#enrique borgos
alcnolien · 1 year
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“Mark . . . why do the air holes have screens in them?”
The first time I read A Civil Campaign, this exact conversation was the MOMENT I realized what an absolutely wild book this was going to be. Yes I’m rereading it again for the 50th time.
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thirdwifeofriversong · 10 months
the fact that mark vorkosigan, reformed jackson’s whole clone, excellent student of accounting, genuinely thought that paying off someone’s bond was the same thing as buying a PERSON… it’s such a tiny thing mentioned but it’s simultaneously so tragic and really funny… he really thought he’d solved all of enrique’s legal problems when he bailed him out of jail didn’t he
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kadharononart · 10 months
did I ever dump my vorkosigan doodles over here? I can't remember.
I also have a sketch of Tej somewhere but I'm not thrilled with it any more, so that can stay in my Procreate files.
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unbizzarre · 5 months
VORKOSIGAN SAGA- I found the most Enrique-core video.
I love this enthusiastic bug man. Very reminiscent of Enrique Borgos. But also I enjoyed this video just because I think bugs are fascinating and I love watching people be HUGE NERDS about things they love and are excited about.
Video is perfect at x2 speed
Word of the day: Pullulating
“Even before the design modifications, it had been unjust of Miles to dub the earlier, original version ‘the vomit bugs’, or, during the unfortunate time they’d escaped inside Vorkosigan House, ‘those damned pullulating cockroaches’.”
Bujold has some phenomenal word choice her prose is so evocative and fun to read 🤭 “those damned pullulating cockroaches!” from just a few words such a vivid picture is painted of the nastiness of the bug bodies (I imagine giant bloated termites) as well as Miles’s dramatic disgust and outrage.
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randomishnickname · 2 months
Just reread A Civil Campaign and my gooood i had forgotten how funny and thrilling and complex that book is. There's so much stuff happening! It's pure chaos everywhere! And yet it's all intervowen and makes perfect sense! Wonderful.
Quick overview of all the plot threads in A Civil Campaign, please help me out if i forgot some:
Miles' "secret" (*cough*) and catastrophic courting of Ekaterin
Ekaterin starting a new life in Vorbarr Sultana and fending off suitors left and right
Kareen Koudelka fighting to get her parents to accept her new galactic mores
Mark launching the Butterbug Business and all the delightful messes that ensue
René "Ghembretten" fighting for his claim to the Vorbretten Countship
Dono Vorrutyer fighting for the claim to his own Countship and all the shenanigans and intrigues that ensue
Escobaran police trying to get their hand on the wicked Doctor Enrique Borgos (Enrique ily <3)
Miles and Ekaterin fighting against awful rumors to preserve their reputation and protect Nikki
Gregor and Laisa's imperial marriage and its stressful preparations
And final special mention to Count Vormuir and his 118 daughters
That's like, 10 different plot threads at once, and wielded with such skill! Never a dull minute. I'm in such awe of LMMB 😵🤯
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Hispanic Heritage Month: Literary Fiction Picks
It Would Be Night in Caracas by Karina Sainz Borgo, Elizabeth Bryer (Translation)
In Caracas, Venezuela, Adelaida Falcon stands over an open grave. Alone, except for harried undertakers, she buries her mother–the only family Adelaida has ever known. Numb with grief, Adelaida returns to the apartment they shared. Outside the window that she tapes shut every night—to prevent the tear gas raining down on protesters in the streets from seeping in. When looters masquerading as revolutionaries take over her apartment, Adelaida resists and is beaten up. It is the beginning of a fight for survival in a country that has disintegrated into violence and anarchy, where citizens are increasingly pitted against each other. But as fate would have it, Adelaida is given a gruesome choice that could secure her escape. Filled with riveting twists and turns, and told in a powerful, urgent voice, It Would Be Night in Caracas is a chilling reminder of how quickly the world we know can crumble.
The Lost Book of Adana Moreau by Michael Zapata
In 1929 in New Orleans, a Dominican immigrant named Adana Moreau writes a science fiction novel. The novel earns rave reviews, and Adana begins a sequel. Then she falls gravely ill. Just before she dies, she destroys the only copy of the manuscript. Decades later in Chicago, Saul Drower is cleaning out his dead grandfather’s home when he discovers a mysterious manuscript written by none other than Adana Moreau. With the help of his friend Javier, Saul tracks down an address for Adana’s son in New Orleans, but as Hurricane Katrina strikes, they must head to the storm-ravaged city for answers. What results is a brilliantly layered masterpiece—an ode to home, storytelling and the possibility of parallel worlds.
