#era: teon
7-dreamers · 2 years
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[MELON] Unreleased Behind Cuts Reveal for Dreamcatcher's 6th Anniversary
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gregor-samsung · 2 years
“ «Vi era una donna allora in Alessandria — narra la Storia ecclesiastica del contemporaneo Socrate [Scolastico], avvocato alla corte costantinopolitana — il cui nome era Ipazia. Costei era figlia di Teone, filosofo in Alessandria, ed era giunta a un tale culmine di sapienza da superare di gran lunga tutti i filosofi della sua cerchia, ricevere in eredità (diadochè) l'insegnamento della scuola platonica derivante da Plotino, esporre a un libero uditorio tutte le discipline filosofiche [...]. Da ogni parte accorrevano a lei quanti volevano filosofare.» Ipazia «aveva raggiunto un tale vertice d'efficacia nell'insegnamento, ed era così giusta e saggia e così straordinariamente bella e attraente» che gli allievi s'invaghivano di lei, si legge in Suida, il lessico bizantino del X secolo, nel lungo articolo intitolato Ipazia, o della faziosità degli Alessandrini. Le notizie di Suida derivano da due narrazioni, oggi perdute, del tempo di Giustiniano: quella, vera o presunta, di Esichio di Mileto e la Vita di Isidoro, ultimo sacerdote del tempio di Serapide, composta dall'ultimo scolarca dell'Accademia di Atene, il neoplatonico Damascio; di questa ci restano assai scarni frammenti. È presumibile sia la prima a dichiarare che Ipazia, «essendo per natura più dotata del padre, non si fermò agli insegnamenti tecnico-matematici praticati da lui ma si diede alla filosofia vera e propria, e con valore: pur essendo donna ella indossava il tribon [il mantello dei predicatori cinici] e andava per le vie del centro della città a spiegare pubblicamente a chiunque volesse ascoltarla Platone, Aristotele o qualcun altro dei filosofi.» “
Brano tratto da Ipazia, l’intellettuale, saggio di Silvia Ronchey raccolto in:
AA. VV., Roma al femminile, a cura di Augusto Fraschetti, Laterza (collana Storia e Società), 1994¹; pp. 214-15.
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cheaphousespending · 7 months
Nigeria: Firm Revolutionises African Marketing With Data-Driven Innovations
Teon Engine, the innovative Nigerian arm of Precise Platforms (a leading marketing communications company in Nigeria), is shattering outdated traditional marketing strategies with its intelligent, data-driven solutions. The marketing technology firm noted that they’re throwing open the doors to a new era of “Turning on the Market” through creativity and cutting-edge technology. Nestled in the…
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1. ALBA GARCÍA MARTÍNEZ, 2020. Games as an Art Medium: Critical Art Game Exhibitions in the Twenty-first Century. The International Journal of New Media, Technology and the Arts, 15(1), pp. 21-39. The text by Alba García Martínez discusses games as an art medium and critical exhibitions of art games in the 21st century. It goes further to look at how video games as a kind of artistic presentation and the meaning of critical art games shown in modern culture.
The quality of it is good because it provides views on how games are now recognized as art. For my studies in the art of game art and design, I chose this book because it provides a deeper insight into the artistry of games and the ways they can be showcased in contemporary art. This article has helped me in developing strategies for making an artful type of game.
2. Alva Noë, Strange Games, Puppy Play and Exhaustive Intelligibility: A Response to Thi Nguyen’s Games: Agency as Art, Analysis, Volume 81, Issue 2, April 2021, Pages 306–317
Alva Noë’s text serves as a response to Thi Nguyen’s writing about gaming being considered art. In reply to Nguyen’s position on agency in games as art, Noe talks about such concepts as strange games, puppy play, and exhaustive intelligibility. This discussion entails conceptions of “agency” and experience as it relates to games.
The text is good as it deals with an abstract philosophical discussion about the games and their aesthetic nature. Since my course was related to game art and design, I opted for that because it looked at the subtle philosophies behind games being considered an art form. It is very helpful since it provides me with more insights into various theories related to designing games and aesthetics.
3. Caiman, C. and Jakobson, B. (2021). Aesthetic experience and imagination in early elementary school science – a growth of ‘Science–Art–Language–Game’. International Journal of Science Education, 44(5), pp.833–853.
The article by Caiman and Jakobson delves into the exploration of an innovative educational framework called 'Science–Art–Language–Game' that aims to integrate aesthetic experience, imagination, and interdisciplinary learning in early elementary school science. Its main focus lies on highlighting the interconnections between science, art, language, and games with the ultimate goal of enhancing students' understanding and involvement in scientific education.
