#eris also fell in love with him on a summer night at the beach so!
lavendel081 · 1 year
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Let's end summer hand in hand
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crayonwriting · 4 years
01 - Mamma Mia
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Summary: Maiko just wanted her good ol’ dad to walk her down the aisle. So, she invited the three men from your past in hopes of meeting him. The only problem was, which one of them is it?
Pairings: Oikawa Tooru x Reader, Bokuto Koutarou x Reader, Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader
Disclaimer: This is based on the movie directed by Phyllida Loyd and written by Catherine Johnson which is inspired by the music of the pop group ABBA.
catch up here!
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The said man looked up from his desk to his secretary. He was buried deep in paperwork; his sleeves rolled up to his elbows; coat off. He raised an eyebrow in question. The secretary walked into his office and handed him a cream-coloured envelope with a waxed seal. Kuroo flipped the envelope over and there at the back of it was his name, written in perfect penmanship.
“What is this?”
“Came in the mail today. It looks like an invitation of some sort.” The secretary bowed in respect and went out of the room. Kuroo was naturally curious. Without wasting any second he opened the envelope carefully and pulled out its contents. A neatly folded piece of paper was in between his fingers along with a simple, yet elegantly, designed card with the names Umeda Minoru and Obara Maiko, on it.
“A wedding?” He had said out loud. He couldn’t recall knowing anyone with those names. Although, the last name Obara sounded familiar. And he couldn’t even remember any of his friends getting married soon. He flipped open the paper and read the letter.
Hi Tetsurou!
I know it’s been a long time but I hope you can come to Maiko-chan’s wedding. It will be held in Kalokairi. Remember the small island we used to go to?
I hope you can make it.
His heart skipped a small beat as he read your name at the bottom. That’s why the last name was familiar. Obara Y/N. He hasn’t heard anything from you for how many years and now, out of the blue, you invite him to a random girl’s—a relative, maybe? Was she your cousin?—wedding on the island where it all started. Maybe that’s why you invited him? Because the island reminded you of him.
No. That can’t be right. From what he knows, you hated his guts. Hated it since the moment he left you there. But if you were inviting him to a wedding, could it mean that you’re not mad anymore? 
With his mind going miles a minute, he checked the date on the invitation and called his secretary back in to book the soonest flight.
Bokuto slipped his shades on as he walked through the docks. He waved at the other boat owners as he passed by them. The sun felt warm on his skin and he just knew that this was gonna be a good day. When he reached his spot, he smiled widely, beaming at the vessel in front of him. 
"Good morning, sunshine." He greeted no one in particular. He hopped onto the deck of his beloved sailboat, running his fingers on the grabrail. He picked up the ropes lying on the ground and prepared the boat for voyage. "We're going on a trip for a few days, my sweet."
Patting his pocket, he pulled out the slightly crumpled envelope out of it. He couldn't help smiling down at the invitation in his hand. It was a bit peculiar to get a letter from you—a wedding invitation no less!—after how many years. Your brief...meeting with him only lasted for a week and yet Bokuto yearned for your presence even after that. 
Sure he's been with his fair share of women over the years but, there was no one quite like you if he had to be honest. Looking back down at the invitation, he was glad it wasn't your wedding you were inviting him to. He couldn't help but think of the 'what ifs' once he gets there…
Excitement pulsing through his veins, he prepared to set off into the sea, back to Greece.
"Aeropuerto por favor. Rápido." Oikawa told the cab driver as he got on. The driver understood immediately, despite Oikawa's accent. Soon enough, they were zooming through the city of Buenos Aires. He checked his bag for his passport, wallet and phone. He also caught a glimpse of the envelope he got just two days ago. He hesitated in the slightest before deciding to pull it out and re-reading the letter.
Y/N…., he had thought to himself. If there was one thing Oikawa couldn’t let go of it was volleyball. But if you were thrown into the equation, he just might give it up for you. He didn’t even know what had happened; he just met you one day and boom, he was in love. He loved you with all of his heart and he was willing to follow you wherever you wanted to go. But alas, after that one night, you just decided to disappear, leaving a small note. 
He doesn’t really know why he had said yes to this wedding. He doesn’t know what to expect when he finally gets to Kalokairi. Closure? Rekindling with an old flame? He huffed out, dismissing the idea. Only one thing is for certain: he wanted to see you. So bad.
Letting out a deep sigh, he placed the envelope back in his bag. His palms started growing sweaty at the thought of seeing you in a matter of hours.
A shrill scream echoed throughout the docks, catching the attention of the locals. Maiko ran at a fast pace, meeting her friends halfway, who had just got off the small motorboat from the mainland. She got to her friend Nana first,—who was the tallest in their friend group—picking up her tiny frame and spinning her in a hug. She turned to Eri—the toughest of the bunch—and gave her a hug so tight. When they parted, a soft glint on Maiko’s hand caught her friends’ eyes. 
“Maiko-chan!” Nana gushed. She held Maiko’s left hand in hers and there, a small, elegant ring sat on her ring finger, shining under the strong rays of the sun. 
