#enu lookism
softdarkmark · 5 months
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melljam · 26 days
lookism characters stop jinxing themselves by talking about Peace and Normalcy in a very foreboding manner challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
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bxksstuff · 1 year
i have... nothing to say
this scene from 101 dalmatians x jaeseok (+ our favorite professional wingman, inu)
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wannaeatramyeon · 2 years
i just saw that you are biased towards vasco tabasco as well 👀👀👀👀 i beg for anything, i have read all the fics on this app twice and im getting withdrawals from my bit tit himbo 😭
Tell me who isn't biased towards our baby Tabasco and I'll fight them!!
Ty for the ask! I just love Vasco so much. He's THE ride or die and has always treated little Daniel so kindly from the start.
He doesn't always get it right but he tries and he learns and his heart is in the right place 😭😭
I feel like there's just SO much I want to read and know about Vasco. HC, x reader, drabbles, novels. But here you go anon, take some wordvom instead
Vasco Headcannons
The Burn Knuckles said they started the gang just cos they like him. Vasco was probably just shouting about protecting people and being all pure then attracting all these macho dudes that were going down the wrong path. He has a sense of justice that is just... Irrefutable. The kind that kids have before they grow up and get cynical and corrupted and he reminds them of a simpler time.
Also he's strong af so if you don't want to die, you come around to his view pretty quickly.
Damon Goh the rubber ducky guy hid away his ducks until Vasco saw them one day and was like 'omg!! These are so cute!!' with his typical heart eyes and asked for one. Since then, Damon just unapologetically carries them around.
No idea Leonn Lee is a girl. Doesnt care if she is, Burn Knuckles membership is open to all.
Doesn't know there's a tool council, thought it was something for architect class. Never made the connection with the Tool nicknames either.
Unapologetic crier. You've seen his tears. Encourages Burn Knuckles to show their emotions. They hold therapy sessions like a confessional but apart from Jace - Vasco and the rest of the gang share 1 braincell so no good can come from this.
Makes friends everywhere he goes. We've seen Vasco make his own crew out of the Homeless, and that's just how he is. He's made friends with BEARS like cmon.
Not that great with names or faces though, and he's just a general clown so he doesn't actually remember a lot of people.
Has a rather childlike and innocent view of the world with justice and lookism. It used to be pretty black and white but he learns and is understanding of the shades of grey pretty quickly. Let's be real, if Vasco was leader of the world - we would all be a lot better off.
Toxic masculinity who? Gender roles what? Zero interest in subscribing to men can't do this or women shouldn't do that. Will be the best provider or househusband ever, whatever makes his partner happy!
Daniel or Jay busy or out of town? If Vasco is available, he will be looking after Enu or Jays puppies. This is absolutely non negotiable. He always gets first dibs.
Seen and heard enough about Vin Jin to think there's no redeeming features with this guy. Although Vasco might be the only person that thinks his rap is pretty good lol
Very little sense of self awareness and decorum around girls. Not really sure where he's going wrong until Jay spruced him up and his post-date download with Jace.
Says he's married to the Burn Knuckles and he's talked less about finding a partner since then. In all honesty he finds the dressing up and the flowery words exhausting. He just wants to find someone that loves him for him, BNC uniform and all :(
And this is the perfect segue into...
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Vasco x Reader headcannons
Vasco is the ultimate friends to lover trope. He needs to get to know you first and your personality before he can begin to develops feelings for you. Your morals aligning with his is a must.
Doesn't think too hard on confessing if he likes you. He's a straight forward guy. Main obstacle is Jace giving him terrible advice based on trashy romcoms.
Only Jace (occasionally) or family call him Euntae. Will be so flustered if you do.
He is 100% innocent your honour!!! You likely need to take the initiative in the relationship. He's a romantic at heart but doesn't know how to express himself and is worried about being too foward. First hand hold? First embrace? First kiss? Gonna be all you.
Gets more relaxed the longer you date. Once he's more confident of your comfort levels and knowing that he can be himself around you, will initiate a lot more.
Not a huge fan of PDA but loves holding hands and holding you. It just feels right with you in his arms.
