He got a haircut and I'm lightly losing my mind. 😳
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p-redux · 1 year
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It's my Lord and Master, Tobias Menzies! Showing up at a rally in London---equityuk showing support for the sagaftra strike. Here's a close up. 👇
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I'm getting info in Twitter DM that the lovely lady with him may be 38 year old English/American actress, Lydia Wilson. But not 100% sure.
Love my Tobs being so supportive to fellow actors on strike...and looking hot as fuck AND super smart in those glasses. 😍
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felassan · 2 months
Snippets. 🐺💜
For Game Informer’s July 17th DA:TV article, "BioWare On Returning To The Dragon Age Series, 10 Years After Inquisition", the article is still titled as such on its own page, but it looks like on the GI DA:TV Hub page its listing was updated to "Dragon Age: The Veilguard Is 'Respectful And Referential' To Previous Games Without Making Them Mandatory"
[previous comment for context - Brenon: "we do have "decision saves" before big choice moments, but there are still a bunch that depend on a whole mess of stuff you've done earler...so yeah...RIP"]. Derek on this: "Choice and consequence, baby." [source]
[context: DA official Twitter's news about what's coming in August] Derek: "Buckle up!" [source]
Bryony Corrigan (Rook) on the strike: "I care a lot about this game! @/dragonage. Gutted we are unable to speak more about the game for now but absolutely in solidarity with actors in the US. I hope @/EquityUK are also fighting for better protection against AI clauses in the UK too…!" [source]
Matt Rhodes recently wrote to his mailing list that "The project I’ve been working on for many years is nearing completion. In my rare free moments, I’ve been starting to organize concept art to start posting after the game ships." [source] So it sounds like DA:TV is nearing completion and that he will be posting DA:TV concept art that he created after release. [This] is the link to his website where you can view his art, including some existing DA:TV and previous DA game concept art. If you click the envelope symbol on this page, that's how you can subscribe to the mailing list
from Community Councilmember Ladyinsanity - Lucanis x Rook apparently might be an "angst pairing" and there's maybe another one of these in the game also...? 👀 [source]
A user mentioned that they aren't keen on the word "roadmap". Michael Gamble explained: "all it means is a list of cool things you can expect to see us showing." [source]
Bellara's family name Lutare wasn't recently changed as some users wondered, it was Lutare at least a year ago during development. It seems it was just mis-printed or mis-reported in the GI coverage [source]
This article describes DA:TV as the most beautiful game the writer saw at SGF. It says the prologue is dated 9 years after DA:I. "Varric isn’t a ginger so much as a grizzled gray fox now". On Solas, he "wants to tear down the Veil that separates Thedas from the world of demons, restoring his people’s immortality and glory and sacrificing thousands in the process. But when his ritual goes awry, two of his most ancient and powerful adversaries are released. They seek only to finish what they started millennia ago – the complete and utter domination of our world." The game moves quite seamlessly from action to cutscene, and in the prologue "every cutscene is clearly building toward something larger". Position matters in combat. There is an accessibility option which involves the path-tracing of enemies' ranged attacks. At the beginning of the demo, the devs mentioned that they thought about the way different lighting affects your character. " The animations associated with combat are complex for one reason: responsive character features." CC has "inclusion of thick curly hair and capturing the tightly curled texture of Black hairstyles and natural hair", customizable shoulder-width and "a much-welcomed broad spectrum of skin tones—capturing both cool and warm undertones of both white and brown skin". The article highlighted the fluid movement of cloth. The writer also said, "I’m sure other Summer Game Fest previews will have a lot to say on the evolving relationship between Varric and Solas". [source] ((I don't remember seeing this article til now, it's from June though so I either missed it or have seen it and forgotten. also I don't know how accurate it is but the writer was one of the attendees of the DA:TV demo at SGF))
[character limit text break!]
