fan-imagines · 5 years
Mark Sloan ~ Said Yes
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Mark Sloan x NeutralReader
Synopsis - You are doing a surgery on a man and he asks to speak to you alone. He kisses you against your will and Mark steps in to help.
Word Count - 1.9k+
**Warnings** man forcing himself on reader
***Please don’t read if sensitive***
“Dr. Karev, go ahead.” I say. I look at the patient that we are treating. I’m an attending In plastics like Dr. Sloan, and we are working on a patient together.
“John Christian. Thirty-seven years old. He wants to have a forehead lift, a chest tightening and a hairline correction surgery. He has currently been having Botox for two years.” I nod at him, and thank him. He hands me the chart.  
“So, Dr. Y/l/n and I were thinking we could do the surgeries simultaneously, and get it done quicker. Would that be okay for you?”  Sloan asks Mr. Christian. Mr. Christian looks at me and smiles. I take as him being nice, so I smile back.
“As long as Dr. Y/l/n will be in there, I’ll do anything. The more time I get to spend with her, the better.”  
“I will be in there.” I smile.
“Good. Go ahead.”
“Great. Karev, start prepping him for the surgery. I will be back in a second to finish after I check on Ms. Magnolia.”
“Of course.” He replies. I smile at the patient once again, before I leave the room. I hand a nurse the chart before I turn around. I run into strong chest, and I look up to see Mark.
“Hello, Mark. You’re kind of in my bubble.” I chuckle.
“Ha, sorry. Um, that patient was a little weird, huh?” He steps back and crosses his arms over his chest.
“He was just nice.” I dismiss him, and start to walk to Ms. Magnolia’s room. Mark follows me.
“That was not nice. That was flirting.” He looks at me.
“Well, I’m not surprised. I’m hot.” I smirk and walk into my patients room. I turn to see Mark, laughing before he walks away.
I finish taking care of Ms. Magnolia, and head back to Mr. Christian. I open his door, and he smiles when he sees me.
“Hello, Y/n.” I chuckle at him using my first name.
“Hello,  John.” I go over to his arm, and check the IV that Karev put in. John watches me the entire time, and I keep glancing back at him. I take out the IV; he doesn’t need anymore of the medication we’ve given to him, so he doesn’t need the needle.
“How long until my surgery?” He asks me.
“An hour or so. By then the meds we gave you should kick in, and it’ll numb your face before we put you under to operate. The surgery will take two to three hours. Dr. Sloan and Karev will do your hair fix and the face lift. I will do your chest tightening while they are doing the first things. They will finish before I do, and they will help me afterwards.” I place the needle onto a moving cart, and push it to the other side of the bed.  
“Okay. Um, I have a personal question I need to ask you, and I was wondering if you could close the door so I could ask you in more confidentiality?”
“Yes, of course.” I get up and walk over to the door and close it. I go back to him, and sit on the side of the bed farthest away from the door. He moves from the bed, and his legs hang over the bed.
“I wanted to know if I had a chance with you after this surgery?” He asks me, somewhat shy. I sigh and think of the words I can use to let him down softly.
“With my job, and you being a patient, I cannot date you. It’s not an explicitly stated restriction with the job, and it’s not you, it’s just that I personally don’t want to mix patient life with my personal life. I’m sorry.” I lightly smile, thinking I did a pretty good job and diffusing the situation with water, and not oil. He stands, and so do I.  
“Okay. I get that. But it would have been so, so much easier if you said yes.” I look at him confused, and the next thing I know, I’m pushed up against the wall. I gasp, and I guess that he assumed I was going to yell, so he covers my mouth with his hand. This freaks me out, and makes me want to scream. My eyes widen, and I feel one his hands push my stomach to the wall, and hold me there. I look to the door, as If I can make someone appear by looking at it. He kisses me on my neck, and I try to push him off. He move his hand from my stomach, and grabs one of my arms. Tears spill out of my eyes, terrified. I look around for anything that can help me, and I see the moving cart next to the bed. I move my leg out from under his and kick it. It falls over, and makes a loud crashing sound. John looks at me, then the door. No one comes, and He smirks before kissing me again.