Vasco would naturally be the big spoon, but omg if you were the big spoon? He has never felt so protected and loved and will absolutely melt.
Huge fan of couples outfits. Not the cool ones, the cheesier the better. "If found return to Y/N" "I'm Y/N". And tbh Zack is sick with jealousy that him and Mira don't do that.
Still has an old fashioned sense of chivalry where he wouldn't want you to fight even if you could. After seeing you fight a few times though, he reluctantly let's you get on with things. Will try to step in where possible, but more that he doesn't want to see you get hurt.
Loves the novelty of classic dates at first, especially after seeing and reading about it all so much. Fancy 3 course meals, grabbing a coffee together.
After a while though, would prefer to just have more meaningful dates and take you to his favourite places. Even if it's that Fish Soup place lol, but you don't mind cos you can see how happy he is and being with Vasco is enough.
Expect good morning texts, good night video calls and everything in between! This man isn't afraid of the double or triple text. There's a lot of "I can't wait to see you!" and "I miss you!!" and just random ones like "I tried to buy milk but forgot my wallet lol"
As long as it's not against his morals, he will do A N Y T H I N G for you. Tired? Foot massage. Craving at 3am? Let me run right out. Prefer him clean shaven? Hold on I'll get the razor. He loves you so so much and it shows!
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boyinatown · 2 years
LOOKISM CHAPTER 432 ( SPOILERS) this is kinda short! because not much happened in this chapter. warning : spoilers underneath. bonus memes underneath, keep readin´!
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me when that pink shirt bitch returned ( she was in the first chapter.)
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me seeing daniel and his mom reunite
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pov : your daniels mom and ur looking at your son
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why does she know jingyeong...
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daniel and enu when life gets tough:
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POV : u left a baby around Gun, Dg or Logan lee
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pov : ur a hospital patient walking in the hallway and you run into Zack, Vasco , Jay , Jace, Zoe and Joy waiting for daniel to wake up.
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Charles checking up On Goo/Kouji
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Daniel & his Body in that suitcase in that 1 chapter
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Goo , Gun and Dg
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Gun watching Daniel & his friends get beat up by Dg
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Gun when fighting Dg
or either samuel on those streets 💀
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Mary the queen of 2 seconds:
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Me if i was in lookism:
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me & Jake if i was in that same juvenile he was in
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azullasky · 4 years
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Jay <3 <3 
~Like/ repost if saved pls <3 ~
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anjilthree-blog · 6 years
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Enu, her pups and her smokin hot owner
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Inu/Enu from Lookism has separation anxiety, after her previous humans/owners abondoned her she's been scared of being left alone.
I need a page number or reference for this one. Couldn't find anything on the wiki.
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rycewrites · 5 years
lookism rant #1
so... it’s spring break. and i’ve spent the entire break doing what any smart ap student would do: ignoring my five looming ap tests and draining my phone battery by looking at webtoons and instagram. since most of my favorite webtoons are on hiatus, i have resolved to rereading my favorites, and one that i’ve reread the most so far is lookism. as spring break comes to a finish in two days, i decided to get my life back on track and instead of simply rereading the comic, i will rant about my most and least favorite characters starting with the fandom’s all-time favorite character (yes, if you check the wiki for lookism there is a poll and it is fact that he is the majority’s favorite), jay hong/hong jae yeol. (also, note that these are my opinions so if you disagree with them don’t be offended but i would be happy to hear other people’s opinions on the webtoon! please comment who would be on your list because i need to talk to more people who read lookism!)
top favorite characters~
1. jay hong/hong jae yeol:
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let’s just list off reasons why everyone loves him: he is well-dressed (even plans out other people’s outfits), generous (gives daniel literally everything he wants), selfless (he fricking took in enu’s pups even though he is scared of dogs), RICH (main reason for kouji’s admiration), strong (manz uses his systema well), and CAN RIDE A MOTORCYCLE (yes, i love a man who can ride a bike). he may not be the most dynamic character, but his static puppy status makes it impossible for me to put him lower on this list. we honestly don’t know that much about his backstory and i am super curious about why his family relationships are so strained (except with his sister, joy). for now, he remains a mystery, but like an attractive mystery. overall, me -> ( ・_・)♡
2. zach lee/lee jin sung:
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honestly hated this boi in the beginning because he was a big bully to daniel, but  he has been through some SERIOUS character development. mira was a big part in this but i feel like overall his morals have changed so much even when mira isn’t around. he does still fight often, but now it’s not meaningless violence as he uses his boxing skills to defend his friends (ex: defending johan during the god dogs arc).
