#entering dullsville
enteringdullsville · 10 months
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Which Dullsville are you today?
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kzele · 1 year
Crossing Your Path
Peter meets a certain feline-themed burglar much earlier than canon and everything changes.
Peter was focused as he adjusted the strap on his shoulder bag. The last time he forgot to check that, it almost ended in his library books in the dumpster. Seeing as Harry was in Europe with his dad (which sounded amazing until the fact that's it's with Norman hit) and Gwen was off at science camp (which he could no longer afford to go to after the funeral expenses were paid), Peter needed all the forms of entertainment he could get. Specifically, cheap entertainment.
Thankfully, since it was summer, Aunt May didn't protest him going out all the time. She seemed to think it was good for both of them to find things to keep their minds off of. . .current events. Peter shook his head and stepped onto the ledge as the wind ruffled his t-shirt and jeans. If this wasn't in the evening, he wouldn't be taking this risk but his costume needed the wash. He had been using it so much it may as well start web-slinging on it's own. Not that he'd be doing that without his costume. Too risky even for him. A little light parkour from building to building should release some of the endless energy that the spider bite gave him.
He felt the air brush his face as he leapt off the side of one building and flipped gracefully to the next one. Building after building, his adrenaline began to pump as his mind entered a state of focused zen. As Peter landed on the next roof, he heard. . .clapping?
A low, but feminine voice rang out, "Well, someone is certainly light on their feet."
Peter whirled around to find. . .whoa. A very attractive girl was watching him with interested green eyes. She looked to be around his age, maybe a bit older, and with hair so blond it was white.
"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" She asked, regarding him with an amused look.
Realizing how rude it was to keep staring at someone, no matter their looks, Peter answered, "Ah, sorry! I just. . .didn't expect someone to be up here. Rooftops don't seem to be the 'in' place to be right now for most people."
She hummed at that, "Too true. But who says that most people know how to have fun? That is why you're up here, right? To have fun?"
"Uh, yeah, pretty much. All my close friends from school are out of town right now. One's in Europe and the other is in a science camp upstate. The only one that I think is still here in the city just graduated and is busy with college prep," he said, feeling a little more at ease.
The girl wrinkled her nose at that, "Ooof. So, you're roughing it alone for the entire summer from the sound of it. Sounds like dullsville to me. No wonder you're out here hopping rooftops. How long have you been doing this?"
"Since about May-June timeframe," he answered truthfully.
She raised her eyebrows disbelievingly, "Of this year? Get out. You must be spending ages up here to move like that already."
Peter nervously laughed, "Yeah, well, like I said, I've been stir-crazy all summer."
"Hmm. I do know a surefire way to alleviate boredom," she said stepping into his personal space, "Wanna hear it?"
He gulped, "Uhhhh, I'm guessing it's not Monopoly, is it?"
The girl laughed a little and shook her head, "A race, silly. See that building over there?"
He looked towards a distant flat-topped roof.
She smirked, "Winner picks the food and the loser buys. Sound fair?"
Peter's heart leapt a little. Was she asking him out? No, this is probably just a friendly outing since they just met. Either way, his stomach was already aching just at the mere thought of food due to his heightened metabolism. A determined grin began to work itself across his face.
"You're on! Hey-"
"You snooze, you lose!"
His new rival was already leaping onto the next building and Peter had to let out a small burst of speed to catch up. No need to overdo it yet.
Whoever she was, she was definitely in shape. Everything on the rooftops were avoided or leveraged with ease. Peter could win this, but he had to be careful not to look unnatural. Since she got a headstart, he can't look too good just yet. He already slipped up with being overly truthful once.
An idea came to him.
Peter removed the bag that was still around his shoulders as he finally allowed himself to make it to her position. He had to be careful to time this right or else risk the possibility of her tripping off of the roof. That'd be real responsible.
He slid the bag towards her feet as she began to reach the middle of the roof and watched as she tripped with a slight yelp. She glared as Peter ran past her and jumped onto the building being used as a finish line.
He turned towards her and grinned, "So, I'm game for either pizza or Chinese. That sound good to you?"
She huffed, obviously a little annoyed, "You really do learn fast, don't you?"
"Well, you do know how to push a guy past his limits. Seriously, though, that was fun. The most fun I've had in ages. Really."
He held out a hand towards her and sheepishly rubbed his neck.
"Sorry if you got hurt by my move earlier. Since we didn't bother introductions earlier, I'm Peter. What's your name?"
The girl arched a brow but eventually shook the hand offered.
". . .Felicia. And I don't suppose you'll decide to pay for the food this time anyways to make up for it?"
Peter smiled apologetically, "Oh, I'll be sure to do that next time. See, I kinda don't have money on me right now. Didn't think I'd need any up here."
"Wonderful," Felicia sighed though her glare lessened a little, "Well, Peter, it just so happens you're in luck. I happen to have quite a bit of cash on me right now. Enough for two and then some. But don't think you're getting out of a rematch of our race. Same place, same time next week."
"Yes, ma'am," Peter saluted her playfully, "Private Peter will arrive as scheduled."
She snorted as they began to make their way to ground level, "Anyone ever tell you how corny you are?"
