#ep109 spoilers
lanladesu · 1 year
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girl lost her leg in a cool way so that's okay :3
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kidcore-mason · 1 year
I haven't stopped thinking of ep109. Was walking with a group of friends and one of the started a conversation with "she looked like she was gonna put a hole through my chest" and I interrupted "SPEAKING OF HOLES THROUGH CHESTS! "
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asachuu-et-cetera · 1 year
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I’m not sure why, but I feel as though the One Piece artstyle is so…simple? I thought it would be extremely difficult to draw any of the characters, but it really isn’t, at least not so far. It is true I’m trying to draw these quickly, so maybe I’m somehow cutting corners, but I don’t think it applies to the general style? Regardless, this isn’t a complaint, I’m super glad about it.
A part of me does want to ramble about some OP characters on here since that’s basically the purpose of a side account, but I just know I have nothing proper to say since I haven’t exactly spent my years studying this bunch, so just take my artworks as a replacement…although I will admit that my current list of characters I want to draw at some point also features those whose designs I simply enjoy in some way without necessarily caring about them as a whole, and if my top priority section does actually get finished one day, I’ll probably move on to those as well if I still feel like it. I suppose I might give a heads up if I’m drawing someone more so for the sake of designs, just in case anyone got curious about it, but I might forget to do so as well.
As a side note, I do find it quite amusing that my favorite character so far is probably someone else, and while I can’t decide whether I want to draw them one day or not, I’ve already given the spotlight to…well…Crocodile and Smoker, as of now, without even thinking twice…but hey, priorities, am I right?
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bizlybebo · 5 months
jrwi headcannond
this is such an awesome fucking ask to get. ouguohigohoh i’m about to RAMBLE
plspls let me know if the post doesn’t minimize so i can add a “read more” thing i don’t wanna clog peoples dashes
I’ve really only watched PD and Riptide so. take these ^__^ (SPOILERS UP TO RIPTIDE EP109 AND UP TO PD S2 EP19)
- Chip tried to teach Gillion sign language, but he was very confused at first. He didn’t get it because signing “sun” didn’t make a literal sun, etc. He even thought they were magic spells/incantations at one point. Eventually, though, Gill finally understood them— most prominently, the sign for “I love you”. He signed it to Jay during that moment in ep 53, and Chip found the slightest bit of strength during that moment in 109 to curl two fingers in and sign “I love you” to his crew, with what he thought was the last of his strength.
- Mae (May?) Ferin has very curly hair, which was brown but greyed with age. Jay got the vibrant orange hair from her father, but in my brain she has the curls from her mother, and to me that symbolizes how she strikes a balance between being a Ferin and being her own person, following what her mother wants for her (which is just to be happy).
^^^(Ava Ferin had the same hair as her father. She was the spitting image of what a navy captain was meant to be. She was like a mini Jayson growing up.)
- All the Ferins have wings. That’s it. Jayson’s, Jay’s, Ava’s, etc. are white, slightly blue-ish feathers. Drey’s wings are brown and black. His wings are pretty out of shape now, he can’t really fly anymore, but he can still lift them enough to put them over Jay’s, or Ollie’s, or Finn’s shoulders, and it’s like a blanket. He does it to Earl sometimes just because Earl hates it lmao
- Gillion has very long hair and prides himself on all the ways he can braid it into the traditional styles of the Undersea. It’s a slightly different way of braiding than on the oversea, though, so he taught his way of braiding to Jay, who taught her way of braiding to him. They also taught Ollie. who does Drey’s hair for him and occasionally Chip’s if he can be convinced.
- Hair is also a very sacred thing in the Undersea— one only cuts their hair when they have lost a battle, and so long hair is very respectable. When Gill first was exiled to the Oversea, his hip-length hair got cut very short, up to his chin. It grew out gradually over the campaign, but he tried to cut it after the events of 53, only being convinced not to by Jay when she fully understood why he was doing it. Gillion prides himself very much on his hair.
- Jay is dyslexic. In the Feywild, during that one segment, she lost the ability to read because the magic was preying on one of her insecurities, in a sense. Dyslexic Jay the headcanon i truth most.
