startgro · 10 months
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saiyanandproud · 2 years
🌻 🌷 Let's meet the parents :3c
Meet the people in my muse's life Send a Symbol, and they’ll tell you about:
🌻 - Their Father
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"My dad is a big enterpreuner. He's tall and strong-looking -- he used to do boxing when he was in college, so maybe I took my physical prowess from him. He's also pretty stern. I've heard he is quite dauting at work, but he was always kind to me. Just... Pretty absent, always busy. He's not a bad father, I think... But he certainly is a busy one."
🌷 - Their Mother
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"My mom is a lawyer. Just like my father, she seems pretty good at her job, she's very sharp and on point. She's also classy and elegant. People used to say I look like her, but my colors are really my father's, she has grey eyes and dark hair. I think she wished I was more like her on something more than just the look. She has tried to tame my spirit many times, and I'm sure she meant it for the best but... I am just a too different person, I think. Sorry, mom."
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ilikekidsshows · 2 years
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This episode took kind of a weird route at the end. Not because Evil-Lyn decided to betray Skeletor, we actually saw that coming a mile away (or, more like, ‘Lessons’ away), but because they decided that Evil-Lyn needed a different motive to do it. The choice to make Evil-Lyn feel betrayed by Skeletor rather than her playing a long game to obtain the powers of both Skeletor and King Hiss makes her out to be a cliché Woman Scorned rather than the enterpreuning villainess she has been depicted so far. It makes her react to things others do to her, rather than her having her own plans and goals. It does make her more sympathetic that she betrays Skeletor because Skeletor betrays her first, but why on earth does a villain need to act in a sympathetic way, especially a villain who’s been pretty unsympathetic so far?
Outside of that weird solution to a problem that didn’t exist, I did greatly enjoy this episode. As already stated during the liveblog, the fight scene was really good and took advantage of having basically every character of note present. I also liked Queen Marlena finally having a bigger contribution to an episode’s narrative and lesson, and she comes in showing how it’s done. She cuts right through everyone else’s nonsense, but also doesn’t make them look to her for solutions. She’s clearly delivering a stealth lesson to everyone here: if you feel you broke something, fix it, don’t sit around complaining about it. Children sometimes need adults to give them solutions or suggestions, but Man at Arms and Randor are clearly framed as the responsible adults in this situation. They need to fix things instead of assigning blame and trying to dump the responsibility for someone else.
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titinriyadiningsih · 3 months
[Yang Lahir dari Keluarga Tak Sempurna, Tetap Berhak Menciptakan Keluarga Sempurna di Masa Depan]
Bila menengok lagi ke belakang untuk memaknai tiap keputusanku, termasuk ingin melanjutkan studi magister, terjun dalam dunia sosial enterpreuner dan kepenulisan, hingga menunda pernikahan, ada sesuatu yang menjadi alasannya: aku ingin menciptakan keluarga yang lebih baik untuk diriku, pasanganku, dan anak-anakku. Aku ingin menjadi calon ibu yang berkarakter sebelum memutuskan memilih ayah untuk anak-anakku kelak.
Sebegitu besar peran seorang ayah dalam membentuk karakter anak-anaknya kian kusadari saat aku tumbuh dewasa. Sesuatu yang terdengar tak cukup ideal, tapi begitulah kenyataannya.
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Tapi justru dari ketidaksempurnaan itu, aku banyak belajar. Sebelum menginjak usia 30, berbekal pengalaman dan pembelajaran soal keluarga yang kudapatkan dari 29 tahun perjalanan hidupku, aku jadi mengerti bahwa bukan hal mustahil untuk melahirkan generasi yang unggul dari keluarga yang ideal, yang kuciptakan bersama pasanganku. Lalu bagaimana hal itu dapat kuwujudkan? Aku memulihkan segala sesuatu dalam diriku sebelum memutuskan untuk menikah. Sehingga bila nanti anakku lahir, tak banyak ekspektasi yang kupasangkan padanya. Dengan segenap cintaku, kuupayakan ia tumbuh dalam keluarga yang tak saling menyakiti, dengan cara berkomunikasi yang jauh dari sikap saling menyalahkan. Maka, kucarikan pula untuk anak-anakku, sosok Ayah yang telah berdamai dengan dirinya sendiri, yang siap mencintaiku dan keluarga kecil kami, dan tentu punya mimpi-mimpi besar yang akan kami wujudkan lewat upaya serius.
