#envy adams x fem oc
madmaxified · 6 months
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envy adams is actually a lesbian and a bottom but I don’t think you’re ready for that conversation yet
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stitched-mouth · 4 years
which Scott pilgrim characters do you write for?
I write for most Scott Pilgrim characters actually😅
The SP Characters I Write For:
• Scott Pilgrim
• Ramona Flowers
• Gideon Graves
• Knives Chau
• Kim Pines
• Stephen Stills
• Envy Adams
• Lynette Guycott
• Wallace Wells
• Matthew Patel
• Roxanne Ritcher
• Nega Scott
• Julie Powers
Unfortunately I currently don’t write for most of the evil exes. I don’t write for Young Neil or Stacy Pilgrim either, sorry!
Also, I don’t write character x character. Only readers, please specify if you want a fem or gn reader! I don’t write male readers yet.
But I am so obsessed with Scott Pilgrim! If anyone wants to talk about it please message me! We can talk about the 10 year anniversary and all the rereleases they are doing for it now to celebrate! I have read all the comics, finished the game and watched the movie a million times so don’t worry about spoilers! You can also request hcs, scenarios or a fic for the characters above! (I don’t write for OC, sorry!)
Please don’t request more than THREE characters at a time when requesting hcs!
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Skeletons in My Closet (A Request)
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Requested: @nat-blossom​
Word Count: 2237
Pairings: Natasha X Reader, Natasha X OC
Warnings: Heartbreak?
Request: Natasha x Fem!Reader Nat and reader have been together for a while and are also married, have a 2 or 3 year old daughter, everything was great until someone from nat's past (maybe an ex) returns and meets Nat at a Tony party, this person brings problems to nat's wedding, they have a big fight, but nat reconciles with the reader in the end. a lot of angst and fluff.
A/n: I’m sorry this took so long! And I didn’t end it with fluff like you asked...pls don’t hate me! I just didn’t want to wait longer and I ran out of steam near the end. I still hope you enjoy it though... 
The shrill excited shriek rang through the common place of the Avengers tower where you sat on a couch reading a book.
Setting the book down, your place marked carefully, you smiled as a rush of [h/c] collided into your legs.
“Save me Momma!” Your little girl, your bundle of joy, stared up at you with eyes laughing in play.
Giggling, you stood and hefted her into your arms, “Now, what am I saving you from [D/n]?”
The answer came in a sashay stroll as your gorgeous fiance entered the room. A wicked playful smile on her blood red lips.
Your daughter screamed, her tiny hands clinging to your shoulders as she tried to bury herself into your heart.
“This Tickle Monster seems to have lost her prey. I wonder if she can persuade [Y/n] to help her.” Natasha mused, stepping closer as your daughter continued with stuttering giggles and squeals.
You smiled back at your fiance, your fingers crawling up your giggling daughters sides until they reached her stomach.
“You can’t escape!” With a laugh, you blew a giant raspberry on your daughter’s cheek as she struggled to get out of your hold as you tickled her. 
Natasha coming behind and helping in the playful torture as she added her fingers to the tickling.
“Stawp! Stooop! Momma! Mommy! No more!” Your daughter screamed, and you finally stopped when you saw a tear in her eye.
Hoisting her to your hip, you pulled Natasha close and kissed her softly, “It seems you both had fun today at the fair.”
Natasha giggled against your lips, her arm going to wrap around your waist, mindful of [D/n], “Yeah we had a lot of fun. Want to tell your Momma what we found?” She asked the toddler in your arms.
Her green eyes, just like Natasha’s, lit up as she looked at you, her chubby hands waving in the air, “Pretty Flowers!”
Natasha laughed and elaborated, “We found a florist who is willing to do our bouquets and pins and stuff. Her rates were good and she is willing to sign a NDA.”
A sound of excitement escaped you as you dug around for your phone in your pocket. 
Pulling up an app, you scrolled until you found what you wanted.
“Okay Florist is checked off. Now all we need is to figure out the officiant and we’ll be ready for next week.”
Natasha nuzzled her nose against your cheek, humming in contentment. Your daughter giggling and deciding to copy her Mommy.
You felt your heart swell with love at these two people in your life. Your loving fiance who had recruited you into the Avengers and who you have been dating for the past five years, and the adorable three year old that had a mix of yours and Natasha’s DNA courtesy of Dr. Banner’s medical expertise. 
The next few days passed in a blur of wedding preparations. Natasha decided to wear a cutting black and red suit, and you wore a white dress with red accents.
Your adorable daughter was the flower girl and you had managed to talk Tony out of having an actual bear as the ring bearer. 