“I’m jealous!” Eri pouted jokingly. “Now, I want one.”
Maiko blushed, trying to cover her face. “Stop it! I’m getting married in a few days!” She squealed in excitement. The three girls picked up the luggages and walked up the dock. Maiko wrapped her arms around both of her friends, feeling giddier than ever.
“I’m so glad you’re both here because…,” she paused, the smile on her face growing, “I have a secret.” Nana and Eri looked at each other. Their eyes grew wide in realization and knelt in front of Maiko. 
“Maiko-chan! You’re already pregnant?!” Eri shrieked. Maiko laughed loudly and dismissed the thought.
“No, no, no! It’s not that.” She grew quiet for a moment, pulling her friends closer. “I invited my dad to the wedding.”
“You’re kidding!”
“You finally found him?”
“Uhh, not exactly.” Her friends were confused. She smiled and led them to a nearby rock by the end of the docks where they sat down. She breathed out a sigh, “You know what my mom says whenever I ask about my dad. They met in the summer, fell in love, but my dad left even before she realized she was pregnant with me. All these years, I’ve accepted that that’s all I’ll never know about him.
“But then,” she rummaged through the tote bag she brought with her, pulling out an old, worn journal. “I found this.” she said, proud.
“What is it?” Eri asked.
“It’s my mom’s old diary the year she was pregnant with me.”
“Oh my god!” Eri sat closer to Maiko as she opened the journal. “So we’re really gonna read Y/N-obasan’s journal?”
“Oh shush.” Nana dismissed, sitting on Maiko’s right side.
“July seventeenth,” Maiko started. “Kuroo—Tetsurou as he insisted to be called—rowed me over to the little island. That’s here, Kalokairi. He took me on a small picnic by the beach. We danced under the moonlight by the beach. He kissed me by the beach and…,” Maiko trailed off. Nana and Eri waited.
“And what?” Nana asked.
“That’s it. They did it.” Maiko wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. Nana and Eri burst out laughing. She smiled and continued reading, “Tetsurou’s the one for me. I just know it. I’ve never felt love like this before.”
“So, this Kuroo-san is your father?” Nana questioned. Maiko eyed her, silently telling her that there was more to the story.
“For the time that we’ve been together, Tetsurou has said he loves me, several times. But now, he’s announced that he’s actually engaged. He just left earlier this morning to get married and...I’m never gonna see him again.”
“Aww, poor obasan.” Nana pouted, sympathizing you.
The three of them continued their trek up the island, while Maiko continued to read out loud the contents of the journal.
“August fourth, what a night! I met someone. Bokuto Koutarou. He was vacationing around the mainland, visiting his aunt. I passed by and everything clicked. He rented a motorboat, so I took him to the little island. Even though I know that I’m still in love with Tetsurou, Kou is just so...WILD!” The trio widened their eyes at the comment. “One thing led to another and…”
“So there’s a Bokuto-san as well?” Maiko just grinned excitedly and continued.
“August eleventh, Oikawa Tooru appeared out of the blue. I saw him struggling to order food from a restaurant so I helped him out. He was on a layover for a flight to Buenos Aires that got delayed for a few days. So I said, why not show him the island. He was so sweet and understanding. And he’s so pretty too! Oh! I couldn’t help it! And…”
They’ve finally reached the top of the island where your villa was. You ran a small hotel on the island, which wasn’t as successful as you thought it would be seeing as there weren’t many tourists and not many people knew about the island itself. Nevertheless, you were able to care for Maiko and that was all that mattered.
“Oh my god!” Eri squealed. “Y/N-obasan was so adventurous wasn’t she?”
“I can’t blame her. I mean have you seen her? She looks good even now!” Nana sighed. A bustling sound was heard from the entrance of the villa, with you appearing not seconds later, a broom in hand. You glanced in their direction. You did a double-take when you saw your daughter’s friends, waving at you. Maiko quickly hid the journal behind her back.
“Oh! You’re here already!” You set the broom by the wall, wiping your hands down on your old overalls. “It’s been so long!”
Nana and Eri walked over to you. You engulfed them in tight hugs and sweet kisses on their cheeks. You held Eri’s face in your palms, brushing her hair away from her face. You turned to Nana, placing a hand on her cheek.
“Look at the both of you! You’re practically all grown up! I remember when you were all wreaking havoc around here.” You beamed at them, proud. “And you look like you’re already having fun!”
“We are!” Eri cheered. You hummed in response. Your mind went somewhere else for a quick moment—a memory—and you mumbled,
“I used to have fun, too.”
“Oh, we know.” Nana quipped. Maiko pinched her arm subtly. You eyed them suspiciously, not really hearing what Nana had said which Maiko was thankful for. 
“Well, I better leave you all to it. I know you have some bridesmaids duties to get to. I’ll see you all later.” You picked up your broom again and disappeared further into the villa.
When they were sure you were gone, the trio breathed out a sigh of relief. Maiko led them to her room for the moment as her friends’ belongings were getting checked into their respective rooms. They rushed inside, away from listening ears and wandering eyes.
