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When your husband asks you to write a Thank You letter for a retiring colleague because he thinks your handwriting is prettier 😅 (that’s not my handwriting – and of course he knows that 😉. But it’s relatively quickly written with a fountain pen, much faster than with a pointed dip nib …). And I just saw that today is apparently #worldletterwritingday – so how fitting is that ☺️. :: #calligraphy #kalligraphie #kalligrafie #caligrafia #calligrafriends #capitals #majuscules #copperplate #anglaise #monoline #fountainpen #englischeschreibschrift #flourishedcapitals #flourishes #calligralove #historicalscripts #calligraphypractice #letterlove #18thcenturypenmanship #letterwriting #briefschreiben #tagdesbriefes #letterwritingday #tagdesbriefeschreibens #calligraphynote #dankesagen #sayingthanks #flourishforum #federflugcalligraphy https://www.instagram.com/p/CTReHYQDxiO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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letterpressberlin · 5 years
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#buchdruck #letterpress #handwerk #letterpressberlin #bleisatz #anglaise #englischeschreibschrift #handsatz #geburtstagskarte #druckerey (hier: Martin Z. Schröder, Drucker) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwJrcCmFKCY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9f2q5n1bdm5k
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Around the world on a sheet of paper ... the most climate friendly kind of travel anyhow 😅. It was fun writing out all these places, some I’ve visited in the past, some I’ll probably never see in real life ... wishing you all a relaxed Sunday. Here it looks already like Spring 🌞! :: #calligraphy #calligraphie #kalligrafie #kalligraphie #caligrafia #calligraphyart #calligraphypractice #copperplate #englishroundhand #flourishes #flourished #flourishingpractice #englishroundhandscript #englischeschreibschrift #anglaise #inglesa #lightblue #calligraphygouache #gouache #drmartinsbleedproofwhite #flourishforum #federflugcalligraphy https://www.instagram.com/p/CLjt1FiAkLG/?igshid=tdyhgfzb1q8c
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A start. Practice sheet. I haven’t written Copperplate in a while, so it’s always best to begin with the basic strokes like on top – a bit rusty, but well! I have no idea what I’m writing here 😅 … why Waltz?! I often write some weird flow of consciousness when I practice – or lists, or historical love letters; or sometimes quotes that are meaningful to me. – I wish all of you a good start in the weekend. Stay safe and healthy, wherever you are! :: #calligraphy #calligraphie #kalligrafie #kalligraphie #caligrafia #calligraphyart #calligraphypractice #copperplate #englishroundhand #englishroundhandscript #englischeschreibschrift #anglaise #inglesa #lightblue #calligraphygouache #gouache #drmartinsbleedproofwhite #flourishforum #federflugcalligraphy https://www.instagram.com/p/CLekEVigXeN/?igshid=1eyouo8nbz3yk
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Quick morning practice. Lots of inconsistencies in letter height and slant – that’s always tough without proper guidelines (albeit a very good exercise) ... but now I must enjoy that glorious winter day!! I hope you’ll have a safe and good weekend wherever you are. :: #calligraphy #kalligraphie #kalligrafie #caligrafia #calligrafriends #copperplate #englischeschreibschrift #calligralove #learningcalligraphy #flourishes #flourished #kalligrafielernen #historicalscripts #calligraphypractice #anglaise #inglesa #schminckegouache #blueink #lightblue #winter #calligraphygouache #drmartinsbleedproofwhite #flourishforum #federflugcalligraphy https://www.instagram.com/p/CLOoNukAeV1/?igshid=9f3iejd1ekjf
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It’s been a while – so here’s a rather quick monoline Roundhand with some warm-up. Swipe to see a flat pic and the cleaned-up digital version (designed for a 16:9 ratio, so the proportions are a bit off). Wishing all of you a good Sunday in these weird times. I wonder how we will talk about this all in a few years … :: #calligraphy #kalligrafie #copperplate #englischeschreibschrift #anglaise #inglesa #monoline #fountainpen #visconti #rohrerundklingner #flourished #verziert #altgoldgrün #handwriting #handschrift #calligralove #typerelated #floourishforum #federflugcalligraphy https://www.instagram.com/p/CIeTueXAXG4/?igshid=mg8w3844a3ay