Somehow, it didn't sound as biting as it could have been. That was a first.
"All the time."
(It was only after Peter was halfway home that night that he remembered that his bag was still back on that roof.)
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laura-ann-review · 2 years
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So, a short while ago I saw a copy of this on DVD and made a post about it. I got a comment from someone who made the movie saying "give it a chance." . I couldn't see it being something I'd watch...we've discovered me and aussie films are best buddies. 😅 Anyway..after an interesting day..the only thing I wanted to do was be lazy and watch tv. After remembering my interaction about this movie, I decided to finally give it a go. When your introduction to the protagonist is them looking like their about to enter dullsville, you quickly lower your expectations. Nothing about this movie kept me interested, except for the fact that I kept going "I'm pretty sure I've seen this before." #bookweek #bookweekmovie https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm-xIyTv4bi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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candied-peach · 5 years
ao3: “you should see me in a crown” rating: T warnings: remus typical stuff, mild? unsympathetic patton, sympathetic remus, creativitwins genre: hurt/comfort description: Roman has a secret. (lyrics are from forgive durden’s “the exit”)
Brother, I can't help this feeling My heart tells me to run You were meant to rule the dark I was meant to see the sun
Roman can't help but feel like he's doing something wrong when he slips into the imagination, closing the wardrobe door firmly behind him and ensuring that nobody can follow in his footsteps. Not that he can see the others entering the imagination without his permission, but stranger things have happened. And if that happened this time and someone found him, well-
He isn't doing anything wrong, but the tongue-lashing would sting just the same.
Remus is dangerous! He's bad for Thomas! And never mind the only person who ever thought that was Patton. The only reason Remus even exists is Patton and sometimes Roman can see that knowledge blister in Patton's eyes. It's his fault Creativity split. It's his fault Roman will never, ever feel whole.
But today- Roman climbs the bluff with renewed energy, long legs eating up the distance. It is one of the few cliffs that overlooks Remus's side of the imagination. If Patton came here more often, he would probably tell Roman that he should stay away from it. It only makes Roman more eager to reach the top.
"Bro!" Remus's excited cackle drifts over the breeze as Roman settles himself at the top of the cliff, his legs carelessly dangling over the edge. When he looks up, Remus is doing the same on his side of the imagination, except that he's upside down over the cliff. Roman feels his heart leap in his throat.
"Remus!" He scolds. "Upright, please."
"Sure, sure," Remus flaps a careless hand, but he pulls himself back upright anyway, settling himself cross-legged. Roman breathes a silent sigh of relief. "How's it been over there in Dullsville? Patton died of boredom yet?" His eyes are a little too sharp, glitter a little too much, for the question to be genuine.
"No, Remus," Roman answers anyway. Remus huffs an exasperated breath.
"What's it take?" He complains. "It's not like he has any more sides to split. Ooh! Except little baby Anxiety-"
"Remus," Roman warns. "He- he wouldn't do that."
"Wouldn't he," Remus says, pulling out a fresh stick of deodorant and licking the tube. Roman's stomach twists. "That's what we would have said before, isn't it."
"...Yes," Roman admits, reluctant.
"Shows how much we knew!" Remus laughs, almost gleeful, but there's a crazed edge to it that tells Roman how he really feels.
"He regrets it," Roman says. Remus snorts.
"That's why I'm over here and you're over there, right?" Remus says, twiddling his fingers. "Pull the other one, it's got bells on. He regrets how it affected you. He doesn't give a shit about me. Hey, do you think he'd like a box of zombie rats? Taste for human flesh and all?"
"Uh, no, I don't," Roman says, struggling to pull his thoughts together. Remus grins, his teeth a little too pointed.
"Sounds perfect then," he says.
"Please don't send him zombie rats," Roman says. Remus blows a gusty breath through his mouth, stirring his mustache.
"You're no fun, bro," he says. "You're just as boring as Morality."
"Take that back," Roman says. Remus cackles.
"No," he says, stretching one foot out. When Roman does the same, they just barely touch. It feels like a jolt of electricity and as always, when Roman touches his face, he realizes he's crying. So is Remus, his tears smearing his makeup.
"It's not fair," Remus says, his voice subdued. "I miss you."
"I miss you, too," Roman says.
"Then visit me!" Remus bursts out. "More than this. Dee Dee can help if you want-"
"I shouldn't..." Roman trails off, thinking of the disappointment sure to leak from Patton's eyes should he be caught.
"Who cares what Morality thinks," Remus says sharply, guessing the thrust of his thoughts. "Visit me. I'm your brother. Don't you- don't you want to see me? Without a fall to the death in the way?"
"We wouldn't die," Roman points out absently. "But I- Yes," he decides, abrupt. "Yes, I do. I don't care what anyone else says." Remus smiles. It's surprisingly sweet.
"Yes, you do," Remus says. "But you're doing it anyway. That makes it a lot more important."
"Yes," Roman says, thinking of the look on Remus's face when Patton sent him away, remembering the sharp stitch of pain when one became two. "Yes, it does."
Remus jumps to his feet.