This particular text stands out for its exceptional quality due to its incorporation of various disciplines such as science, art, language studies, and game theory within the field of education. I chose this piece specifically because it serves as a source of inspiration for creative approaches toward integrating diverse elements into designing educational games. It is highly valuable since it provides insights into fostering a comprehensive and captivating learning environment which aligns perfectly with my own interests in developing multi-faceted educational games.
4. Clegg, M. (2018). ‘The Art Game’: Television, Monitor, and British Art at the turn of the 1960s. British Art Studies, (8)
Clegg’s text scrutinizes “The Art Game,” focusing on how television screens, British art, and monitors intersected in the early 1960s. Finally, it examines how these visual media impacted and reshaped art in this period.
The quality of the text comes from the detailed investigation of the connections between TV shows, screen, and art at a key time for British art. This is why I picked a book that discussed the relationship between visual technologies and art and the ways they are integrated into the era of gaming art and design. I found this book very interesting and I used it to gain an understanding of how art changes together with the emerging new media. More importantly for all of us, contemporary game design requires such a context.
5. Juho Hamari, David J. Shernoff, Elizabeth Rowe, Brianno Coller, Jodi Asbell-Clarke, Teon Edwards, Challenging games help students learn: An empirical study on engagement, flow, and immersion in game-based learning, Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 54,2016, Pages 170-179,
A study by Juho Hamari et al. investigates the effects of tougher games on student engagement as well as their sense of flow and immersion in a gaming environment. In essence, it argues that challenging class activities promote engrossment which leads learners into flow and absorption states. The authors based this on empirical research.
It is considered of high quality considering it employs an empirical approach, flow, and immersion which are well-established concepts, and has been published through Computers in Human Behavior which is a reputable journal. I found this article relevant to my field of study in game art a design because it enlightens on how to develop tough learning-friendly games for students.
6. Kühn-Botma, L. (2023). Video Games, Art-Making, and Digital Commemorative Narratives. de arte, pp.1–20.
Kuhen-Botma’s article addresses the intersections of digital commemorative narratives, artistic creativity, and video games. The article in short examines video game-based platforms for the expression of art and the narrative of commemoration.
The text is at a high level because it addresses the innovative usage of video games as an art medium as well as in-memory storytelling. I chose it for its suitability relating to my training in game art and design to reveal how video games go beyond only entertaining. As such, this work enlarged my vision regarding the power of games for telling stories and representing remembrance as an art.
7. Pitman, T. (2023). ‘Go Outside and Play It!’: A Scenographic Approach to Finding Aura in Sci-Fi, Cli-Fi, Augmented Reality Art Game, Sin Sol/No Sun. Romance Studies, 41(1), pp.65–85.
Pitman’s text considers the scenographic notion of aura applied to the sci-fi and cli-fi augmented reality art game “Sin Sol/No Sun.” It concludes that scenography creates immersive experiences with meaningful implications. To this effect, players are enjoying.
This makes the text a qualitative one as it highlights a special meeting point between AR, sci-fi, and cli-fi in view of a scenographic background. I chose this piece for its visionary approach to designing games and was published in “Romance Studies.” This work serves as an inspiration for me as a student of game art and design, giving hints at how to make interactive experiences where virtual space extends beyond computer interfaces and becomes coherent with.
8. Pierce-Grove, R. (2014). Pressing Play: Digital Game Techniques and Interactive Art. Games and Culture, 9(6), 468-479.
The text by Pierce-Grove explores the intersection of digital game techniques and interactive art, emphasizing how game design principles are employed in the creation of interactive artistic experiences. In summary, it examines the ways in which elements from the world of digital games can enhance and inform interactive art.
The text is high quality as it provides a thoughtful analysis of the crossover between game design and interactive art, offering insights into the creative potential of merging these domains. I selected it for its relevance to my studies in game art and design, as it enhances my understanding of how game techniques can be applied in broader interactive contexts. This work is valuable as it inspires creative possibilities in designing immersive and engaging interactive art experiences.
9. PATTON, R.M., 2014. Games That Art Educators Play: Games in the Historical and Cultural Context of Art Education. Studies in Art Education, 55(3), pp. 241-252.
Text by Paton investigates employing games in the historical and cultural context for instruction in art education. Finally, it details multiple arts used by instructors in the context of art education based on history and culture.