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I’m very honored to find my book about pointed pen calligraphy featured in the Belgian magazine “Kalligrafia”, side by side with Gottfried Pott! Thanks for posting (and for publishing my book), @verlaghschmidt ☺️! In my book, you’ll find everything (well, quite a lot) regarding pointed pen calligraphy, with the main focus on Copperplate, starting with the tools that work, but including also more advanced flourishing techniques, various alphabets etc. – swipe to see some sample pages! :: Wie schön, mein Buch über Spitzfederkalligrafie wurde in der belgischen Zeitschrift „Kalligrafia“ vorgestellt, gemeinsam mit Gottfried Potts „Kalligrafie Meisterklasse“ ☺️! Ihr findet darin auf 240 Seiten (naja, fast 😉) alles zum Thema, von der Auswahl von Feder, Tinte und Papier bis hin zu fortgeschritteneren Verzierungstechniken ... :: #calligraphy #kalligrafie #kalligraphie #calligraphybook #kalligrafiebuch #pointedpen #spitzfeder #calligralove #copperplate #copperplatecalligraphy #englischeschreibschrift #anglaise #inglesa #englishroundhand #indetail #imdetail #flourishforum #federflugcalligraphy https://www.instagram.com/p/CDOgys2AiB2/?igshid=clu1pdlwtvu2
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Ich freue mich sehr, endlich mal wieder einen Workshop ankündigen zu dürfen! Er wird von @arsscribendi.e.v im Herbst 2021 veranstaltet und es wird vier Tage lang um die Englische Schreibschrift gehen (klar). Genauere Infos demnächst, guckt auch schonmal auf die Seite von Ars Scribendi. Der Verein bringt übrigens dreinmal im Jahr eine sehr schöne, informative Zeitschrift zum Thema »Kalligrafie und Literatur« heraus. Die tolle Karte von @thomashoyer26, die mit den Zeitschriften kam, hat mich besonders gefreut! :: #calligraphy #kalligraphie #kalligrafie #caligrafia #calligrafriends #copperplate #englischeschreibschrift #calligralove #learningcalligraphy #kalligrafielernen #historicalscripts #calligraphypractice #anglaise #inglesa #kalligrafieworkshop #calligraphyworkshop #flourishforum #federflugcalligraphy https://www.instagram.com/p/CLMVCUJgHt1/?igshid=1ktpghq1bphyt
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I did not write a lot these weird last weeks. But here’s a sample envelope from a nice little project I just finished! I think English Roundhand aka Copperplate is still my favorite style after all … I used a mix of Dr. Martin’s Bleedproof White plus a tad of Finetec Luna Gold to add a little warmth and sparkle – combining two of my most loved inks. The envelope is by @gmundpaper from the Colors Matt series – a paper I appreciate a lot because it’s beautiful AND very pointed-pen friendly! :: #calligraphy #kalligraphie #kalligrafie #caligrafia #caligrafía #calligraphie #copperplate #englischeschreibschrift #englishroundhand #anglaise #flourishes #verzierungen #envelope #envelopeart #calligrafriends #blue #bluepaper #flourishforum #federflugcalligraphy https://www.instagram.com/p/CA2Jkk6KB5f/?igshid=1c2ismzbtfazo
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Most of these Thank You envelopes and cards should have reached their recipients by now ... thanks also to everyone who sent me a holiday greeting. I’m extremely happy about each of them and will answer once I’ve managed to squeeze in some quiet time for me and my calligrafriends ☺️. Custom mix of Dr. Martin’s Bleed Proof White with @schmincke_official Horadam Gouache on @gmundpaper Colors Matt envelope for those who like to know the technical details … the pretty pen holder is by @galanpenholders. #calligraphy #kalligraphie #kalligrafie #calligrafia #copperplate #englischeschreibschrift #anglaise #inglesa #englishroundhand #paleblue #teal #turquoise #envelopecalligraphy #weddingcalligraphy #flourishes #flourishforum #federflugcalligraphy https://www.instagram.com/p/B7zDVQQICwT/?igshid=1b2hekmyqyhui
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Tomorrow starts the book fair in Frankfurt – and I am proud to give you a sneak peek for my upcoming book (in German)! I have been working on this since 18 months, and now I’m finally creating the last illustrations and doing the last modifications and corrections in the layout … it’s very exciting and very stressful at the same time. I’ll gladly tell you more when I have more time, but for now: Ta-daa, my pointed pen book cover! :: {Werbung … für mein Buch!} Hier ein erster Blick auf das Cover für mein Buch! An diesem Projekt arbeite ich seit 18 Monaten und freue mich riesig, dass es ab morgen auf der Frankfurter Buchmesse präsentiert wird – erstmal als Dummy, weil ich noch an last-minute Ergänzungen und Korrekturen arbeite. Es geht natürlich um Spitzfederkalligrafie, auf 240 Seiten mit dem Hauptfokus auf der englischen Schreibschrift und erscheint bei @verlaghschmidt – ein dickes Danke und erfolgreiche Tage auf der Messe! :: #calligraphy #kalligrafie #verlaghschmidt #kalligraphie #spitzfeder #pointedpen #copperplate #copperplatecalligraphy #englischeschreibschrift #calligraphybook #kalligrafiebuch #book #buch #gmundpaper #printing #druck #flourishforum #federflugcalligraphy https://www.instagram.com/p/B3pgWUFIyH1/?igshid=16q90ibx7ff5l