"I'll have Dee Dee come get you," he promises. "It'll be the greatest, you'll see, Ro, you'll love it-"
"Of course I will," Roman says, getting to his own feet. Remus stops and stares at him, head cocked to one side. "You'll be there."
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The Party.
Lydia Martin lifted her purse over her shoulder, as she continued to walk up the driveway. From what she could tell already about Scott and Stile’s party, this was not as they had deemed it. ‘the event to be at’. No, in fact it was quite the opposite. It was the party no one wanted to be at, and although Scott had made his way down the driveway to greet her, she really wasn’t sure if she should have come. 
Dressed from head to toe in the latest dolci and gabbana fashions with her reddish hair  free and framing her shoulders, she couldn’t help but to wonder if she was overdressed. Truthfully, she knew that Stiles had a thing for her, alright correction everyone knew that Stiles had a thing for her and she was still learning about him. At this point, he was a mutual friend and someone that she did enjoy spending time with, yet romance wasn’t completely on her table with this boy. Not to mention that his father was the Sheriff. Lydia knew that part wouldn’t matter to most girls, but at the back of her mind she had always wondered just how deep into things he could investigate. Not that she was really hiding anything, yet the thought alone made her shudder. 
“Hi Scott” she expressed as she looked at him, “There’s no one really here and Stiles is bummed. Maybe you can cheer him up?” She pursed her lips and looked at him, sighing. “I’ll do my best.” Entering the door, she saw Stiles and the set up of the room. “Hi Stiles. This looks fun!” she explained as Scott immediately walked away to give them space. “Can I put my purse somewhere?” She looked around, the party seemed to be part of the city of dullsville. “Hmm” she explained, walking over to some flowers and sniffing them. “Now where can a girl get a drink around here Stiles?” She smiled. “And perhaps we should turn on some music as well!” 
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timelessjesse · 6 years
Scene: Feelings for I, Jesse St.James
[ Scene SCIRON SQUARE, ROOM #114- JESSE ST.JAMES ROOM.  Curtains are drawn closed, allowing no sunlight in. Jesse. St. James sat stunned almost flabbergast by a certain post by Sugar Motta .Sterling St.James is to his right taking up Jesse’s good lighting. ]
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In his left hand, he swirls a glass of fine red wine. The bottle, a gift he had found wrapped in a glorious red bow neatly tied with an antiqued golden bow, for you see that it was unsymmetrical, with the left loop being bigger than the other. Alas, this gift had been left a few doors down, alas anything golden, although not perfect surly had been left for him. He sips bitterly at his glass as fools were yet to leave him any praise. Alas, all the fools had become shy online. Alas, the wonderous, Jesse St.James must be the one to remind him, be the muse for them, repeating the words that each is meant to say. Alark, that would be the way, Jesse would have to aid them all, educate each in the way to praise the legacy that was, Jesse St.James was. 
His Christmas annual special may be over as the Christmas decor depletes, however, he shall shine a legacy all the way through and through the untenanted halls. Alas, it was his 147th resolution, Jesse St.James was rather well going to complete. He sips upon his atrocious wine with his left hands, glass placed on his lustrous lips whilst his right-hand scrolls for through his daily dose of drama. Nothing truly captures the interest of the one, Jesse St.James, is the only thing of interest. Alas no posts about him, how tedious, how pedestrian, how Tumblr falls into a dullsville or as the youths claim, snoozefest. When alas one post grabs his attention. 
“Alark!” Jesse dramatically, his wine glass tumbles from hand to the floor, unshattered, wine splattered across the floor. His hands grip the screen, “Alark! Alark! What would be this? Would Sugar Motta, the girl who entered with little impression, one who seems to bask in the fine glory that I, Jesse St.James, would be courting me so?” 
Sterling flips his hair dramatically naying at Jesse, who points even more dramatically at the screen. No horse would be stealing his thunder. 
His index finger pose and points upon the screen with his nail perfectly curved in a pristine semi-circle, dramatically points as he looks away from the screen, “Alas, alas, has I, Jesse St. James, have charmed the, Sugar Motta, alas that wink emoticon carries undertones of playfulness with hints of flirtation. Now look upon the word choice one simply does not fool around when using the word feelings for it is feelings that drive us, the emotions that one uses to understand how to convey messages. These be the mere tools and actor must harbor in order to give an excellent performance. Nay! Nay! I say! Tools for an outstanding performance by an outstanding actor.” Jesse St.James claims smug revealing his pearly whites. 
Sterling nays in a mocking response, “🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫”
Jesse St.James glares, oh how he glares in a deadly glare, he has never glared before. “How dare you, how very dare you foolish stead. Now is of the utmost importance, we are looking for a possible leading lady, “ he chocks at the thought of a leading lady,”Alas, someone of a romantic interest.” He collapses back in the chair, “Sugar Motta. Now the ultimate question being, for there to be any interest at all, there has to be a shipname!” He dramatically jumps knocking his chair. “This is what matters!”     
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anapedias · 3 years
How To Find Out Someone's Birthday On Snapchat 63
If you’re friends with the birthday person on snapchat, type his/her name into your friend’s list and check if a cake appears. You can tap birthdays in the chat page by selecting tap a friend in the list, then tap minis.
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How To Find out If Someone Blocked You On Snapchat?