Kendati mungkin ada luka yang membekas di hati kami dari masa lalu, tapi hatiku yakin bahwa setiap orang bisa sembuh. Selayaknya luka yang harus diobati, seperti itulah hidup harus tetap dirawat dengan cara-cara yang baik. Tak ada kata terlambat untuk belajar bagi siapapun!
Selamat Hari Keluarga Nasional. Semoga kita bisa menciptakan keluarga yang sehat dan ideal di masa depan
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philophi9999 · 10 months
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chandrasugiharto · 2 years
Ramadhan Project 2023
Kami Mengundang Kalian Sebagai Media Partner, Media Publishers, Motivation Personal, Enterpreuner Digital School, Volunter, Helpers Siapapun Orangnya , Siapapun Kreativitas Kamu, Ideal Kamu, Niat Kamu. Bersama @urbnstreetcommunityid @ramadhanproject2023 Yuk Membangun Kota Cirebon Tercinta .
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Total Biaya yang dibutuhkan dalam Project Ramadhan Sekitar Rp. 990,000,000.
Semoga Allah SWT Meridhoi Usaha @ramadhanproject2023 Community Kepada Para Donatur Selalu Diberikan Kemudahan Segalanya Untuk Urusan Project Ramadhan ini . Aamiin Ya Robbal Alamin
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Ketik Coment " Mau " Guys
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(Late post) terima kasih mbak devi member @komunitasyesindobisa dari muridnya pak @chandraputranegara sudah mengurus paket kirim dan sampai tujuan, dan terima kasih pak @chandraputranegara sudah mau mentanda tangankan kedua bukunya badai pasti berlalu dan @successbefore30 . Dan saya pasti membaca buku, menonton cd, konten youtube @successbefore30 sampai habis, dan paham isinya. Tentang perjuangan pak chandra selama enterpreuner success before 30, Founder CPN Group (7 anak usaha). Semoga saya bisa menginspirasi dan mengikuti jejak mentor oleh pak @chandraputranegara . 😀😃😄😁😇💯💪👨‍💻✍🤳 (di Bagan Besar, Bukit Kapur, Dumai) https://www.instagram.com/p/Clq5SkahrMv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pupila-films · 6 years
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¿Qué es el #inboundmarketing? Es un método de #marketing que consiste en basar tu estrategia en la calidad de los contenidos para atraer de manera natural al #lead sin necesidad de seguir el método de #outbound tradicional de anuncios y contenidos intrusivos y agresivos que interrumpen la actividad #digital de los lead para captar su atención. Se ha demostrado que este método es bidireccional y se basa en utilizar el #embudodeconversión adecuadamente para conseguir atraer al cliente guiándole con contenidos adecuados a la fase del proceso de venta hasta la venta final, así se crea una journey experience adaptada a la actividad digital del cliente en función de sus necesidades. Para ello es importante hacer una #segmentación previa de los lead potenciales haciendo un #estudiodemercado. Si quieres que te ayudemos con tu #negocio en su #estrategiadigital, contáctanos o sigue el enlace a nuestra web donde te damos información sobre #branding y una infografía sobre inbound marketing que te servirá de gran ayuda. También puedes llamarnos directamente y te regalamos una #consultoría de marketing gratuita para evaluar tus necesidades. 👉685 60 30 27 👉 http/:prismatecno2.com #bussiness #digital #marketing #customers #innovation #branding #design #buyers #lead #journey #digitalbussiness #enterpreuners #freelancers #influencers #blogs #instagramm #socialmedia #twitter #webdesign #diseñoweb #identitybrand #brandidentity #digitalbranding #rrss #redessociales #identitydesign #corporateidentity https://www.instagram.com/p/BvRwXiIJyWN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=avucrgzp9og3
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swipe million of marketing professionals tears distributors
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leoascendente · 3 years
The signs in the 12th house and the lessons of past lives 🕸️
The 12th house, regent of Pisces and Neptune is asociated with our subconcisious mind, the ethereal realms and how we percieve them, in a more physical way is asociated to the embryonic phase, when we are still connected to higest concious levels and the Source.