Into the Beautiful North by Luis Alberto Urrea, Enrique Hubbard Urrea (Translator)
Nineteen-year-old Nayeli works at a taco shop in her Mexican village and dreams about her father, who journeyed to the United States to find work. Recently, it has dawned on her that he isn't the only man who has left town. In fact, there are almost no men in the village--they've all gone north. While watching The Magnificent Seven, Nayeli decides to go north herself and recruit seven men--her own "Siete Magníficos"--to repopulate her hometown and protect it from the bandidos who plan on taking it over. Filled with unforgettable characters and prose as radiant as the Sinaloan sun, Into the Beautiful North is the story of an irresistible young woman's quest to find herself on both sides of the fence.
Conquistadora by Esmeralda Santiago
As a young girl growing up in Spain, Ana Larragoity Cubillas is powerfully drawn to Puerto Rico by the diaries of an ancestor who traveled there with Ponce de León. And in handsome twin brothers Ramón and Inocente—both in love with Ana—she finds a way to get there. She marries Ramón, and in 1844, just eighteen, she travels across the ocean to a remote sugar plantation the brothers have inherited on the island. Ana faces unrelenting heat, disease and isolation, and the dangers of the untamed countryside even as she relishes the challenge of running Hacienda los Gemelos. But when the Civil War breaks out in the United States, Ana finds her livelihood, and perhaps even her life, threatened by the very people on whose backs her wealth has been built: the hacienda’s slaves, whose richly drawn stories unfold alongside her own. And when at last Ana falls for a man who may be her destiny—a once-forbidden love—she will sacrifice nearly everything to keep hold of the land that has become her true home. This is a sensual, riveting tale, set in a place where human passions and cruelties collide: thrilling history that has never before been brought so vividly and unforgettably to life.
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unpensadoranonimo · 3 years
Opiniones sobre política española en esta loca semana (19/3/2021)
15-M, "Comunismo o libertad": el ataque suicida de Iglesias contra Ayuso - Alberto Pérez Giménez
Acuse de recibo - Xavier Pericay
Adiós a las mayorías absolutas - Javier Fumero
Adiós, Inés Arrimadas - José Apezarena
Alberto Garzón, ¿candidato de Unidas Podemos en Andalucía?: “No entramos en especulaciones” - José María Garrido
Ayuso como ejemplo - Miquel Giménez
Berlanga vuelve - Mario Garcés
Carta a Díaz Ayuso: Madrid es la nueva ruta del bakalao - Carlos García Miranda
Ciudadanos ha hecho el ridículo… y el PSOE - Javier Fumero
Ciudadanos ha muerto - Miquel Giménez
Cuida y déjate cuidar - César Javier Palacios
Cuatro de mayo, primera gran cita contra la involución - Daniel Bernabé
De la tragedia madrileña a la farsa murciana - Juan Carlos Rodríguez Ibarra
De los fines y los medios en política - Máximo Aláez Fernández
Demasiadas mujeres - Rebeca Marín
Democracia o fascismo - Sònia Guerra
Dos años y un vuelco - Jesús Morales
Dos hiperliderazgos, un profesor de filosofía... Cómo queda el tablero electoral del 4-M - Ángel A. Giménez
Egos revueltos - Luis Algorri
El aleteo de Murcia y la refundación del trumpismo en Madrid - Gaspar Llamazares
El clan de Torrelodones se hace fuerte entre los fontaneros del Gobierno - El Confidente
El fichaje de Hervías por el PP revuelve a Ciudadanos en Andalucía - Isabel Morillo
El final del principio - Jesús Cacho
El narcisismo-leninismo ya no tiene futuro - Antonio Casado
El pedestal de Iglesias - Miquel Giménez
El PP revienta 30 años de consenso en la Cámara de Cuentas - Antonio Avendaño
El PP viola tres normas para seguir en el poder: sus estatutos, su reglamento en Murcia y el pacto antitransfuguismo - Alba Precedo
El protocolo sí importa - Jesús Morales
El riesgo del 'efecto Iglesias' en la batalla de la derecha: freno o un impulso para Vox el 4-M - Javier Bocanegra
El suicidio de Cs y la loca de Ayuso - Álvaro Nieto
El “tic” nervioso de las mociones de censura - Félix Gallardo
El tirón de Mónica García y el ejemplo valenciano: las razones del "no" de Errejón a Iglesias - Javier Bocanegra
El tsunami político precipita plazos en el PSOE para nombrar candidato en Andalucía - Isabel Morillo. Sevilla
Errejón: ¡Que cada uno decida sobre el suicidio libremente! - Javier Fumero
