Pitiful Creature / / ensigntanniskyosta
“I can tell.” His hands weren’t a killers hands. She knew what a killers hands looked like. She sees what they looked like every time she sees her own. “Your hands aren’t made for delivering death.” Her breath frosted in the air and she looked up at the sky, the stars scattered across the sky like salt speckling a black tablecloth.
“Have you got anything strong to drink?” She abruptly asked him. “I ran out of vodka.”
“I don’t have anythin’ like that.” He frowned, worried about this young lady drinking already. She couldn’t possibly be old enough for that.
“Ya know what I do have? I got warm food and warm drinks across the street. And some nice clean, warm clothes ya can wear.”
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paramounticebound · 7 years
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SEND ‘🔺’ + A COLOR FOR A COLOR BOARD OF OUR MUSES|| @ensigntanniskyosta - RED || accepting. 
My ghost Where'd you go? I can't find you in the body sleeping next to me My ghost Where'd you go? What happened to the soul that you used to be?
          -- Ghost, Halsey
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Snowing Saviour || Closed with ensigntanniskyosta
It was freezing. Why Louis wanted them to be out here was beyond them, but here the ginger was. Their partner-and they used that word loosely now, the ginger trying to get away from him but it not safe yet-had wanted to see the auroras but had quickly gotten bored, but despite the cold, the ginger was enjoying it, so they’d asked to stay a little long. 
Louis had been behaving lately, but the ginger should have known better than to get to relaxed, so they should have expected the hit to the back of their head, knocking them down and stunning them slightly, the cold of the snow not even registering, head spinning slightly. He didn’t even notice the aurora suddenly getting stronger either.
( @ensigntanniskyosta)
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galaxyfightxrs · 7 years
Shipwreck Siren
There was no way that Arran could have predicted the outcome of this voyage. No way that she could have predicted the sudden storm and the crash. The day had begun as any beginning voyage did. The sky had been clear and the sun had been shining. However, after only a few hours did Arran find herself thrown off the boat amidst a storm and into the icy blue water. With all the strength she had, she swam in the direction she believed to be North, and, as if she’d stumbled upon a miracle, managed to find an island.
Exhausted and soaked, as soon as she reached the beach, she lay on her back and allowed herself to fall asleep. However, she was awoken by movement near her. Drearily, she opened her eyes, blinking in the greyish light. A woman’s wet hair swept across her face. She pushed the red strands aside to see the face of the person at her side, revealing one of the most breathtaking faces the sailor had ever seen. She also glanced down to find that this woman was half naked (she found this particularly pleasing), and, in fact, a fish from the waist down. A blush settled over her cheeks at the sight of pale stomach and chest. “You-you’re a mermaid.”
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Mermaid / / ensigntanniskyosta
@ensigntanniskyosta Tannis dove back into the sea, the cold water welcoming her as did her brother. She followed the ship, determined to watch over the small child she had gifted the pearls to. the fact that the child’s father was attractive was simply a bonus. When the ship ran into the rock’s Tannis gasped, the cold salt water seizing her heart as she searched among the wreckage for her two, favored humans. When she found them, she dragged them to shore, struggling under their combined weight even with Pasha’s help. Once they were safely on shore, Pavel left after handing her the shark-skin bag, pearls once more inside it, which she set to the side. She would stay until they awoke. “Не жди, не жди.Путь 
тебя ведетК дубу, 
где в петлеУбийца 
мертвый ждет.Странный 
наш мир, и нам так странно 
здесь порой.Под дубом в 
полночь встретимся с тобой.” She sang quietly, occasionally stroking the child’s hair. Joanna woke up slowly, looking at the strange woman singing to her curiously. After a moment she recognized her - the mermaid! She gave a small squeal, as loud as she could after nearly drowning, and heard her father groan. "Papa, the mermaid saved us!" She gasped in a tiny voice, still staring up at her. "What?"
