secular-jew · 1 month
I sort of forgot about Colombia which is a beautiful country, sadly, corrupted by the drug cartels. But like all failed South American states, Colombia has fallen into disarray, so much so that many of its best people have left, and the remaining seem to have elected the worst possible type of Marxist leader, who was formerly a terrorist, as ex head of gorilla group, M-19. His campaign has allegedly been financed by the rich drug cartels.
Not surprisingly, the dark side of Marxism has partnered with Islamism, again. These authoritarian enterprises seem to make compatible bedfellows.
The government of Colombia has just announced it is breaking ties with Israel and is recalling their ambassador. Because diplomacy, Marxist style, means not engaging.
Columbia's first Marxist leftist president in the country's modern history, Gustavo Petro Urrego, was formerly the leader of the gorilla group M-19. He is currently under fire for taking illegal money from drug cartels, but has the audacity to accuse Israel of genocide.
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We don't need you asshole leftist guerilla Marxists. Go away and stay away.
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kathleenkern · 3 months
Back to Bogotá
And a graffiti tour Returning to Camila’s place gave me a chance to rest my knee—which I did the day after a graffiti tour of Bogota with a young man from a tour company run by Camila’s friend.  His name was Camilo, and he had been an art student at one of the more than 100 universities in Bogota. He went all the way back to graffiti as a movement in the 1960s, to Cornbread, a young man who…
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61185 · 2 years
One of my major history obsessions is the siege of the palace of justice in Colombia, a historical event that split the history of my country in two. A dark, depressing rabbit hole full of incompetent rebels, crimes against humanity, enforced disappearances, military cover ups, negationism and conspiracy theories.
But I didn't know where to post about it, not only is the topic too extensive and cryptic to cover in a single post, I like to share tidbits of research as I read about it. I have another sideblog where I talk (very flippantly lol) about the french revolution, and while sometimes I get into other history topics there, this one is so completely unrelated and such a extreme change in tone, I thought it would be more appropriate to give this topic its own space, where I can infodump to my heart's content.
To start, I'm going to talk about the images used for my theme:
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This might be the most baffling moment of the siege. It was the morning of the 7th november, the second day. Pictured is the building itself, la plaza de Bolívar (Bogotá's main square), and military personel and hostages running from the building. A few meters away, this middle aged man in a tux shows up out of nowhere and starts to feed pigeons.
You can watch a clip here (sorry for the facebook link... i couldn't find it isolated anywhere else. If you're curious, apparently it comes from the documentary La Toma (2010)) please notice how he just... stares at a tank and then keeps going.
He was never identified and it was never known how he managed to access into la plaza de Bolívar, since it was completely blocked by the military. It is said that he was a distraction set up by the military to distract the press from recording the hostages leaving the building. Knowing what they did to a lot of the hostages, maybe it isn't so far fetched.
It's still a powerful image.
My profile pic is one of the major victims of the siege: the president of the supreme court, Alfonso Reyes Echandía. A talented and beloved jurist, was held hostage by the M-19 guerrilla. After failing to communicate with president Belisario Betancourt, he begged for a ceasefire through a public radio broadcast that everyone heard at the time, but was completely ignored. You can hear it here. Here is another audio from later, where he is interrupted by M-19 leader Alfonso Jacquin, who desperately cries for a ceasefire, saying that if the military didn't stop firing, everyone was going to die (and that's exactly what happened). I find this one particularly harrowing. You can hear screams and bullets in the background. I'll translate both eventually.
Reyes was killed by a military bullet, probably caught in a crossfire. Rest in peace.
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Film No. 5: Pizarro
Fecha de estreno inicial: 26 de abril de 2015
Director: Simón Hernández
País: Colombia
El comandante Pizarro, el hombre que cambio las armas por la paz. Líder del movimiento revolucionario M-19, mismo que posteriormente se transformaría en una guerrilla colombiana. Un sueño colectivo y una vida truncada, todo esto y más se presenta en este bello documental en manos de las personas que lo conocieron, acompañaron su proceso y no menos importante ,de su hija María José, la voz narrativa.
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yellodisney · 1 year
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alivedean · 6 months
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crowley's looks appreciation → 6/? ↳   the flood outfit
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thenationview · 2 years
The murder of a former M-19 member who still has loose ends
The murder of a former M-19 member who still has loose ends
Since his return to civilian life in 1994, Romero has had several episodes of death threats. According to the next of kin, he could not sleep peacefully after his murder. Even when he was in the La Victoria district Together with her partner, she chose to change her address to Soledad Municipality for a ballot paper left at her door. At another time, when he had already moved to your new homethey…
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kayime · 2 months
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undercovercannibal · 1 month
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STATION 19 4.04 Don't Look Back in Anger
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angelnumber27 · 1 month
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prolly fav pic someone else has taken of me in like…. 7 years
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damiengravehill · 11 months
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Renfield art soon ! Have this doodle for now : ]
- Damien.
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61185 · 2 years
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In 1985, when they [the M-19] went back searching for big targets, they studied again the possibility of attacking the legislative chambers, but again, the idea was defeated. The magnitude of the building, the unpredictable schedules of the congressmen and the fear of a violent retaliation from the Armed Forces were the main arguments against it. Regarding this last aspect, Fayad [one of the M-19 founders] explained that the Army could have reacted believing that it had the opportunity to "smash the subversion and the congressmen at the same time." While looking around for possibilities ⁠—that for the pretentions of the action weren't many—, he quickly arrived at the headquarters of the Supreme Court of Justice.
Noche de Lobos, Ramón Jimeno, p. 24
Emphasis mine. There's some awful foreshadowing here.
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utilitycaster · 7 months
I enjoy shipping, but I cannot see the appeal in watching shows only for the purpose of shipping; I think it closes you off to so much. I think coming into a work with the expectation that it will only succeed if a particular configuration of people end up happily in a relationship with each other when the curtain closes means you will reject so many unexpected choices altogether. It destroys your ability to appreciate the entire concept of tragedy. Just, imagine refusing to let yourself enjoy "I'm not a gardener" because you are too furious that a different kiss than the one you wanted happened to feel other emotions.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 years
M&Ms were the cure to COVID and a zombie virus?? Ryan Bergara and Shane Madej were there. Shane caught the zombie virus. :(
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reedusmcbridedaily · 11 months
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kayime · 3 months
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