¡Eso ni lo toques! - Jesús Maraña
Hervías, Cantó... Ciudadanos suelta lastre, pero ¿será suficiente? - Nacho Caballero
Iglesias: de los cielos a Madrid - Belén Molleda
Iglesias deja a Errejón en la encrucijada: recular y unir fuerzas o arriesgarse a ser residual - Javier Bocanegra
Iglesias Molotov: el infierno en la Puerta del Sol - José Alejandro Vara
Iglesias vuelve a Alcampo - Gabriel Sanz
Iglesias y Casado lanzan desde sus escaños la campaña del 4-M en clave estatal y polarizada - Iván Gil
Inés y un señor de Murcia - Javier González Ferrari
La batalla por Madrid: recentralización o descentralización - Juan Ramón Rallo
La conciencia de Inés y la valentía de Iglesias - Félix Madero
La crisis de Cs en cinco preguntas y una plegaria - Antonio Avendaño
La hora de las políticas sociales - Manuel Hidalgo
La hora de la verdad para Yolanda Díaz: comienza la negociación para derogar la reforma laboral - Javier G. Jorrín
La isla de las tentaciones, pero vestidos - José Miguel Contreras
¿La izquierda otra vez desunida? - Enrique Pérez Muñuzuri
La lección de Pablo Iglesias a tanto 'listo' y la agitada campaña que nos espera - Daniel Basteiro
La necesaria vuelta de los viejos partidos - Nemesio Fernández-Cuesta
La polarización y el centro - Irene González
La preocupante salud mental de la política - Javier Caraballo
La salida de Iglesias refuerza a Sánchez como presidente y modifica sus alianzas - Fernando Garea
La traición de Ciudadanos y su fracaso con el PSOE - Ignacio Ruiz-Jarabo
Las 4 caras de Pablo Iglesias - José Miguel Contreras y Eva Baroja
Las credenciales del candidato Iglesias - Guadalupe Sánchez
Más incógnitas que ecuaciones - Miguel Ángel Aguilar
Madrid, Madrid, tu nombre suena a hueco - Luis García Montero
Menos cargos públicos - Rafael Guijarro
Nueve días de infarto para la moción local de Murcia, única alegría posible para PSOE-Cs - Víctor Romero
Pablo Iglesias decreta la alerta antifascista - Jorge Vilches
Pablo Iglesias, genialidad o suicidio - Ramón Lobo
Pablo Iglesias no ha dimitido, se ha puesto a salvo - Agustín Valladolid
Pedro Sánchez e Inés Arrimadas en el Congreso - Gabriel Sanz
Pedro Sánchez prepara una gran crisis de Gobierno para contentar a Europa - Jorge Sáinz
Por qué Pablo Iglesias se ha tirado a la piscina - José Apezarena
Postmodernismo, liberalismo, ciencia y anarquismo. Consideraciones de un debate un tanto añejo - Isa Ferrero
Pues sí, menos testosterona, por favor - Helena Resano
Radiografía del 4-M en Madrid: el factor Iglesias, comunismo 'vs' fascismo... y la posible salida de Cs de la Asamblea - Francisco Pelayo
Rescate sin Iglesias - Juan Pablo Colmenarejo
Resople churchilliano en la España de hoy - Graciano Palomo
Sánchez, Azaña y los dineros ocultos de la II República - Regino García-Badell
Sánchez, en el 'escape room' de la Moncloa - José Antonio Zarzalejos
Sánchez fracasa en el intento de usar a Ciudadanos para ‘centrar’ al PSOE
Sánchez-Macron, con Azaña por testigo - Antonio Casado
"Se odiaban entre ellas". Maletines llenos de rencor en la Murcia tránsfuga - Carlos Prieto
Socialismo o 'Gürtel' - Benjamín Prado
Sólo Casado responder�� por Vox - Pilar Velasco
Sortear el efecto Ayuso por el impulso del 14-F: así afronta Vox a las elecciones de Madrid - Javier Bocanegra
Tania Sánchez orquestó el rechazo de Más Madrid a la oferta "farol" de Pablo Iglesias - Luca Costantini
Tú eres lo más nada, mi amol - Miquel Giménez
Un barco a la deriva se está hundiendo - Santiago Cabañas Martínez
Un Gobierno depredador - Guadalupe Sánchez
Una comunista en tacones - Karina Sainz Borgo
Una moción condenada al fracaso - Alejo Vidal-Quadras
Vete al médico, Errejón - Imma Lucas
Vota contra Pablo Iglesias - Quique Peinado
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tearsofthemushroom · 4 years
Vorkosiverse Autobiographies
Who Votes for Me? by Steady Freddy
Helping Hands by Leo Graf
In Living Memory by Simon Illyan
What Did I Do? by Ivan Vorpatril
Getting the Bugs Out by Enrique Borgos
Second Time Around by Dono Vorrutyer
Transplanted by Ekaterin Vorvayne Vorsoisson Vorkosigan
Let's See What Happened by Gregor Vorbarra
How to Get Ahead on Barrayar by Cordelia Vorkosigan née Naismith
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books0977 · 6 years
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Denisa Kucik in Venice in “Passeggiare per la citta” for Glamour Mexico, January 2018. Photograph by Enrique Vega.