There are a few sneaky ways to find out someone’s birthday that can get you the information you need without them knowing that you forgot their.
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How to find out someone's birthday on snapchat. The platform will display a birthday cake emoji next to the person’s name if they specify a year in the information section. You can access snapchat by opening the app. That will help you look up someone’s birth place, find out how old someone is and find out when a person was born too.
Another useful social networking site to find out someone’s birthday is snapchat. Another great way to know if it is your friend’s birthday is by checking out their snapchat stories regularly. Click on the search button.
Another solution for how to find out someone’s birthday without asking them on snapchat is by identifying the cake emoji in your friend list. How to find someone's birthday through public records. This only happens if it is somebody's birthday.
The birth month of the profile owner would have been given here. This way, you will know if it is the birthday of that person on the present day or not. The most effective and convenient way to find out someone’s birthday without asking them is to do a birthday search or a birthdate lookup.
If you want to prepare a birthday surprise for someone you care about, you should. The list of upcoming birthdays can be found here. Find the chat of the target person to see if their birthday is on the current day or not.
Snapchat without friends is like going to a party and being the only person in the room—dullsville! If the birthday is today, then a cake icon will appear next to their name on the chat window. If you’re trying to find someone’s email address so that you can send them a message, but you don’t have them in your contact list, do a quick search through all your emails for a message from the person.
Finding someone's birthday via snapchat friend list. Spyic is yet another app used to monitor the social media activities of people. How do you see your friends birthdays on snapchat?
See which people search site is our new #1 pick for 2021. This wikihow will teach you how to find out who's birthday it is on snapchat by looking at your friend list. In case, the said person messages you, the snap will have a wrapped box emoji which will.
The list of upcoming birthdays can be found here. You can also find out where someone was born by checking records for peoples birth place. Here is how you can know how to find out who someone is on snapchat by their username using this method.
Launch snapchat on your device and click on your profile avatar. This video will tell you 3 ways to find out someone's birthday on snapchat. You can add people you know from your contacts, but snapchat gets a whole lot more engaging when you branch out a little.
When it is somebody's birthday on snapchat, you should use birthday finder along with the good friend's list to figure out if their birthday is. This method works well when you and your friend have a lot of mutual connections. You can access snapchat by opening the app.
The cake emoji will show up to the aspect of their title when it's somebody's birthday. Enter the person's full name (the one whose birthday you want to know) in the empty form field here. First, there will be birthdays nearby.
Kind of like on facebook, but facebook isn’t cool anymore—and i personally. There are many ways that vital reports may contain birthdates, but it takes a lot of digging. How do you see someone’s birthday on snapchat?
Launch snapchat and swipe left to open your friend list. Now keep swiping till you find the person whose birthday you want to check. You can tap birthdays in the chat page by selecting tap a friend in the list, then tap minis.
How to find out someone’s password on snapchat with spyic. Click on “my friend” option to view your friend list. But, they have little hints and new features that enable a sort of distant celebration.
Here are the simple steps to follow to find someone's birthday with a birthday lookup: You can easily find out if someone’s birthday is today on snapchat by following the steps given below. It is very light (about 2mb) and can be installed in seconds.
Snapchat displays a birthday cake emoji on the person’s birthday, or you may find their astrological sign in their user profile. First, you must find the individual’s hometown or place of residence. How to find someone's birthday from snapchat.
One such search engine is kiwi searches. Snapchat doesn’t specifically notify you—or anyone else about a friend’s birthday. And see if the public records on that person also include date of birth.
Birthdays can be set up to countdowns, whether they are for your friend or yourself. It can be used to hack email accounts, messages, facebook, and most importantly, spy on anyone’s snapchat account. To get the most out of snapchat, you’ll need to add new friends.
Unfortunately, it isn't possible to someone's birthday in advance, as the special birthday cake emoji won't appear until the person's actual birth date. Go to visit zosearch's people lookup page.
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chickenfriedhorror · 5 years
Review: Poltergeist III
Let me start by saying that if Carol Anne was my daughter, I'd drive her out to the middle of nowhere, leave her, and hope for the best.  
OH WAIT!  That's just what her lovely parents did in Poltergeist III, only they replaced "middle of nowhere" with "Chicago" and "hope for the best" with "foist her on your sister, her husband, and his daughter, because we can't take it anymore."
Following the events of Poltergeist and Poltergeist II, the story opens with Carol Anne (Heather O'Rourke) in a posh high-rise penthouse in the heart of Chicago, living with her aunt, her uncle, and step-cousin.  She is obviously a burden on the family, but they all try to put on happy faces as she sits around and plays with that damn Speak-n-Spell all the time. I swear, when she's not dealing with the threat of ghosts, the kid does nothing else!  I lost interest in mine when I realized it wouldn't "say" curse words, but she can't get enough of it! Well, I suppose this is what happens when televisions, clown dolls, and toy phones are off-limits to little girls who attract evil spirits from the other side. Ahem, back to the story. This is only the beginning, for there is danger afoot, and strange things begin happening with gusto, which everyone promptly ignores.
