the-punslinger · 3 years
Critical Role Quotes and Memorable Moments - Campaign 2 (83/?)
Matt: “[The Tomb Takers are] a little ways off to the western side.” Fjord: “High ground, below us. Lots of snow on this cliff face.” Marisha: “Ooh, ooh, ooh, yes. Let's Mulan them.” Matt: “You hear this explosion. And you guys watch as something gets thrown.” Marisha: “They're Mulan-ing us!” Sam: “They're Mulan-ing us?!”
Sam: “What evidence did you see, Essek?” Essek: "'Similar symbols.' And you see he rolls his fingers and you see the-- He sends a very simple Minor Illusion of the dodecahedron, the beacon." Sam: “Counterspell.”
Essek: “This is good cocoa, thank you.” Fjord: “It’s poisoned.” Jester: “I sprinkled the dust of deliciousness into that.” Veth: “And I put sovereign glue in it.” Caduceus: “And absinthe. And yogurt.”
Laura: “I got a fuckton of chuckle dust and oops-stones though.” Matt: “Hell yeah. Look out Lucien!”
Fjord: “Maybe some of us should stay while the others go.” Veth: “Shut your fucking mouth, that's stupid.”
Jester: “Just get something from here so we have something from here [to return to Eiselcross]” Caleb: "Bring him some snowballs." Jester: "Yeah, yeah." Veth: "They might melt." Caleb: "They will melt." Jester: "Yeah, but not instantly." Veth: "Fjord, could you make a snowball last a little bit longer?" Fjord: "I don't think so, unfortunately." Veth: "You melted 30 feet of snow, you can't make a snowball fucking last an hour? Jesus." Matt: "What use are you?” Fjord: "I'm not sure. […] I could add some snow to it. It wouldn't last longer." Veth: “No, it's fine, it's fine. I'll do it with my cantrip, Shape Water. It’s the easiest fucking spell I know. I can make a snowball and make it last an hour. Fuck you." Travis: “I thought we were really taking strides in this relationship.” Laura: “The most one-sided argument.”
Fjord: “Caduceus, you have an eye that's appeared on your cheek.” Caduceus: “Really? “ Fjord: “No.” Veth: “It's the letter I.” Beau: “Oh, sorry, that was some ink. I got excited.” Fjord: “You're perfect without it.” Caduceus: “I'm going to remember you said that. It's going to come back to haunt you one day. You will not expect it. I have siblings. I know how to get my revenge when I need to.” Travis: “Is that a threat from Caduceus?” Taliesin: “Oh yeah.” Beau: “He said 'shit' earlier.” Sam: “Whoa!” Fjord: “He did. It's taking a toll.” Beau: “I know. He's been with us for too long. “ Jester: “You said 'shit' earlier?” Fjord: “You gave me this brooch. You would never damage this brooch.” Caduceus: “No, the brooch will be fine. I love you like family.” Fjord: “Oh, that's not comforting.” Caduceus: “You're in such trouble.”
Laura [laughing at Sam out of the blue]: “Your mustache!” Sam: “I love it when a woman I respect just laughs at me for no reason.”
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genefish · 5 years
New Notebook Post: Sam’s Notebook: Transcriptome Annotation – Geoduck Juvenile Ambient OA EPI124 with Transdecoder on Mox https://t.co/WROy1W2BWB
New Notebook Post: Sam’s Notebook: Transcriptome Annotation – Geoduck Juvenile Ambient OA EPI124 with Transdecoder on Mox https://t.co/WROy1W2BWB
— genefish (@genefish) July 2, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/genefish July 02, 2019 at 02:31PM via IFTTT
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narcopedia1 · 8 years
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Marta Ochoa
MAS ran an ad in the paper stating they wouldn’t pay and instead they offered a reward to any citizen who could provide information. They captured, tortured and left several members of M-19 in front of Medellin’s newspaper buildings with signs that read, “I’m from M-19 and I’m a kidnapper.” Needless to say, Marta was returned without any money being exchanged.
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the-punslinger · 3 years
Critical Role Quotes and Memorable Moments - Campaign 2 (82/?)
[As the Mighty Nein escape] Veth [to Yasha]: “This isn't how i thought our date would go.”
Liam: "If we could find a - [realises he’s Polymorphed and cannot talk] I'm a bird..."
Matt: "So Jester, in your owl form, you can roll either an intelligence check or a dexterity check. One of which being able to calculate the actual angle of dropping and the distance that she'll drop as an owl, or just winging it - pardon the pun - and actually just hoping you're really good with your trajectory. Your choice.
Jester [Sending] Fjord: "You got 10 more [words]." Laura: "I could have said keep it safe, shit." Taliesin: [counting on] "I could have said keep it safe, shit." Laura: "I fumbled, fucking balls." Taliesin: "And out."
Matt: "It takes a little bit of time and your fingers get a little numb in the process but you do manage to cobble a stone from underneath the mass amounts of ice and snow." Liam: "Okay. I fold it up in a bit of parchment and write a description of our location and I add it to a little pouch where I have a turtle, some underwear from Veth, et cetera." Veth: “Can I swap those out, actually?” Travis: “Your ingredients are WHAT?”
[Rolling for an encounter again] Travis: “Mecha Gelidon!” Matt: “Lasers firing… She’s got a Vulcan cannon in the front.”
Beau: “So, can I borrow a dagger?” Fjord: “Sun's out, abs out.” Veth: “Sure, I've got an extra rusty one.” Beau: “I just rip off a piece.” Fjord: "What about the nice one you have?" Veth: "Shut up! It's mine." Caduceus: "It's a good name for a pub, The Rusty Dagger." Veth: "Get away from it. Don't touch it." Caleb: "Maybe when we all retire." Caduceus: "We should start a juice bar." Beau: "Feels like a place would have drag brunch." Jester: "Can I insight check Veth to see if she's joking or if she's seriously, like, a shithead about that dagger?" Matt: "Sure. Go for it." Liam: "I heard The Rusty Dagger does really good absinthe and yogurt smoothies."
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genefish · 5 years
New Notebook Post: Sam’s Notebook: Transcriptome Assembly – Geoduck Tissue-specific Assembly Juvenile Ambient OA EPI124 with HiSeq and NovaSeq Data on Mox https://t.co/hi29X4Ofcw
New Notebook Post: Sam’s Notebook: Transcriptome Assembly – Geoduck Tissue-specific Assembly Juvenile Ambient OA EPI124 with HiSeq and NovaSeq Data on Mox https://t.co/hi29X4Ofcw
— genefish (@genefish) April 15, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/genefish April 15, 2019 at 10:14AM via IFTTT
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narcopedia1 · 8 years
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M-19's Origin
M-19 is a guerrilla group influenced by Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s Marxist vision of Colombia’s self-proclaimed reformists, organized from ex-president Gustavo Rojas Pinilla’s party. His supporters felt he lost a rigged election on April 19, 1970. The date of the loss is what inspired the 19 in M-19. The M stands for movement and a movement is definitely what they started.
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narcospedia · 8 years
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M-19's Origin
M-19 is a guerrilla group influenced by Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s Marxist vision of Colombia’s self-proclaimed reformists, organized from ex-president Gustavo Rojas Pinilla’s party. His supporters felt he lost a rigged election on April 19, 1970. The date of the loss is what inspired the 19 in M-19. The M stands for movement and a movement is definitely what they started.
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