“Descanso cálido e vibrante. Vestido, Carolina Herrera. Colgante, Eddie Borgo. Sombrero, propiedad de la estilista.”
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Bears for Enrique
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2OCDUSA
by a_t_rain
Bedtime stories are a little different in the Borgos household.
Words: 1234, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Vorkosigan Saga - Lois McMaster Bujold
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Enrique Borgos
Additional Tags: Bedtime Stories, Goldilocks and the Three Bears Elements
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2OCDUSA
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heckofabecca · 7 years
who i will protect at all costs: GREGOR
who deserves better: Princess Kareen T.T
who was killed off too early: Princess Kareen, again, because of course. -.-
who i used to hate but now i love: I don’t really have anyone specific here, but I used to avoid the Brothers in Arms & Mirror Dance books more than I do now?
who i used to love but now i hate: Honestly, no one!
who needs to be killed off asap: The clone life-extension business.
who is unfairly hated: Like, he’s not hated, but Enrique Borgos is just... a much more delightful character that he ever gets credit for?
who is unfairly loved: I mean I don’t think anyone is, really.
who needs to sort out their priorities: Piotr Vorkosigan. I mean, he does eventually appear to sort them out, but still. Really, dude, get it together.
who needs a hug: Mark. Although he probably would not appreciate a hug from anyone except his mom and Kareen K. And maybe, on a rare occasion, from Miles.
who needs to get out of their current relationship: 
who the writers love: I mean, pretty obviously, she loves Miles. You can’t write ten books about one guy and not love him.
who needs a better storyline: Honestly I’m pretty happy with most storylines... I’d’ve liked to get a better sense of more women on Barrayar, but really I’m pretty satisfied!
who has an amazing redemption arc: Mark. It’s not something I tend to think of as a redemption arc because it’s so bizarre for a redemption to pretty much end with him being a terrifying business mogul... But hey, he does redeem himself!
who is hot af: Canonically, Ivan!
who belongs in jail: Probably Miles, really.
who needs to be revived from the dead: Kareen Vorbarra, she is pretty much the greatest sufferer.
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unbizzarre · 1 year
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“My dinner party,' Miles grated. 'It's just breaking up.' And sinking. All souls feared lost.”
Work in progress. The dinner party scene in “A Civil Campaign” from Lois McMaster Bujold’s Vorkosigan Saga. Characters from left to right are: Ekaterine Vorsoisson, Captian Koudelka, Olivia Koudelka, Dono Vorrutyer, Alys Vorpatril, Miles Vorkosigan, and Enrique Borgos (under the table)
This is a drawing of my friend’s favorite scene in the vorkosigan saga! I personally found this book to be the most stressful to read in the entire series the first time I read it, but that was mostly just cuz I take a lot of damage from secondhand social anxiety for fictional characters. On a second read of the book I was a lot less stressed able to wholeheartedly enjoy this scifi comedy-of-manners for the delightfuly intricate social and politicial clusterfuck it is 🥰.
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Second image is early planning for the piece trying to figure out where the hell everybody was supposed to be seated. Goddamn was that a logic puzzle!