- Chip has mild apraxia. It’s real to me.
- Also all of albatrio has/had speech impediments cause I said so. Gillion has rhotacism, Jay has a stutter, and Chip had a lisp growing up which still slips out occasionally.
-Joke headcanon that slowly became real to me: Gillion did Chip’s top surgery in ep 15
Prime Defenders:
- MORE SPEECH IMPEDIMENT HEADCANONS CAUSE I LOVE PROJECTING !! Dakota has a lisp/stutter, and Ashe has a general speech disruption. Ashe also has selective mutism ^__^
- To me, Summer and Cantrip had an enemies to lovers sideplot in early to mid season 2. I think Doug probably mentioned how when he was a villain, he worked with this girl Cantrip, who was Ruby’s sister, and Summer got curious and was like “damn. I wonder where she is now” and sought her out to try and talk to her. And literally their early dynamic was Jade going “kys” and Summer being like “i can fix her!!!”
- Xavier and Jade are mlm wlw hostility. Summer and Doug are mlm wlw hostility. Not reaaaally a headcanon but i had to say it.
- William’s family was very religious growing up. He also came from one of those small, Southern hunting towns and so he has the accent and everything (moomin infected my brain with this one <3).
- The PD season 1 finale took place a few days before Halloween, and the four of them had matching costumes planned out together but never did get to wear them.
- Also, to me, the greyscale arc takes place on or very close to Christmas.
- Dakota didn’t really celebrate his birthday nor Christmas for many years because of how lonely those holidays got for him— he didn’t really get a very good birthday/xmas after the events of the Resurgence. However, Tide didn’t know this and got him a birthday gift once, and Dakota ugly cried while hugging him.
- Shockwave was transmasc. He means the world to me. (Also why Tide is such a good hashtag ally)
- Dakota is very scared of spiders for no apparent reason. Whenever they show up he jumps up onto a table or onto Ashe’s back and tries to fight it off with a broom. Ashe is the one who has to take care of it.
- Gender straight up Isn’t Real on Fauna. Vyncent is literally genderless but nobody asked him when he got to Prime so he literally just went along with being he/him’d and didn’t really mind. (this one’s from arachnid lmao)
- Doug and Summer are queerplatonic that’s it that’s the post
- Ashe is a natural blonde, just like Mark, but bleaches their hair. Everyone was fucking shocked to find out about this
- Lightspeed and Wordsmith are also mlm/wlw hostility. real and canon to me
this is literally just the first ones off the top of my head i have so many but i’ve been writing this post for nearly an hour so i think i’ll cut it off here ^__^
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flammablehat · 4 years
wizards will say 'i know a place' and take you to the site of their most devastating personal trauma
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nebulaahh · 4 years
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i hope they pop over to see Essek before going to Eiselcross so they can discuss what to do about any dynasty people they might run into at the ruins
(i just really really want to see Essek again please I miss my boy)
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ravensslumber · 4 years
I love how Travis “fuck shopping episodes” Willingham has officially become the one who goes back for more
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strwpup · 4 years
y'all really going to use residuum in an arm tattoo in front of caleb? smh
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galaxy-katt-art · 4 years
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awkward-bard · 4 years
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lanladesu · 1 year
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chip sketches
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geektitude · 7 years
Episode 109 - The Black Panther with Ray Vargas [Spoilers]
Ep109: #BlackPanther w/ @rayvargas3 [Spoilers] #wakandaforever
geektitude Show Notes for 2.19.2017 Guest Interview: Ray #WeeklyGeekery (The geeky stuff we did this week) If you want to hear more about Black Panther, check out the other podcasts at geektogeekcast.com! Feature – Black Panther ‘Black Panther’: Why the relationship between Africans and black Americans is so messed up Coming Up Next week, Ray and I will be discussing defining and changing geek…
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nebulaahh · 4 years
You ever think about how Jester and Caduceus still don’t know what Trent did? And now this is happening?
Yeah me too.
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nebulaahh · 4 years
Caduceus finally said words about his emotions,,, phew,,,, I need a minute,
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strwpup · 4 years
an 1000 gold diamond 👀 huh 👀
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