aliwritesfic-main · 2 years
i kinda wish darota was gossip girl what a slay that would be
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jesusganja · 7 years
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♕ Bsf! 🤞🏻🥀 • тagѕ; #likeforfollow #likeforlike #like4like #like4follow #gossipysource #gossipgirl #gg #newyork #nyc #blairwaldorf #chuckbass #natearchibald #danhumphery #serenavanderwoodsen #georginasparks #lilyvanderwoodsen #jennyhumphrey #vanessaabrams #vanya #darota #rufushumphery #ericvanderwoodsen
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vestwpockets · 3 years
i know i just entered the fandom like three seconds ago, but everyone on gossip girl was a SHIT character and did some pretty bad things so if we cancel them all we would have nothing. we know our favorites were toxic af (chuck, dan, etc etc) but there’s no need to keep pointing it out. let us like what we like, and you like yours cuz no one in this show was perfect or good (well except darota & vanya)
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xoxoblairwb · 2 years
Now that New York Fashion Week was over, Blair felt like she could relax. She had been extremely stressed and she decided to take a vacation and had asked Darota to run Waldorf Design while she “away” for the week. Walking down the stairs in her penthouse, she smiled when she saw someone walk in. “Well hello there, and before you ask, yes I am in amazing mood. Fashion Week was fantastic.” She said and sat down on her chaise lounge. @ggstarterblog​
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memoriafilmica · 7 years
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Loving Vincent (2017).
Darota Kobiela & Hugh Welchman.
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cinemasis · 4 years
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Loving Vincent
Darota Kobiela & Hugh Welchman (2017)
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devitalise · 4 years
nancy is just blair waldorf in a pink juicy couture tracksuit
nancy landgraab vs blair waldorf. who would win? also you know blair has a black juicy couture tracksuit she has darota keep hidden away
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zalrb · 5 years
Favorite dair scene(s)?
Haha, I wonder if this is going to end up with me just listing all of their scenes together. OK these are in no particular order.
The 5x16 kiss.
I actually quite like this kiss because of the way Dan can’t help himself.
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and by the time Serena walks in, Blair is pretty into it
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Looks like I’m starting with the kisses but their 5x17 kiss as well and the kiss is good
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but the fact that Blair calls him ‘Dan’ and that’s how he knows and the viewers know that she’s serious is what really had me like, yay!
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The Tie
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Because I thought the sexual frustration here was done so well on Dan’s part and Blair’s obliviousness to it but on the flipside, when they do kiss in this episode, her frustration with not wanting to want the kiss but wanting it anyway:
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The Tiara
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I mean I feel like there’s this discourse of Chuck being the one who truly knows and loves Blair but I really think that it’s Dan and it really reminded me of how when Chuck said something along the lines of, “The next time you forget you’re Blair Waldorf, remember I’m Chuck Bass and I love you” whereas Dan is just like, “Remember you are royalty” and made it solely about her.
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The Cult
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That time that Blair was so happy that Darota literally thought she had joined a cult.
Penn exudes a lot vulnerability through the eyes when with Leighton and this scene is a great example of that and also a great example of the safety and support that Blair hasn’t received throughout her romantic relationships
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Move Night
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The scene that got me shipping them in the first place!
Essentially every moment they have on this couch
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They’re actually so soft.
