enigmew · 1 year
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Was trying to figure out how to draw cookies. Got bored. Drew random people instead. Don’t eat ‘em haha!
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vulcanautus · 2 years
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artfight attacks for this year
@god-mouths | @blobbei-art @enigmew | @motherhenuwu bbonbonss (twitter) | piezeth (twitter)
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helsingvaniaart · 2 years
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Art trade with @/enigmew
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mudwingpropaganda · 4 years
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Princess Sunny of the SandWings (and NightWings)
Sweet. The line that haunts Sunny yet it’s the quickest way for an onlooker to describe her. Sunny has so much weight to her. So much underminding to her character outside and within the canon. The baby SandWing Mary Sue that precedes Qibli (back when Tui could actually write a believable story about one individual being so vitally important to the fate of the entire world. I feel like things went way too perfectly for Sunny in the end. It went from everyone disregarding her to everyone immediately giving her her full respect. Sunny’s idealism was rewarded, and she didn’t quite get the satisfying splash of realism to set in quite as I would have liked. 
A splash of realism shall be below the button.
Design headcanons
The smallest and stoutest of the Dragonets of Destiny. She has a more munchkin cat build and is honestly quite stubby and humorous as opposed to the intimidating dragons she stands shoulder to shoulder with among the ranks of ending the SandWing War of Succession.
She’s designed in a similar likeness to a sun beetle, a brown and yellow beetle that I thought perfectly captured her not quite sandy SandWing design nor nightish NightWing design. She has a gaudy, buggish appearance, with nicked horns like a beetle and iridescent undersides to her wings.
Sunny is small, but tough. Hardy and quick. She’s surprisingly agile and almost impervious to being flung at things or falling from things....
She was always poked at by the Guardians, questioned for her misshapen appearance and lack of venom or generally intimidating features. Admittedly, Dune did take her in, feeling a sense of responsibility to watch over this malformed SandWing and make sure she didn’t feel too inferior. He feigned pride over his scars from an ugly war and told her that the odder the SandWing looked, the more they were a force to be reckoned with. Though he never voiced this softness in front of the other Guardians.
Sunny has the brightest scales out of her siblings, somewhat shiny and golden, as stated in the book. A treasure she takes great pride in, because it was nothing that the Guardians could take away or eat, like her sparkly stones and her strange crawfish.
Implications of Heritage 
Going all the way back, Sunny is related to Queen Diamond and Prince Arctic, she’s related to Darkstalker and Whiteout, she has animus blood in her veins, and also the plainest common folk of SandWings on her mother’s side. 
There’s something odd about how no one really acknowledges how Sunny was so close to being an animus. But I guess when your story has so many magical dragons, being “almost magic” doesn’t quite cut it anymore. Her father was a rogue NightWing who ran away feeling guilty over things that didn’t even really seem to happen? He ran away from his tribe, his family, and his life, a coward.
Sunny doesn’t think much of her father. He’s given up on everything, too stuck in his own dwelling and self detriment to do anything worthwhile. 
Now Queen Thorn... Thorn is a ruthless mob boss who killed a child to intimidate two other children. But it’s okay, because the Scorpion Den has some odd order that sounds like it’s lovely, in reality, where children eat first and get the freshest water. As long as you don’t mouth off Thorn.Thorn should be Sunny’s foil. A dragoness who gave up on pacifism because she’s seen the reality of the world. She thinks that there is no other way but violence. And, unfortunately, she butts heads with her daughter and thinks of her as naiive and unsuccessfully hopeful for the future, despite proving her wrong with the end of the war.
Sunny being a Princess is a fate that she, personally, denies. She focuses on her own school and her friends, for her parents make it difficult for her to take pride in her heritage. There’s NightWing traitor and a criminal SandWing she made the Queen. Who has the love of her people because of her intimidation? But not her intimidation. She’s also a good person?
Sunny sees through her and understands who she is and where she came from. But she doesn’t believe in peace through non-violence. And for that, she stays out of her line of sight, letting children who do look up to her feign royalty, like Qibli. 