Carol Anne has the dubious honor of being enrolled in a special school for gifted children, lorded over by the insidious Dr. Satan-er-Seaton, rather.  Seaton. Dr. Seaton (Richard Fire) likes to impress other psychiatrists with his acumen and impeccable goatee and makes Carole Anne out to be some Mesmer-esque master of minds, has inadvertently awakened the ghost of that crazy Reverend Kane, who will stop at nothing to get Carol Anne to lead them into the light.
This, of course, has alerted Tangina (Zelda Rubenstein), who gets on a plane immediately to help her, because Dr. Seaton is an asshole.
Bruce (Tom Skerritt) and Pat (Nancy Allen) have fights over Carol Anne between dealing with the various technical problems the building is going through; he likes her there, she wants her gone, and resents her sister for foisting her crazy child off onto them during a most stressful time in their yuppie lives.  If it weren't for all the ghosts and such, this could have been a movie of the week about the benefits of acceptance and family change. It's not, but they sure forget that this is supposed to be a horror movie often.
Donna (Lara Flynn Boyle) is miffed because she has to watch Carol Anne and her red footie pajamas all night, but Carol Anne uses her mental might to convince Donna to go ahead to the party. She's just gonna be sitting around, you know, playing with her speak and spell, maybe slipping into the liquor cabinet...wait, that didn't happen.  I wish it did, for it would have given her a little more character depth. Donna applies too much eyeliner, and Carol Anne leans into the bathroom door to give her some makeup tips. Then, there's a knock at the mysteriously closed bathroom door, and she opens it to see...CAROL ANNE! What just happened? Never mind, she has a party to attend.  After arriving at the party with her collar popped and deeming it dullsville, she uses a handy set of master keys to break into the pool and throw a better party. She and her afro-sporting boyfriend Scott (Kip Wentz) sneak off to rob the grocery store of their cheese-doodles and Coors Light while upstairs, Carol Ann has run into some trouble.
Kane begins to torment Carol Ann in the apartment, and I can't say that the special effects were all that 'special,' because 90% of them are done with dry ice fog and flashing lights, but they're scary enough for Carol Anne, and she runs away.  She's seen on the security monitors by Donna and Scott, who were trying to make out in the security room holding armloads of groceries, and they follow her to the parking garage.
Carole Anne doesn't really know how to vade a threat, and goofs around running backwards until she steps into a puddle.  WATCH OUT, IT'S A REFLECTIVE SURFACE! Oops, too late; zombie hands jerk her down, Donna and Scott arrive just in time to provide a not quite convincing rescue attempt, and they all get pulled into the puddle.
Let me warn you right now: throughout the rest of the movie, you will hear the name "Carol Anne" about EIGHTEEN MILLION TIMES.  
From this point on, things get a little flaky.  Scott reappears and is crazy, screaming about Donna.  Dr. Seaton comes to the building and tries to analyze him.  Tangina comes in and rubs her necklace a little. She spouts some exposition about love and how it'll set the girls free or something, (I don't know, I quit listening for a minute), until she started talking about the evil beyond the bedroom door.  I thought for sure she was talking about the Speak-N-Spell, but no, she meant Kane and the mirrors. She and Dr. Seaton face-off, then something spooky happens and the evil reaches out and deep-fries Tangina. We immediately have an excellent Lara Flynn Boyle freak-out as she climbs out of the still-steaming corpse of our favorite magical little person. Arguably the best part of the movie, second only to when she pushes Dr. Seaton down the elevator shaft after he goes chasing after the reflection of Carol Anne. Come to find out, that's not really Donna or Scott, but dopplegangers who like to make out sloppily, then rip each other's faces off.
The last half of the movie is spent following Bruce and Pat around, watching them get locked into large freezers, fighting undead livestock, almost drowning, snatching a necklace from an apparition of Tangina, being teleported into frozen, snowy parking garages, and being chased by possessed cars. I'm not sure what mirrors and ice have in common, but for some reason they go together like peanut butter and jelly in this flick.  Are they playing up the idea that ghosts suck the heat out of the environment for energy? It isn't ever explained.
During the final showdown in Carol Anne's foggy room, Carol Anne shows up and spouts some angsty mess about how nobody loves her or wants her but Kane, but it's a ruse to get the magical necklace from Pat.  She disappears, Pat gets strangled by her own reflection, pimp-slapped by Kane, sees the whole family lying around dead, and freaks out. Tangina appears yet again, spouting more about this love thing, and how it'll save everyone, and how she can end this whole thing by leading him into the light, and could have done it all along.  SHOULDN'T SHE HAVE DONE THAT TWO FLIPPING MOVIES AGO?? Why'd she leave this poor girl to be tormented? Question for the ages, I suppose.
If there's one thing I hate, its when horror movies try to have some kind of redeeming value.  I wanna be scared, not actually learn anything (except for maybe a few new ways that I could potentially die or enter an alternate dimension).
3 out of 10.  When the scariest thing in the movie is a Speak-n-Spell, it's the best you can do.
Watch out for:
-Gratuitous One-way mirrors
-Disembodied hand coffee-mug flinging
-Elevator shaft Swan Dive
-Undead livestock
-Chicken-fried psychic
-Corpse burrowing
-Face peeling
-Necklace rubbing
-Decapitation by shovel
-Face peeling
-Head melting
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thetravelersjournal · 6 years
Gear Foxx- Chapter 7
Wisdom Teeth Suck!