i also hated his eyebrows and hair in the beginning of the comic but like that’s personal preference. however, in the last few episodes, his hair looks SO GOOD (reference image above).
he is second on my list of favorite characters because i feel that his development throughout the story has been the most dynamic. he not only changed mentally as he overlooks lookism more (ex: he is not only friends with big daniel but also little daniel) but also physically as he doesn’t simply depend on his inherent talent for boxing but actually goes back and trains again in order to get better (to defend mira >.<)
in the future, i hope to see more development with his relationship with mira and his friends because i hold a lot of high hopes for this boi! ♥‿♥
3. vasco/lee eun tae/tabasco:
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BIG CUTIE ENERGY ♥╣[-_-]╠♥! first off, he may not have as much long-term development over the course of the story like zach, but we do see a lot of his development with his own arc and bullying story. he was always a pure boi and his inherent innocence creates a discrepancy with his appearance which makes him more endearing in my opinion. the idea of lookism is very apparent in his character because most people look at him and see him as a gangster or someone very intimidating, but in reality his personality and mindset are very innocent (showing another way that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover). i honestly LOVED the scene in the god dogs arc in which he defended zach and daniel joins in because that friendship is GOLDEN. i love how he always strives to be stronger and more powerful to defeat the evil in the world because it shows that he truly cares about the weaker people and those impacted by lookism. in my opinion, i think that vasco and zach will end up being the most powerful in the story (but that’s my opinion)
4. mira kim/kim mi jin:
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pure! cute! sweet! moral! (✿ ♥‿♥)! mira is just an all-around great gal that makes it impossible for me to find flaws with. although she isn’t super major in terms of daniel’s story, she does impact zach significantly and makes him a better person. like she is the sole reason that zach has become a character that i truly admire and like. (although she did think that daniel was the r-word when he tried hitting on her in the beginning of the story. but throughout the story we see that she isn’t really a person to judge people on looks and stuff as we see that she gives jasmine the benefit of the doubt even after the vasco fiasco)
5. yena/eli jang’s (jang hyun’s) daughter:
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honestly too cute for words. like the episodes where zach and mira find her are my favorites so i just wanted to include her in my favorite character list. also, she seems to be a character that really impacts other characters (zach and eli really changed for her ಥ_ಥ)
least favorite characters~
park ji ho:
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always doing dumb things and making it harder for the people around him. he tries too hard to be a part of the popular group and as zach said, he doesn’t really think of them as friends because he just thinks about what the benefits are for hanging out with daniel and co. i think we all went from being tolerant of jiho in the beginning and then hating him at the end. i especially hated how he kept blaming other people and yet not accepting when people were being friendly. especially during the fake bank account arc, he just brushed off daniel when he asked jiho if he wanted to go to the convenience store then jiho goes running back to daniel and his friends when he realizes his mistake. overall, -123912830/10.
2. james gong:
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don’t even know where to start with this punk. very violent for very little reason! i know i stated before that i hate jiho but i still felt kinda bad for him when he realized that james had sold the bank account he made for him. just overall a very intimidating character that hurt zach (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻
3. jasmine huh:
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needs to get her shit(ake) together. first off, she almost got vasco expelled from the school because of her lies. like big! red! flag! it seems that she really doesn’t care about other people (except james) and is willing to put so many other people at risk to save her own behind. also, i hate how she uses other people. like how she uses mira to make money when mira didn’t do anything wrong ヾ(゚д゚)ノ. i hope she one day realizes that her lies are gonna hurt so many other people and then herself.