Miscellaneous thoughts
Sunny’s real name is “Sun Beetle.” One of Thorn’s favorite options when she mused the name ideas to her dragons. She tapped Sunny’s egg and called the hatchling inside her Beetle and when Dune reluctantly snatched her egg for the sake of the prophecy, without missing a beat, he told the other guardians the hatchling would be named Sun Beetle. Eventually, growing up with her siblings, it was condensed to sweet little Sunny, where most people know her by.
Sunny is an optimist, despite the world beating her to the point where she even does begin to doubt herself. She’s been shown the ugliness of the world, the pain dragons go through, the mental manipulations parents will put their children through, and she remains hopeful despite of it. Yet, when she does feel like the world is getting too much for her, she always confides in Clay. He’s not the most articulate when it comes to comforting, but his warm hugs and ear to listen (and later on his growing knowledge of physical and mental health) truly does help her cope with the small terrors of the war she experienced after a totally sheltered life.
Sunny ends up being the Headmaster of Jade Mountain Academy. Less so a school focused on “founding peace” but more directed towards unbiased teaching of history, lore, and information about dragon biology. She avoids teaching any form of violence and shies away from the most recent history, due to controversy among the child soldiers who are still traumatized from the war and their eventual children who only know the terrible stories they tell. She focuses on the shared history between the tribes that went relatively unspoken while the tribes were versed in propaganda and hatred for their enemies.
Sunny is terrified of animus dragons. She will never admit it, but the idea of being related to Darkstalker, to Stonemover, to have that itch for power and domination and window or manipulation crawling in her veins... it terrifies her. She loves Anemone and understands the struggle she goes through and wants to be a good aunt figure for her, but she can’t help but be unnerved when she’s around her. Something that makes her feel guilty and selfish for.
Sunny avoids most royalty, not wanting to be seen as a universal peacekeeper from now until the rest of time. She has been through enough and wants to focus on her true passions nowadays. But she is a main consultant for her sibling Queen Glory. She senses that Glory genuinely appreciates her opinions and has grown past her snappy, cutting-her-off nature and is more thoughtful and considerate now that she doesn’t have anything to prove.
LGBT+ headcanons
Sunny is aromatic, asexual, and genderless! She still uses she/her pronouns, but she finds gender irrelevant and doesn’t quite appreciate gender roles or expectations put upon the dragons of Pyrrhia, especially with the toxic beliefs of royalty. She is simply comfortable in her own scales despite everyone in her life trying to tell her otherwise.
She is also immensely comfortable not feeling romantic attraction for other dragons. Like Clay, the bonds of friendship she makes with her siblings is already worth so much to her, and the idea of being able to be a good rolemodel for the dragonets of Jade Mountain and the future is much more fulfilling to her. 
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forevergayscreaming · 3 years
17 questions, 17 people
(Tagged by @tea-tavern)
Nickname: Alex short for Alexandria, Mora, or Nora.
Zodiac: Pisces♓
Last thing I googled: pictures of Pyrrah Nikos from RWBY (I'm working on a drawing)
Song stuck in my head: O.D.D. by Hey Violet
Height: 5'4 I think...?
Followers: 23
Amount of sleep: well...I went 48 hours without sleep then got 5 last night...
Lucky number: 16
Favorite song: shiiiiiiz....um....O.D.D. or Boop from RWBY
Favorite instrument: guitar and violin
Favorite author: uhhhh....idk....I have so many
Random: uh....listen...idk...*forgets everything about myself*
Favorite book: again...I have so many
Favorite movie: Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them
Tagging: @punktransandwhalem @icebutterfly116 @hadesisqueer @animegeekforlife @aerohaze @blake-belladonna-defence-force @bookishfangirl14 @cinnder @enigmew @frankielucky @nova-a3 @tutantmeenageneetleteetles @the-one-and-only-ruby-rose @throughthiswindow @tupayapsina @violettalespinner @whiterosebranches @yangs-vibrating-arm @neopolitea
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itsami · 3 years
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I hate gay people @enigmew
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s4m-1hat · 3 years
everyone follow @enigmew rn or else ur not sexy
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buzzybeesinlove · 3 years
Before I forget to post this on here today, here's me rising from the dead with a new fic. It's two of my besties' anniversary today (@snowglyphss and @enigmew) and I made this whiterose fic for them as a gift!