In karmic astrology one of the most important placement to know the predominant energies in a past life is the 12th house, the signs and the planets intercepted there. There are another element related to karma but this is one of the strongest, knowing what's in this house we can learn more about who we were in our past life and what kind of lessons we have to interiorize in this incarnation.
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- ♈Aries: In a past life these natives were related to some leadership roles and military, sometimes is related to metallurgy, weapon fabrication and exploration of new territories.
In the deep subconcisious mind the fire of Aries is present like a reminicense of that past life, these natives have a sharp, energetic and enterpreuner mind always looking for new strategies to implement in their current life. These people likes passion and intensity in everything the put in action, they hardly give up even in difficult circumstances and fight against any obstacle in their way and they doesn't matter how hard it can look, they don't get scared easily.
They are fast thinkers and sometimes too impulsive about getting the first impression of people, they tend to rush about getting things done or getting response by other people, this impulse comes from that past life where they had to make fast decitions and act by the adrenaline of the moment. Also there's a feeling of survivaling and a warrior complex, like if they have to fight harder than the rest to make a place for them in the world.
In this life these natives have to develop their awairness of the world, to be more patient with themselves and with the people surrounding them. It's important that they get the peace within them, and like the warrior after the fight get their time to rest and recognize their braveness. Meditation can be hard for them so it's highly recommended that they do it but after some excersise that helps them release tensions.
- ♉Taurus: In a past life these natives were related to agriculture and farming, there could be some connections to the bank or managing money. This place is common in people that were artisans or musicians.
As every earth sign, Taurus likes to keep things as they already know them, they can be conservative in their ideals so they hardly change their opinions about things. Like the moon in Taurus they look for stability and grounding so when they get it they hold it very strong, this could lead to get stagnant in uncomfortable situations that keep repeating through life.
They like to focus on calmness, satisfy their senses and their love for nature. It's important for them to feel confortable with their life having their physical needs suplied ( home, food, work...), they are very down to earth and realistic people, for them things are like they are and usually they forget about their high intuition.
In their past life they used to had a rutine to follow so in this incarnation that need of having something to do keeps present, they as well had to take a lot care of their possesions and learn the value of little things, in this incarnation that can manifest as collecting as much as possible that can be strong when it comes to money, luxury objects or material possesions.
In this incarnation these natives have to learn to open their mind to new perspectives and practice disattachment. It's an important lesson for them to keep in the present moment and practice gratitude even in hard times to develop their hope, getting out of their comfort zone and explore the world at their own rythm It's something very helpful, keeping constante and avoiding getting stuck. I've seen a lot of times in this placement that they can regenerate very fast and help themselves in healing through sleep.
- ♊Gemini: In past lifes they were related to writing or have connection with books, either writting them or selling them, they could as well being connected with press or any comunication media. In some cases they were related to trade, sells or transport merchandise.
As Mercury in the 12th, this is a powerfull placement. Intellectual people above all, they pass everything through the reason filter but, having such an open mind to recollect information can be overwhelming. In their past lifes they had to improve a sharp mind and be open to new horizons, in this incarnation there's the innate need of knowing more and mental stimulation.
