saintmeghanmarkle · 1 year
Congratulations Harold, you have now achieved everything you claimed to have wanted by u/englishikat
Now go live your life "Overseas". Your last Royal duty is done and you are now a Royal by birth and biology only. Savor your victories, for they are many.
You have alienated the family who, although imperfect and dysfunctional like almost every family in the world, truly did love and support you. You have ensured your family, and especially your children, will not have to endure the misery of Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles or Cousins, from either your or your wife's side of your birth family - except for one maternal Grandma who by all accounts was only an occasional visitor in her daughter's life.
The historic legacy of your family tree, the history and institution, that you care nothing for and know nothing about, despite the fact that your family has singularly had 1000 years of influence (for good and bad) in the world, well, now, your children will never even have to know, understand or benefit from that rich inheritance. Oh, and the real soft power of the Monarchy, you know, the thing that draws the real movers, shakers and power brokers in the world to attend events, service their philanthropic endeavors and provide counsel and networking for their causes? Forget that, you are now free to rub shoulders with the Tyler Perry's, Oprahs, Ellens, Kardashians, and Abigail Spencers of the celeb-osphere. What a relief that must be. I'm sure Archwell will surpass the Commonwealth, the Princess Trust, the Duke of Ediburgh Awards, and Earthshot's influence on the world in no time.
The Grandmother with whom you held such a special relationship, and was beloved by so much of the world, well, you succeeded in helping to bring quite a bit of pain to her last years by labeling her legacy as "Racism veiled as Unconscious Bias", bewilderment at your choices and sadness over your abandonment. You sure showed her. Well done. Your Grandfather too.
The Father, you blame for your Mother's pain and untimely death, but whom you once declared "loved and was there for you", you've now done your final duty for him by gracing the event he waited his whole life for with your presence. Of course the tithe you required for that attendance, was trashing and labeling his beloved wife as "evil", revealing some of his deepest most private moments and thoughts, lambasting his choice not to continue to financially support your family, making fun of his interests and relishing the trashing the media often gives him. Now that's the way to avenge your Mother who was a saint, had no faults or responsibility for her own life but was just a victim of "The Firm" and villainous media. As he takes on the stress of being Monarch at the age of 74, you may not have too many years left to further twist the knife in him, so get busy, but hopefully, you won't be so hypocritical to actually pretend you did love him and attempt to attend his state funeral when he's gone. He won't know or believe you ever cared by then anyway. Revenge is a dish best served cold, and you've served it frozen.
The brother, the only other human alive who knew what it was like being Diana's child, living through all you did together, suffering the same grief, even if, as you claim, you were only born to stand in if he suffered a premature death or needed a spare organ, yeah, you've alienated him as well. The one contemporary who would ever really give you unconditional love, push it away. You don't need that in your life. And on your way out, lay down some heinous rumors, trash his reputation, only tell your side of your issues with him, and if that's not enough do the same to his wife, who treated you like a brother, then go for his children, your nieces and nephews. That will get him! Really give it to him, Harold, since it gives you a high like the ayahuasca you claim to use regularly, but remember, envy is one of the seven deadly sins.
Finally the Monarchy itself. The institution that has caused you so much paralysis in your life? You're now free of that as well, despite the fact that your Father is now head of the most prominent one in the world and that you have claimed Prince and Princess titles for your own children, well, have no fear. King Charles will never do it, but King William might release Letters Patent preventing issue who hold dual citizenship or live full-time in another country from holding those titles. Then you will be truly free, but why wait that long? Just become an American citizen yourself, you CAN renounce your own title and sever all ties with the evil UK. You have no home, work or family left there anyway. What is holding you back?
You have EVERYTHING you claim to have ever wanted. You have told us you are the most loyal and loving son of the only family member you ever really loved, your Mother. You have told us you are the most dedicated soldier ever to have served his country. Thank you for your service, btw. You have told us you are a better statesman, philanthropist, with a greater business sense than either your Grandmother, your Father or your Brother. You are married to the most beautiful woman in the world who is also the greatest actress, philanthropist, lifestyle influencer, mother, daughter, sister, and friend. Even self described as "one of the most powerful women in the world." You have two beautiful and healthy children. Full stop. So go forth, prosper. Show us what YOU can do!
Posted by u/englishikat 1 month ago via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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saintmeghanmarkle · 11 months
BECKHAM vs HARRY & MEGHAN by u/englishikat
BECKHAM vs HARRY & MEGHAN What a difference in "My Story" documentaries! Now, I must admit that while I respect anyone who achieves legend status in their field, I'm not a "fan" of either of the Beckhams or football/soccer, although I do love a good Spice Girls tune. I'm agnostic about them for the most part, but there's certainly been enough coverage and pop culture on them individually and as a couple that I've been exposed to a lot of information about them. But WOW, did this documentary change my perspective and make me respect them.This series did everything for the Beckhams that the Harkles hoped and thought "Harry & Meghan" would do for them, but failed. I had no idea the level of scrutiny, gossip, public bullying, etc. the Beckhams endured during their "peak" years, yet at no point do we see David or Victoria whine about it - they confront it, call it out, but don't pretend to be victims, unlike the Harkles. No matter how many times David got knocked down, turned on by football fans, traded away to play for other countries, he never lost his love for his sport or his country. He's remained true to his roots, his family, and those he rose up with in the game, and seems genuinely grateful for the unimaginable wealth and position his fame and talent have brought him. He IS the man who waited 16 hours in line to pay his respects to the late Queen rather than get a pass to jump the line. Another thing that impressed me was the amount of chaos this life caused in their personal lives between the constant moves, long absences from one another, putting career over major life events, the implied infidelity, but it only seems to have made the Beckhams stronger in the long run rather than tearing them apart. And in that final scene dancing to Islands in the Stream, they seem as in love as in the first few months of their relationship. Compare and contrast that to Harry and Meghan who want to pretend they've faced the greatest press scrutiny and worldwide harassment ever known to man. Harry hasn't, other than on the periphery of the attention Diana faced, and Charles. But up until the last few years, and a few unpleasant stories about his bad boy pre-military behavior, Harry's had pretty positive affection from the world as "the poor prince who lost his Mother" and the "fun one." it really wasn't until he got over therapized that he became the Worldwide Whiner. Has Meghan had 75,000 people in a stadium singing that she "takes it up the arse" while she sits there having to endure that public humilation? Beckham shows why getting on with your life and "doing" will always serve you better than whinging and whining, fabricating "my truths", faking Pap danger, and stepping down from Royalty to social media influencer. ​​ post link: https://ift.tt/Ys9avB4 author: englishikat submitted: October 15, 2023 at 06:07PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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