I love you both and I'm happy for you!! Happy anniversary. I hope if others read the fic too that they enjoy it <3 now I'll crawl back into my hole for another long time lmaoo
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m-art-bles · 4 years
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smirk emoji @enigmew @icebutterfly116
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whiterosebranches · 3 years
just watched rwby v8 e3 with @rwbybutincorrect and @enigmew and then we watched a video abt someone shoplifting 
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enigmew · 2 years
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urfav-is-an-egg · 4 years
bard wandersong is an egg :> scrambled ? ow u
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The Bard from Wandersong is a scrambled egg!
Submitted by @/enigmew!
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helsingvaniaart · 2 years
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New character, they were designed by @/enigmew
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mudwingpropaganda · 4 years
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Queen Glory of the RainWings
Ye of terrible governmental implications! The replacement Dragonet of Destiny, her Majesty of the Rain Forest, and who knows what else. There’s a lot to be said about Glory, a victim of abuse, a part in the cycle of violence, and the child who knew better than an entire queendom of dragons. Glory is an unfortunate character, both personally and in the story as a whole. 
I have a lot of opinions about Glory. Bless yourself upon them if you deserve so.
Design Headcanon
Despite appearing colorful and bright, especially among her fellow dull scaled siblings, her scales are much plainer than a traditional RainWing’s. Most of which tend to have terribly neon scales correlating with their emotions. Glory tends to have disgusted green and irritable red scales reflecting her mood. The yellow is simply an accent, but mistaken by her subjects as muted amusement. Her scales easily flinch along to her emotions, but she finds that showing these colors gains the respect of her subjects, rather than lose it like she did with the guardians, who never truly did pick up on what these colors meant.
Glory has inspiration from a few different animals. Chameleons are out of the way. She also has a similar “beak” to a swan, a dark area on her face that she simply can’t change the color of. She also has dexterous claw talons, excellent for gripping onto trees or delicate dexterity. And the oddest thing about RainWings is that they initially appear wingless, similar to a draco lizard. RainWing ribs expand and and glide rather than the intense flying that most dragons do, which made her appear weaker than her fellow dragonets of destiny. She always keeps her wings flared, which is risky and makes her underside vulnerable, but it was better than being called a wingless serpent by her guardians.
Glory is a very cautious individual. She doesn’t walk until she knows where she’s going. She won’t begin to walk until she’s sure she can get there confidently. Glory is surprisingly prideful and avoids not to waste her breath, even if she chooses the wrong battles to fight.
Implication of Heritage
If I were to write Glory, I would completely boot out the idea that Glory was biologically destined for the throne. The whole moment where Grandeur spills her guts and explains the whole narrow-minded royal blood idea, that was stupid. Because it implies that all overcoming of adversity will be rewarded with the fact that all those who deserve it will be rewarded with their desires, not for hard work they used to achieve those goals, but simply because they’re supposed to.
Instead, I would make Kinkajou a convenient character in the scene to have a moment of importance, but it doesn’t mean she’ll be the new queen. But I’ll get to that later on. Grandeur will recognize Glory’s selfless and initiative as the prime reason she is more deserving to be queen. The idea that she’s fighting so desperately to help the NightWing prisoners, and that’s reflected by how she puts away the chance to win the Queen Competition for the life of this little dragonet.
Glory should have been Queen through initiative and new perspective, not the idea that she was “smarter” than the RainWings or that the RainWings were too “lazy” to have a functioning leader. She should have been a respectable character who overcomes her biting remarks to be truly selfless, put aside her needs and desires to help this tribe. Be the leader that Sunny would look up to.
Miscellaneous Thoughts
Glory doesn’t honestly get the proper respect as a grumpy character considering the trauma she’s went through and considering her entire life has been ruined as those who raised her repeatedly told her she shouldn’t exist and that they ought to kill her. Not as an empty threat! The acceptance of her situation seemed so understated (until it was revealed she had a plan) and no one really respects that she had the shortest end of the stick compared to the other Dragonets of Destiny. 
