#eric and valentinas kids are actually always outside
fundielicious-simblr · 10 months
(Valentina's pov)
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We've definitely been enjoying our summer here in Brindleton Bay! We try and spend most of our day outside, now that the girls are toddlers we have a lot more freedom as to what we can do. Aria and Ansel have been going with their dad to fish in a nearby lake almost every day since summer started, and whilst they don't come back with a fish everyday, they come back with stories about their fishing adventures that I'm sure they'll look back on with fondness. Whilst we aren't actively doing schoolwork in the summer, we're still learning when we're outside. The kids research the kinds of fish that are local to our area, so they know how to identify anything they might catch. Ever since we got our chickens, we've been learning all the things about them like the differences between the eggs that are laid for us to eat versus the fertilised eggs that hatch into chicks. We've also been learning about the fruits and vegetables that we've been growing, as well as the local plants and animals in the area. We've been debating whether to move to a property that has more land to have more animals, but that's a big undertaking so we're definitely praying on it.
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These four are proving to be thick as thieves, there's a year between them and they're determined to put me through my paces. I don't mind it though, I'm taking my time and cherishing all these memories while they're still young. Before I know it they'll be in school, then maybe even college, then getting married and moving out. I'm so thankful for the Lord choosing me to be the mama of these rambunctious kids.
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(AN: The kid should really be a toddler cause he's 2 weeks younger then valentina's youngest 2, but lets pretend these are old pictures. Also, I hate that the infant blanket has to appear when they're being posed)
My sister Sabrina and her husband Tucker live further out in the country from us, but we still see them at church and manage to plan to see each other when our schedules align. Though Tucker's family still does their touring music ministry for parts of the year, Tucker and Sabrina have chosen to focus on maintaining the farm and being at home. They've even bought their own home close to the farm, as they wanted their own place for their growing family. Sabrina announced that they're expecting another baby by early next year!
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My little brother Zachary is courting! He met Kelsey Parnell (19) last year when he was in Brindleton Bay to visit us, Kelsey lives in a town an hour away from Brindleton Bay but has the same social circles as our aunt Danielle. I guess my aunt is determined to have her nieces and nephews have ties to Brindleton Bay so that there will always be a way to see her, because this is now the 3rd couple she's used her match making skills on (the first being Me and Eric, the second being Sabrina and Tucker). Kelsey spends her time helping her mother at home, or working with the same ministry my aunt sometimes works with. They first met at a christmas bake sale to support an pro-life ministry, and would see each other everytime Zach would visit Brindleton Bay either for work or to see us. My parents were able to meet her parents as well and our families got along great, they agreed that it was okay for the two to get to know each other better in order for a courtship to happen, and recently Zach got the greenlight to ask her to start a courtship. Kelsey is a great girl, we've known her and her family for a few years and I think they'll make a great couple.
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Celeste is also courting! She's in a courtship with a delightful young man named Reid Robbins (25) from Northbury, a town a few hours outside Britechester. They met through mutual friends when she was at a young women's retreat that was a ministry run by his church. She met one of his sisters and they became fast friends, and she later introduced the girls to her family and the rest of the church congregation. These two met and there was a group chat formed where they all got to know each other and challenged each other daily to keep up in their walk with the Lord. Between a few visits to Newcrest, a few visits to Northbury, and some group trips added into the mix, Reid had started to pray to the Lord about Celeste (what he didn't know is that she'd also started praying about him!). After discussing the fact with his parents, they contacted our parents and after both sides approved, he made his way to my parents house in Newcrest and officially asked her! Though she was excited, Celeste was slightly apprehensive at the beginning because she is slightly older than him (her being 27 and him being 25), but my sisters and I reassured her that if she felt the Lord leading her in that direction - then to follow where she's being led. Now she's happier than ever before, she's already started dreaming about what their wedding will look like!
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Life at the Townsend’s
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Eric and Valentina are loving life with 2 children, with Ansel now walking and talking he’s able to join in on the activities during the day. After they wake up and have breakfast, Valentina will work with each kid on their manners and their pre-school work whilst Eric focuses on a work project. After a snack lunch the children go down for a nap whilst Valentina works on her garden plants and Eric heads outside to exercise, afterwards Eric returns to the computer to finish up his work whilst Valentina reads the children a story. 
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Valentina then makes a start on dinner while Eric takes some time to play with the children during and after finishing with work for the day, and to change a diaper if necessary too. Aria loves talking and is learning new words everyday, something she puts to use every time she talks to her dad after he’s done with work. While dinner cooks Valentina uses this time to work on her music, the children love hearing her play and she’s able to teach them the foundations of music which will help for when she teaches them music as older children.
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Dinner time is a family affair where everyone sits at the table and shares about their day (to the best of their ability anyway 😂) Aria has gotten used to her highchair and has learnt not to misbehave, whereas Ansel is still learning not to play with his food. After dinner is bedtime, with both Eric and Valentina doing the bedtime routine with the children, before Aria was born Eric told Valentina that he wanted to be there for bedtime stories and prayers with whatever children they had - he loves being able to fulfill his wishes.
(AN: throwing in another picture cause Aria is actually a daddy's girl and its so 🥺 )
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This always happens autonomously and its so cute, Aria is always talking to Eric about something the more she learns how to talk. It’s her birthday soon and I can’t wait to see how their daddy-daughter relationship grows since they can do more together once she’s older. 
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