Two minutes go by, but It feels like forever and a minute. I squeeze my eyes shut, just waiting for all of this to be over. My eyes shoot back open when I hear the door being opened. I sigh when I see Mark. I see his eyes change from normal to furious. I see him look at John, John holding me against the wall, the knocked over cart, me, and my terrified face. For some reason, John doesn’t seem to hear him. Mark runs over to John, and pulls him off me. I breathe raggedly, and fix my shirt that was slowly lifted up. Mark lifts John up from the ground by his collar with one hand, and punches him with the other.  
“Mark! Stop!” I shout at him. This man is no reason to lose your job over. He doesn’t listen to me, and punches him again.
“He deserves it!” I look up and see a few people looking into the room.
“No, Mark!” John suddenly gets strength and pushes Mark. He falls and hits his head on the cart. I see blood coming from his cheek, but he ignores it. Mark quickly gets up and they wrestle each other. I get closer to them, and start pulling John away from Mark. He throws his elbow back, and it hits me in my cheek. I fall to the ground and I press on it to stop the stinging.
“You ———-!” Mark lunges again at John. I look at the door and see Derek and Hunt running Into the room. I sigh, glad to see them. Hunt Is stronger than Derek, so Hunt pulls off Mark, and Derek pulls off John.
“What the heck is going on here?” Hunt shouts. I continue crying and look at Mark.
“Nothing. I was just thanking Y/n for the surgery early.” John says. Mark lunges at him again, but Hunt stops him.
“You know that is not what you were doing.” He spits. Derek looks at me, and realizes what was going on.  
“Nurse, get security in here!” Derek shouts, and pushes John into a corner, just in case he tries to leave.
“Are you okay?” Hunt asks me. I swallow, and nod, even though I don’t feel okay. The security comes in and they take John out of the room. I finally feel like I can breathe with him not being In the room. Hunt and Shepherd get paged, so they leave the room. I grab a suture kit from the supplies we have in the room and I tell Mark to sit down.
“Y/n, I don’t need you to do this. I can do it. You should take it easy.” He says. I shake my head at him.
“No. I need to do this. I know you can, just let me.” I plead to him. He must hear and see the desperation, so he sits on the bed. I grab a stick wrapped in guaze and covered in antiseptic to wipe his head and disinfect the area. I grab his chin and he lightly rolls his eyes and sighs, but i focus on wiping the wound. ^^^
“Can you tell me what happened?” He asks once I start to stitch him.
“I, um, I came in and he asked about the procedure. I told him about it, how we would all be working at the same time. He wanted me to close the door so he could ask me a personal question with less exposure. That was so stupid of me.”
“Hey, no. You don’t get to call yourself stupid for what he did. You didn’t know, and you obviously didn’t want that. You shouldn’t have to worry about stuff like that in your life. Let alone, your own work place.” I lightly smile and nod. He smiles back, and I continue.
“I closed the door and sat next to his bed. He asked me if there was a chance I would be with him after the surgery. I politely told him no because I didn’t want to date a patient. I wasn’t mean, I wasn’t malicious. He stood up and I did as well. He said something like it would have been easier if I said yes. The next thing I knew, i was up against the wall, and he, he uhh, he.” He stops me and my shaking hands.
“It’s okay. I’m sorry.” I put some guaze on his face, and hold it in place with tape.
“You came in at the right time.”
“ I heard the clatter, but didn’t think anything of it. Then I thought it was weird when I didn’t hear anything else. I’m sorry I didn’t get there sooner. I didn’t know that was a signal for help.” He looks down as if in shame for not getting there quick enough, when he did.
“I‘m not mad. Like i said, you came at the right time. And not saying he didn’t deserve It, but why did you beat him up. I mean, you got hurt. You could have lost your job over someone as irrelevant as him.” I sit down on the bed next to him.
“Y/n. Come on. I’m not just going to sit down and let this guy harass someone and not do anything about it. Especially if that someone is you. You don’t deserve that. I know I’m not a great guy, but I know when someone I love needs defending, and this was one of those times.” I look up to what he’s saying, and I think he only realizes what he said when I look at him.
“You love me?” I ask him. I’ve always had a crush on him, but when I found out he was dating Lexie, I pushed it down.