Along with that, I feel like it’d be interesting if Glory had an innate distrust or fear or SOMETHING of SkyWings. After being berated by a SkyWing guardian, being meant to be a SkyWing her whole life, Clay unintentionally claiming Peril as the missing SkyWing, and being prisoner and biggest prize of Queen Scarlet of the SkyWings, I don’t see why she wouldn’t be a little more afraid or hostile in a scenario with one. 
One headcanon of mine is that Glory has narcolepsy, a byproduct of not getting enough sun as a sun dependent tribe. She frequently lost control of her muscles during sparring practice with Kestrel, leading her to slither helplessly and worsen her image. She pardoned her sleepiness through consistent naps Under the Mountain, but it became harder to excuse after they left the mountain. Once the sun hit her scales on the marble tree in Scarlet’s clutches, she finally gave in and slept for a majority of that time, otherwise overwhelmed and unable to move. Unfortunately, along with classic form of narcolepsy, Glory also has hallucinations. She often interprets her hallucinations as Kestrel or Queen Scarlet, long after their deaths. Despite denying special treatment as the RainWing Queen, she does give into sun times to satiate the urge in her to rest.
Narcolepsy is also described as being triggered by high surges of emotion. Another reason why Glory does her best to suppress her emotions, to stay in control of her consciousness.
It can negatively affect relationships with other people by being triggered during these surges of emotion and as a result, Glory is not quite as emotionally connected to her siblings as the others are. As the consequences of the war subsides, she wishes to try making up for lost time and finally respond to her narcolepsy instead of be frustrated and angry with it.
Glory’s reign of the Rain Forest Queendom is characterized not by her inherent intelligence over the other RainWings. In fact, a majority of the beginning of her rule is learning the rich history and important traditions of RainWings from Duke Handsome. Due to her unfamiliarity with oral history, her first order is to try and record as much history and as many orders as possible to keep the RainWings’ respect and learn about her own culture. 
As well as that, Glory steels herself, with the sympathy of her siblings, Prince Jambu, Duke Handsome, and the other Queens, when ruling the NightWings. So easily could she take out her anger on these innocent victims of their own actions. But in the end, she learns it’s more important to be the bigger person and move forward in peace, not dwell in hatred.
Despite that, Glory is still apprehensive before directly meeting with SkyWing figures such as Queen Ruby. 
Glory and Tsunami probably have the closest relationship out of any of the other Dragonets of Destiny. Tsunami looks up to Glory as a queen and Glory makes fun of her lack of royal blood for it. Tsunami, after apprenticing with General Shark, also assists in the disciplining and order in the Rain Forest Queendom. Tsunami, Sunny, and Glory are the main royalty figures establishing a fairer justice system in the Rain Forest so there are no more Chameleons and that individuals like Mastermind have a place to go.
LGBT+ Headcanons
Glory, for a large part of the story we see her, is probably questioning her orientation. She’s never felt the right to be loved and never been able to emotionally connect with anyone enough to feel worthy of affection. Eventually, she comes out as a lesbian! Proudly leading her two tribes with acceptance and understanding. The Rain Forest proudly leads the largest Pride Parades with the SandWing queendom following closely behind. (Which means Deathbringer x Glory is not canon in my headcanons! He can ROT.)
Glory is also a trans woman! She did not embrace it easily with the role models she had growing up. She had always been told she was born incorrectly (for OTHER reasons, but it’s for the metaphor), but with the unconditional support from her siblings, especially her solidarity with Starflight, she was able to come to terms with her identity and be even more prideful because of it. Fully taking her destiny and her life into her own talons has empowered her more than anything after the events of the SandWing War of Succession.
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rwbybutincorrect · 3 years
r u itsami
NOOO <3 you can find our accounts in our about us page but canonically we're @snowglyphss and @enigmew <3 shoutout to sami, though, they're one of our besties
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draykin2 · 6 years
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the saga
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