Malcolm: "When I joined DA:Ve I was really hoping there'd be a romanceable dwarf companion and boy howdy did that come true. Harding is ☀️delightful☀️" [source]
[context: this Tumblr post of some neat art] Malcolm: "This is amazing and I fully went "oh wow that really sounds like Emmrich" before remembering that Nick Boraine is in fact a entire human person." [source]
User: "Speaking of Stalker, as a player the description of Bellara and Veil Jumper i've heard so far, alongside their exploration of Arlathan, somehow reminds me of Clear Sky and Chornobyl in Stalker series..." John Epler: "great eye! roadside picnic, Annihilation and STALKER were all absolutely inspirations" [source]
John Epler: "time to slowly make my way home after an awesome 4 days. thanks for an amazing experience to everyone who was a part of it. back to work." [source]
User: "We know there are returning characters in The Veilguard, so my question is: How would you and the rest of the writers go about writing a returning character who was originally primarily written by a writer who is no longer at the studio? What is the process?" Trick Weekes: "1. Watch videos to get the performance, how the character speaks. 2. Don’t try to replicate the character exactly. Allow them to have grown. Morrigan in DAI wasn’t Morrigan in DAO. She’d grown up. 3. Trust Character Art and Performance/VO. As soon as Morrigan walks in and talks in DAI, it works." [source]
Ali Hillis (Harding) on Twitter: "@dragonage @/bioware @/BioWarePulse @/ea #/DragonAge #/SDCC #/SDCC2024 FOLLOW ON INSTA FOR MORE!" [source]
Alex Jordan (Rook): "To all the D&D loving Dragon Age fans out there, let me tell you about my D&D group, made up of faces from the games industry! Including the voices of Geralt from The Witcher, Clive from Final Fantasy XVI, and Noah from Xenoblade! We are ⁦@/NaturalSix ⁩#/DragonAge" [source]
Erika Ishii (Rook): "Grateful I got to spend SDCC celebrating my roles in 2 games I love. Thank you to the devs (including laid-off workers who deserve full credit!), my friends, and the community. This is the last you’ll hear from me about my games from struck companies until they sign an interim agreement or the strike is won. Keep playing games, but share info from the union and let people know we’re taking a stand for all creatives. See you on the other side! ✊🏼🎮" [source]
Jeff Berg (Rook): "Damn, I love making video games. It’s like the perfect blending of theatre on film, where an actor is encouraged to collaborate and let their imaginations soar. And damn, do I ever love the incredible support from the fans of this incredible medium. Unfortunately, we’re in a time of upheaval in the industry. So let me make it perfectly clear: Video game performers deserve fair wages, safe working conditions and A.I. protections. I call on the employers to #/LevelUpTheContract. Guys, this is no single player game. We need you on our team. #/SagAftraStrong #/VideoGameStrike". Text in the accompanying video reads “Video game performers are stuck in a grind. AI is stealing voices, and companies are hoarding profits. The future of voiceover and performance capture artists is at stake. But out fight isn’t single-player. Whether you’re a gamer, a fan, a performer, a labor ally, or just someone believes in fairness. Keep video games people powered. We need you on our team. Video game companies must offer AI protections to ALL video game performers. Join me and show your support for those who bring our favorite games to life.” [source]
Jessica Clark (Neve): "Aaah a true bucket list moment!! Thrilled to play Neve Gallus a Private Investigator & one of the companions in the upcoming DragonAge The Veilguard Video Game!! We are appearing at the San Diego Comic Con as we speak!! With so much thanks & appreciation for the most fantastic team @/bioware & inspiring fellow cast members including (not limited to) @/missalihillis @/nickboraine @/zach.mendez @/jeffberg1 & more 🙏🏽 Draon Age The Veilguard releases this Fall 2024 & from what I've seen... It's truly epic!! You will love it & yes, it's worth the wait. (SAG-AFTRA issued us a specific window to promote & celebrate at Comic Con & from Sunday night onwards we will all be joining our fellow actors in the picket line for the Video Game Strike)." Text in the accompanying video reads "I’ve wanted to share this for so long! Thrilled to reveal that I play Neve Gallus in the upcoming Dragon Age The Veilguard!! Appearing at Comic Con San Diego as we speak” [source]
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Jessica: "Last night's Comic Con San Diego's Fandom red carpet celebrating Dragon Age The Veilguard! Releasing this Fall 2024!!" [source]
Zach Mendez (Lucanis): "A truly amazing first day of SD Comic Con at the @/dragonagegame poster signing at @/darkhorsecomics booth. Thank you to the fans who made my first con unforgettable #/sdcc /#sdcomiccon #/dragonage #/darkhorsecomics #/lucanisdellamorte #/voiceacting #/bioware #/eagames #/theveilguard #/babysfirstcon" [source]
Zach: "Dragon Age. Dancing. Derulo. Thanks @/fandom for a killer party" [source]
Nick Boraine (Emmrich): "Thank you @/bioware @/ea and @/comic_con - had an incredible time! #/dragonage #/theveilgaurd #/emmrichvolkarin @/zach.mendez @/missalihillis @/thejessicaroseclark - can’t wait for the fall release date." [source]
Ali: "Honored and thrilled to have been a part of another epic @/bioware story w @/ea . Thanks from the bottom of my heart to the whole team! We worked hard, and put our all into this one. Can’t wait to see you all at #/sdcc2024 this week to celebrate @/dragonagegame #/dragonageveilguard" [source]
Ali: "1st day of San Diego Comic Con 2024 !! The lines were long and the signings so much fun! Met some really nice fans, hung out w dragon age performance director @/ashley___barlow , companions @/thejessicaroseclark @/zach.mendez & Nick Boraine . So SO grateful for this #/dragonageveilguard family!" [source]
Ali: "I love every one of these people. There, I said it! What a warm welcome we received! Thanks to ALL! For EVERYTHING!" [source]
Ali on SDCC: "Gooooooood times. ❤️" [source]
Here is a 'behind the scenes at the DA:TV SDCC panel' photo -
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Here is a photo of Erika Ishii with Rook's blue knife -
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Here is an excerpt from Brianne Battye's website:
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Text reads: "Dragon Age: The Veilguard Defy the gods. Rise as Rook, Dragon Age’s newest hero. Be who you want to be and play how you want to play as you fight back and lead your team of seven companions, each with their own rich story. Together, you will become the Veilguard. Coming soon From EA/BioWare. I was responsible for a companion story arc, significant side characters, faction content, exploration content, and helping develop and expand worldbuilding lore."