They are social people but looking for the exchange with other people, they usually are very talkative persons but in other cases where that communication skills are not open to the rest of the people they can have an hyperactive mind or inner voice hard to keep quiet.
In this incarnation they must learn to get the deeper sense of things, to pay attention to the heart and feelings not only what their mind says. Develop their intuition and spending time alone can be very healthy ways to have a clearer point of view and avoiding take only the superficial knowledge of things. Writting a journal can be very therapeutical.
- ♋Cancer: In past lifes these natives were related to taking care of family or children, there could be some conection with cooking or feeding people. In some cases they had a close relationship with the sea, living nearby it or being born in coast places.
For these natives the idea of home as their castle is recomforting and keeps their mind and feelings balanced, sometimes their expectations about their home life can be too high or make of it the most important thing of their lifes and as a water sign can hurt their feelings seeing their expectations broken. They are naturally kind people always wanting to help and make people feel comfortable, the conection with their feelings is strong and sometimes can act by instinct for something theh are feeling at the moment (Cancer is a cardinal sign, they can be very impulsive even though their natural water calmness).
In this life they tend to be spiritual channels without realizing of it and have the feeling in their guts of following their heart or intuition.
The lesson for this incarnation is to find balance between family, home and what they can do to keep them safe, nurtured and comfortable, and to give themselves the enough space to find their own independence although their home responsabilities.
- ♌Leo: In past lifes these natives were related to power and authority charges, leadership roles either be in the public stage.
These natives are known for their creative power, as fire sign even in the worst circumstances they know how to keep their optimism high and their intentions focused. They have very high expectations of themselves and their lifes but not pushing them too much, even when they fall they know how to get up an continue their journey.
In this life they still have that authoritary way of act torwards world, they know that they can get through anything so that confidence can be confused by other people as arrogance or dictatorial behavior.
The biggest lesson for this placement is to recognize their innate power and leadership energy and focus them into creative ways of expression. They need to learn to not overvalue their expectations of life and focus on the present moment and what they can do, for every fire sign is important to keep in the here and now to don't be controled by their impulses. Artistic activities where they can move their bodies are a good way to channel all that energy.
- ♍Virgo: In past lifes these natives were related to administration activities, mechanics, constructors or fabricators, anything that need from precition work. Sometimes there are conections with medicine or some way of healing.
Their subcocisious mind works like the gears of a clock, they need to order and analyze their thoughts to keep balanced. They have the talent to see ehat their are feeling with perspective, like if they were watching them from a safety distance (I'm sure who developed mindfullness had this placement 😂).
Good manners and organization keeps present like reminicense of that past life where those habilities help them built their stability. Possibly they suffered some betrayals or avoid it by the hairs, so that Virgo prevention and criticism is present to see dangerous behaviors before getting "attacked", this sign likes control so if they don't see bad things comming their way can be too critic with themselves.
In this incarnation they have to learn channel that perfectionism into healthy habits or routines. It's an important lesson to give themselves time and space to clear their thoughts when their mind gets too loudy. Virgo has the fame of being too critict with people but that criticism is harder with themselves, so in thia incarnation they need to allow themselves to make mistakes and don't punish for them, and leave the need of making everything perfect.
- ♎Libra: In past life they could be related to justice, like lawyers, judges, procuracy... Social relationship were important in that life, as well as democracy movements. There could also have connection with art and fashion.
Balance and self moderation is so important for this natives, they like to have in mind everybody's perspective to have a clearer point of view by themselves, if they don't have healthy boundaries between what they think and what they are absorbing from the rest can lead to act by pure instinct, without listening their own voice and opinion.
Their subconcisious looks for harmony above everything so conflictive situations can be overwhelming, and with so many perspectives in their mind can be difficult for them to get a clear vision of things they should do. I've seen in this placement paople that trying to be fair with everybody forget about being fair with themselves when they have very good ideas to keep the balance but somehow like an air sign they don't get too deep about situations, so they can avoid conflict.