“I’m sorry. That was inappropriate.” He gets up to leave, but I stand too and grab his arm. He looks at me, about to apologize again, but I pull him to me. I kiss him, and he kisses me back after two seconds of shock. It wasn’t what I would have expected from Mark Sloan. He is gentle and slow. I feel him pull away.
“What’s wrong?” I ask him, now feeling embarrassed.
“Oh, no. It’s nothing like that. I just think you should have some time to recover after what happened.” I smile and nod.  
“Thank you.” He kisses me on the cheek, and we leave the patient’s room.
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dandythot · 4 years
Gossip Girl x Lover
blairnessa & serena/georgina midgame
blair and vanessa DO become roommates in college; 🎶oh noooo i think they’re catching feelings 🎶 (it’s nice to have a friend)
serena and georgina have a lowkey foe yay since they don’t really like each other (serena sings i forgot that you existed) but it ends with them kissing
sideplot where it’s chair but make it nate/chuck (miss americana and the heartbreak prince)
jenny finally comes to the realization that was obvious to everyone but her; she’s a lesbian icon
jenny sings i think (s)he knows about her true love agnes
dan gets into some trouble and duets cruel summer with bart (this plot leads nowhere)
this doesn’t stop dan from ratting out his own affair on Gossip Girl
blairnessa & serena/georgina slowly fade out
georgina and vanessa realize they should just date (paper rings)
the story ends with blair fantasizing about the love of her life, serena (cornelia street)
btw rufus and lily forget who each other is (i forgot that you existed reprise)
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jesusganja · 7 years
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♕ Bsf! 🤞🏻🥀 • тagѕ; #likeforfollow #likeforlike #like4like #like4follow #gossipysource #gossipgirl #gg #newyork #nyc #blairwaldorf #chuckbass #natearchibald #danhumphery #serenavanderwoodsen #georginasparks #lilyvanderwoodsen #jennyhumphrey #vanessaabrams #vanya #darota #rufushumphery #ericvanderwoodsen
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xoxoderenaa-blog · 8 years
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Eric VDW appreciation post
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visaaa0018-blog · 9 years
"I know there's a lot to make up for" " that window closed between my 12th birthday & my suicide attempt" - Eric van der woodsen
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fan-imagines · 5 years
Nate Archibald ~ Need Me
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<follows storyline, so may contain *spoilers*>
Nate Archibald x FemReader
Synopsis - Your twin brother Chuck walks in on you and Nate kissing. He says you aren’t family at your dad’s funeral, and you confide in Nate.
Word Count - 1k+
**Warnings** none i think
(^^^ means that is the gif)
‘’Chuck! Wait! I’m sorry!’’ I grab Chuck’s arm as he leaves the room. He caught Nate and I kissing in my room. He always told us to stay away from each other, since Nate is Chuck’s best friend. He jerks his arm away from me, looks at me angrily, then leaves all the way.
‘’Y/n, he’ll come around.’’ Nate says and moves in front of me.  ^^^
‘’No, you need to leave. My father just died, and now my brother is going to hate me.’’ I tell him.  
‘’Don’t make me leave. You don’t need to be alone.’’
‘’I’ll be okay. I just need to think. I’ll see you tomorrow at the funeral, Nate. Please.’’ I tell him as nicely as I can, not wanting to be cross and yell at him.
‘’Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.’’ He leaves my room and I start to cry. He wasn’t supposed to find out this way. It wasn’t even supposed to happen. I told Nate so many times that we couldn’t be anything more than friends, but I let my guard down.  
I continue to cry until I fall asleep.  
‘’Y/n. Wake up, we need to leave soon.’’ I wake up to Serena lightly shaking me. She is already dressed in black. I thank her for waking me and get up to shower and change into the clothes I set out last night. In twenty minutes, I am dressed and ready to leave, I just need shoes. I put on black boots, I’ve never been one to wear high heels.  
‘’Hey, Y/n. We’re leaving.’’ Eric tells me. I nod and follow him out to the limo. We ride to the church, but I don’t speak or join in the conversation. Even though my father was never close to me, I am still going to his funeral. We get to the church and I see both Dan and Aaron standing at the steps, wanting to both get to Serena. I love Serena, so much, but of course her lovers have to be at my father’s funeral. I also see Nate, and I decide to stay in the limo for a little while longer. I honestly feel like I’m going to be sick. I close my eyes, wanting to calm myself, then I hear shouting. I look in the back windshield and see Chuck pushing Dan. I quickly get out of the car and run to them.