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That’s a word you may know if you have German penpals – it simply means »street«, and you can abbreviate it to »Str.«, if you’d like to avoid the awkward »ß«! That’s a letter that only exists in German and is sometimes a ligature for sz, like in »Straße« (long a), sometimes for a double s (like in »dass«, which was formerly written »daß« and is spoken with a short a). Sounds complicated? In a few days I’ll post another video explaining a bit the different ways to write it! This ones very simple, as you can see. :: Written with pretty Periwinkle Blue by @zillerinks, you can get them from @scribblerscalligraphy, if you’re in Europe! :: Btw a fantastique way to practice with guidelines is to print them mirror inverted on the backside of your practice paper! Works obviously only if the paper is reasonably transparent. I love that because like this the guidelines can’t shift even if I move my paper a lot to stay in my »sweet spot« on the table! :: Den Deutschsprachigen unter Euch brauche ich diesen Buchstaben ja nicht zu erklären, wobei es ihn in der Englischen Schreibschrift ja eigentlich nicht gibt! Hier eine Version, das ß zu schreiben, die ich aus einer Antiqua-Kursive entlehnt habe. :: {Werbung bladibla wegen Verlinkung} :: #calligraphy #kalligrafie #kalligraphie #copperplate #copperplatecalligraphy #englischeschreibschrift #englishroundhand #weirdletter #ß #calligrafriends #calligraphylove #handwriting #handschrift #flourishforum #federflugcalligraphy https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzvef8fChfe/?igshid=1s2vxnn6j604c
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More versions of »ß« to come! And to make this more interesting for those of you who’ll never write that weird letter, I’ve added some flourishes that you can use basically with every letter that has a descender. The good thing about descender flourishes is that you can write them more spontaniously because they flow just on from the downstroke. Ascender flourishes often feel a bit more forced and complicated to me – they need more planning and concentration … Btw the first version is a ligature of long and short s, how it is used also in Antiqua fonts, the second is a more cursive version – like a mix between the Kurrent-ß and the Antiqua-inspired one. :: Hier ein paar weitere Beispiele des „ß“, und wie man es verzieren kann. Einen schönen Sonntagabend wünsche ich allen! :: #calligraphy #kalligrafie #kalligraphie #caligrafia #ß #flourishes #flourished #copperplate #englischeschreibschrift #ligature #typographyinspired #blue #blueink #zillersink #flourishforum #federflugcalligraphy https://www.instagram.com/p/B0eG8qSF1oa/?igshid=1p1fadu4qdqy7
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Two versions of a header I wrote for my husband's new essay – this one's a bit of a rant about recent web design! You'll find it on medium.com (search for Boris Müller: "On the visual weariness of the web"). Really love that little collaborations we do from time to time ☺️... #calligraphy #kalligrafie #kalligraphie #copperplate #englischeschreibschrift #anglaise #inglesa #flourish #flourishes #verzierungen #handwriting #handschrift #webdesign #medium #flourishforum #federflugcalligraphy https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn1kRokHo3V/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fhy6gw1dko88
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More place cards for my workshop participants! I challenged myself this time by using kozo paper for one day and handmade cotton paper by @khadipapers for the other. It has a lot of structure and character – each sheet is a bit different from the others! I wrote with Schmincke gouache mixed with Dr. Martin's Bleed Proof White. Swipe to the right to see the gorgeous textures in the sunlight!! :: Noch mehr Tischkarten, diese auf tollem Kadhi-Papier! #calligraphy #kalligrafie #kalligrafie #copperplate #englischeschreibschrift #calligraphyart #calligraphylove #kalligrafieworkshop #flourishes #flourished #verziert #schminckehoradam #flourishforum #federflugcalligraphy
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Envelope and card from the exchange during @anneelser's online flourishing class in Spring! If you're prepared to stay up until 2:30 in the morning, because of the time difference between us, you can guess it was a great class 😀! #calligraphy #kalligrafie #kalligraphie #copperplate #flourishing #flourishes #gmundpaper #schminckehoradam #englischeschreibschrift #verzierungen #flourishforum #federflugcalligraphy
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