In this life they have to learn to stand up for what they believe is right, not fighting with anybody but giving valid arguments that support their point of view. They have to learn the difference between other people's chaos and their own, and try to find some activities that helps them find their inner peace. Artistic activities like painting or drawing are good options for giving their mind a break, focusing on nice and beautiful things. A client with this placement and Virgo Venus started making jewels for herself and now it's trying to open her own jewelry shop.
- ♏Scorpio: In past lifes these natives were connected with detective work or fight against crime, as well as minery work or phsychology. In many cases they were related with esoterism and mysticism, like magic or occultism.
This placement can be a little hard cause the subconsicious mind gets deeper and have some dark places, but Scorpio is not afraid to walk through darkness with the necessary skills to do it. If they find a way to understand what the eye can't see they will have a healthy way to channel their energies, in their past life they knew how to read people's intentions by the undertanding of esoteric teachings or phsychology knowledge so that curiosity and intuition to read people like books still there manifesting.
They are passionate people, their mind look somehow for intense situations to feel aligned, they are like vulcanoes and after the explosion leave a fertile ground to plant new ideals. This sign means transformation and symbolic death so leave behind some mental structures helps them to open up to new horizons and suply the intrinsecal need of intensity.
In this incarnation is important to swim in the depths of their mind to realize the real motivations behind their actions. They have to learn to be aligned with their soul purpose in this incarnation to feel completed and satisfy their intense and passionate emotional needs. The spiritual path is highly recommended for any Scorpio placement, but specially this one is great for understand life in deeper levels, also their intuition opens up the way for them. Pshychology is a great option too.
- ♐ Sagittarius: In past lifes they were related with teaching, philosophy, culture or ideological movements, there could be conection with traveling for work as well. There are also conections to entertainment world.
Fire signs are the optimistics of the zodiac wheel and in my opinion Sag takes the crown for this, in the 12th house makes their mind always look for more and don't give exaggerated atention to problems. This sign has some fame with not taking things serious but nothing more amar from truth, they see the problems but they know tbey won't get anything good focusing on bad things when they can be putting their atenttions and intentions in encourage positive movements.
Their faith is strong, in their subconcisious mind they don't see so much religion but spirituality, somehow their mind have reminiscences of past life where their wishes were fullfilled, even the little ones. They are able to see the bigger picture of things without getting too involved into them, watching with perspective and learning.
In this incarnation their lesson is to ground themselves, to don't fly too far and focus on important things at the same time they chase their dreams. Stability is necessary for these natives and take some things more seriously, halping people to open their minds and improve optimism into people's lifes.
- ♑Capricorn: In past lifes they were related to goverment, politics or burocracy, also could teach about themes related to antropology or history. Administrative work, architecture or construction were related as well.
They are realistic people over all, patient and perseverant persons. They like to set big and little goals and se the gratification of getting them all, instead lf what's commonly known about Capricorn they like might not enjoy of challenges but the one they self impose, they like to feel the satisfaction of reaching what they want, probably because the accuracy required in their past life.
As an earth sign, these natives enjoy having their bussiness under control to keep their mind balanced, subconcisiously they want recognition but prefer to spend time alone by themselves so they can still have control over the situations of their lifes. They like to have direct contact with reality so intuition and follow their instinct are not their first options.
In this incarnation they must learn to develop thwir imagination and creativity, to keep a balance between structure and dream big for their lifes. It's important to make some activities where they can breathe fresh air and have some contact with other people to avoid isolation, even if it is with a little amount of people if they feel more comfortable than with a big group. Sports and spend time in nature are great for reconnect with themselves and get calm for their minds.
- ♒Aquarius: In past life they could be into revolutionary movements of society, science or investigation, they could be inventors as well.