“Oh I’m so nervous!” You paced back and forth in one of the rooms in the tower. Wanda smiled softly, effortly elegant as she sat on a loveseat in the bridesmaid outfit.
“You and Natasha have been dating for years, [Y/n], you have nothing to worry about. She loves you.”
You chuckled, knowing Wanda was right.
“Are you guys ready?” Tony stuck his head in the room, his smirk softening when he saw you in your dress.
Dusting off non-existent specks from your dress, you let Tony take your arm.
When you had asked Tony to walk you down the aisle, you had been beyond nervous. You should have known he would jump at the chance. 
Now, with your arm tightening on his, you took a deep breath before nodding to the attendants at the double doors leading into the Tower’s ballroom.
Wanda stepped through, your daughter having gone down the aisle earlier.
“You got this [Y/n].” Tony placed his other hand atop yours for a moment.
And then the doors opened and white light blinded your vision for a moment.
When it cleared, your throat closed up tight. Standing up at the altar, next to Steve who was smiling brightly, Stood your bride-to-be.
Natasha was radiant. There were no other words to describe her. Her long red hair pulled up into an elegant bun. Makeup flawlessly drawing out her vibrant green eyes. Her suit hugging her curves. Standing up there with an ease that you envied.
The music was just background noise to your heartbeat. Thumping painfully in your chest. 
And then suddenly you were standing right in front of her, her eyes big and bright staring at you with all the love that was in her body.
The bubble you were in burst and the sound rushed in. Vision trying to get the guests to quiet down so he could start the vows.
Sparing a glance to the crowd, you spotted the team that wasn’t part of the wedding party, a news channel with their cameras set up in the back, and several reporters amongst the few civilians who had been background checked and invited to the wedding of a lifetime. 
But Natasha captured your attention once again. 
“Momma looks so pretty!”
Your daughter’s innocent attempt at a whisper to Wanda, that ended up being almost a shout, had the crowd chuckling.
Vision hummed, “We are gathered here today to witness the union between Natasha Romanoff and [Y/n] [Y/l/n]. Already seen as married into each other’s eyes, today they will be married in the eyes of the law.”
Tears pricked your eyes as you struggled to keep them at bay as you stared at your soon-to-be wife. 
There was a gentle hum as the crowd watched in rapt attention to the marriage.
“If anyone should oppose to this union, let them speak now, or forever hold their peace.”
Silence. You just wanted to kiss Natasha and be dont with the wedding already. You wanted your wife in your bed. You wanted your daughter to have a whole family already.
You had tried to convince Vision to skip this part of the vows, but the Droid was adamant that he had to follow the rules he agreed to when he became a certified officiant. You thought it was a waste of time, no one was going to object anyways.
As Vision opened his mouth to continue after waiting the required minute...the Doors slammed open.
A collective gasp from the crowd and you and Natasha both jumped into fighting position at the sudden noise and intrusion.
A man strode angrily up the aisle, his hair messy and panting as if he had run blocks to get here.
Tony, from his seat in the front, stood up and glared back towards the door where guards were running to catch up to the mystery man.
Still in poise to strike should this turn dangerous, you turned your head to look at Natasha, and was surprised to see her out of her strike pose. Instead standing ramrod straight with a look of subtle horror in her viridian eyes.
Turning the other way, you saw that Wanda had already stepped in front of your daughter, one hand clutching hers in preparation should things go south.
“And just who do you think you are to come in here and disrupt this beautiful ceremony?” Steve stepped forward, his build an imposing figure, even for those who would not know him as Captain America right away.
The man barely spared him a glare as he walked right up to Natasha and grabbed her wrist in a vice grip.
“You are not marrying anyone! You hear me Natalia! You’ve had your fun, but now your little act of rebellion is over. Now, let’s go!”
You expected Natasha to fight back, to ask what the man’s problem was, to do something!
So you were shocked when, instead of doing that, she took a step to follow the man.
At you and your daughter’s voice, Natasha jerked as if waking up from a trance and turned her wide, scared eyes onto you.
Stepping up beside her, you tilted your head at the man who was fuming, “Who is this?”
Natasha opened her mouth to respond, when the man cut her off, jerking her wrist causing her to stumble into him. “I’m Her Fiance.”
The crowd gasped and pandemonium broke out. The reporters shouting questions, the news reporters bringing the cameras in closer.
Tony, Steve and the rest of the team began damage control and ushered you and your daughter with Wanda out a back door.
You lost visual contact with Natasha and felt numb as that sentence ran through your head again and again.
Five years. Five years you had spent with Natasha and not once had she brought up a past relationship, much less a proposal.