4. heemin kim/zeus/creepy dude from the boot camp arc:
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sexual assault is a big no in this household. i hate how he thinks that being handsome can defend him of his crimes! also, he broke zach’s arms which made me FLIP OUT. LIKE HOW DO YOU DARE TO HARM MY BOXER BOI. he also attacked mira, an actual angel ლ(゚д゚ლ). words can’t describe how much i hate this man but numbers can -> 0/10
5. logan lee/lee tae sung:
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big bully energy. he needs to lay his hands off of everyone (especially zoe!). blackmail? big no go in this household. he also dumped his plate of food on mira? BIG NO GO! he needs to get his life together and realize that people don’t hate him because he’s “ugly,” it’s because he has THE WORST PERSONALITY!
6. strong contenders for least favorite: stalker girl, animal cruelty cat mom/hoarder, zoe’s stalker
characters that i need more information about to form stronger opinions about~
vin jin/jin ho bin:
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dislike him because he abused enu but also want to know more about him. big bully energy but i feel like he has a deep backstory behind him so i want to know more. why did he quite judo? why does he wear sunglasses? hope he gets over his superiority complex and changes because i feel like he has a lot of potential.
2. eli jang/jang hyun:
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so far, very cute and strong is all i have to say about him. also, he is a good dad like that scene where he put out that god dog’s cigarette? MAJOR PROPS TO YOU ELI. i’m very curious about his backstory as well because it seems that he was a contender for gun’s successor but he changed drastically to take care of yena. i also just love a man with good hair sooo…
3. jong gun + joon goo:
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i want to know more about these two! like what’s their backstory? why did gun create the 4 big crews? why was goo sent to the juvenile detention center before? (look at vasco’s bullying arc for reference) why did gun leave goo alone with the money collection? overall very mysterious and i want to learn more.
random characters that just deserve appreciation~
crystal choi/choi soo jung:
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we stan a strong female character. however, i don’t like how she is immediately prejudiced against handsome men in the beginning of her appearance. i think over time she’ll realize that her prejudice isn’t right and her experience as someone who has to deal with lookism doesn’t justify her immediate judgements. however, we need more female fighters in this story so she is a big yes.
2. duke pyeon:
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3. daniel park/park hyung suk:
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honestly, he’s a great character and all, but i don’t know if he could ever reach favorite character status. i just have a mindset that makes me unable to pick the protagonist as a favorite character because i feel like they are sometimes created specifically to just bring the story together. don’t get me wrong, he’s a great person, defends his friends, and doesn’t fight for no reason, but i feel like there isn’t anything super special about his personality (other than the fact that he has two bodies but like so does crystal). he also looks like kim seokjin in his new body which is a big plus.
4. inu/enu + inu/enu’s pups:
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i love dogs
5. mary kim/idk her korean name someone help me:
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strong female character? i think yes. honestly such a fav. she doesn’t take sh*t from vin jin and i honestly want to know more about her character and background. *spoiler alert* i read ahead in the korean version and saw that she can beat people up too so like… she’s a bada**.
6. kouji:
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as a person interested in computer science, I STAN. i also love a man with good hair. his cocky personality is sometimes off-putting but honestly his confidence is endearing at times. also we both love money!
7. jace park/park bum jae:
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during vasco’s bullying story, i was so sad when he left vasco, but i love how he realized that he should’ve been a better friend and has stuck with vasco after all of this time. also love how he listens to vasco and tries to make him happy even when he knows that vasco does some silly things (like planting durian seeds in korea)
8. zoe park/park ha neul:
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i love her development! she still fights with herself over whether she should like big daniel or small daniel, which displays her internal conflict with lookism. over time she has stopped judging people solely on their appearance and she is even able to distinguish between daniel and his cousin! (in my opinion, if daniel doesn’t end up with jay he better end up with zoe instead)
9. daniel’s (hyung suk’s) mother:
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10. song johan:
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deserved better. he was just trying to help his mom which makes him so pure! but i feel like he should realize that he has friends (zach and mira) that could help him get through his problems! overall, want to see more of him and i hope he develops even more.