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1with-the-force-a · 7 years
RULES: tag seven followers you want to get to know better. repost, don’t reblog
TAGGED BY: @ofkyberhearts​
&*- NAME/NICKNAME: Daniel/Danielle, Danny &*- GENDER: Nonbinary-Gender Fluid &*- HOGWARTS HOUSE: Hufflepuff (puff puff pass, lol jk.)  &*- FAVORITE COLOR/S: Silver, Purple, the various Blues as well as Black &*- FICTIONAL CHARACTER I’D LIKE AS A SIBLING:  Uhhh, Oddly Enough, Harry Potter wouldn’t be half bad &*- NUMBER OF BLANKETS I SLEEP WITH: Right now I have 7. Normally it’s 4-5 &*- DREAM VACATION: Uhhh, idk, going to Japan and/or Ireland, possibly Canada, maybe India?Travling basically. &*- WHAT I’M CURRENTLY WEARING: Holiday ho ho ho sleep pants and a shirt that says “Nope, not today.” &*- WHAT I POST: RP and sass.  &*- DO YOU GET ASKS ON A REGULAR BASIS? More on this one that on my main but not as much as I’d like. &*- AESTHETIC: idk, no idea, lots of stuff. Soft stuff and dark colours. &*- STAR SIGN: Depends on the thing but either Capricorn or Aquarius  &*- LAST THING GOOGLED: Uh, a modded minecraft thing, QED to find out the name of the thing that has to go with them for a server I’m a UA on. (Y’all should hmu and come play with me.) &*- FAVOURITE MUSIC ARTISTS: Various country artists, Tokio Hotel, Andy Black, the emo trio, Enya, tAtU &*- DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER BLOGS? @whydotheykeeptakingmine, @the-mother-of-life ,  and @dumbhickfromiowa are my three. The first one is my main, the other’s are sideblogs. &*- WHY DID YOU CHOOSE YOUR URL? Lol, it’s his line lol. &*- AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP? I either get around 6-8 or way to much or not enough, those are the only possibilities. &*- LUCKY NUMBER: 13 &*- FAVORITE CHARACTER: Leonard  “Bones” McCoy, always and Forever he will be the top fav
&*- DREAM JOB: Idk, I haven’t a clue. Something helping people or working with my hands. Maybe writing. &*- FOLLOWING: 829
tagging: @iamthecargopilot @bucketxfsunshine @baze-malbusss @ensigntanniskyosta @astralmedic @astrohistoria
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"Ah fuck." Tannis swiped at the blood dripping from her nose with a curse. -ensigntanniskyosta
Khan looked at her, concerned. "Are you alright??"
( @ensigntanniskyosta )
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boy-toy-mccoy · 7 years
Tannis often woke up screaming. Nightmares of her past tearing her unconscious mind apart. One night, after waking up with a scream from yet another nightmare, she threw on pants and headed to McCoy's cabin. "Dr. McCoy." She knocked. "Dr. McCoy!" -ensigntanniskyosta
It was about four in the morning and Len stumbled out of bed to answer his door, totally unaware he was just in his underwear. 
“This better be important,” he grumbled, yanking the door open. “What is it?”
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FC Change: Ellie’s FC is now Madeline Petsch!
Eleanor “Ellie” Alina McCoy. Parent(s); Tannis Lucia Kyosta (@ensigntanniskyosta) and Leonard Horatio McCoy. 
Sibling(s); Joanna Marie McCoy. 
Job; engineering ensign onboard the Starship Neu-Enterprise. 
Physical Traits; Red hair, green eyes, pale skin, five foot four height. 
Other traits; cheerful, funny, quick-witted, sarcastic, and very intelligent. 
Who she takes after physically; her mother. 
Who she takes after mentally; her father. Ellie is the only biological child of Leonard McCoy and Tannis Kyosta. She is the half sister of Joanna McCoy with the two of them sharing the same father. Ellie takes after her mother physically and mentally after her father. Her interests are engineering, music, Scrabble, trivia, and classic books from the 20th and 21st centuries, much like her uncle Jim. Her parents disappearance brought Ellie closer to Joanna and the two are now very close.