I rubbed the end of my eraser on the desk. Today had gone from bad to worse as each class I had proved to be more lackluster than the last. To make matters worse, Mina was in none of them. Boredom crept slowly into my mind and spread into my face, causing my eyes to glaze over. I stared at the clock, watching as the seconds slowly ticked by. I was first out of the class at the bell.
“Okay,” I sighed, thinking to myself, “Math’s done, and so is English. That just means I have Physics and History left before the end of the day.” Thankfully, I had barely plopped myself down on my seat when none other than Mina came striding towards me.
“Hey Gear!” she said cheerfully, sitting next to me. It seemed that she was having a better day than I was. “Wow, that face says it all,” she continued, pulling out some books from her bag.
“At least we have one class together. Because so far, today has been so utterly and mind-numbingly bland that I’m surprised this place isn’t called Dullsville High,” I said, not even trying to hide my lack of interest in school.
“You just have to look at things positively! I can’t be your only friend, can I?”
I leaned back in my chair, glaring at the ceiling. “Suppose not…,” I mumbled.
“Speaking of- Hey Sonic!” Mina exclaimed, eyes gleaming. I looked up to see Sonic stride in and sit on the other side of Mina.
“Hey guys, what’s shakin’?” he asked. He glanced around, apparently looking for something.
“What’s up?” I questioned, frowning.
“Huh? Well-,” he started, but was cut off as Bunnie came into the room, giving us a friendly greeting.
We barely had any more time to talk, because at that moment Nate Morgan walked into the room. After telling everyone to settle down and giving a brief introduction, class started. Unlike Math and English, it seemed that Physics had slightly evolved over the years, mostly due to the introduction of Magic Rings and Chaos Emeralds. While the class was called Physics, it seemed that the topics discussed were a bit broader, as Nate ended up going over Chemistry and Biology by the end of it. Before I knew it, class was over, and me and Mina headed off to history.
“Isn’t it awesome that Sonic is in the same class as us?” Mina asked me as we took a pit stop at our lockers.
“I guess. It’s not really that amazing. He’s just like everyone else in here, isn’t he?”
“Of course not! You know,” Mina leaned closer to my face, smiling, “I bet you're just jealous.”
“Jealous? Of what?” I said, confused.
“You want to be all famous like him, that’s why you stowed away in the Freedom Fighters plane when they went to The Hidden City!”
“Please,” I rolled my eyes, “The last thing I want is to be famous. I’m just saying that Sonic is as normal as everyone else in some respects.”
“Yeah, I get what you mean. When he isn’t trying to save the world, that is,” Mina said, staring into space for a moment.
“Earth-,” I coughed and restarted my sentence, “Mobius to Mina, come in Mina.”
Mina looked startled for a moment, glancing at me before turning away, “Huh? Oh, sorry!”
I was a little confused about her strange behavior, but now wasn’t the time to ask. “Come on, we’re going to be late for History if we stay here,” I said, starting to walk in the direction of the classroom.
“Hey, wait up!” Mina cried, rushing to catch up with me.
History was definitely more interesting than any other class I had had so far. I ended up sitting near the front of the room, next to a walrus Mina recognized.
“Hi Rotor!” she waved in greeting.
“Hey Mina. Who’s your friend?” he responded.
“This is Gear. Just watch out, he can be pretty sarcastic.”
“What, I can’t introduce myself?” I asked, disregarding her last comment.
Mina ignored me in turn, motioning to Rotor, “And this is Rotor, one of the Freedom Fighters.”
“Actually, I think Amy mentioned you. She said you were pretty good with machines,” Rotor said.
“Apparently, though now probably isn’t the best time to discuss that,” I replied, pointing to the teacher, who had just started speaking to the class.
The teacher got right into the day’s topic, not missing a beat. “Who has heard of the Days of Fury?”
My ears instantly shot up upon this statement. Most students shook their heads, and a few groaned in annoyance.
“C’mon, teach,” a rat from the back of the room moaned, “No one believes that junk!”
“Days of Fury? What’s that?” Mina asked, confused.
“I’ve heard of that. It was in that book I read back in Station Square,” I pondered out loud.
“What? You went to The Hidden City?” an antelope behind me exclaimed.
“No way, he’s lying!” the rat declared.
“Settle down, settle down,” the teacher said, smiling. She turned to me, her tail swishing back and forth, “You said you read it in a book there?”
“Uh…,” I mumbled nervously, weary of all the eyes looking in my direction, “Yeah, it was in a book in the city’s library. I was able to read most of it before the flood.”
The same rat spoke up again, plainly irritated. He got up from his chair, shouting, “You went to The Hidden City and you spent your entire time there in the library?”
It was my turn to be annoyed, and I turned to look back at him. “I thought you said you didn’t believe me,” I stated loudly. This shut him up, and I watched as he slumped back in his seat, defeated.
“And what did it say in this book?” the teacher asked.
