epoxyrp · 3 years
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001. All-Hallow’s Eve
Diagon Alley has been infused with the power that comes from one of the most potent magical holidays in the year... All-Hallow’s Eve. Though some of the Wizarding World might like to forget the muggle origins of the celebration, over centuries the evening has become a time for the layers between magical and muggle grow thin, for strange occurrences and a fizzle in the air that makes one desire for reckless things. It is by the light of a Waning Gibbous that Diagon Alley in London is filled with wixen from across the country, all packed into the crooked laneways and cobblestoned squares, to celebrate the meeting between the spirit and magical worlds. Lanterns illuminate the husky late autumn evening, which punches the sky purple as a bruise, dotted with distant stars. It is clear and bright, milder than expected, with a gentle chill breeze. Stalls have been set up all along Diagon Alley, offering magical knickknacks, food, and mulled wine or spiced rum. Children and adults are in plentiful company, although later in the evenings various magical acts set up in the adjacent courtyards, and the drinks start to flow a little more readily. The entrance to Knockturn lurks on the corner of Diagon, and rumour is that if you venture down there, you may be in for a very different night than the family-friendly festivities the Ministry has organised...
WHAT: A multi-day evening event celebrating All-Hallow’s Eve WHEN: Taking place over the evenings of the 28 to 31 October 1999 START/FINISH: We start now and will end on 5 November GMT+1 WHERE: Diagon Alley and its various sprawling laneways, passages, and courtyards OOC: Welcome to our first event! We are kicking off with an All-Hallow’s Eve celebration! For four nights the Ministry is putting on an event that celebrates the second most frightening night in the magical calendar (the first being Samhain, April-May). You are free to continue existing threads, though be mindful that this event officially pushes us IC into the end of October and the beginning of November in the year 1999. I encourage some rapid-fire posts to get things going, and don’t be afraid of single sentence starters to break the ice! TAGS: #epoxy:event1 for all starters
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