, po uzoru na Note, dolazi u tandemu s najskupljim i najluksuznijim uređajem. Galaxy S23 Ultra stiže sa senzorom od 200MP. Senzor koristi tehnologiju za kombiniranje piksela (eng. pixel-binning) kojim vrši višestruko procesiranje za veće rezolucije. Svi smartfoni dolaze sa bržim auto fokusom i 'Super HDR' selfi kamerom koja snima u kvaliteti od 30 do 60 FPS. Telefon nudi i opciju snimanja u RAW i JPEG formatu, što je dobra vijest za ljubitelje digitalne fotografije. Korisnici zahvaljujući dodatnim softverskim opcijama mogu eksperimentirati s multiple exposure fotografijama ili astrofotografiju uz 'Astrophoto' postavke. Ultra pored senzora od 200 MP ima ultraširokokutni objektiv od 12 MP, telefoto objektiv od 10 MP s trostrukim optičkim zumom i još jedan telefoto objektiv od 10 MP s deseterostrukim optičkim zumom. Sve ovo uvelike nadmašuje ostale Galaxyje S23, čije specifikacije navode trostruke kamere s glavnim senzorom od 50 MP, ultraširokokutnim senzorom od 12 MP i telefoto senzorom od 10 MP.   S23 Ultra krasi 6.8-inčni panel od 120 Hz s manje zakrivljenim rubom te 'Enhanced Comfort' značajkom za porešavanje tona boja i razine kontreasta. S23 i S23+ dolaze sa zaobljenim rubovima te nemaju izbočinu za kameru. Startni S23 ima 6,1-inčni OLED panel rezolucije 1080p i brzine 120 Hz dok S23+ dolazi s nešto većom dijagonalom ekrana - 6,6 inča. Nove smartfone i u EU pokreće Qualcommov hardver - Snapdragon 8 Gen 2. Ostatak specifikacija relativno je očekivan dijapazon memorije i zapremnine koji seže od 8 do 12 GB i od 256 GB do 1 TB na Ultri te 8 GB RAM-a, uz od 128 GB do 512 GB prostora za modele S23 i S23 Plus. Kapaciteti baterije, ovisno o modelu, sežu od 3900 mAh za Galaxy S23 do 5000 mAh za Galaxy S23 Ultra, uz brzo punjenje od 45 W na Ultri i 25 W na ostalima. Nadalje, nova S serija je prva koja koristi Corning Gorilla Glass Victus 2 zaštitno staklo napravljen sa 22% recikliranih materijala. Svaki pametni telefon dostupan je s end-to-end zaštitom tvrtke pod nazivom Samsung Knox.     Pametni telefoni Galaxy S23 serije će u Hrvatskoj biti dostupni u zelenoj, krem, fantomskoj crnoj te boji lavande. Galaxy S23 Ultra bit će dostupan po preporučenoj maloprodajnoj cijeni od 1,449.00 eura, Galaxy S23+ od 1,239.00 eura i Galaxy S23 od 979.00 eura.
Samsung je također prestavio premijski laptop Galaxy Book3 Ultra koji dolazi sa 16-inčnim ekranom i OLED ekranom od 120 Hz, H-Series Core i7 procesorom i grafičkim procesorom RTX 4050 ili 4070. Samsung ovim potezom izaziva Appleov Macbook Pro, ponudivši laptop po konkurentnoj cijeni i hardverom koji, uz dovoljno naplate, može obuhvaćati i Intel Core i9 čip. Kompanija je isto predstavila Galaxy Book 3 Pro i Galaxy Book 3 Pro 360 koji su, u suštini, nešto slabije verzije premijskog Ultre. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pRMQX7FvQ4 Izvor: Društvene mreže / Autor: Samsung Tportal.hr Izvor: Licencirane fotografije / Autor: Samsung Read the full article
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youngfandomnerd · 1 year
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#first jasprit bumrah and marco jansen and now cheteshwar pujara and kagiso rabada!? 😑 - 1 post
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#that is every batter should deliver with their bats and not always rely on their bowlers to save their asses when they royally screw up 😑
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2022-10-19 en salle / 126min / Action, Fantastique, Aventure, New Line Cinema Flynn Picture Company Seven Bucks Productions DC Films Scénario : Près de cinq millénaires après avoir reçu les super-pouvoirs des anciens dieux – et avoir été emprisonné dans la foulée –, Black Adam est libéré de sa tombe terrestre, prêt à exercer sa propre justice dans le monde moderne.