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Every time they realized that they had a connection
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Whenever Dan would give Blair a pep talk/offer advice because like I mentioned in a post of mine, from Day One, even when they hated each other, I don’t think Blair respected anyone’s opinion as much as she respected Dan’s:
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Drunk Dair was hilarious
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I am a sucker of this moment in the Elevator sex scene too:
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Domestic!Dair (which is also Literati!Dair) is also super cute, I like their little moments
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And just their general bickering scenes, their comedic chemistry is gold
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lateuponarrival · 4 years
612 neural network generated trollsona names
i trained a recurrent neural network on a list of all *canon* homestuck trolls, first name and last name interchangeable. despite the ludicrous amount of trolls in canon, this was still a very small dataset for a rnn, so some of the results ended up sounding like cheap reskins of canon trolls (zeridan?? zequius??? leperi????) but there are quite a few gems! overall, i’m happy with how this turned out, and i hope someone can get some use out of this. big thanks to @inkqaz for inspiration, and for formatting the data. <3
use these for whatever you like! (need to make a hundred OCs by next week? hmu)
Tonyll Goleka Darara Ldieri Cilaka Marana Kallia Marava Bodakk Enerut
Xiskan Wanque Ahiara Uperet Nambol Xicara Odiese Wallix Tirija Kasjie Kamata Poroka Ronyam Solber Xicaka Darota Camala Ermere Sozebe Maraka Folyka Porola Karesv Dardia Zeeleh Tarvus Oreris Varata Korjon Aramas Seruma Sirska Katira Lanjek Peruni Madata Dalyll Kanadi Nimero Onyata Berepy Foolbi Tigisa Xorama Melyke Seleir Erigoe Latyah Ranark Mamara Capeel Solekk Folaka Vronya Rimars Karama Solxns Maraun Kalykk Anyala Zebrot Terita Gomana Meriis Hamies Cadara Katana Rundam Harisk Carsti Carvie Solyla Kamara Tolyka Tigask Ariter Caraid Merdar Zeimar Maruti Amarun Datask Lakara Aramot Karuti Darmas Zradah Skalyx Darask Seliar Kardia Amzzee Carama Urimas Solyak Poraka Taskan Zamara Seleul Tanara Vollet Perene Kallam Zeelei Natika Krodah Teryas Solyka Carozy Merial Goroma Skarve Xolykl Konahk Amegid Mellia Solbin Amiere Karaka Sirada Gadara Leilek Akaram Modies Ekreto Garata Zamard Marata Solbux Legora Salykl Polona Toriti Soljon Matana Forama Kalyum Mardia Karana Bamber Skaron Gorius Solbur Prusia Vellio Eriska Boleri Vikata Giruna Tirota Tanyni Zmaram Zexsun Amzyak Jonyyl Maroti Serdia Lenyas Porida Emerun Horojo Perier Eziana Tegira Barava Koleia Follyn Colaia Zehkos Virane Mapyal Jonepe Hixigi Karahi Tanama Roizum Kanyak Kalyat Daroni Bawara Matigi Lexlol Pereix Faldar Tegora Tanheh Valvus Vahkal Kalyka Termam Caruta Nadara Sirufi Zernid Marati Jonyav Kridax Anakat Sollex Xirana Sollei Garate Maprus Selska Aratal Harata Torata Konyra Amarad Kallek Barvit Kaidax Hoijon Marama Zeziha Equisi Erigil Malaka Xigiol Zezebe Tongya Xorjek Carapa Caderi Boraji Lallei Natasl Katyla Nehera Perisi Viursa Ronyhk Solykk Chixol Namero Mellei Uneles Syasti Varony Karang Cadaka Ramaka Karate Pervol Kadata Darata Jeniya Liburi Kanyel Terote Xichon Umezeb Erezeb Ereska Challi Zeelie Mallum Latera Barova Tataka Lanata Mastat Wantya Vanqui Golles Ererid Ramasa Sollen Natara Barope Mardar Golyam Kotyka Peilix Kolyat Loiami Ametek Kirota Danzee Adalam Darava Konita Eetava Solahi Karuee Camaka Darves Malata Lderem Godaha Ahiasi Folbur Aranem Fomala Sarana Aharka Parsti Katona Namype Amiaka Aquerm Soland Urdara Tarkal Lenqui Karvun Cadata Emelli Gardia Siront Vreska Karata Dalyam Brunam Leelek Aramam Colyal Marira Perism Selimi Soleul Rozzee Tozlek Volele Soliik Capyet Polier Boreze Tamard Ermeri Xitika Karoma Koniam Torana Sarata Foolam Solati Namara Horius Nadari Gorzuh Sdirut Carask Karada Lamaka Solehk Carani Solbus Terjon Briaka Karoka Calykt Ekelek Lalbur Taraek Marada Namhar Kantan Cardam Latron Xerijo Nadata Meleix Leigia Malooz Carata Aridak Skiron Porira Xiosya Amasti Lakali Tonjek Sonara Tirata Toterm Ronahk Terijo Urizia Amiram Adieme Darana Chlaka Canara Bamara Vrojan Erisia Borata Brumia Eriaia Terius Adarka Marvus Peryat Konyat Poraja Orzdas Gorama Kirati Lamasa Silaka Kantya Amarat Nayaka Manhuk Zeelyx Kahara Mawana Darome Leelei Kanavv Lanava Rodora Jonama Anahus Marmas Nipora Merata Charun Zebari Caruti Sanata Mardie Lanara Deriga Godana Foloun Magara Gorapp Cimsol Barata Lateri Chahun Kalati Randar Toruji Gavara Ariyat Bolyak Tadana Urdiam Golata Perios Cakata Sezdak Cheker Maskat Erejek Peresk Vanata Kantta