This text is well above par by showing an academic inquiry into the junction of game studies and educational art with its different approaches on how various games are implemented into pedagogy. Therefore, I chose it due to its relation with studying game art and design, providing a comprehensive approach on cultural and historical factors on use of games educationally.Therefore, this study is important because it helps me understand the cultural background in which the educational games are embedded to make my designs more meaningful.
10. Winegar, J. (2008) 'The humanity game: art, Islam, and the war on terror', Anthropological Quarterly, 81(3), 651
Winegar’s text examines the intersections of art, Islam, and the war against terrorism using what they call “The Humanity game”. Summarily, it shows how artists’ expressions in Islamic communities reacted and navigated through the conflict created by the war against terror
The text is of good quality for offering an anthropological viewpoint on the tangled interactions of art, culture, and geopolitics. My choice was motivated by the original method used to view international occurrences in light of art making and their significance. As a game art and design student, this work is helpful for me since it widens my understanding of such numerous factors that may define and find their reflection in game design forcing one to adopt a more culturally competent standpoint while working creatively.
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triviareads · 1 year
ARC Review of Second Chance with His Viking Wife by Sarah Rodi
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Prince Teon has returned to Kinborough to claim his throne, only to be confronted with his estranged wife Revna, whom he abandoned shortly after their wedding. abandoned eight years ago. Revna is the daughter of enemy Vikings, but he must set aside his distrust in order to work with her to save his people.
My review:
I personally enjoy this level of conflict between the hero and heroine when they're political enemies and come from cultures that historically have hella beef. Revna's Viking clan attempted to invade Teon's kingdom back in the day, and Teon believes her people had his mother killed. So... when his father betroths him to Revna, he's understandably not pleased (plus, Revna is very underaged). Teon chooses to leave his kingdom for several years right after the wedding, only returning at his father's funeral. Predictably, he is surprised and horrified by his immediate attraction to his now-grown wife (I LOVE when this happens, really, any belated wedding night situation is my jam).
From here, Teon and Revna have to navigate their growing attraction towards one another (well, Revna has always loved him) while their fortress is under siege from Teon's half-brother who's threatening to take away not only Teon's crown, but his wife (again, love when this happens). There's actually a lot of tenderness between them fairly early on, as well as some moments of levity, which surprised me, considering they're at war. You can chalk this up to the characters— Teon, for all his grudge-holding, is actually pretty lighthearted all things considered, and Revna is very earnest and eager to help any way she can. All that being said, there's still this quiet, underlying distrust on Teon's behalf that only really gets resolved by the end of the story.
The sex:
The sex was well-written and, on an emotional level, a lot more light-hearted than I would have expected for this setting and with this couple, considering their history. Teon quickly comes to the (not entirely misguided) conclusion that having sex with his wife will allow him to be less distracted during the siege, which I thought was pretty funny.
I will say, for a man who is hellbent upon not having PiV sex with Revna because he doesn't want to have kids who aren't of "pure Saxon blood" (a Choice, and one that would work in only certain historical settings for me), Teon cracks REALLY fast.
If you'd like to explore different historical eras in your romances and don't want a lot of... grimness, I guess, that I personally associate with Viking romances, then I'd recommend this book for you! I think I was expecting a little more darkness considering the premise and the setting, but I overall liked this book.
Thank you to Harlequin and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my review.
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anna-something · 6 years
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not-so-sneaky kisses and raspberries ©
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7-dreamers · 3 years
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[190301] Music Bank Commute © Wolf 별자리 | Do not edit
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7-dreamers · 3 years
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[190302] Ilsan Fansign © ʟɪɢʜᴛ ɴɪɢʜᴛ | Do not edit
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7-dreamers · 2 years
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[190301] One K Concert © l 버니지니 | Do not edit
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7-dreamers · 3 years
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[190504] ‘Invitation from Nightmare City’ in Kobe © Unconditional Love🌻 | Do not edit
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7-dreamers · 2 years
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[190222] Music Bank Commute © Smiling IEyoo | Do not edit
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7-dreamers · 3 years
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[190307] MCOUNTDOWN Mini Fanmeeting © 4D(For DAMI) | Do not edit
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7-dreamers · 3 years
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[190223] Fan Manager Event © InSomnia 𖧶 gac | Do not edit
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7-dreamers · 3 years
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[190505] Gimpo Airport back from Japan © ʟɪɢʜᴛ ɴɪɢʜᴛ | Do not edit
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7-dreamers · 3 years
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[190302] Ilsan Fansign © ʟɪɢʜᴛ ɴɪɢʜᴛ | Do not edit
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7-dreamers · 2 years
[ENG SUB] 190502 Dreamcatcher Asia Tour at Tokyo Kinema Club
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