“So, who is it?” Nana asked. “Is it Tetsurou-san, Bokuto-san or Oikawa-san?”
Maiko just shrugged her shoulders, laying down on her bed. “I don’t know.”
“Well,” Eri interjected. “Who did you invite?”
Maiko just looked at them expressively. Her smile grew wider as her friends finally realized what she had done. Eri and Nana screamed. They jumped up and down in excitement—and disbelief—at their friend. They knew how impulsive Maiko was but this was just a bit too much, wasn’t it?
“Do they know?” Nana’s eyes had widened.
Maiko rolled her eyes at her. “Of course not. Do you think I can just write to them and say, ‘Please come to my wedding. You might be my father.’? No.” She shook her head. “They think that mom sent the invite. And with what we’ve learned today, they all said yes!”
Kuroo was panting heavily as he stared at the ferry not too far from the jetty, buzzing away to Kalokairi. He cursed under his breath kicking at the ground. A few seconds later, another man was beside him, panting just as he was, staring at the ferry. 
“Shit.” Oikawa muttered. Kuroo scoffed and nodded in agreement.
“I know.” He said. Oikawa turned to look at Kuroo, eyeing him up and down. They trudged back to the ticketing booth and checked the schedule for the next available ferry.
“I don’t speak Greek.” Oikawa groaned, not understanding a single thing on the board.
“Deftera.” Kuroo read out loud. “Monday.” 
“Ah, shit.” Oikawa cursed. He hastily opened his bag and pulled out the invitation, checking the date of the wedding. This catches Kuroo’s eyes.
So, he’s here for the wedding too, huh. He thought to himself. “Bride or groom?” He asked the man. Oikawa looked at him, startled. It took him a moment to realize that Kuroo was also going to Kalokairi for the wedding.
“Oh, bride’s.” Oikawa answered. “Although, I haven’t actually met her.”
“Hey, hey, hey!” A loud voice called. “Up here!” Bokuto called, as he was sitting atop of the mast of his boat which was docked near the jetty. Kuroo and Oikawa looked at him, confused. 
“You guys need a ride to Kalokairi?”
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taglist: @yikes-buddy​ / @ushi-please​ / @melodiamore​ / @akaashi-todoroki / @honeymoneyy​ / @minty-mangos-world​ /
a/n: thank you so much for all the support (despite me just posting the masterlist.) i’ve re-read and edited this first chapter a lot of times and i hope i’ve met your first expectations for this series. lemme tell you that first chapters are the hardest to do. i apologize if some characters seem out-of-character or weird, especially my OCs. i’m not used to OCs since i’ve only ever written reader inserts. stil, i hope you love them as much as i do!
i actually have no idea how i’m gonna steer this story so, here’s to winging it. haha! leave some comments! i love you all!
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lavendel081 · 2 years
How about 15, 19, 25, and 7 for the ask meme for the beautiful Eris? c:
7.Their best friend?
I know its such a boring answer, cuz it feels like its already a given the girl best friend of a farmer who is in love with Seb to be Abigail rjnejn. (At least from what I witnessed, feel free to prove me wrong!!!) Abigail and Eris bond like almost immediatly, they got drunk together at the Saloon and kinda trauma dumped on each other, but it made them click immediatly. They call each other girlfriends, and even in Eris phone Abigail is saved as "Girlfriend Nr.1".
Since new Year just passed, I was thinking about how during the first new year celebration, Eris would throw a house party, and Abigail would be her new years kiss. Random guy: "Hey baby, let me reserve those lips for a new years kiss." Eris: "That spot is already taken." *Kisses the bestie*
15.Favorite farm animal?
She really loves her pigs. They are just so cute, and she always had a soft spot for piglets. She doesn't keep too many animals though, since she would be too sad to see them eventually pass.
19. Favorite season?
She can see beauty in all of them, but probably early summer, when it's not too hot, but you can go to the beach! The festivals in summer are also her favorites. Late night Beach walks and bonfires with friends!
25.Finally, what’s their backstory?
Thats... a loaded one fnwjnf. I'll try to summarize it! Eris comes from a higher middle class family, so she was able to go to school with some of the rich kids. There she fell in love with a boy named Theo, a few years her senior. She became part of his friend group, and was somewhat one of the popular girls. She was always more of a wild child, until Theo said he was into smart girls. So from there it started, she would work hard to become what he wanted, do well in school and follow him to college. He was always supporting her too, praising her when she was doing well in school, even going so far as too book a vacation in a fancy hotel when she was getting her bachelors. She thought that if she worked hard, someday he might pick her, but that was crushed when he told her about having a fiance. Of course she was happy for him, but still, she changed herself so much for him, she didn't know who she was anymore. She told herself that the path she was going down wasn't a bad one, that at the end of the day, it was still something she wanted herself. Theo was even the one who used his connections to get Eris, a newbie, a high position, even though she probably wasn't qualified at all. She was always grateful to him, so she couldn't be a burden to him any longer. That's why she kept working hard, until she realized that whereever she was going wasn't meant for her at all. Almost on a whim she quit her job and then came to the valley, and the rest is history hehe.
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