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“So this is autumn.” Tannis stares at the trees with their golden red leaves in fascination. “It is beautiful.” A leaf caught in her hair as the wind blew. “And it smells so nice!” She exclaimed, inhaling deeply. “You got to see this every year?” She glanced at Leon with another smile. “You are so lucky.” -ensigntanniskyosta (for Bones.)
Leonard smiled at her, chuckling softly.
“Not every year.” He told her. “Only the years we could rent a cabin up north like this. The leaves don’t turn this pretty back in Georgia.” He paused. “Always made me sad when we couldn’t get up here.”
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paramounticebound · 7 years
@ensigntanniskyosta : 
"Her majesty will see you now." The throne room is grand and beautiful, done up in dark blues and red. The woman standing on the dais is much like her country, beautiful and cold. What can be seen of her hair shows that it is dark red, matching the carpet and the emerald collar-necklace she wears matches her eyes. She wears little makeup and has a blank, expressionless face. But she is beautiful. There is no denying it as she gestures for him to speak.
He’s adorned with light golds and shimmering blues, dark hair slicked back, raven-feathers woven into a pale scalp. A contrast against the furious red that rules the palace, that rules the object of his conquest. With a sweeping motion, the augment bows low, closer to the ground than he’d allow for any other, allowing himself to kiss the crimson carpet that ran beneath his feet, much like blood. The recollection of the River Styx crosses his mind. 
     “Your majesty,” voice deep and reverberating through the silent hall when he straightens his spine, “Thank you for having me. It is an honour.”
Rumours of the queen still drift across the world in fleeting whispers, and his empire is no exception. Russia holds strong as one of the last solitary powers without augment rule. Truthfully, he’d no desire for conquering in the first place: merely unity, a bridge to a better world. And though enemies speak of him as a tyrant, few under his rule complain, save perhaps for the strict commandments that kept order. 
     “I should have you know that we admire your nation’s strength beyond any other. Alone, Russia has stood against corruption from my own, less than desirable, brethren,” he begins, arms behind the small of his back, shoulders straight. Despite the encouragement of his advisers, Khan opts to forgo a speech. He’s certain that neither of them would care for it. “With this in mind, I have come to you with a proposal. Our nations should be as one. Unity will only strengthen the both of us.” 
He kneels before her, the first human to ever witness a willing submission of the Augmented Prince: “I ask your hand in marriage, моя императрица, will you do me the honour?”
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Open ———– “I found this little guy hidden in the shuttle. What should we do?”
( @vulcan-stigmata @astrohistoria @ensigntanniskyosta )
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galaxyfightxrs · 7 years
"You must've been a really cute kid." -ensigntanniskyosta
“My mom thinks so. I think I have some photos of me as a little girl. Do you wanna see them?” Arran pulled out her PADD and starts scrolling through pictures, because of course Tannis wants to see. Arran had adorably crooked teeth.
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Tannis poked her head up over the ship's railing, curious green eyes peering at the revelries occurring on board. A little girl was dancing with a tall, dark haired man that turned Tannis' cold blood warm. The child, a girl, turned her head, spotting Tannis even as the mermaid dropped back for the ocean. She tucked herself against the ship's side as she heard voices above her head. -ensigntanniskyosta
Joanna dragged her father over to the side of the ship excitedly, going on and on about how there was a mermaid.
“She was right here, Papa!” She squealed, trying to look over the edge.
“Sweet pea, I think that was yer imagination. Mermaids aren’t real, they’re just a story.”
“But I saw her!”
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Tannis often woke up screaming. But more often, others on the ship slept through it. "NO!" She cried, voice hoarse as she tossed and turned. -ensigntanniskyosta
Khan rarely slept, and when he did, he was often a deep sleeper--tonight was not one of those nights. Hearing Tannis’ cries, he went to her, gently shaking her, trying to wake her up.
( @ensigntanniskyosta )
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“Pitiful Creature” -ensigntanniskyosta (Leon finds her in that state rather than she finding him. Bc Tannis is angsty.)
Leonard frowned as he caught sight of her, shivering in the alley across from Star Fleet head quarters. How in the world had she gotten there?
“Hello?” He called gently, kneeling down to try and seem less threatening.
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