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wp-blaze · 4 hours
I Was Once A Full-Time Mother
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Although being a Full-Time Mother is not for everyone, I became a full-time mother to both of my daughters Catherine (Kitty) and Lauren (Lolly) whilst my ex-husband became the main provider/breadwinner for our family. I had always worked full-time and giving up my full-time job to care for our children was a difficult choice for […]
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unpensadoranonimo · 3 years
Opiniones sobre la situación internacional (18/1/2021)
2021: ¿el comienzo de la hegemonía china? - Juan Laborda
Adiós al auge de la derecha latinoamericana: superciclo electoral apuntando a la izquierda - Héctor Estepa
Alemania, en su declive: cómo se está encerrando en su fortaleza - Esteban Hernández
Así debería la UE aclarar sus relaciones con Marruecos y Sáhara Occidental - Hugh Lovatt
A qué se dedican los chinos mientras EEUU se agrieta y la UE discute - Juan T. Delgado
Danke Merkel, danke Ursula - Graciano Palomo
Del éxito australiano al descalabro inglés: el dispar resultado del segundo confinamiento - Héctor G. Barnés
Después de Trump -
EEUU y la muerte del progresismo - Luis Riestra
El asalto a la democracia americana - Miriam González
El asalto al Capitolio también podría ocurrir en Europa - Leonardo Carella
El asalto al Capitolio y la teoría de los conflictos - Juan Laborda
El Capitolio retrata los extremos - Graciano Palomo
El día de la vergüenza - Luis Algorri
El golpista Trump debe ser sustituido - Miguel Ángel Benedicto
El gran desafío de la década - Juan Manuel López Zafra
El gran negocio de 'forrarse' a base de negar el covid-19 en Alemania - Antonio Martínez
El nuevo Imperio bizantino 'made in USA' y sus tropas aliadas en Europa - Luján Artola
El populismo anda suelto, alguien le ha quitado la correa - Karina Sainz Borgo
El gran atraco del Brexit - Nick Witney*
El régimen iraní, en el banquillo - Alejo Vidal-Quadras
España: suspenso en derechos humanos allende sus fronteras - Ignacio Cembrero
Gerardo Del Cerro Santamaría
¿Ha llevado Trump el Partido Republicano hasta su punto de ruptura? - Fareed Zakaria
Gibraltar se abre, Francia se cierra - Ignacio Cembrero
Inmunidad parlamentaria y Unión Europea: manual de uso - Adrián Vázquez Lázara
La herida eterna de La Línea: del 'verjazo' de Franco al abandono de los gobiernos - Isabel Morillo
La lección de Renzi y el liderazgo personalista - Nacho Alarcón
La presidencia de Trump culmina con un asalto a la democracia de Estados Unidos - Argemino Barro
La traca final - Jorge Dezcallar
La verja - Nicolás Moreno Díaz
Las primarias conservadoras dan inicio al fin de la era Merkel: ¿quién llenará su vacío? - Isaac Risco
Lo de EEUU no son fascistas, son frikis sin un tornillo en la cabeza - Rubén Arranz
Marruecos, de reojo - Graciano Palomo
Más 'trumpismo' o escisión: el dilema del Partido Republicano que puede poner fin al bipartidismo en EEUU - Alberto Sierra
No, el Brexit no ha terminado - Enrique Feás
No hay Brexit que valga: por qué UK seguirá colaborando con la UE en temas de defensa - Ulrike Esther Franke
Nuez, agua y bala en Chihuahua - Aitor Sáez
Palabras y consecuencias - Roger Senserrich
Pedro Sánchez fracasa en Gibraltar - Jorge Vilches
Perversos regalos de Reyes - Gregorio Morán
¿Podrá el presidente del gueto derrocar a uno de los últimos líderes eternos de África? - Alicia Alamillos
Por qué China se frota las manos cuando ve a un chamán asaltando el Capitolio - Paloma Almoguera
¿Qué hará España con Turquía? - José Barros
Soberanía homeopática - Nacho Alarcón
Trump, a la cárcel - José Manuel Calvo
Trump borroka - Fernando Sánchez Alonso
Trump y el espíritu de facción - Manuel Toscano
UK se va de Europa pero ahora quiere su tanque: por qué lo necesita más que nunca - Juanjo Fernández
Un virus más peligroso que el Covid-19: el populismo - José Apezarena
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randomishnickname · 6 years
Favorite detail of A Civil Campaign: Dr. Enrique Borgos stanning the shit out of Cordelia, not because she’s Vice-Queen of Sergyar or Barrayaran Legend or whatevs, but because she was captain of an Explorastro mission!! in her thirties!! E X P L O R A S T R O !1!!! and all those backwater Barrayarans just shrugging in mild disinterest
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The Langosta Strain
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2w4wzlt
by E_Rocc
Butterbugs found many applications, including one not even known to Enrique Borgos
Words: 1312, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Vorkosigan Saga - Lois McMaster Bujold
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Vaughan Weddell, Mark Vorkosigan, Martya Koudelka, Enrique Borgos
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2w4wzlt
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incorrectvorkosigan · 8 years
Enrique: It's whats-his-name. Lord Vorkosigan!
Mark: Lord Mark!
Mark: [to himself] Why is that so hard?
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wp-blaze · 4 hours
Chapter 1: The Gateway to Passive Income: Affiliate Marketing 101
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Welcome to the exciting world of affiliate marketing, a realm where passive income meets limitless potential. If you’ve ever dreamt of making money online without the heavy lifting involved in product creation, this guide is your golden ticket. So, let’s dive into the why, what,…
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