‘’Stop it, Chuck!’’  
‘’You cannot tell me what to do!’’ He shouts at me.  
‘’Can we not do this here? Not now.’’ I tell him. He walks away from me, and the rest of us.  
‘’Charles, you need to be with your family.’’ Lily says, trying to sympathize with him.
‘’No. I don’t have a family.’’ He looks at me last before going into the church. I feel someone grab my arm, and I turn to see Nate. He looks at me with sad eyes, but I shrug him off. I can’t do this. I have been a track start since I was six, so I can run fast and far, and that’s exactly what I do. At first, I heard Nate running and calling my name after me, but I ignored him until I couldn’t hear it anymore. He must have got tired. I run to the only spot that calms me, the corner edge of Central Park, near the water. I didn’t anticipate the coldness of the air, I’m just wearing a black dress and boots. I pull my legs up to myself and cry into them.  
Twenty minutes later, I hear footsteps, and heavy breathing. I look up to the person, confused as to why they are so close to me. It’s Nate. I should have known.
‘’What are you doing here, Nate?’’ He sits next to me but doesn’t say anything. I rub my arms, trying to warm them up a little.  
‘’Here.’’ He takes off his jacket and drapes the jacket on my shoulders. I want to object, but I know that he will insist I take it, and I’m very cold.
‘’Again, why are you here? You should be at the funeral, patching up your friendship with Chuck.’’
‘’If Chuck can’t understand that we are interested in each other, then I can’t be his friend. Why aren’t you at the funeral. It is your dad.’’
‘’What’s the point? They don’t care about me. My mom is dead. When she died, that’s when my dad started to hate me. He blames me for it. Chuck now hates me. We were always close, bonding over the fact that our father hates us. Everyone time my dad looks at me… looked at me, it was with hatred. He never came to my track meets. Never went to school recitals. Never saw any of my greatest achievements, the achievements I pride myself for. He never had a conversation with me. He never even told me that he loved me. Why should I be at his funeral? Funerals are for the living that need closure, I don’t need closure. I already know how he felt. I know how Chuck feels. They don’t love or need me.’’ By the end, I’m crying. Nate pulls me into his side and I cry into my hands while he holds me.  
‘’I need you.’’ I hear him whisper.  
A few minutes go by, and I’m not crying, more as just staring. Nate speaks up, breaking the comfortable silence. ‘’You should go, Y/n. If not for Chuck and the Van der Woodsen’s, then for yourself. I don’t want to tell you what to do, but you’re going to regret not going. I know for a fact that your dad didn’t hate you. He just didn’t know how to deal with his feelings. My dad is like that, and I know how hard it is to love someone who doesn’t outwardly show it, but it’s there.’’ I look up at him and nod. He smiles. He stands, then helps me up. I put my arms through the jacket, and my eyes catch Nate’s. I now remember how he said that he was into me, no matter what Chuck says or does. I pull him into me by his neck and kiss him.  
‘’Thank you.’’ I whisper to him once we pull away.
‘’For what?’’
‘’Everything. We’d better go if we want to make it in time.’’ I grab his hand, and we run back to the church. Though my family is teetering on rocks, they’re still my family.
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jesusganja · 7 years
"TODAY is the 10th anniversary of the BEST TV SHOW that could ever exist❤️ It's so crazy that many years have passed since then🔙 I seriously love everything of GG😍 I love the characters, relationships, friendships, actors and many other things💕 And one of the things I love most about this wonderful TV show, it's that it has taught me the ups and downs of life, the good and bad moments you can have in your life and most important it has showed me the importance of love and friendship👫❤️ #gossipgirl #10thanniversary #blairwaldorf #serenavanderwoodsen #danhumphrey #chuckbass #natearchibald #jennyhumphrey #lilyvanderwoodsen #rufushumphrey #vanessaabrams #ericvanderwoodsen "
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ericvanderwoodsen · 13 years
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