Once away from the noise, in a small room away from the general public. You allowed your knees to falter. Falling to the ground, you felt wetness on your cheeks, dimly realizing they were tears.
And then you panicked, looking up at Wanda, “My Daughter?”
Wanda nodded her head and you saw your daughter looking confused and scared behind her.
You sighed, and then “I need to speak to Natasha. I need to hear her side of the story. I need to know-”
Wanda interrupted gently, her hands coming down to rest on your shoulders, “You need to calm down right now and be here for your daughter. I will find out what happened once the team has given the all clear. Okay?”
You nodded and rose to your feet, your wedding dress now scuffed and crumpled.
Wanda spared you a look of reassurance before she opened the door slightly and left to see what was happening.
Gently you took your daughter and lifted her up to your hip, cradling her softly.
“Who was that man Momma? Why was he being mean to mommy?” Your daughter’s soft voice cracked your heart. She was so gentle, and sweet. She didn’t deserve this confusion and fear that was in her voice.
You hummed, “I’m not sure sweetie, but your mommy is strong, and we’re going to figure this out. Okay?”
Your daughter didn’t look convinced, “What about the wedding. Momma and Mommy didn’t say the magic words.”
You hadn’t. I do. The words that, you explained to your daughter before the ceremony, were magical and would make all three of you one big family.
All you could do was try to soothe your daughter, “It’ll be alright.” But even you could hear the doubt in your words.
When Wanda did come back into the room, it was with a subdued look and a strange silence coming from the room behind her.
Walking past her, your daughter still in your arms, you reentered the ballroom.
It was now empty. Seats overturned. Flower petals and displays scattered around the floor. 
Standing at the altar was the team minus Natasha. All looking a weird mixture of worn out, confused, angry, and upset.
“[Y/n].” It was Steve who brought everyone’s attention to you as you walked up to them.
Tony smirked at you, but it fell into a soft smile.
Vision looked beyond guilty as Wanda floated over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist.
“It wasn’t your fault Vis.”
Vision made no move to show that he heard you.
Bucky walked over and held out his arms. Silently, you transferred your daughter over to her Uncle.
Your body slumped as if a weight was suddenly put on your back, “So what do we know?”
Steve straightened, going into Captain mode, “In the ensuring chaos, we lost visual on Natasha and the man. Security footage shows him fighting his way past the guards. We ran his face through facial recognition and got a hit.”
Steve had all of your attention, your eyes narrowed in on him. 
“A man by the name of Josef Young. Ties to the Russian Mafia and the FBI believes he is responsible for several high profile murders in the past years.”
You ran a hand down your face in frustration, “So the only link between him and Natasha that we have is Russia.”
Steve swallowed audibly.
You narrowed your eyes, “What.”
Before he could answer, the large ballroom doors slammed open and Natasha ran up to you in a flurry of black and red.
“Who was that man Natasha?”
Natasha shook her head, her eyes frantic, “He was no one. He’s gone now. He was just a skeleton in my closet. Let’s finish the ceremony… I love you.”
You took a step backwards. Ignoring the urge to flinch at the wounded look in Natasha’s eyes.
Your hands fumbled desperately until your daughter was back in your arms.
“I..Tell me the truth Natasha. If you can’t do that...then I think we’re done.”
You waited. The silence was suffocating. 
Your eyes glistened with unshed tears, “That’s what I thought.” 
And with that you took off towards your room in the tower, the familiar weight of your daughter the only things keeping you grounded.
FOREVER Taglist:
@sxph-t​ @mialeelavellan​ @rainydaysrnevergrey​ @platonic-plots​ @sociallyawkwardcircus-freak-hi​ @queenbbarnes​ @mythixmagic​ @chas-z​ @thefridgeismybestie​ @strangersstranger​ @princess-evans-addict​ @rororo06​ @timelordhunterandmysterysolver​ @xxxtwilightaxelxxx 
Natasha Taglist:
@ludwigvonbaethoven​ @hanjiscience-slut @kitten-q-p​ @morbid-gaymer​ @honeybadgerwhodoesntcare​ @sunnyandtwisty​ @zoeyknight​ @kurlyafro​ @thewomanofwonder​ @5aftermidnight​ @myfemininelesboworld​ @gaytrashgoblin​ @marvelb00kwolf​ @multifandom-imagines-things​ @turtlelurky​
Avengers Taglist:
@jadepc​ @marvel-is-a-mood​ @brynnloh​
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madmaxified · 6 months
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they’re so in love guys
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madmaxified · 6 months
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caitlyn and holly USED to hookup, not since she started dating envy tho
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madmaxified · 5 months
envy loves it when caitlyn puts a collar and leash on her when they smash - what who said that
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