“Well… not much that I understood. It said that the world was bombed by aliens, and in order to survive the people of The Hidden City hid themselves from the world. It’s the reason Station Square was built.”
“Is that true?” Mina raised her hand, asking the question at the same time.
The teacher looked around the room, glancing at each and every one of us, before shrugging her shoulders. “No one knows,” she said dryly, “But a few scholars believe it to be so. Rather than focus on whether it is true or not, today we are going to discuss why people believe it to be true.
“Thousands of years ago, just as your classmate has said, it is believed that an unknown alien race supposedly wiped out most if not all civilization from Mobius. Whatever happened caused volcanoes all around the globe to erupt, spreading ash and dust into the air. It was only after the dust cleared that life began to seep back into the planet. This was the time of the Mobosaurs. This was the first supposed Day of Fury.
“The second brought about the end to the Mobosaurs- the Coming of the Chaos Emeralds. Roughly ten thousand years ago, countless gems rained from the sky onto the Mobosaurs, wiping them out. No one is really quite sure where these gems came from, but they are still the emeralds that we know today… emeralds of unfathomable power, capable of bringing chaos and destruction, or hope and goodwill, with whoever it is that wields them.
“Now, the big question- is any of this true? Most scholars deny that anything of the sort has ever happened, and claim that many echidna tomes that detail such events are unfactual or purely religious belief. There are a few, however, that report that the Days of Fury have happened and even continue to happen to this day. I’d like you to turn your books to page twenty-two…”
The teacher continued her lecture, but I wasn’t paying attention. Before I realized it, class was over, and everyone started heading out. My mind was still in the clouds though. One thought above all circled around it- just where was I, and if I was in the future, how far?
The days started to shrink away as school continued. With continued nightmares haunting me every time I fell asleep, I started working the night shift for construction. I gave myself two days a week for a full night's rest, at which point I was so tired I passed out upon the jump into bed. Even then, it was hard to stay focused most of the time, which led me to stare blankly into space as Nate described how Magic Rings worked.
“Magic Rings, or Power Rings as some call them, were originally created as a clean alternative to fossil fuels. They are a byproduct of Chaos Emeralds, and while they only wield a fraction of their power, they are a more powerful source of energy than any other normal energy supply. Rings can be used in many different ways, and different rings possess different properties. Some notable examples would be the Ring of Acorns that I had fashioned using one of the Super Emeralds, or Sonic’s one billionth ring.”
I turned blankly to look at Sonic. In one swift motion that no one else seemed to catch, I saw him pass Mina a note. Mina carefully opened it up to view his message, then folded it back and stuffed it in her pocket. Before I could figure out what was going on, an announcement came over the intercom.
“Gear Foxx to the principal’s office, Gear Foxx to the principal’s office,” the speaker rang.
Slightly confused, I left class, picking up my homework on the way. I walked into the office, where the principal, a skunk, and a cat in combat gear were waiting.
“Uh… am I in trouble or something?” I asked, setting my bag down.
“Oh, by no means my dear boy!” the principal joyously cried, laughing, “But these fellows from the Royal Secret Service have come to ask you a few questions!”
“Thank you, that will do,” said the skunk, ushering the principal out of the room.
“Not much of a secret if he knows about it, huh?” I said after he left.
“Save the sarcasm, boy,” the skunk commanded, walking back and forth, “I want to know why General Kodos was lying outside of the hospital without anyone noticing him enter Knothole.”
“Uh… who?” I asked, tilting my head in confusion. Not only was the question completely random and unexpected, but the name didn’t ring any bells whatsoever, even with lingering knowledge of certain events and places.
The skunk slammed his fist on the table. “Don’t play coy with me, boy!” he shouted, “Your house is closest to the Great Forest, you must have seen something, and I want to know what it is!”
I sighed and narrowed my eyes at this, too tired to even want to know what he was getting at. Still, I looked at the cat, trying to get some explanation as to why this guy was up in my face.
She looked between me and her friend for a moment, before speaking up, “Geoffrey, I don’t think he knows anything.”
“And even if I knew what the heck you were talking about, I certainly wouldn’t share with that attitude.”
Geoffrey’s face twitched at this, and it seemed like he was about to say something else, but his partner stopped him.
“So you’ve never heard of the general?” she asked.
“Nope, and since I work at the construction site most nights, I wouldn’t have noticed anything either,” I shrugged, “I’m, uh… new to town, I guess you could say. I don’t even know what a General KooKoo is.”
At that moment, the bell rang. I heard a multitude of students start walking up and down the halls, but I also heard something else. It was distinct from the sounds of shoes roaming the halls, the banging of lockers, or the constant, untranslatable chatter. It sounded like a metallic clanging, almost.
“Well... Gear, was it? Thank you for your time-,” the cat started saying.
I cut her off, rising from my chair, “Hey, do you feel that?”
“Feel what?” Geoffrey asked, still annoyed, “All the students clomping down the hall?”
“No, it’s something else… like-”
Suddenly, a terrible crashing noise sounded throughout the building. Geoffrey and his friend looked at each other in a panic.
“That came from the second floor,” the cat said frantically.
“Third,” I corrected, my ears twitching.