Also, last year Zach Mendez (Lucanis) made a prior podcast appearance:
Zach: "I was lucky enough over the pandemic to have just hit a really nice commercial, and then I got this beautiful job on a video game where I was doing motion capture. Motion capture? Okay, so you put on this leotard, this black suit, and those little dots on, and you do all the motion for a video game, and you get to do the voice, and they put all these black lines on your face, so they capture your performance and whatnot. And so I was doing that and had some commercial money, so throughout the pandemic, for the past few years, I’ve just been getting to live off acting, which is great." -- Zach: "[Voiceover is] what I'm working on right now." -- Zach: "My father's from Spain." -- Zach: "I'm currently working on a video game, I can't say which video game." "It is a big one, it's not a big deal, it's a big one, I'm one of the main characters, it's not that big a deal." The interviewer asked about how acting in video games works. "Somebody's giving some performance that of course, they layer on imaging afterwards, like in graphics, right? But you're giving facial expressions, that's what gives it the reality, that's what I find so fascinating about motion capture, is that, you get to give big performances, because you're playing these crazy characters in crazy situations, and a lot of your performance is coming through in the final product which is, just gets me excited about the future of things about all the different ways. It's my voice, a lot of my facial features, I voice, I think, one or two characters in this game."
[source (dated ~a year ago. source link isn’t work-appropriate. I don’t recommend the podcast)]
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hayleylovesjessica · 1 year
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"In solidarity with @sagaftra members of @equityuk gathered in Leicester Square in London today #sagaftrastrong #sagaftrastrike"
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doodlerdoodle · 1 year
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#Repost @simonpegg
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Me and my sister in solidarity, @wellhayley, protesting with @equityuk in support of @sagaftra in London’s Leicester Square. ✊🏻❤️
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the-sayuri-rin · 1 year
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"We are not ignoring it. This is a global issue." Harry Potter star Imelda Staunton tells Deadline the community is behind the SAG-AFTRA Actors strike Imelda is standing with the likes of Brian Cox, Simon Pegg and Hayley Atwell at today's
@EquityUK rally
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The director is chucked in the harbour! Thank you so much to all the businesses around the harbour who sponsored Laura our director to be dunked in the outer harbour. As promised here is the video ! All fundraising for local our theatre work creating opportunities and great shows for people in the local South Devon area. It’s always really tough getting arts funding down here and we have to raise it ourselves with things like this, stalls, eBay etc as grants, wider arts funding etc have been tried for, for 19 years without any luck, but we refuse to give up .
Video in post by Robin - video in comments by Diane
#arts #artsfunding #britishtheatre #supprttheatre #theatre #brixhampiratefestival #arts #actors #fundraising #brixham #torbay #devonactors #actorslife #artscouncil #equityuk #equity #professionaltheatre @equityuk @aceagrams @brixhampiratefestival
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theatrenews · 7 months
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Echo: Theatre-News.com Witty and insightful new play 'Stitches' comes to Hope Theatre - #thehopetheatre @TheHopeTheatre @EquityUK http://dlvr.it/T2kqwb
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entertainmehub · 7 months
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Theatre-News.com Witty and insightful new play 'Stitches' comes to Hope Theatre - #thehopetheatre @TheHopeTheatre @EquityUK http://dlvr.it/T2gqjH
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adamwittek · 2 years
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We've hit 1000 members in our "@EquityUK Non-UK-Born Artists Network" Facebook group:
If not done already, come join us in our safe space for NUKBAs connecting with others, sharing news, discovering opps and discussing issues around representation in the UK industry. Please share. 🇬🇧
Follow us on twitter.com/EquityNUKBA and instagram.com/EquityNUKBA too. 🙌 (at United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkvbQ1TIeh9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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italianoutlanders · 6 years
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" Equity is 90 this year and I’m proud to be part of its fight for better, fairer and more equal pay and conditions, safe workplaces and for investment in the arts. #ProudtobeEquity #MyCardMyUnion " . Via Caitriona Balfe . #CaitrionaBalfe #EquityUK https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt1TGQ_g0O8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=527txrzie7gj
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felassan · 2 months
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EquityUK on Twitter: "🚨 SOLIDARITY FOREVER 🚨 📣Equity stands in total solidarity with our sister union @/sagaftra as their members working in video games go on strike. #/VideoGameStrike #/LevelUpTheContract" [source]
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missmaji · 6 years
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theatrenews · 7 months
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Theatre-News.com Witty and insightful new play 'Stitches' comes to Hope Theatre - #thehopetheatre @TheHopeTheatre @EquityUK http://dlvr.it/T2gqh0
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David Tennant has donated to Equity UK Benevolent Fund as well as having recorded a video asking for help for the organisation
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