Lorsque les plus grands champions de la Terre sont appelés à combattre les ennemis de l'Autre Monde, ils doivent découvrir leurs véritables pouvoirs pour sauver notre planète de l'annihilation totale.
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Regarder film (Black Adam) Streaming VF complet” Film complet et gratuit Vostfr Regarder film ( Black Adam ) Streaming VF [fr] Film complet et gratuit Vostfr Regarder Black Adam (2022) : Film Streaming Vf en Français. Regarder Black Adam Movie Online Les déchirures Blu-ray Bluray sont encodées directement à partir du disque Blu-ray en 1080p ou 720p (selon la source du disque) et utilisent le codec x264. Ils peuvent être extraits de disques BD25 ou BD50 (ou de disques UHD Blu-ray à des résolutions plRegarder Black Adam élevées). Les BDRips proviennent d’un disque Blu-ray et sont codés à une résolution inférieure à celle de sa source (c’est-à-dire 1080p à 720p / 576p / 480p). Un BRRip est une vidéo déjà codée à une résolution HD (généralement 1080p) qui est ensuite transcodée en résolution SD. Regarder Regarder Black Adam Movie BD / BRRip en résolution DVDRip est plRegarder Black Adam esthétique, peu importe, car l’encodage provient d’une source de meilleure qualité. Les BRRips sont uniquement d’une résolution HD à une résolution SD, tandis que les BDRips peuvent aller de 2160p à 1080p, etc. tant qu’ils ont une résolution inférieure du disque source. Regarder Regarder Black Adam Movie FullBDRip n’est pas un transcodage et peut évoluer en sens inverse pour l’encodag.
Le film est une œuvre d’art sous la forme d’une série d’images en direct qui sont tournées pour produire une illusion d’images en mouvement qui sont présentées comme une forme de divertissement. L’illusion d’une série d’images produit un mouvement continu sous forme de vidéo. Le film est souvent appelé film ou image animée. Le film est une forme d’art moderne et populaire créée à des fins commerciales et de divertissement. Le cinéma est devenu une industrie populaire dans le monde entier, où les longs métrages sont toujours attendus par les cinémas.
Les films sont réalisés de film manières principales. La première consiste à utiliser des techniques de prise de vue et d’enregistrement à l’aide de caméras argentiques. Cette méthode se fait en photographiant des images ou des objets. Le second utilise des techniques d’animation traditionnelles. Cette méthode est effectuée grâce à des techniques d’animation graphique ou CGI. Les film peuvent également être combinés avec d’autres techniques et effets visuels. Le tournage prend généralement un temps relativement long. Cela nécessite également un pupitre de travail chacun, à partir du réalisateur, producteur, monteur, garde-robe, effets visuels et autres.
Définition et définition de film / film
Alors que les acteurs qui jouent un rôle dans le film sont appelés acteurs (hommes) ou actrices (femmes). Il y a aussi le terme figurants qui sont utilisés comme personnages de soutien avec peu de rôles dans le film. C’est différent des principaux acteurs qui ont des rôles de plus en plus nombreux. Être acteur et actrice doit être exigé pour avoir un bon talent d’acteur, ce qui est conforme au thème du film dans lequel il joue. Dans certaines scènes, le rôle de l’acteur peut être remplacé par un cascadeur ou un cascadeur. L’existence d’un cascadeur est importante pour remplacer les acteurs réalisant des scènes difficiles et extrêmes, que l’on retrouve généralement dans les films d’action et d’action.