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It doesn't matter who you like or what you ship
This will always be the cutest thing that happened on this webtoon
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Like just look
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So freaking cute
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jaeyeol-ism · 6 years
Jay is a useless character. I don't see why he's even there to begin with, he should have been pushed out that window and not daniel, plus he's not gay like wtf are yall on about
fhhjdfsjj okay y’all are entitled to your opinions on how “useful” a character is to the story BUT remember Lookism seems to be more about showing us what exactly is wrong with society and how we treat certain people and/or subjects.
Bullying(any unfit character,vasco), deciding who is worth speaking to based on looks(hyungseok,jiho,vasco,etc), how people are willing to stop being friends with someone to not get bullied(bumjae), people thinking those who are better looking are sure to be better than others(dukhwa being underestimated in music), abandonment of animals because they aren’t “ideal”(enu), being obsessed with presence on social media(Tae jun, yui, ha nuel,hyun-do), assumption of people with tattoos being dangerous and cruel(vasco,bum jae), boys thinking violent nature and masculine makes you more likable (jinsung),Money being the only things that makes the world go round and acceptance of lookism(soojung) and many more
well, these are my assumptions as what PTJ had been trying to show us for now and what characters he is using to show us examples of these things. (of course i left more out in fear of having a long post, but feel free to add on what things PTJ wanted to shed light on with certain characters!!!) now REMEMBER!! PTJ had focused on introducing us to characters who keep appearing in the series, and each one so far has had something to show us and teach us. who would have though that Jiho would have an arc of his own!! or Yui(very short)!! or hyun do with Taejun.
my point is, PTJ has a purpose for every character he introduces. Every single one will teach us and show us something or serve as an example of Lookism. SO please consider all that before calling any character useless. That goes to everyone in the fandom. 
dshhddhaj also what’s up with wishing Jaeyeol was pushed out the window, had he been the one, i doubt we’d have seen the true character of Jiho.  
And finally, addressing Jaeyeol not being gay. Yea, you’re probably right since korea is still very conservative and it’s most likely just queer bait. BUT also we’re not sure with PTJ’s plans. i seriously thought PTJ was gonna show suicide/self harm issues with Jiho ;;;
all in all leave fans to their own, just as we’re going to accept you don’t Like jaeyeol and don’t like that a lot of people think “GAY” when they see him
okay look, it’s been a while since i answered an ask like this so i might sound like i’m very unorganized and spewing whatever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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sirenbellex-blog · 7 years
YOOOOOO if anything happens to Enu
(or Eden) I'ma fuckin riot!
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boyinatown · 2 years
real quick before i start the memes and spoilers.
i have intern weeks coming soon which are 10 weeks , 4 days in a week. from 9 to mf 5 pm/am or somt.
i´ll try my best to update the new chapters and memes! though i can´t guarantee.
i also wanted to say thank you for all ur support , likes and reblogs. it means a lot to me fr ! i´ll try my best to keep you satisfied ( that´s what she said- micheal scott.)
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jinyeon when samuel kept yelling and begging.
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vivi when she almost had to get married:
( i hate that bitch why did she have an happy ending.)
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what happened inside goo´s head:
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me when jake saved xiaolung from taking the fall damage:
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now why did miss drug addiction get a happy ending.. fuck u jake
( litereally come to me i want u )
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james one day waking up deciding to start a war:
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how eugene felt finally having james on his side:
( he´s gonna get folded chapters later 💀 )
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me & @lookismaddict when the last chapters:
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how big deal looked to eugene:
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dg when eugene told him he knew he murdered someone and took the blame for charles:
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james knowing hes gonna eat good
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gun listening to charles calling his self old:
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crystal listening to her dad ramble about his age:
bonus memes underneath the cut!
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how zack, vasco & daniel will pull up to workers:
( hudson took the pic 😭 💀)
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vasco pulling up to workers:
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the allied crew with enu:
( daniel´s dog)
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Goo pulling up to the fight:
( i love that man 😭 💀)
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how lookism mfs fighting look to non main characters:
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samuel def did this to the car eugene bought him:
so imma dip tf out, maybe i´ll show up again. LMAO
have this tho .
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look at my fav male wifes go ( except hudson fuck him)
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I'm still bitter that the Lookism fandom constantly ignores how perfect the "Enu, the mutt" arc is just because they always talk about ships 😒
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