This placement looks for innovation of their ideals, they are aware of everything around them and how they could improve every dynamic into something new, the feeling of disattachment and freedom is important for the balance of their subconcisious mind. Their thoughts are fast and their own head can become their safe place where there's no judgement and everyone is free to be themselves but they have to take care to get too utopian about their ideals and get desappointed when they watch reality.
These natives has a sexth sense to see things comming up before they happen, they are not too emotional but doesn't mean that they are feelingless, intuition needs of sensibility and Aquarius in my experience is one of the most intuitives sign of the zodiac. They might not get along too well with emotions but they can put in other people's shoes to understand what is happening to them and try to see life through their eyes, this involves sensibility to know what's going on in other people's life and with their strong intuition they use to know what to do for them, involving too much in other people's problems.
In this incarnation they must learn to moderate their implication with solving other people's problems, focusing on the things they can do for themselves. It's important to find a way to that helps them channel their energies, but Aquarius needs significance in what they do so things that help their enviroment could be healthy ways to do it, joining social groups or help in benefical causes are good options. One of my best friends has this placement with the moon there too and in her free time she is volunteer in the Red Cross and in a group of people that go to baches and forest to clean up the trash.
- ♓Pisces: In past lifes they were related to spiritual world or religion, there are also conections with healing, hospitals or helping people in need. They had something important about the sea and artistic activities.
Pisces in the 12th is in their own house so their energies flow freely but Pisces is complicated wherever it is. They are extremly sensitive to enegies around them, highly emotional empathic and pshychic sponges for the unseen. Their intuition is strong but can be overwhelming, in past lifes they could see a lot of suffering doing everything in their hand to help people with their pain and that need of saving people manifest in this lifetime leading them to get too involved with problematic people that "needs to be saved".
As I said before, feeling so much for good and not so good is exhausting for anybody's mind so these natives can end up in toxic behaviors with themselves, anything that helps them avoid suffering. They have a huge imagination an it can be their better ally or their worst jailer, they can get stuck in their ideal fantasy world where everything works fine and avoid reality's hardness.
In this incarnation they must learn to keep their feet on the ground at the same time that they use their sensibility to get healthy habits for their mind, spiritual path is very good to don't get overwhelmed by their emotional world. Balancing their chakras, mostly the first use to help them keep grounded and focused in useful tasks for their better future, they have natural talent for healing and working with energies so reiki or another holistic way to channel their sensibility works great for this placement.
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goodvibzgoods · 4 years
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tourismtutor · 5 years
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یه هفته کارآفرینی دیگه و یه امید برای گردشگری ایران . امروز باز هم دلم گرم شد به اونایی که موندن به اونایی که برگشتن به اونایی که هنوز امید دارن به اونایی که وایستادن که ایران رو بسازن .. مهم نیست هر کی بگه دلت خوشه ها! ��ون واقعا دلم خوشه ما دیوانگان آخرش بهترین عاقلان شهر خواهیم شد ... امسال هم تو هفته جهانی کارآفرینی باز با بچه‌های دانشکده کارآفرینی دانشگاه تهران یه دورهمی خوب و مفید رقم زدیم یه حال خوب تزریق کردیم که بدونید میشه خیلی کارها کرد و نباید ناامید بود .:. #gewiran #enterpreuner #سفیرسفر #بلاگرسفر #کارآفرینی #گردشکری #آکادمی_گردشگری_ایران (at Tehran University Science & Technology Park پارک علم و فناوری دانشگاه تهران) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4xr29UgpL1/?igshid=jr21ux1611sz
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#deveria #iria #poderia #Faz #enterpreuner #opportunity #successful #workhard (em Paraná)
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sapurayung-blog · 6 years
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makarimanaily · 5 years
kojah: amal ndak usah banyak-banyak, yang penting jangan iri, dengki dan banyak ngrasani
sama seperti profesi, setiap kita memang diciptakan untuk ndak ahli sama segala bidang. ada yang jadi dokter, ada yang jadi guru, ada yang jadi enterpreuner dsb.