“Stay here, we’ll handle this. C’mon, Hersey!” Geoffrey bolted out the door, his cat friend Hersey at his tail. I stood still for a few moments before sighing.
“Guess that means History is canceled now… I was looking forward to hearing about the Great War…” I quickly left the room to find Mina.
“Ugh… how are you so good at this?”
“It’s math, not rocket science. Pretty much everything we’re doing has basic rules we have to follow in order to find the answer.”
“Thanks for making me feel worse,” Mina pouted.
It had been a few days since the robot attack (which, thankfully, no one was hurt in), and me and Mina were trying to catch up on homework. Well, Mina was- I had already finished mine, and I was now trying to help Mina with hers. It was one of my free days, and even though I was exhausted, I still couldn’t sleep, so when Mina asked for help, I obliged. We ended up trying to solve equations outside my house, next to the brook. The crisp night air bit at my ears as I looked over her math.
“Here’s the problem,” I declared, pointing at the paper with the end of a pencil, “you forgot to re-add the negative sign right here.”
“Aw man…,” Mina sighed, taking back the sheet, “How am I supposed to remember all these rules?”
“Don’t look at me. I’m not in charge of what you remember and what you don't.”
As Mina returned back to her problem, the air soon filled with the sound of scribbling and erasing. It was only then that I realized something was wrong.
“Quiet,” I ordered, looking around.
“I didn’t say anything, Ge-”
I cut Mina’s sentence off by slapping a hand in front of her mouth. I strained my ears, listening for the slightest noise.
“Do you hear that?” I asked hesitantly.
“I don’t hear anything!” Mina said angrily, shoving my hand away from her face.
“Exactly. It’s dead silent. Not so much as a cricket chirp. It’s like the world is holding its breath.”
“Gear… Look up.”
I shifted my gaze to the heavens. Stars twinkled in the sky, dancing around each other with grace and elegance. Shining brighter than the rest of the stars was the moon.
And coming towards the moon at a high velocity was a green laser beam, streaking through space like it was a fish in water. It slammed into the moon, shattering it upon impact. We watched in awe and fear as half the moon suddenly ceased to exist. We sat in stunned silence for a while, not able to process what we had just seen. It was Mina who spoke first.
“Eggman… It had to have been him.”
I growled in agreement, “Yeah, it was Robotnik alright. The man wanted our attention, and now he’s got it.”
“What should we do?” Mina asked.
“For now? Leave it to the professionals- Sonic. But if Robotnik went out of his way to destroy half the moon, then that means we better be ready in the future too.”
“To do what?”
I paused, looking at the pure destruction in the sky. “To fight,” I said in no uncertain terms.
Read the Beginning!- Prologue
Previous Chapter <---> Next Chapter
Gear belongs to me.
Mina, Sonic, Nate Morgan and others belong to SEGA, Archie(?) or Ken Penders.
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Read Kissing Coffins (Vampire Kisses #2)(24) online free by Ellen Schreiber
Kissing Coffins (Vampire Kisses #2)(24) Author: Ellen Schreiber
My mom stuck the wig on my head, and I held the clothes in front of me.
"It's like looking at a teenage version of myself," she said fondly.
I threw the skirt and blouse in the wash, and Becky and I returned to my room.
"We are so going to rock!" I said. "But we just need one thing to complete our outfits."
I hunted through my dresser drawers, closet shelves, and boxes underneath my bed.
Halloween was months ago, and in a town like Dullsville it was easier to find a fake Prada purse than fake teeth.
Frustrated, I banged on Billy Boy's door. He opened it slightly, sticking his Charlie Brown--shaped head out. I could barely see Henry typing at my brother's computer. "Did you take my vampire teeth?" I accused him.
"Why would I want your nasty saliva near me?" Billy Boy said, starting to close the door on me.
"Well, I can't find them, and I have to have them for tonight," I argued, pressing the door back open.
Henry rushed over to the door. "I have some," he offered. "Never been used."
Henry and Billy Boy rode their bikes, and I followed with Becky on mine. We must have been quite a sight as we headed to Henry's house at the edge of Oakley Woods--two goths and two nerds riding alongside one another.
We parked our bikes in Henry's driveway and entered the colonial-style five-bedroom house.
We were greeted by his housekeeper, who was folding laundry.
We... Read more: Read Kissing Coffins (Vampire Kisses #2)(24) online free by Ellen Schreiber
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enteringdullsville · 2 years
Good evening, worms and germs!
Coming to you live from the other side of the fourth wall! Main series is still ongoing, and the 274-part pilot series is available for viewing. Typical DNIs apply.
Comments on my individual posts are appreciated.
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Core Cast: Violet, Rudy, J., Angie, Chloe, and Gordon.
Main Characters: Bryan, Peony, Lyman, Coco, Noah, Whitney, Martin, Ingrid, Geneva, Tyler, Olive, Tanner, Paige, Scarlett, Aziz, Amber, Eloise, Aaron, Ivan, Forrest, Fuchsia, Sky, Landon, Perry, Georgia, Monty, Sylvester, Crimson, Veronica, and Alexandre.
Not Pictured: Clarence and Rosie.
Also Not Pictured: Common sense and a whole lot more.
Comic Series
It’s Color Theory
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