Raszia Siaram Aizdal Diroje Mawara Darani Karuda Tarape Bermor Danaya Charam Mataka Sellix Girije Hiroul Goraka Mamzei Veleie Peteri Solika Gamara Carsia Solyat Magame Gorout Adarus Siarum Etelya Kakara Vanati Mallik Calyas Varama Follya Zarava Perana Carita Ametis Neryon Zeilek Zeirus Eremel Katati Eranih Tyklei Dataka Ronyla Urhuri Maleti Silata Lamara Lenitk Rdaris Ratyel Sollie Paronj Tonyat Kaekpe Karoet Oragol Cadahh Maryal Kermia Solaik Bastir Chaner Moolat Amkala Varavr Karasa Birisk Mawank Caleia Kntyes Haryam Coavis Sozyal Rutori Dihark Vanter Erimal Vrmata Eiemes Gimiro Berima Anaxam Tenegi Marven Masken Caperi Vierit Solyam Amatik Siaras Soliud Brdara Damakr Barsti Barute Karika Porzie Ciroka Toroti Nyatbu Pyrona Porjon Ramane Borete Vronem Mataur Malele Nerdat Kandya Malyka Tonjya Soliit Derdia Erdata Erimol Xigara Terufi Garvis Carder Forata Tierok Mantek Vaskan Konyas Mantat Dardaj Marami Nelyat Ntiton Lotera Vrieri Aezera Haraal Seliis Reidan Gories Xicoat Karvar Halama Kanara Amalan Aramav Ambola Miesia Cillek Hirana Toryan
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threelionsnt · 4 years
I’m rewatching Gossip Girl and wow my views on the characters have changed.. so lovely people of tumblr, I wanna know: how do you rank the gossip girl characters???
Reblog this, putting these characters in order of your favourite to least:
Serena, Nate, Chuck, Blair, Dan, Jenny, Vanessa, Eric, Lily, Eleanor, Darota, Rufus
Feel free to add in any extras you might like
not gossip girl
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fairysexy · 3 years
i just finished watching gossip girl new version and it was actually really good !! i love audrey augie & max, also why do audrey and max have the exact same facial structure and mannersisms as blair and chuck ! also when eleanor & cyrus AND DAROTA came on i was so happy. if only chuck & blair would make an appearance, life would be complete
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meanbihexual · 6 years
7 Lines
tagged by @greyias
The rules are as follows. Go to page 7 (paragraph 7, if not that long) of your WIP then go to the 7th line, share 7 lines and tag 7 more writers to continue the challenge.
Dr. Darota grimaced before continuing.
“He’s scared three of my nurses from the room, and chased me, myself, out with his I.V. pole. We need to run tests, evaluate the extent of the kolto’s healing, but he won’t let us near him!”
The frightened expression on the doctor’s face, coupled with his colorful description and indignant tone, might have been funny at another time; as it was, Phila was feeling anything but amused. Jorgan had been seriously wounded, and the thought that he might be worsening his condition by being a stubborn ass had her simultaneously furious and worried.
Mostly furious.
This has been all over my dash and I can’t remember everyone I’ve seen it from, but I tried not to tag anyone that’s already done it. That being said, tagging @cipherr, @therron-shan, @the-little-jedi-who-could, and anyone else that hasn’t been tagged yet and wants to do it.
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amountd · 4 years
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Loving Vincent (2017), dir. Darota Kobiela & Hugh Welchman. https://www.instagram.com/p/CFQSctlFjzg/?igshid=skpxgqzwfgan
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xoxoblairwb · 2 years
“Serena, hey there.” Blair smiled at her friend as she walked into her friend’s penthouse. Her eyes scanned the place when she saw that her friend was renovating and rearranging and finally landed on the blonde. “Do you have time to catch up and get a coffee? If not, I can call for Darota to bring us one.” @theserenavdw​
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domicofo · 7 years
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Darota Hawke🍓 #dragonage #hawke #myart #bloodmagic #champion
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autumnpleaves · 4 years
i have no ideas lol -C
Oooh! Maybe you can make it like a nickname of your favorite food! Like for example... tacos?? 
It’ll be... macos! 
Or dacos! 
Or like, its a rabbit stuffie right? 
Rabbits eat carrots... 
The scientific name for carrots is...  Daucus carota subsp. sativus
Hmmm... Darota! Suvus! Spivus! I dunno I like science names XD 
Rabbits also eat lettuce! So...  Lactuca sativa
Ooh! Almost the same last word with carrot... So maybe join them? 
Lacrota, Dactusa, Dativa, idk- 
I dunno how to name things as you can clearly tell XD 
Translate le rabbit! Into Irish! ==> coinín
Into French! ==> lapine
Into German! ==> Hase
Into Italian! ==> coniglio
Into Spanish! ==> conejo
Lotta coin/con thingy XD 
Well I hope I helped with some ideas! :DD 
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