sama halnya seperti amalan. ndak apa-apa kok kita ndak ahli di bidang shalat tahajud. tapi kita ahli di bidang sedekah. ndak apa-apa kok ndak ahli di bidang sedekah. tapi kita ahli di bidang baca quran. ndak apa-apa ndak ahli di bidang baca quran. tapi kita ahli di bidang puasa sunnah. itulah yang disebut dengan amalan andalan. kita tak perlu menguasai seluruh amalan jika memang ndak sanggup. toh, amalan yang paling diterima di sisi Allah itu amalan yang dipelihara oleh sang empunya yakan.
jadi ndak perlulah. ndak perlu menjudge orang ndak pernah tahajud sama sekali. ya kalau dia rajin sedekah, why not? ndak perlulah menjudge orang ndak pernah sedekah. gimana kalau dia bidang amalannya di baca quran, ngajarin ke anak-anak karena yang dia mampu ya itu. so, semua orang tuh, punya amalan andalan masing-masing. semampu dia.
bahkan menurut saya, ndak apa-apa juga ndak ahli beramal apa-apa. kita hanya sedatar menjalankan sholat lima waktu. tidak lebih. ndak menjalankan sunnah-sunnah istimewa lain. ndak apa-apa banget. asalkan kita ndak benci sesama, ndak ngomongin orang. ndak iri dan dengki. ndak punya suudzon ke orang lain. ndak dendam. karena, ada kok, shohabat nabi yang seperti ini. pernah mendengar cerita yang ini?
jadi, setelah Abdullah Bin Amr Bin Ash mendengar sebanyak tiga kali Rosul bilang bahwa shohabat lelaki yang muncul ketika majelis itu seorang ahli surga, Abdullah wondering dong. Abdullah bahkan sampai nekat nginep ke rumah shohabat ini buat mastiin “amal istimewa apa deh, yang orang ini punya? kok sampek dijuluki Kanjeng Nabi ahli surga?”
setelah sampe rumah shohabat tersebut, Abdullah bilang kepadanya buat izin nginep tiga hari karena berantem sama ayahnya. anehnya, selama hari pertama sampe hari ketiga, Abdullah ndak nemuin satupun amalan istimewa yang ada pada shohabat anshor itu. ibadahnya gitu-gitu aja.
sampai penghujung hari ketiga Abdullah mau pulang, Abdullah melakukan pengakuan, “sebenarnya aku ndak berantem sama ayahku. aku cuma pengen tahu apa amalan istimewamu sampe Kanjeng Nabi menjulukimu kamu Ahli Surga. aku pengen niru ceritanya, supaya juga masuk surga.”
“aku ndak punya amalan apa-apa kok, selain yang kamu lihat selama tiga hari ini, Abdullah.” shohabat menjawab seadanya.
Abdullah ndak puas lah ya, sama jawaban yang cuma gitu tok. dalam benak, dia tentu masih penasaran. tapi yaudah. mosok dipaksa kan ndak mungkin.
beberapa detik kemudian waktu Abdullah hampir beranjak, lelaki itu meneruskan, “ benar, amalanku cuma sebatas itu. cuman, aku ndak punya dendam dan hasud dalam hati. aku ndak pernah nipu, aku ndak pernah iri sama kebahagiaan dan pencapaian orang lain.”
“nah, itu. itu tuh yang bikin kamu masuk surga. dan aku belum mampu melakukannya.” Abdullah mendapatkan poinnya.
[Musnad Ahmad bin Hambal, يَطْلُعُ عَلَيْكُمْ الْآنَ رَجُلٌ مِنْ أَهْلِ الْجَنَّةِ ]
orang sekarang banyak-banyakan amal. tapi dendam, hasud, iri, dengki masih jalan. kadang-kadang kita lupa. untuk mendekatkan diri kepada Allah, tak cukup dengan beribadah banyak-banyak amal, namun dengan adab, dengan akhlak-akhlak indah.
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