Les films peuvent également être utilisés pour transmettre certains messages du cinéaste. Certaines industries utilisent également le film pour transmettre et représenter leurs symboles et leur culture. Le cinéma est aussi une forme d’expression, de pensées, d’idées, de concepts, de sentiments et d’humeurs d’un être humain visualisé dans un film. Le film lui-même est principalement une fiction, bien que certains soient basés sur des faits réels ou sur une histoire vraie. Il y a aussi des documentaires avec des images originales et réelles, ou des films biographiques qui racontent l’histoire d’un personnage. Il existe de nombreux autres films de genre populaires, allant des films d’action, films d’horreur, films d’humour, films romantiques, films fantastiques, films à suspense, films dramatiques, films de science-fiction, films policiers, documentaires et autres. C’est un peu d’informations sur la définition d’un film ou d’un film. Les informations ont été citées à partir de diverses sources et références. J’espère que cela peut être utile.
❍❍❍ TV MOVIE ❍❍❍
The first television shows were experimental, sporadic broadcasts viewable only within a very short range from the broadcast tower starting in the 1930s. Televised events such as the 1936 Summer Olympics in Germany, the 19340 coronation of King George VI in the UK, and David Sarnoff’s famous introduction at the 1939 New York World’s Fair in the US spurred a growth in the medium, but World War II put a halt to development until after the war. The 19440 World MOVIE inspired many Americans to buy their first television set and then in 1948, the popular radio show Texaco Star Theater made the move and became the first weekly televised variety show, earning host Milton Berle the name “Mr Television” and demonstrating that the medium was a stable, modern form of entertainment which could attract advertisers.
The first national live television broadcast in the US took place on September 4, 1951 when President Harry Truman’s speech at the Japanese Peace Treaty Conference in San Francisco was transmitted over AT&T’s transcontinental cable and microwave radio relay system to broadcast stations in local markets.
The first national color broadcast (the 1954 Tournament of Roses Parade) in the US occurred on January 1, 1954. During the following ten years most network broadcasts, and nearly all local programming, continued to be in black-and-white. A color transition was announced for the fall of 1965, during which over half of all network prime-time programming would be broadcast in color. The first all-color prime-time season came just one year later. In 19402, the last holdout among daytime network shows converted to color, resulting in the first completely all-color network season.
❍❍❍ Formats and Genres ❍❍❍
See also: List of genres § Film and television formats and genres
Television shows are more varied than most other forms of media due to the wide variety of formats and genres that can be presented. A show may be fictional (as in comedies and dramas), or non-fictional (as in documentary, news, and reality television). It may be topical (as in the case of a local newscast and some made-for-television films), or historical (as in the case of many documentaries and fictional MOVIE). They could be primarily instructional or educational, or entertaining as is the case in situation comedy and game shows.[citation needed]
A drama program usually features a set of actors playing characters in a historical or contemporary setting. The program follows their lives and adventures. Before the 1980s, shows (except for soap opera-type serials) typically remained static without story arcs, and the main characters and premise changed little.[citation needed] If some change happened to the characters’ lives during the episode, it was usually undone by the end. Because of this, the episodes could be broadcast in any order.[citation needed] Since the 1980s, many MOVIE feature progressive change in the plot, the characters, or both. For instance, Hill Street Blues and St. Elsewhere were two of the first American prime time drama television MOVIE to have this kind of dramatic structure,[4][better source needed] while the later MOVIE Babylon 5 further exemplifies such structure in that it had a predetermined story L'Attaque des Titans Saison 4 Épisode 7ning over its intended five-season Black Adam.[citation needed]
In 2012, it was reported that television was growing into a larger component of major media companies’ revenues than film.[5] Some also noted the increase in quality of some television programs. In 2012, Academy-Award-winning film director Steven Soderbergh, commenting on ambiguity and complexity of character and narrative, stated: “I think those qualities are now being seen on television and that people who want to see stories that have those kinds of qualities are watching television.
❍❍❍ Thank’s For All And Happy Watching❍❍❍
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Eng v SA, 3rd Test
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